Cisco Switching/Routing :: 887VA Using Dual Ethernet Ports For Aggregation
Jun 6, 2013
We are running a Cisco 887VA router for our internet access but of course the port connected to the internal network only supports 100Mbit/s. There are a few 100Mbit/s ports on the router; I was wondering whether it was possible to use more than one port to provide aggregation to get higher speed such as two ports providing 200Mbit/s? We are running Gigabit internal.
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Jan 1, 2013
I have a Cisco 2801 with a 4 port Layer2 switch card installed (HWIC-4ESW).
How do I bridge Ethernet0/1 to the 4ESW so if you were to plug a computer into the 4ESW, it would be on the same network as Eth0/1? see my config below:
interface FastEthernet0/1
description Internal Interface
ip address
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Oct 8, 2012
I have 4 cisco 2960 switches to which many users are connected. No vlans are the only default vlan 1 is there. Now I want to make ether channel on switch 1 whcih has 24 fast etherenet ports. Can I make port 1- 8 as one ether channel which are connected to users or i can only make ethere channel of ports that are connectd to other switchs. If I can, how the other switchs will comnicate with the switch ports bundalled in the ether channel in switch 1.
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Sep 5, 2012
whether VSS technology support on 3560 switches.I'm planning to intergrate new Cisco 2x6509 with VSS and all the access swtiches 3560's uplink to core 6509..if not support, what will be the solution or any bug fixing or new IOS releasing
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Sep 16, 2012
if my SA520w will support link aggregation for network devices within my LAN. If so, is there a Cisco wiki or how-to on how to setup this up in the SA520w? I only find a brief mention of this in Section D of the manaul.
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Jan 8, 2012
I have two 2960 switches connected with two links. One of them is transparent modem connection with 2Mbps limit, and the other is optical link with media convertos on both sides. Is there a way to set up etherchannel, LACP or any other kind of link transparent to switches or I have to use some sort of STP?
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Nov 4, 2012
I have two workstations running 7 Pro, each has a quad port intel card (PCIe) which I have created teams for on both sides using link aggregation. On my switch, a Cisco SG500X-24, I set up two LAG's with 4-ports each and have both servers connected as necessary. I turned on Jumbo frames and disabled energy saving. The teams were set up without LACP turned on, however I tried it with LACP and I also ran into the same problem. Both workstations have a 26TB arrays running in RAID 6 (so plenty of read/write speed), however, with this setup, I can only get about 100MB/s (single port speed) and multiple data streams cause the speed to divide. Only single ports blink on the cards as well.
Questions 1 is probably a no-brainer, but it's my first time setting this up, but once this is working properly, would it allow a single file to transfer at ~400MB/s or would I need to start multiple datastreams to take advantage of link aggregation.
Question 2 is what do I need to change to make the link aggregation work?
I do have a little linksys router plugged into a non aggregated port to do DHCP but that wouldn't mess anything up, would it? Considering I can unplug it once everything is talking, all the transfer should take place at the switch level, correct?
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Jan 9, 2013
I need to configure a Cisco 887va router for a customer with a firewall that doesn't support PPPoA. I basically need to ensure all traffic that is recieved from the internet (ADSL connection) is NAT'd to a LAN interface so the firewall can do the specific NATing. I have the following route map and NAT rule in mind, but what I am confused about is that if the atm0 interface needs to be configured as the outside interface and vlan2 as the inside interface. How will the following work?
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Apr 23, 2013
I have a problem and I dont know much on Cisco Products
The router is Cisco 887 VA
When it starts the Leds Ok AND Fe lan are blinkng then are always on .After 10 seconds lan led is off a and pc shows cable is unplugged
I tried all ports and same thing happened .I tried with different ethernet cord but the problem persists
I installed Cisco Configuration Professional and it hangs on Retrieving Port
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Feb 19, 2012
I would like to make a design with 4 Nexus 5596UP. 2 of them equipped with Layer 3 Expansion Module so they can serve as core layer and the other 2 Nexus used as Layer 2 for aggregation server layer.The 2 Nexus in the core layer will run HSRP and will peer with ISP via BGP for Internet connection The 2 Nexus in the aggregation layer will be configured as layer 2 device and have FEX and switches connected to them.What I am ensure of is how the vpc and port-channel configuration should look like between the 4 nexus. What I was thinking is to run vpc between the 2 Nexus in the aggregation layer and between the 2 Nexus in the core layer. Than I was thinking of connecting each Nexus in the aggragtion layer to both Nexus in the core layer using port-channel and vice-versa.
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May 13, 2013
I have set up my network to pass ethernet (layer 2) traffic accross an adsl connection to another 887va router. this link is set up as a L2TP. I have a PC at one end of the tunnel and a web ranger that operates at layer 2 level. I can see the layer 2 traffic entering the router from the PC however it does not seem to go over the L2 tunnel to the other router.
