Cisco AAA/Identity/Nac :: ACS 4.2 Restore From SE To Windows

Jun 11, 2009

we are trying to restore an ACS SE backup into an ACS Windows but we get the message error: "The backup file selected is either not a Cisco Secure V4.2 backup file or it has been corrupted". The version/patch level is the same in both 4.2(0.124). I think that is possible (restore SE in W2000), isn't it?.

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Cisco AAA/Identity/Nac :: ACS 5.1 How To Restore From One V5.1 Box

Jul 5, 2010

I'm trying to do a restore from one v5.1 box to another.  The file is sent via ftp from the configured repository but when the file is sent I get an error saying failed to unpack.
My restore box is running an evaluation version at level

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Cisco AAA/Identity/Nac :: ACS 5.1 Backup Restore?

Oct 20, 2011

I've been setting up building and testing our new ACS 5.x boxes and I've been running into a spot of bother with the backup restore feature. This most likely due to my unfamiliarity with the tool.

As part of my testing for Backup/Restore, I first backup the data using the Removal and backup  tool in Secure ACS View (found under data management. I then confirm that the new FULL backup has been populated my test repository and is available in the restore feature. (also under Data Management) My next step is to create a few test Network Device Groups, Identity groups, and users  Then I go back to the restore feature select the Back up file I just created, I also check the box Skip View Database backup before Restore and hit the restore button.
The box goes through the expected steps including a reload. When it comes back up I would expect the test users, groups etc I created after the last backup to be gone as they did not exist at that time. Although I find the opposite is true. Any settings I made after the last backup are still present. I do not have incremental backups enabled.
I essentially want to test a backup of the database of users and groups/rules etc make changes and then restore that database to the previous backed up configuration.

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Cisco AAA/Identity/Nac :: ACS5.2 Backup And Restore On A Different Software Version?

Oct 3, 2011

We are trying to make a restore from the backup done on ACS version 5.1 to a new appliance running ACS5.2 Before doing it I found this note in Cisco ACS user guide:
Note: You cannot back up data from an earlier version of ACS and restore it to a later version. Backup and restore must be performed on the same version of ACS. If you need the data on a different version of the ACS, you can perform an upgrade after you restore the data. Refer to the Installation and Setup Guide for Cisco Secure Access Control System 5.1 for more information on upgrading ACS to later versions.
How should I understand it? This note has conflicting statements. We can't restore to a later version but if you need data on a different version of ACS you can perform an upgrade AFTER YOU RESTORE the data. Doesn't it mean that the restore will still work? How would I do the upgrade to version 5.2 or even version 5.3 that was announced to be released very soon? I didn't find anything on the software upgrade in ACS5.1 guide.

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How To Restore IP Address Windows 7

Sep 7, 2011

I'm trying to restore my IP address because my boyfriend's at work and unfortunately not I've been following all the directions I can under this articlebut I get stuck at just the first step! When I hold the Windows and R buttons down and type in command the computer says it can't find that program and also when I open my network sharing center it won't let me right click on it anywhere to get to properties so that

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Cisco AAA/Identity/Nac :: 802.1x With ACS 5.2 And Windows AD

Aug 7, 2011

Im trying to setup 802.1x with ACS 5.2 but am struggling as its very differnet to ACS 4.2.I have setup the ACS to be the domain and think i have setup up the External Idnetity Store, however when i try to authenticate a pc using authentication Medthod 'PEAP (EAP-MSCHAPv2), i get a failure reason '22056 Subject not found in the applicable identity store'

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Cisco AAA/Identity/Nac :: ACS 5.0 With Windows AD

Jun 8, 2011

I searched cisco documents where as all the documents are having example of ACS 4.0 but i am very keen to know with ACS 5.0 integrated with AD. Any document especially with ACS 5.0 , it would be great for me to understand the ACS 5.0 set-up.

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Cisco AAA/Identity/Nac :: ACS 4.2 And Windows 2008 R2 CA?

