Home Network :: Port Forwarding Not Working?

Feb 20, 2013

I want to setup port forwarding in my office router so that i can access my lan computer ( from any where in the world through (remote desktop connection)I have (D-Link (DIR-615)) router. I went to virtual server option. then i select application name as Remote desktop then public port as (3389), protocol (both), Schedule (Always).My lan computer ip address (, private port (same 3389), inbound filter (allow all). then i clicked save settings. Then the router took 20 seconds to save. then i close the browser.Then i asked my brother to connect through remote desktop connection who is on the skype and he is in different country and that time he is in office. So he put my router public ip address (xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:3389) in this format but unable to connect.

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Linksys Cable / DSL :: Home HG200 V2 Port Forwarding Not Working

Jul 20, 2011

I have got a Linksys @ Home HG200 V2 G Gateway. I am trying to setup port fowarding but its not working. I have gone onto the routers port forwarding setup page filled it out but the port is still closed.

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Home Network :: Advanced Home Network Setup (3 Subnets) And Port Forwarding?

Feb 24, 2013

I have a Time Warner Cable business class service with no static IP, with a wireless modem which is plugged to a CAT5 distribution panel. On the jacks (2 other rooms on the house) I have a Linksys E3000 and a Linksys Valet router for signal boost and gadgets usage (TV, cameras, etc).The main router (TWC) has it's own external IP which TWC assigns to me and internally distributes via DHCP the range 192.168.0.x. With that said:

- The E3000 has a IP -- this is fixed setup on the TWC router (ubee brand) by MAC address
- The Valet has a IP -- this is fixed setup on the TWC router (ubee brand) by MAC address
- The main router has the as the gateway and web-interface

Whenever I connect something to the E3000, it is distributing the 192.168.1.x range and the valet 192.168.2.x range.That works perfectly for my home based business until I decided to use more stuff on the network such as a IP printer, IP cameras, etc.

- The IP cameras are connected to the E3000 due to signal strength and I have manually assigned them the and IPs and ports 9001 and 9002.

- The printer is connected to the E3000 and I have manually assigned the IP

Issue 1: Port forwarding On the main router (TWC - UBEE) I have tried to setup a port forwarding by informing the Local IP as (E3000 IP), Internal Port 0, Public Interface IP (, Ext Start Port 9001, Ext End Port 9001, Protocol - Both, Enabled Yes. On the E3000 I did the same config (screen shot attached e3000.png).This is not working properly. I can't get into the camera.

Issue 2: Printer/ The printer is only accessible if I connect to the E3000 (because it is on the 192.168.1.x network)

Issue 3: How to configure all the devices on the same subnet? If I want everyone to be on the 192.168.0.x network, how to configure properly the E3000 and the Valet? I have tried to force them into the same network but it would not work properly. It would not get an IP from the UBEE router (main).

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Home Network :: Port Forwarding Not Access Port

Jul 31, 2011

I want to create a Counter Strike Server and need to open some ports for that.The Problem: I cannot seem to open the ports for gaming.The Modem Setup: My Firewall is disabled.My guess is that, this is the area with the problem. I guess my modem is not forwarding onwards.The Problem: I tried checking my ports with websites like URL etc.It cannot access my port.

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Home Network :: Two Internet Connections And Port Forwarding

May 25, 2012

1. a LAN with about 10 pcs, a router and a shared internet connection which is connected to the router.

2. One of the PCs is a server, and is accessed from outside. the port 2230 is forwarded to it in the router.

Now the matter is, as the server uses a shared internet connection which is always very slow,I decided to have a dedicated internet connection in the server by adding an extra NIC.but what happens is when the outsiders try to connect to the dedicated internet connection IP address,the port 2230 is not forwared to the server pc.If I dissable LAN in this PC then the outsiders are able to connect.

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Home Network :: No Open Ports Despite Port Forwarding

Jul 10, 2012

I'm struggling to set up an SSH router and it always looks like the port is closed...

Here's my set-up

www>D-Link router (ADSL connection)>Linksys router (+Tomato)>Target PC

I have set up the Linksys router to be an SSH server running Tomato as described in many other forums. The "Tomato router" sits behind my ISP-provided D-link-2680 router.

