Dg834g - DNS Server Not Responding

Sep 22, 2011

I am having an issue with my netgear router dg834g

last night my router just stopped working when i was on the internet. I looked at my router and the power light and tick were flashing. After disconnectibg the power a few times this continued so i called it a night and left it disconnected.

Tonight i turned it back on and all looks fine on the router but on the pc it will now not connect and says the dns server isnt responding.

Maybe its a problem with my internet provider (orange) so not sure but its frustrating lol. Dont know a lot of the techical stuff i was using it fine for over a year withoit any problems.

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DNS Server Isn't Responding

May 29, 2011

I was able to connect this mornin, and suddenly it just didn't work. I checked and it said DNS server isn't responding. tried using the Open DNS, But it is still not working and showing the same error.

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DNS Server Not Responding

Feb 14, 2013

My desktop computer, I am on my netbook posting this, will not get online and the diagnostic tells me the DNS server is not responding

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Dns Server Is Not Responding?

Mar 26, 2011

I have a problem with my internet. Not so long time ago I bought new TOSHIBA laptop with Windows 7. At the start everything was OK but after few days internet connection started struggling. Troubleshoot says that DNS server is not responding.There are a couple others laptops on the same network and it seems that just me have this problem.The problem - Skype, torrents are working OK. The problem is with connection to internet sites via my internet browser. It doesn't matter it's IE, Mozilla or Google Chrome, I have the problem with all of them. Sometimes the problem disappears and everything is working OK but usually I have the problem and can't connect to one or other site.

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DNS Server Isn't Responding

Aug 23, 2012

I've take a lot of measures so far to try to resolve this but I believe I have changed a lot of essential things in the process. I am running Windows 7 and my antivirus software is McAfee. [code]

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Dns Server Not Responding?

Jan 26, 2013

i have duel boot system with window 7 and ubuntu 12.10i connect to internet through nokia mobile using serial cable. it works fine in ubuntu and used to work fine in window 7 also till last month. but now i am not able to browse internet in window 7. this shows connected but i am not able to open webpages despite using different browsers. network troubleshooting shows "DNS server not responding" error. i have tried ipconfig release ipconfig flush ipconfig renew etc. and resetting dns server address to google dns but to no avail

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Broadband :: Dns Server Not Responding?

Jan 26, 2013

i have duel boot system with window 7 and ubuntu 12.10 i connect to internet through nokia mobile using serial cable. it works fine in ubuntu and used to work fine in window 7 also till last month. but now i am not able to browse internet in window 7. this shows connected but i am not able to open webpages despite using different browsers. network troubleshooting shows "DNS server not responding" error. i have tried ipconfig release ipconfig flush ipconfig renew etc. and resetting dns server address to google dns but to no avail.

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Error - Dns Server Not Responding?

Aug 11, 2012

Tech Support Guy System Info Utility version
OS Version: Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium, Service Pack 1, 64 bit
Processor: AMD Phenom(tm) II X4 925 Processor, AMD64 Family 16 Model 4 Stepping 2
Processor Count: 4
RAM: 8183 Mb
Graphics Card: ATI Radeon HD 4350, 512 Mb
Hard Drives: C: Total - 942176 MB, Free - 888263 MB; D: Total - 11394 MB, Free - 1645 MB;
Motherboard: FOXCONN, ALOE
Antivirus: Norton 360, Updated and Enabled

Farbar Service Scanner Version: 06-08-2012
Ran by Jennifer (administrator) on 11-08-2012 at 09:25:16
Running from "C:UsersJenniferDownloads"
Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium Service Pack 1 (X64)
Boot Mode: Normal


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DNS Server Has Stopped Responding?

