Cisco WAN :: Using Fa0 On ISR 1802 As WLAN?

Jan 19, 2012

The router that was used to connect to the internet over ISDN it is not possible, because we have now a Ethernet incoming signal from ISP.
So, is it possible use the Fast Ethernet 0 port in the Cisco ISR 1802 as WLAN instead of ISDN port?
The figure below show what we trying to do.

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Cisco WAN :: Configure VPN And IPS On 1802?

Jan 15, 2012

I have a Cisco 1802 to connect my company to ADSL over ISDN. But my boss wants to change the ISP. The propose was (still is) to configure de router with VPN, IPS and use the WAN port to connect the new ISP, that provides an Ethernet signal to 100Mbps.The WAN port will work with Ethernet signal (when we change of ISP)?Any good book (or a paper) to configure the router to work properly with VPN and IPS?

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Cisco VPN :: 1802 Tunnel Goes Down For Several Hours / Then Goes Up Again Without Reason

Jul 12, 2011

I've mounted a IPSec G2G tunnel with Cisco ASA one end & Cisco router 1802 another end. The 1802 is connected to a BT 2wire Gateway Router to join the BT network. But from time to time, the tunnel goes down for several hours (or several minutes) then goes up again without reason.I've checked the IPSec configuration, it seems correct. Anyone has experience on the BT 2wire Gateway Router ?

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Cisco WAN :: Ports Forward On 1802 Router?

Mar 26, 2012

I have a router 1802 with a several vlans with IP 192.168.x.0/24 for each vlan (x, it meaning 1, 2, 3, 4, etc.).Now I need that an IP address outside from my network (this IP it is always the same) to be access to on particular machine that is in a private network ( through a several ports:

25 (TCP,UDP), 80 (TCP,UDP), 554 (TCP,UDP), 2000 (TCP,UDP), 10002 (TCP,UDP), 10000 (TCP,UDP), 3000 (TCP,UDP), 3041 (TCP,UDP)
How can I do it?
Outside PC ---------Internet ----MyRouter -----MyParticularPC                      

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Cisco Switching/Routing :: 1802 / DHCP - Bind MAC With Wildcard To Specific IP-Range?

Sep 2, 2012

Using a Cisco 1800 series router (1802) with IOS 15.1(4)M2.I am quite sure the following should somehow be possible in IOS, but I can't figure out how to do it ... :I have the situation that I need to bind specific devices by DHCP to the same IP range.
These devices (medical equipment, used in hospital) are all from the same vendor.So the first three octets in the MAC address (Organizationally Unique Identifier , OUI) are the same for each device. The next three are always 'unknown'.I know how to bind a fully known MAC address to a host ip or ip range , but is it somehow possible to do this by the OUI ?Like using some wildcard option.

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Cisco Wireless :: Setup A 2504 To Have One Guest WLAN And One Staff WLAN?

Jun 10, 2013

I would like to setup a 2504 to have one Guest WLAN and one Staff WLAN with a controller port for each WLAN connected to different devices.
I would prefer to connect the WLC Guest port to an ASA 5510 and the WLC Staff port to an internal 2960S switch. Will this work? I haven't setup a 2500 series controller previously.

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Cisco :: 5508 - WLAN With 802.1x

Sep 25, 2012

Since the SW upgrade to version (wlc 5508) i have the following issue. We have a W LAN with 802.1x (WPA2/AES) secured. Before the update the users need to enter user/ PW every time when they reconnect (W LAN switch off/ on again) to the W LAN. Now the users don`t need to enter user/ PW when they reconnect to the WLAN.
I could not find any setting on wlc to clear this issue.

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Hp Keep LAN And Wlan Both On?

Aug 9, 2011

my wife had Internet. i would like to provide a wired Internet connection trough the wife. Al set. problem: wife disconnects when i plug in the cable ...

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Cisco :: New WLAN In 7.2 WLC WPA Gtk-randomize State?

Mar 20, 2012

What does the option WPA gtk-randomize State do when configuring Layer 2 Security under a new WLAN in a WLC (Code level 7.2)?

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How To Connect Wlan And Lan

Feb 23, 2013

I am a owner of a cyber cafe.there is wired lan connection on the desktop computers in my cafe which is connected to a wifi router (Dlink).I have issue while playing counter strike 1.6.if i am connected to wifi router from my laptop, i am not able to detect the lan game server. the game server which is created on one of the desktop machine on the lan network of my cafe ! In other words I want to play cs 1.6 from my laptop which is connected to a LAN network through wifi router !

