IBM Thinkpad Will Not Connect To Secure Wireless Belkin Router?

Oct 14, 2011

My IBM Thinkpad will not connect to our secure wireless Belkin router

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Cannot Connect To Wireless With IBM ThinkPad 2373

Sep 9, 2012

I have an IBM Thinkpad T42 Model 2373.This morning I had to factory reset it, and lost all of my drivers. Slowly, I'm getting them back, but I've lost my wireless internet ability. I've attempted to turn my wireless on, it says IBM Wireless Adaptors (802.11 or bluetooth) are not installed on this system. My card is an Intel(R) Pro/1000 MT Mobile Connections, and I understand that this isn't a wireless card. But. I've had wireless working for the past year and a half...

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How To Secure Belkin Router With Windows 7

Nov 3, 2012

how do i secure a belkin router with windows 7

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Linksys Wireless Router :: E1000 Secure And Non-secure Hotspots

Jul 12, 2011

When setting up my e1000 router for a secure domain it automatically opened a non secure one that my neighbors are using. How can I cancel it?

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IBM Thinkpad Not Connecting To Wireless Router

Aug 8, 2011

I bought an old IBM Think Pad laptop and i cant seem to connect to my wireless router. I have another laptop which connected with no problem just simply typed the wireless password in and all work fine and the same for my iphone. First problem was when I got asked for the wireless password it came up with a message say " The network password needs to be 40bits or 104bits depending on your network comfiguration".

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Linksys Wireless Router :: Can't Connect To Secure WRT54GS2 V1

Jul 9, 2011

I just moved in with my friend and i'm having trouble connecting to wireless router linksys WRT54GS2 V1.  My roommate can connect his laptop and desktop to the router wirelessly, but my iphone and laptop can't connect.  I've tried both of my devices on a wireless network at a friend's house, and both worked fine.  We even changed AND removed the password and it doesn't let  me log on the internet. 

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Connect A IBM Thinkpad T42 With Windows XP?

Mar 8, 2011

I have a Linksys Wireless router WRT54G, I am trying to connect a IBM Thinkpad T42 with Windows XP. I have the right Router name and password, but all I keep getting is "Acquiring Network Address", but not connection. Running "WPA" on security. The laptop works fine when connected directly to the router via cable.

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Linksys Wireless Router :: WRT546 Won't Connect To Secure Network

Feb 9, 2012

My linksys used to always connect toa secure network, (secure network does show up in network list) BUT the linksys will only connect to unsecure shown network. How do I get it back to connecting to the secure network?

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Linksys Wireless Router :: WRT54G Listed As Secure But Would Never Connect

Jul 16, 2011

I recently had an issue with my laptop that required a complete reinstall of windows. As if this wasn't bad enough, I lost the password that I had for my router. Thinking it was no big deal I just went ahead and reset the router back to factory settings assuming I would be able to set up a network and encrypt it as I had before. Just testing the functionality, I was able to access my router while it was not encrypted and with the DSL modem plugged in, I also had internet access. I did this both wireless and with Ethernet cable.
Happy to see this, I decided it would be a good idea to re-encrypt my router to prevent any outside access. So as I had done before I went to the setting page where I set up a network with a web key. The only thing I entered at all was the paraphrase for the key then saved the setting to test it out. I refreshed the available wireless networks and mine was there and was now listed as secure. I then proceeded to click on the network, entered the key, and then waited for it to connect. The problem is, it never would connect. It continuously tries to connect, and says it is trying to "acquire the network address" but never does. Since then I have been on the hunt trying many different suggestions I have seen online, but none of the situations were quite like this one. 

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IBM Thinkpad T41 Doesn't Connect To Server

Mar 20, 2012

My think pad t41 will not connect to my school server or connect to their wireless internet

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IBM Thinkpad Won't Connect To Internet Wirelessly Or Via Cable

Oct 21, 2012

it looks like this thread hasn't been active for a while Also I did that ipconfig /all command as well and here is what i got

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Linksys Wireless Router :: Kindle Fire Unable To Connect To Secure WPA2

Jan 24, 2012

I have kindle fire that is unable to connect to the wireless network.All otehr devices windows phone, xbox and laptop are able to connect seamlessly.Amazon also sent me a replacement, but the issue is still the same. The error is:

"Unable to connect to the selected access point, Please check the password you provided."
Also, I removed the security on the network to see if its able to connect without password.The state where it fails is Obtaining IP address and it fails again.

