Linksys Wireless Router :: EA3500 - Set Parental Controls On It?

Mar 13, 2013

I need to set parental controls on a device EA3500. Problem is that the device is listed under the same icon as a device I don't want restricted.  If I click on the icon it lists one MAC as wireless 1 and the other as wireless 2 but still as one device name.  One is an Xbox (the one I want restricted) and the other is a PC on Windows 7.  I can only set up parental controls by icons/device names, not MACs and MAC filtering is a pain as I have to add and remove it everyday at a certain time.

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Linksys Wireless Router :: Set Parental Controls On E4200 V2?

Jan 19, 2012

I have an E4200 v2 I would like to set parntal controls on school nights only. Currently if I select parental controls for specific times I must set times for both school nights and weekends. I would like to be able to type in times that are not available in the dropdown lists. Currently I am limited to the drop down list. Is this a change that can be made in the near future. 

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Linksys Wireless Router :: How To Use EA4500 Parental Controls

Jan 31, 2013

I would like a feature added back into the firmware to allows website blocking and able to cutomize the day(s) and times to have it blocked in addition to when I may have the internet turned off. This way the kids pc will allow them to do homework without the ablity to screw around on youtube or groveshark. My WRT54G aloowed me to do this, why can't a newer product do this?

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Linksys Wireless Router :: Parental Controls Don't Work On EA4500?

Jan 30, 2013

I have a Linksys EA4500 Router.  Both my kids have laptops.   I've tried using the Parental Controls to restrict access to certain websites and also to put in timeframes that they're computers can't access the Internet.  However, it does not work at all!  I've tried turning off their computers and then resetting the router after I made the changes, but the access restrictions do not work.  We also have their Xbox set up on the router -- so maybe some of the settings we have for the Xbox are messing up Parental Controls?

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Linksys Wireless Router :: Disable IPv6 For Parental Controls?

Jan 14, 2013

So I've realized that my parental controls were being ignored by the computers, at first I figured my son had found a work around to by-pass. But reading through the forums today, I've found that IPv6 being enabled might be the cause of my issue. So I'm currently sitting at work and connected to my router remotely, but for the life of me, can't see where to disable this option.  Using the Smart Wi-Fi interface, closest I can get is "Connectivity, Internet Settings, IPv6 but everything is grayed out and no option to edit this.

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Linksys Wireless Router :: EA6500 Smart Wi-Fi Parental Controls

Mar 31, 2013

I am new to the forum and Linksys products.  i have always been a Netgear fan.   What brings me to Linksys is the Smart WIFI parental controls.  My children have iPod touch and Kindle Fire.  I want to "manage" the content (Youtube, internet, etc..) on these devices.  I want to be able to control when they have access to the WIFI and when they don't.   Another words, I want to go the router web interface and find the device and turn OFF the connection without affecting the rest of the house. 
I was looking at EA6500 router as a pontential new router.  Would this router give me the control I need?

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Linksys Wireless Router :: E3000 - Set School Day Parental Controls Into Afternoon?

Jun 29, 2011

Is there a way to set school day parental controls into the afternoon? During the summer months it would be very useful to set the time for access to late afternoon/early evening. It would seem that giving  both AM and PM times is a simple fix.

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Linksys Wireless Router :: E4200 Parental Controls Limited To 5 Devices

Aug 14, 2011

With all the WiFi ready devices that kids (and adults) have these days, a limit of 5 targetted devices for permissions is hardly enough.  I suggest increasing that limit to at least 10.

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Linksys Wireless Router :: E4200V2 Parental Controls Loses Control?

Feb 21, 2012

I've been using router for approximately three weeks with little to no problems and today the Paretnal Controls lost control.  Anytime they were enabled they prohibited the associated computers from acessing the web even though the specific times was set to midnight -6am.  Strangely, this has worked fine for three weeks and the only way I could get things back working correctly was to reboot the router. Just another firmware bug?

