D-Link DCS-930L :: Video Samples / Quality

Sep 5, 2011

I'm considering using this cam as a live cam pointed across the street to a beach and ocean view.  Would it produce a decent video if used for this purpose? I've been looking around for some sample video from this cam but so far no luck. Any sample sites I could log into to see the 930l in action?

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D-Link D-ViewCam :: Is It Possible To Use VLC To View Video From A DCS-930L?

May 3, 2011

Given that D-View Cam stinks (will only run full-screen), is there a way to view the DCS-930L using VLC?

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D-Link DCS-930L :: Can Stream MJPEG Video To VLC

Mar 20, 2011

I'd like to use VLC to view the MJPEG stream from the DCS-930L. What URL should I use to do this?

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D-Link DCS-930L :: Video Image Is Scrambled

Mar 7, 2012

Recently, out of the blues, the video feeds on both of my DCS-930L cams are all scrambled.I've tried reset to default, update firmware, using wired, used on Windows7, used on Windows XP, used on Firefox, used on IE...nothing seems to resolve the issue.

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D-Link DCS-930L :: No Video From Motion Detection?

Apr 2, 2011

First of all, I've purchased a couple of Wifi cameras in the past, and they've always been missing something important (i.e. just returned a Cisco camera because it didn't support WPA2-AES).

So I was thrilled when I first received the DCS-930L - it was sleek, wireless setup was easy, and mydlink.com is slick as well.

But I'm afraid I've found the fatal flaw. I purchased this camera for one reason only - to figure out how mice are getting into my basement! I set up the camera where I suspect they're coming in, set up motion detection (via ftp), and then walked in front of the camera to test it.

To my surprise,  I checked the FTP folder and found dozens of STILL images! What I really need is a video file. Is there NO way to configure the camera to capture video (not still images) when motion is detected? This seems like a huge gap. The Cisco camera I returned could do this.

If it can't do this, can it can be configured to record the last X hours to a shared drive somewhere, so I can at least go back and look at recorded video?

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D-Link DCS-930L :: View Video On IPad Without Mydlink App?

Mar 15, 2013

Is there a way to view live video without using the Mydlink app on an iPad?

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D-Link DCS-930L :: Video Feed On Website Using ActiveX

Dec 29, 2011

Forum member RDK graciously took the time to develop a tutorial for Setting up a user defined web page to show DLink DCS-930L/932L camera images using the DLink ActiveX control.

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D-Link DCS-930L :: Changed Port Number Now Cannot Access Video?

Nov 26, 2011

With basic "Wizard" setup I got DHCP and port 80 for the camera.  It was working just fine with MyDLink and locally with DLink-ViewCam software and some local test web pages. However, we have a wireless printer on that router which also uses port 80, so when it was installed we set up a "port forward" for port 80 traffic to it for administration from other subnets.  How MyDLink website is able to tunnel through our hardware firewall and the wireless routers firewall to  communicate with the camera is not clear to me (perhaps someone can send me a link to an explanation??), but it works...Thus, to allow access to the camera from other subents, I wanted to change the camera's port from 80 to another, say 8181 and set up the appropriate "port forwarding for TCP and UDP.  All of the steps below were from a PC within the camera's subnet/router so port forwarding is not an issue

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D-Link DCS-930L :: Mjpg Video Stream Or Sequence Of Jpg Images

Sep 14, 2011

When accessing the camera on mydlink, or on a browser using http://x.x.x.x/mjpg.cgi, I would expect the net bit rate to be substantially less than for a sequence of jpg's, since true motion-jpg uses a lossy form of intraframe compression typically yielding a 20:1 data reduction (according to wikipedia). Indeed, I can readily see this reduction in mjpg clips made on my Canon S5is camera. It's not clear whether that is happening with the d-link DCS-930L camera (640x480, quality "high", java).

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D-Link DCS-930L :: Unable To View Video On Android Device

Aug 7, 2011

Setup my DCS-930L for DDNS (Dynamic Domain Name Server) so I can access the DCS-930L via the Internet (couldn't access the camera half the the time while on vacation using mydlink) and can now access the camera using my laptop, Android Thrive, and Motorola Droid 3 via the URL I've created but can only see the video when using the laptop.