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Lenovo Thinkpad T400 / Can Only Connect To Internet In Safe Mode

Apr 23, 2011

I have tried everything - virus checks, HijackThis, disabling services and startup. I have three tabs set for home (CNN, Yahoo and Gmail). Gmail connects but I can't access any other sites. Also Outlook 2007 connects to the MS Exchange Server. The behavior is a little weird because when I first boot up, all my tabs load properly but then after a minute or two, I press the "home" button and suddenly nothing will connect (except Gmail, which still continues to connect). All has been fine for years and then all of a sudden this happened when I returned from a business trip (had the computer with me and everything was fine). I have ruled out router and other connection issues. In Safe Mode, the connections are just fine. As a last resort, I may reinstall XP but I would obviously prefer not to.I have a Lenovo Thinkpad T400, running XP SP3.

Logfile of Trend Micro HijackThis v2.0.4
Scan saved at 11:47:14, on 4/23/2011
Platform: Windows XP SP3 (WinNT 5.01.2600)
MSIE: Internet Explorer v8.00 (8.00.6001.18702)
Boot mode: Safe mode with network support


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Secure Router Password To Connect New Device?

Jan 1, 2013

I can't be the only one who misplaced their Router's Password - How do I manage to 'connect' my new devices (Kindle Fire and new smart phone) to my router installed less than 2 years ago.

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Cisco VPN :: Any Connect Secure Mobility 800 Router

Jul 19, 2012

I have problem I want a remote opzeten with my 800 router I used AnyConnect Secure Mobility Client can not connect but you know someone that can do

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Can Only Connect To Linksys Router If F-Secure Firewall Turned Off

Sep 25, 2012

Cannot connect to Linksys Router Webpage. I can only connect if I turn off my F-Secure firewall

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Can't Connect To Secure Wireless Network?

Dec 2, 2011

Have HP Mini netbook running Windows XP. At work I used to be able to connect to the secure wireless network, but can't anymore. The computer has no problem connecting to any other secure or unsecure network. It detects a signal and sends and receives data, but the status remains at "Acquiring Network Address".

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Can't Connect To Wireless Belkin Router

Jul 20, 2011

my Belkin routers wireless wont work. I tried unplugging it, resetting it, but nothing working. Ethernet is working fine, but I need wireless back ASAP.

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Cisco VPN :: 3.1.00495 / Cannot Connect To Router WebVPN Via Secure Mobility AnyConnect

Sep 10, 2012

IOS SSL VPN fails to connect, CSCtx38806.pdf file for more info...There is bug with router IOS. if anyone cannot connect to router webvpn service via 3.1.00495 anyconnect client and it is giving you certificate error. you would be only able to connect via SSL web page not via client. Then please upgrade your IOS to latest version. IOS SSL VPN fails to connect after microsoft security update KB2585542 Workaround: Use rc4, w which is a less secure encryption option. If this meets your security needs, then you may use it as follows:
webvpn gatew ay gatew ay name
ssl encryption rc4-md5
I have anyconnect-win-2.5.6005-k9.pkg anyconnect installed on router. When I try to connect with webvpn from client on machine 2.5.6005 anyconnect or latest secure mobility client 00495. it gives me certificate error. it doesn’t connect me with IOS web VPN. I can connect via SSL web page. There is bug please upgrade your IOS to latest version.

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Vista Won't Connect To A Secure Wireless Network

Sep 19, 2011

I just signed up with Frontier Communications and set up my internet and I cant connect to my network when it is secure.

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Belkin G Wireless - Can't Connect To Router With Password

Jan 16, 2011

I've got a Belkin G wireless router.I've got my Vaio with windows 7 , my other emachines with vista and another acer laptop in the house also on vista/All laptops can connect to the router and internet fine but when I password protect the WI-FI the ACER aspire won't connect to the router, while the other 2 and also a ps3 all connect with the password no problems.

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Wireless Belkin Router - Unable To Connect With It?

May 30, 2011

I have just purchased and successfully installed a wireless Belking router and although my pc connects perfectly my daughter cannot connect to the same router even with the correct security codes, what are we doing wrong

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Setup Thinkpad To Get Wireless?

Oct 9, 2011

I have a thinkpad, and my friend next door said I could use their wireless which is set up through COX. I click on the icon at the lower right that shows wireless strength and a window opens up called "access connections" I don't know what to do from there. I see the wireless icon for the one next door on the diagram, I click on it which highlights it, then I click on "connect". It looks like it is going to connect because a green bar starts to fill in the "location" : "name" place, but then a little window pops up that says "connection failed.Recommended action: Verify that the encryption settings (WEP/TKIP/AES) specified in this profile match those expected by the wireless network.

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Unable To Connect To Secure Wireless Network XP / Ubuntu 12.04?

