IE / FF Connect To Only Gmail Not Other Website?

Jul 9, 2011

Using Windows Vista on private wireless network, since yesterday, my wife can get Gmail website but nothing else and get a error message saying "The connection was rest". I did virus check and Spybot.I have another computer on the same wireless setup but I have no problem at all with it.

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DLink DSL 2640B - Can't Connect To Gmail

Feb 21, 2011

I was told that I need to make sure that ssl port 443 is open, I confirmed that it is at port 443 - Connection Check , I'm still unable to access my gmail account, I was wondering if I need to enable anything on my modem to allow that sort of connection to go through, I'm using D-Link DSL-2640B

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Get Outlook To Connect To Gmail IMAP Servers?

Jan 5, 2012

how to get Outlook to connect to Gmail IMAP servers when the ports are blocked through a firewall. Opening the ports in the firewall is not an option?

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Can't Find Gmail Account

Jan 24, 2011

I put in my email address at gmail. Once in a while it will come up, but mostly is filed with pages of ad material.Sometimes when it does come up, it does not come up with the 'from who' really large and the description hard to read as are the message content.

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Gmail Account Does Not Work?

Nov 19, 2011

My gmail account does not work. when i login with my user name and passsword it cant acept and messaged that wrong password. then i click forgot password and verifyed. then i change my password and opend my account. but main problem is there that when i sign out and again login with changed password appears same error that wrong password.

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Wireless :: Up And Down Buttons Won't Work In Gmail

Aug 16, 2011

my up and down button doesn't work in gmail

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How To Block Gmail In Fortigate 1000a

Jan 5, 2012

How to block gmail in fortigate 1000a

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Can Change Back Gmail Password

Feb 28, 2013

The way my gmail is set up i cant get to my recovery mail i just need to change my google password back again to the old one not using a phone just a cpu. removed excessive exclamation marks which killed off the word wrap.

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Sharing :: Gmail Accounts Frozen On First Page?

Nov 6, 2011

All my gmail accounts open normally to the first page, but the mouse cursor just highlights whatever I hit. It will not open to the relevant messages or any other action.The sign out function works, so I can go to my other accounts, but the same problem persists.It had been working fine for several years.All the accounts are fully functional when I use my ipod or go to another desktop.

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Windows 2008 R2 Server - Error 105 For Gmail Only?

Mar 8, 2013

I run a tiny home domain with 1 Windows 2008 R2 server and 2 clients (one for me and one for the hubby). Our server is DC, DNS, and DHCP server (and some other roles). Our clients are both Windows 8 but we use the standalone Chrome installation, version 25.0.1364.152 m.The problem is that on my Windows 8 client, every once in a while (not the same time period each time, but roughly every 6-15 days) I get the error in the title on one site when using Chrome only, which is Gmail. I can access and resolve Google and every other site, and my DNS server itself can resolve Gmail, but not until I flush the DNS of my local client will Gmail work again. Also strangely, I have left it on the morning when it happened before, and when I came home from work it had sorted itself out. The other client, hubby's Win 8 PC, also sometimes gets this issue, but not nearly as often as I do. Flushing the local DNS cache resolves it for him as well.

I used my ISP's DNS servers for forwarding initially, but changed to Google's and when this kept happening, and it didn't seem to make a difference. I've enabled scavenging and aging and all sorts and those are faithfully renewing themselves as expected, but as the problem only lies on the clients and never the server, I'm quite lost as to what to try next.I've had a look on the Chrome forums (gulp) and nothing seems to be as specific as this fault

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Can't Connect To One Website In Particular

Jan 6, 2013

I can't connect to one website in particular.The website is [URL]All my friends can connect to it.None of the computers (or smartphones and tablets) in the house can connect to it, using any browser.I use Google Chrome usually.I have tried to clear my cache, and reset the router. I've flushed my DNS too. The website is hosted on my friend's server in NY, NY. My OS is Windows 7. My ISP is ATT-Uverse.Every other website connects just fine.

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Can't Connect To One Website?

Feb 18, 2011

I have been connecting to this website for weeks. now all of a sudden I cant. Ive tried clearing cache and cookies, other browsers too. Nothing. I havent added any firewalls or changed settings. This is the only site I cannot connect to

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Can't Connect To Certain Website

Feb 3, 2013

Ok so there is a website my computer can't connect to. I tried on a laptop and desktop, and I tried different browsers. The website is I checked and it said the website was fine.