The internal IP of the Tomato router is and if I try: Code:

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Port Forwarding On BT Home Hub 2.0?

Feb 14, 2011

I have Infinity so don't know if that's an issue in my situation. I know I'm being "throttled" by BT when doing P2P downloads so limit this to off peak periods.I have made the recommended tweaks to Utorrent to speed things up and finished off today by port forwarding. I tried to follow the tut I was using to the letter but the download became even slower!! You have to enter the port number in the Hub settings but I wasn't sure whether it was a single number xyz or a range 0-xyz or even xyz-xyz. I really hope I'm making sense.I also wasn't sure whether it's TCP or one of the other options I should have selected. I'm currently on Infinity getting 37.4 Mbps download and 1.7 Mbps upload.

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Port Forwarding Not Working

Jul 7, 2012

I am trying to make a server in the game Halo combat evolved for the PC, but i need to forward 3 ports, ports: 80, 2302, and 2303, i did them all, but it still says they are all still closed, when I scan them or they say, its times out.I have a D-Link router.

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D-Link DIR-655 :: Could Not Get Port Forwarding Working

Feb 11, 2011

I setup port forwarding for many router before, but I couldn't get this one to work.I triple check all of my configuration, they all setup correctly. But the port/ports on the router is not open.

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Asus RT-N16 - Port Forwarding Not Working

Oct 27, 2011

I had an old linksys router running DDWRT. I bought a new Asus RT-N16 and finally set it up. I had to just duplicate the settings by hand as you cannot back them up across different hardware models even though both are running DDWRT.

I hooked up the new router and everything was working great, until I decided to check one of my port forwards. Turns out its not working, I can't connect through my DynDNS assigned dns name. Assuming I configured something wrong, I compared the settings of the two routers. Nothing interesting, it is set up right.

From there I decided to just hook the old router up, assuming I overlooked something. So I mess around with all the cables, and then, to my surprise, IT STILL DIDN'T WORK.

A few points of interest:My Static IPS are set up right. My server has the proper IP My home IP did not change. DynDns has the right IP. I rebooted all the network equipment and server... just for the hell of it. I tried changing a port forward to point to my main PC and that failed too.

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Web Interfaces Not Opening Even After Port Forwarding Is Said To Be Working?

Jun 23, 2011

I have a DSL modem (custom made and branded by my ISP) which is receiving a DSL stream... it has an external IP which is visible to the world, say, ... This modem has DHCP enabled, has an internal IP for itself, which is .. it is connected to 2 laptops via and ethernet cable .. Laptop 1 has IP, and Laptop 2 has IP ...On Laptop 1, two applications are running, jDownloader and Media Player Classic, which have their web interfaces on ports 8765 and 13579,respectively.. I can access both of these web interfaces from Laptop 2 by opening these addresses: 192.1681.2:8765 and ... both of their web interfaces open up, meaning the web interfaces are working fine ..Moving on, I now want to access these web interfaces from outside my network as well, and so I've configured port forwarding in my DSL modem to forward all traffic on ports between 8000 and 14000 (both TCP and UDP) to IP ... I have verified that port forwarding is working by testing it using PortForward.com's port checker tool, and this website too: Open Port Check Tool - Test Port Forwarding on Your Router When I use the website, if I'm running the applications on Laptop 2, the website reports that the port is open .. if I then close the application, the website reports the port is closed ... This makes sense as nothing is listening on my machine in the latter case .. Also, if I disable port forwarding in my modem, again, the website reports the port is closed ... so, the website's results seem to be okay ...

Despite the above tools reporting that port forwarding is working, I am unable to open the web interfaces from outside my network ... So for example, if I tried to browse or, nothing opens in my browser ... But if I accessed these web server's locally from Laptop 3, by typing in or, they opened ... The tools report unanimously that port forwarding is working, and yet I am unable to open the web interfaces from outside the network ..Also note that I have disabled the firewall from my computer, and have also made sure that any option in the above programs (whose web interfaces I am trying to open) that says only local connections are to be accepted, is disabled ...

