Cisco Switching/Routing :: 6506-E - With Two Gigabit RJ45 Ports Video Picture Can Appear But Not Active
Jan 27, 2012
I use one cisco 6506-e switch with modules (including two sup720-3B,one 6148-GE-TX,one 6724-SFP), and Thomson ViSE EM1000 encoder connect to 6148-GE-TX module with its two Gigibit RJ45 ports,Video picture can appear,but it isn't active.If connect to 6724-SFP module with GLC-T transceiver,It is OK. configure speed 1000 on the 6148 interface? configure full-duplex on the 6148 interface?
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Apr 18, 2012
I am trying to test the gigabit ports on a Cisco 2950 switch. 1000Base-SX. I have the internet or dhcp server connected to port 24 on the first switch and my pc hooked up to the (any) port on the second switch. Both switchs are connected with a fiberoptic cable with MTRJ connectors on either side.
Now when I use gi0/2 on both switchs all works fine. I get a dhcp address from the router on the other end of the first switch. but when ever I include gi0/1 on either end of the fiber optic cable neither of the ports will initialize (neither of the leds above the ports light up). I have deleted all the config files before booting up the switchs so they should have a default blank configuration.
When looking at the Http web page for the switch I dont see any issues with the port. what can I do to make sure these ports are working or can be configured?
I will not be able to post back any more information about the switch until next tuesday. Im off till then.
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Jun 4, 2012
Are all ports on Catalyst 4500X Gigabit/10-Gigabit or just the ports on 8-port module. We are looking at 4500X for campus distribution layer but need Gig ports to access switches for now and may year from now will be using 10G.
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May 1, 2013
I have two switches, WS-3750-24PS-S connected in two cabs via fiber. Patch panels at both ends with patch leads. Used tester to confirm end to end fiber connectivity. When plugged in, one switch lights up the other does nothing.
Ports are as follows:
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/2
switchport trunk encapsulation dot1q
switchport mode trunk
same at both ends. Tried both GI ports same result. swapped transceivers over and the same result, (one switch lit one not - the same switch in both cases). put both transceiver in each switch, (gi0/1-0/2 in a single switch). on the one that lights up in the original scenario we get link on both ports and they come up, on the other nothing happens. shut down both ports on the malfunctioning switch and no shut them, no change.
Show transceivers doesn't show transceivers on the malfunctioning switch, and no attempt is made to bring the ports up if the fiber is removed and replaced.
it is almost as though the two gb ports are kaput. Anything else I can try?
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Oct 19, 2012
We are expanding out LAN network with more 2960 access switches. All the access switches are suppose to be connected to core switch (4507R) but i have less port on the core switch.
On the core switch we have two supervisor engines (WS-X4515 ---description : "Supervisor IV with 2 1000BaseX GBIC ports"). I can see that on each supervisor engine i have two 1 GB SFP ports available and if i calculate for two supervioser engine i will have 4 1GB ports.
But at particular time only one supervisor engine is active and other is in standby mode (redundancy mode used is SSO between two SUP engines).
Can i used all 4 SFP ports for connecting 4 uplinks to the 4 access switch?Will all the 4 SFP ports active at one time or only 2 SFP ports will be active that is for only active supervisor engine.
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Aug 11, 2011
I was wondering if I could use the CISCO3945 Integrated Gigabit Ethernet WAN ports for routing, I need to enable BGP and I was willing to use one of those ports.
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Feb 7, 2012
The 6509 Series Switches support the scenario VSS Active-Active Chassis, I would like to setup both switch's as one virtual switch but working at the same time, not with Active - Stand By Chassis.
My plans it to create PortChannel accross both Switches 6509 in order to have 2 links one connected to one slot/switch and the other connected to slot/switch in the second 6509 for servers redundancy.
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Jun 10, 2012
I am working on a network which has two ISP connections (Active/Active) terminating on router (ASR1000). From the LAN side (6500 switch) all the traffic need to be route on ISP1 but some of the specific subnets like need to be route on ISP2 connection.
I am planning to use PBR and NAT with route maps. any documents or refrences are provided.
(access switches)---------(core switch)----------(routers)----------------(ISP1)
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Mar 8, 2013
I am configuring multicast in a environment where I have a 4506 at each site (4 total) and a 6506 as the core. Each 4506 is connected via layer 3 to the 6506. I have a mix of 3560s, 3548s, and 2960s connected to the 4506s and the 6506 via layer 2 trunk
I have multiple multicast sources and hosts communicating at a time (multiple cameras sending video / multiple computers receiving video). So this is not a scenario where there is 1 sender and many receivers. This would be many senders (~50) and some receivers (~10)
Sample Diagram:
6506 --> 4506 --> 3548
| |
| --> 2960
4506 --> 2960
I configured ip multicast-routing on each of the 4506s and on the 6506. IGMP snooping is on by default on the 3560 and 2960 switches. CGMP is on by default on the 3548 switches.