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Linksys Wireless Router :: E-2500 Parental Controls - Only Block 6 Or 8 Websites

Feb 14, 2012

I recently purchased an E-2500, but notice that in parental controls I can only block 6 or 8 websites.  In my WRT54GS I could just create additional rules and they would work.  But in this device I am limited on the sites that can be blocked per device.  How I can block additional sites?

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Linksys Wireless Router :: E3200 - Set Up Parental Controls For Other Devices Via Web Interface?

Apr 8, 2012

Have set up parental controls for other devices via web interface. It does not take for one laptop. I see the device can add it to list but all settings dont work? Have reset router, removed and re-added device called support but found no solutions.

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Linksys Wireless Router :: E4200 V2 - Can Parental Controls Work With DHCP Server

Mar 5, 2012

On my new E4200v2, after I tried to move beyond the disappointment of Cisco removing Internet Access Policy entirely, I decided to give the stripped down Parental Controls a try.
Sadly, I didn't have any luck doing what I needed to do... block my Tivo's from accessing Youtube.
I enabled Parental Controls, Added the Target Devices (my Tivo's did show up), and added "" as blocked site #1.  Saved.  Entered the parental password when prompted.  Even rebooted the router.
But Youtube wasn't blocked.  So I added to the target list a non-Tivo device (a Macbook) for a reality check, and rebooted the router again... still no luck.  Youtube still not blocked.
So then I started to wonder if their Parental Control depends somehow on the local DHCP server & Client list.  Because my E4200 has DHCP Server = OFF (I have always used a Windows Server for DHCP).
I tried to call Linksys support to get this working, but after 45 mins, including escalation to senior engineer, they really were pretty useless (no real familiariarity with my problem) then they disconnected my call!

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Linksys Wireless Router :: E2000 - Setting Parental Controls Slow Down Connection?

Jun 21, 2010

I bought a brand spanking new Linksys E2000. I get great connection speeds and awesome range, until the day I set up parental controls. Once I set them up, It slowed my connections down to a crawl. Thinking that I did something wrong, I reset the router and did the entire installation. Everything was back to normal, but it did it again once I set up the parental controls.

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Linksys Wireless Router :: EA4500 - Setup Several Devices In The Parental Controls To Be Blocked Always

May 13, 2012

I setup several devices in the Parental Controls to be blocked always. These devices are still able to connect to the router. I tried rebooting the router but the problem persists. I have two laptops and two iPod Touches that can connect regardless of the access restrictions.

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Linksys Wireless Router :: EA 3500 - Cisco Connect Cloud Parental Controls Doesn't Stop

Sep 29, 2012

I have had the EA 3500 router for about three months. 
The Parental Control of Cisco Connect Cloud block all site except YouTube !  I have the Parental Controls set up to "Block the Internet" at "Specific Times".    The other popular sites are blocked: Facebook, The Chive, Tumblr, etc.  But for some reason she is still about to view YouTube all day long! 
 It has the latest firmware.  I spent about three hours on the phone with Cisco tech support about this.  They uninstalled and re-installed the router - it still doesn't work!

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Linksys Wireless Router :: EA6500 / Enable Parental Controls Or Access Restrictions To Block MAC / IP Address?

Mar 13, 2013

I have been looking into this router, I would like to know if I can enable Parental controls or access restrictions to block a MAC or IP address; from 03:00 AM - 06:00 AM ?Instead of Midnight to 6:00 am.My E4200 works just fine, Just would like to know if the EA6500 Can do that ?

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Linksys Wireless Router :: E4200 Block Traffic At Certain Times Uses Both Parental Controls / Internet Access Polices

Oct 21, 2011

I have configured my e4200 to block traffic at certian times uses both the Parental Controls and the Intenet Access Polices.  Neither one seems to work though.  [code] I have the same MAC addresses specified in each rule.  Initally I had only the first two rules.  Those didn't work, so I added rule 3 and 4 (they do the same thing as rules 1 and 2 but from the opposite direction).  There are no compliaints, but they don't stop any traffic. 
I started with the Parental Controls, they didn't work either.  The page in there that lets you pick which machines you want to block seemed next to worthless.  I have about four rows listed as "Network Device."  REALLY LAME!  As the MAC addresses are accesible and these weren't working I went to the IAP. 

