Cisco Firewall :: Traffic Shaping ASA 5510 Vs 5505?
Oct 19, 2011
Is there any difference with traffic shaping capability on the 5510 as opposed to the 5505? is there anything the 5510 can do that the 5505 cant? with regards to TShaping?
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Sep 8, 2011
I would like to know if there is a way to apply in the Cisco asa 5510 traffic shaping not for a interface but a single IP address.For example i would like to limit the bandwith for the IP address of my FTP server.
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Mar 10, 2011
We are looking to implement traffic shaping/policing primarily for P2P traffic. As natively the ASA5550 is only capable of p2p inspection if the traffic is tunneled via port 80 is the AIP-SSM the way forward? We have 2 5550s in active/active failover config. As a side note we are also looking to implement an IDS/IPS system so could this module cover all?Is this module going to provide the desired outcome or is there another module/device out there better suited for this? I would prefer to use the ASA5550s as opposed to implementing another product if only that we can make use of the investment we already made on these devices.
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Apr 5, 2011
I hava Cisco ASA 5520 with AIP-SSM module. I would like to have the below features with ASA installed in Transparent mode.
1. Traffic shapping per user
2. Traffic shapping per IP subnet
3. Traffic shapping per Application
Is it possible with ASA installed in Transparent mode?
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Feb 13, 2011
ASA 5520 can handle 2 ISP? not to load balance or not standby/active but to use the 2 ISP at the same time and separately. for example, ISP_A who has 10m will be dedicated to the customer A/VLAN A, then ISP_B who has 4m will be for the rest of the customer's traffic. Can the ASA 5520 do traffic shaping or policy map just like in a normal router?
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Aug 4, 2011
I am trying to come up with the best way to traffic shape traffic with 3750 Me switches. the traffic will be coming from a 6504 Sup-7203b downstream and going out the wan. Core---L3---->6504--intvlan80--trunkport to--->3750Me---g/1/1/1-trunkport to---MetroE network--->int f0/0.80--branch router. The idea is to use the 3750 to traffic shape the traffic going towards the wan/branch to 500 to match the contracted rate and then to use qos on shaped rate. I tried to apply it to g1/1/1 using port based policies but it did not shape the traffic. I changed everything to IP interfaces and it worked. I need to break up the metroe into different vlans so I can bring branch offices in on different vlans.c
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Dec 5, 2010
I've a asa 5510 on the main site and different ASA 5505 on secundary sites for VPN tunneling between the sites. The problem is that the tunnels are acomplished but no traffic is going over them. What am i doing wrong? For the moment there is a ASA 5505 on the main site managing the tunnels but I want the 5510 to take over the job.
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Mar 15, 2011
I am a traffic shaping newcomer and need some guidance as how to BEGIN to approach a problem with traffic. We have been rolling out Windows 7 at sites and the additional traffic it causes on installation is considerable as it has to request information from our central site to populate My Documents and Outlook mailboxes.This has caused some problems on sites as there traffic rates increase to the point that QoS is not sufficient to protect voice traffic and delays and one-way audio are being experienced.One question is this - is GTS a solution or is CBWFQ within GTS the solution or is something else preferable? The sites involved are data/voice with a variety of routers.Second question is this - if we have a remote site with a 3725 router as the WAN aggregator with one 4506/Sup IV and one Cat 3550-24-PWR the shaping should be best placed on the 3725, correct? Also, are there issues with shaping incoming/outgoing traffic as I seem to have read?FYI, the 3725 router has 12.4(8d) with IP VOICE/NO CRYPTO IOS version. The 4506 has 12.1(23)E4 with basic L3 feature set.
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Sep 20, 2012
I have a site to site VPN setup between a 5510 and 5505. All traffic is sent ovet the VPN from the remote site to the home office. Everything is working fine but the remote site "www" traffic is not going to the Barracuda. ISP -> CISCO ASA -> Barracuda -> Internal Switch.The Barracuda is setup "inline" with the internal network.
