How To Connect Website On Virtual Machine To The Internet

Jun 1, 2012

I have created a virtual server that hosts a ticketing website on it, locally i can access the website when i input my private ip .

Now i want to make it accessible to the agents outside my company , i have change my private ip to a public one, but the problem is still there,i cant connect . i disabled the firewall , just so i would be sure its aint a F.W problem and still , not working .

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How To Access A Virtual Machine Throughout The Internet

Aug 29, 2012

I wish to access my virtual pc remotely, As i have downloaded OTRS ticketing system on a virtual machine and i wish to access it remotely. The physical server IP is 62.84.xx.xx the Virtual server IP is 10.0......"check link below please"

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Lost Connection To Internet On A Virtual Machine?

Feb 18, 2013

Implement the procedures required so that machine 1 and machine 2 can communicate statically with one another. Outline the TCP/IP settings to be used on each of the machines and set this machine up accordingly. I followed this guide http:[URL]....tid=210 but what has happened is that now the two machines can't connect to the internet. How can I fix this?

Here is a links to the ipconfig/ all on the XP virtual machine http:[URL]....the default gate way here is the same as on my actual working machine.

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Windows 7 - Connect Virtual Machine To Host Via IEEE1394 / USB Or Serial Port

May 15, 2013

I have a host machine (Laptop, Win 7 Home Premium x64) running Windows 7 Ultimate x64 on VMWare Workstation 9. I've got this system set up for UMDF driver development, because I need a target machine to debug drivers on. However, because I'm developing drivers for Win 7 (x86 and x64), I cannot connect to the virtual machine on via a simple network connection. Connection methods are outlined here.

I have tried a few different pieces of software (mostly Eltima software), and have Google'd every combination of phrases that I can think of. I can't find any information on this anywhere. I don't just need to share data between the machines, I need a more "physical" connection.

Does any know how to do this, or if there's another (preferably more simple) way of doing it?

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Can't Use IP On Virtual Machine

Jun 7, 2012

I am trying to configure a NIC IPv4 with IPv6 disabled on a virtual machine (win server 2008)The instructions I got say that I need to use IP when I enter this IP and use subnet mask I get the following error. Why this is and if there is a way to resolve the error?

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Remote Desktop To Virtual Machine

Feb 7, 2012

I have a PC behind a DSL router. In my PC (WinXP SP3) I have a virtual machine also running WinXP SP3. I would like to access the VM via remote desktop. Since I have a dynamic IP, I use the(url)tool to solve the problem. I installed the no-ip sync tool in the VM. Now when I write my no-ip address in the remote desktop from my office, I will access my host system, and not the hosted VM. Does any knows how I should configure things in order to get access to the virtual machine and not to the host machine

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Connecting From Real To Virtual Machine On Another PC

Aug 10, 2012

I still use some old applications on windows XP.So I run them on vware.I could visit the real PC from virtual PC without any problem.But I could not visit the virtual pc by another real PC.No matter how I change the connection type.

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Cisco :: How Well Does LMS 4.0 -300 Work On Virtual Machine

Apr 25, 2012

We have purchased LMS 4.0 -300 and were wondering how well the software will perform on a Virtual Enviornment.

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Local Filtering Software Or Virtual Machine

Feb 7, 2013

I'm in the process of installing a Virtual Clustering for studying and wanted to get some mail filtering for my Exchange 2010. Of course my clients and what I normally use is cloud filtering like mimecast, etc. Any know of a local filtering software or a virtual machine that does filtering I can place between my IP and Exchange?

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Transfer The Messages Or Files From One Virtual Machine To Another?

Aug 14, 2012

how to transfer the messages or files from one virtual machine to another virtual machine in oracle virtual box

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Virtual Machine - Can Guest OS Become Infected Through Host OS

Jan 5, 2013

VIRTUAL MACHINE ~ Can Guest OS become Infected Through Host OS ?If I setup and use a virtual machine running/containing both a Host OS and a guest OS ... do they remain completely separate entities when operating one or the other?My main concern is Virus related ... if for instance I'm Running Windows 7 as the host and XP as the guest and I get the host OS infected, will the guest XP OS also contract it by default because it is operating on the same disk?

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Protocols / Routing :: Use Virtual Machine As Webserver?

