Laptop Loses Connection To The Router Constantly?

Nov 3, 2012

My laptop loses connection to the router.... constantly. When it disconnects I check my available networks and the laptop will not pick up any... neighbors or my own, I refresh they show up ...I have my network set as the preferred so it will always attempt to reconnect when available; Sometimes it starts to reconnect then drops off and cannot see available networks again! If I am able to reconnect... Sometimes I don't even have time to refresh my browser before it disconnects again; however sometimes I stay connected for hours at a time, other times/days just can't stay connected very long and becomes so frustrating that I just shut down the laptop and say "Fahgetaboutit"

I thought it was the network driver and a intel has an update(even though my LT doesn't show that I need it), I downloaded the update first knowing that I would be with out internet service after removing the old driver software but the new software installation always gives an error that it cannot install with older version present even after I'm sure I've removed it ... Not sure what to do... I ran cmd: ipconfig /all>network.txt&network.txt and here is the result of that straight from the activated notepad:

Windows IP Configuration

Host Name . . . . . . . . . . . . : VAIO-PC

Primary Dns Suffix . . . . . . . :[code].....

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Linksys Wireless Router :: WRT54G S V4 Constantly Loses Connection

Aug 5, 2006

I have a 3COM cable modem and a WRT54GSV4 with v1.06.1 firmware for a home network.  I have 2 desktop computers hardwired to the WRT54G and use 2 different laptops with internal wireless cards.  All run Win XP Pro.  I have spent numerous hours on the phone with Linksys support and always get the same response (reboot, unplug, reset, etc.)

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HP Laptop Loses Connection To Home Router Intermittently

Mar 3, 2013

Only at my home network, my HP Pavilion Laptop wifi will sporadically just stop identifying the router. The router (and Intel) shows enabled and good signal and my husband's laptop shows no interruption. My wifi keeps trying to reconnect but can't. I have to power off the router to reboot it so my wifi connects again. This is really annoying...

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Linksys Wireless Router :: Wrt160 Wifi Loses Connection To Phone And Laptop

Nov 17, 2012

I have a WRT160 V2 router with firmware  v2.0.02. I have had the router for years without any problems. A few months ago I have started to see an issue where I lose connection to my internet on my laptop, and wifi on my phone at the same time. I have wifi calling on my phone and it disconnects also at the same time. All of a sudden, everything will stop working, then about 40 seconds later, it all works again. I lost the connection maybe every 30 to 60 mins. I rely on wifi calling for my primary phone, and I end up getting cut off when talking to people. BTW wifi calling is for all tmobile phones, but also normal wifi to surf the web on my laptop and phone drops too at the same time.

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Linksys Wireless Router :: EA3500 Laptop Loses Connectivity / Very Difficult To Re-establish Connection

Apr 22, 2013

I have a new EA3500 router that's working great for a variety of devices* except a Windows7 laptop.  24 hours after establishing a connection, the laptop loses connectivity and it's very difficult to re-establish a connection.  Usually I have to reboot the router, but 24 hours later the problem returns and Windows is unable to connect. 
My router settings include DHCP client lease time set to 1440 minutes (24 hours), so I thought the problem might have something to do with DHCP lease renewal.  To test this theory, on Saturday night I did ipconfig/release and ipconfig/renew and established connectivity from the laptop.
Sunday morning I spoke with Linksys support and changed several settings per their recommendation:Network mode mixed (I had it on N-only for some reason)Assigned different SSIDs to the 2.4GHz band and 5 GHz band2.4 GHz band channel is 20MHz only, using channel 95 GHz band channel is 40 MHz only, using channel 161I also power cycled the router. Everything worked fine until Sunday night, 24 hours after the release/renew, when I lost connectivity.  I am not sure what to try next and whether the problem lies with the router or the laptop. 

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Laptop Loses Network Drive Connection

Jun 22, 2011

User has a laptop, takes home and uses in office.Running Windows XP. Once he comes in the office, tries to retrieve a file from his network drive connection, the laptop loses the drive connection.It will restore only if I reboot just to drop shortly after.

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Wireless Connection Drops Constantly On Second Laptop?

