Get Gigabit Speeds On Existing 10/100 UTP Cabling

Jan 13, 2012

I want to get gigabit speeds on my existing 10/100 UTP cabling. I read that I just need to buy a gigabit switch to replace my 10/100 and I'm good to go since all my computers' motherboard have onboard gigabit lan. How true is this?I'm getting 100mbps (LAN) speeds on my current setup but I really need to up it to gigabit speeds.

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Realtek RTL8168D - How To Operate At Gigabit Speeds

Sep 1, 2011

I recently said to hell with wireless and wired my apartment with Cat6. My desktop computer next to the router is running fine at 1Gbps. My media center one room over is only running at 100Mbps, and I cannot figure out why.

The motherboard has a Realtek RTL8168D . I have green ethernet enabled... could that be it? Auto disable gigabit is disabled. I tried changing speed & duplex from Auto to 1Gbps, and that didn't change anything. The latest driver is installed. Their ethernet diagnostic utility shows the link speed at 100.

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Cisco Infrastructure :: 7206VXR / Add Additional Gigabit Ports With Existing Hardware

Aug 15, 2012

how many Gigabit port will be supported by Cisco 7206VXR with G1 engine model. By deault we hot 3 GE, is it possible to add additional Gigabit ports with the existing hardware.

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Cabling / Cards :: Cat 5e Versus Cat 6 For Gigabit Ethernet

Apr 10, 2012

I'm going to be upgrading my network (router and network cards etc). I was wondering if there will be any performance difference with the Belkin Fastcat 5e I currently have and CAT6 cables?

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TL-SG1005D - Ubuntu - Slow Write Speeds On New Gigabit Home File Server

Jun 26, 2013

So I finally got all my parts delivered to setup a home file/backup server this week.

It's currently running Ubuntu Server and I'm using Samba to share files on my network.

The server currently has a 2TB WD Green drive in it connected to a Asus M5A78L-M

This is then connected via CAT6a to my new Gigabit switch (TP-Link TL-SG1005D).
My home desktop is then also connected to this switch and again also through CAT6a cable.

Currently when transfering files I will get a perfect 100MB/s read from the server to my Windows machine. When copying from my Windows machine to the server I get around 30/38MB/s.

I know this drive is capable is faster speeds.

I have found ftp's write speed is much closer to what my Samba read speed is so I'm going to give it a guess that is a software problem rather than hardware

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Cabling / Cards :: Wireless - Have Very Good Signal But Slow Speeds

Nov 20, 2011

I've been having the same issue. I'll start my laptop and it will start connecting to my home network (comcast docsis 3.0 modem to dlink dir 655 router) and be cool upstairs next to the router, but when I move downstairs the speed jumps down from 130 to 117 to 78 to 5.5 mbps. Its holding steady at 117mbps right now. I'm thinking of upgrading my router to a DIR 827 hd media router 2000 so I can get dual coverage and less interference.

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Cabling / Cards :: ADSL Speeds Slower With Long Cable?

May 19, 2012

I just bought a 30m CAT6 cable which I installed inside the house, now since my router is on the floor above me I bought a 30m cable to be able to have it downstairs. I don't really know if it has something to do with the PC or if it is the length of the cable that is the problem. But when I try the PC on the main floor the speed is 15-20mbit/s and when I try it on my PC downstairs, all I get is a maximum of 10mbit/s. The strange thing is that ping/jitter is the same both upstairs and downstairs?

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Cabling / Cards :: Broadcom Gigabit Controller Won't Recognize Cable (Dell XPS 1640)

Mar 1, 2011

A few days ago, I noticed that my computer wasn't picking up my wired connection anymore while the wireless connection was still working fine. I opened up my network adapters and my Local Area Connection adapter wasn't even showing anymore, only the Wireless adapter. I updated my drivers, tried different cables and even a different router but still no dice. This morning, when I booted up my system, Windows said it was installing driver software for Broadcom Gigabit Ethernet Controller. I got really excited when I saw Local Area Connection in my adapter menu and plugged in my ethernet cable. Nothing happened and my laptop refuses to recognize the ethernet cable plugged in to it. It's a Dell XPS 1640, Windows 7 x64 with Service Pack 1.