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Jun 19, 2013
What's the good, inexpensive way to add traffic shaping to a small network? Let's say there are about 20 users on a T1 circuit. Existing router is an Adtran 3430 (from the telco so we can't touch it). Everything works fine except when they get really heavy with uploads/downloads when document scanning, and the telnet sessions to the mainframe app start getting dropped. Major PITA. Basically need to make telnet traffic a priority.Now, I could drop a pfSense box in there using an old workstation, but I'd like something I can stick in a rack, or is at least really small and hopefully under $200 or so.
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Feb 6, 2011
I have a 3825 with a 1Gb fiber card at one of my sites. Our ISP and MPLS provider hand off a single gigabit fiber to us that contains 2 50MB EVC's.I need to apply QoS to one of the EVC's and shape them both to 50Mb to avoid upstream rate mismatch bottlenecks. Both of the EVC's generally only push 10Mb during business hours.When I run UDP stream tests (various rates from 500k-6m that are marked as AF41) to one of my other sites I am consistently getting about 2% packet loss, despite the fact the circuit isn't even close to 50% saturation. When I remove Shaping and QoS all together, the issue nearly clears itself up, except during peak hours and I get small bursts of packet loss, which is still unacceptable.When the pipe is at near zero utilization (after hours) there also is no packet loss with or with out the shaping/qos applied.
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May 5, 2011
There is a remote server that downloads info from a server here at HQ. When the dowloads start the rxload on the S0/0/0 interface jumps to 98 percent or so; rxload 250/255. I needed to limit the bandwidth utilization between the servers, so I added the below line to the LAN interface on the remote router.By adding the command, it reduced the download utilization -which is what I wanted.
access-list 185 permit ip host any
int f0/0
traffic-shape group 185 10000 8000 8000 1000
Question:How would applying this to the LAN interface cause the download utilization (Coming from s0/0/0) to decrease?
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Feb 25, 2012
I want to take 100Mb incoming from a service provider and police it off into several VRFs for customers.One of these VRFs will be 30M.I further need to traffic shape this (30Mb) out to 40 x 0.75Mbps (burstable to 30M) customers.
I am using an ASR1001.
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Nov 19, 2011
I have a client who has Cisco 3800 series routers in their data centre with which they have QoS/CoS policies implemented. They wish to further manage traffic by limiting outbound traffic to their branch sites in line with the network access bandwidth each site has available. Is this possible whilst leaving the QoS policies in place? If so how?
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Jun 10, 2012
I have following scenario - router 2911 connected to 2950 switches with about 80 vlans. How can I limit speed on each of the 79 vlans (to equal % acros all of them) and give vlan 80 lets say 30% of total bandtwith. Since I am new to QOS, can you point me to the right website or give me example.
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Jun 1, 2011
I am trying to get ride of an old traffic management appliance and would like to replace it by a simple Cisco 3845.
The configuration is really simple:
Customers -- Router 3845 -- Internet
I want to be able to provide bundles to customer such 64kps garanteed/ 2mbps MIR (retail) and 2mbps garanteed no MIR (business).
I need also to specify to the router the total internet bandwitdh available (example: 20mbps symetrical).
This configuration will work ? Should I worry about any performance issue if I start to have a lot of customers ?
ip access-list extended Cust1
permit ip any sub_Cust1
permit ip subCust1 any
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Feb 26, 2013
I am suggesting an ASR1001 as a head end router for a small hub spoke WAN consisting of 4 branch sites connecting to the head via LES. 3 are 100mb, one is 30 mb. I will be connecting the LES circuits to a swithc and then trunking to the router. I would like to apply outbound shaping to these 4 subinterfaces on the router, and just want to check this is supported?
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May 28, 2013
We are looking to implement a bandwidth policy for our Internet link. What i would like to know is if we use a policing policy, will the exceeded dropped packets be resubmitted from the source? Will the dropped packets be resubmitted? Are there any differences besides this when using either policing or shaping policies? Is one better than the other?