Feb 17, 2013

I am running a websever on virtual machine on ubuntu .how can i forward all traffic coming to my ip to virtual machine which is on my are my configs.

OS - Windows 7
Router - DLink
Virtual machine network Setting - Bridged adapter.

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Home Network Access From Virtual Machine

Mar 3, 2013

I recently installed VMplayer on my Win 7 machine, and I installed Win XP on the VM. So far everything seems to work fine. However, on my home network I have a Linksys NSLU2 mini network server which has a flash drive plugged in that contains my files that I access from any of my home PC's. No problem accessing it from the Win 7 machine, but when I try to setup a "new network place" on the XP system, I get an error telling me that the address is not valid.

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Ubuntu 12.04 / Virtual Machine Network Configuration?

Sep 22, 2012

My host OS is Ubuntu 12.04 and I am running a LAMP stack there. I have several Windows virtual machines (XP and Windows7) running in Virtual Box so I can test IE6, IE7, etc..

I frequently move this laptop between a few wireless networks and sometimes I am without an internet connection. I pause and save the VM execution state. Regardless, I want the virtual machines to be able to access the sites I am hosting locally on Ubuntu. The virtual machines do not need regular internet access. On the host I can point the browser at localhost or any subdirectory that apache is serving and view pages I've set up already. What is the best configuration for this?

Should I use Bridged or NAT virtual adaptors and should the guests use static IP's or DHCP ? I've also considered using ad-hoc networks between guests and host, but I think this will require that the host disconnect from any other networks (with internet access).

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AAA/Identity/Nac :: ACS 5.3 - Install RSA Authentication Manager Server Into Virtual Machine?

Jan 22, 2012

it was possible to install RSA Authentication Manager server into the ACS 5.3 Virtual Machine ?

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Cisco Firewall :: ASA5505 - Windows 7 Machine Unable To Load Images For A Website

Dec 20, 2011

Ths only hapeens at one location. All the other locations are working the difference is this location goes through the firewall. If I bypass the firewall at this location it works.

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Cannot Connect To Internet With 1 Machine?

Jun 11, 2012

Everything in the house can connect to the internet aside from my windows 7 machine. It was working fine acouple days ago. it was connecting via a wireless network adapter through a USB. I tried switching the USB ports, hardwiring, re-ownloading/installing the drivers and even reformatting the machine. i still cannot get an internet connection. Only logical thing to do would be to replace the NIC ?

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Ubuntu 10.10 On Virtual PC 2007 - Cannot Connect To Internet

Feb 17, 2011

I have installed Ubuntu 10.10 on Virtual PC 2007 on my desktop Windows machine. The internet connection has failed.

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Can't Connect To The Internet Over Network - Windows 7 Machine

Jan 3, 2011

I just replaced my router and EVERY time I do anything the win 7 machine is a pain in the A to get connected again. My two macs (wireless) and my Vista PC (wired), not one single problem but this win 7 thing I can't get to connect. It is wired not wireless.

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D-Link DIR-655 :: Can't Connect A Windows 7 Machine To Internet

Mar 29, 2013

I have a DIR-655 B1 with FW 2.05.I have different computers/phones connected to internet via the router, both via wifi and ethernet. I have Linux/Windows 7/Android and iOS units. Two weeks ago one of my Windows 7 laptops did not connect to internet and I thought it was the computer. I did a lot of troubleshooting the computer, still did not work at home. When I brought the laptop to a friend it work directly. Now I started to think that it was the router that was the problem. On the status page I can see that the machine got an IP address in the "LAN Computers" part. I can confirm in the laptop that it received the same IP address via DHCP.

I have look around in the menus but can not find anything that should make this computer not connect. I can not even login to the router via this computer.

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Cisco Wireless :: AP1020s / Getting DHCP On A VMWare Virtual Machine Via Wireless?

Jun 3, 2008

I have a WLC 2006 running 4.2.130 code with AP1020s.I also have several users that have VMware machines that run various flavors of Linux, etc Virtual Machines on Windows XP Pro.
The Windows XP works fine on the wireless.  It is the VMWare Virtual Machine running the Bridged ethernet connection that have problems.
The problem is that the Virtual Machine doesn't get  a DHCP IP address from the wireless network.
If the user plugs into the wired network all works fine.I have done some captures that show the DHCP requests going out with the MAC address of the wireless client, but no DHCP replies.
It looks like the WLC is seeing the additional DHCP requests from the MAC address of the wireless adapter and dropping them.The same DHCP server (different scopes) are used for both wireless and wired clients.
The DHCP server shows NO activity when the Virtual Machine tries to get a DHCP IP address.The DHCP server is a Cat 6500 running IOS v12.2(33)SXH.  DHCP activity was monitored using debug IP dhcp server events/debug IP dhcp server packets. The VMWare Workstation tried is 6.02-6.04.

