DSL Speeds Go Up And Down

Dec 21, 2011

I have a problem when downloading from torrents/steam.the download speeds go from 280 - 0 in about 15 sec intervals.this makes it hard form me to play games while someone else is browsing/streaming youtube because when they reach 0 when the DL speeds drop, I lag.I dont know if this is a ISP problem or a router problem. my router is a prolink h9300g. I'm sure this is not a PC problem as this happens on all the computers that use my internet.

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Belkin F7D4301 - Router Has Slow Wireless Speeds But Fast Ethernet Speeds

May 19, 2013

My Belkin F7D4301 Router has the fastest wireless speed of maybe 2MBps but wired with a cat5e cable to my asus laptop of almost 7MBps. I have a one smart TV, one blue ray, one roku, and a nexus 7 using the 2.4 channel.

My Wireless 2.4 settings are channel 11, Extension channel 7, Wireless mode N (have tried with just g and b, g, and n modes), Bandwidth 20/40, Protected mode on, QOS off.

I've talked to Belkin tech support, they are the ones who had me set up my 2.4 channel this way but my wireless speeds stay just under 2MBps, they just want to keep sending me the same model Router because they think each of the new ones they send me is defective.

Am I doing something wrong or is 2MBps the best wireless speed I'm going to get?

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Conflicting Broadband Speeds

Jun 25, 2012

I have recently changed ISP and am now with Sky. I have been having battles with Sky over my speeds - they said I would get between 4.5/9.0MB and I have been getting just 3.6MB. However, even this lower figure has changed over the past three days and I am only getting 1.6MB on the same PC which is based upstairs. I noticed that on my laptop I was getting 3.6MB downstairs and so I took it upstairs next to my PC and then obtained 3.6MB. Is there any reason I should be logging two drastically different speeds from the same location on two separate items of equipment? I started thinking it was the Philips SNU adapter on the PC which may be causing the problem but I have tried a spare adapter(same make & model) and I still get the lower reading.

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Inconsistent Internet Speeds

Dec 28, 2011

I have full wi-fi signal and I have a fast broadband connection. Every now and again the connection speed to just one PC drops to a point where there is almost no activity. I get various "connection timed out" and "DNS lookup failed" errors, then after about 10 minutes of frustration everything works again. I know this problem is isolated to just this one PC as I have done Internet speed tests from another computer. I have tried using different wireless cards, resetting the router, changing DNS servers. Nothing has worked.

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To Fix Wireless Speeds On Laptop

Feb 26, 2011

I had a Belkin Wireless G setup with a wireless extender since my signal was very low on different levels of the house. I decided to upgrade to a N network. I purchased a D-Link DIR-655 Extreme N Gigabit Wireless Router and connect with my HP Pavillion 6700 with Win 7 laptop via an AirLink101 AWLL6075 Wireless N Mini USB Adapter.

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Differences In Wireless Speeds

Mar 29, 2011

I have two computers at my apartment getting two VERY different speeds from my wireless connection. I'm thinking it might be the hardware im using, but I want some expert opinions before I go out and buy anything else. [code] Getting 5 bars of connection and 14.5 -21 Mbps..Both computers on the same desk when tests were run.

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Erratic Speeds On Internet?

Jan 13, 2013

I am with Virgin Media, on their 60Mb service.I never go over their limits, according to them I download and upload very little.However the difficulty comes about when I start using a program called Xsplit to stream video games.After about 5-30 minutes of this, my 60Mb speed gets shot to between 15 and 25Mb, and the 3Mb upload gets shot to 0.4-0.5Mb.

They finally came to me today and after a few tests, said all the figures on their end showed it wasn't their network, but was instead on my end. They figured this out because the numbers from my modem showed it was something like 63000000 and 3000000, meaning my speeds should apparently be normal? (I don't know...). I turned off my wireless (turned the Superhub on to "router" mode), and the internet shot back up to 60Mb. I then after about an hour, requiring to use wifi on my tablet again, turned "router" mode off, so WiFi was available. Bam, my internet went back to 25Mb / 0.5Mb.My specs are as follows:

Windows 7 64 bit Ultimate
8GB DDR3 1600 Corsair vengeance RAM (or 1833, not sure)
GTX 680
i5 2500k processor, overclocked to 4.7GHz[code]....

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Internet At Unacceptable Speeds

Mar 25, 2013

My custom built computer, only 4 months old, is right now getting an approximate internet connection of 4 mbps. I'm supposed to be getting 60. (This is mbps down by the way) how to get my speed back? I've tried other network adapters but it's not working.

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How To Maximize LAN Download Speeds

Dec 11, 2011

I sometime go to a nearby cyber cafe to access internet. There 10 pcs are connected via lan. Each system independently gives a download speed of 200 kbps. I often download softwarer and videos there. Is there any software or hack by which i can kinda suck the bandwidths of systems that are idle to maximize my download speeds..? I use IDM as the downloader.