P.S. Usually a little orange light appears in the ethernet port on my computer when a chord is plugged in. When I turned on my computer this morning with the chord in, the light was on. When Windows finished booting, the light went off.

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Cabling / Cards :: Broadcom NeXtreme Gigabit Ethernet Card Won't Make Wireless Connection From HP Desktop?

Oct 13, 2012

Have just acquired new used HP desktop running Windows Vista. System has a Broadcom NeXtreme Gigabit Ethernet card installed, which gets me to the internet OK when using a LAN cable from wireless router. But I can't make wireless connection. Vista tells me that I need a wireless network adapter.Am I missing something? Is it possible to change some settings to get the Broadcom card to go wireless? If not, what sort of adapter is needed, and is such adapter external or will it have to be installed in the system box?

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Cabling / Cards :: Slow / Spiking Internet Speeds With Wired Connection Through D-link WBR-1310 Router

Sep 18, 2012

I have recently had trouble with my wireless D-link WBR-1310 Router. Two days ago everything was working fine, my wireless connection from the router to my macbook was fine and the wired connection to my desktop pc was also fine. I went to bed and when I woke up the next day everything was still ok. About 3 hours after I had first turned on the PC that next day my wired connection started spiking and dropping connection frequently, maybe every 5-10 minutes or so. I play world of warcraft and I also use Mumble VoiP Program and my pings in both are over 800 constantly now making it impossible to stay connected to either program. Sometimes it will drop down to regular numbers (25-50ms, I play on eastern servers as I am in NY) but then rapidly jumps back up into the 1,000's. My wireless connection is still fine though nothing has happened to that, only my wired connection is messing up.

I've tried changing my speed and duplex settings on my onboard NVIDIA nForce 10/100 Mbps Ethernet which is what im using but it hasn't worked. When connecting directly through the modem the problem seems to stop so its definitely the router.

Wireless Router: D-link WBR-1310
Hardware Version: B1
Firmware Version: 2.02


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Home Network :: Gigabit Network Only Transferring At 10MB /sec Speeds

May 19, 2011

Cable modem into cisco-linksys E4200. 2 of the ports going out from the router plug into the wall, where one goes to the master bedroom and one goes to the living room. Once it gets to the wall jack in each of those rooms it goes out to a gigabit switch. Each of those two rooms has a computer and a TV connected, and the living room as a blu-ray also connected to the switch.The third port going out from the E4200 router goes to another gigabit switch, which is connected to a couple more computers in that room.All of the cables are either cat5e or cat6. The long cables running through the wall from the server room to the living room and master bedroom is 24gauge 4pair cat5e, it was run by a general contractor.

When I transfer between any of the computers on the network as it sits I get 11MB/sec. I get that number by clicking more details on the file transfer. In the network tab of task manager it sits pretty consistently at 10%.If I move any of the computers to be connected to the SAME switch (i tested all 3) i can transfer around 60MB/sec.Based on this testing my initial instinct is to say that the cable running between the rooms is limiting the transfer speed. However the cable is cat5e and rated for gigabit. Neither of the runs are anywhere near 300ft long. Plus the consistency of the transfer speeds at 11MB/sec makes me think it's being clearly capped at 100base-T speeds as opposed to just slowing down due to interference of the cable.As a side note there is a place in the router that tells you the speed of each port. For some reason it has one of my ports listed as gigabit and the others listed as 10/100Mbps. The yellow 3 foot cable i have is listing as gigabit, when i swap it with another cable in the router it changes the gigabit port to the one this yellow cable is on, very odd, however regardless of whether the router says its gigabit it only transfers at 11MB/sec anyway.What I'm wondering is what could be causing this limitation besides the two cables running through the wall? Is that the only thing that could be doing it? What is the best way to really test it out? Do I need to buy some kind of network testing device that tests throughput?

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Cisco WAN :: Gigabit Ethernet Loopback Plug For 3845 Router Gigabit Interface

Sep 26, 2012

I have an Ethernet Loopback Plug (4 Pairs) made and trying to test the Gigabit Interface on a 3845 Router with a fail result. The interface will show up/up only if I set the interface to 100M/Full Duplex when I plug-in the Ethernet Loopback Plug (4 Pairs). I don't see this Gigabit Interface @ 3845 router has any option to set it to internal or external loopback.