May 1, 2012

For a while now every time I started up my computer I wouldn't be able to connect to the internet. When I used the Windows Network Diagnostic tool, it said "the DNS server isn't responding". Last weekend I seemed to have solved this with DNS jumper after trying everything (flushing etc.). I tested a torrent and got speeds up to 2.1mb/s which I have never gotten before. Even the other members of my household noticed faster internet speed. This worked up until late Sunday when my internet decided to crash. The problem with starting the computer is gone, but everytime I I tested another torrent and get speed of 2kB/s and while I am downloading, I can't surf the web on that computer. I tried port-forwarding for uTorrent which seemed to work a bit. Download speeds jumped to 20kB/s for about a minute then fell back down to 2kB/s. I saw some forums saying it was there anti virus so I disabled the P2P shield on avast! and that did work as well, so I uninstalled it and got a new anti virus and the speeds were still around 20kB/s then plummeted again

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D-Link DIR-615 :: Dns Server Isn't Responding?

Feb 27, 2012

I get the message "dns server isn't responding" several times per day. If i get the message, nothing can get through to the internet (smartphones, laptop, vita, friends smartphones, etc.) If i reset the router, i can access the web again. Or if i wait for 2 minutes.

This is my setup:

Cable modem connects to D-link 615. Laptop is connected with a cable in D-link 615. All my wireless stuff is connected via wireless D-link 615. My cable modem is also connected directly to my ps3. I'm running windows 7 on my laptop.

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DNS Server Not Responding And Default Gateway Is Not Available?

Sep 29, 2012

I have been having some trouble with my internet for awhile now. It fine one second and than it will get really slow and eventually stop working. When I troubleshoot to see what the problem is it either gives me DNS server is not responding or default gateway is not available, sometimes it will give me both. It says it fixes the default gateway problem but it will show up again 5 minutes later.

Here is my ipconfig /all
Microsoft Windows [Version 6.1.7601]
Copyright (c) 2009 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.


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XBox Live - DNS Server Is Not Responding

Oct 2, 2012

I'm having an issue with my wireless connection.I was connected fine to my wireless internet on my desktop perfectly fine. I then attempted to connect to Xbox live at this time and that also worked fine.The connection began to get a little flaky (kept losing connection) so I reset my modem while they were both still connected.When the modem came back neither was able to connect.My other laptop, iPhone, and iPad also can no longer connect to the wireless.Windows troubleshooting tells me my DNS server is no longer responding. I'm assuming the desktop connection and Xbox connection are trying to connect to the same thing due to my reset, but I can't figure out how to fix it.

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DNS Server Isn't Responding - Cannot Browse Internet

Jan 18, 2012

So up till about a week ago my internet connection has been fine. Then all of the sudden it will "cut off" for about 5-10 mins and then be fine again. It happens randomly, sometimes it won't happen for a couple hours and then sometimes it happens 2-3 times in a hour. Funny thing is that it says I am still connected to the internet and infact if I am able to log into like MSN or skype or I am playing a online game, I can still play those games or chat. However, if I am not signed on to msn, skype, etc....during when I can't browse the internet, I can't log into those services. I thought maybe it was my pc, but my ipod touch and roommate's laptop experience the same exact issue as they are connected to my router. The error the pc is giving me is "DNS Server isn't responding.".

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Cable Internet - DNS Server Isn't Responding

Jan 20, 2013

I have cable internet with time warner, who provided me with a basic ambit modem. It works if I connect it directly with my PC. But if I try to route the connection through my netgear router (eg. connect modem -> router -> PC), I don't get internet access. The troubleshooting tool tells me that "DNS server isn't responding".

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DNS Server Isn't Responding - No Internet Access?

Aug 25, 2012

My laptop is connecting to BT Business Hub fine but with "No Internet Access". All I'm being told is "DNS server isn't responding". I've tried all the command prompts I've found and tried "Obtaining DNS server automatically" as well as the default numbers on some forums but nothing is working.I can connect to this same network on my iPad with no problems and this laptop can connect to an alternative wifi as well.

