Dell :: WNDAP350 Laptop Disconnects Every Time After Stressing

Aug 12, 2012

I am sitting three feet from my NetGear WNDAP350 wireless access point, and my XPS disconnects whenever I put any stress on the wireless connection.  Since I am getting a sunburn from the WAP I don't understand and am very unimpressed with the wireless capabilities of this notebook.  I am wireless N and see 270 - 300 Mbps speed as I would expect at this range.  I am not between the WAP and the computer, either, being mostly made of water.

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Laptop Disconnects From Router All The Time

Aug 21, 2011

I have recently moved home and my laptop loses connection to my router all the time! This usually happens, roughly every 10-15 minutes. I have contacted my ISP and they have told me there is nothing wrong, but I beg to differ. My xbox 360 is further away from my router and it doesnt lose connection as much

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Dell :: 1202 New Laptop Disconnects And Reconnects Constantly

Jan 18, 2013

I just bought a m14x alienware and I have the Killer-Wireless 1202 wireless card on it, and I have a 2Wire router from AT&T running in ch 1 at optimum 10. Also, I have another laptop that connects to the same router and this does not happen to it at all.I can connect to the internet fine but when i start browsing, I randomly disconnect from the internet and connect to it again within seconds, and my laptop never shows that it looses internet. I first noticed it when I was using Skype, i started browsing the internet while I was in a call and that's when it happens most, it disconnects, puts the call on hold and says that I'm offline on skype, and within a few seconds I'm back on.  This also happens when I'm gaming and it really becomes a hassle when i have to start the game up again because of these disconnections.  Rarely i do see a screen from the actual router to check the wired connections of the router and then test the connection when opening a website (any website), when i press test connection (without doing anything) it tells me that the connection has been resolved and to close my browser and to open a new one.  However, most of the times, the pages load fine when I'm browsing, I do notice there is a small lag when the disconnections happen, but the page loads up fine after a few seconds, no need to refresh. 

I tried releasing and renewing my IP but i get a message that no action can be taken when media is disconnected? I don't know if that has anything to do with it.I also updated the Wireless 1202 Driver with the bigfoot update, although I'm not sure if i did this right, I unzipped all the files where it told me C:/user/driver/wireless (example) but i never got a window to proceed after that, and when i went to the folder and ran the application, it asked me if I wanted to uninstall all components, which is when i canceled and left the newly created files there.

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Laptop Dell Inspiron N5110 Auto-disconnects When Plugged In The DSL Cable

Jul 17, 2011

I've just bought a new Dell laptop (Inspiron N5110) and have Windows 7 installed on it. Things happened when my laptop get viruses and I have to re-install everything all over again. After successfully installing Windows, I installed the drivers for my laptop.

The problem is:

I have an internet connection in my house: wired and wireless.

I can connect the wifi zone from my laptop normally. It's ok. But when i plugged in the DSL Cable, the internet connection is always disconnect and then auto-connect again and again :(

The map of internet connection in my house: ISP -> Modem -> Wifi Router -> Wired + Wireless

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Laptop Dell Inspiron 1440 Disconnects When Play Video Games?

May 31, 2012

Every time I play League of Legends, Rumble fighter, or Maplestory, about 20-30 minutes into the game, my laptop disconnects from my router. Then, when I try to reconnect, the router connection thing magically disappears from the settings. This forces me to restart my laptop. When I DO restart my laptop, the connection is there again. Everything is fine when I surf the web.

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WAG 320N - Internet Disconnects Every Night Same Time?

Jan 16, 2011

I'm running Windows 7 64 bit with a Linksys WAG 320N modem.

The last few days my internet disconnects every night at roughly 12:30. I have checked my wireless drivers in devices and the part to automatically disconnect is unticked.

