Can Quality Of Phone Line Affect Ability Of Web Pages To Load

Sep 18, 2012

Can the quality of my phone line affect the ability of web pages to load? Some times web pages load flawlessly at other times browser says web page found but it refuses to load. I assume that things could get slow if I am downloading various updates in the background. What could be my problem? My phone line is on poles-underground-been spliced and on the end of the line. Seems like when I need to connect I can't.

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Applications For Testing Line Quality?

May 25, 2011

We are having issues transferring a 200GB VHD file across our point to point without being corrupted in the process. Any good application for testing the line quality across the point to point?Preferably we want something free, but if there is an in depth tool that costs money, we are open to that option as well.

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Cisco Wireless :: UC500 - 7925G Phone Voice Quality

Feb 1, 2011

We have a UC500 with 3 access points AP541N. We need to move around the building so we use wireless voice with 7925G phones. All works fine except when the phone needs to change from one AP to another. We lost connection for a small interval of time and then resume normal operation.

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All My Browsers Not Load Pages

Feb 14, 2011

They all just decide to not load pages fairly often. It happens on my netbook and PC, has been going on for like a year. Formatted each pc at least once since it started. It's really annoying. It's been awhile since I used firefox so I dont remember that error message but Chrome gives me the sad face with the x's in it's eyes and says oops I cannot load the page. On pages that auto refresh it happens ALOT. Once I click the refresh button once or twice it loads it fine. My HTC EVO doesnt have any trouble with the internet when I have it connected to my router. The operating system is Windows 7.

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Can't Get IE Or Safari To Load Web Pages

Jan 24, 2011

I'm trying to fix a weird web browsing problem with our Acer Aspire One netbook running XP SP3 I can't get IE or Safari to load web pages but I am connected to our D-Link wireless router and can ping our ISP. Today Windows even downloaded, installed the latest updates and asked to reboot. So I know there is an internet connection and it's working just fine.I have:installed and run AVG and then uninstalled it disabled windows firewall uninstalled everything that wasn't necessary checked the browsers aren't working offline checked for proxy settings in both safari and IE completely reset IE to all of its default settings done a clean boot according to the directions on the MS site url... The log from ipconfig/all and ping are below. [code]

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Some Pages Can't Load In Any Browser

Jan 28, 2013

Let me start with what the problem is. Some pages like google open very fast while some takes a lot of time and sometimes do not load at all.I tried pinging certain websites along with mygame website and the request timed out. I tried a few solutions

1) Switched browser and it didn't seem to work (Even the client I use for the game Mabinogi disconnects every 5 to 10 mins)

2) Tried changing the DNS to OpenDNS and it still didn't work

3) Tried using network on safe mode with networking and still I got the same result. That is some pages take a lot of time while others load soon.

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Net Keeps Loosing DNS / Won't Load Pages?

Jul 2, 2012

But I seem to have come across a problem that my lack of networking experience wont allow me to fix myself.For some reason for the past few days my net has been acting strange. For instance I can be logged into an MMO but when I try to open chrome or any other browser and do a quick Google search I get DNS errors or just "cannot connect to (website name). Yet i am still online perfectly fine Via MSN,SKYPE,Online games.It doesn't happen all the time just seems to be intermittent. I could be looking at a page and then it will all of a sudden loose connection and it wont load any further.[CODE]

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HP Laptop Connected But Pages Will Not Load?

Aug 15, 2011

I am having a problem with my computer and the internet. I can connect fine and pull up pages but after a while the pages will stop loading. Sometimes it is within a few minutes of using the internet or sometimes it will go a few hours. When I check my connection it shows that I am connected. I have tried troubleshooting, updating IE, trying firefox. Nothing works.

I have a HP G72 Notebook PC Windows 7 IE 9

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My Pages Won't Load - Need To Restart Computer

Aug 4, 2012

Sometimes they load after restarting computer but if you close browser and try open it again they wont load most of the time.Steam has also stopped working and freezes at part where its trying to connect to account. Also "internet" symbol and bottom left corner says two different things at same time:

Network Internet Connection

Network No Internet Connection

Problem has gotten worse by day. First one restart would fix problem but now steam won't work and if you get pages to load after closing browser you need to restart computer couple of times before pages are loading again.

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Laptop Connects To Net But Won't Load Web Pages

Aug 8, 2012

I am trying to fix my mycomputer, which seems to ok except that it cannot connect to the internet. The connection is wired and works fine (my another computer, next to my computer works well). I have tried another wire connection at local cyber cafe, it worked fine there.

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Web Pages Either Don't Load Or Not Stop Loading?

Feb 3, 2013

Since yesterday, nearly every time I load a web page it either doesn't stop loading or sometimes doesn't even load at all. At first I thought that the problem was just with Chrome, but I've since tried Firefox and Explorer and get the same issue. I've tried scanning for viruses, malware and even ran Boostspeed to see if it will solve the problem, but nothing has worked.