I have the DCS-930L set to Java but when I log into the camera with the Thrive or Droid 3 (both Android devices) I don't get video. I can make changes to the camera settings and everything else you can do when logged into the camera but just can't see the video. If I change the 'View Mode' in the video setup to 'Image', I will get a picture on all three devices (Thrive, Droid 3, and laptop).What do I need on the Droid 3 & Thrive so I can see the video when I log into the DCS-930L with an Android device?

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D-Link DCS-930L :: No Date And Time On Video Stream At Mydlink?

Mar 17, 2011

The DCS-930L provides no date & time on video stream at mydlink, but does display those when accessing on the LAN. Is there a way to force the date/time tag to show over the web? Otherwise, remote recording might not know when an event happened?

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D-Link DCS-930L :: Contribute To Our Third-Party Video Monitoring Software List

Nov 23, 2011

Contribute to our DCS IP Camera Third-Party Video Monitoring Software List.Do you have experience using third party software to monitor feeds from your DCS camera? Share your knowledge.  post your contributions here: DCS Compatible Software(i.e. sticky at the top of the DCS Software board)

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D-Link D-ViewCam :: DCS-930L - Unable To View Video On Android Devices

Aug 7, 2011

Setup my DCS-930L for DDNS (Dynamic Domain Name Server) so I can access the DCS-930L via the Internet (couldn't access the camera half the the time while on vacation using mydlink) and can now access the camera using my laptop, Android Thrive, and Motorola Droid 3 via the URL I've created but can only see the video when using the laptop.

I have the DCS-930L set to Java but when I log into the camera with the Thrive or Droid 3 (both Android devices) I don't get video. I can make changes to the camera settings and everything else you can do when logged into the camera but just can't see the video. If I change the 'View Mode' in the video setup to 'Image', I will get a picture on all three devices (Thrive, Droid 3, and laptop).

What do I need on the Droid 3 & Thrive so I can see the video when I log into the DCS-930L with an Android device?

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D-Link DCS-930L :: Can't Setup New 930L With Mac OS X Beta Utility

Mar 29, 2011

I'm using a Verizon DSL router, Mac D-Link Camera Setup Utility (BETA), and Mac OS X 10.6.7.  Configuration of camera is as recommended in manual with CAT-5 cable.  Green light blinks irregularly in a communicating-with-router manner.  The setup utility won't recognize the camera

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D-Link DIR-615 :: Getting Low Wireless Signal Quality?

Jan 19, 2012

I took my router with me to visit family at Christmas.  It wouldn't allow the wired computer through the switch, but yet I could talk to the router with my laptop.  Rather than reconfigure, I bundled up my router & laptop and let well enough alone.Now that they're all back at my house, I can't reliably get the laptop to connect - Low Wireless Signal error.  I've reset the modem & router repeatedly.  Tried Channels 1,6, 11 and 8&9 too.  n only, as that's my laptop's.  On 2 occasions it has connected, rebooted and auto connected and run for 4-5 hours.  Then it's gone.  I've beat this mess for 3-8 hours per day, for days...!!!Laptop(Vista) connects to every other wifi I've tried.  It's sitting 4 ft from the router. 

misc. info.
separate dsl modem, Centurytel, Netopia Cayman 3300 series
no other devices beyond wired desktop and laptop
no changes in other neighboring networks

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D-Link DIR-655 :: Horrible Connection Quality And Regular Disconnects

May 18, 2012

I tried multiple times to register a username here and no matter what I chose I would only get "An Error Has Occurred" when I submit the info. I've tried this over several days and keep getting the same dead end. So, I went to bugmenot.com and I'm using a generic username that was given there in order to post this. So...there's that...   

Starter info... I'm running Hardware Rev A4 of the DIR-655 on the 1.33NA firmware. I never upgraded past that firmware because of all the horror stories I'd read about new firmware here. Up until lately it's been fairly stable. The issues I refer to SEEM to coincide with my recent installation of Apple TV hardware on my wireless network, though I can't confirm. It's never been great with this router, so that could be coincidental. On my network I have a hardwired Mac Mini, wireless Macbook Pro, a hardwired D-Link DNS-321 NAS box, Apple TV, Logitech Revue, iPad, iPod Touch, iPhone and occasionally one each of a Samsung and LG Bluray player (only when they're powered up, which is rarely). I'm also using a wireless repeater in the middle of my house because the DIR-655 doesn't yield a very usable signal in my master bedroom, which is on the opposite side of the house as the router.

