Cisco Firewall :: Enabling Outbound Traffic Through ASA 5520 8.4(4)1
Apr 4, 2013
We've got a proyect that requires a few thin clients to connect to a remote PCoIP server.
Looking to the documentation, the only port required to be open through Firewalls is TCP/UDP 4172, however, we've seen (making interface captures) that it somehow also uses ESP (IP protocol 50).
We've got a static NAT translation translating those thin clients to a public IP address, we've created ACLs to allow inbound (shouldn't be necessary as our user is connecting to a remote server) and outbound traffic for TCP/UDP 4172 and ESP and I cannot make it work.
I've also enabled IPSec pass-through Inspection to no avail.
how should we configure our ASA to enable this kind of traffic?
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Oct 14, 2012
I have a LAN with several linux boxes (Fedora 17, both 32 and 64 bits), as well a a WInXP box. All of these are connected to the same switch, which is connected to the inside port of my PIX 515.
For a few sites ( happens to be one of them), for http access, the tcp connection is established, but the "GET" request - or anything else for that matter - will not go through the PIX (from inside to wan). I have verified this by first, using wireshark to watch the packets being sent out from the client box, then by using the trace function in the PIX to see that the packets ARE arriving at the inside interface, but ARE NOT sent out of the wan interface.
This is for the linux boxes ONLY. When I do the same thing with my WinXP box, all works: in the PIX trace, I see the packets arrive at the inside interface, and leave the wan interace. And access to these sites are okay.
(What's a bit weird, although somewhat expected, when I connect my android phone to my LAN via WiFi, it too is unable to reach those sites - but then again, android is linux, right?)
In addition to the tracing, I have narrowed this problem down by connecting a linux box directly to my DSL router, then replacing the PIX with a simple router/gateway. Both of those solutions work.
Some background:
I have been using this PIX for about 10 years now, with the same configuration (except IP addresses). Only in the last several months has this problem started to show up.
I got this pix from a dead company at a really great price (free), so I'd like to keep it, and not have to spend money on something else. I don't have any support license, and have not been able to get any software upgrades. Here is its version info:
taz(config)# sho ver
Cisco PIX Firewall Version 6.2(2)
Cisco PIX Device Manager Version 2.0(2)
Compiled on Fri 07-Jun-02 17:49 by (code)
Serial Number: 405200362 (0x1826ddea)
Running Activation Key: 0x38ac31f3 0x0630df47 0x9a77b805 0x8bc39a60
PS: Since this PIX is at its end of life, I was wondering if any of the software upgrades would be now available without a license?
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Mar 10, 2011
I've had a Cisco ASA 5505 firewall connected to a cable modem (Virgin Media, UK) for the past 3 years. In the last 6 months or so I have noticed that the ASA would drop the outside (internet) connection intermittently, usually at least once every 1-2 weeks - the interface still shows as being up but no traffic crosses it, and computers on the inside network abruptly lose internet connectivity. Rebooting the ASA or administratively shutting down the interface and bringing it back up again would cure the problem straight away until the next time it happens.
In the last couple of days however despite nothing having been changed in the configuration the frequency of this connection drop has increased to the point where I would lose access to the internet within an hour of rebooting the ASA. It does not seem to matter whether or not there is traffic currently going out or not, inside computers just appear to suddenly lose internet connectivity.
I have tried the following without success:
1) I completely wiped the configuration (configure factory-default)
2) I changed the port the cable modem was connected to (eth0/0 -> eth0/7, changing switchport vlan accordingly)
I thought perhaps 2) had fixed it but it lasted a whole 2 hours before I woke up this morning to find that none of the internal equipment had internet access despite the fact eth0/7 was showing as up/up in ASA CLI.
This morning I manually set the eth0/7 port to "speed 10" (10Mbps, full duplex). It was previously set to be auto-negotiation (default) on both speed and duplex. As of this post it has managed to keep the outside connection up for 3 hours - but I'm not optimistic that it is fixed.
Interface counters have never shown any collisions, errors, etc - only packets input and output as expected.
