Cisco :: LMS 4.1 - No Data Is Available

Dec 8, 2011

Just recently installed CW LMS 4.1.  In the Configuration Dashboard you can see Discrepancies and Best Prctice Deviation.  In our old 4.0 it shows a list of both discrancies and bestpracice deviation.  In our new 4.1 we only see "No data is available", so I guess I need to do som work but can figure out where and what.

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Cisco :: Data Migration From LMS 3.2 To 4.1?

Nov 13, 2011

Are there any methods for statistic data importing from old LMS 3.2 to a new LMS 3.1 version? I know about devices invemtory export/import function, but also i want to save all data gathered from previous time.

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Cisco :: / Data Migration From WCS To NCS?

Dec 10, 2012

I am working on a migration from Windows based WCS to NCS appliance (1.2.1-once it is available).  After stopping WCS, I issued the export userdata C:WCS07Migrate.  The process completed, but did not create a single zip file. I found 2 files created in the tmp directory.  

One contains multiple  a folder called tempDirUserDataFromDb - containing multiple xml files; and another file called ImportExport_ca<number> which contains the maps.  Was there something incorrect in my command?  Can I use still use these files on NCS? Or do I need to redo the export on the WCS?

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Cisco :: Migrating DFM Data From LMS 3.1 To 4.2.3

Feb 18, 2013

I need to migrate DFM alarm settings data from LMS 3.1 to LMS 4.2.3 and I want to use this method, [URL] , to extract the data from 3.1 and then inport it into 4.2.3.
I successfully performed it for IP settings, it was easy since the data format was the same.
But the format differs quite alot for Interface and Port data, here is an example:
export from LMS 3.1
IF-hostname/17 [Gi0/0.524] []; INTERFACE:;IF-hostname/17; MANAGED_STATE:;EXPLICITLY_UNMANAGED
export from LMS 4.2.3
INTERFACE:IF-hostname/17 MANAGED_STATE:MANAGED GigabitEthernet0/0.524
It looks like I have convert interface names, sort and delete stuff to make it look the same.

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Cisco WAN :: E1 Unframe Data Configuration?

Jan 3, 2013

If I have two E1 router directly connected each other by using G.703 unframe method for data transimission. How to configure the router? Any sample configuration?

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Cisco :: WCS Data Export To Prime

Apr 18, 2013

I'm trying to migrate old data from WCS 7.0 to Prime 1.2 ... I have already created the zip file from WCS and imported it into the defaultRepo on Prime.  I see it in the directory when I do a show repository defaultRepo so I have confirmed that it is there.  My issue is that it appears Prime won't accept the cli command of ncs migrate. 
how I can proceed with the migration?  I haven't been able to find any similar command in the Prime CLI so at this point I'm lost as to where I should go from here.  I really don't want to have to tell the customer they have to downgrade to Prime 1.1 in order for them to perserve their maps especially since the Deployment Guide for Prime Infrastructure states that it is possible to migrate date from WCS 7.0 to Prime 1.2 as shown below ...
Data Migration
Data can be migrated from WCS 7.0, NCS 1.1, or LMS 4.x. More details on migrating data from each of these applications are spelled out in the following sections.


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Cisco :: LMS 4.2 Topology Data Collection

Mar 20, 2012

i have an issue with the lms 4.2 Topology Data Collection. After installation the Topology Data Collection was running normaly, but since first server reload the Topo Data Collect under Inventory > Dashboards > Device Status > Collection Summary is "frozen".Is there any option to stop this process elsewhere? I cannot find anything under jobs in running state or so. Clicking on Schedule only give me the option to start data collection, but lms always returns that the process is running.

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Cisco VPN :: 1841 IOS SSL VPN No Data Passing

Mar 2, 2011

I am currently using a 1841 router with AdvSec  12.4(24)T4 IOS on it. I used to have a working SSL tunnel configuration  working, but for some reason it had disappeared and I am rebuilding the  configuration.  Unfortunately, I have been able to configure the router  to perform the SSL tunnel, but I am not able to pass any data through  the VPN.  I am only able to ping the inside interface of the router and  this is it.  If I try to extended PING from the router to the remote PC I  am able to get replies.  Trying to PING anything on the remote network  does not provide any responses back.  I am thinking there is some sort  of routing not happening here or I am missing some sort of configuration  to allow the VPN to pass data through correctly. [code]

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Cisco :: NCS And 3500 With CleanAir - Not Seeing Data?