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Download Speeds Never Top Over 190 KBPS

Jun 8, 2011

I signed up for a 2MBPS connection, but my download speeds never top over 190 KBPS, to make matters worse now the speed has fallen to 120 KBPS and decreasing by the minute.

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DIR-655 Slow Transfer Speeds

Jan 17, 2012

Ive been doing everything I can to try to enhance transfer speeds between my home server and desktop pc. [code]

Just drag and drop copying on my network, a 7gb file started at 20mbps and immediately dropped to ~11mbps where it stays.I took the time to run cat 6, bought a decent router, and (2) intel NICs, I feel like I should be getting much better transfer speeds than this.

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Wifi Not Support Faster Speeds

Dec 29, 2011

I recently upgraded my internet speed from 16/Mbps to 50/Mbps download I have a linksys E2500 dual band router and various wireless devices. Some of the devices are not N capable and I don't expect they will benefit from the enhanced speed. However my N capable devices are not receiving the upgraded speed as well. I have them set to WPA2 personal and the only way I can get the 50/Mbps download rate is to bypass wireless and use an ethernet cable. If I do this then I get the speed I want and if I use Wi-Fi I get around 20/Mbps.

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Slow Wifi Speeds On Laptop

Mar 3, 2013

All of a sudden the wifi on my laptop has been really slow lately. I remember before I could stream 720p videos without any buffer on Youtube. Now I'm lucky if I can somewhat stream a 340p without the occasional stutters/buffers. Sometimes I would be getting 39 Mbps or 52 Mbps (if I'm really lucky) , but most of the times I would get either 26-19 Mbps. On all my other devices (iPod, Family Desktop, iPhone) the internet speed seems just fine as they can stream in 720p and browse without any network problems. Also I am upstairs with the router downstairs in the family room.

My results from Speedtest.net - 25 ms, 2.56 Mbps Download Speed, 0.38 Mbps Upload Speed.

This result is VERY UNSTABLE, sometimes I couldn't even get 1 Mbps download speed (more like 0.8). I would also have like 50 ms. I am running Windows 8 Pro with a Realtek RTL8188CE Wireless LAN 802.11n PCI-E NIC on a Toshiba Satellite Laptop.DHCP is enabled. IPv6 is not. I made sure everything was updated using Windows Update. And I'm only using the windows defender firewall which I made wasn't blocking anything by disabling it and seeing if it cleared up any problems - which it did not, the same thing happened.

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Download Speeds Couldn't Be Worse?

Oct 16, 2011

So I am having some major issues with my download speeds. I have been told that I am supposed to get 10-20mb down and 1mb up, which is fine normally. Yet I haven't been getting anywhere near that lately. I have been getting 30-50kbs for a speed lately on my linux server, and I am not sure how slow on my windows box.I have road runner internet, and I have a Linksys BEFSR41 router, and a ubee modem. I have done a little looking at the event log of the ubee modem and found that I am getting "Started Unicast Maintenance Ranging - No Response received - ..." every 3 -5 minutes. I don't know what that means but it says critical next too it. Something else I have found is that it has been raining for the last 3 day straight, don't know if that make a difference

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Slow Speeds Up / Down From Virtual Server?

Aug 10, 2012

Sometime in the past month my virtual server has been serving slow speeds to a majority of places when I used to get 500KB/s + speeds down and 250KB/s speeds up regularly. My home network is Verizon Fios 15/5 and speedtest.net reports exactly those speeds at any test server I choose.

I've been going back and forth with my virtual server host (1and1) about my virtual server download and upload speeds. I've done a lot of testing to see if there is packet loss with WinMRT and also traceroutes from a couple locations.1and1 has done testing and verified it's NOT their network causing the slow downs as their download tests have returned fast speeds. I've tested at about 8 locations to download this file ( [URL] I can assure you that link is safe, it's just a zip of the .Net 4 redist pacakge) and 6 out of the 7 get speeds ranging from 10kb/s-50kb/s, only 1 out of the 7 gets 400kb/s+ download speeds and that is located in Chicago, 4 are from Los Angeles area and 2 from Denver area and one from Orlando area.

Is it possible to get some users (Preferably West Coast USA) here to download and report the speed it downloads, location they are at, and the internet provider and package they have? If I cannot find the cause of this, I may have to move to a different virtual server provider which takes a lot of configuration for my server because of the nature of it

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Two Vastly Different Speeds On Same Modem With Devices

May 2, 2012

On my laptop, I get horrendously low speeds on our modem, but on my iPhone under the same WiFi, I get very fast speeds. On my Laptop, pages render very slowly, YouTube won't load etc. I also can't do online gaming or anything.What's causing this? I've tried the ol' 'turning it off and on again' trick for every thing but it doesn't work. I tried connecting it to the modem and it went slower!

