Linksys Wireless Router :: E4200 Set Up - DHCP Range

Mar 19, 2012

I have an e4200 set up and working on fios as a pppoe router properly with a dozen devices connected to it via dhcp.  The dhcp range i configured in the e4200 is 192.168.1 100 to start with, and a mask of 

All the dhcp devices connected to the router start with  My Dell Inspirion with Windows 7 has an ipv4 address of  I cannot figure out how it gets this address, even after I release and renew the address on the Dell.  

Everything is working fine so I guess there is something I just do not understand. 

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Linksys Wireless Router :: E4200 Changes IP Range Randomly

Oct 4, 2012

About a month ago, my E2000 Cisco Router stopped working, just after warranty expired (how awesome!) where as either WiFi worked or Wired but not both. I know Cisco will normally grant you a grace period (from experience) but sending it to the Czechs and pay for postage.. wait 4 weeks and then have internet again.. is not an option (did that last time)So this time.. I spend a bit more and bought the E4200. 4 weeks later, the IP changes from a 192 to a 17x .. pretty anoying when being abroad and needing to access the NAS since you do not know what IP it took.. I restored the config upon return.. and all seemed normal again and I left for the next trip. One day later (today).. again.. no connection.. wife has internet she says.. so again the same issue.. the **bleep** thing took another IP.

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Linksys Wireless Router :: Very Short Range For E4200

Apr 9, 2011

I bought an E4200 to replace an old buffalio Nfinity.  The range on the 2.4 and 5 GHz have both been extremely short -- shorter than the old Buffalo.  1 meter from the router, I get five bars on the laptop and 3 bars on ipad.  3 meters away with direct line of sight, the laptop dips to 4 bars.  Down the hallway about 4-5 meters away, the 2.4GHz is one 1 bar on laptop and ipad.  the 5GHz is gone.  This is two rooms away from the router in my apartment.  Isn't that a bit shocking in terms of performance?  A webcam that is two rooms away registers a 6% signal from the E4200.Does this sound like faulty hardware, e.g. bad antennae? I would think it is something about the build of my apartment building, but my old buffalo did MUCH better than the E4200.  two Ipad bars where the E4200 has one...and in very unstable condition.

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Linksys Wireless Router :: E4200 Range Extender Options?

Apr 10, 2012

I'm using the e4200 in a big old house with lots of walls, including rooms separated with brick.   Wiring access points would be difficult given the problem of pulling wires.  I do have lots of kids and devices connected including DirecTv, iphones, ipads, laptops, and PS3. Is there a range extender? Do I care if an extender only supports 2.4Mhz if I use the same SSID anyway?

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Linksys Wireless Router :: E4200 - Able To Get Through 5 Walls And 66FT Range?

Oct 30, 2011

Will an E4200 router solve my problem of getting through 5 walls and 66ft range?I have a signal strength of 5% only and I want to avoid using an RE1000 extender signal since they are incompatible with osx lion.

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Linksys Wireless Router :: E4200 / Max 15 Single Port Forwarding And Range?

Nov 3, 2011

At the E4200 there is a limit of (free to make) 15 Single port forwarding and 15 port range forwarding to fill in.I get as suggestion that I must give up a total range of ports where all the ports I use where in.But for security reasons I will not do that.

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Linksys Wireless Router :: E4200v2 DHCP - Make Manual Reservation Of IP Address Range?

Mar 26, 2013

E4200v2, firmware

Router says "Invalid IP address" when I try to make a manual IP address reservation of the IP address range.

Example: local network, where .1 is a router, .2 is a reservation, .20-.50 is a range for DHCP.

Before upgrade I didn't have this problem.

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Linksys Wireless Router :: E4200 - DHCP Reservation Not Showing Anything

Jun 9, 2011

When I'm in Setup -> Basic Setup -> click on DHCP Reservation, I don't see all entries I've created earlier but computers that connect still have the correct IP address on the network; I don't know if I can create additional entries if nothing appears
When I go to Status -> Local Network -> DHCP Client Table the list is blank but some computers are connected to the networkI'm using firmware 1.0.01 build 10  Feb 21, 2011, language = English, Firefox 4.0.1.Rebooting the router doesn't change anything, I can't see connected LAN equipment and DHCP Reservation is empty despite the fact I've created entries.Together with the "Access Restriction" which doesn't allow to block a computer from 10pm => 8am unless you create 2 rules + various issues with attached USB + 2.4Ghz signal that is far from optimal (never able to achieve more than 144-N-Mbps) and I ask myself if I will not contact the store where I purchased this unit and ask a refund (and buy something else from another brand...)