With all that being said... I have had terrible issues being able to keep a steady connection wirelessly with this router as of late. Streaming Youtube videos will stop after a few seconds, loading websites will just stop responding all together, and I can't even keep a connection to stream music from my Mac Mini to my phone or AppleTV using Home Sharing in iTunes. I'll get a few seconds of a song and it will just drop out completely. It's been extremely annoying and I'm ready to take a hammer to this router, to be honest.

I've checked my logs and there were all kinds of FIN:ACK, PSH:ACK and SYN:ACK TCP packets that are being blocked. I noticed many of them were coming from Apple IP addresses, so I assume that the AppleTV had a lot to do with those. I actually used the Inbound Filter settings to allow requests from a whole block of Apple IP's, which seems to have settled log items from them down a lot. There are still quite a few that seem to be coming from Google IP addresses (I presume the Logitech Revue since it uses the Google TV interface?), but the Google IP's are too random to go allowing a large block. [code]

I have Advanced DNS disabled. All Traffic Shaping and QoS boxes are checked to enable. Comcast is my cable internet provider. I've noticed that my WAN Connection Up Time is often a fairly low number like the connection to the cable modem drops out frequently.

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Cisco Switching/Routing :: ASR 1000 - Checking Link Quality

Mar 3, 2012

We have branches all over the country and we take different links like fiber (Ethernet) radio links etc. Now sometimes when we ping from branch WAN ip to its gateway or to the aggregation router (ASR 1000) in this case, we see some drops, but see no problem in actual HTTP or lotus communication.

What i want to know, that now a days, should we rely on ping results to determine link quality ? or should i use tools like iperf to basically see if the link is actually treating tcp and udp packets properly, I have heard this countless times that normally network devices like Cisco routers, even without any QOS, will give low priority to ping packets.

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Cisco AAA/Identity/Nac :: Anyconnect 2.x / Certificates And ACS 5.2 Samples?

Sep 25, 2011

I'm looking for samples about anyconnect 2.x with PKI authentication through ASA 8.x and ACS 5.2.The CA could be a internal Microsoft CA.

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D-Link DCS-930L :: How To Share Camera

Mar 21, 2011

I would like to share my live video from my dcs-930L camera but don't want to give out my password that would allow people to change settings..

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D-Link DCS-930L :: Playback No Sound

May 5, 2011

i was playing back the recording,when i skipped ahead, the sound disappeared.  I am recording 10 hours worth everyday, most of the time i just need to skip to a certain time to see and hear what was going on,

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D-Link DCS-930L :: Add An External Antenna

Feb 12, 2013

How to add an external antenna? I'd like to mount a DCS-930L in a location (inside a metal housing) that would need the antenna to be a few inches away. Any internal layout information?

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D-Link DCS-930L :: Camera Cannot Be Found

Aug 31, 2012

I just brought this D-Link DCS-930L. I insert the disc and follow the instruction and select the option of without WPS and follow the step of connecting the lan cable and power point but at Step 2, after the green light, it keep prompting me that it can't find the camera. it connected to the router where there is a lan cable connected to my pc.

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D-Link DCS-930L :: How To Do Wireless Setup

May 12, 2011

I had to get a new router from verizon cause the old one died. so i reset the camera and wipe all the dlink software and settings. I then start fresh. i get all the way to choosing wireless and input the password. It states that there is a problem saving your settings. I tells me nothing more. I spent 4 hours on the phone with tech support and i can get it working through wired but I can't put it in my childs room wired. it worked perfectly before the router switch. funny thing is that its the same brand and model router.

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D-Link DCS-930L :: Can't Connect To Network MAC

May 6, 2011

I downloaded the MAC setup Utility(BETA) and it can't find the camera.The camera is connected via Ethernet-Light on the front under the lens is green (blinks sometimes)First thing I noticed wrong was the setup utility asks if the light on the side of the camera is lit green-there's no light on the side of the camera as far as I can tell. I tried unplugging the camera and hitting the reset button on the back-nothing works.