I can't find anything in the modem to automatically shutdown

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Linksys Wireless Router :: E1200 Always Disconnects Every Time At 1 Am Or Something

Mar 20, 2012

i recently bought an E1200 to replace my old Linksys router that died. I set it up smoothly and i can connect any device to it easily. But i have one major problem with it, it always disconnects every time at 1am or something. I usually leave my PC to sleep mode  and when i wake up i just take it off sleep mode, now i had this router for about 4 days and every morning when i turn the PC on the internet connection is gone/disconneted. I cant repair it from the Network Sharing Center, i need to restart it THEN repair it and it always says that the Local Area Connection is disabled even though i didnt even touch any of it. I tried putting it in sleep mode in the morning and then turning it on again but the internet is still connected, it just happens when i go to sleep at night, really weird.

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Internet Disconnects On Laptop

Sep 15, 2011

we have 2 laptops in the house and one console, One laptop and the console are fine, but the other laptop disconnects from the internet every few minutes, both laptops are connecting wirelessly, the router settings and modem are fine,

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Laptop Disconnects After Closing Lid?

Oct 29, 2012

there is a similar thread a few down that I saw. They suggested going into power management and disabling the shut down for network adapters. I did that and it didnt solve anything. So, on to my problem.It started a few days ago. Whenever I closed my laptop, put it into sleep, or hibernation, the connection to the wifi would be dropped and I would be forced to reconnect. I know it cant be my wifi because I did some tests at 3 separate locations and all resulted in the same effect. After closing my laptop, the wifi is dropped. I installed some updates from Microsoft. One in particular added the Remote Desktop Protocol 8.0. I doubt this did anything, but I figured I'd let you know. I would like to avoid have to re-install my OS and unfortunately my last back-up was a few months ago.

Lastly, my router has been doing something strange. Maybe a week ago, the signal radius seemed to have shrunk. I used to receive wifi all around my house, but now I only seem to get it when I am within 7 feet of my router. I updated the firmware. but the range is still small.

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Laptop Constantly Disconnects From Network

Jun 7, 2012

So he has a Laptop which keeps disconnecting from his router but the time between the disconnects are completely random, sometimes it will be 10 seconds and other times it will be 4 hours.I have tried to sort it by the obvious ways of updating drivers, repair connection ect but nothing seems to work. Even when connected via an Ethernet cable the problem persists.I have kinda contained the problem to his laptop or the router they are using because the other laptop they have never disconnects and works perfectly fiine.

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Pc Disconnects When Connect Laptop To Internet

Oct 2, 2012

Basically, my brother has to use a laptop other than his PC to do some work on, now whenever that laptop connects, it disconnects my PC. I can reset the internet, get about 10mins before it disconnects again. We have in total, 3 PC's, 3 laptops that use the internet. It's fine whenever that laptop is not on. I have tried the method of giving everything it's own IP incase it's an issue, but no change. Also tried the resetting anything simultanously etc.

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Facebook Disconnects On IPhone And Laptop?

Jul 13, 2011

Facebook disconnects on my iPhone. I was part of a tagging game and now I can't get into FB on my phone. I now realize that mylaptop has been disconnecting for over 12 months and it is when I have FB open. My laptop is xp and I use Mozilla. I use FB for my online business.

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Laptop Disconnects From Internet Randomly?

Feb 19, 2011

I am having the problem that my Laptop, despite full wireless signal, sporadically disconnects from the internet. I hardly realize it until I talk to my family on Skype. It happens up to every 15 minutes.

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Laptop Constantly Disconnects While Other Computers Do Not

Nov 22, 2011

After years of my laptop running flawlessly, I've started having major problems connecting to my router/the internet.I noticed the problems started happening after I did a huge 14gb download.. My computer constantly but randomly disconnects for random intervals of time. If I'm lucky it'll connect just fine, but once it disconnects, it'll most likely not work for quite some time.The other computers/cellphones/etc aren't having any problems with connecting, and it's only my laptop.Sometimes it seems to go on a "Identifying...(Name) No internet access" loop, or it connects to the router, but I get no internet access. And whenever I troubleshoot it, I never get a consistent reason as to why it isn't working.The laptop is an Asus running Windows 7..

