Internet Speed Falls Drastically After 5 Minutes?

Sep 27, 2011

I just got my Encore USB wireless N150 adapter hooked up to my new build, and I'm running a Netgear Wireless G router in the next room. The internet speeds are great when I run a speedtest at first, but about 5 minutes in, I barely get 1 mb/s. If I unplug and plug the USB adapter in, the internet speeds are fine for another 5 minutes.

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My Laptop Drastically Loses Download Speed When Wireless

Mar 11, 2012

When my laptop is plugged into the router via ethernet cord I get about 40 mbps of download speed but when it is wireless I get to about 5 mbps. Why is there such a drastic change in the speed? I understand a wired connection would be better, but I don't see how it would make THAT much of a difference. I currently have Comcast XFINITY so I don't think it's my ISP.

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Linksys Wireless Router :: WRT160N Download Speed Degrading Drastically

Feb 3, 2012

I have a 30Mbps download speed when plugged directly into my modem.
When I go from modem to router and then directly plugged into computer (using ethernet) it degrades to 15 Mbps.
When I swith to wireless and I step about 20 feet from router my speed degrades down to 0.57 Mbps with full signal strength.
My version of firmware is 1.2.11. Here are my settings:MTU = 50Beacon = 50

Fragment Threshold = 2304

RTS = 2304

Radio Band = 20 GHZ channel

Standard Channel = set to 11

Network mode is mixed.
Security is a WPA2 / AES
What's wrong with this router that my download speed is degrading so much?

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Internet Getting Disconnected After Every 2 To 5 Minutes - Slow Speed

Feb 6, 2013

I am idea net setter user. My net is getting disconnected after every 2 to 5 minutes and the speed is also very less.

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Internet / Wireless Speed Goes Down On Lenovo W500 Laptop In 10 Minutes

Apr 18, 2011

I have below setup.

1. Comcast cabel modem with highest speed of 8Gb.

2. Linksys E1000 router

3. three devices-- Lenevo W500 laptop(2 years old), Nook(latest) and Lenevo G550 (6months old)

4. Earlier I had WRT54G router and all were working fine.

Now, I replaced WRT54G with E1000 router and symptoms are below.

a) on my W500 laptop, it works fine with Wired connection but when I switch to wireless, the internet speed reduces drastically in 10 minutes and finally crawls..

b) other devices (nook and Lenevo G550 are working fine withwireless)

Called Linksys support and they blamed on laptop and comcast cable.

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Internet Slows Down Drastically

Apr 20, 2011

I believe it is because of my GFX card driver, because when not enabled, im getting around 5mb/s DL and once I enable it, I get around .37mb/s.

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WPA2-PK Encryption Drastically Kills Internet Speeds

Jan 20, 2011

Currently my home network is on WEP security. Really crappy security and limits all speeds to 54mbps. So I changed security to WPA2-PK and afterwards the internet is DEADLY slow. shows me at about 1mbps compared to 13-20 with WEP encryption. Something is obviously wrong here, and I can't figure out what. [code] I'm really puzzled as to why WPA2-PK is so awful. After changing it I can't log back into unless I power cycle the router and connect via wired connection.

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D-Link DIR-655 :: Half Speed After 5 Minutes?

Mar 7, 2012

Router Starts at full speed 300/270/243, jumps around a bit.  Then around 5 minutes speed is cut in half 130 Mbps. I tested it out for 2 hours rebooting it, and in almost exactly 5 minutes the speed is cut in half every time. Is my router bad? Or is the good neighbor policy just going into effect? I do have a lot of traffic, I am in a apartment, but I use a free channel

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Download Speed Drops After A Few Minutes Of Resetting Network Adapter?

Aug 2, 2012

I am having an issue with my network connection. I have tested the connection itself and it's not a problem on my ISP's end or the connection itself, but seems to be caused by hardware/software errors originating from the computer. It almost appears as if the connection is being capped or the like, because the signal is very strong when I connect to the internet at first, then after a few moments drops (consistently every time I try reconnecting) to an unacceptably low signal level.

