D-Link DIR-825 :: How To Improve Connection From Router To Ps3

Jan 30, 2011

The people i play with always tell me that Im lagging during Call Of Duty Black Ops. I feel like I just never get the first shot off.

Is there anyway that I can improve the connection to my ps3?

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How To Improve Wireless Connection

Mar 13, 2012

My dad uses 2 modems, somehow they connect the whole house to the internet wireless. We all use laptops and 2 xboxs' but sometimes the connection will dip, not often but sometimes. Do you think this is my wireless adapter in my laptop or because of the use of modems to open up a wireless network?I was thinking about buying a router and just connecting it to the modem to maybe improve the connection. Suggestions? I really do not know the configuration my dad did for this network, the only thing I know is he uses modems not routers which is pretty strange.

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D-Link DIR-655 :: Firmware Update Improve Performance?

Jan 22, 2012

I read the sticky related to firmware updates.  I have a DIR-655, that has been been giving me good service for quite a few years.  I subscribe to the "if it ain't broke, don't fix it" philosophy as I have managed to keep my home network and computers running over the years, but I'm not knowledgable in these matters.  I am still running firmware 1.10, and have not wanted to take a chance that if I upgraded I would find myself with numerous devices with no connectivity (running mix of Mac and PC desktops and laptops, XBox, Wii, Roku box, numerous iPhones and iPods, LG TV, and an iPad).

Recently I moved to the cable company phone, and they added a new modem.  They have it set as a gateway (I think that is the terminology), and my network works basically as it did before.  I have noticed though, that my Roku box, laptops, and skype on my Mac desktop seem to be having periods of slower download (Roku box), skype choppiness, and download that stop.  I was thinking that perhaps if I upgraded the firmware, my performance might improve.  After reading the sticky, it seems like firmware may not be the answer.  This is a reliable but older piece of equipment, and now I'm thinking that I just need to upgrade to a newer and perhaps more advanced router.

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Wireless :: Slow Broadband - How To Improve My Connection

Jul 27, 2011

Because I have more than 10 mtrs of extension lead between my phone socket and my wireless router I am considering adapting my desktop computer to wireless.Will this speedup my broadband and improve my connection.?

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Cisco Switching/Routing :: 650x How To Improve Link Failure

Jan 27, 2013

I have implemented in my company network recommended by cisco scheme with MEC etherchannel from some segment distribution layer (VSS) to core switches (legacy 650x) exactly as on picture: Core switches  have rather old  IOS (Version 12.2(33)SRB4 and i have reasons not to upgrade it now) which dont support many functions - like BFD over Etherchannels and Enhanced PAgP. And we run a OSPF/MP-BGP/MPLS bunch over those links with OSPF reference bandwidth configured to such values that failure of one link in etherchannel will not lead to link cost changes (we dont have a lot of traffic for now on those links and 1 link can handle it easily) and consequently will not trigger changes to RIB and BGP topology table.
Problem is that i am afraid that in case of one of link of portchannel will fail (but without port down event - unidirectional link or smth else) it will take rather long time to converge - and im talking about L2, not L3 protocols. Cos i cant implement BFD and ePaGP over this link - best i can do that improve 30 seconds PAgP hello timer to 1 second. But at least 3 seconds of possible traffic blackholed - is rather big problem.First time i considered 2 possible solutions:

1) BFD - but even i can use it, it will not improve much recovery time cos 750 ms for BFD over etherchannel not much better that 1 second PaGP fast timer.

2) ePAgP - as i understand this protocol have enhancements to discover failed link faster and improve recovery time, but all information i can find about it - is how to use it for dual active detection and none about timers improvements. So i cant be sure that i should upgrade IOS on Core switches and it will improve my failure detection time. ( if it possible adduce some links to description of this protocol enhancements in comparison with PAGP)
For now im already thinking about using four L3 links (instead of 2 portchannels) and BFD over those links with 50 ms hello timer. But in case of link failure reconvergence of OSPF will take some time, and BGP will react to this no immediately, so i am afraid that even using aggressive timers for routing processes and hellos i will not win much time.

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Linksys Wireless Router :: Set Up Two E4200 To Improve Signal Strength?

