Linksys Wireless Router :: E4200 Accessing Modem Setup Page?
Dec 4, 2011
if it is possible to access a modem setup page with a E4200 router? My router is on and modem(WAG-200G) is on, ethernet cable is on internet port on the e4200 and on port1 on the modem. Modem is set is bridge and I set up a ppoe and dhcp on router. Everything is ok, except that i can not access modem setup page to see adsl conection speed and settings.
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Apr 9, 2012
I have Verizon FIOS internet/wireless router and then a WRT310N wireless router connected to it thru Ethernet cable. I want to disable DHCP in the Linksys, but when I try to access the set up page at address the Verizon router set up page shows up. I've tried to connect the router directly to the computer, but it needs the internet connection from the Verizon router. How do I get to the set up of the Linksys at the same time the Verizon is using the same address?
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Feb 1, 2012
Once in a while, I lose Internet connection and at the same time cannot reach my Siemens Speetstream 4100b DSL modem's setup page ; it happened again this morning (from both wired and wirelessy connected computers). When I go to the router's setup page , it would usually in that situation show that the router has not acquired the Internet IP Address; I power-recycle (a few times) both modem and router and eventually the router reports that it has acquired the Internet IP Address, but there is still no Internet, and the DSL modem's setup page is unreacheable.The situation usually self-resolves only in an hour or so after the time the router has acquired the Internet IP Address: Internet starts working, and the DSL modem's setup page becomes reacheable.
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Mar 26, 2013
Linksys WRT610N displays garbage when accessing the "Wireless Page" in Internet Explorer (from Windows 7 or Windows 8)My issues is simmilar to one reported here: url...Accessing my Linksys Wireless Router model WRT610N using IE opening "Wireless" page displays full screen of garbage characters (looks like chinese).
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Oct 3, 2011
I was running a Linksys cable modem and 54G with dd-wrt. I had an LG NAS hooked up and everything was working great. I recently upgraded to the Motorola SB6120 and the Linksys E4200. I can not access my LG NAS from outside of my network now. UPnP is enabled, port forwarding is enabled, but I must be missing some other setting that is blocking me from accessing it from work for example.
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Dec 12, 2011
I have a Motorola cable modem with 8 port switch connected to it. I also have E4200 and BEFW11s4v4 connected to the switch. I used BEFW's ports mainly to connect my direct box and blu-ray DVD player to the internet in a different room. I noticed a pretty good signal coming from befw11s4v4. I would like to turn it off or use this wifi b, but I forgot the passphrase to it and I can't install befw11s4v4 with E4200 active. ( is taken by e4200). How do I get to it (befw11s4v4)? I don't want to reset befw11s4v4 because that would make its WiFi unsecured. I can use a laptop to install befw11s4v4 and change its IP to for example, but I would like to be able to access both (E4200 and befw11s4v4) from my desktop PC.
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Jul 25, 2012
I just got an e4200 refurbed router, and it's been working great except for one problem I'm having. I have Comcast cable with Ubee D3.0 modem. For some reason, there will be a random 4-8 second delay when going to certain websites. While this normally wouldn't be a problem, it occurs quite frequently with and we definitely can't have that. I've updated to latest firmware. Ran ping test to find optimal MTU, went with 1500. To be sure it isn't a DNS issue, tried accessing Google by IP addy and getting the same delay. The delay seems to occasionally occur with Facebook as well, at one point I couldn't even get to Facebook and had to release/renew ipconfig. I have Mac address cloned if that makes a difference.
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Jun 11, 2011
When Im connected to the GUEST network and open the web-browser it will not open the Linksys guest-login page. Why?(latest firmware ver.1.0.01(Build10) installed)
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Oct 24, 2011
I have set up a second E4200 as an AP.Even though I’m getting a signal from it I can’t open the ADMIN page. Also, it’s NOT showing up on my main 4200 "DHCP client table'.I configured it as a static IP during setup and still cannot get in. My ping to .145 comes back “timeout”!Since I’m getting a full signal from it, it must be working so why can’t I get in and why doesn't it show up?
