Linksys Wireless Router :: Wrt110 - Laptop Don't Use Wifi

Dec 9, 2011

i have problem with wi-fi network and WRT 110. Seems to me that router only accepts 1 device. I used to have only 1 device (laptop) using wi-fi and desktop connected with ethernet as a second device. It worked just fine. Recently I added 2 wireless devices : apple tv and ipad 2. I can access wireless network only with one of them being “on” at the time (e.g. apple tv works when ipad and laptop don't use wi-fi. As soon as I connect another device router stops working (i'm loosing connection for wi-fi and ethernet) and I don't have internet access until I reboot router. (it happened only once for short period of time – about 40 min.- that I was able to connect to wi-fi with 2 devices. After that it never happened again). I'm not sure if I need newer router or I can still make it work with wrt 110.

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Linksys Wireless Router :: Laptop Won't Connect To WRT110?

Feb 1, 2011

I have a WRT110 wireless router. My problem is that my laptop has issues connecting to my router. It sees it and shows that there is a strong signal but sometime it will connect other times not. My laptop has no problem connecting to other wirelss routers. And my other devices have no problem connecting to our router. I've reset the router several times and changed the router to no password or security of any sorts. How can I get my Laptop to connect to my router?? I feel like it is a setting issue between the Router and the laptop. Is there a way I can erase the history of the router from the laptop and start fresh?? Like I've said I have reset the router several times. Does it have to do with my firewall?? It's just frustrating that my laptop can connect to anything but this Router. And my other devices like our blue-ray and Wii can connect to the router without problems so why can't my laptop and router connect to each other?

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Linksys Wireless Router :: Can't Connect Second Laptop To WRT110

Sep 23, 2011

I have a WRT110 router connected to my desktop computer.  The router works great for the desktop and one laptop, but if I try to connect a second laptop it disconnects the first one.

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Linksys Wireless Router :: WRT110 Could Not Get The Internet

Apr 1, 2012

The unit seems to be Ok, but it's not. Power light is solid blue, Internet light is flashing blue when connected to cable modem, when wireless is on wireless light flashes blue, when ethernet cable is connected the correct 1-4 blue light flashes.The unit issues IP addresses wirelessly with or without security, and on ethernet, but with no Internet access.I can log on to the router and have upgraded firmware to 1.0.07. Tried reset button a number of times, makes no difference.When logged in to the router and looking at the Status screen, it shows no IP address, no Subnet Mask, no Default Gateway, no DNS, thus I can't get on the Internet. Connection type is Auto Config - DCHP. It does show the correct domain name as other wireless routers show.

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Linksys Wireless Router :: Can't See WRT110 Via Ethernet

Jun 21, 2012

Tried everything I could find on the boards (hard reset for 30 seconds, cycling power).  The power light's the only one that's coming on and I can't tell if it's on continuously or just blinking really fast.  
No problem with direct connection to the modem via ethernet, but I can't see the WRT110 via ethernet or wireless. It just suddenly stopped working yesterday.

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Linksys Wireless Router :: WRT110 Won't Update To New Firmware Ver.1.0.05

Mar 17, 2009

I am trying to update my WRT110 which has 1.0.04 firmware on it right now but when i try to update it toVer.1.0.05  all i get is this message.... i dont know what to do i never had a problem updating my older router's befor i had this one this is the first time im updating this one  i tryed updating it on IE 8 RC1 & also Safari 4  but i get the same message . I've also tryed saving the firmware file in it's own folder still no luck try updating on my xp desktop & my laptop with vista with same message? is it a problem with linksys with the file on there website maybe?

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Linksys Wireless Router :: WRT110 Not Assigning IPs Properly

Jul 2, 2011

The WRT110 is hooked up to Cable through Comcast and works fine with LAN connections. The problem comes in with more than one wireless laptop tries to connect. First, it was loaded with 1.0.4 firmware and my girlfriend's XP laptop would connect but drop the connection a lot. My Windows 7 laptop wouldn't connect at all. After trying everything someone recommended upgrading the firmware to 1.0.7. Well, now my Windows 7 laptop connects but the XP laptop will not. The DHCP won't assign it an IP, although it says it's connected.

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Linksys Wireless Router :: Random Disconnects With WRT110?

Jul 28, 2011

I see that many people have the same problem, random disconnects. I am a long term sufferer from this. I have called support before they can't fix it. and being knowledgeable with routers has not worked at all. I turned off every wireless device in the house, even the microwave it still happens. I change the channel countless times it still happens.

