Randomly Lost Internet Connection

Dec 6, 2012

I was trying to browse the internet earlier, and I randomly just lost my internet connection. My homepage loaded up just fine, but then I tried to go to another site. It was taking a while to load. After about a minute a page finally came up that said "Server not found" (I use firefox). I can't get on any websites now and I can't get internet on any of my wireless devices either. When I right clicked my network icon on the toolbar and clicked on diagnose and repair it said "There may be a problem with the DNS. Windows attempted to find the well known host www.microsoft.com using dns. The server responded that the name was unknown." I have Windows Vista. Now I have no idea what I could have done. I didn't do anything out of the normal, just tried to go to a website that I frequently visit with no problems and this happened. This is what I get when I type ipconfig/all in cmd prompt. [code]

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Cisco Routers :: RV082 V03 Randomly Connection Lost When Firewall Enabled

Sep 11, 2012

Hardware: RV082 V03
Firmware: RV0XX-v4.2.1.02
Static routing: to

The unit is configured as internet gateway. 4 NAT ports are active. When firewall disabled all works fine. When firewall enabled I do get connection lost at random interval. In firewall only 4 rules added to the default 3 rules. The added rules are:

1/ permit port 25 to any
2/ permit port 25 to any
3/ permit port 25 to any
4/ deny any port 25 to any
I do get at random times connection lost when navigating with windows explorer on a PC with IP 192.168.1.x to a share on a PC with IP The same happens when copying files.  Sometimes it works, later it fails or reties are needed.  When the firewall is switched off all runs fine.

Ping from 192.168.1.x to allways give a <1ms response
Is there a RV082 perfomance problem or do I have a configuration problem?

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Internet Connection Losing Randomly

Feb 15, 2011

I have had this problem for ages now. Every thing will be going fine for large periods of time then randomly i will stop being able to access the internet.

I have tried pinging various things such as google.com, when i do i get a range of reposnes from no packets lost, to no repsose atall. the results from the latest google ping;


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Internet Connection Seems To Just Turn Off Randomly

Mar 9, 2011

I have a new Dell XPS desktop, with Widows vista; running on a wireless connection. The Internet connection seems to just turn off randomly. Most of the time it immediately re-connects, but sometimes it just kicks me off completely.

I've already called Dell and as usual, their tech support sucks. They advised me to reset the router and when that didn't work, they had me uninstall Dell Network Manager... which also did not work.

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Internet Connection Randomly Cuts Off?

Feb 6, 2011

My PC is connected in a Router. I was surfing the net and suddenly got disconnected but the other PC has its connection.This are the result wen I typ IPCONFIG/ALL on Command?

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Internet Connection Randomly Disconnects Or Resets

May 6, 2011

The problem is that my internet connection either randomly loses connection for about 5-10 seconds until it gets back online or disconnects all together. When it disconnects and it can't get back online on it's own, I have to pull the power plug and plug it back in. My sister in law and I are sharing internet since our houses are about 100 feet between each other. We are using one modem, and two routers. All we did was just plug the second router to the first router and it worked! We didn't configure anything in the router control panels, we basically just plugged and play. Since it's been kicking us off or resetting on us, I feel it might be something that we had to configure in the two routers. But I don't know what to configure. Primary House Modem Belkin Router (we are wired and wireless) 150ft cable (LAN'd on Belkin, WAN'd on Linksys) Linksys Router (sister in law is wired and wireless) Secondary House

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Internet Connection Drops To Really Low Speeds Randomly

Jul 18, 2012

I just got a our internet going through our phone modem instead of a separate modem, a new router, and some new rewiring because lighting hit near my house and blew out everything, but now on the computer I built my internet connection drops really low randomly and nothing loads. It happens at random times and for a random periods of time. I ran malwarebytes and super antispyware and nothing showed up. I connect wirelessly with a asus usb adapter.I also tried a different usb adapter that I just bought and no change, and I tried changing channels on the router.Also we have three other laptops in the house and none of them are having problems. It shows me connected with five bars and good signal it just drops to almost nothing speeds.


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Internet Connection Randomly Disconnecting / Reconnecting?

Jul 16, 2011

A couple of months ago my internet (Insight Broadband) began to randomly disconnect and reconnect, and recently it has become more frequent (every 5-10 minutes). I connect to my internet wirelessly through a linksys router. It's not my laptop because our desktop and xbox experience the same frequent disconnects and reconnects. I've tried the dns flush with no success. Ive also changed the wireless channel to 1 to prevent any interference. Also, our linksys router is about 4 years old, which could be the cause, but I'd like to eliminate all other possibilities first. And finally, every time i click diagnose connection I receive the error " Your computer appears to be correctly configured, but the device or resource (DNS server) is not responding.

