Cisco AAA/Identity/Nac :: ACS 5.3 Service Selection Rules To Differentiate Web-vpn And Ipsec

Aug 25, 2012

I'm working with an ACS 5.3 and ASA 8.2.5 and i've configured several access services for webvpn and ipsec remote access profiles but i haven't found which radius attribute can differentiate  among them in the service selection rules.

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Cisco AAA/Identity/Nac :: ACS 5.1 - Service Selection Rule And Machine Authentication

Nov 7, 2011

- I have a cisco unified network (ACS 5.1, Cisco controller, LWAP) and have configured ACS to integrate with AD.

- I am using this network for Laptops and wireless IP phones access.

- I have only one Service Selection rule for both Laptops and wireless IP phones. All the conditions attributes are set to ANY except Protocol = Radius

- I select a simple Identity Policy and I use a sequence where IP phones users are authenticated using ACS local user and the Laptops users are authenticated using AD

- Laptop users are authenticated using PEAP and IP phones users using EAP-Fast
Everything is working fine BUT I need to make 2 changes and eventhough  I spent many hours hours on forums and reading articles and trying things myself I can't get the changes to work.
The first change is to use 2 Service Selection Rules one for the IP phones and one for the Laptops. After adding another service selection rules that I put at the top, I tried many combinations to try and get the IP phones to use it but whatever I did (used different combinations of conditions), the IP phones always select the 2nd rule, which is the original one. The question is "what conditions to put in a service selection rule to make wireless IP phones use the rule).
The second change is that I want to add machine authentication so only Laptops that are in AD can access the network. AGain I tried various settings but can't get this to work.

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AAA/Identity/Nac :: ACS 5.3 Multiple Service Selection Required For RADIUS Wireless

Feb 26, 2013

I use ACS with TACACS+ servicing Device AAA and RADIUS servicing the Cisco Wireless environment for AD user access. How can I implement 802.1x with the current RADIUS implementation with hindering current wireless users or am I hindered due to the EAP-GTC in use with PEAP via RADIUS?

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Cisco AAA/Identity/Nac :: 4.2 Find Service Selection For TACACS+ Protocol Coming From ASA

Mar 10, 2011

I'm migrating ACS 4.2 to ACS 5.2 for a customer and I'd like to find a service selection for TACACS+ protocol coming from an ASA.I use TACACS+ for device administration but also for AAA of internal users internet access.I also use RADIUS for vpn remote-access, without problems.How to distinguish through the ACS service selection ?

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Cisco AAA/Identity/Nac :: ACS 5.3 Cannot Work With Two Service Policy Rules

Feb 21, 2013

I have an issue about ACS v5.3 Appliance.I have an ACS v 5.3 wo authenticate wireless users, together with a cisco wlc. One profile is to corporate users and the second profile is to guest.
The corporate users should authenticate with Active Directory and the guest with WLC. Guest users should authenticate with the ACS Local Database. I have configurate two service selection policy that match with protocol Radius. The first rule is to users of Active Directory and the second is to users in
the Local Database of ACS.When i try to authenticate users with active directory is OK, but when try to authenticate users with Local Database (Guest Portal) the ACS try to find the
the internal user in the Active Directory, because math the first rule, and the second profile can not authenticate.When I change the order, first the Rule of internal users and second the rule of users of Active Directory, the internal users can authenticate in to ACS, but
the users in the Active Directory can not authenticate.I think my ACS only authenticate the first rule of radius to Active Directory, no two rules of radius in the same time. Or maybe exists an issue in OS of the ACS.The authentication by separately is OK.

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Cisco AAA/Identity/Nac :: ACS 5.3 Appliance - Service Rules Missing

Sep 25, 2012

This does seem correct.  I had 2 rules and now they are gone.