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DNS Lookup Failed / Server Not Responding

Dec 20, 2011

I have a Windows XP laptop and a Windows 7 desktop. The desktop has no wifi support, I had built it myself. To get internet on my desktop (used for games), I had connected my laptop to the pc, and the laptop picked up wifi from my AT&T gateway in another part of the house. ( I can't move the gateway currently) I have been wanting to connect the desktop to a router/repeater/bridge that would pick up my gateway signal, therefore eliminating the use of the laptop. I also have an Xbox right next to the pc, so I din't want to get an adapter because then I would have to purchase two, so I picked up a a wireless n router with 4 ethernet ports. ( then I could connect both systems using 2 ethernet cables) [URL] I knew when purchasing the router that it had repeater/bridge support. Currently, I have it configured as a wifi bridge. I can connect to it via my laptop, on the wireless networks page, it shows my gateway signal, and the bridge/router, so I connect to the router. It says I have excellent connection, but I can't connect to the internet? Using Google Chrome, it says DNS lookup failed. I can't get on any website, only the router's config page, which is I also connected the router to my pc, and when troubleshooting it says DNS server not responding, may be non existant or incorrect?

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Huawei Dongle - DNS Server Isn't Responding

Jun 6, 2011

I can connect to the internet using a huawei dongle on three mobile broadband. But recently having trouble loading web pages. I get the message- dns server isn't responding. I have contacted three who changed settings on my pc through remote access, but I still have the problem although it doesn't seem as bad, i can view more web pages before getting the error message.


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No Connection For A Minute Or Two - DNS Server Not Responding?

Jan 4, 2012

I have Broadband Internet and TV through Time Warner Cable. In the past week I suddenly began to lose stations on my cable box from what seemed to be a loss in signal so I had tech support come out to take a look at the problem. Turns out the problem was the wiring in the cable box outside the house. The wiring was over a decade old and had been damaged by water and ice over many winters. Tech support guy replaced all the wiring and the cable box is back to normal!However, after sitting down to use the Internet afterwards my connection kept "dying". Every ten to fifteen minutes or so the connection would seem to die for a minute or two.

All devices connected to the router either wired or wireless experience the issue at the same exact time. Windows diagnosed the problem as "DNS Server Not Responding". Now my router setup has been working for years, and nothing has been changed, so I thought maybe it could be related with the issue with the cable wiresHowever, researching the DNS issue on Google makes me think it's just coincidence.

I rebooted and power cycled the modem and the router. The issue persists. Updated router firmware. The issue persists. I changed my DNS settings to use OpenDNS. The issue persists. Changed DNS settings back to automatic. The issue persists. So I disconnected the router and plugged the modem directly into my main PC and the issue was completely resolved! Hooked up the router again and the issue popped back up after ten minutesRepeated all the troubleshooting steps and the issue persisted through them all.

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Internet Disconnecting - DNS Server Not Responding?

Oct 5, 2012

I am always disconnected from my connection fro time to time and when I troubleshoot it says the DNS server is not responding. [CODE]

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Dell :: XPS 8500 / DNS Server Not Responding

Apr 11, 2013

i have a Dell XPS 8500 with windows 8, Currently it's connected to the modem by ethernet cable Currently i have cable broadband which is fast normally occasionally it's slows for no reason i have done a diagnose test on the connection which came with the following results result of the test came out with the following which i am quoting exactly as it show's on my computer "your computer appears to be configured correctly, but the device or resource(DNS Servers) is not responding"by the way connecting to my router through wifi is not much of improvements?

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Dell :: XPS L502X - The DNS Server Isn't Responding

Apr 6, 2013

I have a dell xps L502X with windows 8. My network adapter was replaced last month. My DHCP is enabled. My DNS Server reads and it's a home/cable/DSL connection so from what I've read that's right. I've set my IPv4 and IPv6 to automatically detect the DNS server and IP address to use. I've tried to reconfigure the computer to the wireless router, but when I go to set up a new network no networks pop up even though many networks pop up for me to connect to on the right of my screen.