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Cisco :: WLC 550 Associated Clients Falls Below Max Limit Number

Feb 20, 2013

I have 25 APs 1141 located in ten floor building and connected to WLC 5508 ver After upgrade from wcl few clients start to complain that there are affected by periodic disconnection from wirreless network. It happens twice an hour. In WLC log I noticed some errors on almost every AP:AP with MAC: c4:0a:yy:yy:zz:xx(AP1) radio 0: Associated Clients falls  below max limit number:200. Failure Cause:Clear Maximum Client Limit Reached in  WLAN..What does it exactly mean? I have no limit per WLAN (it is set to 0), but in WLC 7.4 i must put some limit for numbers of clients per AP and the max is 200. It is not possible that i have 200 users connected to one AP as in 10 floors there are like 150 users maybe. Number of all connected clients right now is 120.

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Linksys Wireless Router :: WRT54G Ports Falls Out?

Mar 12, 2013

I got an Wireless WRT54G now for a couple of years and i'm hosting a game server like minecraft for my self.Today i'd discovered something really weird.If i'm going to my Routor setting at : i'ts not working , if i restart my routor it works for 1 minute.Now if i start my server he is reading the port [ He said ] but... no-one can join..

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Servers :: Does Internet Speed Affect Hosting Speed

Apr 2, 2011

Are the users' download speeds depend on the hosting company's owner's internet speed? Let say if I was running my own server with my internet speed 1mb and LAN 100mbps, are my clients' download speeds restricted to maximum 1mb of any content from my server?

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Internet Goes In And Out Every Few Minutes

Feb 12, 2013

My connection is up for a minute and then goes off for a minute. I don't think it has anything to do with the router itself as my room mates' laptop works just fine.

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Internet Not Working After About 10 Minutes?

Aug 20, 2011

just today, my PC's connection will work for 10 minutes then totally shut down. Although it still says it is connected nothing will connect. Im posting from my old laptop and obviously is still working with my internet.

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Losing Internet Every 10 Minutes?

Jan 9, 2011

I have 3 computers on the same modem--one is wireless, other 2 desktop. The one which is having problem is my office desktop. Can't stay online. Have tried many diffrent fixes and cleaned malware, etc to no avail.

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Internet Disconnect After 10 Minutes

Feb 1, 2013

why does my internet disconnect every 10 minutes with a hard wire modem,an then start working for 12 to 24 hrs.

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Internet Disconnects Every 15-20 Minutes?

Dec 11, 2012

my idea net setter disconnect after 10 or 15 minute.

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Internet Connection Will Cut Out Every 5-10 Minutes?

Sep 5, 2012

My internet connection will cut out every 5-10 minutes. Sometimes it will stay on but MOST of the time it cuts out every 5-10 min. other times my ping will jump to over 2000 or stay around 200 for no reason. It has gotten to the point of where I can not play any online games anymore, and there is no possibility of a wired connection.6-8 months ago we has slow internet speed and Comcast told us it was not their fault it was our router, and that routers go bad every year or 2, so we got a new one. My connections to the old router used to be 3-4 bars and with the new one it is 1-2. Ok so the big issues was it started getting bad where my connection would randomly cut out. I thought it was my wireless network adapter because it was old. I was constantly unplugging it and plugging it back in or releasing and renewing my ip every 5-10 minutes sometimes more often. Let me define cutting out, sometimes it would be everything, but most times it would be just one application like website or just the game I was playing but not steam chat.

So I got a new wireless adapter and we hooked back up the old router to find out Comcast had lied to us and our speed was fine on the old router ... in fact out connection was better. but still the problem remains.. random cutting out of internet completely and random huge lag spikes.... it is less frequent but still every 10-20 min something goes wrong. I have tried changing the routers channel, updating both routers. I tried setting myself up a static ip but it would not give me internet connection if I did... idk if i had the DNS wrong or something. Anyways I am at my wits end and about damn ready to try ANYTHING to make this work again. It did before so I know it can work! I will try anything and post any reportsSometimes I might be slow to respond because I have to try things out for a little bit to see if they worked.

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Internet Goes On And Off Every Few Seconds / Minutes?