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Cisco AAA/Identity/Nac :: ISE 1.1 Differentiate Guest Access Depending On Device

Sep 21, 2012

I'm running an ISE 1.1.1 and i need to authenticate guest users.The goal is apply different Authorization profile to the same guest user based on the thevice he use to connect to the guest wlan.
if guest user "user1" connect to the guest WLAN using a windows laptop, than apply "Guest" authorization profile
if guest user "user1" connect to the guest WLAN using an Apple iPad, than apply "Mobile" authorization profile
I've tried to deployed the following 2 authorization policy:
1)if "Apple-Device" and "IdentityGroup:Name EQUALS Guest" then "Mobile"
2)if "Guest" then "Guest"
but the first rule never match and even if I use and iPad to access the guest network the "Guest" authorization Profile is matched
I've verified that the iPad is correctly recognized as an Apple-Device changing for test purposes the rule table in
1)if "Apple-Device" then "Mobile"
2)if "Guest" then "Guest"

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Cisco AAA/Identity/Nac :: ACS 5.3 Not Getting Single Result Selection Under Identity

May 19, 2013

After clicking on below path we are not getting option as should be reflected. Below is the snapshots for the issues.
Access Policies > Access Services > Default Device Admin > Identity

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Cisco AAA/Identity/Nac :: ACS V5.3 Identity Selection For Authentication?

Jan 16, 2012

I configured before ACS v4.2 to authenticate network devices using internal users at first, and if the user is not found use AD list users.  But with v5.3 I have some problems doing this, on identity policies I use rule based result selection option, I configured 2 polices for Identity source, one for Internal Users and other policy for AD user, but it only works with the first policy, internal users or AD, but works only for the first policy identity.  how to do that, if the user is not found on first policy, continue to the next policy.

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Cisco AAA/Identity/Nac :: ISE V1.1 ISE Authorization Rules Do Not Use Endpoint Identity Group

Dec 5, 2011

I'm looking for Cisco ISE v1.1 to use the following licensing feature. url...Endpoint is dynamically profiled by Cisco ISE and assigned  dynamically or statically to an endpoint identity group. Cisco ISE authorization  rules do not use this endpoint identity group.

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Cisco Firewall :: ASA5510 Delete Default Service Policy Rules?

Jan 7, 2013

We have a problem with some websites being blocked every now and then. Everyone inside can access this external website for weeks, and then suddenly it's not available for a few hours, and then it comes back. All without me making any changes to the firewall, ASA5510. The external website that has nothing to do with us can be accessed from anywhere outside our network, example on my iphone through Verizon.
We have not set up any rules about blocking websites, all I found was the Default Service Policy. After backing up and then deleting the rule we are able to access all sites.

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Cisco Firewall :: ASA 5510 / Blocking / Shunning Hosts With Service Policy Rules?

Dec 20, 2012

I have an ASA 5510 deployed and we are getting a tonne of port scanning traffic (who isn't these days) and ping traffic.The threat scanning thresholds seem a bit too high and was wondering if there is a way to use a Service Policy Rule to perform a Shun/Block of the hosts rather than the firewall simply blocking the request via the ACL and sending a reply.
In other words, if I do nothing, I know the ACL is protecting the resources but it is still replying to the client connection. I want the end result to be the same as a "Shun" where the connection is dropped and no reply is sent. how to employ Service Policy Rules to thwart Port Scanning and/or IP Spoofing? 

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Cisco VPN :: 881 - OSX Mountain Lion And IPSec Rules

Nov 20, 2012

I am currently have a Cisco 881 router running EasyVPN server. I recently created come IPSec rules that allow trafiic to specific IP's for a specific security group:
access-list 105 permit ip host any
access-list 105 permit ip host any
access-list 105 permit ip host any
access-list 105 permit ip host any
This works as expected with our Windows users, however our Mac users (using native VPN Client) can only reach the FIRST ip in the string of access statements.  When I was torubleshooting this, I moved .32 as the first statement and I could only reach it and none of the others.

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Cisco AAA/Identity/Nac :: ACS 5.1 Access Rule Selection Sequence

Apr 14, 2011

I just installed a new ACS 5.1 to authenticate wireless PEAP users, so I created an Access policy "WirelessUsers" with identity store being Windows Active directory and all domain users are selected, and create a service rule that dictates that if the authentication protocol is radius, network device belongs to WLC device group, the result service will be "WirelessUsers", so this part worked perfectely, all domain users are able to gain wireless access via their DOMAIN/usernames and domain passwords. Now I want ACS local indentity store users (those local usernames can be the same or different from their AD usernames) to be able to manage those controllers, so I created another access policy "DeviceAdminUsers" with identity store being local users, another service rule which says that if the authentication protocol is radius, network device belongs to WLC device group, the result service will be "DeviceAdminUsers". The problem is that with the setup, whenenve when I try to SSH to WLC, ACS always put me in "WirelessUsers" access policy, even the login name does not have DOMAIN pre-pended or the login name simly does not exist in AD.  if I put the second rule in front of first rule, I am able to authenticate with ACS local username/password and gain access to WLC, but wireless users will fail to authenticate, because ACS is trying to put regular wiress users in "DeviceAdminUsers" access policy. I would expect if username does not exist in AD, ACS should proceed with next rule. Similar requirement was easily achieved in ACS 3.3.