I also need to know what debug codes I can enter to see if the data is being filtered and if so why?the debug L2TP gives the following output:
L2TP Tunnel and Session Information Total tunnels 1 sessions 1
LocTunID RemTunID Remote Name State Remote Address Sessn L2TP Class/
Count VPDN Group
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Jul 16, 2012
Is it possible to use the inbuilt 4 port switch on a Cisco 887VA ADSL router for inter Vlan routing? My plan is to configure port FA0 - 2 as Vlan 1 (default) and port FA3 as Vlan 2 My SIP server will sit on Vlan 2 however remote Wan users coming through other Cisco 888 routers connected to the 887 will need to access Vlan 2 from Vlan 1, is this possible?
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Mar 24, 2013
to configure this router my main objective is ADSL connection, and wireless network setup.
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May 1, 2013
I have a Cisco 1841 that has an ADSL (ATM) card installed. It was previously used with an ADSL line to provide NAT routing for an office. Now I want to use it witha cable modem, which would mean abandoning the ADSL interface and instead routing between the two Ethernet ports.Between the Cisco and the LAN is a Linux transparent proxy. It provides routing between (LAN) and (Cisco LAN interface). The network looks like this:
Cable Modem( --- ( Cisco 1841 (LAN)( --- ( Linux Proxy ( --- ( LAN
For testing and diagnostics, I've connected a laptop to each FastEthernet port on the router. One laptop is configured with the IP to simulate the cable modem gateway and the other laptop has the IP to simulate the Linux proxy. From those systems I've performed the following diagnostics with the following results:
Ping - OK
Ping - OK
Ping - Timed out
Ping - OK
NAT translation to LAN IP's failing
There are some vestiges of the ADSL configuration, but I've cleaned most of it out and shut down the ATM interfaces. Here's my config:
version 12.4
service timestamps debug datetime msec
service timestamps log datetime msec
no service password-encryption
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Aug 11, 2011
I was wondering if I could use the CISCO3945 Integrated Gigabit Ethernet WAN ports for routing, I need to enable BGP and I was willing to use one of those ports.
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Jun 9, 2013
We have an ASA 5505. 5505 comes with two default vlans 1&2 with each of them marked as inside & outside respectively.My query is , if i do not want to use vlans on 5505 and only want to use the Ethernet ports as pure physical layer 3 ports, is it possible?i.e. i want to assign a layer 3 ip address on eth0/0 and eth0/1 and make them as the inside & outside interfaces rather than vlans. is it possible to do away with vlans in 5505 & will it work otherwise?
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Feb 16, 2012
We want a solution for routing between N5K and VSS with aggregated WAN links.
DC1: It has 2 cisco 6509 with VSS. There are 4 server farm cisco4948 switches connected with VSS with redundant uplink via MEC. Server gateway is the VSS. VSS is running Eigrp routing.
DC2: This is a new datacenter we are going to establish soon. We are planning 2 N5K at core layer with L3 daughter card and 4 N2K as server farm switch. 2 N5K will have vPC peer between them. Each 4 N2K will connect with redundant uplink via vPC with this N5K. N5K will run Eigrp routing and will be the gateway of this new DC server.
WAN between DC1 & DC2: DC1 VSS will connect with DC 2XN5K with 2X10G links. we want to do MEC at VSS side and L3 vPC at DC2 side. If we have VSS at both end it might not be a problem. Both the link will work together as 20G aggregated link. But as we are using N5K at one end, so it creates a confusion whether it will work properly is this scenerio or not.Also I would like to know,
1) In VSS I have configured 1 VLAN interface for server gateway. But in N5K do I have to configure at 2 switch seperately?
2) In WAN routing VSS shows as 1 device. Does this 2 N5K will show as 2 seperate hops or L3 vPC will allow them to act as a single device while traceroute from one end to another end.
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Mar 11, 2012
We have a pair of N7K distribution switches connected to a pair of N7K Aggregation switches.We run vPC on both pairs of n7k's.
-n7k-d1 has two interfaces in a Port-Channel connecting to n7k-a1 & n7k-a2. (PC1)
-n7k-d2 also has two interfaces in a Port-Channel connecting to n7k-a1 & n7k-a2. (PC2)
My problem is that Spanning-Tree is blocking PC2 and all traffic from n7k-d2 is traversing the Peer-Link before reaching the Aggregation layer. Is this the best design for connecting two pairs of n7k's with vPC or if a better design would be to connect all 4 links into the same Port-Channel and vPC?