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Jan 25, 2011
Netgear ProSafe Gigabit Router is my DHCP Server -- The entire home net work is on the same subnet (
Linksys E4200 configured as an access point ONLY -- wired connection -- static IP assigned -- DHCP server turned off
Linksys WRT610N configured as an access point ONLY -- wired connection -- static IP assigned -- DHCP server turned off
3 -- 5 port gigabit switches
1 -- 8 port gigabit switch
No more than two switches between any two wired devices Both Linksys access points have the same SSID and WPA2 security phrase -- total of 4 radios Nonoverlapping channels are selected on both the 2.4Ghz and 5.0Ghz radio to minimize interference All computers are running Windows 7 Professional 64bit with all the latest updates Two iPhones and one iPad also access the network All LAN and WAN connectivity is working as designed?
guest SSID is turned on
password is established
All devices will connect to the guest SSID and the E4200 is assigning an ip address to the device in the range which is what it's supposed to do.When I open a web browser, I am not automatically redirected to the Cisco Login Page. If I enter as the URL, the login screen is presented. I enter the password I have created in the guest admin page on the wireless guest tab. I then see a blank page and a URL of THIS IS WHERE I GET STUCK. THE ONLY WAY TO EVER SEE THE LOGIN PAGE AGAIN IS TO REBOOT THE E4200, otherwise you just get unable to connect messages when opening web browsers and the wireless status icon in the system tray shows a yellow exclamation mark.
I successfully connect to the guest SSID but I do not get access to the internet. When I type ipconfig, I see that the DNS is set to which does not exist on my network. I assume there's some internal NAT magic that is supposed to happen in the E4200 to bridge me over to my network but it doesn't seem to be happening.At the beginning of the call I specifically asked them if the E4200 must be the DHCP server in order for the guest SSID feature to work and they said no. 1.5 hours later they had no answers so they told me that it wasn't working because the E4200 was not the DHCP server. The documentation says nothing about a DHCP requirement for guest AP service. Linksys support further could not answer what you would do if you needed more than one AP with guest service enabled.It seems like this is a firmware issue but it may be the guest SSID service requires the E4200 to also act as the DHCP server. Whether this is a bug or if the router/AP is working as designed?
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Apr 21, 2012
I can't connect to my setup page [url]... I get to the page that says..."There is a problem with this website's security certificate." Then I click the "continue to this website (not recommended). After this it will not connect
Tried with IE9 and Firefox 11
Firefox says "The connection to the server was reset while the page was loading."
Internet still works. PC is connected directly to router. Tried different port on router. Tried installing CiscoConnect.E2500.1.4.11299.0,0, but it fails saying there is no router connected to PC. Like I said I am on the PC now, wired to router and have internet access via cable modem connected to router. I can see my ireless printer on the network also..
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Oct 26, 2012
I'm trying to login to my EA4500 setup page. I have the "cloud connect" firmware and when I'm redirected to the "Linksys Smart Wi-Fi" page in my browser, I attempt to login as usual.It accepts my login name and password, and then I get a page that has a rotating graphic and it says "waiting..." It eventualy times out and takes me back to the login screen. I've tried to reboot my router and that doesn't work. I've also disconnected the internet connection from the modem, and entered the router main password, and that gives me the same response as if I tried to connect via the cloud.
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Jan 19, 2013
I have a WRT54G router that I have not used for many years, but now I need to use it again. I have connected it between my modem and PC, and I am able to get an internet connection on the PC, but I am unable to connect to the router's configuration page. I have tried resetting the router numerous times (holding the reset button 5 seconds, 10 seconds, even longer) to reset the IP address to the default address, but still cannot access the page. The power LED is on and the WLAN and Internet LEDs are on, and the LED for the port my PC is connected to is on. The hardware version of the router is v3. I tried downloading the latest firmware, but without being anble to communicate with the router at the IP address I cannot update the firmware. How can I go about connectiong to the router's setup page? When using ipconfig, the Default Gateway appears to still point to my ISP's IP address instead of the router's.
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Oct 16, 2012
I have updated the WRT160n firmware and, since then, I couldn't access the setup page anymore. I could still use the router as a switch, but couldn't access the setup page and configure it as a router.
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Nov 29, 2012
I'm able to connect to the internet through my E1200 router but I cannot access the router set up page. doesn't work... I can connect to it just fine with my laptop however... so I changed it to as per some internet instructions. Still can't connect via my desktop... Tried ipconfig /flushdns to no avail. Cleared the internet cache Upgraded the firmware (via the laptop) rebooted the computer rebooted the router... reset the router... After rebooting the router I can type in the username and password to access the router, but it never connects....
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Sep 9, 2012
I need to set up a password for my wireless network, but every time I try to access the setup page, the router stops responding. I've gotten as far as it asking for username and password, where I enter admin as the password....and then nothing. The connection times out. I really need to protect my network.