I don't know why this has happened all of a sudden, I've not made any significant changes or installed anything new so I'm stumped. I have the fastest fiber optic package my ISP has, so it isn't down to not having enough bandwidth.Can I try resetting my router with the pinhole at the back, or will that cause me to lose settings, which I won't be able to restore ,and not be able to connect to the internet at all? (I know the routers password)

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Connected To Internet But Pages Won't Load - HP Laptop

Jun 9, 2011

I am having trouble with the internet on my HP laptop.. I am positive it is connected to the internet, yet pages won't load.. when I troubleshoot it says no problems detected


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Internet Will Only Load SSL Pages / Error 0x2751

Apr 3, 2011

My computer had a filter on it that used a proxy server. The company (called Familink) went out of business. They provided an application for removing the filter, but it did not work, and the filter was never removed. I believe when the filter was installed, it modified the registry to prevent internet browsing unless the proxy was active. Now, since the company is out of business, there is no way to use the proxy, and I cannot browse the internet at all. I can still connect to secure (https://) sites just fine, but not any other channel. It is not a problem with the ISP, because I can browse the internet just fine on the same computer using linux. It just does not work with windows. When running a diagnostic test, I get error 0x2751, or "WSAEHOSTUNREACH"

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Web Browsers Won't Load Pages Even Connected To Internet

Feb 24, 2012

IE and Firefox both refused to load my homepage (google) or any other page in my bookmarks. Uninstalled and reinstalled both, even going back a couple of versions and still nothing. I know I'm connected as my iPhone works fine. With this in mind, I tried opening up safari to see what that would do and to my supprise, it works fine, bit slow but still, at least it works. So now I defiantly know that the Internet is working.

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Internet Seems To Connected But Won't Load Or Display Pages?

Jul 20, 2011

I have done so much research and tried almost everything on these forums, but still the internet wont load on my laptop. It is a Acer mini with Windows 7 starter. The other day the internet just stopped loading pages. It shows that it is connect to my router, and when I try to go to a page, it just says loading. I tried to connect with the ethernet chord from the modem and it does the same thing. I think there is a connection, but just wont load pages because the avast will update the virus definitions. I've tried to update the drive, reset the ipconfig. One thing I noticed is that the ip6v says not connected but the ip4v says internet. If I can do anything to get more info I surely will post it back up here, I just need to get my connection back up

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Wireless Networks Always Identifying And Does Not Load Pages?

Aug 30, 2011

I cannot connect my laptop to any of the normal wireless networks I use.It says, it's connected with good signal strength but than it never stops "identifying" and doesn't load any pages.

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Wireless :: Can't Get Any Pages To Load / Send And Receive E-mail

May 26, 2011

I can connect to my mom's wireless network but now all of a sudden I can't get any pages to load. All I get is this page cannot be displayed screen. My computer shows I'm connected with an excellent signal but I can't get any pages to load, I can't even send and receive my e-mail.

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Windows 7 Laptop Connected To Network But Can't Load Pages

Jun 24, 2012

It's Windows 7 laptop that connects to my home wireless network, but won't load any internet pages and just times out. Other old laptops connect to this network (and load pages) just fine. If I take my new laptop to another wireless network - ie McDonalds - it connects and loads pages just fine.

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Pages Don't Load But Internet Shows Fully Connected?

Nov 27, 2011

My computer (running windows XP and connected to the internet with a D Link USB adapter) refuses to load any webpages: despite showing full signal strength and connection in both the D Link settings and the windows XP wireless panel.I am able to ping websites and other computers in the house (all of which are able to access the internet) but no pages load in any browser I try.

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Skype Works But Web Browsers Not - Firefox / IE Can't Load Any Pages

Aug 11, 2011

I've had problems with my net connection at home, Skype is working; at least just for IM, i haven't tried phone / web cam functions, but nothing else will, Firefox / IE can't load any pages, Live Messenger won't sign in, etc etc. I've had a few phone calls with my ISP who ended up running a line test and they insist that everything there end is fine.


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Linksys Wireless Router :: WRT54GH Does Not Load Pages?

Sep 16, 2011

have problem with WRT54GH, almost every second page after reload gets an error message: Error 101 (net::ERR_CONNECTION_RESET): The connection was reset. Tried both on IE, Firefox, Chrome Tried to disable antivirus, no effect, the pages still load not all the time, firmware upgraded to the latest version. Before didi not have such problem with Zyxel W330EE.