Nov 4, 2012

Been searching threads here and all over google. I have DSL thru Century Link.Router is Zyxel pk5001z. 2 laptops being used. ( well, they were until my MB fried out.) My laptop has Win 7, my girlfriends has Vista.- Dell inspiron 1525. Only had the service for about 2 mo's. My laptop was working fine wirelessly. Hers drops constantly.Currently hers is the only one being used.Sometimes shows the red x, other times just local only.- Drops and reconnects within seconds. I have set channel to 6 and 11. disabled IPC 6 in laptop adapter, uninstalled/reinstalled wireless card in device manager, checked for newer driver, checked for firmware upgrade in modem, set to g/n only, ( no option for G only) connection strenth is full. No wirless phones, no close neighbors, etc. I have read posts indicating the routers are junk, other posts saying Vista has issues with certian routers, but nothing that pinpoints my exact problem. Also, just re-loaded Vista the other day.

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New Dell Laptop Connects Then Loses Wireless Connection Within Seconds?

Jul 31, 2011

Our entire office runs on wireless connections (laptops, printers, desktops, etc) and we have little to no connectivity issues considering. However, we just purchased a new dell laptop. the laptop connected but within 5 seconds immediate loses the connection and reconnects, disconnects, etc.. This is continuous. All other devices, 2 other never-before connected laptops and a tablet have all sucessfully connected without issues...only this new dell laptop does it. The laptop connects and stays connected to all other wifi connections we have tried it with (other corporate wifi and home wifi's). Dell has replaced the wireless card to confirm there was not issue with that (which I was confident there wasn't). Our IT contact suggests buying a new $500 router, but that is a little hard for me to accept seeing that only 1 device is having difficulties (his other reason for this was his concern that he couldn't access something like the router's management tool, or something like that). New Laptop is running W7 OS..

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Wifi Connection Constantly Drops When Laptop Is Operating On Battery Power?

Jun 14, 2012

My computer is a Toshiba Sattelite o/s win 7. My wi fi signal is excellent, yet my signal keeps dropping or saying limited access.I have tried resetting the router and resetting my default windows settings on the computer. All other lap tops and wireless devices in the house do not have an issue.I discovered the other day as long as the laptop ( not the router) is plugged in and not running on batter power that i do not have a problem staying connected.For fun i wondered if it had something to do with the power cord making some kind of connection when plugged into the lap top, (since everything is more compact in them)I tried having the power cord plugged into the lap top but not into a power source but I still lost signal.

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DIR-615 Router Loses Connection

Jan 21, 2013

I currently have a d-link DIR-615E3 with the latest dd-wrt firmware (v24 from 2010-12-13). Everything seems to be ok when I boot up the router - with factory settings and unsecured wireless, I have an internet connection. When I enter the GUI, create a router username/password, everything is still fine. Then, when I create a wireless security password (WPA2 personal) I lose internet connection, and the only way to get it back is to do a hard reset of the router. This also happens if I change any setting within the ddwrt interface, not just the wireless settings. (I also have a linksys WRT54GL with ddwrt with absolutely no problems) My cable modem is a motorola surfboard SB5101U, ISP is comcast cable, running windows 7.

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Linksys Router Loses Connection After A While?

Jul 17, 2002

Network was:

AT&T Broadband ISP
LanCity LC-PET3 cable modem (non DOCSIS)
Linsys 4 port hub
2 Win98SE PCs
All worked fine

New network is: Same as above, with a Linksys 1 port router (BFSR11) between the cable modem and the hub.

Router is configured to be a DHCP server (default configuration).
I assigned the router a custom WAN side MAC to match one of my two PCs to avoid having to call AT&T to get things running.

Results: Everything runs perfectly fine initially, but after leaving and coming back to either system (left on, in standby) after quite a while (going to work / bed), the network connection is dead.

WINIPCFG still reports the same IP, but seems to hang forever if I attempt to release / renew. The router's is unreachable for configuration / status (it's still on the default IP of Pressing the reset button on the back of the router restores the internet connection (quickly too - I'm back online in about 15 seconds).

Entering standby manually and coming back out again after just a couple minutes does not affect the internet connection - it seems to only occur when I'm off for an extended period of time. I have no had the time to determine what the period of time is, and if it is a fixed time since DHCP lease / initial startup, or if it is a fixed amount of inactivity time (or maybe even not a fixed amount of time at all).

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Netgear DGN3500 Router Loses Internet Connection?