All of my other devices are connected and working fine. That was the background and what I've tried to fix for my problem. When I try to connect to my home network it says it's a limited connection meaning I have no Internet access. When I run the trouble shooter for the network, Internet connections, and network adapter the only one that has an issue is the network one and the issue is that the DNS server isn't responding.

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Routers / Switches :: Primary DNS Server Is Not Responding?

Jun 19, 2012

I got an internet from provider (which is LAN cable sticking from the wall) - and it works fine when I connect via LAN cable - when I write the IP Address, Subnet Mask, Default Gateway, and DNS servers on the LAN adapter and create a PPPoE connection with username and password. I want to do the same but wirelessly. I have an ASUS RT-N10 LX wi-fi router - and connected the cable from the provider to the WAN slot on the router. Then I have accessed the router from my laptop [URL] - and configured everything as it was on my laptop.

IP Adddress:
Default Gateway:

Wireless network works fine, the default gateway is pinging - but DNS servers are not accessible. As a result no internet connection available ( Moreover - when I want to ping the DNS (ping - I tries to get a response from other location

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Cannot Open Emails With Images - DNS Server Not Responding?

Feb 14, 2012

I get a lot of e-mails that have images, and when I try to open them I get the message, dns server not responding.

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Network Diagnose Test - DNS Server Isn't Responding

Jan 15, 2011

I have been having an issue with my system recently. When online I will be browsing and my connection will be knocked off. The vodafone page will come out showing connect and diagonise tabs. I did a computer network diagnostic check and it says: "DNS server isn't responding"

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Clear Atlas PXU1960 / DNS Server Isn't Responding

Oct 22, 2012

pages will randomly stop loading and I will find a warning symbol in my network panel. If I troubleshoot the problem, I will get the message "The DNS server isn't responding" and, if I click for more detail, "Your computer is trying to use a DNS server that is incorrect or doesn�t exist."The modem I am using is a Clear Atlas, model PXU1960. In case my laptop brand is needed, too, I am using a Toshiba.I have already checked Clear's files pertaining to an issue that some Windows 7 and Vista users experience, but the problem does not appear to be the same as the one described by their details. I can still get on the internet; it just stops working at random times.

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MySQL Server Instance Configuration Not Responding

Apr 30, 2012

I have done some searching, but I am unable to find a solution to this problem. I am wondering if there are any solutions that I was unable to find.

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Cisco VPN :: ACS 4.2 Authentication Server Not Responding / No Error?

Oct 25, 2011

I use PIX 8.0(4) and ACS 4.2 for VPN authentication. I got error as below even I'm able to ping to ACS server from PIX
RADIUS_SENT erver response timeout
ERROR: Authentication Server not responding: No error
I tested aaa command from PIX and check configure on ACS (key and IP address) include restart ACS. The output still timeout and not responding from server.
PIX config:
aaa-server AAA-VPN protocol radius
aaa-server AAA-VPN (MANAGEMENT) host
key xxxxxxx
 tunnel-group CGS-DR type remote-access
tunnel-group CGS-DR general-attributes
address-pool VPN-POOL
authentication-server-group AAA-VPN LOCAL
default-group-policy GR-CGS

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D-Link DIR-625 - DNS Server Not Responding Multiple Times A Day

Dec 28, 2012

For the last several months, but progressively worse, my internet drops due to the DNS Server not responding. This happens across my whole network and the only fix I can come up with is to reset the router every time it does this. At this point I am thinking a new router is in order (but do not have the money atm), I am using a D-Link DIR-625 V. C1 Firmware 3.08 router and a Motorola SB6120 modem. Is there another permanent fix for this problem is or my router on it's last legs? Would setting a new DNS Server on my router work?

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Dell :: XPS13 Windows 7 64 Bit DNS Server Not Responding

Jul 19, 2012

I purchased the Dell XPS13 yesterday and took it home. I turned on the wireless and had internet access for a few minutes. Then it stopped working and the network diagnostic msg was "DNS Server not responding". All my other electronic devices at home are still working. 