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Cisco AAA/Identity/Nac :: VSA 218 - Configure IP Pool Selection By RADIUS On ACS 5-3-0-40-7?

Feb 18, 2013

I'm trying to configure IP pool selection by RADIUS on ACS 5-3-0-40-7.So, I went to configuring the cisco-assign-ip-pool (Cisco VSA 218) attribute within some test authorization profile but discovered that cisco-assign-ip-pool is an integer (?!) and (therefore) accepts digits only.

As far as I can remember, we used to put pool *names* within ip:addr-pool

(something along those lines: cisco-avpair = "ip:addr-pool=test-pool-1").

So how should we configure the values for this attribute in ACS 5?

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Cisco AAA/Identity/Nac :: ACS 5.1 - How To Configure Rules To Allow 802.1x And Device Access

Aug 21, 2011

I am new to ACS 5.1.I need to configure the ACS to act as the 802.1x authentication Server, as well as, act as the Radius Server for the authentication and authorization process when I access the switch.
I had created Two rules (under the Access policy) to cater for the two scenario, it will always "stuck" at the 1st rule. For e.g. Rule-1 is meant for the 802.1x, Rule 2 is meant for the AAA process. When I tested with 802.1x, it worked perfectly. But when I tested to login to the switch, it always failed. Based on the log, Rule1 is not able to fulfill my requirement (of course it can't). I thought the rules check process will proceed with Rule-2, but apparently it did not.

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Cisco AAA/Identity/Nac :: New ACS 5.4 Install / Can’t Create Rules For Any Policies

Jan 21, 2013

I have a fresh install of an ACS 5.4 virtual  appliance. This ACS instance will only be used for TACACS+ AAA for network  device administration. It is up and running on the network. I have time,  timezone, NTP and DNS configured. ACS admin accounts  and logging are configured. I created an internal user, a network  device, a network device group, an internal identity group, a shell  profile, and command set. It is joined to the Enterprise Active  directory domain, and a couple of AD groups have been selected  for use in policies.The default network device is enabled and  configured with a TACACS secret. I have a lab router configured and  pointed at ACS and I can SSH to it with the ACS internal user.The problem is: I can’t create any rules for any  policies. If I try to add a rule (or edit a default rule) to the “Service Selection Rules” or  “Default Device Admin” or Identity, group mapping or authorization, all I  get is a popup with the message “Resource not  found or Internal  Server error”. If I click “customize” anywhere I  just get empty selection/transfer boxes. If I try to change to a single  result policy from compound rules I get a “System failure – your changes  were not saved” message.  I have installed  this twice now with the same results.This is my first experience with ACS. I’ve gotten  through most of the configuration guide but I don’t know ACS well enough  to know if I’m missing something incredibly obvious, or whether it’s  just broken.

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Cisco AAA/Identity/Nac :: ACS 5.1 Password Rules Settings Per Internal User

Sep 27, 2010

I am looking for a way how to set the password-rules for individually for for some users or identity-groups.I just can find the global settings,Background of the requirement: We want to use password-aging for most admin-users, for some we dont want that pw expires.

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Cisco AAA/Identity/Nac :: 1521 ISE 1.1.1 Firewall Rules Distributed Deployment

Dec 1, 2012

I am struggling in some areas to work out my firewall rules for a distributed deployment. The referenced documentation is not entirely clear in my opinion. In some instances it is easy to work out what ports need to be opened eg Admin node TCP 22,80,443 for management from administrator hosts/ranges. In other instances it difficult to work out eg TCP 1521 Database listener and AQ is this for ISE nodes only or for access devices aswell
My question is whether there is a better document that details these requirements. What rules are meant to be ISE node - ISE node communications and which rules are for access device - ISE, or ISE - access device. One of the rules I am pretty confused about is the PSN CoA ports. SHould the rule be WLC - PSN on 1700 and 3799 or is it the otherway round or unidirectional?
I am pretty sure that the ports are meant to be ISE-ISE in most instances barring the PSN for Radius and CoA.