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Feb 20, 2012
I curently have 2 Data centers connected with a Metro Ethernet Connection. Each Data Center has 6500 with Sup720s. The Metro Ethernet connection is currently conected by a L3 routed interface. I now need to enable VRFs between the locations and want to determine the best way to adjust the Mero. I was considering adjusting the routed interface to use Ethernet sub-interfaces. Each VRF would be given a different subinterface over the Metro Ethernet connection. I have done this on internal LAN connections but am concerned about exteding across data centers over Metro E.
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Aug 30, 2012
difference of CISCO887VA-K9 and CISCO887VA-SEC-K9.I thought it because of the Advanced Security and Advanced IP Licenses, but it isn't, I've got the -SEC- Version now just with the Advanced Security license. So I asking myself why I bought the more expensive CISCO887VA-SEC-K9 if I have to buy the additional Advanced IP Services licenses extra..
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May 23, 2011
I have a Dell Server on the way to me, a T110 to be specific. It will have win server 2008 R2 on it. I ordered it to come with Dual NIC cards. To be specific it is 1 card that has two rj-45 ports on it. My question is, what is the benefit of dual ports? I have heard of teaming but don't really know if that applies. I will be using this server for our company website and to facilitate local office backups as well as backing up our regional offices to it. I could see that it would benefit local LAN traffic speed, but outside of the LAN would it still benefit the speed of incoming connections from branch offices running backups?
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Sep 22, 2012
At home I have a Cisco 877 router, I also have Optus Cable internet and Telstra Business Direct DSL. I have configured the ATM interface for the Telstra DSL connection through the onboard DSL interface. I have also configured Fast Ethernet port 0 as a vlan2 port, which is configured for use with the Optus Cable internet (this is connected through an Optus Netgear CG3000 router). The Nethgear has DHCP enabled ( range), as does my Cisco 877 ( range).Firstly, the Telstra Business DSL is due to be connected tomorrow between 9am and 1pm, so it is not physically connected as yet.From my laptop connected to fa3 and using Console connection, I can ping all of the addresses that exist, as well as my own laptop and a VoIP phone I have connected to fa2 (laptop is, VoIP phone is both DHCP assigned, not MAC Reserved either).I can use internet explorer on my laptop to connect to the Netgear router, but no other internet pages. I also cannot connect to my Fuji-Xerox printer at through the web browser, yet I can ping it from the router.I don't have a huge experience with Cisco as yet, and everything I have learnt has been basically self tought. I am looking into doing my CCNA, once I achieve enough funds Now, what I am trying to achieve ideally is, to combine both the Cable and DSL services to in effect double my speed? if this isnt available, a load-balancing type of scenario would also be good. Both DSL plans have a 500gb download limit, but the reason I needed the Telstra DSL is the VoIP phones I am using won't connect through Optus (Optus have locked nearly everything out), and Optus will not give me a STATIC IP address with the Cable, whereas I have on on the Telstra DSL, I would like to Remote Desktop into my main PC eventually.
The IOS on my router is: C870 Software (C870-ADVIPSERVICESK9-M), Version 12.4(6)T7
The Optus Cable Modem IP is, the Cisco 877 router IP is
The current config (complete, with username & passwords ### out) is below: (Bear in mind there's probably many things thats not needed.Once I get the router working, I will configure my 2960 switch and have all devices connected through this. All devices on my network do not need to stay in the 192 range, they can be The DHCP could be disabled on the Netgear (Cable Modem) if that's required as well.
!version 12.4no service padservice timestamps debug datetime msecservice timestamps log datetime msecno service password-encryption!hostname N3813163R!boot-start-markerboot-end-marker!logging message-counter sysloglogging buffered 51200 warnings!no aaa new-modelclock timezone aest 10!crypto pki trustpoint TP-self-signed-116689578enrollment selfsignedsubject-name cn=IOS-Self-Signed-Certificate-116689578revocation-check nonersakeypair TP-self-signed-116689578!!crypto pki certificate chain TP-self-signed-116689578certificate self-signed 01 3082024F 308201B8 A0030201 02020101 300D0609 2A864886 F70D0101 04050030 30312E30 2C060355 04031325 494F532D 53656C66
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Feb 16, 2013
I would like to ask if there are dual WAN router models on ISR G2. The client doesn't want the RV042G. Any model from the 890 series up to the 2900 series ISR G2 routers? The connection from the ISP is via Ethernet. If a serial connection would be used then we can just add an HWIC-2T for this matter.
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Oct 15, 2012
I have recently implimented an RV016 device into our network. We have a bonded T1 service with Paetec/Windstream (5 static IPs) and also a cable connection with Comcast (no static IP). The T1 has been our primary connection, and our MX and A records all use this IP address. I have the rules set and using a one-to-one NAT setup with our 5 IPs. Everything is working great with the T1 in place and email is flowing with no problems, however when I connect the cable into the WAN2 port and try to send email, its using that outbound connection, rather then the T1 and our spam filter is blocking it. So the email is rejected and we get this message below.