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Cisco :: E3200 Linksys Can Not Block Ipad Websites Parental Controls

May 29, 2012

I have an E3200. I cam block youtube on my laptop but my kids can still by pass all my website blocking by using the ipad.
How do i configure the router to block access to websites on my ipad?

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Can Parental Controls Be Added To Wireless Signals

Dec 27, 2011

I have a friend who asked me how he could stop his children accessing porn etc on their ipods etc that they pick up from a wireless router.Is it possible to route a wireless signal through a computer that has parental controls?

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Belkin Routers :: Set Parental Controls On N300 F9J1002au?

Dec 2, 2012

I can't find any parental control options on the sidebar but have read that it is an option with this modem-router.

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Linksys Wireless Router :: EA4500 - Parent Controls Always On Over Guest Access?

Feb 11, 2013

EA4500 Is there any way to enable parent controls on everyone who logs in over guest access? We have a lot of youth who use the network, but we only give them guest access so that they can't access network machines. I enabled Parent Control, but I couldn't find a way to say "Parent Control enable for Guest Account".

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Linksys Wireless Router :: Reset Parental Password For E300

Jul 2, 2011

Is there a way to reset the parental password for the E300?  I cannot figure out my Parental Passowrd and when I click recover passowrd I see my clue.  From my clue I cannot get my password.  So do I have to reset my router and start from scratch?  Or is there another way to recover it.

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Linksys Wireless Router :: E2000 Parental Control Tab Missing

Oct 7, 2011

I am trying to use the Parental Control feature. I can't use Cisco Connect as there currently isn't an update for this router for Mac OSX Lion The firmware version in the support site hasn't been updated for ages, and I am running the latest (v 1.0.04) The Parental control tab, that is supposed to appear in the web browser interface isn't there. It's supposed to be, but doesn't show up.

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Linksys Wireless Router :: E3200 And Parental Control Limitations?

Jan 2, 2012

Just installed the E3200 and use to have a WRT54G. Wanted the N Band.Noticed two major deficiencies.

1) this device does not have Internet Access Policy option and the Parental Control interface is unbelievably poor?There are very few options to work with in terms of time of day to turn on and off blocking access. (Half hour increments only, not 5 minutes increments that I was use to). The "FROM" Field has AM only and the "TO" filed has PM only. This means if you wish a device to have access pass Midnight, you can't, or if you wish to block beginning in the AM, you can't. Furthermore there are no day selections, just School Night and Weekend Night. What if you just want to block school Night. You can't "turn off" weekend. Is there a way to gett full Internet Access firmware into this device.
2) When using Parental Control the devices to restrict access are only displayed by default names. I have 8 devices on the LAN and half of them say Network Device. Any way to identify them by a device name or MAC ID?

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Linksys Wireless Router :: E3200 - Parental Control On Devices

Sep 12, 2012

I would like to see the full range of 24 hours for setting parental controls on devices.  As it stands now, I can only select a block of time that starts in the PM and ends in the AM.  This isn't very useful if for instance I want to limit internet while my kids are home alone after school, from 3 PM to 5 PM, or say on the weekends to limit it from 7 AM to 5 PM.  Just a suggestion that would make life a bit easier!

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Linksys Wireless Router :: E4200 V2 Parental Control / Can't Get It To Work

Sep 27, 2012

I have tried both old firmware (2.37) then the Cloud firmware and now back to 2.37 again. the parental controls seems kind of fool proof but anyhow they dont work for me.If I set the internet access as denied at certain times, if the client is already connected when that time occours, it can continue to use internet (until it disconnects and tries to reconnect). Happens almost every time. And the biggest problem is that if I try to block internet access for a device like a cell phone, even though the user can not access the internet through the web browser, apps like Facebook, games etc can still access internet. Kind of useless parental control?!But I have tried to reset, reflash etc.Also I find this router pretty unstable, the only device that works flawless is my iPad (3), the laptops and cell phones at home loses internet connection every one and then, even though it seems like they have good connection to the router. Never been a problem with my earlier routers.