Laptop Config :

Os : windows 7
Desktops OS : windows xp
Router : Dlink

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Wireless :: Which Will Be Better In WLAN

Mar 21, 2011

So which one will be better to use for the better performance when we have 20 computers to connect in WLAN.

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LAN Set Up Versus WLAN

Jun 28, 2012

I run my business from a home-office, and have a program that operates off a database.This database is run on what I'll refer to as the "server" computer.I have other laptop and desktop pc's that run this same program, but are referred to as "clients" since they don't house the database and only pull the data from the "server".I can connect wirelessly through my WLAN, but the connection is slow due to the database server. However I am told that a wired network would increase the data transfers tremendously between the machines.I have plenty of ethernet cable and a brand new switch.I run windows 7 64 on all machines that I'd like to connect.What steps do I need to take in order for the "client" machines to connect to the "server" via the LAN and not the WLAN?

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Cisco Wireless :: How To Associate WLAN Clients With 802.1x

Sep 17, 2012

we have the following situation:
- 2 x WLC 5508 with about 80 - 120 access points (Aironet 3500) each
- 7 x WLAN's with different security settings
- 2 x ACS 5.3
On one WLAN we have the problem, that the students with their own laptops have to enter their AD username about 4-5 time, until they get a successfull 802.1x authentication. The WLAN has the following configuration:
- Hidden SSID
- Only 802.11b/g
- Interface assigned via AP Groups
- WPA2 / AES with 802.1x or CCKM (here I could only allow 802.1x, the clients do not need fast secure roaming)
- Authentication via ACS 5.3 and PEAP
- for more details see screenshots below
Most of the time I can't see any 802.1x authentication attemps on the ACS View, but when there are entries, they are successfull. So in my opinion I think there has to be a problem on WLC side, but I don't know where to search further. We already deactivated the client load balancing in the WLAN, because at the beginning the customer wanted to activate that - but it was clear that there are a lot of clients which had to authenticate multiple times.I know there were some bugs in the 7.0 train, so I upgraded finaly to to overcome this bug here: CSCty07036.To fix the other bug (CSCtt70290) I just disabled all the session timeouts on the different WLAN's.

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Cisco Wireless :: WLAN Controller For AIR-LAP1142N-A-K9

Sep 25, 2012

I'm new to wireless and I have 7 Cisco 1142N (AIR-LAP1142N-A-K9) APs. But The thing is I have to buy a WLAN controller for these APs. I checked on internet and I found the 2500 series  Controllers are compatible with Cisco 1142N (AIR-LAP1142N-A-K9) APs. But I would like to know How can I find the exact supporting version of controller for Cisco Access points?

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Cisco :: Setting Up NPS With 4402 Wlan Controller?

Jul 4, 2011

I am currently running a Cisco 4402 Lan controller, I have a Wlan that is running unsecured and i wanted to add a simple web policy log in, so i set up an NPS server on a local DC.  I have the two talking . when i go to login at the web login page I get the Error Login Error. When i look at the NPS logs it says: "Network Policy Server granted full access to a user because the host met the defined health policy" . So it has to be in my Cisco set up somewhere seems pretty simple

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Cisco Routers :: Get RV042 V3 Run On Both WLAN Ports?

Aug 19, 2011

I've been having a lot difficulties to get Cisco RV042 v 3 run on both WLAN ports. I've tryed in Smart Backup Link and Load Balancing .... nothing.What I want to do is:
1 web server in LAN lets say IP
1 dns server in LAN lets say IP
I want to have the router running as Smart Backup Link in case one of the internet connections fails (I will say that the DNS server handles most of the domain names on the web server so it needs to be publicly available as well, and the main domain name of the web server is managed by independent DNS server somwhere in internet, so it has mechanism that can be use to change the entries let say DNS round robin way).
1. WLAN1 with PPPOE and WLAN2 with static ip by the second provider LAN fasion, ports forwarded to the web and the dns servers - NOT accesible. Router firmware latest version 4.
2. WLAN1 with static ip by the second provider LAN fashion, network normal operating but cannot access the server on port 80.

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Cisco Wireless :: No Software For Air Mp-20b WLAN Card?

Jul 25, 2012

I own a small computer repair company and sold a lot of dell d610 Laptops with a wlan card "air mp-20b" installed. Subsequently three of my customers had hard drive issues and they had to be replaced. To no avail Dell had no drivers for this card and I can't get a straight answer from Cisco on this model or reference it for a software download. What is the actual model that Cisco uses for this device.