Mar 6, 2012

we demo'd a 3500 with CleanAir before working with Cisco and purchasing a first batch.  The demo worked as expected, just plugged it in and it went to town serving clients and reporting on it's channel in local mode, no problem.  My first batch I have two AP's, 3502i's to be exact, plugged in and running on my 5508 with code and and NCS Demo.  The AP is up and serving in local mode, however NCS says CleanAir Management Operation StateDown 
I took a look at the WLC and it says:

Status               DOWN
So, why.. and where do I put it UP.BTW, this AP is connected to a 3750x stack, shouldn't be an issue there...

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Cisco AAA/Identity/Nac :: Data Migration From ACS 4.2 To 5.2?

Jul 1, 2012

We have to ACS cisco Box running software as 4.2 & 5.2. We want to upload all the data present in 4.2 ACS to 5.2 ACS.

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Cisco :: Monitoring 3g Data Usage On 887?

Oct 28, 2012

Have a problem coming my way with regards monitoring 3g data usage on an 887 router. The router will carry two links - x1 primary over the serial port and x1 secondary failover link utilizing 3g.
The 3g sim has an allowance of 1Gb per month (traffic has been baselined and this seems sufficient - not by me though).I have a requirement to monitor the 3g link and trigger an alert at say the 60% mark (600Mb).  Whatever mechanism is used to count the data also has to reset to 0 at the beginning of every month as data stats will be included in monthly reports. 
Second conundrum, I also have to somehow split out the data usage stats to show my customers usage as well as my own.  My own being management traffic (mainly snmp and icmp) and present this in the monthly report.
#1 - Does the 887 have some form of 3g accounting capability either via gui or cli that can fulfil my requirements above?
#2 - With splitting the data usage stats, could this be achieved using netflow and if it was possible, could i only have my flows sent down the Primary link (obviously only when it is active) and if the box fails to 3g have netflow just count the data until the Primary kicks in again.If no built in features can give me what i want i my go down the eem scripting route burt this is a last resort.

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Cisco :: Resetting LMS 3.2 Data To Empty

Jan 29, 2013

I would like to empty my LMS 3.2 DB and re-discover all of my devices again.  What is the best way to do this besides wiping the software and reinstalling?           

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Cisco :: Data Collection And UT Failed On LMS 4.0.1

Aug 17, 2011

I have a problem with the User Tracking and Data Collection on LMS 4.0.1 . I think It crashes every time or freezes. I Have this error if I lunch UT Acquisition :
Failed to start acquisition: Construction of XML data required for UT IS in progress. Please try After Some Time.When scheduling a CM data collection, I have this error: Data collection IS Already in progress.
I detected an error in ani.log line 12266: Exception in thread "Discovery" java.lang.AbstractMethodError: com. cisco. nm. ani. server. topo. Port Channel.portIfIndex ()
I successfully changed the name of the CiscoWorks server last week with the tool
Perhaps there was an impact on data collection ?

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Cisco :: LMS 3.2 - How To Connect To SQL DB And Export DCR Data

Oct 2, 2011

Got an problem with LMS 3.2/Solaris.
See no devices both in DCR and RME, besides, in RME device counters (Normal/Pending/etc) are equal to current device count, but then you try to select them for any operation, you unsucceed - 0 device selected, no list of devices, unable to export, no ability to do anything.
Upgraded to 3.2 SP1, no change. Spend a lot of time digging through logs at /usr/adm/CSCOpx/logs, find no problems at all. Seems, that some database parts were corrupted.
I decided to reinstall LMS from the scratch, but to do so I need to export the DCR device data and credentials.
Database is alive ( install going smoothly, then connection with user lmsdatafeed  works and allows to connect and select data from any SQL tool), but this view is not enough for getting from the DCR both device data and credentials.
I have the DB password I set up during installation.
Is there any way to get data I need connecting to LMS database directly with some kind of sysdba SQL database user?

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Cisco :: LMS 3.2 Data Collection Not Working?

Jan 15, 2013

we have installed LMS 3.2 when i try to run data collection it shows "Notified server to run campus data collection", but status of data collection is idle.
If i restart the server and try to run data collection it runs properly one time.
Each time i have to restart the server for data collection.