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Belkin F7D4301 - Router Has Slow Wireless Speeds But Fast Ethernet Speeds

May 19, 2013

My Belkin F7D4301 Router has the fastest wireless speed of maybe 2MBps but wired with a cat5e cable to my asus laptop of almost 7MBps. I have a one smart TV, one blue ray, one roku, and a nexus 7 using the 2.4 channel.

My Wireless 2.4 settings are channel 11, Extension channel 7, Wireless mode N (have tried with just g and b, g, and n modes), Bandwidth 20/40, Protected mode on, QOS off.

I've talked to Belkin tech support, they are the ones who had me set up my 2.4 channel this way but my wireless speeds stay just under 2MBps, they just want to keep sending me the same model Router because they think each of the new ones they send me is defective.

Am I doing something wrong or is 2MBps the best wireless speed I'm going to get?

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Dell :: Broadcom NetXtreme 57xx Gigabit Not Reaching Gigabit

Nov 23, 2011

I'm running an Optiplex 330 with the Broadcom NetXtreme 57xx Gigabit ethernet card.

The computer is running Windows 7, 64bit, but there do not appear to be any drivers for that OS.I tried selecting Vista 64bit, but there were no drivers. The Vista 32bit doesn't work.

Then I went to Broadcom and found these drivers: [URL] the W764bit drivers didn't change the fact i'm still on a 100Mbit card (as seen on  Local Area Connection Status screen and the Device manager)

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How To Setup Second Router To Existing One

Jan 27, 2012

I just bought a new wireless router and I currently using my older dlink di-524 wireless router in my home. Reason in buying a new one is because currently the dlink router is in the family room use to be a garage and my wifes imac is in our bedroom the couple rooms down not next door or anything, and the imac and even our smartphones when in our beedroom the connection gets disconnected then reconnected etc etc, basically signal strenth is low intialy when connected to the router.

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Connect 2nd Router To Existing One?

Mar 21, 2012

I am trying to connect a 2nd router to an exsisting router in my home, the location of the 1st router is in a location where it is hard or impossible for other places in the house to cath the wifi.

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Add A Second Router To An Existing Modem?

Mar 7, 2013

I would like to add a second router to an existing modem that would supply data from an IP camera to an external source. I want this router to have no interaction with the existing router/network.

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Can Upgrade To Wifi With Existing Hd Tv

Dec 27, 2011

I purchasd a Vizio HD flat-screen television in November 2010. There now exists built-in wi-fi tv's out there. Is there something I could purchase inexpensively to upgrade my existing tv without having to buy another tv that has wi-fi?

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Create Another Network Within The Existing One?

Sep 4, 2012

I've recently moved into a new flat above a pub. The pub has internet which we are free to use but there it is an open network with no password protection and I don't feel comfortable connecting all my devices to it.Is it possible to create another network within the existing one? Perhaps by using another router with a password protecting it?

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How To Add A Computer To An Existing Network

Feb 7, 2012

I do not know how to add a new laptop to my existing wireless. I also do not know how to get my password for my wireless network, I have forgotten it.

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DSL Speeds Go Up And Down

Dec 21, 2011

I have a problem when downloading from torrents/steam.the download speeds go from 280 - 0 in about 15 sec intervals.this makes it hard form me to play games while someone else is browsing/streaming youtube because when they reach 0 when the DL speeds drop, I lag.I dont know if this is a ISP problem or a router problem. my router is a prolink h9300g. I'm sure this is not a PC problem as this happens on all the computers that use my internet.

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Adding Wireless AP To Existing Wired Lan?

Feb 4, 2013

I currently have a wired network which starts with a cable router downstairs which is a virgin media netgear box with firewall and DHCP turned on. I have a NAS server and a smart tv which run off ethernet connections to this router.then have a cable run upstairs to a TPlink gigabit switch which is connected to a PC and a printer (in my study). All this works just fine, no configuration needed.I have a TPlink wireless router, a TL-WR743ND. I want to use this to connect to the switch upstairs (not downstairs - my stone walls limit any wireless access point) to provide wireless network coverage for my house.So I figured I should configure it with a dynamic IP address (ie it gets it from the netgear DHCP), turn off the TPLink's DHCP and firewall, and then any wireless devices attached to the TPLink by wireless should have access to printer and NAS

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Add Wireless Dir-615 To Existing Dir-825 Router To Get Better Connection?

