Wireless :: Connection Lag Spikes Every 5 To 10 Minutes?

Feb 5, 2012

I have a problem with my wireless connection. I recently installed Windows 7 Ultimate 32bit OS and bought a new NETGEAR genie router WNR2200. I am experiencing lag spikes in 1-2 second duration while playing games. These lag spikes freeze the game and send my ping sky high (ping 999ms). While browsing the interwebz I don't really notice the lag spikes because they are only a few seconds long.Changes I have made (PC):

Disabled Client for Microsoft Networks
Disabled ANOD Network Security Filter driver
Disabled QoS Packet Scheduler
Disabled File and Printer Sharing for Microsoft Networks


Mode: Up to 300MbpsAfter all these changes and tweaks I still get the exact same problem I started out with. The above changes were recommended by users of random forums to fix wireless lag spikes. Using a cat5 cable is not preferred (and perhaps not possible) as I am renting from random people and the router is on the other side of the house.

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WNR2200 - Wireless Lag Spikes Every 5-10 Minutes

Feb 6, 2012

I have a problem with my wireless connection. I recently installed Windows 7 Ultimate 32bit OS and bought a new NETGEAR genie router WNR2200. I am experiencing lag spikes in 1-2 second duration while playing games. These lag spikes freeze the game and send my ping sky high (ping 999ms). While browsing the interwebz I don't really notice the lag spikes because they are only a few seconds long.

Changes I have made (PC):
Disabled Client for Microsoft Networks
Disabled ANOD Network Security Filter driver
Disabled QoS Packet Scheduler


After all these changes and tweaks I still get the exact same problem I started out with. The above changes were recommended by users of random forums to fix wireless lag spikes. P.S. Using a cat5 cable is not preferred (and perhaps not possible) as I am renting from random people and the router is on the other side of the house.

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Wireless Internet Ping Spikes Up To 1k To 3k+ Every Couple Minutes?

Sep 28, 2012

my ping spikes to 1k+ all the time, making online games pretty much unplayable. Sometimes I'll lag up to 3k ms and by the time my ping is back to normal, the game is so behind it is messed up forever.I've looked online for days trying to find solutions, and trying all kinds of things. The problem started after i reinstalled windows xp (it actually started right after my power flickered after i reinstalled, but i think that may be coincidence. I'm not sure though.). I've reformatted since then, but the problem still persists.I think the problem might be WZC, but when I try stopping the program like other people have done, my wireless network disconnects pretty soon after. I've also tried just using the intel software, but that didn't work either. It was fine for a while last night after I changed to the intel software, but after maybe an hour or so it went back to lagging.I have Intel PROSet Wifi agn 5100 as my network card. I'm on a laptop. I also tried doing a ping test in command on my mom's laptop, and it never spiked like mine. Is my network card maybe just too old? I got the laptop almost 4 years ago.

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Wireless Connection - Huge Random Lag Spikes?

Apr 27, 2011

This has been a problem for quite a while now, jumping from Shaw to Telus,I have completely exhausted, and I have no idea what's wrong.I live in a household with another family, and we share internet connections, Telus Fiber Optik, as of now. Me and my brother both have our own computer and are connected via wireless adapter, and the other family has one laptop with wireless connection.

The problem would be that randomly, the internet would slow down considerably, with pings going insanely high, like over 9000ms (not joking).At first,I thought I was just too far away from the router.So I moved to a room directly under the router, and the internet was completely fine for around 1 week, then the random ping spikes started to happen again. Now, I've tried tweaking wireless settings, and checking to make sure its just not my wireless adapter, however my brother's adapter is new, but it has the same problem too, so I doubt its the adapters fault.

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Linksys Wireless Router :: WRT54G Receiving High Latency Spikes And Total Connection Loss

Mar 10, 2011

Product: Linksys Wireless-G Broadband Router WRT54G
Version: 6
Firmware: Has Been Updated

I am directly connected to my router. Lately, I have been receiving high latency spikes and total loss of internet. The problem must be related to my router, because when I connect to the internet through my modem I don't have this problem.

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Wireless Connection Stops After A Few Minutes Of Connection?

