Cisco VPN :: Disconnecting On ASA 5505

Feb 21, 2011

I configured site to site vpn between asa 5505, in one site it is static ip and the other side is dynamic issue is the the tunnel is automatically going off maybe 30 minutes time, if it is idle again if i initiate from dynamic side it ll comeup.and my setup is like this,in the static ip side i am having ADSL line , so i connected to the adsl router and the  adsl local network is outside network of asa dual nat is there in the vpn connection.

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Cisco Firewall :: ASA 5505 Disconnecting Inactive TCP Session?

Apr 15, 2013

My company has a DCS network that was previously segregated with a layer 3 switch and a handful of access lists.  However, there came this big push to segregate all DCS networks with Firewalls, so I purchased a 5505 and duplicated my simple access lists on the firewall and everything worked.  There is no NAT, just explicitly permitted traffic out and explicitly permitted traffic in.  However, there are some applications that connect and work fine for a few hours, then disconnect and the user must exit out of the application and go back into it, then it starts working again.  Previously with the Layer 3 Switch/access lists, this never happened.  Since I put the firewall in place, it has happened 3 to 4 times a day every day for the last week.

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Cisco Firewall :: ASA 5505 Users Are Always Disconnecting 25-30 Minutes From Outside Server

Feb 27, 2012

I am facing Tear down problem on cisco asa 5505.Users are always disconnecting 25-30 min from outside server. [code]

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Only One PC Keeps Disconnecting From LAN / WAN?

Sep 14, 2012

I got a new gigabit router to up grade my old one in my current home network. The old router worked with everything including the problem PC. The new router works with everything (wired and wireless) except one PC.

To narrow it down I connected only that one pc with a wired connection to the router, removing all other devices. The problem still exists, so it's either a router or pc issue.

The pc will connect fine and I can access everything on the LAN and internet for about 5 min. Then I get limited connectivity and I need to do a release/renew to get the connection back.

While the PC is dropping all other devices that I connect to it work fine with no interruptions (wired and wireless).

I tried reseting the router, reinstalling NIC driver, setting a static IP, and messing around with the speed and duplexing options on the NIC. I plug in the old router, the pc connects with no issues.

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Cisco Wireless :: Wi-Fi Keeps Disconnecting WAP4410n

Jan 21, 2013

After hours of testing and configuring I can say it’s not the same issue as discussed in the link above. I have the same problem as mentioned at the beginning.
Our set-up: We have Mac, windows and mobile clients and Cisco networking equipment. We would like to use the WAP4410n as our access point.  However, 10-20 minutes after connecting to the access point, the connection doesn’t work anymore. It happens randomly and not only during large file transfers. It also happens when I’m not even using the computer. After disabling and enabling the wireless interface on the client I get back the connection (for the next 10-20 minutes).
I not only tried to change all different settings on the access point (channel, encryption mode, ssid, channel bandwidth, ...) but I also changed settings on the Mac (disable IPv6) but it’s still not working. Of course I also tried older firmware’s.

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DLink DIR-615 Keeps Disconnecting?

Jul 3, 2011

So far I have tried doing a factory reset, power cycling, upgrading my firmware, and changing my channel [even though there weren't any interfering networks on the same channel in my area].

This problem started a while ago and has been going on for several months now. I will lose access to the internet for a brief period of time [1-2 seconds], but this is very annoying. I will exit conversations on MSN, downloads will stop sometimes, and it is virtually impossible to play online multiplayer games since I keep losing connection every five minutes or so.

The connection works just fine when I connect my modem directly to my PC.

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Internet Keeps Disconnecting?

Oct 4, 2012

internet won't stay connected for more than 2-4 minutes at a time. I recently got a new modem, as recently as two days ago. It connects fine but within 2-4 minutes it disconnects then reconnects itself within 20 seconds. It's a plusnet modem and in the corner of my screen I have a little computer screen with 3 signals coming out if it which flash. It's called Wireless Network Connection Status. Beside it are 4 bars not too dissimilar to mobile signal. They too are green and when I click into it it's called Dell Wireless WLAN Card Utility.