Dec 27, 2011

So I got a computer upgrade for Christmas. Basically, what it did was replace my crappy onboard graphics card for a decent card to play games better. I also replaced the 250W power supply with a 430W supply (the card needed 300W). Ever since I upgraded, my internet goes on and off all day, only for me. (everyone else doesn't seem to have the problem) We did not touch the internet router at all, and it's wireless by the way. Something must have changed when I put the upgrade in, but I don't know what. the worst thing is, I can't play any multiplayer games now because when I go into a 60-90 ping server I end up hitting 250 ping and teleporting all around. I can't do youtube anymore because my internet goes off and on and off and on. My computer is now basically useless. I'm not allowed to touch the router, but I doubt it's the internet's fault considering it's only me. As I'm typing this, I'm copying the message in case the internet goes down again.

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Internet Connection Get Disconnected Every Few Minutes?

Jul 10, 2012

I have brought a broadband connection from a local ISP called YouBroadband. (I am from India, if you are wondering.) For the first month of my plan, I was having internet connection without any issues. But since 2nd month, I am experiencing a very strange problem. When I turn on my PC and connect to internet by entering my password, I do so without any problem. But after a few mnutes of connectivity, I loose my connection. Even stranger is the fact my Windows 7 Ultimate edition does not recognise this. It still shows connected sign in the notification area. But I am not able browse any more using any browser. to solve the problem, I start network troubleshooting, which in a few seconds shows, resetting 'Local Area Connection 2' and then I am able to log in again. At times this solution also doesn't work. All i can do at that time is shut down my PC, wait a few minutes and restart again. To my extreme dismay, this keeps happening over and over again. I connect, get disconnected, reconnect and again disconnect. This is terribly disturbing and annoying.

I have searched on Google with no success. I tried changing DNS server settings and put Google open DNS address as my preferred DNS server but that didn't solve the problem too.( I received this tip from a friend of mine.) Here's what I get when I type ipconfig/all in Command prompt-Windows IP Configuration[CODE]

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Internet Connection Freezes Every 1 To 2 Minutes

Sep 24, 2012

I am on a home LAN with a high speed broadband connection, Apple TimeCapsule router, and Windows 7 laptop. Starting this morning every 1-2 minutes my Internet connection stops working. I can not load webpages, send email, etc. A yellow triangle with an exclamation point appears over the WiFi icon on the taskbar. When my Internet connection stops I can disconnect from the wireless then reconnect. That will work for another 1-2 minutes only.

I do not recall doing anything that could have caused this (obviously something caused it, but I have not been screwing with drivers or anything and it has worked fine since I bought this computer 2 months ago from Dell). I have read several threads from where people had this problem in the past, but to no avail. For instance some people had multiple firewalls in conflict with one another or needed to renew their DHCP lease, but that is not true in my case.

Here are steps that I have taken to repair the problem, but with no luck:

- Restart the computer fully, many times
- Renew the DHCP lease
- Run the troubleshooter
- Changed my DNS servers from the ISP's to Google's
- Uninstalled all OpenVPN software
- Removed the stored WiFi network data from Windows then reconnect
- Verified that only 1 firewall is installed
- Tried it with the ethernet, which works
- Tried other computers on the WLAN, which works
- Ran anti-virus and anti-malware scans (no infection)

I do have a VirtualBox installation, but I have not run it in weeks. Even when I was connected for that 1-2 minute period I was unable to connect to my work OpenVPN, which is what led me to try uninstalling the VPN software, but that doesn't seem to be related.

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Internet Drops Out 5 Minutes After Rebooting It?

Jan 19, 2013

an issue with my modem (i think) I currently cannot get an Internet connection on my computers via wifi for some reason iv tried resetting it but it seems to pick up all the PC's and then 5 minutes later it just drops out which is annoying cause it says that the modem is still receiving Internet and were not getting it iv also tried a new router but the same issue and the speed of Internet is basically halfed what do I do iv tried heaps but it's just ******* me off now

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Wireless Internet Goes Off And On Every Few Seconds Or Minutes?