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Linksys Wireless Router :: WRT110 Firmware Upgrade?

Jul 27, 2008

I have a WRT110 wireless router which disconnects suddenly and continuously. In addition, its performance is really poor. The current firmware installed is 1.0.03. I found a new firmware for this model ( but when I try to install it, I choose the .bin file downloaded from Linksys TechSupp website, click on the "Start Upgrade" button, but I always get the following message "Please designate the path to the firmware".

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Linksys Wireless Router :: Can't Access Setup On WRT110

Feb 1, 2012

When I type the routers IP address in teh browser window, nothing happens so I cannot access the router setup.  I have a WRT110. What am I missing. I was able to do that when I first setup the router.

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Linksys Wireless Router :: WRT110 Connections Still Being Dropped

Jun 13, 2008

I have a WRT110 router (firmware v. 1.0.04) and a PC and an XBox 360 connected to it (both via cable). Every 15-20 minutes the connection is dropped for appr. 1-2 minutes. I tried modifying several router settings, but the connections are still being dropped

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Linksys Wireless Router :: WRT110 Won't Let Connections Through Internet

Jul 2, 2011

I have a WRT110 that let's a wired connection through to the internet but none of the wireless connections. I'm connect to a new Motorola DSL modem provided by AT&T. (Lightening killed the last one) My wireless stuff can talk to each other but can't access the internet.

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Linksys Wireless Router :: WRT110 Keeps Redirecting Link?

Mar 17, 2012

I'm trying to upload some images for my job but everytime I hit the up load link to get the image loader I get a redirect to [URL]
What does this mean? I know its a router thing because I tried getting the image loader by using the computer directly from the modem and I didn't run into the issue. Do I have to open a port or something cause all I know is the router is on security lock down.

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Linksys Wireless Router :: WRT110 Ethernet Works But No Wi-Fi?

Dec 30, 2012

Mac airport shows full bars in network connnection and green connected dot, but no access to internet.  Ethernet connection works fine.  I also couldnt connect with my Iphone. 
I have Charter cable with Motorolla SB6121 modem.  I've reset the modem, rebooted everything, cloned my ip address, all several times .......but still no go.
Linksys says they don't support this router anymore accept for a pay for support service, which I would like to avoid. 

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Linksys Wireless Router :: Wrt110 Didn't Have Password On It For A While

Jan 23, 2013

I have a Linksys wrt110, and we didnt have a password on it for a while, i went and changed it so we had a password,now i have put a password on it, and now it wont let me connect any device to the internet, checked iphone and mac, nothing will work.

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Linksys WRT110 Router / HP G60 Causes Wireless And Wired Network To Crash

Jun 6, 2012

My brother has an HP G60 from 2009 with windows 7 home premium and 64 bit operating system. Whenever he turns it on and connects it to the internet, the whole network crashes. My xbox, ipod, laptop, and the main desktop (Which we also just changed to a Dell one.)downstairs all cannot connect to the internet. This lasts from anywhere between 2 and 15 minutes and it continues to crash the internet in about 15 minute intervals as long as his computer is connected to the internet. No other devices in the house cause this as I can have all of my stuff connected and nothing happens. We have a Linksys WRT110 router but I don't think that or the modem is the problem as we have changed both multiple times. This has been happening for about a year ever since my oldest brother gave my brother the laptop.

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Linksys Wireless Router :: WRT110 Says Connected But Cannot Access Internet

Oct 22, 2011

I have a hardwired HP computer with no problem connecting.  The remainder of my wireless devices will not access internet.  No problem until about 3 weeks ago then all of a sudden it stopped.  All wireless devices detect the router/network, but will not allow access to the internet.

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Linksys Wireless Router :: WRT110 - Internet Connection Dropping?

Feb 4, 2012

Set up: Router: WRT110 1 computer connected via ethernet cable 1 computer using a wireless nic card from cisco
The problem is thus: if the first computer is actively using the internet (even activities as mundane as browsing one's email) the computer connected wirelessly will lose its connection to the internet yet maintain its connection to the router. Both can be actively using the internet, but the wireless will seemingly at random drop internet access (usually in 30-120 minute intervals).
The computer connected via the ethernet cable was unplugged for a week and during that time the wirelessly connected computer was used extensively and did not lose connection once.
I don't understand how to even frame this problem in a concise manner, much less seek information as to how to resolve it. It's seemingly giving all priority to the computer connected via ethernet but I that's just intution speaking.