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Apr 3, 2012
I just installed new E4200V2. After completing software install, everything appears to be working fine, except that I can't get to the advanced setup page, either through Cisco connect software or from the web page utility. Either way, the advanced settings web page never finishes loading. I am using the correct login information for the web page utility. It accepts the username "admin" and password, but never loads. Browser just sits there. Browser status bar says "waiting for
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Apr 27, 2012
When I had DSL, my WRT54G was my DHCP master for my home network. When I got AT&T U-Verse, their "gateway" became the DHCP master and also the wireless access point. But the signal was not strong enough where I wanted to use it, so I hooked up the WRT54G again. I discovered that if I connected the U-Verse gateway to the "Internet" port on the WRT54G Linksys, then my home network was split in two, which I did not want. The WRT54G access point is physically somewhat distant from my wired computer, so I wanted to keep the U-Verse gateway as the DHCP master. (The U-Verse gateway is a router with four "computer" ports but no "Internet" port.)
I followed instructions on the Linksys web site, and using my wi-fi connected computer I re-programmed the WRT54G to be "Disabled" as a DHCP server. Then I powered down and physically connected the U-Verse gateway to a "Computer" port on the WRT54G. This solved my problem: my distant wi-fi computer now has a good signal, and both computers "see" each other.
However, now I seem to have lost access to the WRT54G setup "web page." Is it possible to access the innards of the WRT54G when its DHCP service is disabled? Or would I have to reset the device to factory configuration and start all over if I wanted to make any tweaks?
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Jul 11, 2012
My internet is T1 by Verizon. My mom's company Siemens pays for our internet because she works from home as medical tech support on the phone. Okay so the T1 had to be laid out to our house underground I think because where we live, other brands of internet aren't available. The T1 goes from the box outside into our basement and hooks up to a Cisco 1721 modem. From the 1721 the internet goes out to a wireless router that is sitting right next to it. This wireless router is a Linksys WRT160N V2. We have several cables coming out of the WRT160N V2 to go to the first floor for hardwired connections, but one cable goes to the attic and connects to a second wireless router. The second wireless router is a Linksys E2000. We have several cables coming out of the E2000 that go to the 2nd floor to serve as hardwired connections.Okay so let me explain where things went wrong.
After a storm our power went out. Eventually the power came back on, but every now and then our internet would shut off for like half a day then turn right back on, so our internet was getting really really spotty. The [b]AL[/b] light on the Cisco 1721 would come on every time the internet went out. It was so bad that my mom had to get an aircard from verizon to get internet. So after two weeks of spotty service and arguing with verizon trying to get them to come fix the problem, they said try resetting your wireless routers because they might have "bad data" in the lines causing spotty connection. So we reset the wireless routers by holding down the reset buttons on the back. Well.. this reset all of the settings for the routers which Cisco facilitated set up, and now our wireless routers are out of warranty date so they can't set the wireless routers back up. However, we have copies of the online wireless router set up page, so we thought maybe we could just set them up ourselves.Well the problem is... We don't know how to connect to the wireless setup pages.. I read something on the internet about setting up wireless networks and to type into our browser(Mozilla Firefox) and that would bring us to the wireless setup page. But the page does NOT ever come up.
Another way to find the IP address of our wireless routers would be to try going to the cmd and typing in ipconfig and using the Default Gateway IP address for the browser to connect to the setup page but that doesn't work out either.... Right now I unhooked the Linksys WRT160N V2 and hardlined the Cisco 1721 to the Linksys E2000 to a PC on the second floor because I figured it wouldn't work out if we had two wireless routers running at the same time. Currently the browser is taking me no where at all. It just says "Connecting..." but nothing is loading up at all.I tried hardlining from the Cisco 1721 to my mom's laptop, which is her work computer, and I got no response at all. I figured it might just be her work computer that was messing up and not allowing her to hardline into the 1721 so I tried hardlining the Cisco 1721 straight to the PC desktop on the second floor(we have no other laptops other than my mom's work laptop) and nothing went through. Then my dad says the Cisco 1721 has been configured so it doesn't direct connect, meaning that it has to go through a wireless router.
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Jan 6, 2012
I have a Linksys E1000 wireless router, and I seem to have either written down the password incorrectly or am using the wrong one. Regardless, I can not access the web-based setup for the router. Is there anyway to reset the username and password for it?