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Cisco VPN :: ASA5520 - Differentiate Between Machines Connecting Via AnyConnect

May 19, 2013

My users are using AnyConnect to make a remote access VPN connections to the corporate office thru an ASA5520.  At this time, VPN users have very limited privileges because we allow users to connect using their home computers and RSA tokens.
I need to find a way to determine whether an AnyConnect client is connecting from a company-owned/maintained/patched laptop or some other device.  I would like to give full network access to the company laptops while continuing to restrict access to the home machines.  So far, the only idea I have is to use DHCP and associate the MAC addresses of the company laptops with addresses is a privielged subnet range.

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Cisco WAN :: Does RF Section Of Part Number Differentiate From NM-T3 / E3 Card 3945

Jul 19, 2012

We have a NM-T3/E3-RF card that fits inside a 3800, but does not fit into a 3945.  
The documentation says it works with 3900 ISR Routers.
Is there a cradle or adapter that is required?
Does the "RF" section of the part number differentiate this from a NM-T3/E3 card?   

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Cisco AAA/Identity/Nac :: ACS 5.2 - Can't Delete Service Policy

Oct 23, 2011

We are evaluating Cisco ACS 5.2 and I can not delete a service policy that was created.  The message we receive is " the item that you are trying to delete is being referenced by other items". I am new to ACS, but I did go through each tab in the manager multiple times.

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Cisco AAA/Identity/Nac :: ACS 5.2 Access Service Required

Oct 30, 2012

We are using ACS 5.2 in our Network. As can be seen in the provided figure, nothing in the Access Services can be displayed properly.

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Cisco AAA/Identity/Nac :: Stop Radius / Tacacs Service In ACS 5.2?

Jul 11, 2011

IS there a way to stop the Radius/Tacacs service in ACS 5.2 from the GUI ?

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Cisco AAA/Identity/Nac :: ACS Found CSLog Service Not Started

Mar 13, 2011

I used ACS on windows 2008 SP1, found CSLog service not started. I try to restarted but service was started for while and went to stopped.How should i do to start this service?

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Cisco AAA/Identity/Nac :: ACS 5.3 - External Proxy Service User Logs?

Apr 11, 2012

We are currently using Cisco ACS One of the Services Selection Policy it hosts is:
Receive Authentication request from a wireless controller for a wireless userIf the wireless user's username contains a particular domain suffix, the request is proxied to an external proxy server using an External Proxy service (configured for both local/remote accounting)On receiving an Acccess-Accept from the external proxy, the user is given access and ACS 5 will start logging account packets for the username (nothing appears in the RADIUS authentication logs - ACS 5 it seems doesn't log proxied authentication requests) The above setup works fine in most instances. We start to have problems when an external proxy server strips the domain suffix off the username in the Access-Accept packet e.g.
ACS 5 proxies an Access-Request to an external proxy server (with Username = external proxy replies with an Access-Accept (with Username = someuser)The user 'someuser' is given access but subsequent accounting attempts fail because their username (without the domain suffix) doesn't match the Service Selection PolicyIs there any way to get ACS 5.3 to log proxied authentication requests? If not, can I configure ACS 5.3 to use the username in the Access-Request packet (rather than the username in the Access-Accept packet) for accounting?

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Cisco AAA/Identity/Nac :: CSlog Service Not Starting On ACS 4.2 Running On Windows 2003?

Jul 5, 2010

I just upgraded my ACS v4.0 to the latest available version v4.2(1) build 15 patch 2 and I've got some trouble with the CSLog service. I performed a successive upgrade first to v4.2 then to v4.2.1 and finally applied the two patches. Everything is working fine, I'm using both radius and tacacs services and they doing great like they were in v4.0. The only problem I have is with Cslog service which doesn't start. To be accurate, it starts but stops just after. I've uploaded some logs from cslog.log in cslog/logs directory.