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Internet Keeps Disconnecting

Jan 6, 2012

Haven't been here in a while after going to grad school. My internet keeps on getting disconnected, and I keep having to unplug the power cord, wait 10 seconds, and then it works again. But this has been happening quite frequently. Is it because I need a new router? It is Linksys SRX 200 router it says.

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Why Internet Keep Disconnecting

Mar 17, 2012

i recently bought a wireless USB adapter so i can connect to my router as my older one broke. The one i had before worked fine and was easy able to connect to my router with high connection, but with this new adapter i can still connect but have pretty low signal like 2 or 3 bars and whenever i try downloading anything or try watching films or just surfing the web for like 10 minutes it says limited access with a yellow exclamation mark on the signal bar and the only way to reconnect to the internet is to first disconnect and reconnect every time.

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Wifi Keeps Disconnecting

Oct 22, 2012

my wifi loads up then less then half hour or so it will disconnect but say it is still connected it does it at my house and when i go to different locations also my wifi keeps signing me out of fifa 13 but will not sign me out of the playstation network.

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P4 3.0 2GB Ram PC - Keep Getting Disconnecting Recently

May 1, 2011

My friend who's using a DSL Modem has been recently expericening rnadom disconnecting from the internet. He did hear it might be due to a trojan virus, but after various virus/spyware/malware and internet scans and tests etc. He still keeps getting disconnected.He's using a Sagem f@st 800 E3 modem and using XP+SP3 OS

P4 3.0 2GB ram PC

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Wired NIC Keeps Disconnecting Every Second?

Oct 28, 2011

nic shows disconnected every second, shows "no cable connected" Windows 7 pro, PC next to it (same model, same settings) works fine, switched cables and the one I am on works just fine on either cable. Updated drivers, ran diagnostics, no fault found. DHCP; tried changing link speeds, tried EXACT same settings as PC I am on. Domain settings correct; PC will connect on a different subnet.

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Why Does Wifi Keep Disconnecting

Aug 28, 2011

Why does my Wifi keep disconnecting...?

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Old PC Keeps Disconnecting From Wireless Net

Oct 16, 2011

PC keeps disconnecting from net. Its not the router. Stays on line sometimes for 1 min or 1 hr. Also disconnects when clicking a link.

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Wifi Keeps Disconnecting?

May 27, 2011

I've recently had this trouble where whenever I'm playing a game [such as Sims 3] my Laptop Internet connection suddenly disconnects and I am unable to reconnect to my Internet since it doesn't come up on the connection list, so In the end I have to restart and it all happens again if I start playing again.

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Dial Up Keeps On Disconnecting?

Apr 18, 2012

My HP home vista keeps on disconnecting.I use dial up. The IPS service provider said to plug the computer directly into the phone jack without using the splitter which is a plug that has two openings(1 for phone and 1 for the computer in the event that the splitter is bad) I tried this and as soon as a connection is made about a minute later I'm disconnected again. Any ideas as how to resolve this problem? Also I was told that if I have DSL that this wouldn't be a problem

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Why Does Internet Keep Disconnecting

Jan 22, 2011

For the last couple of weeks,my wireless connection keeps dropping me every 10 minutes or so.

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Cisco Router 1941W - WAN Keeps Disconnecting Randomly?

Oct 23, 2012

We are using Cisco router (1941W model) and our the WAN interface keeps going down randomly (sometimes happened twice within 1 hour, sometimes worked fine for 2-3 days before getting disconnected). After getting disconnected, if we unplug the cable that connects our router to the fiber terminal and then plug in back, everything works fine immediately.

We had asked our Internet Provider to come 3 times to check the network line, renew the fiber terminal and do some investigations, they said there should be no issue on their side. If it's true then there must be something wrong with the router.

We also enabled ip accounting on the router and saw very low rate of small packets coming to WAN interface.

During the downtime, LAN interface still worked fine.

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Cisco Wireless :: WLC 2100 And LAP1131AG Are Disconnecting

Oct 10, 2010

Since few days the WLC 2100 series controller and 3x LAP1131AG are getting disconnected and the controller gets offline via the local ip address.  At that point I have to reboot. To get anywhere and after I connect wirelessly to the AP before I know it it disconnects.  It worked for 3 years straight no fuss. And now nothing. I reconfigured the WLC 10times and no diffference.  