Windows IP Configuration

Host Name . . . . . . . . . . . . : Katie-PC
Primary Dns Suffix . . . . . . . :
Node Type . . . . . . . . . . . . : Broadcast
IP Routing Enabled. . . . . . . . : No
WINS Proxy Enabled. . . . . . . . : No


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Laptop Intermittently Disconnects From Wifi (sometimes Other Devices As Well)

Aug 3, 2012

my laptop (asus) has been having issues with my WiFi. On startup, the laptop will (usually) connect to the internet fine, but after a few minutes, usually without any specific cause, it will disconnect from the internet, and the toolbar indicator will go from full signal (full bars) to no bars and a yellow triangle, saying limited access. When I try to reconnect, it will say "connecting" for a few seconds and then will say "cannot connect". I have to leave it for a few minutes every time before it will randomly reconnect until the next incident... My other two pc's (one Windows 7 and one Windows xp) do not have this issue, but sometimes other wireless devices in the house (iphone, ipad) will have a problem where the WiFi indicator will show full bars but I will not have internet access. I have to disconnect and reconnect in order for it to work. Again, it happens sporadically with no obvious cause...

Microsoft Windows [Version 6.1.7601]
Copyright (c) 2009 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.


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Wifi Disconnects On Asus G73sw Laptop

Feb 25, 2013

My lap top, about a year and half old (Asus g73sw), has decided to begin randomly dc'ing me from wifi networks.I'll be online and all of the sudden web pages stop loading and my wifi connection either is totally lost, or is usually available but with "limited access".I have already made sure my wifi capabilites are completely turned on, tried connecting to other networks (same problem), and updating wireless drivers. In addition, i bought a wireless internet adapter (thinking it could possibly be my wireless card going bad) and the problem was not solved at all.

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Laptop Disconnects From Wireless Once Every 2 Minutes Then Reconnects?

Jun 9, 2011

I'm having a problem with my wireless internet connection. Just recently my roommates and I got cable internet and a wireless router for the house. Since connecting to the wireless router, it keeps on disconnecting me and then reconnecting once every 2 minutes about. The disconnection last for only 10 seconds but is very annoying and disrupts everything I'm doing on the internet. What is going on and how can I fix it?

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Samsung Laptop Disconnects Devices On Network

Jan 2, 2013

I have a problem with a samsung laptop. Everytime it connects to the home network it disconnects all the other devices on the network. I have reset router (still same problem). Sometimes it will connect for a while and when a download for updates takes place it will automatically disconnect again.

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Laptop Will Connect To Wireless But Disconnects Constantly?

Jun 25, 2012

I've been using Frontier on my laptop since the holidays but recently have had trouble with my wireless connection. I can connect automatically but the connection is lost every 10-15 minutes. After a moment the computer reconnects but this prevents me from making any downloads and watching videos.

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Laptop Wireless Disconnects When Wired Is Disconnected?

Sep 13, 2012

If I have the wired cable plugged in to my laptop1 the wireless connection works fine. If I disconnect that wired cable then the wireless connection disconnects as well. I can watch this happening when I have the connection dialogs open showing the connection wizard dialogs.The other computers and printer work as expected without disconnects..I also have three other computers including another laptop connected to a switch and router.Here is the connection schematic:

Key to symbols:
>>>> wireless
------ wired
computer1 xp ---------switch1G--------router1------cable modem1
computer2 Vista---------switch1G-------router1
laptop1 Win7 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>router1


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Dell XPS 720 H2C Internet Disconnects At High Speeds

Feb 11, 2013

Ok, so my internet disconnects while downloading at high speeds, anything higher than 2mbs. I end up having to reboot my computer because my modem looks fine and even if I reboot it, it does not fix the problem. Repairing the connection does not work either.I have a Dell XPS 720 H2C. The computer came out in 2007, costed like 6 grand lol. I'm happy with it aside form this problem though. It sucks cause they quickly stopped making the computer so tech support on it is tough to come by. I have Cox Communications and when I run I get 140/30. I'm hoping they aren't disconnecting people that reach a certain download speed.Anyway I'm fairly positive it is an issue with my computer or Windows Vista. I know I should upgrade to Windows 7 and I just might if it turns out to be the culprit. I just don't want to do that unless I absolutely have to. So ya, first off when using utorrent my internet will crash if I have a lot of different torrents open and downloading at the same time. It will also crash if I have one torrent active and that torrent goes above 2-2.5 mbs download speed.Also when downloading from a fast filelocker my internet will crash. The only filelocker that will crash my internet without me browsing at the same time is a filelocker called Gamerfront. The speeds are around 2mbs. I will also crash sometimes though if I'm downloading and browsing at the same time. My downloading speeds could be well below 2mbs but if I am watching youtube, streaming, or just browsing the internet sometimes the internet will crash.