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Cisco :: PAT Duplicating Data To Multiple Destinations?

Sep 6, 2012

I need to move 1 data stream onto 4 different servers in different subnets, I know I can NAT into a multicast address, but with it coming into an ASA I was wondering if I could make a PAT that sees packets coming in on port 4567 and sends it out to port 4567 on 4 other IPs (I don't think this will work though as I don't think a pat will duplicate packets, only change them)

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Cisco :: CIPC Getting IP Address From Data Or Voice

Jan 9, 2012

Since CIPC is isntalled in the PC, and PC definitely getting an IP address from the data IP network segment instead of the voice IP network segment, so how to gurantee the following? 1. How the CIPC registered to the CME/CUCM 2. How to gurantee the QoS for the CIPC's voice traffic since the source IP address of the CIPC is belong to the IP network segment?

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Cisco :: ASA 5580 - Top 10 Destinations / Sources Have No Data

Mar 1, 2012

In the Firewall Dashboard of my ASA 5580, I get data on every pane, except for the Top 10 Sources and Top 10 Destinations. Why is that, and what do I need to do to get data there?

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Cisco Switching/Routing :: 871 - Way For Data Access?

Feb 18, 2012

I just managed to get my hands on a CISCO 871 router but when I turn it on I have some errors:

*** Data Access Exception ***
PC = 0xfff3026c, Vector = 0x300, SP = 0x8000498c

The first time I powered on the router it booted, then I turn it off and since then I have this errors every time it boots up. If someone can give some info about the errors so I can try to remediate.


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Cisco AAA/Identity/Nac :: ACS 5.3 Restoring Purged Data?

Jul 14, 2012

I think I understand purging in ACS5 now:Purging occurs when the database either gets too large or when data is too old (up to 12 months, although I assume you can leave the setting blank and no age related purging takes place?)Data is purged by making incremental backups and deleting the backed up data from the local database until the size/age pressure is relieved.So, my question is, how do I later look at the purged data? If I suddenly need to look at logs from last year what am I supposed to do? If I restore it surely I'm just going to go over the size limit again and it'll just get purged, no?

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Cisco :: LMS Prime 4.2 Cmexport Ut Not Produce Any Data

Apr 14, 2012

we have problem so extract cmexport data from LMS Prime 4.2 I am suspect we are hitting BUG ID "CSCtx99871", but not sure.
Problem : cmexport ut does not produce data
[root@bubble bin]# ./cmexport2 ut -u reporter -host -d 1 Validating License...
License warning message:
WARNING: Server certificate chain does not end with trusted root cert!


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Cisco VPN :: 5510 - L2L VPN Not Passing Data Packets

Apr 17, 2012

I have a 5510 that has 2 site to site vpn's that aren't working.  Phase 1 and 2 are up, but no data packets are being sent.  This just started randomly 2 days ago after working for weeks. 

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Cisco WAN :: Split Data Flows Over A Single T1

Nov 7, 2012

Is it possible to split data flows on a single T1.  Say 1 Flow on time-slots 5-6 and another data flow on time-slots 10-14.  If one was data and the other voice would this work?

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Cisco :: WCS Upgrade Stall Migrating Data

Apr 18, 2011

I have a WCS that I am trying to upgrade to In the system infrastructure we have three 4400-50 controllers with a total of about 90 access points (1231's, 1131's, 1142's, and 3500's) The server is a VM with 2GB of ram and about 4GB of free hard drive space (the WCS software is installed on the D: partition). The WCS installer goes through the initial setup and gets to the point of "Migrating Data" and basically stalls. I started the upgrade Friday at 11:30AM and finally killed it at about 9:00AM on Monday (almost 3 full days).
I then uninstalled the partial installation, and also uninstalled the installation. I then did a clean install of and imported my backup. After i verified that everything was working correctly I then tried the upgrade again. Currently its almost at 24 hours of sitting at "Migrating Data"

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Cisco WAN :: Change 881 Image From Data To CUBE

Nov 12, 2011

My customer has purchased the standard Cisco 881 (Data) ISR router and now requires (Voice) CUBE services for the support of IP-IP gateway SIP services.  I noticed there is multiple models for the Cisco 881 such as the SEC/3G & SRST. Any way to change the Universal image from Data to Voice to support CUBE if possible. Just want to try and eliminate purchasing new Cisco 881 with Universal image for Voice. 

