Cisco Switching/Routing :: Prevent 224 Multicast From Hitting Switchports?
Apr 15, 2012
We have a couple of switches with a L3 Vlan 238 interface which runs PIM SM and OSPF, and HSRP. We have connected to this same segment telemetry processors which have raw socket interfaces configured - which means it picks up all IP packets which hit the interface and forwards them along.So we dont want the processor to recevie any of the 224.x.x.x switch housekeeping traffic? is there anyway to prevent that ?
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Jul 19, 2012
I have a 3560 switch where I have 4 ports connected, one is to our WAN provider - 10Mbps and the other three are connected to different customers who I want to get an equal share of the 10Mbps bandwidth.I'm fairly clued up about configuring modular QoS but I'm being thrown by the fact that you can't apply a service-policy outbound on the ethernet ports.
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Jan 1, 2013
I have a Cisco 2801 with a 4 port Layer2 switch card installed (HWIC-4ESW).
How do I bridge Ethernet0/1 to the 4ESW so if you were to plug a computer into the 4ESW, it would be on the same network as Eth0/1? see my config below:
interface FastEthernet0/1
description Internal Interface
ip address
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Apr 12, 2011
My IPTV connection works fine so far but as soon as I start watching TV I can't use my WiFi connection anymore. My router is an "Alice Modem 1121" (SIEMENS S1621-Z220-A) with 4 LAN ports and a WiFi interface (4th LAN port provides the IPTV). It is directly connected by wire to my PC's ethernet card for the IPTV and the internet is provided via the WiFi. When I activate the LAN connection the WiFi and internet connction stays up and requests can be sent but nothing returns anymore. Another device (iPod) has no problems with accessing the internet while IPTV is in use. I also have a Netgear WNR1000v3 router which I tried to use as AP instead but it's exactly the same problem. Unlucky the Netgear router is not supported to use dd-wrt firmware yet (I've found a step by step guide to prevent multicast floods with dd-wrt/ebtables). But maybe the Alice Modem can handle this problem on its own. I read some stuff about VLANs and splitting them but I have no clue how that would look like.
The "nas_0_1_34" is for the IPTV.
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Mar 18, 2013
I have a SG 300-28 switch with the latest firmware installed running in Layer 3 mode.
I configured this router with 4 VLAN's where VLAN 1 is connected to the network router. All VLAN's call all communitcate with one another. How do I go about configuring VLAN's so that they can only communicate with the router and the internet and not each other?
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Feb 1, 2013
i just need to know is is there any way to prevent network from MACflap.The best way will be when switch will disable the interface where the macflap was detected.I need to set this security feature on 2960s.
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May 9, 2012
At the core of my network I have two Nexus 5548's with the routing/L3 daughter installed. They have a default route that points to my ASA 5520 for Internet access. I have configured a VLAN that I do not want to have access to the Internet. What is the best way of preventing this access? ACL on the Nexus or Firewall rules on the ASA?
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Nov 27, 2012
I want to know what is the best way to black traffic inside the same VLAN, this VLAN is a user VLAN, it means that I am talking about access layer.I wanted to use private vlan, but C2960S doesn't support this feature. Any other way to prevent any to any traffic in the user vlan, this vlan only have to speak at the Layer 3.
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May 14, 2012
is it possible to prevent the users with static IP's to connect the Network?We use Cisco sw 4500 series as an access and distribution switches.Is there any features on the switches that fit my request?
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Feb 14, 2013
We have one core switch and we are planning to add a 6509. Both are none VSS.All the access switches are Catalyst 3560 series.
We plan to have all 3560s to have a link to each of the core. Without VSS, it is not possible to etherchannel to both core switches correct?What protocol should I configure to prevent in case one core fails? HSRP, VRRP, GLBP?
Do I need to run spanning tree protocol? if so which one?What is the best way to connect from each Catalyst 3560 for load balancing and redundancy? One to each core?
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Feb 19, 2013
I try to pass multicast traffic between two vrf on the same 3750 switch. I have IP services IOS and sdm template routing.
here is my config:
ip routing
ip vrf vpn2
rd 1:1
mdt default
route-target export 1:1
route-target import 1:1
Now I'm stuck - I don't know what to do to pass multicast traffic. Do I have any chance to run this config on 3750 chassis?Perhaps "Configuring Multicast VPN Extranet Support" document will be useful, but it concerns Catalyst 6500? [URL]
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Mar 12, 2013
I start configuring Cisco 2821 router for multicast . First short description and attached sheme explanation. Let we say I have small network with 100 users. One router and Cisco switch 3560. Two VLAN’s, one for data another for multicast. Data from internet works fine but now I want to connect multicast servers (or source of more multicast streams) from another subnet. Router have three interfaces.I expect there should be no problems with multicast configuration, but unfortunately it is not like I expect. What I did ?