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Comcast Speeds Real Slow

Feb 26, 2011

I had recently switched to Comcast Xfinity Blast internet. I ordered the service with 22 mbps. Now when I download something, it becomes a challenge for the download to get faster than 500kbps. I don't understand, It should be a lot more. If it stays at this rate, than there would be no difference between my current and previous service.


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Getting Very Slow Internet Speeds Through Wifi?

Feb 8, 2012

I live in a townhouse in a college campus which means we all have the same ISP. I checked the channels and checked wifi stumbler. They both look good. For the last few days I have been getting really slow internet speeds after 7 pm till 1 am. I am paying for 25 mbps but around that time I get 0.5 mbps. I have the latest firmware for the router. I talked to customer support twice and all they did was reset my router and tell me to power cycle it. It can't be range of the router because my laptop is right next to it.

P.S: Here is my speed test: [URL]

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Upgrading Router To Keep-up With Internet Speeds?

Jun 12, 2012

I currently have a 2 router setup working ( one in the office running a wire behind walls to my upstairs computer ) and have an internet speed of 35/35. We will be upgrading when fios comes out with the 150/65 plan and would like to upgrade our slave router as well. Currently it's a D-Link WBR-1310/RE 54mbps 802.11g router and we would like a router capable of handing the full 150/65mbps with wireless N capabilities.

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Transfer Speeds Very Slow To One Computer?

Mar 7, 2012

Im having a problem transferring files to a shared network folder (my server's folder), its transferring files at ~20KB/s Thing is, I can copy files from the server to my computer at 90MB/s.I can also copy from my computer to my brothers computer also at 90MB/s.And copy from my brothers computer to the server at 90MB/s.But only 20KB/s from my computer to the server.My server is running WHS2011 by the way and my computer and brothers computer is running Windows 7.My entire network is wired and tested with a 1Gbit connection. and im using a Linksys WAG320N router.

My computer specs:

CPU: i5 2500k (Quad Core)
RAM: 8GB G.Skill DDR3 (1333Mhz)
Mobo: Asrock Z68 Extreme3 Gen3
HDD: OCZ Vertex 3 (SSD) Sata III 6Gb/s - 120GB
HDD1: WD Caviar Black (HDD) Sata III 6Gb/s - 1TB
HDD2: WD Caviar Green (HDD) Sata III 6Gb/s - 2TB
HDD3: Samsung EcoGreen (HDD) - 2TB

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Unable To Get Proper Speeds Via Wireless

Jan 15, 2013

Had Infinity installed yesterday which means we're up from our awful 3mb speeds to around 35ish. A partner in my household is using a laptop downstairs and it's getting the full speeds, no problems.

However, upon plugging in a wireless adapter upstairs in a PC, it's not getting the full speeds, not even close. A mixture between 1mb and on one occasion about 8mb. The speedtest is showing something like 400ms too. I stick a wire into the PC and it's fine, around 30 or so ms and hitting the full speeds available. The wireless adapter is a Phillips, never really had any problems with it before, not that I know of anyway.

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Get Gigabit Speeds On Existing 10/100 UTP Cabling

Jan 13, 2012

I want to get gigabit speeds on my existing 10/100 UTP cabling. I read that I just need to buy a gigabit switch to replace my 10/100 and I'm good to go since all my computers' motherboard have onboard gigabit lan. How true is this?I'm getting 100mbps (LAN) speeds on my current setup but I really need to up it to gigabit speeds.

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Awus036h Adapter Getting Slow Speeds?

Mar 21, 2012

I bought a new Alfa 1000mw adapter for the good range, and I've picked up several new signals...but the problem is the speed of my connection..It can be fine one moment at 4.5mbps and then drop down to .16 mbps in a matter of minutes. Usually once it drops it doesnt go back up until I reinstall the drivers..I have Win7 ultimate 64bit.

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New Router / Modem Want Faster Speeds

Aug 18, 2012

My current home set-up is two desktops on Xfinity internet, using a MOTOROLA SB5120 modem pared with a WRT160N V3 router.I was told that my router was bottlenecking my download speeds. It is quite annoying when we can't download anything because it will slow any gameplay going on, we have to do one thing a time. Even Youtube videos will slow us down.[code] would I benefit from getting a new modem or router.

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Internet - How To Get Faster Speeds Online

Mar 23, 2012

I want to set my friend up on my internet so he gets faster speeds on line how do I go about doing this?I am running win 7 on an i7 with 24 gig of ram. 2 gtx 560ti

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Wireless Speeds With Linksys Router

Nov 21, 2012

Recently the Comcast internet service in my area was upgraded to 50+ Mbps/10+ Mbps download/upload respectively. If I have my computer wired to the router, I see the advertised speeds of 50/10. If I go wireless, the speeds drop to around 30 Mbps download, but stay at around 10 Mbps upload. The router I have is a Linksys WRT160Nv1.I believe the issue has to do with "WMM Support" in my router's settings. From what I've heard, the router has to have WMM enabled for true wireless N speeds, but when I have WMM enabled, my wireless download speeds drop to around .5 Mbps. However, this is the odd part. My upload speeds stay at 10+ Mbps. This happens for all devices in my house.