And just recently our internet has become very slow (youtube videos taking longer to buffer with many pauses). I eliminated the possibility of my router itself being at fault as when I plugged my xbox or laptop or desktop directly into the modem the same frequent disconnects and reconnects occurred. Here's a copy of my ipconfig /all: [code] Also, sometimes when I diagnose the connection I don't get this error but the random disconnects and reconnects still occur.for the past couple of days or so I'm no longer getting the first error message about a DNS server, however the disconnects are still occurring as often.

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WRT54GX - Internet Randomly Dropping Connection?

Sep 13, 2011

I have the unfortunate experience of persistent connection issues with my Comcast cable internet. Periodically (sometimes several times in an hour) my connection dies, and then resumes within a minute or two. It is not a long downtime but it is long enough to disrupt whatever I happen to be doing on the internet (Skype, messaging, online gaming, uploading, downloading, etc.) which can be very irritating. I know enough about computers that I've built several of my own machines, but I am no expert in networking by a long shot...

Here are my internet specs: Comcast broadband with RCA DHG535-2 cable modem plugged into a wireless Linksys router model WRT54GX.

I know the connection issues don't lie with my wireless card because I have two computers and they both drop at the same time. The issue HAS to be either the router or modem (or Comcast), but from all the other posts I've read of similar issues, I suspect it might be the modem.

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Laptop Internet Connection Randomly Drops

Oct 30, 2011

Lately I have been having a problem with my internet connection randomly dropping off and me having to use the 'troubleshoot problems' feature of Windows 7 to reset the wireless adapter in the computer.

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Internet Connection Stops Working Randomly?

Nov 10, 2012

I have a windows vista pc networked to a second pc. I have wirelessly networked internet to 2 laptops. I have an actiontec wireless modem by verizon. All of a sudden my host pc started randomly losing internet connection, but the wireless laptops still have a signal. It seems like the host sometimes can't "see" the modem.Here are my settings while the internet is functioning.Microsoft Windows [Version 6.0.6001]Copyright (c) 2006 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.[CODE]

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Interrupted Internet Connection Randomly Go Down To 0kb/sec And Need To Restart Download?

May 15, 2011

I recently upgraded my computers hardware which included a new motherboard, ever since installing this new motherboard my internet connection has been unreliable. The motherboard ( Gigabyte p67-ud4-b3) has an inbuilt NIC which i connected to my router via a standard cable.I first started noticing the interruptions when download files any bigger than 20MB as they would randomly go down to 0kb/sec and I would have to restart the download. I bypassed this by using a download manager but i have noticed it happening on youtube streams now which is getting rather annoying.The only thing i've changed for this to start happening is the motherboard and a new installation of windows 7.I've tried various things to fix this by fiddling with router settings and even updating the router software but nothing has worked ( I have also done various virus scans all showing no viruses)

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Internet Losses Connection Randomly Shows No Network Access

Aug 6, 2011

I need to know why I am losing internet connectivity like around nighttime, late. I keep losing internet on both IPv4 and IPv6! It both said "No Internet Access" Then later IPv6 said "No Network Access" That's the problem i am having on my personal laptop computer. I really am furious that I lost internet connection around 12:15, 12:30, 12:50, 1:30, 2:15, 2:30, and 3:30 A.M. i suddenly lost internet right there. And I heard the internet crew shuts down the internet system every nighttime and fixing it. I want to know why they need to fix it, how long will the repairs last ?

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Belkin Routers :: N300 - Internet Connection Loses At Least Once In A Day Randomly

Mar 7, 2013

I have an N300 router, and I'm having some connection issues. At least once a day I randomly lose connection. This is frustrating because I like to watch videos online and play games online, and randomly disconnecting right in the middle of a game with other people is not fun.