Aug 4, 2011

I live out in the country at the end of a very long copper cable and my internet connection is never great at the best of times. Also live in an old house with thick walls so the family are always complaining about the poor wireless connection.So I bought a new router, netgear DGN3500, which on the whole seemed pretty good out of the box, but now it is randomly dropping the internet connection. Sometimes this is solved by rebooting the router, but just now this didn't do it and only turning it off completely for 30" and turning it back on again gave me back my connection (DownStream Connection Speed 3680 kbps, UpStream Connection Speed 416 kbps - which is as good as it gets on the end of my phone line).

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Cisco Linksys Wireless Router Loses Connection?

Aug 2, 2012

When ever my roommates and I turn on or turn off a computer or device to log onto our wireless network that computer or device and all other computers or devices that are on the network lose internet connection for about 3 minutes. After that period then all devices gain access back. We have a Cisco Linksys router, Model number WRT110, it is the Range Plus version. I got it 6 months ago from a friend that had never pulled it out of the box or used it. I used it before moving and it did not have this problem. We are using cable for our internet and have a Motorola Surfboard model number SB5101U for our Modem. We have 2 Dell computers, both about a year old, and a LG blue ray device that connects wirelessly to stream movies

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ZyXEL P-660HW-T1 V3 Router Loses Connection Seemingly At Random?

Jan 17, 2012

Several times a day our router will lose its connection to the internet (the internet light goes off, while the wireless signal stays on). All the computers in the house lose connection to the network while this happens. It will usually happen two or more times right after each other, so the computers can re-connect for a few seconds and then the connection will drop again. Eventually, after this repeats a few times, everything returns to normal.We've tried swapping cables, microfilters and 3 different routers (though all the same model). We tried the test socket, but the same problem happens. An engineer came to test the line but said he couldn't detect any problems. We have good download/upload speeds while the router stays connected and no noise on the phone line. I'm fed up of going in circles with the ISP tech support so I came here instead...One other thing I tried was OpenDNS, but that made no difference either...

Info: The router is a ZyXEL P-660HW-T1 v3... I've tried updating the firmware on it, but it wouldn't let me... If I remember correctly the Router Configuration Interface told me I don't have permission to do that.There are four computers connected.. mine is Windows 7, I'm pretty sure 2 others are as well, and also a Macbook... There's also various stuff like an Ipad, Kindle etc., which all lose connection at the same time.

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Linksys Wireless Router :: E1000 Continually Loses Connection

May 2, 2010

I recently upgraded from a Linksys WRT54G2 that was a dream and gave me no problems at all to a Linksys E1000 that isn't behaving. Every hour or so it loses its PPPoE connection to the internet, so that both wired and wirelessly connected computers lose access. My laptop is also thrown entirely off the wireless network all together.

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Linksys Wireless Router :: E1000 Loses Connection All Time

Nov 19, 2011

At home I have 3 computers and 2 mobile phones that connects to wifi network.Often, if I open up one of the computers that is sometimes off (laptop), then the network connection doesn't work anymore. I can still see the network in wifi choices on any device, but it won't connect to the Internet.

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Linksys Wireless Router :: E3200 Loses Connection To Internet Through Comcast

Jan 24, 2012

I have a problem with my E3200 that has happened at least 4 times since I first purchased, installed and configured it.  Initially I thought it might be something with Comcast, but a) I never had the problem with my Linksys WRT54G router and b) It seems I can now duplicate the issue by saving a config file and restoring it.The specific issue appears to be somewhat random.  At some point the connection to the Internet simply stops for no apparent reason.  I am able to ping the router and connect to it.  I am also able to drop and renew connections to the cable modem successfully.  Furthermore, I can ping my network side of the router, as well as the external address handed to my router by the cable modem, and the cable modem gateway address, but still no connection to the Internet.The only solution to my problem has been to restore the factory defaults to the router and reconfigure it from scratch, which does seem to fix the issue for a time until it occurs again.  FYI, I do not use the Cisco connect software because I have several custom port and QOS configs that are necessary for an IP Phone and other hardware on my network.