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Port Forwarding Not Working (Netgear DGND3700v2)

Oct 10, 2012

I'm trying to set up a Minecraft server so I can appear to be a hero to my 8 year old son. I have to forward a port to 25565 adn I've followed all the instructions on how to do this on my netgear DGND3700v2. I've also turned off my Windows 7 firewall, but when I go to a test website, I still get a message saying the port is closed. I don't have a static IP address, is this absolutely critical or does it just mean that the boys will have to log on to a new IP address each time they want to play?

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DB108-WL / Port Forwarding For IP Camera Not Working?

Jan 9, 2013

My modem/router is Riger and model is DB108-WL. I had set Port Forwarding in my modem/router configuration page using web [URL] had disable the uPNP setting in both the modem/router and camera setting page. Besides, also disable the firewall on the modem/router and on my laptop (Windows firewall and McAfee antivirus)My camera static IP address details are listed as below:

IPv4 Address:
Subnet Mask:
Default Gateway:
Primary DNS:
Port number: 8080

I am able to access my IP Camera using local LAN network by using web [URL] but unable to access from external network WAN using internet by using web http://*External IP Address*:8080 My ISP provide a dynamic external IP address so my external IP Address will change each time I connect to internet network. To trace this, I used IPchicken website IP Chicken - Whats my IP address? ip address lookup to identify my modem/router Public IP address. I used my smartphone to access this external IP Address in order to prevent NAT Loopback issue but still can not access.

1) Do I need to have my host computer turn on at home in order for me to access the IP Camera from external WAN network which is internet from anywhere outside? Or just turn on my modem/router and IP Camera will do?

2) I had read a lot of blogs and forums from the past 2 weeks about Port Forwarding. From one of the forum, it mentioned need to setup 2 ports for Port Forwarding in order to get IP Camera access from external network. One for web interface which use port 80 and another one for video streaming which is port 1024. So, is it true for every IP Camera to configure 2 ports forwarding in order to get access from external network?

3) If I can access the IP Camera from local LAN network, does it mean my laptop Windows firewall and McAfee antivirus setting is ok for access from external network?

4)Is it a reliable method to use smartphone as a test to try out whether my setting is ok to access the IP Camera from external network? My smartphone is Android 2.3 OS and able to access the IP Camera when connected to my modem/router using WIFI (local LAN access). When key in external IP address using 3G network, it can not access.

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Cisco WAN :: 1941W / Port Forwarding Not Working?

Sep 7, 2012

I'm having a problem with port forwarding on my 1941W router.I would like to forward ports 8001 and 2001 TCP from Internet to a local host on the internal network.I am able to connect to the local host from the internal network, but it does not work from the Internet.
Here is my config:

version 15.0
service timestamps debug datetime msec
service timestamps log datetime msec
no service password-encryption
hostname Router1


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Mine-Craft Port Forwarding No Longer Working

Feb 21, 2012

Port Forwarding Bug - Working but not working? I'm so pissed as I've been working on it for hours and it still doesn't work. The only additional information apart from the ones located in the link is that in the security log something about the NTP.

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Netgear Wnr2000v3 - Port Forwarding Not Working / Still Closed

Dec 4, 2012

I have a Netgear wnr2000v3 Router connected to my Motorola Surfboard Gateway.I have a freePBX Server (virtual running off of VMware Workstation 8) that needs ports 10001-20000 and 5060 forwarded to the server at

I added the portforwarding as in this photo:

When I use a port tester it still says "Port 5060 is closed"I have also turned off Windows Firewall. What else could be blocking these ports?

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Port Forwarding Working For Incoming Traffic But Not Outgoing?

Feb 6, 2012

I have a licensing server. Other computers need to turn on a program, they send a message to the licensing server, and it responds that they have permission to run.Until today the licensing server was plugged into its own ethernet wall socket and configured with a static IP address. Today I put a router into that wall socket and now the server's plugged into the router.The router (WRT-54G) was set to the static IP - and now the internet on its network works. I set all ports to be forwarded to the server's internal IP address - and now my programs can detect and ping it. But now the server won't send back permissions to use licensed software, or even reply with a list of the software which it can license.

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Linksys WRT54GS Router - Port Forwarding Not Working?