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Cisco Firewall :: ASA 5505 Dropping Internet Connection Randomly

May 24, 2012

One of our hospitals keeps reporting that their internet is going out for a while than comes back up, sometimes they even have to reset the ISP modem for this it to work again. I upgraded and switched ISP to Time Warner Cable and figured it would essentially solve the issue, but there are still reports of internet outage and our new ISP has confirmed multiple times that their end is still up. Our ASA 5505 was configured by a previous employee, but when looking at the running config I noticed that the Interface for our ISP is NOT set to Duplex Full and Speed 100.

interface Ethernet0/5

switchport access vlan 2

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WRT54GS Wireless Internet Connection Is Dropping Randomly And Frequently

Jun 24, 2011

upgraded from an old 2004 Toshiba laptop to a Lenovo Ideapad Z570.Now her wireless internet connection is dropping randomly and frequently, it never dropped on the old Toshiba.Using a Linksys WRT54GS with the latest firmware.

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Cisco Firewall :: ASA 5505 Dropping Internet Connection Randomly?

May 24, 2012

One of our hospitals keeps reporting that their internet is going out for a while than comes back up, sometimes they even have to reset the ISP modem for this it to work again. I upgraded and switched ISP to Time Warner Cable and figured it would esentially solve the issue, but there are still reports of internet outage and our new ISP has confirmed multiple times that their end is still up. Our ASA 5505 was configured by a previous employee, but when looking at the running config I noticed that the Interface for our ISP is NOT set to Duplex Full and Speed 100.
interface Ethernet0/5
switchport access vlan 2

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Broadband :: Lost Connection To The Internet?

Mar 1, 2011

When I try to connect to the internet I get IE cannot dislay the webpage. All connections show that they are working fine. I did the repair option for my LAN, it states that it is working & shows that it's connected.I tried to sign into MSN & got no connection. I ran the repair option & got a DNS & Keyports warnings.I am running Windows XP on my home computer

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When Connect To LAN / Internet Connection Is Lost

Jan 26, 2011

My computer is part of domain.I have one LAN connection. IP address ,subnet Mask, Default Gate Way is one internet connection through bluetooth PAN IP address, subnet Mask, Default Gate Way is when I connect to LAN, internet connection is lost. If I take out LAN cable or disable LAN, I get the internet connection. I want to keep both LAN connection and bluetooth PAN internet connection.I must keep LAN IP address without changing.

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Lost Internet Connection - Get It Back?

Dec 16, 2011

I dont have an internet connection through my computer. This one tells me error 106. I have 3 computers hooked through the same router. So, I know I have internet, as I am writing this now. But for some reason, that computer is now telling me I lost the internet connection. I have tried unplugging everything, restarting the computer, and nothing has worked. I dont know how to get the internet back on that computer.

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Internet Connection Lost After Booting?

Aug 18, 2011

Whenever I restart or boot my computer, it loses internet connection (Local Area Connection Unplugged). I need to unplug the cable connecting my pc to the modem and replug it until the green and orange light comes on on the area where I plug the cble to the pc w/c means that there is already internet connectionSystem:Win XP sp3 OSGigabyte S-series motherboard ma74gm-s2Amd Athlon X3 processorMotorola SURFboard SB5101U/SB5101N Cable modem

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Linksys Wireless Router :: E3200 Internet Connection Randomly Dropping

Jun 23, 2012

i am a total n00b when it comes to wireless routers etc,.. i bought this router [E3200] about six mths ago, it has been working just fine untill a couple days ago, wher i woud be on the internet and all of a sudden, the internet connection drops, i am using a cable modem [ARRIS TM722G] ,i did a reset on the e3200 and put restore the settings that did last over night

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Linksys Wireless Router :: E2500 Randomly Drops Internet Connection

Dec 27, 2011

I have an E2500 with the latest firmware upgrade (1.0.03). My configuration is simple, I have a fixed IP from my ISP with fixed DNS servers. I have one computer connected via cable and one connected via wireless and a laptop that gets connected on occasion wirelessly as well. I also have an android phone that I sometimes have the networking turned on and sometimes not. That doesn't seem to be affecting the router either as I've lost connections under both circumstances. The only thing I have different is I clone the MAC address as the ISP has my IP linked to my old Linksys MAC.
The problem is I randomly lose connection to the internet, the home network is still up it's just the internet goes down. I could be on the computer or not, sometimes while browsing sometimes after I browse for a while sometimes before I get started. Fortunately its not happened during one of my online games but it has happened just after I log off the game. It usually happens a couple of times a day.

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Linksys Wireless Router :: E2500 Drops Internet Connection Randomly?