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Cisco Wireless :: 1142N - Different QoS Values In The Same WLAN

Dec 6, 2011

Now, with all the unified communications, voice, video and data are in the same device, and I try to give priority to voice and some applications, but in the WLC I can not find the way to mark all that kind of packets.
Is it possible to do that? like in a LAN making the marking as voice, signaling and any kind of application? as I marked in all the LAN.
the equipment:
WLC 5508  v7.0.116
AP  1142N

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Cisco :: 4402 - DHCP Not Passing On One Particular WLAN

Nov 27, 2012

We currently have a cisco 4402 with firmware version and 4 WLANs currently running on it, we found the need to add an additional WLAN and after the configuration was completed and I tried to connect to it I found that we are not getting an address.  If i connect a laptop to the VLAN I can get an IP and am able to browse.  If i hard code an IP into a device and connect to the wireless i am able to connect and browse.             

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Cisco :: Can 3602 APs Be Configured By 5508 WLAN

Aug 23, 2012

Can the Cisco 3602 APs be configured by a Cisco 5508 WLAN controller to provide client isolation?

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Cisco :: 5508 WLC - VPN Disconnects From Wlan Guest

Feb 14, 2012

Strange issue that our support staff is seeing on our guest WLAN. I have 2 wlans, 1 is production and authenticates our Domain controllers, this is working fine. The other is a wlan that has restricted access internally, I allow http, https and VPN access out only.
It appears that on the guest wlan, after random amount of time an established VPN connection using Cisco VPN client disconnects. Wireless connectivity doesnt appear to go down, just the vpn connection.
On this guest wlan, I have configured QOS bronze and I read a link where this may be affecting the UDP conversation between VPN client and end point.

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Cisco Wireless :: AIR-1242AG-A-K9 Mixing APs On WLAN

Jun 12, 2012

What would be the ramnifactions of using AIR-1242AG-A-K9 (g radios only: no b clients) and AIR-LAP1231G-AK9 (g radios: only no b clients) with AIR- ANT1728 (non diversity antennas) on the WLAN. Some of the APs 1242/ 1231 will be with in line of site of each other. 

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Cisco :: 5508 WLC - FlexConnect WLAN Mapping

Aug 12, 2012

We have a 5508WLC recently updated to since we are using CAP3602I-N-K9, this AP is intended to work as a H-REAP device and eventhough it is registering to the controller I can't get to see the WLANS on the list to map it to the local VLANS
I have verified and the WLAN is configured for local switching also have followed the steps listed here:URL
 Still Can't see the WLANs under the Flexconnect tab on the AP?

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Cisco :: WLC 5508 - Possible To Support 1 Certificate For Each WLAN

Mar 27, 2013

We are moving forward with a mobility project which requires our network to authenticate/authorize based on certificates. 
WLAN_1 has 802.1x enabled passing the cert through to the MS CA which authorizes the cred, which in turn passes the AD creds of the user to the MS RADIUS server for authenticate/authorization.

Hardware: WLC 5508 running 3600 APs ACS 5.2 not used for AAA
1. As we turn up additional SSIDs, we need Mobile SSID to accept ONLY the Mobile Cert, our Internet SSID to only accept the Internal Cert and our GUEST SSID to deny ANY Cert issued by our CA.I know ISE makes this much easier, but I dont have it and need this to work as best we can until next fiscal cycle..

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Cisco Wireless :: Accessing WLAN Via AP Air-lap1142n-e-k9

Apr 17, 2012

We have a set up which includes several air-lap1134n-e-k9 access points. We're having problems with a specific laptop connecting to the WLAN which is accessible via the AP. We can see numerous different SSIDs available and when we connect to either of the two we have set up it says it is unable to connect. One of the connections, let's call it Internet, has Layer 3 security set up. The other connection, Web, has Layer 2 security set up. The laptop can connect to neither. It can, however, connect to other wifi in the vacinity including a wifi hotspot we set up on an Android phone.
The laptop has an Intel Centrino Wireless-N 1030 network adapter with current drivers. The WLAN's we've set up, Internet and Web, are both enabled for 802.11n.

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Cisco :: Redundant Wlan Controllers (AIR-CT5508-50-K9)

Jun 11, 2012

Q: a client has a network with 60 AP's controlled by a AIR-CT5508-50-K9 (+  L-LIC-CT5508-25A) with a redundant power supply. Can he get full redundancy by purchasing a second controller? If he purchases one, can he bring it into the network? What about the extra license for 25 extra AP's installed on the first controller?

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Cisco Routers :: WRVS4400 - WLAN Very Slow?