Dec 13, 2011

I have a dir-825 that I am currently using. After building an addition I can connect...or when I do get a connection it is weak.. can I add a wireless dir-615 that I already have as a way of boosting the signal into this addition?

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Servers :: Add A PC With Existing Domain Network?

Feb 25, 2011

We have purchased a new PC(OS, Windows XP2002, SP2). Now i want to add it with existing Local Area Network which is domain networking. Now how can i add the computer in that network? we use Oracle data base on it. i want to know that how this will work just like other clients on network. i know the LAN without domain network. i add it with network. it is now appear the workgroup. but when i access any client on network, then it cann't do any action, and replies access denied and not access any client c$ drive.

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Add A New Computer To An Existing Wireless Network?

Sep 7, 2011

What is the procedure for adding a new computer to an existing wireless network? Both computers are running on Vista and two on Windows 7

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Setting Up New Work Network And Add To Already Existing One?

Jun 4, 2011

.We are setting up a new sales office where there will be between 5-10 users.At the moment, we run everything of one server which has all the file shares, printers. Active Directory etc. I know so far I will need the server cabinet - But my main concern is how I will make this new site connect to the already existing network and the other things which I will need.

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Remove Existing Antenna From N+ Router?

Aug 11, 2011

How do I remove the existing antenna from my N+ router...?

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Add Another Computer To Existing Wireless System?

Jul 12, 2011

I'm trying to add another computer to an existing, wireless system. I followed the directions I found online, but when I get to the point where I'm supposed to "take note of the numeric code beside the Default Gateway icon", no such icon, and no code, is present. By the way, I'm attempting this from the current, wireless computer.

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Add Another Wireless Switch To Existing Network?

Sep 21, 2011

I already have a wireless router but the signal strength doesn't seem to penetrate brick walls well. I want to add another wireless switch to access the same Internet but am not sure exactly what I should purchase. I know I don't want another router, so what should I buy?

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Connect A Dir-301 To An Existing Wireless Network?

Jul 4, 2012

I have a DIR-301 router connected to a Virgin cable modem. It provides the Internet to the PC and wirelessly to other devices (like my iPhone, my wife's Android phone and my iBook) with no problems.I recently bought a Sony TV that has an ethernet port on the back. The Sony wireless dongle they offer (UWA-BR100) is stupidly expensive, so I thought I'd try a wired connection via an access point.I bought another DIR-301 from eBay, as it was advertised as an access point which I thought would give the TV an Internet connetion.I've tried everything I can think of and have been advised, but I can't get a connection via the TV.

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D-Link DIR-615 :: Set Up New Network From Existing Router?

Jul 16, 2011

A dlink 615 router so im trying to set up a new network. So downstairs i have a netgear g router, this is then hardwired to a switch, from there i have another cable running upstairs and into my d link router.I am using snow Leopard OS, and using VMWare was able to use the quick setup on the associated disc but could only reach the stage where i connect my ethernet to router before it would display an error message stating it was unable to find a router.I then tried manually setting up the router online using

but was unable to get a working connection running over the wireless and i was only able to give this page when hardwired to the d link router.

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Cisco WAN :: 1760 To Translate Existing Qos

Jan 21, 2013

I currently have a pair of Adtran Netvanta 1224R units that I want to replacce with Cisco 1760 routers. How can I translate the existing QoS (relevant sections below) on the Adtrans to work.

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Cisco AAA/Identity/Nac :: 5.2 - Add Second ACS Server To Existing 4.2?

May 13, 2012

Question on this, is 5.2 backwards compatible with 4.2 appliance? If not, what is needed to bring the 4.2 appliance up to 5.2 and will the VMWare version work for the second system with the appliance as primary?  Years ago I had 2 of them and replication worked flawlessly, but we had to take the one unit offline for another project and have never replaced it.

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