Since the problem persisted across ports (eth0/0 -> eth0/7) I'm wondering whether or not the problem could either be faulty memory, or some kind of speed/duplex incompatibility between the cable modem and ASA.
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Aug 21, 2011
A recently added outbound rule has left my SMTP communications broken. I have since removed the rule, and had Cisco do some damage control, but it's still dropping some of the SMTP traffic. I get a number of NDR messages each day like the one below:Your message did not reach some or all of the intended recipients. Subject: RE: Christopher, Curt Sent: 8/19/2011 9:38 AM The following recipient(s) could not be reached:
on 8/21/2011 9:49 AM
Could not deliver the message in the time limit specified. Please retry or contact your administrator.
<630.SM.Local #4.4.7>
Your message did not reach some or all of the intended recipients. Subject: RE: Christopher Curd Sent: 8/19/2011 9:38 AM The following recipient(s) could not be reached: on 8/21/2011 9:49 AM Could not deliver the message in the time limit specified. Please retry or contact your administrator. <630.SM.Local #4.4.7>
I've attached an image of my configuration (ASDM GUI). The part of the image highlighted in green are the SMTP rules. The part highlighted in yellow is another rule that I added about a month ago to block a SYN attack. This rule may be part of the problem because of the order it is in the list. Not sure, though.
I have had two Cisco techs Putty into my ASA to check things out. I think they've done all they can. I wonder at this point if it be wise to just reload the last good running-config I have prior to the Outbound rule being added.
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Nov 26, 2012
I am attempting to block outbound traffic for a specific PC on my LAN using the ASDM.
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Oct 27, 2012
I am trying to implement Microsoft LDAP server with our ASA 5520. The client is using Cisco VPN client and when I am trying to connect I am receiving the following error message:
"Secure VPN connection terminated locally by the client. Reason 413:User authentication failed"
I triggered the debug on the ASA 5520 and everything looks fine .The LDAP server is sending the right information without any error message.
Googled this error message and I found that I need to enable the simultaneous logins to enable. I enabled it but I got the same error message. This configuration is under remote access vpn>group-policies>General>more options.
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Aug 10, 2011
enabling traffic between interfaces on the ASA 5510. Of course I have an outside interface E0/0 and an inside interface (E0/1) for normal operation. The idea was to enable one of the remaining interfaces on the 5510 to attach an internal network resource to for management in case we lost our switch. I am using E0/0 as the outside interface and the inside interface is E0/1. I am wanting to attached a management device on the same inside network IP address range for simplicity. I have E0/2 configured for the same security level (100) as the other inside interface and I also have enabled same-security-traffic permit inter-interface as well but I still cannot access the device on that port. Is there something else I am missing? I guess the best way to explain this is that I want ports E0/2 and E0/3 to act like a "switch" so to say...... The ASA 5505 lets you do this pretty easy but having trouble on the 5510.
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Jun 10, 2012
I have just logged into the ASDM for my 5520 and can see under the "Firewall Dashboard" tab that I can enable these graphs/stats, why would they be disabled? So I was wondering if I enable these and they use alot of memory how can I disable them again?
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Oct 5, 2011
I have just logged into the ASDM for my 5520 and can see under the "Firewall Dashboard" tab that I can enable these graphs/stats, why would they be disabled? So I was wondering if I enable these and they use alot of memory how can I disable them again?
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Apr 29, 2012
I have an ASA 5520 with the below config
Gi0/0: outside (Internet)
Gi0/1: inside (Internal users)
Gi0/2: DMZ (web servers, ftp, Mail etc..)
I have a SMTP relay deployed on the DMZ for mailing. I have also a mail servers installed in the internal lan,
I want to allow trafic from dmz to reach internal lan, and i want normally also allow stmp relay from dmz to reach Internet.
How can i block trafic from DMZ to reach Internal Lan (instead of smtp) if the to allow trafic from dmz to internet i must put ANY in the policy?
For allowing trafic from DMZ to reach Internet, the policy must be DMZ -----> ANY ----->Services., this policy means DMZ can implicity reach Internal Lan?