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Severe % Dropped Packets On XP Machine When Windows 7 Machine On Network Not Switch

Aug 2, 2011

I have a strange error on my home network that I cannot find a solution to.I have an Huawei SmartAX MT882 from TalkTalk acting as a modem connected to a D-Link DSL-G624T acting as a router/switch. Connected to the D-Link I have a Windows 7 Pro machine (64-bit, SP1) and an XP (home i think) machine (sp 2 i think).The SmartAX modem is set up to perform DHCP and DNS relaying and the D-Link has DHCP turned off and DNS relay turned off.The Win7 machine can access the network, get an IP address and access the internet without problems, regardless as to the status of the XP machine.The XP machine can access the network, get an IP address and access the internet with no problems ONLY of the win7 is powered up. When the win7 machine is off, the XP machine seems to drop about 25% of the ping packets between it and the D-Link router and has no internet access (because of this i assume). [code]

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Installed Network Printer On Windows 7 Machine / Now XP Machine Won't Print To It

Jul 20, 2011

New Win-7 machine set up. I used the printer set-up wizard to install a networked printer in the new machine with absolutely no problem. Proved it would print from that machine.Now, I get a call informing me that her old XP machine, which had been printing to the network printer with no problems, will no longer print.Documents go into the print queue, but they don't get printed.No error messages show up.I did some messing around via remote access, and finally removed the printer with the intention of reinstalling it.Scanning for network printers turned up several redundant instances of the same printer with different names. Some are identified as "invalid" some a "access denied". Bottom line. I can't get any of the selections to install.On the Win-7 machine I did find a window that indicated that the printer is designated as being shared, but I didn't explicitly set it for sharing when I installed it. Also, I somehow got to a window that told me that for printers that were to be shared with other versions of windows I could optionally install drivers to support such machines. Didn't have the driver disk handy and took the window down. Now I can't even find it again.I need sorting this all out.Part of the problem is that out there in "network land" there are redundant remnants of previous installations that are being remembered inappropriately.

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Can't Connect Client / Server In Virtual PC

Sep 29, 2011

I'm having trouble connecting my client/server in my virtual PC. they just aren't seeing each other when it comes to connecting them to continue my server class.

server 2003 windows xp running on virtual PC I'm running windows 7 on my computer

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Connect Remote Machine Using Modem

Jan 31, 2012

I have to connect client machine using Modem. They Have their Telephone number and they are saying that by dialing that number I have to connect their machine using that number from modem. How can I do this and which hardware, software I need i.e requirement of things to do this

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WPA / WPA2 Now E-machine N-10 Will Not Connect To Network

Mar 19, 2011

I have bought B&N Nook color it is an e-reader. And it couldn't connect to my WiFi use the WEP so I changed my wireless setting to WPA/WPA2 now my e machine N-10 will not connect to the network.

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How To Connect Multiple Virtual Machines On Windows 7

Apr 22, 2013

I have installed 4 virtual machines using virtualbox on a windows 7 host and i'm searching how i could connect them so as they can communicate each other.

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Connect To Local Exchange On Machine With 2 NICs

Sep 12, 2011

I have a PC on a crowded network that cannot handle much more bandwidth usage.I am now going to have a tons of transferring to do offsite so I added a second internet line just to deal with the influx of file transfers.I tried a dual WAN setup on my router and the performance was not improved (if it was nobody noticed it) so I said forget that idea, I only need to do these massive transfers from 1 PC so I will just add a second NIC to the machine so that the 1st NIC can maintain local network functionality and the 2nd NIC will be just for internet traffic (sending files up/down to offsite location) Essentially I just need NIC1 for handling local network, connecting to exchange etc. and NIC2 to handle files transfes to offsite location through seconday internet line.So now I have a desktop PC with two NICs. One of them built into the board, the other a pci add on nic. they are both 10/100