Jan 20, 2013

After connecting to the internet on my laptop, the internet connection will work great for 10 minutes or less than it slows down drastically or essentially not working at all. If I disconnect and reconnect it will work again but just for a short amount of time. The wireless connection works great on iPod, IPhone, and tablet. Downloaded Kaspersky Antivirus which said it fixed some viruses but internet got worse after that. Tried restoring the computer to factory settings and the internet stays connected for what seem a few minutes longer.

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Wireless Connection Stops Every 3 Minutes Or So?

Apr 3, 2013

I turn my laptop on, start browsing in the internet, etc. A few minutes later I can't do anything. Pages won't load, skype stops working. So I go to Wireless Connections, disconnect from the channel and connect again. After that the internet is back and working fine. Same thing happens a few minutes later. I'm assuming that the problem's with my laptop, because phone still has internet connection and before my desktop PC broke it was working OK (with wired connection). My wireless card (not sure how it's called) is Intel Centrino Wireless-N 2230.

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Wireless Connection Keeps Disconnecting After 30 Minutes

Apr 17, 2012

I have a Talk Talk Unlimited Internet connection in the UK.The modem they provided is D-link DSL 2780 N type ADSL+2 router.The wireless net connection is shared by 5 other people in my flat and as far as I am aware - their connections seem to be seamless..In my case - the speed of the wireless connection starts deteriorating after about 20 mins - i.e the pages start loading slower, and then a while later the pages don't load at all - but the signal strength and connection would be displayed as normal..When I try to disconnect and reconnect- Windows says it's unable to connect to the router..It runs some diagnostics and advices me to turn the router off and then on


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Netgear WNDR3700 And Motorola 6121 - Lag Spikes From Connection

Oct 31, 2012

I have Comcast cable and prior to a couple days ago, it has always been smooth @ 36mbps download and 5mbps upload. I have a Netgear WNDR3700 and Motorola 6121 connected to my PC via Ethernet cable. Up until a couple days ago, I've been getting lag spikes where my games would completely freeze for a good 2-3 seconds and resume, as if the entire connection dropped and reconnected. I did a speedtest and I was getting around 4mbps download and 1-2mbps upload with huge fluctuation in speed.

I called Comcast and they said they were seeing a "red" signal error from their end so they sent out a tech to my house. He came over, changed some cables outside because they were corroded and that's about all he did. I tested my connection while he was still there and I was again getting 36mbps download and 5mbps upload. It was a quick 1-2 test so everything seemed normal until I started to see lag in games again.

I am getting the same lag spikes, albeit it's not as bad as before but it's still pretty annoying. Using speedtests, I am still getting 36mbps download but the graphs show that there are inconsistencies where there would be sudden drops in speed and picks back up still to show 36mbps. These drops are what I assume are the lag spikes. The upload is also suffering now, dropping down to 2-3mbps and it takes the test about 20-30seconds to load the upload portion of the test. Even loading web pages, sometimes it locks up for a few seconds longer than it should, which is normally instantaneous.

I have tried connecting my PC directly to the modem to bypass the router and am still getting the same lag, probably a little LESS but still the lag is there. My router is has always been updated to the latest firmware.

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Laptop Wireless Connection Flicks On And Off For A Few Minutes

Sep 20, 2011

The wireless connection works perfectly fine nearly all the time - connection strength always says excellent. A couple of times a day, I'm in the middle of doing something online and find I've suddenly lost wireless connection. A couple of seconds later this is reflected in the network connection icon in the taskbar. A couple of seconds after that, I'm connected again. Several seconds later, it's off, then on, then off, then on.. until a few minutes has elapsed, when suddenly everything is back to normal and I have a solid connection again.I'm literally disconnected for a couple of seconds at a time, over a period of a few minutes, but enough for anything I'm working on (loading a page, downloading or uploading something) to cut out. And for a large majority of the day, it is perfectly stable.

The router is not losing connection to the internet (have checked the logs, and when it happens I normally plug in with a cable and have no problems). I've yet to be able to test whether the same thing happens to another computer connected to the same router at the same time. Our microwave used to interfere with wireless but it isn't being used here, unless it is a neighbour's - though that would cause things to slow down / hang for a little while, rather than flick on and off in such a predictable pattern.(Have also scanned for driver updates, but it says I have the latest version - Intel(R) WiFi Link 5100 AGN,

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Wireless Internet Connection Keeps Disconnecting Every 5 - 10 Minutes?