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Cisco AAA/Identity/Nac :: ACS 5.3 - 11033 Selected Service Type Is Not Network Access

Apr 15, 2013

I have some older devices on the network that only support RADIUS (not TACACS) for authentication and would like to have them use SecureACS 5.3 
I understand that by default, ACS only supports TACACS for device administration.  So I'll get this error when trying RADIUS:
11033 Selected Service type is not Network Access


RADIUS requests can only be processed by Access Services that are of type Network Access

Resolution Text: Verify that the Service Selection Policy rules are correct
However, even after adjusting the Service Selection rules and seeing hits, I still see the same message in the logs, as if it has no affect. 

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Cisco AAA/Identity/Nac :: Assign QoS Service Policy Via RADIUS To Catalyst 45k / 3750?

May 4, 2011

is there a way to assigen a QoS service policy via Radius to an Caltalyst 4500/3750 Switchport?
in detail, we would like to assign this policy
policy-map SET_EF     class class-default       set dscp ef
to an interface. All traffic should be marked with a defined DSCP value.
This works find when doing it statically with
interface FastEthernet2/1         service-policy input SET_EF
but we would need to assign such a policy via Radius during the 802.1x Authentication. different users should get differnt policies. We use Cisco ACS 5.2 as Radius Server and there actually is a field for that in the Authorization Profile Common Tasks Configuration. in detail, this uses the cisco-av-pair "sub-policy-In=<policy name>" attribute to assign a service policy to an NAS.
we found also two other attributes "sub-qos-policy-in" and "ip:sub-qos-polcy-in" for that. CCO says that "ip:sub-qos-polcy-in" works with Catalyst 65k [URL]
unfortunately this seems to not work on Catalyst 45k and 37k.
In the ACS Logs we can see that these attributes are attached to the Radius Reply, but unfortunately they are ignored by the switch.
it is interesing that when entering "show aaa attributes" on the Catalyst 45k, these attributes are displayd - so for my understanding the switch should understand these attibutes (?)
4503-E#sh aaa attributes         AAA ATTRIBUTE LIST:        Type=1     Name=disc-cause-ext                 Format=Enum        Type=2     Name=Acct-Status-Type               Format=Enum


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Cisco AAA/Identity/Nac :: Service-Type Not Present Error When Attempting To Authenticate WLC 5508

Sep 13, 2011

I an currently running Cisco (ACS and attempting to get my Cisco 5508 WLC's ( loaded into ACS for TACACS+ authentication for managment users.
However I keep getting the following error:
*emWeb: Sep 14 14:44:45.931: %EMWEB-1-LOGIN_FAILED: ews_auth.c:2104 Login failed for the user:test_tac. Service-Type is not present or it doesn't allow READ/WRITE permission.
Now I've attempted the step-by-step using the following URL but to no avail.( there are some slight differences in ACS 5.2)
Latest WLC configuration guide I could find (Software Release 7.0 June 2010) isn't much useful either.

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AAA/Identity/Nac :: 7206VXR - Apply Specific Service Policies Per PPPOE - User

Jun 3, 2011

We are trying to apply specific service policies per PPPOE-User.
Our BRAS is a Cisco 7206VXR , running c7200-spservicesk9-mz.122-33.SRE3.bin
When we try an very easy service policy as following the policy is well applied:

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Cisco VPN :: 7200 Getting IPSEC Decrypted Packet Failed SA Identity

Jan 23, 2013

I´ve try to configure a VPN IPSEC between a Cisco 7200 and Juniper ISG2000.The tunnel looks like good but when a ping is sending, I´ve packets lost and getting the next error:IPSEC(epa_des_crypt): decrypted packet failed SA identity check.My configuration en both sites is the follow: [code] What is the possible problem here. mea be in the Cisco 7200 configuration or in ISG Configuraton??

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Cisco AAA/Identity/Nac :: ACS5.3 - Difference Between WebVPN And IPSEC Radius

Aug 14, 2012

I am using Cisco ACS5.3 to authenticate users (using radius) for a cisco ASA firewall for both WebVPN and IPSEC client connections.  I have been able to do this successfully.  However I need to be able to deply Cisco vendor specific attributes (VSA) for both IPSEC and WebVPN sessions using authorisation profiles.   Ideally I don't want to have to combine the attributes required for both services in the same authorisation profile, as I will have to produce alot of different profiles for the different combinations.
The only way I can see that you could possibilly do this is by having service selection rules that can differentiate between WebVPN and IPSEC Radius authentication requests.  I have experimented inbound VSA's without success.  Is this possible?

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