On nic1, there is a connection to my network 200.200.1.X which is the internal network for Exchange, local files transfers etc. This is the network i have always had connected and I have no problem connecting to my exchange server etc. (my server is providing dns/dhcp/wins/AD/MSE for the entire network)so I installed a secondary NIC and a secondary network line to the NIC2 on the machine.I set it up with an IP, a SN, a gateway and a DNSI removed the gateway from the 1st NIC.SO then I tried adding a gateway to BOTH of the NICs..This allows me to do EVERYTHING I want, however when i go to and get a result, the IP it is giving me is NOT either of my static IPs (each network has a seperate internet line with a static IP). Not sure where this IP is coming from, but if i tracert it says I am going out through the primary adaptor.The new IP from makes no sense to me as it is not either of my static IPs, however it is very close.Would this be a situation where my ISP see's I have 2 gateways defined so it generates a 3rd external IP for some reason? Never heard of this but i am no guru.essentially I just need NIC1 for handling local network, connecting to exchange etc. and NIC2 to handle files transfers to offsite location through seconday internet line.

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Virtual PC Using Different Internet Connection Then Host?

Feb 2, 2011

Running a Windows 7 laptop plugged into a LAN using ethernet cable with internet.The built-in wireless nic on the laptop connects to a totally different internet network. I set up an XP Mode Virtual PC on the laptop with the intention that it would use the wireless internet connection.I set this up by installing Microsoft Loopback Adapter, then sharing the wireless nic to it. The Virtual PC is set to use the Microsoft Loopback Adapter as its network connection.My problem is that only the hard wired internet connection works.The wireless is connected and has an ip address, however no traffic flows through it until i either disable the cabled network or physcially unplug the cable. Is it possible to have my host laptop use the cabled internet connection and my virtual pc use the 2nd wireless internet?

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Windows 7 Machine Does Not Detect Win Xp Machine

Apr 29, 2012

I have a network problem. My windows 7 machine is not detecting win xp machine whereas win xp machine is detecting win 7 machine. They are in the same workgroup named Home. And the networking system is set to work. I have left the homegroup I was previously in. I enabled file sharing for devices that use 40 bit and 50 bit encryption. On XP I have enabled NetBios over TCP/IP. File sharing is enabled on both computers. I think it's something obvious as both instalations on different computers are really fresh and both windows haven't been tampered with.

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Slow Down Internet Speed On One Machine?

Nov 4, 2011

My brother is spending far too much time on a silly internet game on his laptop (Maple Story) and its effecting his school and social life. We're trying to find a way to slow down how fast his internet speed is so his game runs poorly, hopefully making him stop playing. I've looked into blocking programs over routers but it seems like a tough job.

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New Windows 7 Machine Will Not Connect At Different Location - Unidentified Network

Nov 15, 2012

I have been working with a friend set up a brand new laptop with Win-7 Home Premium (64 bit) preinstalled. I did the initial set-up at my home, with the machine connected via broadband internet cable to my router. I had absolutely no problem getting it to connect with the internet. Didn't bother to try getting the thing going wirelessly at my location. During the initial setup, I selected "home" as the network type (as opposed to public, etc.)But, when I took the machine to the owner's home, it wouldn't connect via her broadband modem.

Mousing over the network icon in the tray area brings up a tool-tip baloon, "Unidentified Network, No internet access). Opening the Sharing Center shows the network as "Unidentified Network, Public Network. None of the settings accessible to me from that point seemed useful or relevant.I have not been able to find appropriate settings to redefine the network type, etc. Her old machine, which is in the process of dying, is still able to connect, and I'm using the same cable to connect both machines. To top it off, I very recently upgraded my own laptop to Win-7, so I took it over there and it exhibits the same problem. And, if I bring her machine back to my house it connects right up with no fuss at all.

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Cisco Routers :: RV220W Windows 7 Machine Won't Connect SSL VPN

Mar 9, 2012

I'm having problems connecting to the VPN. I can access the web portal, but cannot connect SSL VPN on my Mac 10.7, or a virtual windows 7 machines. I've read a lot of forum posts about the mac problem, but for some reason the Windows 7 machine won't connect SSL VPN on windows 7 x64, Chrome, FIreFox.
I tried downloading QuickVPN and set up a user account, but it just sits on the machine at the "Connecting" screen. My primary users will be running Windows 7 Professional x64.  

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