Jul 18, 2012

I am trying to run a server for minecraft, which some of you may know primarily uses Port 25565. I have tried everything that I've seen suggested. I have a Linksys WRT54GS router that I have my 2 xboxes, playstation 3, pc, and wii connected to. Now, I don't use any of these components at the same time. I had an issue with my xbox and the game "Black Ops", where my NAT type was strict, but a microsoft support technician walked me through port forwarding for the xbox, and it worked. My NAT type was displayed as "open" now. This is not the case with Port 25565 however, as even though I've port forwarded 25565 to my static IP i set up for my PC (which is my server PC), Port checking sites such as "Yougetsignal" and a couple of others are still showing no connection for the current external IP and Port 25565.

I went through ipconfig in windows "cmd" and made sure I had all the ip's and subnets and dns' and whatnot correctly entered in my routers configuration page. I went into Windows firewall and put new rules for port 25565 into incoming rules. None of this seems to work. I even shut off the firewall completely (temporarily, mind you), just to eliminate that possibility, to no avail. Still getting negative responses from these sites. I am able to log into my server myself, using "localhost" as the address, but none of my minecraft buddies can get on my server. I've also tried to use Hamachi to set up a server, which doesn't need ports to be forwarded, but although they can join my hamachi network, they can't join the server. Obviously there is more of a problem than just not being able to open ports, and I am at a loss.

Also, I am aware that my external IP, given by my ISP, will change with every disconnect and reconnect of my signal. I got my current IP address during this time and gave that to my buddies so they could join the non-hamachi network. For the Hamachi server I edited my Hamachi network IP into my server software's properties file, where as it would be left blank for my non-hamachi server.

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D-Link DIR-655 :: None Of Port Forwarding Settings Are Working At All On Router

Nov 30, 2012

None of the port forwarding settings are working at all on my router. I have just a couple very simple settings. One of them is just an IP camera. I input the name, the TCP port, the computer (IP address) and that's it. This works just fine with my other Netgear router, but with this router, NADA. The router has the latest version of the firmware applied. Just applied it. Hardware version B. Firmware version: 2.10NA. If so, then I really need my money back since it is a main function of a router and it should work. Can't return it now, since I bought it several months ago. Never knew port forwarding didn't work because I never needed it until now.

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Linksys Cable / DSL :: WAG320n UDP Not Working On Port Forwarding?

Dec 5, 2011

I have some hardware on my internal network which I want to send udp packets. I can connect using telnet to it prooving that TCP and port forward works but when I try to send a UDP packet externally it fails.I can however send the same packet internally and port forwarding works fine.My router is Linksys by Cisco WAG320n.

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D-Link DIR-655 :: Stopped Working After Port Forwarding Configuration?

Mar 3, 2011

I was changing the port forwarding configuration when suddenly the router stopped working, and now the "D-Link" light is constantly on, and the power light and the 4 LAN lights are flashing. Nothing worked, resetting, or unplug and plug again in a short time.

I disconnected it for 12 hours, and when I plugged in again, it kinda worked, and the settings where factory defaults, so when I tried to connect it to DSL via PPoE, when ( I believe ) it reboots to accept the changes, it starting flashing again and completely stopped working.

So I waited 12 hours more unplugged, plugged it and it worked, and the setting from 12 hours earlier were still there. But when trying to connect to the DSL it stopped working AGAIN.

Now I don't know what to do. I guess I am going to keep trying connecting with little differences, until something.

I believe it still has warranty but since the is no official service in Uruguay, it isn't economically viable to send it overseas.

I am currently connected directly to the DSL, sharing connection to other computers through a switch and hosting an ad-hoc wireless network, but the performance is terrible and the wireless range is minimal.

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Linksys Cable / DSL :: WAG320N Port Forwarding / DMZ Not Working

Mar 4, 2011

I'm trying to open some ports for my webserver, I've configured the static IP and forwarded port 80 to my server's IP and I checked the port on canyouseeme.org and it says it's closed. I've tried multiple ports (21, 22, 7878 whatever) and all do the same thing.
So my next step was to try DMZ on the server's IP .. still no happiness .. ports stay closed. I checked this on multiple computers and it still won't open any ports for any machines on my network.
Updated to the latest firmware .. didn't make a difference. My ISP doesn't block any ports (didn't have any issues on my old router.