Nov 26, 2011

i noticed that my network speed was very slow (connected wirelessly with N) i shut down the wireless and connected to my LAN i ran LAN Speed Test

WLAN 27sec
LAN .15sec

i rebooted the router & times were <1sec, however a few minutes later it was slow again running latest firmware V2.0.2.1

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Cisco :: 4402 WLAN Controller - New Clients Not Getting IP?

Jan 14, 2013

Recently (within the past 2 months) I've been having some issues with my 4402 wLAN controller.
The issue is thus:
1) New wireless clients (those without exsisting DHCP leases) are unable to properly connect to our wireless network.

2) Those same systems (and other systems) have no issue getting online via a wired connection (where available).

3) Devices like iPad, tablets, laptops partially connect but do not get a valid IP address.
Our config:
1) DHCP is handled by a seperate server (NOT the 4402 - it's DHCP setting is disabled)

2) Our wLan is not on a seperate network than our wired LAN

3) Wireless devices attempting to connect include iPads and laptops mostly.

4) We're a school with about 300 systems (primarily Windows XP machines).

5)  25 access points controlled by the 4402 (our only wLAN controller)
Important Notes:
1) No configuration changes have been made to DHCP or the 4402 device in a couple years.

2) 4402 Software Version                 =
The problem first showed up a bit over a month ago.  I first thought the issue was DHCP server related , so I started there and didn't find any obvious issues.  I did restart the DHCP server (which at that point had an uptime of somewhere over 700 days). 
I then also checked the web interface of the 4402 to see what it was reporting.  I noticed a somthing:A)  As shown in the "WLAN_Issue_EDIT.png" the client count on the controller is showing 628 current clients.  We don't have many devices in our entire campus.
I rebooted the controller after hours and that seemed to allievete the issue. Since then, the current client count hasn't ever gone above 60.
Now today I'm having the same issue regarding new clients getting IP addresses.  The client count isn't real high on the WLAN controller and I don't see any other obvious issues.  I'm torn between this being a DHCP issue or the controller issue (or a combination of the two).
The reason I don't think it's directly DHCP related is that all wired clients seem to be getting address fine.Plus, I've set my tablet device to a static address and it still cannot connect via wifi.

**Update** I've now rebooted the controller and the problem persists (at least on the nearby iPad - Will confirm other devices shortly).

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Cisco :: WLC 2106 / Automated WLAN Shutdown

Dec 13, 2009

we operate a number of 2106 WLC's some of which are in training centres, we have been requested by one customer that the SSID used for the users in the training rooms is only enabled between the hours of 9am - 6pm Monday to Friday.

As such im trying to find an automated method of disabling said WLAN automatically outside of these hours including weekends.

Im aware that the commands:

config wlan disable "WLAN ID"
config wlan enable "WLAN ID"

Can be used to perform the required function but getting them to trigger at the appropriate time is proving more of a challenge.

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Cisco :: 5508 Need To Be Able To Report On Specific WLAN

May 7, 2013

I've been asked to generate some report data on a specific WLAN, a limited access WLAN that was added recently. We need to be able to report on "Average and Peak Number of clients (Total)" and "Total Bytes Transferred (all  APs)" on a per site basis. The sites involved mainly use 4402 and 5508 WLCs managed by our WCS server. Is there anything on WCS where we can easily get this information (on a monthly basis).

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Wireless :: How To Get A WLAN On The Same Network As LAN

Sep 5, 2012

We have a Sonicwall NSA 3500. We have a seperate interface for LAN and WLAN. The WLAN is set up on a Sonicpoint. Right now, the LAN gives out 10.10.99.x addresses, the WLAN gives out 10.10.100.x addresses. What is the best way to get these two interfaces to give out addresses on the same scheme, ie both LAN and WLAN giving out 10.10.99.x addresses?

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No Wlan Port Behind Router

Sep 11, 2011

I have a Netgear DGN2200 (N300 Wireless ASDL + Modem Router) that I got from Goodwill. There is no WAN port behind the router... only LAN ports I see. How do I setup my Arris Cable modem to this Netgear Modem Router?

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Wlan Disabled And Cannot Enable It

Dec 31, 2011

I recently tried to connect to my wireless broadband and the icon had disappeared. I went into control panel and wlan assistant and tried to enable the wireless.A message comes up saying it is trying to install software for Broadcom 802.11b/g WLAN.I run through the process but then when I try and get on to network controller I get the message there was a problem installing this hardware. It says This Device is disabled (code 22)

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