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Linksys Wireless Router :: WRT310n V2 - Slowly Loses Connection Speed

Nov 24, 2012

I have had my WRT310n for at least a year now.  When I first started using it, my broadband speed would drop after a while till it was sometimes under 1mb.  I have Charter high speed.  I checked around here and found that heat may have been an issue so I got it propped up so I had some airflow under it even though it didn't feel hot when checking.  I also updated the firmware then and for a long time it seemed to have cured the issue.  Lately though, the problem is back.  I updated firmware again but still no change.  The unit is cool to the touch so heat is not the problem.  After turning off for a bit and then rebooting, the speed goes back to normal and stays that way for a few days.  I also tried rebooting my cable modem to test that aspect but after doing that, no change.  Just rebooting the router fixes things.  I'm at a loss.  I can't keep having this happen especially since my wife works remotely from home.

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D-Link DIR-615 :: Constantly Need To Reboot Router - Losing Internet Connection

Feb 6, 2012

I have 2 computers connected to the router (via cable). The problem is that have to reboot the router several times per day because one or both computers lose their internet connection. This happens regardless if one or two computers are turned on.

Router: DIR-615
Firmware version 4.00
Hardware version: D1
Computer1: Win7 64
Computer2: Win Vista 64

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Linksys Wireless Router :: WRT120N Constantly Losing Connection

Apr 17, 2012

I have a Linksys WRT120N wireless router that I have had for almost three years now. It recently has started dropping all internet connections very randomly, sometime multiple times in an hour. I will lose my connection to the internet and connection locally to other laptops then it will reconnect. It is also disconnecting when wired as well as I have a playstation using a wired connection out of the router and it loses connection all the time as well. What is causing this, I am pretty sure it is the router and not my internet service.

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Linksys Wireless Router :: Wrt320n Losing Connection Constantly

Mar 5, 2012

my wrt320n keeps dropping internet connection and I have to keep unplugging it.

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Linksys Wireless-N Router (WRT160N) / Home Network Router Constantly Drops Connection?

Jan 13, 2012

Often my router drops connection to all my devices. Multiple times a day. It's only for a minute or so, but it's annoying. I'm using a Linksys Wireless-N router (WRT160N) with WEP encryption. I'm running two Windows 7 laptops, LG BluRay player, Apple TV, Xbox 360 (Wired) iPhone 4, and a iPad 2. It doesn't matter if I'm browsing the web, watching Netflix, or playing a game, the connection gets lost. As we speak it happened again. I have no clue on what to do. I've reconfigured it multiple times. Firmware has been updated months ago.

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Linksys Wireless Router :: E3200 Loses Connection To Internet Weekly / Daily

Jan 1, 2013

I recently replaced an old Linksys with a Cisco E3200.   All our devices get "stuck" periodically and can connect to the E3200 but not the internet.  We power cycle the E3200 and all is fine.  But only for a period of time, then we need to power cycle again.  The range is less than my 4 year old Linksys was also, devices maybe 30 feet lose their connection even more quickly, forcing more frequent power cycling. 

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Linksys Wireless Router :: E3200 Constantly Losing Connection Every 15-30 Seconds

Jun 3, 2012

Firmware 10.0.4 April 2012 WinXP SP3 AT&T Basic DSL Slipstream 5100 wired and wireless connection constantly drops then re-establishes connection every 15-30 seconds or minutes. How to fix this ventilation is not a problem nor the power source very close to switching to dd-wrt if no solution in 48hrs?

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Linksys Wireless Router :: WRT400N Constantly Drops IPhone / ITouch Connection

Feb 28, 2011

I have the WRT400N router and using windows 7 (on this computer). It works perfectly with any computer I use in the house (there's 3). As soon as I open a laptop, its connected. My iPhone (we have 2) and an iTouch, are a different story. They connect, stay connected sometimes for 5 minutes, sometimes 5 hours, then will drop the connection out of nowhere. It doesn't matter how close or far I am from the router. Sometimes I'll get a message that I have an incorrect password (which it's not, which is why it DOES work). Sometimes I don't get a message at all (on the phones I'll just notice its on E/3G). Now, looking through the database I noticed there is a program for the valet routers that lets you add the phones, yet this doesn't apply to mine.
The tech in live chat told me it was the phones. I know its not as I had a wireless modem before this, and I never once lost a signal or had it ask me for an incorrect password.

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Linksys Wireless Router :: Constantly Losing Wifi Connection And Need To Restart E2500

Mar 26, 2012

I'm constantly losing wifi connection and having to restart my Linksys E2500 router

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Laptop Constantly Disconnects From Network

Jun 7, 2012

So he has a Laptop which keeps disconnecting from his router but the time between the disconnects are completely random, sometimes it will be 10 seconds and other times it will be 4 hours.I have tried to sort it by the obvious ways of updating drivers, repair connection ect but nothing seems to work. Even when connected via an Ethernet cable the problem persists.I have kinda contained the problem to his laptop or the router they are using because the other laptop they have never disconnects and works perfectly fiine.