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Linksys Wireless Router :: DHCP Client In E4200 Becoming Unreliable

Mar 20, 2013

I have ten E4200 routers deployed in five library branches.  In recent months, the E4200's in two branches have occasionally gone into a state where they are not always providing an IP address to both wired and wireless devices.  Some devices will get an IP fine and others will not,  The problem seems to move and the next day the same device will connect fine and others will not.  A reset of the router usually clears the problem but it is becoming more frequent and bothersome.  For some reason only two locations are effected.
Some notes:
- Firmware version is 1.0.02 build 13

- When I set devices up with static IP's they work fine, so the problem seems to be related to the DHCP service

- The WAN side of the network tests fine with no issues

- I've had these routers deployed for over a year and this problem just started in the past two months

- Routers and AP's are on different channels to prevent interference

- No nearby WiFi signals appear to be casuing any interference

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Linksys Wireless Router :: E4200 1.0.03 DHCP Server Buggy?

Dec 4, 2011

The e4200 1.0.03 DHCP server appears to be quite buggy.  After configuring a static IP / reservation for a client which already had a dynamic IP from the pool, the e4200 continued to offer this client its pool IP. However, the DHCP client listing in the e4200 showed the client having the static IP even though it was still being offered that pool address.This may sound like user error, but I can assure you, it is not. I have had a very frustrating experience with this product, and rather than fool with tech support again, I ran `tcpdump -e -s1600 -n -vvvv -i eth0 port bootpc or port bootps` to absolutely rule out a mistake on my part, bug in the DHCP client, etc. I found that the client was always offered that old IP, even thought the e4200 status display showed the "new" static one, after doing a DHCPDISCOVER without requesting a specific IP. This condition persists across e4200 reboots even after having the client release its lease!I finally was able to resolve this by forcing the client to request the static IP from the e4200.This is unquestionably a bug in the DHCP server, and additionally, the user interface does not show the real state of the underlying DHCP leases held by clients which have static addresses / reservations. Troubleshooting this condition is well beyond the abilities of the average user.

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Linksys Wireless Router :: Get E4200 To Not Provide Itself As DNS Server To DHCP Clients?

Dec 27, 2012

Is there a way to get the E4200 to NOT provide itself as a dns server to the DHCP clients? I have the unit set up to provide two dns servers to the clients, but the 4200 always provides itself as a third and it uses my cable providers dns servers. I am using a dns based filtering service to prevent certain material from being accessed within my network as the first two resolvers. So long as both or one of the provided servers is working it doesn't fall back to the unfiltered third, but I would prefer to remove it entirely.

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Linksys Wireless Router :: E4200 DHCP Server Not Automatically Assigned

Jan 4, 2012

I just bought a Linksys E4200v2 router and updated the firmware to The DHCP server is turned on however, it won't issue any IP addresses. I have to set IP reservations for all of my devices in order for the router to give them an IP address. This includes my printer, xbox360 and 2 computers. I'm also having this problem with the wired and wireless lan.

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Linksys Wireless Router :: No DHCP Client Table Showing In E4200?

Oct 29, 2011

I just purchased an E4200 router.  I have four clients on my network and they are all set up for DHCP.  I renewed their IPs and they all are connected.  "Cisco Connect" reports that I have four clients connected.  When I access the router and bring up the DHCP Client Table, there are no entries.  There should be four entries.  Aftern I enable the logging function, none of the logs have any data in them even after I wait for 45 minutes and use the internet and renew IPs.   I am using Firmware Version: 1.0.03.  I have the same results for both Chrome and Firefox. I want to be able to set Static IPs but I am hampered by the not having any clients in the DHCP client table.

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Linksys Wireless Router :: E4200 - Static IP Lease From DHCP Server?

Jul 8, 2011

I just bought an e4200.  I was using a LinkSys WRT54GS running DD-WRT alternative firmware.
One feature that I really liked in DD-WRT was the ability to assign static IP leases from the DHCP server.  I liked having all of my devices running with a predictable, known IP address on my network.  I have a Home Theater PC, and various controller applications that run on iPhones, etc. - some pretty homebrewed.  Configuring the firewalls, etc. was much easier with IP address based controls.
Is there a way to achieve the same within the e4200's stock firmware?