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Apr 8, 2011
Our Local Network is behind the CISCO ASA Firewall.Whenever we are accessing to Client VPN server,it is getting connected but after few Minutes (May be 5/10/30 Min),the sessions are terminating. The same traffic through PIX is no issue , only with ASA Firewall. See the following Error and request you give the possible root cause for this.
2011-04-09 16:15:09 Local4.Info %ASA-6-302016: Tear down UDP connection 87447908 for OUTSIDE: to inside: duration 0:27:49 bytes 18653
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Dec 6, 2012
I have two ISP, I want to divide Inbound to ISP1 and Outbound to ISP2.
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Feb 28, 2011
We're running 8.3(2) in the ASA5540. Users all over our enterprise connect to a business partner's application through the ASA/VPN. We have a class-b address space, and since the users are spread out all over the place, I have the entire class-b space as the local object in the ACL that allows traffic through the VPN tunnel.
The business partner has concerns that our entire address space is available to access the VPN tunnel. So I thought, to alleviate their concerns, to PAT all of our connections outbound to a single IP address.
How is this done in 8.3(2)? We use ASDM to configure the 5540. For example, say our class-b is and the PAT'd IP address will be
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Nov 1, 2012
We just migrated from a single 5510 to a dual (failover) 5520, It seems that everything is working except the remote VPN. We can establish a tunnel and authenticate as local users, (going to LDAP when all is working) but no traffic is passing. I know I am overlooking something but cant see it. [code]
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Jun 12, 2011
Our ASA 5520 firewall is running 8.0(4) IOS.I have an internal L2L VPN terminating on my firewall (from an internal remote site) on ENG interface.With the default "sysopt connection permit-vpn" command enabled, VPN traffic is allowed to bypass the ENG interface acl.The security level on the ENG interface is set at 50.The security level on the destination interface PRODUCTION is set at 40.Inbound VPN traffic bypasses ENG interface acl and since higher-to-lower security level allows VPN traffic to flow freely from ENG to PRODUCTION, it seems the only place to check/filter VPN traffic is an ACL placed on the PRODCTTION interface and set at INBOUND (outbound VPN traffic).
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Dec 1, 2011
I have a Cisco ASA 5520 (8.0) and I'm trying to figure out how to prioritize traffic to specific websites (by either domain names or IP addresses/ranges). This document [URL] has some great examples, but I'm not able to create a class-map that will match addresses. I'm not doing any other traffic manipulation on this ASA.
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Dec 20, 2011
We can´t reach DMZ servers from other DMZ servers?If I make a ping from DMZ server to another, sometimes only recieve one ping, sometimes 4, sometimes 0.How can I allow the traffic between DMZ servers??
(ASA 5520 Version 8.4)
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Mar 2, 2011
I am setting up a pair of 5520 in A/S mode but the traffic from inside to outside seems blocked somehow.
asa01# sh run : Saved
ASA Version 8.3(1)
host name asa01
enable password LFJ8dTG1HExu/pWQ encrypted
password 2KFQnbNIdI.2KYOU encrypted
Base on the above configuration, I still cannot ping or HTTP.
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Feb 29, 2012
I have hooked up to the Cisco 2821 router a T1 on Serial and Cable Modem to GigEth0/1 and I want to split outbound traffic so that all regular users will use G0/1 interface for web traffic and the rest of the traffic stays with the T1. I am having an issue where the users on the network are not able to use the internet when using the following config:
interface GigabitEthernet0/0.10
description Data
encapsulation dot1Q 50
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Aug 23, 2011
We have a 100 Mbps WAN circuit, we have configured an IPsec tunnel between ASA 5520 and Cisco 3845 Router for our DR site replication via Veeam Backup and Replication, it was working fine before, when we established the 3DES tunnel the traffic for certain subnets is dropped after an hour and it stops the replication, although tunnel remains up and we can access the other subnets, as soon as we clear the crypto SA and ISAKMP sessions on the firewall the traffic starts flowing again and then after an hour the traffic is dropped again.So far the testing and differnet configurations we tried are as under.