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Increasing Broadband Speeds Safely

Aug 25, 2011

[code] just came out with a new package called Roadrunner Broadband Extreme ($10 extra). The claimed speeds are 30GB down and 5GB up. I have a friend in another area of town who is getting these speeds consistently, although i will admit he lives in a much more "technologically advanced" area where there are several big technology businesses like IBM. I just had the service installed last week, and have even had the cable techs to the house, but i am not even close to getting what i paid for.On average a normal day i would test at between 14-17GB down and maybe 2.2 up (using Time Warner's speed test, on tests from places like Speakeasy the speeds show much lower).So the question after the long winded description is this. Is there any program i can use that may be able to safely tweak my system and get closer to the speeds i should be getting? I know i may never reach 30 down and 5 up, but if i could at least be in the 20's down and maybe 3.5-4 up.

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D-Link DIR-655 :: Can't Connect Any Devices Over 65m Speeds

Jul 11, 2011

i have had a DIR-655 Rev. A router for years now and had no problems connecting my laptop to it well over 150m, the iproducts never got over 65m, i'm OK with that if they just won't but i would like to get there if possible. i went out and picked up a 2nd 655 (rev B) and flashed the bios up to the newest version 2.03NA and went in and mirrored all of the settings from the original router and then replaced the old router with the new one. the old router is not being used at this time though there are plans to use it as an access point later in another part of the house. i have updated the drivers for the wireless N card on my laptop (i can't remember the name of the adapter or the model, i'll provide that when i go home for lunch today). i've tried various settings for security, (i want to use WPA2 only, personal key, AES cipher, channel width 20/40 auto) i've even tried no security and it still won't connect over 65m.

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WRT54GS Stuck At 16mbit Speeds

Jul 14, 2011

I just dumped my dsl for cable and when I ran ethernet straight into the modem from my laptop I was pulling 30mbit to speedtests, but when I go wired or wireless through my router, it's capping at around 16mbit. Any decent priced wireless routers that will get me closer to 30mbit? My laptop has 802.11n and I saw someone locally selling a WRT160n but I don't know if that would do it either. Is the cpu speed of the router the limiting factor? The 54gs is 216mhz cpu, depending on the revision the 160n can be 300mhz.

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D-Link DIR-655 :: Download Speeds Very Slow?

Jan 12, 2010

I'm paying to get Download Speeds of 25Mbps from my cable provider.

If I plug my computer directly into my cable modem, I get 24.98 Mbps every time.

Using the same speed test, if I go through the DIR-655 I get rates from 2.92 to 10 Mbps.

I'm on Firmware 1.32NA. I'm ready to go out and buy a different brand Router.

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Uploading FTP / Slow Speeds Via Windows Command

Nov 7, 2011

First this is my setup, i have a 100x100 mb fiber pipe at a location i am working at. i am comming out of a cisco fiber router to ethernet. i am coming straight from the fiber switch to the computer at a 1gb connection. So my problem is when i try to upload to my ftp server via windows explorer i can never get about 1.5mb, but if i upload via command prompt it goes at about 60mb upload, so the pipe is good. So you say why dont you just use the command prompt, well i have specialized gear here that run xp emmbedded and it does this via the windows explorer. I have tried 4 other computers and they all do the same thing. I tried a UDP video stream and worked at over 10mb stream. but all the ftp uploads cap out at 1.5mb.

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Why Upload Speeds So Slow As Compared To Downloads

Jun 7, 2012

I just built a new computer with most of the bells and whistles. Asus P8Z77-V pro motherboard, Intel I7 3770K CPU, NVIDIA GTX 560TI, SSD for my boot drive, HDD for storage both running on SATA III, 16 GB of RAMMy problem is that when I connect to the internet via an ethernet cord, my download speeds are about 58 MBPS which is fine but upload speeds are only about .3 mbps. I have changed cables 3 times and connected directly to the modem rather than the router which would indicate an ISP issue. The kicker is that when I disable the LAN network and enable my wireless network, I get slower download speeds as expected but my upload speeds are closer to 5 MBPS, more than 10X times faster which throws my ISP theory out the window a bit.

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Internet Slow Download / Upload Speeds

Jul 29, 2011

I did a search and came across this board because I too am having the same issues with wireless connection. I went as far as buying a new router, which like the original post stated, worked well for a few and then stopped. It's frustrating because I need the wireless connection for many items I use at home.

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