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Linksys Wireless Router :: E4200 Dual Band Router Compatible With DHCP And VPN

Mar 18, 2012

Is the Linksys E4200 Dual Band Router compatible with DHCP and VPN?

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Linksys Wireless Router :: E4200 - Media Bridges Can't Show Up In DHCP Table

Jan 11, 2012

I have 2 Media Bridges, a Trendnet  TEW-640MB and TrendNet TEW-680MB.  Both are set as a Static IP on the devices and   In the DHCP table for my E4200 I don't see those.  I have no problem accessing them typing in those IP addresses but wondering why they don't show up in the table.Actually looking at it more closely, the devices hooked up that are active seem to show up.So I see the following below.  And where is list LAN but no name those seem to be devices connected to the media bridges.
 LAN192.168.1.128    LAN192.168.1.129   iPhoneWireless192.168.1.130 1  Wireless192.168.1.131    LAN192.168.1.135   

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Linksys Wireless Router :: E4200 Won't Give DHCP Address To Linux Boxes?

Sep 25, 2011

I've got threeLinux Boxes (running Centos 6).  They were all connected to my cheap WRT54GL--  DHCP worked every time.Absolutely no problems.  Both the LInux boxes and the WRT54GL had MTU set to manual, 1492.I replaced the WRTt54GL with the expensive E4200.  I set the new router's MTU to manual, 1492.  NONE of my Linux boxes ever receive a DHCP address.  I look at the logs, and they do DHCPDISCOVER, get DHCPNACK, try several different intervals, and then fail the interface and quit.ALL I did was unhook cables from the WRT54GL and plug into the E4200.  Yes, the WRT54GL was powered off.   NOTHING was changed in the Linux configs.  Yes, DHCP is enabled, address-range assigned, etc.  BTW--  one box is dual boot with Win7-- in Win7 (using the same card, obviously), DHCP works just fine.  But, Linux doesn't work.
I can give the boxes static IP's, and all is well.  Just can't get DHCP to work.  I evfen tried putting in DHCP reservations (via MAC assignments)  for the E4200-- still doesn't work. The new E4200 is on the 02 firmware (which I believe is cuurent). If I can't iron this simple task out, in a couple of days I'm taking the E4200 back, and getting a refund.  I'll stay with my old WRT54GL... it works.  Hate to give up on some of the new E4200 features, though.

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Linksys Wireless Router :: Cascading - WRT54GCv3 Doesn't Get IP Address From E4200 DHCP

May 21, 2011

I've tried to cascade two Linksys routers, but It hasn't worked for me. The first one (which has cable-modem connection) is the brand new E4200, and the second one is the old WRT54GCv3.[code] However, the WRT54GCv3 doesn't get the IP address from the E4200's DHCP. I've also tried to connect them directly (without the PLC), even specifing an static IP on the second router, but I got the same results.I've to state I don't want to change the first router IP/gateway parameters because I have a web and game home server working with an static IP and I don't want to put it offline temporarily because of readjusting network parameters.

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Linksys Wireless Router :: E4200 Disable Dhcp But Keep Guest Wifi Network

Mar 15, 2012

My router a E4200. the thing is i want to disable the dhcp services from the router, because there are allready a dhcp server in my network. but if i disable the dhcp will the Guest wifi functions still work?

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Linksys Wireless Router :: E4200 V2 - Can Parental Controls Work With DHCP Server

Mar 5, 2012

On my new E4200v2, after I tried to move beyond the disappointment of Cisco removing Internet Access Policy entirely, I decided to give the stripped down Parental Controls a try.
Sadly, I didn't have any luck doing what I needed to do... block my Tivo's from accessing Youtube.
I enabled Parental Controls, Added the Target Devices (my Tivo's did show up), and added "" as blocked site #1.  Saved.  Entered the parental password when prompted.  Even rebooted the router.
But Youtube wasn't blocked.  So I added to the target list a non-Tivo device (a Macbook) for a reality check, and rebooted the router again... still no luck.  Youtube still not blocked.
So then I started to wonder if their Parental Control depends somehow on the local DHCP server & Client list.  Because my E4200 has DHCP Server = OFF (I have always used a Windows Server for DHCP).
I tried to call Linksys support to get this working, but after 45 mins, including escalation to senior engineer, they really were pretty useless (no real familiariarity with my problem) then they disconnected my call!