First step: enable multicast routing
Second step: on both interfaces (Fe 0/1 and Fe 0/2) - ip pim sparse-mode
Third step: configure switch that users are connected to access port in VLAN 222 (temporary to see if multicast work)
When I start VLC on computer nothing happend. If I try to connect computer on same subnet where is source of multicast streams it works fine.What I am doing wrong ? Is there anything about routing ? All subnets are directly connected. RP is not needed if I have one router or ?
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Mar 23, 2013
I need to enable multicast routing on 2960s but the command "ip multicast-routing" isn't available on my release (12.2.(55)).
From which release this command is available?
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Nov 14, 2012
I have a problem on my catalyst 6509 on which I would like to do the following things :
I have some Vlans in which multicast is enabled.
In tose Vlan theres is a router which is default router for equipements.
I had enabled multicast routing because some Vlan needs to exchange multicast informations, but I wolud like to make difference between Multicast traffic. For example I have 5 vlans:
Vlan 1 and 2 need to exchange Multicast informations but the don't need multicast information from Vlan 3 and 4
Vlan 3 and 5 need to exchange Multicast informations but the don't need multicast information from Vlan 1 and 2
Vlan 5 is independant Vlan but doesn't need to have multicast information from all others vlan.
Last problem, equipement on differents vlan can use the same Mulkticast group address. In this case, Multicast routing is not working between Vlan 1 to Vlan 2 and Vlan 3 to Vlan 4.
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Mar 8, 2013
I am configuring multicast in a environment where I have a 4506 at each site (4 total) and a 6506 as the core. Each 4506 is connected via layer 3 to the 6506. I have a mix of 3560s, 3548s, and 2960s connected to the 4506s and the 6506 via layer 2 trunk
I have multiple multicast sources and hosts communicating at a time (multiple cameras sending video / multiple computers receiving video). So this is not a scenario where there is 1 sender and many receivers. This would be many senders (~50) and some receivers (~10)
Sample Diagram:
6506 --> 4506 --> 3548
| |
| --> 2960
4506 --> 2960
I configured ip multicast-routing on each of the 4506s and on the 6506. IGMP snooping is on by default on the 3560 and 2960 switches. CGMP is on by default on the 3548 switches.
I set up PIM sparse-dense mode and IGMP version 3 on each of the layer 3 interfaces for the 4506s and 6506 where they connect and on each VLAN that is sending or receiving multicast. Multicast is working throughout the network, however I am looking to verify the configuration as I scale this out to more clients on the network.
#1 - Is it correct to us sparse-dense mode in this configuration?
#2 - Do I need to configure a rendezvous points using AUTO-RP? (ip pim send-rp-announce INTERFACE scope TTL). Not sure here if I need to designate this and what to choose. Right now I do not have this and it is working, but documentation seems to infer that I need to designate this.
#3 - Is there any other configuration settings I should be considering? I hard to find real world configurations of multicast as examples or people that know multicast routing well.
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Apr 29, 2012
I would like test multicast routing with cisco1801.i create 2 Vlan. Vlan 200 (192.168.200.x) affect Fastethernet 1, Vlan 130 (192.168.130.x) Fastethernet 5.
Version IOS is : adipservice-k9 124-9.t1
ip multicast-routing
#int Vlan 130
ip address
Ip pim dense-mode
#int Vlan 200
Ip address
Ip pim dense-mode
I used VLC for my test.When i connect source ( and recever ( Udp://@, that's ok!But, source is on the Vlan 200 and reicever on the Vlan 130, is not good!I test with "sparse-mode", i have same problem.
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Feb 21, 2013
I’ve been trying a few days now to implement multicast routing on my home network in order to make airplay work between subnets. Specifically between an iphone and a hifi separated by different vlans. Failed, as I have no experience in multicast routing. we have a clean configuration and simple network which consists of two SVIs
Vlan 10:
Vlan 20:
ios platform cisco 887
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Jan 17, 2012
while i am configuring a port on switch .The switch reloads.After reload the show version says,System returned to ROM by bus error at PC 0x458F6C, address 0x0,show version from the effected switch is,Cisco IOS Software, C3750E Software (C3750E-UNIVERSALK9-M), Version 12.2(58)SE2, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc1).
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Nov 14, 2011
I faced multicast routing problem - There is no multicast UDP stream toward host, although all igmp Joins/Reports/Leaves from the host are correct.