Tried with a different MTU size both on firewall and ESXi servers but nothing happened.Their is no QOS configuration.Checked the utilization on both ends its Noram although their are subsequent 100% spikes on Cisco 3845 but on average it remians at 30-40%.
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Dec 12, 2012
I was configure 3 interface on ASA1st - managemetn (only for management)2nd - gig0/0 is connected to internet with real IP3rd - gig0/1 is connected to local networkI was configure routed NAT to internet.But I have problem with restriction incomming traffic to inside interface (ifname is inside)but I can connect to ip address of inside interface from other ip. It is wrong and i can't understand where is my mistake.
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Mar 20, 2013
How can I see the quantity of traffic that is passing through into an IPSec VPN in a ASA 5520.
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Nov 27, 2011
I am trying to make a basic config on my 5520. The first goal is to make trafic from inside to outside.The internet address is and the default internet gw is am I missing since I can not get trafic from inside to the internet? [code]
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Jun 14, 2012
I am installing an ASA 5520 and I have a problem on accepring the incoming traffic from an external office connected via Frame Relay.
On my OUTSIDE interface I have both the internet traffic and the external office traffic incoming. What comes from the external office is visible as
I have to allow this traffic to enter the internal network, without any control. I would also keep the original IP address.
I have configured the Firewall but I don't know how to setup the NAT.
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Jun 28, 2011
When I try to configure the Botnet Traffic filter with the commad "dynamic-filter use database" through the ASDM I get the following error message.
[ERROR] dynamic-filter use-database Dynamic Filter: New data file not terminated with newline
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Apr 14, 2013
Cisco 2811 runs ITP IOS. On that router we run the SMPP service. A client on the network connects to this service, and we need to capture the traffic for debug.
I've tried traffic-export, but I cannot see any outbound traffic. Is there any way to capture the outbound traffic?
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Jun 20, 2011
I have installed asa 5520 , software ver is 8.4,I have SSM-20 installed in asa 5520. How to pass traffic through this ssm-20 ,how to create sensors,how to update signatures of this IPS module ,is there any procedure to automatically update the signatures .
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Apr 6, 2011
I have a handheld device that will be used for inventory outside of our office. It has 3g capabilities. Is there anyway I can permit traffic from this device from the outside world coming into my network? I need to open a couple of ports so it can hit the server. But I have no intention to open these ports up to the entire world. I use an ASA 5520 with a managed router from our provider. I looked around on the Cisco site and the only information I found was for permitting and denying traffic from devices that are within the network.
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May 14, 2012
how can i check that ASA is passing traffic? Also what command we can use to make sure VPN is working fine.
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Sep 26, 2011
i have an ASA 5520 8.4(1) with following config
interface GigabitEthernet0/0
nameif WAN
security-level 0
ip address standby
i need traffic (port 9350) from DMZ and WAN forwarded to object Production_23 port 3389, how do i achieve this ?
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Apr 5, 2011
I hava Cisco ASA 5520 with AIP-SSM module. I would like to have the below features with ASA installed in Transparent mode.
1. Traffic shapping per user
2. Traffic shapping per IP subnet
3. Traffic shapping per Application
Is it possible with ASA installed in Transparent mode?
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Nov 3, 2011
I have a client that has an ASA 5520 that has two internet connections, FIOS and Comcast. The ASA is configured to failover from the FIOS to the Comcast if the FIOS fails. This works perfectly fine. However, I was wondering if VPN and other inbound traffic will come into the secondary connection when it is active. I think VPN will work inbound when the FIOS connection fails, but I am not sure about the other inbound connections.
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Jun 1, 2011
I'm trying to route all default traffic from my production environment through my ASA 5520 on the "outside2" interface.The 5520 has a site to site VPN to our DR site on the "outside/inside" interfaces via one ISP. On another ISP, interfaces "outside2/inside2" go to the internet.
When I make my 3750 stack default route for the inside2 interface IP I cannot get to the internet. When it is pointed to the inside interface on my 5505, I can.
I get the following errors when I try to open from a production server:Why is the 5520 trying to use the "outside" interface instead of the "outside2" interface to go out?
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