Sep 24, 2012

Currently I'm using one e4200 (v1) as my main router in the house. The wireless coverage downstairs is perfect, but upstairs the signal is weak. To improve this I thought about adding the WAP610N as an access point to my network. But this device gets quite some negative reviews ... Thus I was thinking why not add another e4200 (v2) to my network? The price difference is not that big, especially compared to other simultaneous dual band access points. So my question is, would following scenario work?

- first e4200, connected to my ISP, acting as a router, using both the 2.4 as 5 ghz band (basically my current situation)

- second e4200, connected (via UTP cable) to the first e4200, in bridge mode

- second e4200 also using both 2.4 and 5 ghz band, using the same SSID, security etc but a different channel
So when moving a laptop for example from downstairs to upstairs, automatically the router/access point with the strongest signal would be used.

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Linksys Wireless Router :: E3000 - How To Improve Wi-Fi Signal Strength

Nov 26, 2010

I have configured a new LinkSys e3000 as as wireless router in our house.I have left the configuration as default (only secured it and turned on the DHCP server).I have only turned on the 2,4 GHz network ( because the 5GH had an even shorter range).Everything works and all my devices can connect to the router and access the internet.However i find the signal strenght of the router to be very poor.Already in the next room it drops to 60%. And in some rooms on the 1st floor the signal drops completly.This happens not even 20m away from the router in an ordinary "family house".Is there a setting somewhere which could increase the signal strength ?I noticed that the router has no antenna, can one be bought and attached so the signal increases ?The firmware version is 1.0.02 and i found a newer on your web 1.0.03. How to improve the signal strength?

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Linksys Wireless Router :: Cisco E4200 - How To Improve Signal Strength

Oct 29, 2012

I have a two story house with a basement.  Right now I have a Cisco Linksys E4200 router on the second floor in one of the bedrooms.  I have a DLink GamerLouge 4500 in the basement.  Both systems have the same SSID and are running on different channels.  Computers connect to the appropriate one automatically.  At least assuming that's what's happening.I am getting limited connectivity on the first floor in the kitchen and family room.  Dining room, right by the second floor stairs is fine.  All the bathrooms are dead zones.  Note I have thick travertine tiles on the walls in the bathrooms so may inhibit signals.  Trying to figure out the optimal solution for getting the house setup so everywhere has at least decent signals. I have alot of iPad and laptop devices floating around the house so wireless is key.  Note I have wired plugs with Cat5e all over the house to a central hub in the basement which is where the DLink router sits.  Thoughts on how to improve my signal strength?  Especially in the farther reaching bedrooms and the first floor

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Linksys Wireless Router :: WRT54GL - Advanced Settings To Improve Range

Oct 26, 2008

I've got a WPA wireless network set up that utilizes a total of 4 WRT54GL routers as access points (on channels 1, 6, and 11 [the two APs furthest from each other both utilize 11). Each AP generally supports about 5 clients at a time (though sometimes as high as 10).Generally, everything is working, but the clients furthest from the access points occasionally lose their connections, and some users have reported periods when they are completely unable to obtain an IP. I am virtually certain that this is based on poor signal strength resulting from distance from the APs and/or RF interference from other APs in the building. I have done everything possible to improve signal strength by router placement, optimizing channel usage based upon RF surveys, and upgrading to high-gain omnis.
This leaves nothing to do apart from tweaking the advanced wireless settings to marginally improve problems related to weak signal and/or RF interference, so I've been reading everything I can find on these boards and elsewhere about changing Fragmentation Threshold, RTS threshold, and beacon interval. However, I'm left with the following questions.
1) There seems to be disagreement about Fragmentation threshold and RTS threshold settings. Some (including the Linksys Technical Troubleshooting Wizard) recommend that both be set to 2304. I have also seen people insist that Fragmentation be set to 2306 and RTS to 2304. A few recommend 2306 for both thresholds, and some advise 2306 for Fragmentation and 2307 for RTS (though by my limited understanding, it simply disables RTS when the value is higher than the fragmentation threshold value). Which of these settings is best? And more importantly, WHY is it the best? Generally, I understand what the settings do, but I am reluctant to change them when there doesn't seem to be a consensus about exactly what they should be.
2) With respect to beacon interval, I've seen both 75ms and 50ms recommmended to replace the default of 100ms. For a network of my size (4 APs, averaging 5 users each), will increasing the number of beacons (and hence the RF traffic even when the network is idle) pose a problem? Also, I'm a little less clear as to how this would improve connectivity.
Since these settings will affect all users, I want to make sure that I'm using settings that will be beneficial on the whole. The last thing I want to do is inadvertantly make things worse, and since I can't test things directly from the standpoint of each user.

