Linksys Access Point :: WAP54G Access Point Unable To Connect To More Than One PC?
Apr 25, 2011
I've got a AP WAP54G. I've managed to get into the configuration page and rename my router and set a WPA2-Personl password.
The issue I'm facing is that when me and my roomate try to connect to the router at the same time, it shows the laptop that connects second as one that has 'limited connectivity' and hence cannot use the internet. The 1st laptop however works fine!
The settings for the router have all been left to default.
I'm not sure, but does this problem have anything to do with the fact that the router in configured with a static IP. If so, then there is another issure which is that whenever I try to change it from static to automatic/dynamic IP, the page fails and the router doesn't even get connected to the configuraion page( after that. The only way to get that page again is the reset the router.
Also I'm not able to directly get into the config page when I connect my router to my laptop via lan. I need to change the LAN IP to 192.168.1.x where x is >1.
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Nov 1, 2012
How do I connect and configure my WAP54G wireless access point to my new Cable Modem? I have it connected to the modem but I cannot access it to configure it. It appears to be working but before I got the cable modem I had it connected to a router and it was set-up with a static IP address. With my new ISP, I no longer have a static IP address so I am trying to configure the WAP54G to use DHCP. Trying to access it thru the internet at does not work.
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Jul 9, 2006
I had to reset my access point but the login screen fails to appear to lock the router. I don't have the setup wizard disk.
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Jan 17, 2013
I have a WAP54g hardware version 1.0.I install de last firmware on this access-point but, this access-point reset automatic after a random time..It’s it possible to downgrade de firmware from this access-point?
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Aug 25, 2011
What I want to do is the opposite of most configurations. I live on a small island with only one DSL connection. The modem is wired connected to a WAP54G Access point. To extend this access point want to use a WRT54G.
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Feb 10, 2012
I have tried to find mib for my Linksys WAP54G acces point without succeed. Any body know how I could find it?? I want to program a software based on SNMP protocol. Is there some databses for mibs?
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Mar 1, 2012
I have a wrt54gs v7 and a wap54g v3.1. Both have latest firmware on them. I set the access point to act as a repeater and entered the mac address from the router (It said to use the lan mac address. is that right?). I have them set on same subnet with static ip addresses. They have same wireless ssid and password with one using channel 10 and the other using channel 2. I can receive an ip address from the router and connect to internet. I cannot get an ip address from the access point. I tried a static ip on the computer and it will connect, but I don't have internet. Am I missing something in the setup? Can this access point act as a repeater for this router?
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Feb 19, 2011
My Linksys Range Extender died. So I bought a WAP54G thinking that I could use it as a repeater to extent the range of the signal from my router to the other wireless PCs in the house.
1st floor:
PC1 connected to a WRT54G v.5 router
PC2 connected to PC1 router via USB network adapter
Laptop connected to PC1 royter via internal wireless
2nd floor
PC3 connected to PC1 router via USB network adapter
PC4 connected to PC1 router via USB network adapter
The main goal is to set up the WAP54G in between PC1 and the other PCs to extent the range of the signal particularly to the 2nd floor PCs.The instructions for configuring the WAP54G are fairly straightforward, but the first issue I run into is not being able to connect to the WAP54G web setup. I am using the following instructions:
once I configure or setup the WAP54G through another PC as a repeater, will I be able to disconnect it from the PC and use it as a standalone (e.g., plugging only the power in and leaving it in my kitchen or a hallway) to extend the range of the signal? Or does it have to stay connected to PC1 and does PC1 always have to be on for this WAP54G to act as a repeater?
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Dec 4, 2011
How do I connect three or more WAP54G's in bridge.
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Feb 20, 2011
I am unable to connect wirelessly to a WAP54G v2 with a Dell Inspiron 17R/N7010 running Windows 7. In fact, previously a relative's laptop, also running Windows 7, was also unable to connect at my location.The access point has no security enabled. It shows up in the list of available wireless networks. I've configured the wireless adapter properly (static ip). Yet connection fails. Windows suggests that I power cycle the access point and try again. If I use the same configuration for the wired connection, it works. Is there a compatibility issue with Windows 7 and the WAP54G v2?
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Feb 25, 2011
I have a linksys wrt54g ethernet wired to my router. I got a wap54g and don't know a thing about either. I hooked up the wrt54g years ago with linksys assistance. I thought I could just hook up a wap54g with ethernet to the directv dvr and the two would talk.