I took it back to the original computer store to get a technician to fix it. The internet worked in the store. However, after I took the laptop back home it only worked for the first few minutes and stopped working again.I've tried disabling the firewall. 

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DNS Server Isn't Responding - Wireless Icon Flashing Orange

Apr 13, 2012

My internet has been dropping out over and over. Im connected via ether cable on my desktop with windows seven to my belkin router however on the router the wireless icon is flashing orange indicating something wrong. I rang my internet provider and they said its not them, when I troubleshooted the problem it came up with DNS server isnt responding. I tried looking through posts and tried restoring my router to factory default but nothing has worked.

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Cisco / Linksys E2000 Router - DNS Server Not Responding?

May 22, 2012

My internet is hooked via cat6 ethernet cable to my Cisco/linksys E2000 Router.Sometimes the net works fine, and there are no problems. Other times, after 10 minutes or so after booting up, net pages stop loading. The small yellow exclamation mark appears, and every time I run the troubleshooter, the same info comes back to me - DNS server is not responding. Until I restart again the internet wont work, but on occasion things seems to fix themselves and continue working until I shut down.This problem never happened before i moved back home. In my previous apartment we had comcast cable and it ran without a hitch. Since I have been home this DNS problem has persisted, but only on my computer. I run the only windows PC in the house - my family is mac happyThings I have trie - I have tried "netsh winsock reset" in the command prompt, I have run virus and spyware scans several times over, Have reset the modem, router, and the Mac which hosts my 'home network'-come to think of it, I haven't tried reinstalling my LAN driver, but that seems insignificant b/c it has never once had problems.

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DNS Server Isn't Responding When Running Windows Network Diagnostic

Apr 18, 2013

I have "Xtreme" internet service with Time Warner Cable, and it isn't so Xtreme. The modem/wireles router is the Ubee DDW3611.I was doing some work earlier this morning, and the lawn mower guy was here in the back doing his thing. All of a sudden the internet goes out. I see that damn dreaded yellow exclamation mark in the taskbar superimposed over the wireless internet icon. My first thought was that the lawn dude ran over some wires.I went outside to see if any wires were exposed or had been damaged. I noticed about a yard of wire was exposed above ground, but did not appear to have any damage.Anyway, I've been trying for the past few hours to fix this darn thing (before the technician gets here around 4pm). I've tried all the simple stuff like reset the modem, restart, mess with dns settings, but I have no idea where to go after this.

Here is what I get when I go to cmd > ipconfig /all:

Microsoft Windows [Version 6.1.7601]
Copyright (c) 2009 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
C:Windowssystem32>ipconfig /all
Windows IP Configuration
Host Name . . . . . . . . . . . . : Xenfi_Javier
Primary Dns Suffix . . . . . . . :


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Linksys Wireless Router :: E4200v2 PPTP Server Not Responding

Jan 17, 2013

I setup my Windows 8 desktop for a PPTP VPN server so I can connect my iPhone 5 to it.Using the Cisco Connect Firmware, as I was having internet speed issues with the Smart Wi-Fi Firmware and I wasn't loving the interface of the Smart Wifi Firmware anyway.According to the router the firmware is up to date. All three VPN settings are enabled.PC is set to a static IP internally. to be precise.PPTP port forwarding (1723) is set to the PC's static IP, though I have tried without port forwarding and it didn't work either.If I have my iPhone connected to the wireless network and point it to the internal IP address of the PC, I can connect to the VPN.If I bypass my router and hook my desktop directly to the modem (and point my iPhone to the IP that gets assigned to my desktop from my ISP) I can connect to the VPN.But if I have everything hooked up normally and try to connect to the VPN from my iPhone (using the IP address my ISP assigned to the router), I get a PPTP server not responding error.

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