PC: MAC OSX 10.6.7 (2.2GHz Intel Core 2 Duo/4GB RAM)
Router: Linksys WRT54G Wireless-G Broadband 2.4GHz
Browser: FireFox 4.0.1

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D-Link DCS-930L :: Cannot Get Camera Settings Tab

Nov 27, 2011

i installed cameras but want to set up for motion. I have 2 dcs 930l cameras and I can see them live i have only 2 settings live video and camera info i also downloaded the link from support.dlink.com i have a new windows 7 laptop and it keeps tryng to download java app problem is now computer keeps asking for a username and password and I have no idea what username and pw it wants as it says in the box it is unsecure

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D-Link DCS-930L :: Can't Connect To Router

Apr 7, 2011

I just recently purchased the DCS-930L wireless camera, and I am trying to connect it to my Netgear router but it states that there's an error and can't connect.  My itouch and laptop connects fine with the router.

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D-Link DCS-930L :: Record Offsite Or On A NAS?

Dec 8, 2011

Is it possible to install the D Viewcam software on a PC that is offsite (different network) as the camera and record from there? Basically the camera is home and you record from work.Can I record directly to any NAS (same network as camera) without having a PC in the middle? Or do I need a specific NAS?What about one of those external hard drives that hook up directly to a router?

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D-Link DCS-930L :: Turn Off Camera?

Jan 22, 2012

I have the DCS-930L set up at home with motion detection emails.  I only want it to be sending emails when I am not home, of course, but there's no way to turn off the camera through my dlink.com as far as I can tell (only an option to remove the camera, which I assume is something more drastic). Is my only choice to unplug the camera when I don't want it emailing?

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D-Link DCS-930L :: Connection Timeout From 3G?

Jun 10, 2012

I am able to access 930L (2 cams) from wifi be it laptop,iphone or ipad but I am not able to see it through 3g.I have Huawei fibre optics broadband reuter from Starhub.Starhub is running away if ask them to fix it. Huawei never takes the call.I tried atleast 3 times 10 minutes each at 8006011450.It goes to disconnect. The lot talked about UPNP is enable in reuter but it does not work.

Now i talked to Dlink support with ticket DCX36811.They advised to load the firmware.I did it still the connection timeout is there. we have baby to monitor through iphone/android 3g.

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D-Link DCS-930L :: Can't Get Online Access

Jul 5, 2011

I bought and hooked up my DCS-930L camera last week. Have since traveled overseas and go to Mydlink website, log-in and then it tries to install a java applet that never does install. It shows the security box where it asks me to run and then it shows another security box with a message: java.io.FileNotFoundException:C:usersmynameAppDataLocalLowSunJavaDeploymentsecurity rusted.certs(Access is denied)

I click ok and the java applet never loads. It just keeps saying Installing Java Applet.

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D-Link DCS-930L :: Is Installation Any Different Because There Are 2 Networks

Mar 10, 2012

I have a DCS-930 running successfully on my home network. Now I want to set up a DCS-932 on a different network at my mother's house in another city, so I can monitor her house from a distance.  Questions:

1. After installing, will I be able to see both cameras at mydlink.com if they are on different networks?
2. Is installation any different because there are 2 networks?
3. Can I use the existing install wizard on the laptop that I used with the 1st installation or should I use my mother's PC?
4. How do I get started since the first instruction is to insert and use the CD that came with the new camera?

Basically I want to know what the install procedure is if I am using a different network but the same laptop I used with the 1st one.  The laptop has a wireless connection to both networks.

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D-Link DCS-930L :: Can't Access Camera Over Internet

Sep 13, 2011

I think I did everything per the manual, but I cannot access my camera over the internet thru [URL] website. It says that I have to check if I have enough bandwidth, or checked if my camera is not blocked by my router But I have a Dlink DIR 655 router where I have configured the Virtual server (port 80) as it is explain in the manual I also have a DHCP reservation that works fine (I can access the camera within my network) What should I do more now to finally access my camera from internet (this is for me the interest of havinf a network camera!)

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D-Link DCS-930L :: Turn Off Front Green LED?

Apr 19, 2011

Is there any way to turn off the front green LED on the DCS-930L or do I just cover it with a piece of opaque tape?

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