Dec 29, 2011

I'll start with the beginning of the problem to see if there is a way to fix this.At Christmas I got a graphics card upgrade and power supply upgrade to play games better on my computer. Roughly, from what I can tell, ever since then my computer and my computer only has been having this horrible internet problem. The internet constantly either slows down or totally goes off for seconds or minutes when loading websites, watching youtube, and playing online games. I got this upgrade to play games like Battlefield 3 and various higher requirement games, most of which were multiplayer. Now I cannot play any of them because when I go into an american server with 60-90 ping, I get 200-400 ping and teleport all around like crazy. Makes playing the game impossible. When watching youtube, the video will stop buffering and my whole internet for my computer will shut down and about 1-5 minutes later, it will come back up and load the video.

I might just even be on the web and I try to load a page and bam, Firefox could not load page. I use firefox, windows 7 home premium 64 bit. Model is HP pavilion p6654y. It is not the internet causing the problem from what I can tell because we have not touched the router or modem or anything. Sadly, I do my school online and if I cannot get this fixed by tuesday when school starts next week I am totally dead. I have tried updating drivers, updating java and flash player, using different web browsers,(which wouldn't work anyway because my games would still work badly) I have also scanned multiple times with Kaspersky anti-virus 2012. I know that my computer hasn't slowed down, it's the internet on my computer that has. Singleplayer or non-internet activities work faster than ever of course

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Internet Drop Outs After 20 Minutes

Jan 24, 2011

This is not a problem I would not have noticed save for starting to use Skype. Every 10 to 20 minutes, my internet drops out. This occurs whether my laptop is connected via LAN cable or wirelessly to the router. Skype drops down to one bar, then drops out, and tries repeatedly to redial, sometimes achieving a very scratchy voice call for several seconds before dropping out again. If you redial in 2 minutes, it is fine and achieves medium quality video calls. Whilst skype is floundering around, I can sometimes browse the internet, but sometimes it is offline. I have phoned my ISP and they claim no problems on their end. Beyond that I really don't know where to start on looking for the problem.

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Internet Disconnects Randomly For 1 Or 2 Minutes?

May 4, 2012

I've been having this problem for a while now but something is coming up for which i require 24/7 internet connection with NO failures. problem: about 2 to 3 times a day i lose internet connection for about 1 to 2 minutes and after that everything is totally fine again. There are 5 lights on my modem in this order from top to bottom:

Internet: This light blinks green when im using it like downloading or playing something online. It stays green when i have internet but im not sending or recieving any data.
DSL: always green.
Wireless: I use wireless connection. its always blinking orange (i dont know why orange but it works fine)
Ethernet: This light is always off cause i dont use cables.
Power: always green.

What happens is that my DSL light which is supposed to be green. starts blinking. Then after 30 seconds or so it stops and just turns green again but my Internet light turns red. It stays red for about 1 to 2 minutes and then it turns green again and works fine again. Called the company many times but they dont detect anything because when we call, its always working fine. so all they tell me to do is reset the modem which does nothing. I never had this problem at my previous house 2 years ago. it just started at this address so it makes me think it is the line and not a computer/modem problem.

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Internet Disconnects For 5 Seconds Every 30 Minutes Or So

Sep 29, 2012

So lately I've been having this problem where my internet decides to stop working for about 5 seconds every half an hour or so which gets kind of annoying if i'm in the middle of an online game or anything else that requires an uninterrupted connection. When it occurs none of the lights on the modem change and all of the other computers connected to it do not disconnect, only my computer is disconnecting.

So far I have tried changing the ethernet cord, switching ports on the modem, updating all of my drivers, and going into the device manager to disable the cut power to device option on my ethernet card. but none of these seem to alleviate the problem.

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Ad Hoc Network Losing Internet Every 5 Minutes?

Jan 30, 2011

My desktop is connected to the internet via cable modem, then to my laptop via network bridge between the LAN and wireless NIC, then through to the laptop via wireless ad hoc network.

The problem I'm having is that my laptop loses connectivity every 5 minutes, though it doesn't show a dropped connection. The desktop does not show any connections to the current network at anytime, however I still get connectivity on the laptop albeit only 5 minutes at a time.