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Cisco Firewall :: Vnc 5950 - Port Forwarding Not Working

May 4, 2011

All I want to do is  have VNC connect on port 5950. So I want to forward traffic coming in  on the external ip address on port 5950 an internal ip address on port  5950. Here is my config:Building configuration...Current configuration.

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Cisco Firewall :: ASA5505 / Port Forwarding Not Working?

Apr 6, 2012

I'm not able to access my Slingbox from the outside.  I've set up port forwarding on port 5001 to allow outside connections in, but port forwarding isn't working.  Am I missing something?
object network INSIDE-HOSTS
object network Slingbox
object-group protocol TCPUDP


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Cisco WAN :: 1841 / Port Forwarding Configurations Do Not Working

Oct 17, 2012

I have issues with port forwarding. I did, but it didn't work. Then I tried different ip addresses. Now I don't know how to delete those configurations, because when I try to overwrite it says already exist. And still port forwarding is not working. I did: ip nat inside source static tcp (ip and port numbers)Our device is 1841, also we have firewall within this router. DHCP is in our 3750.

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Cisco Routers :: RV180 - Port Forwarding Not Working

Dec 18, 2012

I just installed an RV180 at home. I can not get port forwarding to work - after reading in several forums I realize that I need a firmware that currently is in a beta stage.

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Linksys Wireless Router :: EA6500 Port Forwarding Not Working?

Nov 30, 2012

I upgraded to a 6500 from a e4200. I use ports 81-84 on test web servers set to static Ip,s when I open the ports  nothing can get through from the outside. I can hit the pages internally on those ports and IP's but not from my external ip to those ports. When I set my old router everything is fine. 

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Linksys Wireless Router :: E1200 Port Forwarding Not Working

Jan 2, 2013

I set up port forwarding on my router.  When I go to canyouseeme.org and put in my public IP address (I can ping the IP address with no issues) and the port that I'm forwarding it says it can't hit the port.

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Linksys Wireless Router :: Port Forwarding Not Working On E2500

Dec 12, 2011

I've read over the FAQ and followed the normal instructions for port forwarding, but can't seem to get it to work with this particular router, E2500.  I have tried both the single port forwarding and the multi port range forwarding, and neither works.  I've tried an older WRT54G router and port forwarding works fine on it, so I know it's not my ISP.

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Cisco Routers :: RV215W Router Port Forwarding Not Working?

May 11, 2013

RV215W router port forwarding not working.Port forwarding works for a short period of time, then stops working.  Reboot router, works again for short period of time, then stops again.
I have updated firmware to latest.  I had seen other similar bugs posted for 220 and I think 180, not sure if this router has similar bugs and waiting for fix release to firmware.I had recently purchased two, one deployed, will hold off on other now because of issues, and may have to move to different unit if a resolution not found this week.

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Cisco Routers :: RV110W Port Forwarding Stops Working

Oct 25, 2011

I am using a RV110W with the latest firmware I have some port forwarding configured, which normally work. But sometimes, all port forwarding stop working. Everything else continues working normally, just all port forwarding don't work any more. I tried disabling the port forwarding and enabling them again, this doesn't work. Also disabling the firewall completely does not work. You have to reboot the router, then everything works fine again. When I make a portscan from outside with a "fresh" started router, the forwarded ports are open. When the error occurs and I make a portscan from outside, all ports that should be open (and have been open before) are closed.

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Linksys Wireless Router :: Port Forwarding Stops Working WRT400N?

Jan 16, 2010

Having a problem with port forwarding on their WRT400N? I'm forwarding one service (https) and this stops working if it's not accessed after a 10 days or so. The only way to get it to work again is to reboot the router. I’m running the “latest" firmware, which is an oxymoron considering it's been over 12 MONTHS since Linksys updated the code... Which is appalling considering this appears to be their flagship wireless N router.

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Linksys Wireless Router :: E1200 Port Range Forwarding Is Not Working?

Oct 17, 2011

I currently have an E1200. I can port forward single ports, but when I attempt to forward a range of ports it doesn't work and there is no error in the log.
Specifically I am port forwarding RTP ports (10000 - 20000). I am aware of the security risks, please do not preach.

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