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Cisco Firewall :: VPN Sessions Are Disconnecting Very Often Through ASA 5520

Apr 5, 2011

while traversing through Cicso ASA Firewall 5520,VPN sessions are disconnecting.In Accelissts for VPN-Outbound traffic from LAN to Client VPN ,we have allowed all Ports.Is there any inspection Rules are cause for this issue. In ASA Firewall,presently the inspection rules are [code]

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Cisco VPN :: 5510 - AnyConnect Keeps Disconnecting Under Ubuntu 12.1

Jan 24, 2013

We have an ASA 5510 running 9.1 and the latest 3.1 AnyConnect package for Linux.  The problem that i am having is that the AnyConnect VPN will drop after maybe 30 seconds or less of connection.  It will connect fine.  I can ping my remote servers.  Then it will drop and go into a "Reconnecting State".  Of which it will not reconnect.  I have to close AnyConnect and then try to connect again.  Then I'll get the same results.  We have about 25 employees that use the AnyConnect VPN all day on Windows 7 machines without any problems.  The issue appears to be isolated to my Ubuntu laptop. I have gone so far as to completely reinstall Ubuntu, both 64 and 32 bit versions but end up with the same results. 

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Cisco Wireless :: WAP4410N Keeps Disconnecting Each 10 Minutes

Nov 21, 2010

i have the wap4410n and i connect it with srw224g4p to provid it with power, it keeps disconnecting each 10 minutes, i tried to reset it and upgrade the firmware with no good.

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Broadband :: Internet Disconnecting Almost Every Day?

Feb 1, 2013

For the past couple of weeks my internet has suddenly disconnecting on almost a daily basis.Windows troubleshooting the problem always fixes it in seconds and I usually have no further problems during the day but it's getting annoying and I'd really like to know what the issue is and how to fix it.It happened again just now and Windows Diagnostics found the following problem: "Local Area Connection" doesn't have a valid IP configuration.I'm running Windows 7 and using an ethernet cable, no wireless connection.

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Wifi Keeps Disconnecting Every Few Minutes

Jul 13, 2012

I have had this problem for a week now. We have a desktop, PS3, and 3 laptops connected all at the same time. No problems with the desktop, PS3 and one of the laptops so far, but my Asus A53E and the HP Pavilion keep getting disconnected every few minutes! I recently installed a Linksys router (just to try it out) and it didn't really do well so I returned it and switched back to our old router which is the DLink DIR-625 router. It was doing okay for a few days and then suddenly it just started going crazy. Both the desktop and the PS3 are connected to the router through cable, but the other laptop (Dell) is not. I don't understand why it's just the Asus and the HP that get disconnected a lot. I already tried updating my drivers and reformatting my laptop, but still nothing. I don't want to call our ISP (Shaw) and D-Link because the internet works fine on the other 3.Additional Information:

-Microsoft Security Essentials (on the Asus)
-avast! (on the HP)

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Netgear Wna3100 Keeps Disconnecting?

Nov 7, 2012

I have a Netgear Wireless USB Adapter (WNA3100) for my PC. The router is in the other room (approx 5-6 meters away) connected to my flatmates laptop. The adapter worked fine for almost two months, but at the past 2 weeks it keeps disconnecting in every 2-15 minutes, for 1-3 minutes. I have Windows 7 and I'm not familiar with networking issues so the only thing I did was to reinstall the driver and update it, but this didn't work.

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D-link Dir-615 Keeps Disconnecting From Internet?

Sep 7, 2012

About 2 weeks ago my router began acting up. It disconnects when I'm just browsing, downloading or streaming a video. I tried everything! I changed the channel on the router, resetted the router numerous times. I connected the ethernet cable from my pc directly to the modem to see if it was in fact my router and not the modem. My pc never disconnected once while connected to the modem. In order for me to download something or stream a video I have to connect my pc to the modem and it is becoming a pain!

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Wifi Keeps Disconnecting And Then Reconnects Itself

Jul 27, 2012

I recently bought my new Alienware laptop and it would connect to the wifi but no internet. Sometimes it works for a second or 1 minute. Now it's just a triangle with an exclamation mark saying it has no internet access. I already tried the power management. I am using a router; the other laptops in my house is fine. Could it be because the router couldn't support the internet of the Alienware? I remember seeing routers saying "Good for gaming!" something like that. I've been having this problem for 2 days now.