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D-Link DIR-615 :: Pages Won't Load / Internet Speed Is Slow

Jan 3, 2012

I`m new here I recently purchased the dir-615. I started configuring with cd but i couldn`t get past the step where it should verify if cables are plugged in , so I did it manually. Some pages won`t load , internet speed is slow ( Both wireless and lan speed ) . I am using a PPPOE connection , I even got my ISP to check my settings, and he said it was alright but it reduces my speed by a lot. Usually I download with 1 MB/s with the router on wi-fi I hardly get 50 kb/s and on lan max is 100 kb/s.

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Cisco Firewall :: 5510 Some Web Pages Only Load When Click F5

Sep 23, 2012

I have configured a tplink dual wan router + cisco ASA5510.
NET 1----  TP LINK ---- ASA5510 ---- COMPUTERS
NET 2----
The message: this page can not be displayed this showing. Some web pages only load when I click F5.

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Can't Connect To Internet Through Google Chrome Or Explorer / Pages Simply Won't Load

Mar 24, 2011

I can't connect to the internet through Google chrome or explorer, pages simply won't load.

-can't ping the pc from other pc but can ping the modem
- internet shows connected and receiving data
- all connections tight
- internet/wireless modem working fine working fine with my other pc/laptop
- all other programs on the pc seem to work fine
- I have changed no settings on the pc since I last used it and the internet
- I had not used the internet in approx 2 months on the problem pc
- I tried turning off the firewall.
- running XP

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How To Use One Phone Line On Two Modems

Sep 13, 2011

omputer A connects to modum A thru phone line that needs to stay active for a system to operate. Computer B connects to modem B always using the same phone line a few times a month, what device will alow each computer to know and go to its modem, dialing in on one phone line for two modems, and resting in primary state for system A to operate as a Dialer.

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Two ISPs Through One Phone Line?

May 9, 2012

Would one phone line be able to support two ISPs? The rest of my family is using an AT&T line and I'm less than amused with it's performance for 4+ people. I have an unused phone jack available but I'm concerned about ordering the installation package only to find that I need a new phone line)

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How To Use Two Routers On One Phone Line

Feb 2, 2013

I usually use the router supplied by my ISP in one room in the house which is where I use all stuff as I am the only one who uses the internet in our house. However, my sister is round at the moment and the crap router cannot reach her room or the lounge.I thought I would be able to connect a spare router to a phone line port in the lounge with the correct settings along with the original router. However, if one router works, the other stops working. router will connect to the ISP at any time, I want both to so that we can all use the internet.

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Two Routers On One Phone Line?

Mar 21, 2012

how to use two routers on one phone line 5 miles apart?the phone co put an off premisise extention in two of my houses miles apart they said i could use the dsl at both location but would have to take my router back and forth can antbody tell me how to set up two routers on the same phone line in laymans terms and can both be used at the same time

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Broadband :: Two DSL Modems On One Phone Line

Apr 11, 2011

In a house that is too large for a small wireless modem to send a signal far enough, is it possible to use a second modem in the same phone line (not at the same time). Filters are used in the spare phone jacks.My main question is: when modem A is being used and modem B is switched off, is it necessary for the splitter for modem B to be removed and the filter put in its place? Or is the fact that modem B is switched off sufficient? I suspect that it's necessary and that's why my friend gets very slow download speeds even when the other modem is off.She insists that it used to work but I think she was just lucky if it used to work.

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To Connect Two Computers Via Phone Line

Mar 20, 2011

I want to put a laptop in the barn, with a web cam. I have a phone line (with spare wires) running to the barn and I want to connect my house laptop to the one in the barn.How do I do this?

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Internet And Phone Line Connectivity

Oct 19, 2011

I've got a problem with my phone line which is preventing me from connecting to the internet.In my house we have a phone line (Provided by Telstra) and Internet (provided by TPG)Recently at 7 at night all of a sudden our internet dropped out. I did some checking around and look at my modem and the DSL light refuses to light up.I disconnect the phone and modem separator and plug the modem in directly to the phone line. Still no DSL connection.When i connect the phone directly to the phone line (and when it goes through the seperator) it still works, but i hear strong grainy static through the phone.

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Add Phone Line With Extension Number?

Jul 26, 2011

I have a pbx avaya phone system with lines and extension number.I needed a phone with line and extension.So i run the ethernet cable to the office made all connection and connected ethernet wire directly to the pbx avaya, and i got the phone working with the extension.But my question is to get the line working and the extension i have to punch down the cable from the pbx, the ethernet wire and the pair of wire coming in with the line?

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Cabling / Cards :: How To Add New Phone Line

Jul 14, 2011

I want to add a new phone line to a small office in a hotel. They have avaya phone system and they are currently using 6 or 7 phone lines. From the avaya wires are run to the 66 block and from there to the outlets. So i think i can connect a cable from the avaya to the 66 block and it automaticaly give an extension number, but how do i add a phone line number to that connection?

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