I set up PIM sparse-dense mode and IGMP version 3 on each of the layer 3 interfaces for the 4506s and 6506 where they connect and on each VLAN that is sending or receiving multicast. Multicast is working throughout the network, however I am looking to verify the configuration as I scale this out to more clients on the network.
#1 - Is it correct to us sparse-dense mode in this configuration?
#2 - Do I need to configure a rendezvous points using AUTO-RP? (ip pim send-rp-announce INTERFACE scope TTL). Not sure here if I need to designate this and what to choose. Right now I do not have this and it is working, but documentation seems to infer that I need to designate this.
#3 - Is there any other configuration settings I should be considering? I hard to find real world configurations of multicast as examples or people that know multicast routing well.
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Dec 20, 2012
I upgraded the IOS on 6506E, SUP 720-10GE, non-redundant, to a new one, rebooted OK. Switch seems to work fine but "show bootvar" shows the previous IOS name instead of the new one: s72033-advipservicesk9_wan-mz.122-33.SXJ3.bin.Removed the old IOS name on "boot var", gave it new IOS name, "show bootvar" now has correct new IOS name, write mem again and reloaded switch.It booted up OK but "show bootvar" still has the old IOS: "s72033-ipbasek9-mz.122-33.SXI2a.bin".According to IOS upgrade procedure, after all the upgrade IOS steps done, then just "write mem" then the "bootvar: will have the new IOS name, but on my switch it is always has the old IOS name ? How can I set the bootvar to new IOS name?
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Nov 29, 2012
I have a Cat6506. There were 2 Sup 720 in it for redundancy. They told me they had problems with this thing in the past needing to go out and reboot the machine. I need to go out periodically because it goes into ROMMON. I type boot and it comes back up. One time though neither one would reboot. I had to take a third one out there and reconfigure it. Now it is starting to do the same thing. One thing I did notice is they never connected it to an UPS. It is plugged strait into the wall with power going to two outlets. I am beginning to think there are spikes in the power occurring and this is sending it into ROMMON.
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May 2, 2012
connection vss two 6506 which is the conector or speed (10g or1g) Sfp or x2 What is the connection that allows vss
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Dec 7, 2011
Access-group only allows me to set the mode.access-group > mode > prefer > port > int g2/1,Those are the only options available to me, it doesn't allow me to go.ip access-group <name> in or out or access-group <name> in or out.
I realize the commands may be a little off, I don't have a switch nearby. When I get on our 3750 there are no issues, it allows you to apply the ACL the conventional way. I just can't seem to find any way to apply an ACL on an interface on the 6506 though.
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May 4, 2012
I tried to upgrade IOS from SXI2a to SXI9 in cat 6506 VSS. But the problem is that switch always boot with old IOS. I put the new IOS in sup-bootdisk and slave sup-bootdisk, bootvar is ok with new IOS: [code] Show bootvar is ok but switch always boot with old IOS SXI2a, some bug in IOS sxi2a???, I will try to delete de old IOS from sup bootdisk and try with the new one only.
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Aug 30, 2012
I have PAT set up successfully on 6506 chassis - My outside address range is parts of the config below: [code] This works fine but of course is only using the one IP address I can utilize the other outside addresses available or is this not really necessary? I've browsed through loads of Cisco docs.
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Apr 23, 2012
We purchased two new 4948 with two 10GE uplink ports and upgraded the devices to run IOS 15. My 6506 is running Sup 720 with s77233-adventerprisek0_wan-mz.122-33.SXI9. Currently we have 4948's connected to the same 6506's with no problems. Today I tried to add the new switches with new IOS and it caused of of my 6506 core switches to failover. I can't explain why because it was close to start of business and couldn't do much troubleshooting.
Currently we have four 4948 (running IOS 12.2(14) switches running Layer2 connecting dually to each of the two 6506 cores via 10GE fiber uplinks. I tried to add two more to the scenario, again running layer2 and dual-honing them to each of te 6506 switches. there are two 6506 core switches and they run HSRP and spanning tree is manually set to give priority to even vlans on one 6506 and odds on the other 6506. Also the new switches I tried to add did had rootguard applied as well as the uplinks.
We have to get this working and have no test environment to work with. We need to do this late this evening after close of business.