Delivery has failed to these recipients or groups: ( message wasn't delivered due to a permission or security issue. It may have been rejected by a moderator, the address may only accept e-mail from certain senders, or another restriction may be preventing delivery.
The following organization rejected your message: (our smtp spam relay)
The reason for being rejected is just because it doesn't recongnize the IP address/gateway it is coming from.
My question is, how do I define that all email is sent out through our T1 connections IP address in the router?I see options for Advanced Routing or Bandwidth Management, but not sure what one I need to configure as I am not too familiar with these settings. I have Intelligent Balancer(Auto Mode) enabled as well by default.
The reason for adding the second internet connection is strictly for load balencing and getting some more bandwidth in our location.
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Aug 7, 2012
I have to upgrade a Nexus 7010 with dual Sup engines from 4.2(4) to 5.2 and am hoping it could be an ISSU. We are fine with an outage window.To upgrade from 4.2(4) to 5.2(5) I'll have to do a multi hop upgrade from 4.2(4) - 4.2(6) - 5.2(5) and each hop would take 40-60 I spend 40-60 minutes for each hop, or just do a disruptive upgrade straight from 4.2(4) to 5.2(5)? Like I said, we are fine with an outage window.
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Jun 10, 2013
I have two Nexus 5596UP that will be connected together via VPC-Peerlink. From there I want to connect both 5596UP's to a 6509-VSS via VPC.The Nexus 5596UP's will be essentially layer 2 switches, all routing will be done the 6509-VSS's.
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Jan 9, 2012
we are trying to configure 1841 with dual Internet connection with failover using track.
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Sep 21, 2012
1. We now have SupA & SupB in the chassis, due to some mistake we have same IOS version but different feature set on them, although we configured redundancy mode sso, in the "show redundancy" we see Operating Redundancy Mode = rpr due to Software mismat, we now need to fix them as same feature set image, if I use "copy sup-bootdisk0:/xxxx slavesup-bootdisk0:/xxx", then write memory, does this cause any service/network interuption?
Available system uptime = 1 year, 1 week, 4 days, 9 hours, 21 minutes
Switchovers system experienced = 2
Standby failures = 0
Last switchover reason = active unit removed
2. We did a failover test with this status, found that if we triggered supervisor failover, all modules will reload thus the services if interupped. How about after we make the Operating Redundancy Mode as sso, will this behaviour shows again? Or a stateful failover will happens, then modules no need reload?
3. We are using OSPF as our L3 routing protocol, after reference to the configuration, nsf should be enabled, we want to ask in the OSPF-domain nsf should be configured in all OSPF-enabled router or only 6500 which have dual-sup?
4. We also found that the interfaces(3 * Gig & 2 * TenG) in Standby supervisor cannot be use even enabled & configured, is it because we are running rpr mode now or will be the same even change to sso? Before customer have some older supervisor in 6500 non-e chassis, and they can use the standby supervisor interfaces as traffic forwarding, they use rpr-plus mode before, how about in sso mode?
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Jan 23, 2013
One of the two supervisors in an IOS 6509-E did not come back up after a power outage. The failed supervisor in slot 5 was replaced and it booted successfully. However, the supervisor in slot 5 only booted up to a "Cold" state. I did notice the Hw version of the replacement module in slot 5 is 4.9 while the Hw version in the supervisor module in slot 6 is 4.8. What command do I need to issue to bring the supervisor module in slot 5 from "Cold" to "Hot"? [code]
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Jan 13, 2013
I am looking to implement VSS using our two 6500 series switches. The "Recovery Actions" when there is a Dual-Active situation says that the active chassis that detects a dual-active condition shuts down all of its non-VSL interfaces (except interfaces configured to be excluded from shutdown) to remove itself from the network, and waits in recovery mode until the VSL links have recovered. Does this mean that the Active chassis gets totally isolated thus triggering the modules on the Standby chassis to be active ?
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Sep 23, 2012
We have CORE switch model : Cisco WS-C4510R-E with dual SUP 5 - 2 10GE. [code] Now We want to upgrade this IOS to the upgraded version.
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Dec 9, 2011
Will 2811 Router with 4 switch port module, How to do dual ISP configuration on this router.
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Mar 17, 2013
I've 3 interfaces on router:
Gb0/0-ISP01 with DHCP client
Gb0/1-ISP02 Static IP 192.168.2.x/24
Fa0/0 - LAN
I want to know, how to configure:1. Set the IP of interface Gb0/0 as dhcp client from ISP01 and make it as default route.
2. How to configure the ip nat.....overload?
3. How to use the ip sla to monitor internet connectivity to for ISP01, if it fails, to go to ISP02.
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