Feb 22, 2013

So, I'm connected to my router through wifi on my laptop and every 5-10 minutes I disconnect from my internet and I can't reconnect right away. I have to wait another 5-10 minutes for it to connect back. And I also can't connect the first time I start up my laptop. I need to wait 5 minutes before I can connect.

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Dell D630 Wireless Connection Keeps Going Off After 10 To 15 Minutes?

Feb 9, 2012

I have a Dell Latitude D630 that connects to the wireless network but goes off after 10 to 15 minutes. I have to restart the notebook for the wireless to pick up again.

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Wireless :: Internet Connection Suddenly Stops For About 30 Minutes Of Using It?

Apr 29, 2013

My internet connection suddenly stops for about 30 minutes of using it. I need to restart so that I can connect again.

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Linksys Wireless Router :: E2000 Lost Connection After 10 Minutes

May 5, 2012

I switch on router and connect my iPad on router linksys cisco e2000. During 10 minutes, There is no problem. After 10 minutes, I have always the connection with my router but no internet. To Avoid this problem, i restart the router with switch and after, no problem. Do you have any ideas to avoid this lost connection after 10 minutes when I switch on my router.

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Linksys Wireless Adapters :: WUSB600N Connection Lost After A Few Minutes?

Oct 1, 2010

I have the problem that my WUSB600N loses the connection to the internet after a few minutes. I boot the system and the wireless stick run impeccable. After a few minutes the windows 7 network icon show me a yellow exclamation mark and no more internet access is possible. When I unplug the WUSB600N from the system und plug it on again the internet connection is possible again and run then over houres without a problem.

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Keep Losing Connection Every Few Minutes

Sep 24, 2011

What could b the issue with my internet connection i keep losing the connection every few minutes if im idol on sites not games related i stay connected when i go onto games i start losing the connection. [code]

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Keep Losing Connection Every 15 Minutes?

May 1, 2012

For the past 2 weeks i have been losing internet connection on my pc, ps3, laptops and phones every 15min and i have no clue what to do. It has never done anything like this.

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Internet Connection Will Cut Out Every 5-10 Minutes?

Sep 5, 2012

My internet connection will cut out every 5-10 minutes. Sometimes it will stay on but MOST of the time it cuts out every 5-10 min. other times my ping will jump to over 2000 or stay around 200 for no reason. It has gotten to the point of where I can not play any online games anymore, and there is no possibility of a wired connection.6-8 months ago we has slow internet speed and Comcast told us it was not their fault it was our router, and that routers go bad every year or 2, so we got a new one. My connections to the old router used to be 3-4 bars and with the new one it is 1-2. Ok so the big issues was it started getting bad where my connection would randomly cut out. I thought it was my wireless network adapter because it was old. I was constantly unplugging it and plugging it back in or releasing and renewing my ip every 5-10 minutes sometimes more often. Let me define cutting out, sometimes it would be everything, but most times it would be just one application like website or just the game I was playing but not steam chat.

So I got a new wireless adapter and we hooked back up the old router to find out Comcast had lied to us and our speed was fine on the old router ... in fact out connection was better. but still the problem remains.. random cutting out of internet completely and random huge lag spikes.... it is less frequent but still every 10-20 min something goes wrong. I have tried changing the routers channel, updating both routers. I tried setting myself up a static ip but it would not give me internet connection if I did... idk if i had the DNS wrong or something. Anyways I am at my wits end and about damn ready to try ANYTHING to make this work again. It did before so I know it can work! I will try anything and post any reportsSometimes I might be slow to respond because I have to try things out for a little bit to see if they worked.

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Internet Connection Get Disconnected Every Few Minutes?

Jul 10, 2012

I have brought a broadband connection from a local ISP called YouBroadband. (I am from India, if you are wondering.) For the first month of my plan, I was having internet connection without any issues. But since 2nd month, I am experiencing a very strange problem. When I turn on my PC and connect to internet by entering my password, I do so without any problem. But after a few mnutes of connectivity, I loose my connection. Even stranger is the fact my Windows 7 Ultimate edition does not recognise this. It still shows connected sign in the notification area. But I am not able browse any more using any browser. to solve the problem, I start network troubleshooting, which in a few seconds shows, resetting 'Local Area Connection 2' and then I am able to log in again. At times this solution also doesn't work. All i can do at that time is shut down my PC, wait a few minutes and restart again. To my extreme dismay, this keeps happening over and over again. I connect, get disconnected, reconnect and again disconnect. This is terribly disturbing and annoying.