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Linksys Wireless Router :: E1200 - Constant Instability / How To Improve Performance

Oct 9, 2012

I've recently acquired a Linksys E1200 router--which is more than a week old--from the recommendation of a friend of mine. The service is great and all, but the one thing that frequently bothers me is the seeming constant instability of my router's model. There are moments when the router performs smoothly, but there is as much an instance because the router doesn't seem to work at all even when the lights (and the accompanying connection) on my modem seem to be working in good order.
I know that a router will always have its problems, but this is really a constant problem with the E1200; and if so, if there's any way possible on how I can be able to "stabilize" the said router's performance.

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How To Improve Latency And Routing

Feb 22, 2012

I play an online game, and latency is critical. I usually play at one server, and typically I get around 100ms ping. Today, when I joined the server I noticed my ping is now 40-45ms. My IP has not changed, internet service has not changed, service of server has not changed. It's almost as if the latency *just got better*. I know there are probably a huge number of factors regarding this, but I'm wondering how I could investigate this. Preferably, I'd like to keep my latency at 40ms, but I have no idea how it got there.

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Ways To Improve Connectivity

Nov 30, 2011

Basically we have recently upgraded to a 100M connection but are having issues with the bandwidth we receive. Normally I'd blame the ISP and complain at them till something happens but there are some weird things.Basically one guy consistently receives 50M according to internet speed tests, while the rest of us have never measured above 10M. It should be noted that he is on a Mac and the rest of us are PCs.Having retested repeatedly at different times of day, wired and wireless.My network settings says that my LAN connection is 100M but my internet claims to never even reach a fraction of this. Are there any obvious ways to improve my connectivity?

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How To Improve Network Speed

Aug 26, 2011

In my company i got about 50 computers all are in workgroup connected with ASUS Switch. Is there any way to findout on which ip got virus and how do i inrease total network speed .

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Cisco WAN :: 851 How To Improve Performance

Jul 1, 2011

I have a cisco851 and is currently configured this way.

1 .- This well configured?
2 .- the internet encourages me a little as I can improve
3. - how I can improve the performance

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How To Improve Print Server Performance

Mar 1, 2012

You are responsible for managing and configuring printers and print servers for your organization. You must determine what you can do to increase the performance of your print servers responding to client print requests. What options are likely to improve print server performance?

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Sharing :: How To Improve Download Speed

Jun 8, 2012

I'm currently uploading FIVE videos on YouTube so that might be why. It says for a 30 minute long video its going to take 156 minutes.

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Methods To Improve Wireless Connectivity?

Jun 5, 2011

My pings, connected wirelessly.My pings, connected with an ethernet cable to the same router only a moment later, no difference in what programs are open and using the connection.This is a newer laptop model from Asus, specifically this one. Windows has been updated and the computer is otherwise well-maintained, I being a (usually) proficient pc user.This is on a friend's wireless network, not my own. I won't have access to my own until tomorrow but, anecdotally, I believe the symptoms are similar but a little worse here. Concerning his network, I have been sitting in the same room with two other people connected wirelessly as well to the same network for hours on end and they experience zero noticeable spikes.I've been trying to find a solution using google with no progress.

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How To Combine Two DSL Lines Into One To Improve Bandwidth

Jul 28, 2011

I have a small call center and we are struggling with adequate dsl bandwidth for our voip. The providers cannot give us more upload bandwidth. Any way to combine the bandwidth of two or more lines so that the server/switch sees increased bandwidth for upload?

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Improve Internet Speed In A Fraternity House?