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Linksys Wireless Router :: E4200 IPv6 Causes Win7 DHCP Client Crash?

Jun 9, 2012

When I enable IPv6 on my E4200, the Windows 7 DHCP client crashes. It also seems to crash the audio service, the event logger and a few other windows services.

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Linksys Wireless Router :: E4200 - Running In Bridge Mode /Automatic DHCP?

Dec 9, 2012

I am trying to determine the best way to setup my E4200 V2 so that it is “uplinked” correctly to a Comcast Dory Modem/router.  Currently we have the E4200 V2 router plugged into the Comcast Dory Modem/Router using a CAT6 cable from one of the Ethernet ports on the Comcast device to the WAN port on the E4200.  The E4200 is set to “Automatic Configuration - DHCP.”  
We are trying to do two things.  First better WIFI in the center of the house and for a TV located next to the Comcast device, and second, have all devices in this house see and access all other devices including the Samsung SmartTV, my son’s two systems upstairs, the 3 systems in the room with the E4200, and the one network printer.  In the room with the E4200 we have 3 computers and one network printer.  3 of those 4 devices support WIFI so we don’t have to use all 4 Ethernet ports on the E4200.     
I see others talking about running the CAT6 cable to an Ethernet port on the E4200 instead of the WAN port and setting it to “Bridge Mode.”  Right now the system appears to be working fine although we are sometimes experiencing brief dropped connections with the devices hardwired into the E4200. 
Should I be running the E4200 in “Bridge” mode or “Automatic DHCP” mode and which port on E4200 should the CAT6 from Comcast be plugged into?

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Linksys Wireless Router :: E4200 Getting DHCP Reservation To Work Properly With Windows 7 Machine

Jun 7, 2011

I have the e4200 and I am having trouble getting DHCP reservation to work properly with my Windows 7 machines. Perhaps there is a step that I am missing. Basically I go to the DHCP reservation setup page, select my machine and add it to the reservation table. Then I save the changes. As soon as I do this my computer goes offline. If I reboot my machine, it is still offline. I've tried the same procedure to reserve the IP address for my phone and it works fine so I wonder if the problem is with Win7.

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Linksys Wireless Router :: E4200 Is Leaking Public Side DHCP To Dumb IPOD DHC

Sep 11, 2012

I have an E4200 functioning with a new Comcast/XFinity cable modem on the public IP (Internet) port. That modem provides a DHCP address to the router (currently 50.129.x.x./ The problem is that this new setup is leaking COMCAST DHCP responses through the E4200 to my WiFi clients. Most of the clients (newer iPODs, laptops) are smart enough to behave correctly and use Wifi Protected Setup. This problem means that one older iPOD seems to be receiving the Comcast DHCP (as range) instead of E4200 Wifi DHCP range (as range). I imagine the most direct solution is to pull the public connection briefly and allow the iPOD to fetch a valid WiFi DHCP from the remaining DHCP server on board the E4200. HOWEVER, I'd like to configure the router to suppress all DHCP packets from the Comcast network - or otherwise make sure the WiFi clients only receive DHCP from the router and not the Comcast modem.

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Linksys Access Point :: WAP54G As Range Expander For E4200?

Jun 25, 2011

I have just bought a E4200 and updated to latest FW version 1.0.02-Build13 It works very well for me so far But in the repote part of my home, the signal is too weak :-(
I have a WAP54G (HW-rev-2), which I would like to use to expand my wireless range, but so far I have not been able to get a setup where I can see the wireless coverage expanded. I have placed the WAP54G inside the wireless coverage range of the E4200 with good signal level.
I have tried various setup combinations and searched articles, but so far I have not been able to get this working as expected..
Before I spend more hours on this or decide to dump the WAP54G, I would like to know if this setup is at all possible with these components, - and of course if there are any hints to get this working ?