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Internet Disconnecting Every Few Hours?

Nov 19, 2012

Windows 7
Router Zyxel p330w
Vonage phone serviced
D3.0 Ubee modem.

i have 5 computers connected 3 are connected via Wifi and 2 are wired plus whatever device i have is on wifi veryday for the last 2 weeks my internet goes out every few hours. Yesterday i had internet all day until this morning when it disconnected again, in order to have my internet up again i have to reboot my router by disconnecting the adaptor.Heres the weird thing all of my computers internet goes down but the vonage service still works and iif i connect my PC directly to the Ubee modem my internet stays on without issue problem is i need vonage for my phone plus all my other computer in the house ive tried to renew and release my ip in my main rig which i guess worked a bit since when this problem started the internet would go off every 10-20 min after i did the renew release the internet stays on for atleast 3 - 6 hours?

Windows IP Configuration
Ethernet adapter Local Area Connection 2:
Media State . . . . . . . . . . . : Media disconnected
Connection-specific DNS Suffix . :


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Internet Continuously Disconnecting

Dec 24, 2011

Happens every few hours, but is fixed by reconnecting my router. Although this is inconvenient because I run an IRC chat and a small web server. I'm not sure if those would cause such a problem, but I hope not

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Wifi Frequently Disconnecting

Oct 30, 2012

Some of you may remember my name from the PS3 posts I had a while back. I completely abandoned the PS3/internet connectivity issues due to it going unsolved for about a year now, I just moved to a new house recently. I can understand that it will take a bit for the family to set things up like reliable internet connectivity and what-not. But perhaps there is something that I can do relatively quickly to fix this. Perhaps it is problematic software on my computer? Here's what is happening: The internet disconnects. A lot. Sometimes it's once per 7-minute YouTube video, and just recently it was a record-breaking sixteen times within 20 minutes. I read some things about it being a problem with Adobe Flash player, because most disconnects happen during YouTube videos, but I can't get an update for it... the internet does not co-operate.

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Computer Keeps Disconnecting To The Wireless?

Mar 23, 2012

My computer keeps disconnecting to the wireless, however the internet connection is available and we can use playstation 3 through it. I have pinged this, but i am not sure what it means?

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Quickbooks Pro 2008 Keeps Disconnecting?

Dec 15, 2011

i have an SBS2003 server thats running quickbooks pro 2008and i have 3 workstations connecting to itall was working finethen about a week ago we started to get disconnection errors on all the workstations.i got a small 5 port ethernet switch and connected all workstations and the server into that, but its the same thing.i ran a ping from the server to a workstation with the -t switch and never saw once a drop in connection.the broadband connection is having an issue where it disconnects every few minutes to 1 hour...but i dont think this is related as when i turn off the modem i still have the problem.

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Internet Constantly Disconnecting?

Jul 4, 2012

I am connected to the router with a cable , a router which my internet provider supplied me with.The problem used to happen before , occasionally , but the disconnecting has drastically increased lately , and these days it has become unbearable , it occurs at least once every hour , especially when i'm playing a game online or so.The disconnects last very shortly , or until i reset my router or disable/enable my network in network connections.I have 2 more laptops in the house , connected via wireless , and they've had no issues with this.The first time these problems occurred i was able to fix it just by doing the windows troubleshoot, which lead to an error saying "Default gateway is not available".I found a lot of threads on the internet regarding this issue , and tried all of them but none seemed to work.

I tried downloading newest drivers from my motherboard site first , then from Realtek's site, then deleting old drivers via DriverSweeper aswell , just in case , but it did nothing.I tried changing the Speed & Duplex to 100mbp/s Full Duplex , which has solved the issue for some , but again it did nothing.I called my internet provider , was told to use static IP address and type it in manually and if it didn't work to try plugging the cable into another slot on the router ,And after all those things , i feel like the problems is even bigger now. I now no longer get the "Default gateway is not available" error , and the only solution is to reset router or disable/enable network , which leads to the network being "unidentified" for some time before it connects.

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