On another note, I have had problems upgrading some of my older 4948's to IOS 15. I followed Cisco's suggestion and upgraded the EPROM first and then the IOS upgrade took on three of the switches that were ordered rather recently. The four that were ordered in one batch will not take the upgrade even following Cisco's instruction and lots of other tricks. Nothing works. Having problems with IOS 15, in general?
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Mar 2, 2013
I have a problem with high CPU load by DHCP Snooping process on Catalyst 6506 (WS-SUP720-3B, soft: s72033-ipservices_wan-mz.122-18.SXF11.bin). I have it enabled on 15 VLANS, in which there are subscriber devices residing, and sending DHCP requests through Cisco to DHCP server (Cisco acts as DHCP relay, and it's collecting the snooping database, I also use DAI).
Snooping database contains 6962 bindings now.
CPU load goes high only sometimes, and I don't have a clue, why it's going so high. It can load as high as 45-47% of CPU, like this:
PID Runtime(ms) Invoked uSecs 5Sec 1Min 5Min TTY Process
116 81471244 322596368 252 42.95% 43.48% 36.06% 0 DHCP Snooping
When the load is high, the command: show ip dhcp snooping statistics is showing, that the overall quantity of
Packets Processed by DHCP Snooping is increasing rapidly. In normal situations, it's like 10-20 packets per second, but when the load is high, it's 1000-10000 pps.
But when I look at SPAN from my subscriber's VLANS, I don't really see any flood of DHCP requests, or something like that - everything looks as usual. Maybe, some of subscriber's devices are sending incorrect DHCP requests, that are causing packets to loop inside RP, or something like that? How can I detect that thing?
Also I thought, that if I enable the ip dhcp snooping trust mode on all of the Catalyst interfaces, the DHCP snooping will not process the subscribers DHCP packets, and I can, by exclusion of interfaces from one to one, detect, from which interface the problem is originating. But this seems to be incorrect, I turned the ip dhcsp snooping trust on all interfaces, and I still get spikes of CPU load by DHCP snooping process. Why it's still examining packets, even on trusted interfaces, is it ok?
And one more question - if I disable the ip dhcp snooping globally, will it clear all my existing bindings in snooping database?
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Nov 10, 2011
this module WS-X4748-RJ45-E able to support 802.1x?
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Jul 30, 2012
I have a 6506-E with 720 Sup. I am trying to connect a server with HP 550SFP Nic to my 6506.If I plug the SFP from my server into my 6506 it will not link. When I plug that very same SFP into a 3750 it links fine. Makes me think that there is something I am doing worng on the 6506 Config.But, If I plug another server using a IBM LAN Card into the same port on my 6506 it connects and works fine so now I am starting to wonder.
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Apr 2, 2013
We currently have an existing 6506 in data center that we want to add another 6506 to and do a VSS implementation.I'm trying to minimize down time so our current basic plan was to do the following:
1. Bring up the new 6506 and configure it for VSS
2. Trunk a port between the new 6506 and the production 6506
3. Physicall move connections from the production 6506 to the newly connected VSS switch
4. After all physical ports have been moved, power off the original 6506 swap the supvisor card out for the new 2T Sup card
5. Configure original 6506 for the virtual domain and then connect the VSL's.
According to the documentation, to run "switch convert mode virtual" the standby unit has to be in hot standby. This means I can't run this prior to moving the connections over, which means once I run "switch convert mode virtual" it will reboot the switches (~ 9 minutes of down time). Is there anyway around this?
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Feb 17, 2013
seeking for configuration assitance on etherchannel between catalyst 3750 and 6506
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Nov 29, 2011
problem to configure MWAM. I have installed MWAM module in 6506-E slot 2 with sup720-3B. After installing MWAM the Status is PwrDown. I tried to turn on the power but its not happening. MWAM is installed in slot 2 and here is the result of show module 2 My Sup720-eB IOS image is s72033-advipservicesk9_wan-mz.122-33.SXJ1.bin
6506-E#show module 2
Mod Ports Card Type Model Serial No.
--- ----- -------------------------------------- ------------------ -----------
2 3 MWAM Module WS-SVC-MWAM-1 SAD081203GK
Mod MAC addresses Hw Fw Sw Status
--- ---------------------------------- ------ ------------ ------------ -------
2 0003.feae.bb8c to 0003.feae.bb93 3.0 Unknown Unknown PwrDown
Mod Online Diag Status
---- -------------------
2 Not Applicable
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Dec 26, 2010
I had these error messages on both my Cisco 2851 and on my Cisco Catalyst 6506.
On Cisco 2851:
%SYS-SP-3-CPUHOG: Task is running for (2000)msecs, more than (2000)msecs (4/4),process = SEA write CF process. [code]...