I have searched on Google with no success. I tried changing DNS server settings and put Google open DNS address as my preferred DNS server but that didn't solve the problem too.( I received this tip from a friend of mine.) Here's what I get when I type ipconfig/all in Command prompt-Windows IP Configuration[CODE]

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Internet Connection Freezes Every 1 To 2 Minutes

Sep 24, 2012

I am on a home LAN with a high speed broadband connection, Apple TimeCapsule router, and Windows 7 laptop. Starting this morning every 1-2 minutes my Internet connection stops working. I can not load webpages, send email, etc. A yellow triangle with an exclamation point appears over the WiFi icon on the taskbar. When my Internet connection stops I can disconnect from the wireless then reconnect. That will work for another 1-2 minutes only.

I do not recall doing anything that could have caused this (obviously something caused it, but I have not been screwing with drivers or anything and it has worked fine since I bought this computer 2 months ago from Dell). I have read several threads from where people had this problem in the past, but to no avail. For instance some people had multiple firewalls in conflict with one another or needed to renew their DHCP lease, but that is not true in my case.

Here are steps that I have taken to repair the problem, but with no luck:

- Restart the computer fully, many times
- Renew the DHCP lease
- Run the troubleshooter
- Changed my DNS servers from the ISP's to Google's
- Uninstalled all OpenVPN software
- Removed the stored WiFi network data from Windows then reconnect
- Verified that only 1 firewall is installed
- Tried it with the ethernet, which works
- Tried other computers on the WLAN, which works
- Ran anti-virus and anti-malware scans (no infection)

I do have a VirtualBox installation, but I have not run it in weeks. Even when I was connected for that 1-2 minute period I was unable to connect to my work OpenVPN, which is what led me to try uninstalling the VPN software, but that doesn't seem to be related.

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Periodic 30 Minutes Connection Loss

Jul 27, 2012

For the past day or so I have been having problems with my internet connection to my PC. It has been working fine for a few hours, then it suddenly goes down for up to 30 minutes, with sporadic (lasting about 30 seconds) reconnection during that 30 minute period.I am pretty certain this is a computer related issue (as opposed to a problem with the modem), as none of the other computers in the household. (Ihave been affected, and neither has the wifi (I have browsed on my phone while the internet on my computer was down, in fact am currently writing this post on the wifi while my computer has no access)My computers specs (Taken from the sys info program when I regained connection for a short while) [code] Steps I have already taken in an attempt to solve this problem

1. Reset modem (turned it off and back on again)
2. Ran most of a virus scan in both macafee and avg (they both got to about 85% and by that point were just scanning steam stuff
3. Talked to a verizon tech, confirmed it is most likely not a modem problem (he didnt know what the problem was however)
4. Changed out the ethernet cable, the new one works no better than the original

Additional note: Earlier today (after these problems had begun) I was downloading the latest version of hamachi from a site soft32.com when I recieved a trojan warning from macafee. I immediatly stopped the download, restarted my computer and began scanning with both AVG and Macafee, neither found anything of note (AVG found something it labeled a hidden directly, I looked it up and it seems harmless)

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Ipad Is Losing Connection Every 15 Minutes?

Feb 14, 2013

We have a newer linksys router supporting 4 laptops, 2 desktops, 3 iphones, an ipad, an apple tv (also a smart tv, two wifi blu-ray players, but I'm less concerned about those devices). Everything is relatively new (1-2 years old). Most everything is turned on during the day but only a few things may be in use at a time.Many of my devices are loosing connection multiple times per day, my ipad is losing connection every 15 minutes, my apple tv takes a lot of finagling to connect (my level of tech expertise is basically me power cycling everything and prayer). Once my laptops get online, they tend to stick. It seems my apple devices lose signal more frequently.I've updated the firmware on the router and played with wideband settings and channel selection and haven't noticed much difference. I do see a lot of other wifi signals around me. The constant disconnecting has been going on for a couple of months. We have Comcast/Xfinity as our cable provider on 20/MB internet.

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Internet Connection Drops Out Every 10 Minutes?