Apr 30, 2012

getting a cert off of a 2008 R2 CA and imported correct in to ACS 4.2?  I've had and have seen other have the problem with creating a web server certificate from R2 (1024 bit) and putting it in ACS 4.2 only to have HTTPS/SSL no longer work correctly.  I haven't even tested the intended purpose of the cert (EAP-TLS) yet, so who knows if that works.  I've also seen through searching where some one was able to take a 2003 CA web server template and put it into R2 and it work, but I know longer have 2003 available?

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Cisco AAA/Identity/Nac :: ACS 5.3 MAR Timeout With Windows XP?

Sep 9, 2012

my current setup:  Windows XP machines authenticating wireless using 802.1X to a Cisco ACS 5.3 that redirects the request to Microsoft Active Directory.  All the statements that I make below are what I have gathered from reading on forums, some of them might be incorrect.
In the ACS Under “External Identity Stores” and  “Active Directory”, there is a check box called “Enable Machine Access Restrictions” if it is checked and  the Aging time is set to 8 hours and a Windows XP machine authenticates using  it’s Domain credentials it will gain access to the network but if that computer  is not rebooted after the 8 hours is up, Windows XP will not send it machine  credentials again, it will only send the user/pass of the user and will loose  access to the network.  The problem we have is that most of the users do not  shutdown their computers when they go home, they hibernate the computers thus  when they come back to the school the 8 hours aging time on the ACS has  expired.  The ACS expects to see the Windows XP machine send it’s domain  credentials again but from every forum I have read on, Windows XP will not send  it again until it get rebooted (FYI, Windows 7 will send the proper info, thus  they work just fine).  In the mean time I have changed the aging time to 8760  hours but this should only be temporary because it is a security risk to have  the aging time set so high.  Moving forward what are my options to make this  work properly?
-Is there a way to fix  Windows XP?
-Is there a recommendation on how to bypass this issue but still give us decent  security?
-Is setting the aging time so high, a non security issue?
-I guess worst case  scenario, the customer can try to educate all the students and staff to reboot  their machines every morning?

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Cisco AAA/Identity/Nac :: ACS Upgrade From 4.0 To 4.2.1 Windows?

Oct 6, 2011

how to  upgrade fromACS 4.0 to 4.2.1  with data restoring .
Currently i am running with 4.0 i need to upgrade to 4.2.1 windows.

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AAA/Identity/Nac :: ACS Windows Error

Jun 4, 2013

I have the message error in my ACS 5.4 after migrate the versión (5.3 to 5.4)

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AAA/Identity/Nac :: NCS Prime With ACS 4.2 And Windows AD?

Feb 5, 2013

I am having some issues when I tried to configure TACACS+ authentication / authorization for NCS via ACS 4.2 with external DB(windows AD) and i am getting some errors from NCS:
257777: loopback: Feb 06 2013 13:02:43.279 +0800: %XMP-7-DEBUG: %[][mid=10015]: [The
query is :select p from XmpUser p where p.username='s102069' and policyPartition = 'root']


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Cisco AAA/Identity/Nac :: 12520 Windows 7 Cannot Authenticate To ISE

Aug 21, 2012

I have seen couple of people with win7 cannot authenticate to ISE: 12520 EAP-TLS failed SSL/TLS handshake because the client rejected the ISE local-certificate.I've thought of this: Maybe get a 3rd party cert (go daddy) and have that installed in ISE.I know i do have to make a CSR Cert.Sign.Request that matches cn=primary.ise.mydomain, would I also need a cert for secondary?
If I use LEAP as a preferred protocol then it doesn't ask for cert and users are authenticated successfully.I know they have to say do not validate cert and all that but sometimes it doesn't popupt to them they just can't get on.Again maybe going wtih 3rd party certs will make it easier while benefiting from using PEAP?

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Cisco AAA/Identity/Nac :: ACS 5.3 And Windows AD Account Lockout?