CISCO ASA 5510 IOS 8.2
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Jul 14, 2011
We are a new medical school located in PA. Just have just completed a new building and are now working on getting our network finished. Here is the situation we have a 50MB Internet Connection that comes into our network that then hits the ISPs Cisco 3750 which sends it to two of our Cisco 3750s for redundancy. From the 3750 goes into our Cisco 6509 with a FWSM module, then out from there to our distribution switches which are all Cisco 2960s.
What we would like to do is to control how much WAN connectivity each of our VRFs get. Right now we have a Faculty, Student, and Research VRF formed, and are trying to figure out the best spot where we can say Faculty gets 30MB of Bandwidth, Students gets 10, and Research gets 10. If possible would like burst capabilities.
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Feb 18, 2012
I am trying to do policy on the interfaces of my switch WS-4507R, below the configuration I used to shap the traffic to 1 Mbps. However, when I tested it the traffic excceded the 1 Mbps.
class-map match-all 1MB
match access-group name 1MB
policy-map 1MB
class 1MB
how I can restrict my bandwidth on the interface on 1 Mbps.
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Mar 29, 2011
We have an ISP connection that is connected via an ethernet interface on a 5510 ASA. We are allotted 10Mbps. I have currently have the interface set to 10Mbps Full. However we want to upgrade the connection to 25Mbps. I know I can set the port speed to 100Mbps and then set a shape/police statement and shape down to 25Mbps.
Management wants to be able to call the ISP and arbitrarily adjust that speed up temporarily at any time without any user/admin intervention on our side. I can simply leave the port at 100Mbps i.e. no shape statement on my side however I will run into problems with large amounts drops, overruns, retransmissions, etc due to the ISP shaping the connection speed during normal operations. However they then could then adjust the speed at any time without needing me.
I do not know the best way to make this work. Is there some sort of dynamic/smart shaper in the ASA or another cisco device?
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Mar 21, 2012
I am looking for step-by-step configuration on how to enable rate-limit and traffic shaping on Cisco 6513 vlan interfaces. I am not able to find this particular document on CCO.
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Feb 8, 2011
I have lots of PPPoE users that get Virtual Access interfaces created upon login based on a virtual template. I need to traffic shape them. I know how to get it to work on an individual basis, because the policing within a service policy works fine. As soon as i change it to shaping it leaves things wide open.I really dont care how it gets done, I just need to be able to specify a speed to be traffic shaped and apply that to a virtual template. I need to limit speeds on the download and upload, i understand that the upload i will use the policing, but the download i need it to smooth out the flow and be traffic shaped, not policed.
Here is my Policies and classes:
policy-map CHILD class class-default bandwidth 1650policy-map PARENT class class-default shape average 1650000 service-policy CHILD****
Here is my Virtual Template:
interface Virtual-Template8 description pppoe-auth-FTTH ip unnumbered FastEthernet0/0 ip access-group subs-in-FTTH in ip mtu 1493 timeout absolute 6120 0 peer default ip address pool FTTH-POOL ppp authentication pap pppoe-auth ppp authorization pppoe-auth ppp timeout idle 84600 service-policy output PARENT
The results i am getting is unrestrcited throughput, i am seeing about 40mb of throughput when the target is to limit to 1.65MB. As you can see from the output the PARENT class is seeing 279116 packets, but the shaper only saw 59. In all the examples i see on the internet these two numbers should be the same. Why is the shaper not acting on all the traffic crossing that class/policy?
Cisco IOS Software, 7200 Software (C7200-IK9SU2-M), Version 12.4(12), RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc1)
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Oct 29, 2011
I make qos on VPN Tunnel, but i make command service-policy output name, it show the error below Traffic Shaping feature is not supported in user defined class of parent level policy.My cisco router 1921, IOS : c1900-universalk9-mz.SPA.150-1.M5.bin
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Mar 26, 2013
We have some ASR WAN routers which have a dedicated 400M interface to a remote site.