This is Cisco 7609 ip m route debug showing the situation:
369144: Nov 15 15:03:07.370 MSK: IGMP(0): Received v2 Report on Vlan176 from 10.XXX.XX.184 for 239.XXX.XX.46
369145: Nov 15 15:03:07.370 MSK: IGMP(0): Received Group record for group 239.XXX.XX.46, mode 2 from 10.XXX.XX.184 for 0 sources
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Feb 7, 2013
I have an 861 that we are using for a test network and need to add static igmp addresses for multicast. We are using the router as a router on a stick with subinterfaces on the WAN link. I've looked everywhere to see how to add the static igmp addresses.
interface FastEthernet4
no ip address
no ip route-cache cef
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Dec 10, 2012
I have a subnet with a GPS clock on it that connects into a Cisco 3750. The 3750 has another subnet hanging off of it that connects into a firewall then to a server. I need the server to get time from the GPS clock. Any way to pass the NTP through the 3750? The 3750 has the 3750-IPBase code running on it so the multicast support is limited. I am under regulatory restrictions that only allow traffic to flow from the higher security level (were the time server is) to lower security level (were the server is). This prevents me from having the server go to the clock for updates.
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Oct 28, 2012
I'm trying to configure multicast between 2 VLANs on a Cisco 886VA running IOS 15.2 (3) T1 (advanced security). While I can set the global "ip multicast-routing" I cannot "ip pim sparse-mode" on my interfaces - ip pim is actually unknown and also doesn't appear in the interface's ip subcommand list when using "?".
The feature navigator says pim is supported on my platform and IOS version.
My config looks like this:
interface FastEthernet3
switchport access vlan 103
no ip address
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Jan 31, 2012
I recently created a stack using (2) 3750x switches. I have three vlans on the stack (1,105,241) Vlan 105 is configured on 6509 core switches with multicasting and are connected to the stack via gigabit fiber. It is working well with clients on the Master or SW1, however clients on SW2 do not participate in multicasting Any client pc that is connected to SW2 vlan 105 does not show up in the "sh ip igmp snooping group" command. I can statically assign a client on SW2 to the mcast groups but but they fail to register on their own. I can take the cable connection from SW2 and plug it into an SW1 Vlan 105 port and it immediately becomes a member of the groups. I can then connect it back to the SW2 port and it disappears from the group membership. IGMP and PIM are configured with the defaults.
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Feb 18, 2013
I have a 3560X switch with interfaces 36-48 on the same LAN. All interfaces are switchports. Hosts on 38, 39 and 40 are multicast senders: all sending to the same single multicast address. Hosts on 36 and 37 are receivers, having joined that multicast group. I created an SVI for the LAN and put it in ip pim passive. (That is the only PIM mode allowed for an SVI with my IOS.) Show ip igmp snooping groups shows that 36 and 37 are the only interfaces in this group. I attach a laptop to interface 42 and Wireshark, and the laptop is receiving the multicast traffic. The laptop does not join the group. I expect it would not see the traffic.
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Mar 18, 2013
I have the need to filter multicast between vlans as described below. PIM Sparse-Mode is being utilized for this multicast network and changing any Vlan to PIM Dense mode is not an option.
- Vlan 217 and Vlan 4 should not be communicating on mcast with any other vlan, including eachother (each vlan isolated).
-Vlan 64 and Vlan 80 are able to communicate witch each other on mcast but not with any other vlans (isolated vlan group).
-All other vlans can communicate mcast freely.
What I've created thus far is below. It does not appear to be the most elegant solution and would be difficult for the administrators to adjust as new requirements come along. Yes, I will be adding the appropriate link-local multicast addresses so as to not break routing and other dependent technologies.
ip access-list ext ANY_CONN
permit ip any any
ip access-list ext MCAST_INTRA_217
permit ip
permit ip
ip access-list ext MCAST_ISOLATE
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Nov 14, 2011
I hve the above setup and I need to setup multicast between the 2 servers. The nexu7k is a layer 2 switch and the 6500 is a lyer3.Both servers would be sending/receving traffic.
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May 12, 2013
I've been handed a requirement to try and get a multicast server working on my setup. Trouble is, I don't know if I can with the feature set I have on my switches. What is desired is that a multicast server (stand alone, but network connected, obviously) be accessible by everyone on the local network (multiple V LAN's, multiple SVI's) in the building.
All users will be connected to the one switch stack, although some will want to be wireless (which is one of the separate V LAN's) - I don't care if the wireless requirement goes by the wayside - they can sod off. :-) The main purpose will be multicast, high quality video.
I have a single switch stack consisting of two (soon to be 3) WS-C3750X-48P switches running the IP BASE feature set.
Question - can I do this on IP BASE, or do I need to upgrade to IP SERVICES?