Mar 20, 2012

Currently on when a invalid password is attempted via TACACS or RADIUS to the AD identity store is locks the account out on the first failed attempt. The AD policy is lockout after three attempts. Is there a way to fix this issue so the account is not locked out with only one failed attempt? I see options for local password policys in ACS but nothing for the identity store. For what its worth this happened also with ACS 4.X deployment before we moved to ACS 5.3. 

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Cisco AAA/Identity/Nac :: Best Method Of Migration From ACS 4.1.(1) Windows To ACS 5.2

May 9, 2011

we currently have 4x ACS 4.1 (1) build 23 windows based and we are going to migrate to ACS 5.2 appliance 11211.the first pair we are using simply local authentication for multiple vendor firewall and routers, with one custom radius vendor-specific attributes, with now she exec.the second pair we are using for wireless clients authentication through AD, with dynamic mapping.
 in order to migrate what would be the most suitable migration, whether to use Migration utility or export those ACS objects and import them into the new ACS 5.2.

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Cisco AAA/Identity/Nac :: ACS 4.2 New Windows Domain 2008

Mar 1, 2011

I have installed the Cisco ACS 4.2 in a server running Windows 2003 Server, and this server is member server of the domain. The ACS is working whit a Wireless Platform 4400, and authenticating to the Wireless Users using PEAP and Digital Certificate. But now, the windows platform will be upgraded to Windows 2008. My doubt are the following:

1. The ACS running in a windows 2003 server, will authentificate users in the new windows 2008 domain? 

2. At the beginning, the ACS and the Windows domain was 2003. Now whit the change of the version of windows domain, What happens whit the configuration of the acs server as member server? I need reconfigure the member server configuration in the ACS Server?

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Cisco AAA/Identity/Nac :: ACS 1113 SE - Windows Updates?

Jul 18, 2012

Does cisco provides updates for underlying windows server in ACS SE 1113 ? Patch updates are available for ACS 4.2 , but how can we update underlying windows server , Does patches for ACS is enough to secure underlying windows server .

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Cisco AAA/Identity/Nac :: ACS 5.2 And Large Windows Access Tokens?

Nov 4, 2012

We have some users who use AnyConnect regularly; the tunnel is terminated on a 5520 ASA. The tunnel group is currently set up to send RADIUS aaa requests to the ACS server, which in turn is set up to query Active Directory. This is working perfectly for all AnyConnect users except for one person. authentication worked fine for this person as well before we switched from an old Steel Belted Radius server that used to be doing the same thing basically, it handled the RADIUS requests but did a look up into Active Directory. So that part of it has not changed. So now when this user tries to log in he gets these the Windows event logs.   
Date        : 11/02/2012
 Time        : 21:13:39
Type        : Information

I've looked though the ASA configuration and it is using a valid certificate and everything, signed by GoDaddy etc…. It won’t' let me look at the certificate authority configuration because it says it can't be configured when in a failover pair. I don't really think the problem is at the ASA at this point, because all other users are authenticating correctly. (And so was this user before switching to ACS)Also in the ACS logs it says the user used the wrong password and that is why authentication is failing, but they are using the correct password. So now I am looking into issues with the users account in particular. Something that I think may be worth noting is that this user has a very large access token (one of the largest in the entire organization) belonging to over 98 groups (not including all the sub groups). I'm wondering if having a very large access token could be throwing ACS off for some reason.

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Cisco AAA/Identity/Nac :: ACS 4.2 Can't Install On Windows Server 2003 R2

Nov 29, 2011

I have a problem when I try to install ACS 4.2 on Server 2003 R2. When I start the ACS setup, i recive an error message saying:

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Cisco AAA/Identity/Nac :: ACS 4.2 Certificate Based Authentication And Windows 7

Jan 9, 2012

We use a combination of Cisco ACS and Cisco catalyst 3560 switches for network authentication and authorization. Clients (Windows XP) have a certificate installed which will grand access to the network and put them in the correct VLAN. So far, so good. Some users are testing with Windows 7 in the same set-up as above and run into strange behaviour. The problem is that after a random timer the machine gets de-authenticated and nothing besides a reboot works to get the computer authenticated again (from a Windows point of view). It looks like this only happens to users who are using a certificate to authenticate, Windows 7 MAC bypass users have no such problems. If it occurs, the following logging appears in ACS: [code] We are using ACS 4.2(0) Build 124 and 3560-48PS switches with IOS 12.2(55).