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Can't Connect To One Website

Sep 2, 2011

I've had this ever since my last blue screen of death and complete system restore. I can't connect to one website called Swagbucks; since I regularly participated there and racked up virtual currency every day, I easily stored enough to redeem up to $25 in amazon gift cards every month.I've tried browser restarting with Chrome, IE, and Firefox, but nothing worked. I've fired off a support ticket to the Swagbucks staff, but it'll be a while before they reply.I'm using a Dell Inspiron 5030 with wireless access. I use my family's Motorala (spelling?) connection and it's been very reliable.

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Protocols / Routing :: Unable To Logon To Gmail Site

May 17, 2012

I have a gmail site,For some reason, I am unable to log into the site.

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Cisco Firewall :: Gmail Outlook Not Working Behind ASA5520

May 17, 2013

internet is working with the client except for gmail account using outlook 2010.

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Cannot Connect To A Single Website

Apr 24, 2012

I heard about this little indy game called "Kerbal Space Program" and tried out the demo and loved it.I decided to shoot 'em $15 to support their efforts; this also gets me the "full" or I should say "most current" version.After getting the confirmation emails from paypal, I'm off to their webpage to remember, I'd been on their website all day."Problem loading page", and "Connection timed out!" etc etc.I tried my usual troubleshooting methods of pings, tracerts, and direct IP address connecting, all with the same results.I then went to online chat with my ISP, Comcast.The tech told me with basic things I knew wouldn't work, but I humored him...Then he decided he'd try a few "remote connection resets"...on the second time my connection crapped out completely. After restarting my PC and doing a complete cycle of both my router and cable modem, I got back "online"...but not really. Any address I put in auto-sent me to the "Comcast sign-up page"...well I got this resolved after 2 hours on the phone with Comcast, but I'm still disturbed that whatever that technician did while I was in support chat with him effectively DELETED my internet service (I looked at my account from my cell phone and it had NO SERVICES listed at one point!). [code]

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Can't Connect To Specific Website

Jul 20, 2012

I am unable to connect to facebook with any reliability. It will go to the site every once in a while but I would say a very small success rate.

I don't have this problem with any other website and my hosts file hasn't blocked facebook.

Also when I enter the url and press enter, it goes to a google search with a very long url, this doesn't happen with any other url.

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Cannot Connect To One Specific Website

Mar 27, 2012

I am having trouble connecting to Articles - Articles - Dirt Nap Gaming on my computer. I've contacted the site and no intentional IP block by them.

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Can't Connect To Specific Website?

Sep 10, 2011

I was trying to enter Minecraft but none of my browser could connect. If I connected through hidemy***.com it would load normally. When I try to join any server through the game, it gives me an error. If I change to my other network it doesn't connect, but I can if I use another OS or computer

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Can't Connect To A Single Website

Mar 29, 2013

For the past few days now, I haven't been able to connect to a single website. The website in question is [URL] I've tried everything that I can think of, but nothing is working.

I've tried multiple browsers (Chrome, Firefox, and IE), I've checked my host file and I've flushed my dns, restarted router and computer, and renewed/released the ipconfig. I can ping the website in CMD and all the packets go through fine, but attempting to connect via domain name or IP address with a browser does not work. Using a proxy also does not work. Connecting to my neighbors wifi does work.

Sometimes If I let it sit there and load for a long time, it will connect but only partially load the page. I'm also able to connect to the websites chat network and stay connected even while the rest of the site will not load.

I'm guessing it has something to do with my router. I have a westell router/modem which I'm pretty sure the firmware has been gimped by my ISP, Century Link.

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Cannot Connect To One Website / FTP Server

Jul 14, 2012

I upload files to the FTP server and some of the folders I didn't have access to, so I had to call the company server tech to allow me permission. He said he never created any restrictions on the account when he made it (Which he probably did, just forgot,because I use another unrelated FTP server with no problems.) So he made a new account for me to log into, at the very moment I typed in the login info (FileZilla) it said could not connect. So I went to input my old login into, still didn't connect. At that point on the whole website for me just results in a "Could Not Load Page blah blah".Doesn't work on any browser. Doesn't work on any computer on my wireless network, or a laptop hardwired to the modem.

Works on my friends connection at his house, works on my iPhone's 3G connection, but not on my wireless network. So basically it works everywhere in the world but my house. Which is great because I work for them and I need to have files uploaded by the end of each day. I have told the server techs and they said they didn't do anything but make a new account. I did all the DNS and IP crap, I refreshed the caches, ran a disk cleaner/ defragger. I get some interesting results when running tracerts and pings. I CAN view the site through a proxy.ALSO, they told me their servers crashed overnight because of some solar flare just a few days ago. So the site WAS down for a few hours, but when it came back online, it wouldn't load for me.