Aug 28, 2011

So I am currently living in a fraternity with 60-70 other guys and our internet is slow at best. Currently we have 2 business connections from time warner cable and each of those connect to a apple wireless router. We dont have the speed i think we should and the range is very poor, and one of the routers seems to not work all the time.can give me to speed up the internet in my house,

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Will An ADSL2 Splitter Improve Internet Speeds

Oct 1, 2011

I'm looking to increase my internet speeds as much as possible and was wondering how much my central splitter affects internet speeds? I have an ADSL splitter at the moment, im going to link 3 photos which shows the splitter and how it is wired. Also if you look at the black phone line which connects my house you can see that only two wires are being used (blue and white)? Is this the right setup for ADSL2 or should all 4 wires be connected to the splitter? Im getting only about 500kb/s download and 40kb/s upload max right

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Cisco Wireless :: Best Configuration To Improve Roaming In WLC 7.3

Apr 22, 2013

I´m trying to find the best configuration to improve the roaming in a WLC 7.3I changed    the power threshold under the TPC to -67 and in the client roaming I put in custom mode and the minimun RSSI in -78 dBm.but I was wondering if there is a specific configuration to improve the roaming.

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Asus WL-520GU Improve Range And Signal Strength?

Sep 1, 2012

I have Asus WL-520GU router, about 2 years old. I hardly experienced any troubles with this guy so far as the router sits next to my laptop. Recently, I started working in the living room at wee hours of the day and I noticed that I do not get much signal, plus it drops so many times that working in the living room has become a nightmare. Its not that I live in a Presidential Palace but actually its as small as a chicken coop.

- I used inSSIDer to find out any interference. My router was using channel 1, although it was set to auto. Majority of routers in our apartment block use channel 1 or 11 (ALL Linksys, except me and an Apple guy) at 2.4GHz. I changed the channel to 3.

- I checked the firmware of the router. Its Asus website gives me a list of firmware upgrades but I am not too sure if there is indeed any upgrade for the routers in the US.

I am not smart enough to install DD-WRT so staying away from it unless I find any didactic instructions. DD-WRT site is not for me.
- I am considering hanging router on the wall with Aluminium file behind the antenna.

- I am considering changing the antenna. The antenna is 2dBi. I found a few antennas on ebay, 5dBi, 7dBi, 9dBi, 10 dBi, 12 dBi, 16dBi May be I will replace the antenna with one of these. Any specific I should use? (I don't know if there is any limitation or disadvantage of using higher dBI antenna.)

- Lastly, I am considering buying a refurbished Linksys E1000 or E1200 router and connect both using ethernet cable, so that one of these guys act as a repeater.

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Cisco WAN :: 3750 Improve Quality Of Skype Calls

Mar 28, 2012

I'm in charge of the IT of a dorm with 200 inhabitants. A lot of people complain about the bad quality of "skype-calls". Audio is delayed and video stucks. The actual speed of our internet connection should be fast enough so I guess it has something to do with the QOS setting. I checked it on our WLC 3750 and right now we use Silver (best effort). Could there be any improvement when I set it to Platinum?

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Cisco Routers :: RV082 - Settings To Improve VOIP

Feb 7, 2012

We have recently purchased an RV082 router for our company. I have successfully managed to establish a VPN connection through PPTP and through Quick VPN (IPSEC?)
When i am connected through PPTP my software SIP client has 0.5% packet loss which is totally acceptable. When i am connected through Quick VPN my software SIP client has a 50-70% packet loss.
i have done the following settings on the router: Bandwidth Management:

High Priority for upstream and downstream UDP 10001-20000 and UDP 5060-5080
Wan Connection settings: MTU: 1492 bytes
I would like to know if there are any other settings that will improve VOIP over Quick VPN since RV082 supports 100 connections compared to 5 for PPTP.

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Do Multiple Antennae Improve Signal On A Wireless Network Card

Mar 17, 2012

I have tried using Google and Yahoo! Answers to get an answer without much luck.But basically, what is the advantage (if any) of having 2 or 3 antennae on a PC wireless network card instead of just 1?

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Asus X73e-bh51 / Improve The Wifi Reception On A Laptop?

Mar 30, 2012

How do I improve the Wi-Fi reception on a laptop? My visually impaired friend purchase a new laptop...an Asus X73E-BH51 17.3" Laptop with 2nd Gen Intel Core i5-2430M with Turbo Boost 2.0 8GB DDR3 640GB HDD. She is happy with the purchase. However, the wireless signal strength on her machine never seems to go higher than three bars, while on my laptop (a different make) sitting next to hers is up to five bars and working very quickly. I feel terrible having recommended this laptop based on research done by another friend the previous year. Is there a way to make her laptop receive the wireless signal at a higher strength? "This laptop should go like the wind with 8GB RAM and turbo boost,but, it loads slow as molasses. She is able to Skype with folks, but,often the video breaks up or is otherwise not clear.