That is the main problem, but sometimes, rarely I'll disconnect just from watching a youtube video. That's happened maybe 3 or 4 times. Anyway that is the summary of my issue. Again only a computer reboot will fix my connection. When I get disconnected the modem does not change at all and is still working perfectly. The modem is relatively brand new as well. I haven't tried much to fix it because I just have no idea what I could do. Device manager looks fine, no exclamation points. I know when most people have this problem it's because of a router or it's the modem but I don't use a router and my modem seems to be totally fine. [code]

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Dell :: N5050 - Wi-Fi Frequently Disconnects And Reconnects

Feb 8, 2013

About a week and a half ago my n5050 began disconnecting from the internet and reconnecting about 20 seconds later.  This happens pretty frequently, about once a minute or so.  It makes doing anything over wifi almost impossible.  Plugging in an ethernet cable (directly from modem or from wireless router) keeps the internet connected.  My wife's laptop, coincidentally also a Dell, doesn't have this problem.  Neither do mine or my wife's iPhones or my kids' Nintendo DSs.  I'm totally lost.  I've tried uninstalling the adapter, updating it, updating the firmware on the router, changing the power options on the wireless adapter, changing wireless channels, uninstalled and completely removed AVG 2013, tried a clean boot, and more.  I'm getting real close to scrapping this computer and going with another brand...

Here is my system info:

Host Name: OS Name: Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium OS Version: 6.1.7601 Service Pack 1 Build 7601OS Manufacturer: Microsoft CorporationOS Configuration: Standalone WorkstationOS Build Type: Multiprocessor FreeRegistered Owner:


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Dell :: XPS8300 Wi-Fi Disconnects When Playing Games

Oct 22, 2011

Dell Online is saying my desktop is out of warranty and I cannot lodge and email service request.i have noticed with my XPS8300 then when playing games (not online) or when streaming videos, the wireless NIC will either disconnect (and refuse to reconnect even though it can see the network) or remains connected but does not allow any traffic to flow. The wireless NIC returns to normal roughly a minute afer I have exited / closed a game.

If I try to run online games (i.e. COD Black Ops), I constantly get the "Connection Interrupted" error message despite the wireless NIC showing full connection.To test whether if it's the room, I brought in my laptop and it did not have the same issue. Therefore, I am thinking it could be the half-mini wireless NIC.I have tried looking everywhere but nobody seems to have experienced this or have a solution. Dell just told me to reinstall the drivers, which I've done but to no avail.

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Dell :: Bluetooth And Wi-Fi Disconnects In Inspiron N4010

Feb 17, 2013

am facing a big issue with windows 8 ,i recently updated my os to windows 8 am totally cut from networks,,both Bluetooth and WiFi,,i was able to connect to  WiFi but after sometime when i tried to connect to web site its automatically disconnected,,i checked with other systems and mobile phone which is using the same network same time..

and with my Bluetooth am not even showing my Bluetooth..when i searched with mobile for nearby devices its shows dell pc but unable to connect.

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Wireless Laptop Disconnects Randomly - Cannot Connect To BT Homehub Xxx

Oct 12, 2012

for some reason my laptop disconnects randomly and i cannot connect again until i go and reset the router. if i try to reconnect without reseting the router i get the message 'cannot connect to BT homehub xxx' it happens at least 4 or 5 times a day, it happened at my previous address too (completely different router & isp) im not quite sure what other info i can give relating to the matter.

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Dell :: Vostro 3460 - Wireless Continually Disconnects

Nov 28, 2012

System Configuration:

1. Dell Vostro 3460

2. Window 7 64 bit

3. Wireless adapter : Dell wireless 1702.802.11bg
(Driver : Atheros  communication inc Ver

I have installed all necessary drivers but the connection disconnects every 5 mins. I cannot connect even using a LAN cable. 