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Linksys Wireless Router :: Setting Date And Time On WRT110?

Aug 28, 2008

Setting date and time on WRT110

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Linksys Wireless Router :: WRT110 - Access Restriction Bugs

Jul 23, 2009

we upgraded our router from WRT54G V5.0 to WRT110. before we dont have any issues using the ACCESS RESTRICTION from WRT54G but now on WRT110 we encounter a GLOBAL BUG. we are blocking the website like Youtube, Friendster, Facebook etc. on the EDIT LIST TAB we specify 4 IP Address that will not going to access the said websites.  The problem is...all Computers (about 15 PC) that are using the Internet cannot access the said website also but we did not enter the other IP's.

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Linksys Wireless Router :: WRT110 Suddenly Stopped Working?

Oct 17, 2010

A couple days ago I noticed that my wireless internet connection on my iPhone would cut in and out, then stopped all together. I also had no connection on my mac which is wired to the WRT110. I bypassed the WRT110 and then I had a connection on my Mac meaning the WRT110 is the problem. I haven't changed or added anything lately that could've caused this....

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Linksys Wireless Router :: Mac Airport Not Accepting Signal From WRT110

Jul 22, 2011

Was online the other night when my network suddenly dropped out on me. I assumed it was the router, not my computer, so I restarted it and got nothing. Same with my modem. Then I completely reset the router and, obviously, lost the network I had set up. Didn't realize until today, when I downloaded the setup instructions and reinstalled the router with a new network that the problem might actually be with my computer. I can use the ethernet port to access the web both with the direct line from the modem and when using a line through my router, I just can't get my computer to work on the network I set up. I know the network is valid because it works with my smart phone and a couple of other devices. On my Mac, it shows up in the list of available networks and has full signal strength. Diagnostics in network preferences gives me the following message: "AirPort has a self-assigned IP address and may not be able to connect to the Internet."

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Linksys Wireless Router :: WRT110 - Continually Have To Repair Connection?

Jun 23, 2012

Using WRT110 router, running XP, SP3 on both laptops, one a Dell and one an old Toshiba. Never any problem with the Dell (and Gateway before that), nor the iPad, Acer notebook, etc. However, the Toshiba keeps losing the connection to Internet (even though the icon says the connection is excellent). DH has to continually Repair in order to connect. I even reformatted the Toshiba, thinking it was something in the Registry. Now that it is back up and running (and all programs updated), it STILL periodically has to be repaired in order to connect.

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Linksys Wireless Router :: WRT110 Dropping Connection To Internet

Feb 28, 2012

Set up:Router: WRT11.1 computer connected via ethernet cable.1 computer using a wireless nic card from cisco.The problem is thus: if the first computer is actively using the internet (even activities as mundane as browsing one's email) the computer connected wirelessly will lose its connection to the internet yet maintain its connection to the router. Both can be actively using the internet, but the wireless will seemingly at random drop internet access (usually in 30-120 minute intervals).The computer connected via the ethernet cable was unplugged for a week and during that time the wirelessly connected computer was used extensively and did not lose connection once.

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Linksys Wireless Router :: WRT110 - Way To Access Restriction Anytime?

Dec 9, 2011

I have a WRT110 and in the access restriction settings  section the time is in military.  I try to set the restriction from 11:30 pm to 6:00 am.  I cannot because it tells me the second time "6:00 am"  has to be larger than the first.  I don't understand a way around this. 

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Linksys Wireless Router :: Wrt110 Loss Of Wired Network When Powered On?

Nov 9, 2011

My wrt110 firmware .05 has been working fine until now. I have a couple of phones, 2 printers, 3 laptops and a wii happily connecting to it. However now when I power on the wireless device, nothing can connect wirelessly. Wired connection is fine, but my wireless network disappears. No device can find the network, although it is there and set up on the admin pages. I pull the power chord out for 30 seconds and try again to get it going again, a bit like trying to start a car. Everntually devices find the network.
On two occasions it has forgotten the wireless settings and restored an open 'linksys' network. It's really infuriating becuase whilst I restore the SSID and use the same key, not all the devices actually recognise it and have to be reconfigured on the devices.