Jan 15, 2011

Just starting a couple of days ago my internet started dropping about every 10-20 minutes. The problem is only with this computer. I have a laptop right next to me and it works fine no problem and two other PCs that don't have any issues so I don't think it is the router. I have scanned my computer with different antivirus software and it's clean. The computer is always connected with a full 5 bars and says it has internet access but sometimes it drops and in order to get it up and running again I unplug the wireless adapter and plug it in again. At first I thought it might have been the adapter so I swapped it out for a new one and I'm still having the same problems. My wireless is unencrypted. This keeps happening over and over again and I am stumped on what to do.

equipment: WRT54G linksys router
belkin surf and share n300 adapter
linksys ae1000 adapter
windows 7

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Internet Connection Shuts Down After 10-15 Minutes

Aug 27, 2011

Every time I boot my computer, the internet is working fine and shows no signs of anything wrong, but after loading so much (several minutes of a YouTube video, or just idle data coming in from other sites I'm on) it just comes to a halt and nothing can get through. At first, I thought that this was my school's internet being bad since I had just moved back into the dorms today. The problem with that is that I seem to be the only one having a problem like this. After so much time, depending on how much bandwidth I'm using (I think, this is just based on observation), it just drops the internet completely and won't start again until I reboot.What I've found so far is that I can't seem to get an IP address after the service stops, but I don't know how I could connect that to anything.

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Delayed Connection To Network For 15 Minutes?

Jan 13, 2013

I recently reinstalled windows so as my pc was on service (one of rams was gone down) , but it is not the issue. My network connection is delayed, sometimes 5 minutes, this time 15.I found 2 types of errors in event log, I will add them at end of post .

So the problem - my computer acces network really slow. I am musing Modem what is connected with PC by my Ethernet cable and on pc I am using Local Area connection.Computer simply say that cable is unplugged while it is pluged in ( It works perfect with same modem and cable onmy laptop, I even tried different cable - no refult).Icon all the time have red cross, sometimes disabling/enabling network adapter fixes i, but nit today, then after some time it turns on in normal speed - several seconds blue circle spinning around and then connects.

But there is huge delay.Usually if he turn in it stay like thus, but sometimes it disconnects after some time ( after hour, maybe less or more ).I recendly find out one more thing, if I have my net fully working on my laptop and I plug off cable from laptop and blug in into my stacionary PC it connects pretty fast, i may be nothing, but sometimes it is only way.When trying connect it drops these 2 errors, sometimes several times : The driver DriverRTL8167 failed to load for the device


Your computer was not assigned an address from the network (by the DHCP Server) for the Network Card with network address 0x001FD08E0204.

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Dropped Internet Connection After 5-10 Minutes?

Feb 23, 2011

I have a Dell Latitude d810 laptop that has XP Professional and an Intel PRO/Wireless 2200BG driver. It has been working fine for nearly 3 years. Recently I changed it from a domain to a workgroup and now the internet connection drops after about 5 - 10 minutes.When I say "drops", I am referring to the browser can no longer display the webpage. The internet connection still shows to be "Excellent". I even tried pinging www.google.com and it can still ping the website but the browser just stops working. I have tried Firefox and IE.I updated the DNS to use the default primary DNS suffix. The only way to get the browser to re-establish a connection is by rebooting the laptop.[CODE]

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Internet Connection Keeps Disconnecting Every 5 Minutes?

Dec 16, 2012

So my internet connection keeps disconnecting every 5 or so minutes, then i reset the router and about an hour later it disconnects again. I'd say it would be a problem with the router, but everyone else's computers never disconnect, just mine. The only difference is that they all have macs and I have an Acer. I just got this computer and it was fine for about a month, but then about 2-3 weeks ago this started happening.

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Lose Wifi Connection After Exactly 10 Minutes

Nov 3, 2011

I have a very well updated Laptop running XP well patched with IE7.I have run all the malware scans and there is nothing wrong on the PC.After exactly 10 minutes of the PC being on, wireless internet connection is lost, BUT:Signal Strength states "Excellent" I can't access any website at all on the web. (Except for "Facebook" for some odd reason?) I can't access it after the 10 minute mark but if I'm already on it, I can navigate thru it's site without being disconnected, don't ask me why I have tried the following:

- Dynamic and Static IP setting
- Turned on and off windows firewall and rebooted each time
- Ran all kinds of malware detection and virus scans
- Disabled power management on network card
- I've tried different PCs on the same network and they're fine
- Tried ipconfig release and renew
- Tried repair connection
- Tried netsh reset
- Tried FireFox and other browers
- Logging off and back in doesn't work, must restart the computer to get another 10 minutes