I have changed the power settings from the device drivers (Allow the computer to turn off this device to save power) but the problem persists.

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Dell :: Alienware M14x Disconnects Internet Randomly

Nov 12, 2012

I just got the Alienware m14x r2 few days ago. I checked everything and there was nothing bad with my new laptop.

But today, I realized that my laptop disconnected internet randomly while I was gaming or browsing, then it automatically reconnected after 20 or 30 seconds. Sometime it could not reconnect internet, and I had to do it manually !!!!

I searched how to fix this issue from the Internet. Most people said that this problem was caused by  my router, but I don't think so because my old laptop and my phone still worked well and did not have the same problem with my new laptop !!!

My wireless card: Killer wireless-N 1202, and I updated the lasted driver version.

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Dell UBS 1450 Wireless Adapter - Internet Disconnects Since Uninstalling AVG

May 21, 2011

I uninstalled AVG today [URL] as I want to use Microsoft Security Essentials instead. Since then the internet connection won't stay for more than a few seconds. I use Windows XP home and a Dell UBS 1450 wireless adapter (as I need a 3 metre extension to get a signal to the desktop). I had no such problme before today.

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Dell :: Latitude E5410 - NIC Disconnects During Large File Transfers

Dec 29, 2011

I'm presently experiencing an issue with my Latitude E5410 notebook where the NIC disconnects during large file transfers. For instance, if I were to copy a large file (50+ MB) from a network drive (or vice versa, copy a 50+ MB file from my notebook to the network drive), the network icon in my taskbar suddenly changes to "No Network Access", the transfer fails, and I can't access any network resources until restarting my workstation.

At first I thought it was the network backbone in our office (SonicWALL Gateway + Dell PowerConnect switches), but this error also occurs at my house with my own networking equipment (D-Link) and NAS. The Latitude E5410 notebook is running Window 7 Professional SP1 and has a built-in "Broadcom NetXtreme 57xx Gigabit Controller", and a "Dell DW1501 Wireless-N WLAN Half-Mini Card". However, this issue seems to only occur with the Broadcom adapter when I'm physically connected to our network; when the Broadcom adapter disconnects, I can connect to our local wifi network and access network resources. 

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Have To Start WZC Every Time Turn On Laptop?

Feb 10, 2011

very time I start my laptop I have to start WZC.In my wireless network connections,I always have a broadcom 802.11g network adapter in the connect using box.Is there anyway to find out if this is working properly or use windows to connect for me?

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Can Wifi Laptop Be Hardwired At Same Time

Feb 1, 2011

I have wifi laptop that I want to use for video to tv but obviously only using about half of download speed of hardwired desktop pc. Can I use ethernet cable hardwired on laptop while it is wifi or will this interfere with connection?

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Dell :: Inspiron 1545 / 1397 WLAN Card - Slow Internet / Frequent Disconnects?

Dec 4, 2012

Older model Inspiron 1545' using the 1397 WLAN card. Has been working fine, until perhaps the past two weeks. Now it frequently drops out, requiring manual disconnect and reconnect. Tonight Internet very slow on that laptop.

There are other devices using the same wifi (including this iPad used to post this), which connect to the wifi and Internet no issue. To me, its pointing to the laptop - either the WLAN card itself, or something in the laptop starting to fail (the laptop does have issues restarting - where it won't do that unless left for say 30 mins).

I'm suspecting a recent windows update or mcafee security update - no other software has been installed or updated.

I've tried changing antenna setting from auto to aux with no change to the above. Have checked for newer drivers - the laptop reports the version we have is the latest ( from 2009) - although they are the windows driver. Running windows 7, 64 bit - as supplied by dell when laptop was brand new. should I give up on the 1397 card and use another USB wifi adapter ?

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Router Has To Be Reset Every-time To Connect Laptop

Aug 31, 2012

Every time I switch on one of our laptops it will not connect, once the router is restarted it works fine. We have 4 other devices which happily connect to the wireless connection first time.

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