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Unknown IP Address Range On Router DHCP Client List

Nov 19, 2011

I keep getting some additional IP addresses logging onto my home network that have an address outside what should be allowed by the router. The server is running at and is set to only allow clients from - so a total of 9 clients should be allowed on.The problem is that something keeps logging in with an address of or 3 etc. Sometimes more than one device at a time.I have assumed that it is some automated or virtual client as I'm pretty certain my network has not been breached. I have a 9 character password with a relatively random alphanumeric combination, although I haven't tried changing the password (I live in a share house with with a bunch of devices using wireless, so I haven't yet bothered). What I don't understand is how it has connected with the xx.xx.169.xx range at all. I have a Belkin 'Share' Wireless N Modem Router and at some stage there was a 'guest' network but that has since been disabled and I still am seeing the extra address. I have attached a screen shot of the DHCP client list on the router.The following is a list of devices that may be on the network at times, I'm thinking one of these may be responsible for the problem:

Windows Vista Desktop - Only LAN device
Epson wireless printer
Android HTC Desire Mobile Phone
Laptops running various Windows versions (XP, Vista and 7)

A few thoughts I had:

- the android phone is capable of running a wireless hotspot, may have to look into it to see if if has been operating as an access point into the Belkin router, but assumed this wouldn't bring up clients connected to the phone on the home router.

- The desktop has PS3 Media server installed to stream video to the PS3 over the network (not that I have ever managed to get it to work), however this is not ever open on the desktop.

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Cisco Switching/Routing :: 2500 To Show The DHCP Range Of Router

Jul 29, 2012

how can I show the DHCP-range of a router if I don't have privilege level? (not in enable-mode),I can do a "show ip dhcp pool" - this will show me the range which is configured with the network-command.But there are also some dhcp-exclude-addresses which I can't see.... (I did a test on a router with full privilege-access)I need this because I have a router with limited access from our provider.

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TP-Link ADSL2+ Wireless :: W8960n - Static IP Outside Dhcp Range

Feb 25, 2013

Region : Australia
Model : TD-W8960N
Hardware Version : V4
Firmware Version : TD-W8960N_V4_130205_Beta

I have an Optus Home Zone (mobile cell tower) that requires ports open.

123 UDP
500 UDP
4500 UDP

I have assigned the Home Zone a Static IP outside the DHCP range and set the above Ports on the NAT, Virtual servers to that IP address.

I have used nmap to scan the ports and it provides open/filtered status for all of them.

Here is the kicker for me, i use a DGN3500 netgear (which keeps dropping WiFi hence its replacement) and enter the ports and it works straight away. Un plug and put the Tp-Link and nothing.

I use Eset Smart Security, could that be the problem?

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Use A Linksys Wireless Router As A Range Expander?

Nov 29, 2011

Can I use a linksys wireless router as a range expander?

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Linksys Wireless Router :: EA4500 How To Increase Range

Apr 26, 2012

I just installed a new EA4500 and the range is terrible. How can I increase it?

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Linksys Wireless Router :: E3000 - Specifications On Range?

Apr 10, 2010

Any spec on the range of this router.  I bought it last night to replace my existing Linksys WRT300N and it appears it does not even come close to matching the WRT300N's signal range.  In fact, the new E3000 barely covers 1/2 the area my 300N did.
Network mode: Mixed
Channel Width: Auto (20Mhz or 40Mhz)
Channels: Auto DFS
I have the E3000 in the middle basement (same location at 300N) and i barely get a signal 1 floor above and 25 feet away.  In fact, I get no signal in my kitchen.

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Linksys Wireless Router :: Is It Possible To Extend Range Of WRT54GX V

Aug 6, 2012

I am trying to use the Netgear WNR 2000 V3's repeater function to wirelessly extend the range of a Linksys WRT54GX V.2. I have the SSID's and channels the same. I had the Netgear working great as an extender with my Apple Airport Extreme base station (equipped with WDS). As far as I know, the Linksys is not equipped with WDS.

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Linksys Wireless Router :: Using Old WRT54GS As A Range Extender?

May 1, 2012

I first want to say I "think" I might be posting in the wrong forums for this question, but because I'm not really sure what the proper terminology for this is, I thought it best to ask here.
I have recently upgraded my router for my home network from an old Linksys WRT54GS G router, to a new E2500 N router.  I have heard/read that it is possible to reconfiqure my old router to act as a range extender for my network but I am unclear how to do so.  I think this may be the same thing as an access point, but all the FAQ's I've found seem to have this work as a solo device, not as a device on existing network.  I have my e2500 setup with the modem in my study and broadcasting from there, and would like to use my old G router set up as a range extender to be located in the front living room area and picking up the network signal and rebroadcasting from there without a modem or computer attached. 

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