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Network Connection Disconnects Every 30-45 Minutes

Aug 11, 2011

My net connection is disconnecting every 30-45mins and this has been going on now for the past three weeks since I built my new PC.Here's what I've done to try to rectify this:

* Uninstalled/reinstalled Windows 7 (64-bit)
* Called ISP (AOL), whose first and second-line tech support ran tests and couldn't find any problems with the line.
* Changed the router (from a D-Link DSL2640-R to a Huawei EchoLife HG521 - both provided by ISP).
* Replaced the Ethernet cable that connects the router to my PC.
* Replaced the Rj11 cable that connects my router to the DSL filter.
* Replaced both DSL filters in my house (I have two phones at seperate locations in my house).
* Removed the bell wire from my telephone sockets. Whilst this didn't fix the disconection problem, it has increased my download speed from 130kbps to over 300kbps.
* Uninstalled the ethernet network adapter and then installed the most up-to-date network adapter driver available.
* Tried a couple of programs to optimize both my network and my PC to no avail.
* Changed my Anti-virus software from AVG to Avast, but again, there's no fix. [code]

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D-Link DIR-615 :: VPN Connection Drops After 12 Minutes

Jul 16, 2010

I have a DIR-615, hardware version: C1, firmware version 3.12NA and my issue is that it keeps dropping my VPN connection after 12 minutes.  Sometimes it'll go longer than 12 minutes but on average right at 12 minutes of my connection, it drops.  This happens whether I'm using the wireless or hard wired to the router.  As a test, I ran a continuous ping on a computer on my internal network and also to a computer on my corporate network.  When I'm VPN'd in, both pings are successful.  Once the router kills my VPN session, the pings to my internal network are successful.  So the router isn't rebooting or anything like that.  My VPN session will automatically reconnect, but I'm stumped.

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RTN66U About Every 5 Minutes Or So It Seems I Lose Connection

Jan 3, 2013

So i setup an Asus RTN66U router with an HP 1800 24 port switch. Ive got 2 PC's,xbox,cablebox, and wii(wireless).about every 5 minutes or so, it seems I lose connection. Its very apparant when I play BF3 cause it will close the game and say connection with server timed out.My question is how should I troubleshoot this. How do i pinpoint router, switch, or modem or something im missing.

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Internet Connection Dropping And Reconnecting Every Few Minutes?

Feb 18, 2011

We recently moved in with some family, and we brought with us a Belkin N wireless Router. I set it up to their existing internet modem (I'm not sure what type it is or anything, I just know that the ISP is Optus) about halfway through January.

It's been working fine until Friday. Since setting it up, both my brother and I have (at different times) been playing Star Wars Battlefront II online. On Thursday night I was playing online fine, with no lag or anything (with a ping of about 138), however, ever since Friday it has been lagging non-stop. I have the same ping so I thought it must have been because we've gone over the limit for the month and the internet slows down.

However, every few mintutes (1 or 2 normally) the connection between my laptop and the network drops, and then within another few minutes connects again. I am running Windows Vista Business. My brothers laptop has the same problem, and he has Vista Home installed.

At first I thought it was a problem with the router, so I updated the firmware and restored the factory defaults, but the problem remains. When I get onto a website (if I'm lucky enough for the connection to stay) it normally loads pretty fast, so I dunno if we've gone over the limit or not (and I don't know the password to check).

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Internet Connection Dropping Every Couple Of Minutes

May 7, 2011

I just have recently been experiencing some dropping off the internet.. My phone company has been out here and has done tests, and changed out my wireless modem with a new one, switched me to a new high speed port.. cleaned up the cables outside my house.. installed a new jack.. and we have yet to solve this intermittent dropping and reconnecting... I am starting to wonder, if not anything else with my outside line.. is there something else causing the problem. I switched my channel from 11 to 9.. *my neighbor is on channel 11* thought maybe his was interfering with mine .I am using WPA, I have disabled the power adapter from "saving power" in the adapter settings..

When the internet does drop off the DSL light on the modem goes out, and then comes back on..its not blinking off and on, just off.. then waits.. then reconnects to the net, it's almost like it's refreshing or something every couple of minutes.The modem is a Siemens Speedstream 6520

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