If I can do it on IP BASE, does anyone have any links/pointers to setup this properly? Currently installed IOS is 12.2(58)SE2.
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May 30, 2013
i tried a stab and multicasting a FOG image to 4 machines the other day, and i had experienced odd and strange issues.
here is what i encountered:,100% cpu usage on our core switch,core4507#sh processes cpu hist
100 **********************************************************
pinging the SVI on the core and or pinging on the core to other devices resulted in MAJOR latencies, packet loss due to the cpu usage, etc.... no other network operations were affected, i could communicate with the rest of the network, and under 1-2ms latencies. i noticed it due to my opsview server flagging the core as down (SNMP OID's wouldnt return a value)
it lasted the whole time i was multicasting, i kept a close eye on it. i highly considered canceling my job, but everything ran smooth.when i looked at the cpu sorted history i saw 2 processes, IP Input, and cat4k mgmnt hipri
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Jun 7, 2012
I have a 2960G that I keep on the bench as a work switch. I assigned an IP address to it. The techs have had trouble imaging workstations using GHOST. Do any config changes need to be made to enable multicast to work? Everything is in VLAN1 at this point and the GHOST server is also the DHCP server.
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Apr 16, 2013
I have PC_A and PC_B connected to the same switch, and are put in the same vlan. PC_A is the master (source) and PC_B is the destination (client). IGMP Snooping is enabled by default.
Is there any reason why this should fail? There is no RP or any interface with PIM enabled. Its a flat network with a source and client in the same vlan...
IH-3750-LOADTEST-101#show ip igmp snooping vlan 724
Global IGMP Snooping configuration:
IGMP snooping : Enabled
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Jan 16, 2012
does 6500 with SUP-720 support nat on multicast traffic?
i know it support Multicast service reflection based on SXI4 which can facilitate me on destination address nat.
but if i need only source nat, does the defualt NAT feature supported on multicast traffic ?
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Feb 25, 2013
The two servers (red hat) use multicast for their heartbeat. Unrouted vlan 99 (only layer 2) is configured on the VTP Servers (6509).I have read this document [URL]
Switches 1 and 2 have IOS: c2960s-universalk9-mz.122-55.SE3.bin
and the 6509: s72033-advipservicesk9_wan-mz.122-18.SXF17a.bin
IGMP snooping is enabled on the 2960 switches.In order for the heartbeat of the servers to work, I have tried these solutions:disable igmp snooping for vlan 99 on switch-1 & switch-2. (No additional action was taken on the 6509). This didn't work. I expected that the multicast traffic would be sent as broadcast throughout the network, but for some reason it didn't work.on switch-1 & switch-2 configured "ip igmp snooping vlan 99 querier" (no additional actions on 6509). Didn't work either.on switch-1 & switch-2 configured "ip igmp snooping vlan 99 mrouter interface gigabitEthernet 1/0/25" & "ip igmp snooping vlan 99 mrouter interface gigabitEthernet 1/0/26" for the two connections to the 6509. Again no actions taken on 6509. Didn't work. I want static mac entries on the switches to be my last resort, since the number of red hat servers on the network is going to increase and I want to give a more generic solution to the issue.
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Jun 17, 2012
A 2960G switch is doing IGMP snooping and is configured as the querier. There is no multicast routing.
Port 1 - Video Set Top Box A
Port 2 - Video Set Top Box B
Port 3 - Multicast Source
Both Set Top Boxes A & B are set to receive the video delivered in the same multicast group.Every 60 seconds the switch generates an IGMP General Query message which is sent out all the ports in the VLAN.There is a 10 second timeout in the Query message. Devices that wish to join (or remain joined) to the multicast group have this amount of time to respond with a Join Message directed at the multicast group. Devices deliberately wait a random duration within the timeout time before replying.
For some reason (which I don't understand), if the switch receives a Join request message from a Set Top Box, it forwards that messages out of the port to the other Set Top Box. So, let's say Box A responded with the Join Message first. Box B now sees the Join message and now thinks there is another multicast receiver on its branch of the network, so it suppresses its Join Message to avoid sending an unnecessary message.If by chance Box A responds first 2 or 3 times in a row, the switch will not have seen a response from port 2 for awhile, so it prunes that port from the multicast. Eventually, Box B responds first and gets re-joined onto the multicast. It is now Box A that may get pruned if it is consecutively slower.
How do I prevent the switch from replicating the Join message out to the other Set Top Box? I have verified this behavior with Wireshark. But, I believe the Join message is only supposed to be forwarded to a multicast router (if there is one - and there isn't), not to other ports.The 2960 is running 12.2(58) SE2.
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