And on 6506:
Dec 27 15:20:55 MET: %SYS-SP-3-CPUHOG: Task is running for (2000)msecs, more than (2000)msecs (129/129),process = SEA write CF process.[ code]...
I have these IOS versions on my Cisco:
Cisco 2851: 15.0(1)M4
Cisco 6506: 12.2(33)SXI
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Sep 2, 2012
i want to know if 1port of the 16 10Gbase-t Module (WS-X6716-10T-3C) for the Catalyst 6500E Series, can be connected to a 1Gbase Port of a 2900 ISR Routers, are they gonig to work at 1Gbps or, simply, they are not compatible?
If it is true, can i create a 4ports etherchannel between them? of course using the 16 1Gbase-T switch module on the Router.
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Mar 28, 2012
Will a WS-X6748-GE-TX work with a Sup 32 in a 6506/6509?
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Dec 29, 2011
A product I could have used a number of times is a expanded version of the C3KX-NM-1G device module. To include 2 or maybe 4 more SFP ports. From the layout behind the faceplate there is plenty of space which additional circuit boards could be placed, (which is used in the 2 port 10GB version). I don't need the 12 port fiber switch that Cisco has, because I need a few RJ45 connection at that location, which I would then have to buy additional Fiber to coper Gbics for a few connections where the switch is at. The reason I need something like this is I have a few locations which I get a main feed from the City fiber, then it gets sent out to a number of local buildings on my fiber. Maybe another option is to take the 12port switch, and have an option for 6 rj45 and 6 sfp connections.
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Dec 13, 2011
Any limitation on building an etherchannel on the abovementioned linecard, when bundling more than one port on the same card? The 4506 is using a 6L-E supervisor engine 12.2(54)SG1.
If it's done on a 6500 with a WS-X6148-GE-TX linecard it effectivley can only reach 1gb throughput.
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Nov 29, 2011
I have 2 Cat-6506's that are used for my WiSM's. The only thing in both Chassis is 2 X WiSMs a SUP-7203A and a 6516A line card.The only connection between the rest of the network and these chassis is on port gig 1/2.[code] If I have read other posts correctly all points to the ASIC being overun by that traffic being sent from my WiSMs out to the Network.
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Sep 26, 2012
I am still working on the design of my big project and always that you think that every thing is solve, appears a details.We need to deploy a fiber links to some buildings that will have access switches connected to the Core. I have been reading about ethernet ring topologies and quite differents to the hierarchical model because of the using of Ressilent Ethernet Protocol instead of STP or RSTP.My question is which of the next to scheme will be the best?
1.- Deployment an ethernet fiber ring topology with REP? Consider that the edge Switch of this ring will be my Core and this one is connected to my distribution switches in a hierarchical topology. In this situation, Acces Switch 1-A is connected to Acces switch 1-B, Access Switch 1-B to 1-C and Switch 1-C to the Core. Feel fre to recomend me wich switches and considerations are the best. We conssider 1 Catalyst 6506 Chasis for the Core and catalyst c2960s-48-TDL for acces, maybe the 3750x series. Each Acces node in the ring topology will have a maximun of 50 end devices.
2.- Deployment a Fiber ring but not connecting each switch with the next. In this case we want to ensure redundancy to the core wih equal costs path, but because of the ring each switch won´t have equal length link to the core. In this situation, Acces Switch 1-A is not connected to Acces Switch 1-B is connected directly to the core but the fiber cable will take the route to Access Switch 1-B, to Acces Switch 1-C and finnally to The Core Switch. This apply to the other to Switches. Note now that Acces Switch 1-A will have a 281 Ft link to the core and a second 1612Ft. link to the core. Here comes the question this differents lenght will negative affect RPVSTP ? or It doesn´t matter? Can i setup an etherchannel/load balance in this situation?
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Sep 7, 2012
I'm have ether channel between CISCO 6506 and CISCO 3750X. I'm set load-balance ip-src from 6506 side and dst-ip from 3750 side. i'm try test etherchannel for detect physical link for test ip. On 3750 all work, but on 6506 i'm get error: test etherchannel load-balance interface port-channel 1 ip ^ % Invalid input detected at '^' marker.
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Mar 25, 2009
I am planning on inserting a second Sup720 in my 6506 running in native mode. Here is how I have redundancy configured:
mode sso
auto-sync running-config
The IOS version is:
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Mar 2, 2013
I am seeing Native VLAN mismatch errors on my 6506 switches as below [code] Will it(VTP Version mismatch) be the issue for getting the VLAN Mismatch Error ?
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Jan 24, 2012
We are facing problem with cisco 6506 switch while configuring when we try to save it, we are not able to save the config, neither we are able to view running and startup config.
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