Sep 26, 2012

I've tried two operating systems (Ubuntu 12.04 and Windows XP) two different wireless adaptors (Dell M1530 internal adaptor and Alfa USB Adaptor which I get full bars on) and tried a different Dell M1530 laptop which I'm also having issues with. I've also tried to diagnose the network with a tool, but I'm totally unable to connect to it so I'm unable to get any more information.If I try to connect to an unsecured network, it works perfectly. I'm totally stumped about this, due to the fact that I've used two different operating systems, two different adaptors and two different laptops (albeit the same brand).

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Dell Laptop Won't Connect To The Belkin Wireless Router

Apr 3, 2011

I have had my laptop for over a year and it usually connects fine but two days ago I turned it on and it simply won't pick up on the signal coming from my router. I have a computer and another laptop connected to this same router and they are both working fine. It just says that there are no connections available even though the router is on and showing up on the other two machines. The router is a Belkin and the laptop a Dell, Windows 7.

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Cannot Connect To The Internet (Belkin F5D9630-4 Wireless Router)?

Aug 22, 2011

I've just replaced my crappy TalkTalk router with my Belkin F5D9630-4 (v1001) to try and give myself a bit more wireless coverage in my flat. No matter what I try I just can't get the router to connect to the Internet.I've updated the router to the most recent firmware, and entered the following settings in my setup for the router:[CODE]

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How To Connect TPLink Adsl With Belkin Wireless Router

Jan 13, 2013

I hav bsnl broadband connection in my home.... I connected a tplink wired for browsing...I also have a belkin wireless router..... I connected those routers.... And only wired communication is possible

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Belkin G Wireless Router Won't Connect To School Website?

Oct 23, 2011

For a while now my girlfriend has been having problems trying to connect to her school website ( with the belgin g wireless router. It used to work a few months ago, tried to fix it then gave up. The only way she can access the site and do her school work from home is it she directly connects from the modem to the pc, but that takes internet away from the other pc in the house.I read a few sites months ago that it could be the school banned the routers IP, she called the school and they said it wasn't banned and that it might be a firewall issue. We tried disabling the firewall on the router and the pc but still nothing.

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Linksys Wireless Router :: EA4500 Cannot Connect To Belkin

Aug 24, 2012

I have the linksys EA4500 now for a few hours and its pissing me off.with my old linksys i got a wireless connection to my Belkin Home Base.this is a usb wifi this usb station there is a seneye. this is a machine to protect my reef tank.i  cant make a wireless connection to my Belkin home base..

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Ibm Thinkpad / How To Turn On The Wireless Switch

Apr 9, 2012

i have a ibm thinkpad and dont know how to turn on the wireless switch

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Actiontec Q1000 Modem - Can't Connect To Secure Wireless Networks

May 10, 2011

So we just got a new router for our higher speed internet. The modem is an Actiontec Q1000 from Qwest. We used to live out in the middle of nowhere, so we never needed to secure our internet. Now we live close to neighbors and we need to encrypt the wireless. When I try any encryption, however, I can't connect at all. I have tried temporarily having it unlocked and I could connect without a problem. It also works fine when I'm using my Ethernet cord.

Heres my IPCONFIG.

Microsoft Windows [Version 6.0.6002]
Copyright (c) 2006 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Windows IP Configuration
Host Name . . . . . . . . . . . . : Owner-PC
Primary Dns Suffix . . . . . . . :


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ASUS G50VT - Unable To Connect To Secure Wireless Network

Sep 5, 2011

I came home and was unable to wirelessly connect to my secure home network. I can connect to it secure and wired as well as unsecured and wireless, but not secured and wireless. I have done malware scans and checked for driver updates for both my netowrking card and the Linksys WRT54G router firmware...both are good. All of the other systems in the house can wirelessly connect to it while secured, so I've narrowed it down to clearly being a problem with my computer. I am using Vista Home Premium 64 bit on an ASUS G50VT.

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How To Connect Wireless Canon Printer To Belkin N150 Router

Nov 26, 2012

I can't seem to get my Canon MG5220 Wireless Printer to connect to my Belkin N150 wireless router. The printer sees the belkin wireless router network name but cannot connect to it( after entering the correct security key). It worked fine with a previous wireless router. My desktop PC is connected to the belkin router via direct ethernet, and I want to be able to access my wireless printer which is located in another room from my PC. I think I remember reading that the canon mg5220 may not support WPA2 security, but Its only a year old and would prefer not to regonfigure my router's security setting. how I can get this printer to connect to my router? Any other ways to access this printer from my PC which is connected to LAN via ethernet?

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