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Cisco AAA/Identity/Nac :: ACS SE 4.2.1 And Windows 2008R2 Domain Controllers?

May 8, 2011

We are in the earlier stages of moving our Domain Controlllers from 2003 to 2008 R2. The remote agents are running in 2003 Domain Controllers. According with Cisco Documentation, I can move the agent to a Windows 2003 Member Server and the upgrade to 2008 R2 Domain Controllers.

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Cisco AAA/Identity/Nac :: Clean Access Agent With NAC V 4.7.2 And Windows 7?

Nov 15, 2011

I have done a ADSSO config. Following all the steps in the guide with the specifics steps for windows 7 to modify the krb.txt and the strattomcat.I restart services activate the "Enable Agent-Based Windows Single Sign-On with Active Directory (Kerberos)" option on the NAM.Then, the ADSSO service start on the NAS.I modify the local policy according to the guide allowing all encryption except the one for future use.Then the NAC client say "User unknown" contact your network administrator.

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Cisco AAA/Identity/Nac :: ACS 5.2 Sync With Windows 2008 AD But Cannot See Groups

Jan 2, 2011

Recently I've been working with the ACS 5.2 (Installed on VMWare). At the beginning I was using a Win Server 2003 Enterprise edition AD, and there was no problem with the AD and the CA Authority. Because some of my customers use Win Server 2008 I change the AD platform to Win Server 2008 Enterprise edition  (x64).I don't really have a great experience with Win Server Platforms and, for what I've seen, the Win Server 2003 Services deployment is easier than the Win Server 2008 is.
So, when I used the Win server 2003 I could not only synchronize the ACS with the AD but also use some groups created on the AD to perform the Network Access Authentication. When I try to do the same with the Win Server 2008 AD the ACS and the Server get Synchronized but when I want to add the groups for the Authentication purposes there is no one, absolutely nothing... so I cannot do any test.Also I looked for information about the compatibility between the ACS 5.2 and the Win Server 2008 platforms and at the end the platforms are compatibles.

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Cisco AAA/Identity/Nac :: ACS 5.3 Configured Machine Authentication For A Windows 7

Aug 5, 2012

I am using ACS 5.3. I have succesfully configured Machine Authentication for a Windows 7 laptop using EAP-TLS. The ACS is configured with an Active Directory external identity store where the Windows 7 laptop is configured as part of the domain. I'm pretty sure that the ACS was using the AD to authenticate the laptop's name because at first the authentications were failing because I had the Certificate Authentication Profile configured to look at an attribute in the client certificate that was empty. When I fixed that, the authentication suceeded.
I started doing some failure testing so I disconnected the Domain Controller from the network. Sure enough, the ACS shows the Active Directory external store is in the Disconnected State.I then went to my Windows 7 laptop and disconnected the wireless connection and connected it again, expecting it to fail because the AD is down. But it succeeded! My Win 7 laptop is accessing the network wirelessly through a Lightweight AP and 5508 WLC. The WLAN Session Timeout was set for 30 minutes. So even with the AD disconnected, every 30 minutes, the ACS log showed a successful EAP-TLS authentication. I then changed the WLAN Session Timeout to 2 hours 10 minutes. Same thing, every 2 hours 10 minutes, a succesfull EAP-TLS authentication. I really don't know how the authentications are succeeding when the AD is not even connected. Is there a cache in the ACS?