Servers on our Local network source the data through some firewalls via 10G interfaces, which connects to 4500X WAN switches then to the Routers on 1G links.
The sources are rate limiting the traffic but the routers are periodically dropping packets which I think is mostly due to burstiness in the traffic between as it traverses through from 10G links to 1G then to 400M.
How to setup traffic shaping on the 4500X outbound port to our WAN routers.I'd like to see if we could buffer and smoothe out the traffic as it exits the 4500X WAN switch 1G port to the WAN Routers.
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Jan 27, 2013
I have catalyst 3750 I want to controle traffics on every port I have tried Frame-Relay Traffice shaping and Quality of service but there is no support for these commands in the we have any way to limit traffic on every port in catalyst 3750 and 2960 switches ?
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Nov 28, 2011
I have a classical "inside + DMZ + outside" configuration.I also have a mail server in DMZ which have to be allowed to reach any destination on the outside (internet) at least on the SMTP port, of course.If I make an access rule that allows traffic from that server to "any", everything works fine, but doing so the server is allowed to reach any destination, including what is behind the inside interface (internal network).I didn't find any other option to tell the ASA machine to allow any destination, but on the outside interface only.I do believe is possibile to have the ASA to allow any kind of traffic from a host on the DMZ to the outside interface only, but I didn't figure out how.
P.S.: I'm using a 5510 machine running version 8.2
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Apr 24, 2012
We were having a discussion of ios firewall vs. asa for smaller clients(less than 50). On using ios firewall(zbf or cbac)and an asa 5505/5510. One of the arguments brought up on using ios firewall on the router is that a router will do an ip sla failover. I have configured a number of isr's for this and i know it works good.
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Dec 5, 2012
I am able to ftp from my Head Office to my test machine at the remote location but I can't get the other way around to work. Error message from the Syslog deny tcp src dst by access-group "dmz_access_in".I try a couple of ways to fix it but no luck.A partial config of my ASA 5505. [code]
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Jul 24, 2011
We have a BT Infinity broadband circuit which terminates at a vdsl modem, I've plugged an ASA 5505 into the back of this modem and gone through the ADSM quick setup wizard (yes I'm that much of a beginner!) The config that's been generated is pasted below, the symptomns I'm seeing are;
The ASA is setup with PPPOE on the internet connection, I assume this is correct as if I do a show IP on the ASA I'm getting an IP address that has been assigned, if I change the password to the wrong one then I get no IP (as expected).
If I ping from the ASA to an internet connection I'm getting "no route" error messages, if I try a "ping outside x.x.x.x" then I get no repsonses.
The ASA can ping it's external IP, the client machines can ping it's internal, however nothing appears to be able to get out.
ASA Version 8.4(1)
hostname xxxxxx
enable password xxxxxx encrypted
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May 20, 2011
Just wondering if there are any methods or commands, natively, in the asa5510 for determining all traffic in to and from a certain server passing through the asa. This would be without a syslog server or something similar.
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Mar 11, 2013
Core Internal Network -> Cisco ASA 5510 -> DMZ Switch.If i send a ping reguest from internal network to servers in DMZ Switch over the ASA 5510, i can see a delay in response, some times this delay can be more than 80ms, this is a problem for the web applications in http traffic.How i can find what's happening on my ASA? I disable the inspect traffic over the IPS, disable the policy maps below, reload the two boxes, but doesn't works, the problem still persists. [code]
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Mar 27, 2011
I'm currently using ASA 5510 with software 8.4.1 and I have an issue with nat configuration. I used the following config line:nat (inside, dmz) source dynamic LAN Pat1 destination Server1 Server1
The traffic is not flowing and when I use Packet Tracer, packets are dropped at the NAT rule with the following error: Drop-reason: (acl-drop) Flow is denied by configured rule.The only ACE I have is permit ip any any.
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