I have, on both systems, disabled power saving for the wireless and wired connections; and also that they have the most current drivers.

It does not have to be idle to lose the connection either, I can be in the middle of something when it drops.

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Every 5 Minutes Keep Getting Disconnected From Internet For About 30 Seconds

Jan 2, 2012

Every 5 minutes or so I keep getting disconnected from the internet for about 30 seconds. It gives me the error "Error 105 (net::ERR_NAME_NOT_RESOLVED): Unable to resolve the server's DNS address." This is in Google Chrome. This occurs when i'm playing Star Wars: the Old Republic.

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Internet Connection Drops Out Every 10 Minutes?

Jan 15, 2011

Just starting a couple of days ago my internet started dropping about every 10-20 minutes. The problem is only with this computer. I have a laptop right next to me and it works fine no problem and two other PCs that don't have any issues so I don't think it is the router. I have scanned my computer with different antivirus software and it's clean. The computer is always connected with a full 5 bars and says it has internet access but sometimes it drops and in order to get it up and running again I unplug the wireless adapter and plug it in again. At first I thought it might have been the adapter so I swapped it out for a new one and I'm still having the same problems. My wireless is unencrypted. This keeps happening over and over again and I am stumped on what to do.

equipment: WRT54G linksys router
belkin surf and share n300 adapter
linksys ae1000 adapter
windows 7

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Internet Connection Shuts Down After 10-15 Minutes

Aug 27, 2011

Every time I boot my computer, the internet is working fine and shows no signs of anything wrong, but after loading so much (several minutes of a YouTube video, or just idle data coming in from other sites I'm on) it just comes to a halt and nothing can get through. At first, I thought that this was my school's internet being bad since I had just moved back into the dorms today. The problem with that is that I seem to be the only one having a problem like this. After so much time, depending on how much bandwidth I'm using (I think, this is just based on observation), it just drops the internet completely and won't start again until I reboot.What I've found so far is that I can't seem to get an IP address after the service stops, but I don't know how I could connect that to anything.

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Dropped Internet Connection After 5-10 Minutes?

Feb 23, 2011

I have a Dell Latitude d810 laptop that has XP Professional and an Intel PRO/Wireless 2200BG driver. It has been working fine for nearly 3 years. Recently I changed it from a domain to a workgroup and now the internet connection drops after about 5 - 10 minutes.When I say "drops", I am referring to the browser can no longer display the webpage. The internet connection still shows to be "Excellent". I even tried pinging and it can still ping the website but the browser just stops working. I have tried Firefox and IE.I updated the DNS to use the default primary DNS suffix. The only way to get the browser to re-establish a connection is by rebooting the laptop.[CODE]

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Internet Connection Keeps Disconnecting Every 5 Minutes?

Dec 16, 2012

So my internet connection keeps disconnecting every 5 or so minutes, then i reset the router and about an hour later it disconnects again. I'd say it would be a problem with the router, but everyone else's computers never disconnect, just mine. The only difference is that they all have macs and I have an Acer. I just got this computer and it was fine for about a month, but then about 2-3 weeks ago this started happening.

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Internet Disconnects Every 5-10 Minutes For 5 Seconds

Sep 11, 2012

I can give is that every 5-10mins my internet cuts out for about 5 seconds, just long enough to kick me out of a game if I'm playing one.. so it's beyond frustrating. I use a toshiba laptop and it was recently reformatted. These stupid dcs used to happen before the reformat.. they'd happen one week then stop the next. after the reformat which was done (hopefully professionally) by geeksquad, infact they gave me a new hard drive too cause my old one heated up real fast, I was fine for a few months and now like a sickness it has strucken me again. So far it's been a week of nonstop disconnects every 5-10mins... it actually did stop for about 12hours today but I rebooted and then it started again.. so there IS a way to fix it, I just don't know what I did.I am 100% certain it's not my wireless connection, the same thing happens with an ethernet cord. the ipconfig flushdns stuff, and the netsh winsock reset stuff. also of course i've done various virus scans i'm fairly certain that's not the issue.

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