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Linksys Wireless Router :: Wrt110 - Can't Find Internet Connection Anymore

Sep 7, 2010

can't find my internet connection anymore.  I have the wrt110.  when I click the little computer in the corner on my computer to see where I'm connected my connection isn't there and I have to log onto someone elses unsecured network

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Linksys Wireless Router :: WRT110 / Vizio Smart TV - DCHP Connection Not Available

May 15, 2013

I have a WRT110 and a Vizio smart TV - just changed internet providers to NuLink to get a Mbps line - previously had AT&T DSL 1.5 - when tech power cycled router every laptop and smartphone in the house connected with no issue - TV did not connect (it was on during time tech was doing install) - attempted to connect with password, failed to connect multiple times - sometimes message 'DCHP connection not available' message was displayed - called Vizio, 1 hour and 9 minutes of troubleshooting with no success, according to Vizio tech all settings on TV good recommended I contact Lynksys and ask them to ' check 2 ports - port 80 and port 446' - also advise 'connection is autopopulating to 101' - I believe he was referring to the IP address request - router set to WPA2 personal - note that when I first got TV 3 months ago I was able to connect to router no problem, but I do not know if TV had connection the day we switched internet providers.  I do have 2 fixed IP addresses entered an one of them ends in '101' - I do not know if that is significant or not.  The main reason for the internet switch was to get the TV online, disappointed that I could not get it done. 

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Linksys Wireless Router :: WRT110 Not Connecting Wirelessly To Sony BDV-E570?

Sep 11, 2011

I just hooked up my new Sony BDV-E570 Blu-ray home theater in a box.  Everything looks great except it is not connecting to my WRT110 wireless router.  Router is one level below where the home theater system is located, and signal strength appears good (4 bars) on the Blu-ray player, but it repeatedly says "connection failed" when I try to connect.  The Wii is also in the same place and has no problems connecting wirelessly to the WRT110 router. 

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Linksys Wireless Router :: WRT110 - When Clicked On Release And Renew Buttons Nothing Changes

Sep 30, 2012

I've had my WRT110 for about 3 years or so, and it has worked fine for a long time.  Today my computers were connecting to the router, but weren't getting internet access so I did the following:

checked lights on router and modem, they all indicated everything was working and normal Reset Modem,Reset Router,Still nothing. Called Comcast, they said everything was working fine from their end.Plugged my laptop into the ethernet connection on router.Plugged laptop directly into modem and it works fine.I saw the link on here to setup the router, and I have 0s on the internet ip, like it suggests at the end.  When I click on the "release" and "renew" buttons nothing changes. 

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Linksys Wireless Router :: Wrt110 - Ipod And Ipad Touch Is Not Connecting

Oct 21, 2010

after i had to replace my old router from lynksis for the wrt110, everything works except for the ipod touch and the ipad. what could be the issue?

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Linksys Wireless Router :: WRT110 Internet Connection Will Slow Down Or Drop Entirely

Jan 8, 2012

I purchased a WRT110 router about a 18 months ago.  I am currently experiencing an issue where the wireless connection to the router will become randomly erratic.  My internet connection will slow down or drop entirely.  Sometimes my laptop will disconnect from the router entirely.  I don't think it's the wireless card in my laptop since I have seen the issue on my desktop using a wireless N USB adapter, my Nintendo Wii, and my wife's Macbook, all within the last week.
I am positive it is the router.  I set up a coninuous ping command to the router accross my laptop's wireless using "ping -t" in a command prompt.  Most of the time, the round trip is 1 to 3 ms or <1 ms.  When I am experiencing the connection issues, the ping time will rise significantly, sometimes going as high as 2000 - 3000 ms.  About 25% of time, the ping will just time out.  When this starts happening, the only way I have been able to restore proper connectivity is to manually reboot the router.  The issue eventually re-appears.  Sometimes in a few days, sometimes in as little as five minutes.  I've gone so far as to restore the router to factory defaults and reconfigure it, but that has not made a difference.

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Linksys Wireless Router :: Apple Bonjour Packet Support For WRT110

Jul 10, 2011

Can the WRT110 forward Bonjour packets?  I have one WRT110 running my home wifi network with firmware version 1.0.07.  I've spent hours trying to get my iPad to print to a wireless printer (HP D110a).  I can print and scan from several wireless PC's on the same network but cannot see the HP printer.  I started with the WEP 128-bit and then switched to WPA for a while but no luck so I switched back to WEP.  I've read that other's have had similar problems with this and other Linksys routers.
From the iPad point of view I have iOS version 4.3.3.  When I try to Airprint, for example through the Safari web browser, I see no printers available.  I've tried many apps all with the same problem.

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