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Mar 3, 2011
For two years I had a 2-Wire home portal from AT&T for my DSL line. I also have DirecTV with a DVR that has an ethernet port to download video on demand from the internet. I bought a Linksys WAP54G to use as a pass-thru to the DVR and it has worked perfectly for the entire time. I remember that the setup was a nightmare, so I saved the settings in case I lost them.
when I connected the new E1000 router to a Netopia DSL modem, I decided to reconfigure the WAP to use the new router. I recovered the configuration file and the only thing that I had to change was the MAC address for the new router which I used with the Linksys' web-based setup tool. I used the network discovery and selected the new router. All of the settings including the router name, default gateway, and static address for the WAP54G were the same.But, when I go to the setup page for the DirecTV DVR and perform a network test, I get an OK connect to the local network, but an error22 and fail to connect to the Internet. Of course, going to the help page on the DVR for that error only gives the lame troubleshooting such as, is the router plugged in? Is the ethernet cable connected? etc.
I know that when I had to set it up with the original 2-wire portal, I had a lot of tweaking to do in the advanced wireless settings. I'm trying to setup using the WAP54G as a pass-thru bridge for DirecTV.
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Aug 29, 2009
I just bought an LG Bluray DVD player (BD390) which is unable to find the access point in my home network.My router is a WRT54G, ver. 2.2, running firmware: Ver.4.21.1. My home network uses high speed cable with two computers on the wireless network, all working with no problems.The router is on the second floor but the two computers and the new BD390 are on the first floor - about 35 feet away. I have the wirelss security set to none and use only the specific computer MAC addresses to allow connection to this network.
I found directions in the forum for a setup using the LG BD390 but with a different Linksys router. I changed the security to WPA (AES); the Beacon interval from 100 to 75; the Fragmentation Threshold from 2346 to 2304; and the RTS Threshold from 2347 to 2307. The DVD wireless connection still failed to find my network. There is a "Push button" connection feature on the BD390 setup which I tried, but the only "button" on the router I could find was in the basic wireless setting, a green icon for the wireless SSID setup. No connection was made there either.
The recommendation connection from the LG manual is for a network cable, but that would be over 50 feet and a real pain to connect, so I would prefer WiFi.
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Jun 9, 2011
My network is such that I want to extend the signal of the GUEST account. I have a WAP54G set up for that purpose and am getting a very strong signal. I can access the main network, but not the Guest, I cannot even see the GUEST access. Any setting change that needs to be made that will allow me to access the GUEST account from the Access Point?
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Apr 30, 2012
I just tried to upgrade the firmware of my WAP54G to the most recent version; however, I got a message on web browser with legend "Update fail" and then I lost the communication with device. Now, I just goty Power and Link LED's, but nothing on Act (green led, indicator of WiFi),I tried to reset using button, and to connect via LAN, but setup wizard is unable to locate the device.
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Feb 15, 2011
I would like to ask if its possible to remotely access a WAP54G?
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Mar 1, 2007
my wap54g is not working even i hold reset butoon for 60 second it not woring even my linksys wap54g reset button is not work for reset it, It not do any thing and still i cant accest is web interference
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Nov 14, 2011
how to set up a WAP54G v3.1 Access Point if you've misplaced the CD?
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Dec 3, 2011
My WAP54G no longer has power -- the power light does not come on. I've unplugged the unit and moved it to a variety of different outlets that I know work.
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May 5, 2012
I have an old WAP54G v3.1 and I want to access the menu but cannot, the IP must have been changed and even resetting does not let me in. What can I do?
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Mar 7, 2011
I have a WAP54G as my access point, currently it is connected with my BEFSR81 router. I am thinking of changing the access point to a WAP610N for the house. I know that this would work but I was wondering if the WAP54G could be used as a repeater for the outside (I know a lower speed). I know they are two different channels but I wanted a larger range for my wireless. I am on Windows XP, SP2, using Firefox. Can this be done?
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Dec 31, 2011
i have been using a couple of wap54g units for years now (awesome units!) but its now time to upgrade to "N".is there a newer unit that has "N" ?is there a unit that has a PoE option? also, i really like the ability to switch to larger antennas like the wap54g unit does. i would think that all wireless access units should have removeable antennas and a PoE option!