Jan 6, 2012

my E2500 drops the internet connection randomly. I have no issues with wired or wireless access to the home network (sharing files, sharing printers etc...). To fix the problem I log into the router and do a soft reboot from the status page.
I posted this earlier and the only response I received was a cut and paste answer to make some changes to my wireless settings. Seriously doubting the relevance of the post I made the changes anyway and as expected nothing changed, the router still loses access to the internet without any warning. When I replied that I hadn't thought that that was the problem but that I HAD made the changes mentioned and as I expected it DIDN'T work I get no response.

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Lost Internet Connection With My Virtual Machines

Feb 18, 2013

Implement the procedures required so that machine 1 and machine 2 can communicate statically with one another. Outline the TCP/IP settings to be used on each of the machines and set this machine up accordingly.

I followed this guide [TUT] Setting a static internal IP (Windows and Linux)but what has happened is that now the two machines can't connect to the internet.

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Vista 64bit Lost Connection To Internet?

Jul 29, 2012

I have just turned my PC on to find that i have lost connection to the internet through my desktop PC. I am using the wired connection to my router, and i also have my xbox connected to the router which is working ok too. My laptop also works when connecting to the router both wired and wirelesly.

My network adaptor on my desktop is a Nvidia nForce, i have tried updating the driver on this to no avail. Next i tried to ping the router but i get PING Transmit faild, error code 1231. I ran IPCONFIG /all and found that i had no default gateway set, and also it was saying that the ethernet adaptor was : Media Unoperational, but since i rebooted both the pc and router the media unoperational tag has gone.

On the network and sharing page it shows i am connected to an unidenfied network but there is a cross through the internet. It also says the access and Connection for the unitentified network are Local only.

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After Disabling / Enabling Connection - Internet Lost?

Feb 4, 2011

I no longer have internet access from my home network ONLY on my desktop computer. Everything was working fine as always - then while I was in my Network and Sharing Center, and clicked on my ethernet connection, 'Local Area Connection 3', I accidentally disabled it. No big deal I thought, so I re-enabled the connection. Except for some reason, my connection is all screwed up now. The name of this connection was and always has been 'dkm2' and now it just says 'Network', with no internet access. I have unplugged the cord and plugged it into this laptop and it immediately recognizes 'dkm2' and connects flawlessly, so I know the problem is on the desktop computer's end, and not the cable or router. I have tried reinstalling the ethernet adapter, as well as reinstalling/updating all drivers for it.The network diagnostic tool turns up with a message that says the connection between either my ethernet adapter or router and the Internet is broken. No matter what I seem to try, I can't get my connection to go back to it's normal 'dkm2' connection and stop giving me a generic, disconnected 'Network'. I can't figure out what could have changed. All that happened was the disabling and enabling of Local Area Connection 3.

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Lost Connection To Internet On A Virtual Machine?

Feb 18, 2013

Implement the procedures required so that machine 1 and machine 2 can communicate statically with one another. Outline the TCP/IP settings to be used on each of the machines and set this machine up accordingly. I followed this guide http:[URL]....tid=210 but what has happened is that now the two machines can't connect to the internet. How can I fix this?

Here is a links to the ipconfig/ all on the XP virtual machine http:[URL]....the default gate way here is the same as on my actual working machine.

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Wireless Internet Connection Is Lost On Windows 7

Jan 19, 2012

At power on and off on my laptop, the wireless internet connection is lost on windows 7.

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Internet Connection Lost Through Dlink Router?

Dec 24, 2011

the modem is open.the router also is open but dont have internet access.

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Acer Notebook Internet Connection Lost

Jan 12, 2012

I have lost my wireless connection on my acer notebook... where is the button/switch etc to give me the blue flashing light to demonstrate connection to my wireless internet?

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Windows XP System Lost Internet Connection?

Jan 23, 2012

I have PC System Windows XP home edition Version 2002 SP3 and I lost Internet access in the middle of downloading a new program. I have a Motorola modem and modem is connected to the Netgear router. When I turn my desktop PC on which is connected to the router it shows the local connection is connected, but the Bridge Network cable is unplugged I have no idea what that is and if I need it to be connected to the internet. I called the Comcast service and the lady assistant did not even know what the Bridge cable is and I do not know ether since. I do not know what I should do to get the connection back to the PC; another PC work just fine also is connected to the router.

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Lost Internet Connection - Only Get Local Access?

Mar 26, 2012

We've had no problems with our Internet before but yesterday I could only get local access connection. Neither my iPhone, laptop or home computer cud get any further than local connection on wireless.I'v tried the classic turnin it off and on (the router) and I'v tried connection with a cable but still gettin the same connection level! The router is a netgear if that means anything!

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