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Jul 16, 2011
I bought wrt54g2 several years ago and everything worked fine until this week. I got trouble with this router now.All the computers at my home couldn't access to this router even just connect to router's setup page at The only way go to setup page through LAN Cable .I'm afraid maybe there's interference channel with my neighbor, then I did some change to router channel already, but the result same. I still couldn't access to the router through WIFI
Fyi, I did upgrade the firmware with the latest one and all the computers distance to the router not more then 5 m and in the clear area
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Apr 5, 2013
I cannot access my Motorola SB6141 cable modem status page at thru the EA6500 router. I can bypass the router and can connect to the status page with no problem. Is there a setting to change or can I possibly do port forwarding to access it?
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Jan 14, 2008
I have been trying to change my password and all the settings on my WRT54G V8 router today because I forgot the password, and I can't seem to navigate the Basic Setup page. I can log in (most of the time) after resetting the router, but whenever I try to click on a different tab (like "Wireless", or "Security") it comes up with the page saying "This Page Cannot Be Displayed." I'd like to be able to put a password on it (which I have successfully done before on this router) because I live in a college dorm and would like to keep my internet from being bogged down by other people using it.
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Aug 7, 2011
I was having problems with the speed being between 30-58 kpbs when going through the WRT160N router, whether its hooked up wired or wireless, the speed with both was extremely slow and wouldnt fully open pager or would take dsl day slow. I hooked up straight to modem and I got 100+ kpbs so I figured its not my ISP, so I read that upgrading my firmware might make it faster, so I upgraded and hit and held the reset button for 30 secs like it recommended but now the wont open, I get a message saying it cant open this page
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Jun 6, 2012
I bought E900, accessed setup thru, upgraded its firmware.. then changed router's IP, it reboots, then went blank, I cannot access the setup page anymore?
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Nov 7, 2011
I finally decided to go with a e3200 yesterday and picked up one at Walmart. Last night I went to hook it up and had no luck setting it up. Now I have able Internet with a phone VoIP service. After trying to connect several ways, all the router wants to do is sit with a flashing power light. I cannot access the setup page wireless or wired and have tried several methods I found last night.
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Jul 11, 2012
Just swapped to an ActionTec modem with a very nice GUI on it. I would like to be able to access the GUI from any computer on my network. The modem is in bridge mode, with it's DHCP server turned off. My e4200v2 has a base address of, is running DHCP and NAT is enabled. The modem is attached to the WAN port.I would like to enter a static route to get to the router, but I keep getting "invalid static route".
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Jan 5, 2013
I am connecting the E4200 to a Sonicwall TZ100. I want the TZ100 to assign IP addresses to devices that connect to the LAN via the E4200.
How do I have the E4200 act as a WAP only or not assign IP addresses and push that responsibility to the TZ100?
I'd still want the E4200 to have a SID key for LAN access security.
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Jan 29, 2012
I have a binatone wi-fi modem. Internet is working good from router but i am not able to connect to router admin page i.e and not be able to change wi-fi password.
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Oct 20, 2011
I have XP 64bit OS and I can't seem to get the setup CD to install E4200 Router. I have looked at the FAQ and it says it should be compatible with all Windows OS. Is there a link out there to the drivers I need to do this?
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Jan 25, 2012
I use my e2000 as router and want to use the e4200 as repeater. so if i connect wireless to my e4200 i can see all my devices also the one on the e2000. How to setup the e42000 ?
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Dec 3, 2011
Have been trying for the past two days to install a new E4200. It gets to 25% in the setup and then errors out and says I need to contact customer service.
Connecting through a brand new DSL modem that I know works as I can get access through my old router.
My PC (Windows 7) is directly connected to the router. I got to the point where I named the router in the install process the first time, but then it hung.
Have tried to use the CD to re-setup with no success. I've tried the hard reset holding in the button for 10 seconds and unplugging but nothing has changed.
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Jun 11, 2012
Our internet provider has no intention of providing a IPv6 DNS so I have a crippled at best service. We live in an area where our only option is through satellite service, so changing providers in not in the cards, yet.
If I "Disable" the DHCP Sever, the setup menu provides a method for me to force feed up to three Static DNS addresses, all with IPv4 addresses.
There are several locations that provide "free" DNS service, but how does one verify the security of such sites? Does Cisco keep track of the status of this kind of service or am I on my own? Cisco seems to endorse two DDNS services, but for home use, the extra charges seem otherwise unnecessary, and do not yet address the IPv6 question.
The first few that I have investigated that do provide IPv6 service also provide their addresses in IPv6 format. The E4200 menu does not seem to allow me to do that.
Am I going to be forced to live with crippled IPv6? I have already discovered a software product that has failed since changing routers, but works if I take my laptop to a particular WiFi location.
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