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Linksys Wireless Router :: E1200 Parental Control Device List?

Oct 19, 2012

I'm trying to limit my kids' access to the internet during the night, since I caught them plugging their laptops and the Xbox into the router's Ethernet ports late at night so they could circumvent the wireless guest access. The problem is, I only have 5 available control slots and the list of devices I browse to choose from is vague at best. Half of the devices listed in parental controls say "Network Device" and the other half say "iPhone" or "iPad". Isn't there an easy way to choose the correct devices to restrict, like by IP or MAC address? And if not, why is this so confusing and difficult? I have a family of 10 in my house and everyone is connecting with their own phn or 3 iPads, 2 laptops, 2 desktop PCs, 1 Xbox and 1 PS3.I tried limiting the DHCP Reservation list, but that seems to only affect the wireless access, not the 4 ethernet port connections.

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Linksys Wireless Router :: E4200 - Setting Up Parental Control Features

Jul 23, 2012

I have the Linksys/Cisco router E4200.  My question is setting up parental control features as specified in [URL] - specifically the blocking of sites based on certain keywords and/or blocking sites based on age groups (child/teen).  I do not see this capability in my Cisco Connect software.  Is this feature available for E4200 v1?  If so, how can I obtain the software?

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Linksys Wireless Router :: E4200 - Parental Control Features Lacking

Nov 11, 2011

For a high end wireless router like the E4200, the parental control features are lacking.  The other features and performance of the router are great, but why not provide outstanding router based parental controls?  With the latest firmware (1.0.03) no new parental control features were made available.  Currently, I can restrict by time, which is useful.  I can also restrict 10 websites - which is not useful.  I certainly don't want to maintain a list of the 10 most offending websites that I want to block.  First of all, 10 is not even close to being enough.  Second, and more important, there should be a way to subscribe to some service that automatically updates the list of blocked websites based on content.  I would not mind paying for this service if the cost is reasonable.  I know that there are software "solutions" for this, but my 6 year old easily found a way around this sort of solution.  I have tried many with no success.  The only real way to enforce parental controls in a home network is at the router.  I would love to this feature available on this high end router.  There are a few lower end wireless routers that offer this service, but the other feature set is poor.  I want to have my cake and eat it too.

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Linksys Wireless Router :: E3200 - Firmware Parental Control Does Not Work On Https?

Dec 11, 2012

I want to block [URL] from Firmware parental control. But it does NOT work. It works on http site but not the https site.
E3200 Firmware 
Ver.1.0.04 (Build 1)

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Linksys Wireless Router :: E2500 Parental Control Vs E2000 Internet Policy

Dec 1, 2011

I have in my possession three E2000 and I wanted to buy 3 more, but the model seems to not be on sale anymore so I bought his successor the E2500.In the E2000 I used the Internet Policy menu to block internet access of certain computer by entering their mac address.In the E2500, they seem to have removed this menu to replace it with a Parental Control menu, which offers far fewer options, basically you can only block a computer that is connected to the router, you can not block a pc by the ip or by his mac address.Is there a way to have a menu similar to Internet policy in the E2500? A hidden menu, or a different firmware?

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Linksys Wireless Router :: Customize Parental Control Error Message Page

Oct 30, 2012

Is there I can customize the error page which is shown when someone visits a blocked site 

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Linksys Wireless Router :: WRT31 Lost Software In A Fire Never Used Parental Control

Dec 29, 2011

I'm sure this has been asked a 1000 times but don't see my router.I have a WRT31on I lost the software in a fire (saved the router) never used parental control but now all the grand kids are asseccing with ipads, pods etc.can't use parental on each item. need to do it at the router

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