I think its unrelated because I lost access before their servers crashed the following night, just letting you know that happened.My connection is fine, chatted with AT&T they said everything looks fine on my end in the router settings. Which should be correct because I've been years on this router with no problems at all. Everything works flawlessly. (Steam downloads, YouTube, I've been gaming on Portal 2 Co-Op and Battlefield 3, 64 players!) So it's nothing to do with me. I did notice that uploads took a little longer than usual to initiate, but a SpeedTest confirmed the connection was solid and at my level. Just took a few seconds to "start" uploading.

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Can't Connect To One Specific Website?

Jan 11, 2012

I know the website isn't down, as I can connect to it by using a proxy.[CODE]

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Broadband :: Can't Connect To Target Website?

Nov 3, 2011

Why can't I connect to the website for Target Stores? Each time I try to connect to Target Store website the small box fills up at the bottom of the screen, then the hour glass appears and Windows Internet Explorer says "program not responding". No other websites give me this problem, only Target

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Unable To Connect To Specific Website

Dec 21, 2011

I have multiple Windows XP and Windows 7 machines. All of the XP machines are unable to connect to a specific website URL and all the 7 machines connect just fine. All machines are on the same network.I have tried firewalls on, off, and uninstalled. I am the network designer and we have no proxy, blocks or routes for blocking.Have downgraded from IE 8 to IE 6 and also installed other browsers such as Firefox and Chrome and those do not work either.

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Unable To Connect To One Specific Website

Jun 18, 2012

I am currently unable to access the wesite: [URL] I can get onto any other website that I try. I was able to access the website about a week ago, and then suddenly on wed. morning, I could no longer access it.None of these fixes have worked.I am able to connect to the website when I take my laptop to my friends house.

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Cannot Connect To One Website / Server Not Found

Sep 22, 2011

I've been trying to connect to a particular website for a couple of days now, but always get "Server not found" error messages in Firefox. I have tried connecting on IE and Chrome as well, along with the 2nd computer on my wireless network. No luck there either though. I have been able to connect to any other website just fine. Between the two PCs on my network, I'm running Windows 7 and Windows XP.The website in question is currently up and they have said that no issues have been detected on their end and that it might be a DNS problem on my end.

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Can't Connect To A Certain Website On Multiple Computers

Oct 13, 2012

I can't connect to one website. Not on my computer, not on my father's computer. I think the network is the problem, which is why I'm posting here. The website was working even yesterday but during yesterday evening, it stopped working and it's been like that since. I don't know how to fix it. My command prompt says my server can't find that one website and says my server failed. I tried other things like scan my computer, restart it, look at my Chrome settings, my firewall settings, nothing worked. I'm not sure what's going on here, because the network is private, and the contact information for 2Wire/Pace was useless for me, so I don't know what to do.

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D-Link DIR-825 :: RevA1 Won't Connect To One Website

May 17, 2011

For sure odd reason my DIR-825 won't connect to my website and just this one website. Every other site I go to works. And this problem is happening by WIRED and WIRELESS connections. On top of this the site is being blocked on my desktop, laptop, and my iPod Touch (WiFi). That's three devices!!  Neither the router or my anti-virus (Avast Pro) are blocking the URL. Also, I know the site is not down since I can connect to it by using my neighbors open wireless network. Plus, I can pull up the website at work using the same laptop. So, I've reset the router, rebooted it, and even downgraded to 1.12NA firmware and now back to 1.13NA. I pinged the site in command prompt and all four requests timed out. 

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Linksys Wireless Router :: WRT610N How To Block Facebook / Gmail And Yahoo

Jun 16, 2012

Can you suggest me how to block facebook,gmail,yahoo in cisco wireless router Model No;-WRT610N version 2

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How To Connect Website On Virtual Machine To The Internet

Jun 1, 2012

I have created a virtual server that hosts a ticketing website on it, locally i can access the website when i input my private ip .

Now i want to make it accessible to the agents outside my company , i have change my private ip to a public one, but the problem is still there,i cant connect . i disabled the firewall , just so i would be sure its aint a F.W problem and still , not working .

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Connect Windows Server Data To Website?

Jul 12, 2012

How to connect window server data to website. when i change in server than update website data.

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D-Link DIR-655 :: Unable To Connect To Particular Website Through Router?

Jan 4, 2011

I am timing out when attempting to connect to a particular website for all the computers on my network using my DIR-655. I checked my router's setting but I have no website filtering in place. Is there any other router setting which would cause one particular http address to always time out ? When I try to ping the web address it times out also, so it makes me think it is not the DNS server. Of course it could be my ISP, but why would a single web address time out always whereas my normal web surfing ?

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