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Cisco :: LMS 4.1 Data Migration From Windows To UNIX OS

Dec 13, 2011

I was using CiscoWorks LMS4.0 on a Windows server 2008 R2. Now I wanted to do an upgrade to the newest LMS 4.1 version and in the same time switch to the new Linux soft appliance. After that I copied all the backup data to the appliance, I launched the "" script and unfortunately got the error "The Backup archive is from WINDOWS . But the current OS is UNIX. Restore is not supported across OS." Is there eventually any possibility to however migrate the data to the appliance?? As Cisco is offering the 2 platforms, there should be a possible migration path.

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Cisco :: PI 1.3 Can Install Patch Before Import Data From WCS

Apr 15, 2013

I am migrating WCS to PI 1.3. I read from the guide that we need to migrate to NCS 1.1.1 first and we can get the demo license from Cisco.but the demo license is only 100 unit, but my WCS has 300 license units.How can I import the wcs data to NCS? Besides, I also read from the guide that I need to install patch in NCS before migrating the data to PI 1.3.can I install the patch before i import the data from WCS?

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Cisco :: 5508 Control And Data Path Down

Feb 6, 2012

I am trying to bring the mobility group between 5508 wlc (dmz) and internal 5508 wlc but it says control and data path down. (Ihave allowed port 97 and ports 16666-16667 both ways), should the ntp be sinked inline iwth other controllers ?,should the Mobility group need to match (already discussed this in another forum but experts suggested they never had to match the mobility group), should i first create the ssid and anchor - at the moment i havent created the ssid to anchor.

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Cisco WAN :: 3660 2FE Router Data Sheet?

Apr 21, 2012

I need data sheet ( technical sheet) for Cisco3660-MB-2FE router.

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Cisco WAN :: 1841 And WIC-1T For Data Transmission With RS-422 Equipment

Dec 22, 2010

I would like to connect my 1841 to the equipment that has RS-422 interface in order to transmit data. I have to buy one WIC-1T to support it. However, I am not sure that this module will be able to support RS-422 or not (As I can see there is DB25 which is the interface of RS-422, but I realize that RS-232 also has 25 pins.)

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Cisco :: 6509 WLC Should Not Be Placed On Data Center Segment

Jul 2, 2011

We are in middle of deploying WiSM2s on our network, from a design point of view i am confused on where to position the WiSM2s. We have 2 DCs and from best practice architecture view WLC should not be placed on the Data Center segment, but it seems that is the only option i have.
DCs host 6509s, i am planning to host 1 WiSM in each DC, all clients will be on seperate subnet. Do you foresee any issues with this deployment or any security issues? authentications are followed as per cisco recommendation, clients authenticated against AD through ACS so it is fairly secure. 

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Cisco Firewall :: How To Compress Data On ASA 5550

Apr 6, 2011

I have two box cisco asa 5550 in multiple context mode and failover.
My network topology is:
                                Outside Network
DMZ2 Network • • • • (CISCO ASA 5550) • • • • DMZ1 Network
                                Inside Netowork
My interface "Inside Network" is full(I think).I can't diagnose this, based on command "sh interface gigabitEthernet"
109042974565 packets input, 100691006385765 bytes 
94097614769 packets output, 59002295942465 bytes
999339444 packets dropped
My interface is 1GB, based on the above command, it is full?If interface is full, i have a problem! All the ports on asa firewall are using, how do resolve this? I can compress all data on this interface with class maps and policy maps?

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Cisco VPN :: VPN IKEv1 Data Transfer With ASA 5510

Dec 2, 2012

just upgraded my ASA5510 from IOS 8.25 to 8.42Everything is running fine apart from one VPN between ASA5510 and cisco 887V router.The VPN session is up but no data traffic is being passed through The tunnel although this VPN was working fine with old IOS. The tunnel is up but no data is passing through IKEV1 session.

protected vrf: (none)   local  ident (addr/mask/prot/port): (   remote ident (addr/mask/prot/port): (   current_peer xxxxxx port 500     PERMIT, flags={origin_is_acl,}    #pkts encaps: 0, #pkts encrypt: 0, #pkts [Code]...

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