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Cisco AAA/Identity/Nac :: ACS 4.2 Failure To Authenticate Windows Users

Apr 8, 2009

The ACS can authenticate people using local database , it can also authenticate a single user (using windows database) if you are fast after the service is restarted , however after a few secounds, it fails to authenticate any users  , the error we are seeing on the logs appear as authentication failure type : internal error. Also on the log files, the authentication request from the user does not appear in the correct group, it is thrown into the default group.

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Cisco AAA/Identity/Nac :: ACS 5.2 Integration With AD Windows 2000 Advanced SP4?

Dec 13, 2012

I'm having a issue when configuring Cisco ACS 5.2 appliance 1121 to integrate windows 2000 Active Directory as an External Users Database.I'm using an account with administrator privileges on AD (can create computer objects).The ACS register itself successfully to the domain but it doesn't retrieve the AD Groups, even when i change the seach base and filter.At this link says that ACS supports AD over Windows 2003, 2008 and 2008R2 but it doesnt say that not supports Windows 2000.[URL]

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Cisco AAA/Identity/Nac :: ACS 4.1 For Windows With Active Directory 2008

Sep 26, 2010

We are still running ACS 4.1 on Window 2003 server.  We recently upgraded AD to 2008 although the domain and forest functional level are still 2003.  After AD upgrade we now unable to authenticate via ACS Windows Database.

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Cisco AAA/Identity/Nac :: Remote Agent For ACS For Windows 2008 R2 64-bit?

Jul 17, 2012

We having difficulties with installing remote agent on windows 2008 R2 64-bit server and got the attached error.
Our ACS is and remote agents we tried are and

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Cisco AAA/Identity/Nac :: ACS 4.2 For Windows Doesn't Work With W2k8

Apr 6, 2011

I have win 2008 server as DC, i have installed acs 4.2 on menber server (win 2003) , but it doesn't work, how to let this one work.

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Cisco AAA/Identity/Nac :: Windows Remote Agent For ACS 4.2 Appliance?

Jun 7, 2011

The problem is that i had configured the ACS appliance with a remote agent to Integrate with Microsoft active directory and I installed that agent on one of our domain controls and it is working fine.
When I installed another agent on anther domain control and add it to the ACS server it appear that the remote authentication service is working on it but when try to make the new agent the primary and the old one the secondary from External database configuration all the domain users authenticated but only to one group which configured in Unknown User Policy.It appeared like it can't read any more groups from active directory.

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AAA/Identity/Nac :: ACS 4.1 Failure To Authenticate Windows Users?

Feb 24, 2013

We are running Cisco Secure ACS for Windows version 4.1(1)b23p5 on a Windows 2000 member server. Starting from today, ACS fails to authenticate users. Using the same external user (andrea-meconi) I can verify successfull and failed authentication. This is the AUTH.log for a genericRADIUS request...
AUTH 25/02/2013 15:30:24 I 0396 3900 External DB [NTAuthenDLL.dll]: Starting authentication for user [andrea-meconi]
AUTH 25/02/2013 15:30:24 I 0396 3900 External DB [NTAuthenDLL.dll]: Attempting


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AAA/Identity/Nac :: ACS 4.2 On Windows 2003 - System Rename?

Jun 6, 2011

I am runing ACS 4.2 on Windows 2003 and for some reasons I need to rename the server name?

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Cisco AAA/Identity/Nac :: ISE 1.1.1 Windows NAC Client Posture Checking Loop

Jul 17, 2012

Just upgraded Cisco ISE to 1.1.1 in my lab/demo environment and am now having problems with a basic posture implementation. In short I connect to a wireless SSID and check posture based on the presence of a file. The NAC agent is declaring my host as compliant and granting full network access however about 5 seconds later it it checks for requirements again while placing my host in the temporary network access. At this point it states I am compliant again and 5 seconds later scans again. This behaivour does not stop and continues endlessly until I close the wireless connection. I had no problems with this setup on 1.1.All logs indicate successful compliance and no errors in terms of compliance.

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