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HP Pavilion Dm4 Laptop - Internet Constantly Going Down

Aug 4, 2012

I am using an HP Pavilion dm4 laptop, and I have been having issues with the internet. The internet on my computer constantly is going down even though my network is not having any issues. It goes down every hour or so and I have to press the wireless button once to turn it off and once to turn it back on in order for my computer to regain internet access. This just began happening in the last few days.

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Laptop Constantly Disconnects While Other Computers Do Not

Nov 22, 2011

After years of my laptop running flawlessly, I've started having major problems connecting to my router/the internet.I noticed the problems started happening after I did a huge 14gb download.. My computer constantly but randomly disconnects for random intervals of time. If I'm lucky it'll connect just fine, but once it disconnects, it'll most likely not work for quite some time.The other computers/cellphones/etc aren't having any problems with connecting, and it's only my laptop.Sometimes it seems to go on a "Identifying...(Name) No internet access" loop, or it connects to the router, but I get no internet access. And whenever I troubleshoot it, I never get a consistent reason as to why it isn't working.The laptop is an Asus running Windows 7..

Windows IP Configuration

Host Name . . . . . . . . . . . . : Katie-PC
Primary Dns Suffix . . . . . . . :
Node Type . . . . . . . . . . . . : Broadcast
IP Routing Enabled. . . . . . . . : No
WINS Proxy Enabled. . . . . . . . : No


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My Laptop Drastically Loses Download Speed When Wireless

Mar 11, 2012

When my laptop is plugged into the router via ethernet cord I get about 40 mbps of download speed but when it is wireless I get to about 5 mbps. Why is there such a drastic change in the speed? I understand a wired connection would be better, but I don't see how it would make THAT much of a difference. I currently have Comcast XFINITY so I don't think it's my ISP.

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One Laptop On Network Constantly Loosing Internet

May 8, 2012

We have a wireless router with about 8 devices connecting to it at any one time. For some reason, 1 laptop constantly loses internet service, it's still connected to the network but it's "local only" connection. Restarting the laptop doesn't solve the problem, only restarting the router.Now, I know very little about this kind of stuff, but to me it seems like an issue with IP addresses? It currently happens at least once a day.

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Laptop Will Connect To Wireless But Disconnects Constantly?

Jun 25, 2012

I've been using Frontier on my laptop since the holidays but recently have had trouble with my wireless connection. I can connect automatically but the connection is lost every 10-15 minutes. After a moment the computer reconnects but this prevents me from making any downloads and watching videos.

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Dell :: 1202 New Laptop Disconnects And Reconnects Constantly

Jan 18, 2013

I just bought a m14x alienware and I have the Killer-Wireless 1202 wireless card on it, and I have a 2Wire router from AT&T running in ch 1 at optimum 10. Also, I have another laptop that connects to the same router and this does not happen to it at all.I can connect to the internet fine but when i start browsing, I randomly disconnect from the internet and connect to it again within seconds, and my laptop never shows that it looses internet. I first noticed it when I was using Skype, i started browsing the internet while I was in a call and that's when it happens most, it disconnects, puts the call on hold and says that I'm offline on skype, and within a few seconds I'm back on.  This also happens when I'm gaming and it really becomes a hassle when i have to start the game up again because of these disconnections.  Rarely i do see a screen from the actual router to check the wired connections of the router and then test the connection when opening a website (any website), when i press test connection (without doing anything) it tells me that the connection has been resolved and to close my browser and to open a new one.  However, most of the times, the pages load fine when I'm browsing, I do notice there is a small lag when the disconnections happen, but the page loads up fine after a few seconds, no need to refresh. 

I tried releasing and renewing my IP but i get a message that no action can be taken when media is disconnected? I don't know if that has anything to do with it.I also updated the Wireless 1202 Driver with the bigfoot update, although I'm not sure if i did this right, I unzipped all the files where it told me C:/user/driver/wireless (example) but i never got a window to proceed after that, and when i went to the folder and ran the application, it asked me if I wanted to uninstall all components, which is when i canceled and left the newly created files there.

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