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Belkin Routers :: F5d7230-4 / Would Updating Wireless G Improve Performance

Jan 29, 2013

I'm using a wireless g router (f5d7230-4) which for most purposes is fine? Specifically: 1. I can't seem to stream media content from my windows 7 pc to my lg tv (model 55 lw 6500), and wonder if the age of the router is part of the problem; 2. some iptv channels on my ps3 are slow to load menus, though programs run fine when I push play (I gather ps3 is restricted to wireless g but if I upgraded the router I would plug in the ps3 using cat6). When I speed test my internet connection I'll typically get results around 2.5-5 Mbps. I'm impressed that a router of this age performs so well it isn't obvious to me that upgrading will improve the setup.

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Dell :: Improve Range Of Intel 1000 BGN In Inspiron N5010

May 4, 2013

I share my internet with other gadgets via an ad hoc WiFi network via my laptop running Windows 7 Home premium. The range covered is extremely bad. At as less as 10 meters away, in an open hall, from the laptop sitting on my home office desk the signal is weak - it shifts between zero and one "curve" on network notification icon on my gadgets.The signal is non existent in the floor immediately below. (The floor is made of reinforced concrete.)

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Linksys Access Point :: EA4500 Need To Improve Home Wireless Network

Jun 6, 2012

I am trying to improve the coverage of my home network.I have Fios, and with the existing Wireless capabilities, there are several dead and low coverage areas in my house.  This is due to a combination of where my router is (Limited by input feed) and the confuration of the house.
I have CAT-5 running to most rooms, so adding wired devices is not an issue.  I went out and picked up an EA4500 router, and my plan was to convert my Fios Router to a bridge and use the EA4500 as the DHCP server.  However, even with this router, my coverage is not improved.  My preferred solution will be to get 1 or 2 additional access points that I can plug into my wired network, however, I would want to have a common SSID for the entire network.

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Cisco Switching/Routing :: 4506-E / Implement Multicast Feature To Improve Performance?

Aug 14, 2012

I have a vlan that is used for ip cameras. This vlan is routed with other vlans on our Cat 4506-E. how can i implement multicast feature to improve performance?

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D-Link DIR-655 :: Router Can't Get Connection

Feb 27, 2011

I have a problem with my router not connecting to a modem I know is working when connecting a computer directly to the modem it works fine, but when connecting via the router there is absolutely no internet access, and multiple unplugging and resetting the router to factory defaults and resetting it up hasn't worked.

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D-Link DIR-655 :: Router No Connection?

Apr 11, 2012

Router has a solid blue light but I cant seem to conncet to login page on my pc?

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D-Link DIR-825 :: Router And PS3 Connection

Apr 20, 2011

So I have been trying to resolve this issue I have to no avail. Right now I am considering downgrading to a DIR-615 but having issues there and that is another story.

My computers speed test at 15+ megs no problems. I can stream Netflix on Xbox no problem as well as my BD player hooked wireless. All no issues, I have no disconnect issues with the router at all. In fact, it has run flawless since purchase and it has current 2.05NA firmware. Anyway, the problem I have is the PS3. I speed test the PS3 and I am getting 4 megs download at best. Up load is around 1. My friend, who is with the IP as me, Comcast, same internet package and we both have dedicated internet. His will speed test at 12 + and averages about 8 on a Saturday night.

I have had disconnects on the PS3 and I am sure it is due to this low bandwidth. I have messed with the DMZ with no success. I am about to try reserving the static IP I will create as soon as PSN is back up. My firends router is a DIR-615. Why would my (supposedly) uber router cut my broadband like this on the PS3?

Yes, I hooked PS3 up to modem direct and tested at 12.5megs dwn and 3-4 up I think Type1 NAT. Which tells me I am direct to a modem. Put my expensive router in the mix and it drops back to 4. All in all I am happy with this router, just this one issue. No I do not have it in QoS and see no reason to put it in there honestly. Plus, I doubt it would make it better being that I can get the 12 with it being connected to modem.  

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