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Sep 23, 2008
My mac has been overwritten on 2 of my APs, they are now totaly different than before and identical ? they now both show 00:90:4C:91:00:01
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Mar 28, 2011
According to the information on the bottom of the WAP54G setup screen it can connect to the WRT54G without another WAP54G. What I want to do is use the WAP54G as a bridge to connect my DVD player with an Ethernet connection to the internet via the WRT54G. Both units have the latest firmware updates. When I set it up as I believe it should be the WAP54G has all the lights on but the DVD player cannot connect to the internet.
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Jan 8, 2007
I have a wrt54gx2 with srx 200 technology recently purchased. I havetwo cabled computers attached. One at one end of the house attached tothe router by ehternet cable, the other attached about 100 ft by ethernet cable.The wireless does not reach to the other end of the house, most likley because that part of the house is an addition with masonary walls and a large masonary firplace. I bought a wap54g access point at the recommendation from someone at linksys to attach to the end of the ethernet run. Since my set up is macintosh, I can't use the wizard disk that came with the wap54g. Linksys support was not support( not expected), I need to know what to do to get this up and running. I am new to this stuff and Linksys get the wireless router with ethernet installed and up and running with my dsl. I thought the same for the wap54g.
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Jun 22, 2011
after several years of proper functioning my WAP started to make trouble and recently stopped working. I've tried a lot of options to get it back online but I failed doing so.The green ACT LED won't light up anymore so my laptop cannot find the WAP anymore. When connecting the WAP directly to the laptop the Network Center shows that Windows is trying to identify the WAP but this messages disappears and re-appears on and on but there is no succes in identification (ofcourse this is caused the the green ACT LED which won't light-up).
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Jul 29, 2011
I just bought this used WAP54G, trying to link it to my home WLAN network, using my WRT54GS. I was able to get into to it, and change the configurations to match my network. But I still can't get access to it via wireless? I can still get back in via wired. How do I know(or not know) that the wireless part of this box works?
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Feb 12, 2007
I just took over a position where I had to reset a WAP54G because no one knew the encryption key. In working with some of the wireless access points in the past, I know that they came with setup or utility software to find and configure. where I can get a copy. I couldn't find it on Linksys' site.
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Feb 17, 2013
It looks like the two are functionally compatible but will the ANT5959 connectors mate with the ones on the WAP54G box after the supplied dipoles are removed?
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Feb 1, 2011
I have a WAP54G wireless router that worked fine at our other house, but we have moved and I'm trying to set it up. (I was not the one who originally hooked it up at the other house.) I am trying to hook it up to our Charter internet which works just fine with my Mac if I just connect a cable between the Mac and the 'box' that Charter hooked up. When I plug in my husband's PC with the cable in the same way I plug in my Mac, his will not work. He has an internal internet connection that he connects to wireless, but it is really slow. This means that I cannot use Rick's PC to set up the router, because it cannot be hooked up to the cable source.
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Nov 2, 2011
I have never setup an wireless access point before and am having some issues. I have a Linksys WAP54G ver 3.1. A friend gave it to me and he said it was working when he pulled it out of his office.I defaulted the device and using the wizard have the following setup:
Device Name - Linksys WAP54G
Configuration Type - Static IP
IP Address:
Subnet Mask:
When I try to connect to it via my laptop I get the error: "Windows was unable to connect to XXXXX"
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Feb 27, 2011
I am running my home network and WAP(WPA2) behind a d-link gaming router (DHCP) with no inbound or outbound restrictions; however, I am unable to access the internet using my ipad unless I put the WAP in the DMZ. Also, if I configure security using the setup program, I can not log on to the web based utility. I have to disable security with the set up program and then log into the utility. BTW..the UID must be left blank to log into the utility( PW only) to configure the WAP, even though the manual says otherwise.
Now after all this, the WAP will be up and running for days even a few weeks. Then for no reason it will no longer be accessible and I will power it down and back up and it works fine. But this will work only a few times and I have to hit the reset button and reconfigure it all over again.
The firmware has been updated and nothing else has issues on the network. This has been happening since i bought it 3yrs ago, using an iPad, iPhone, Laptops, and PCs( XP and Windows 7) but in the past year it has been more frequent.
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Nov 5, 2006
I have taken over maintenance of a customer site from another service provider. I need to reprogram several WAP54G units. I have reset the units with the reset button. However, this does not reset the admin password back to admin.
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