Sharing :: SFTP File Transfer Is Slow?

Apr 7, 2011

i am running windows server 2008 with the hyper V role installed.i have installed windows 7 Professional as a guest OS. assigned 2 GB of Ram to the machine. the point behind the VM is to virtualize my FTP server and incase a format is required i have the VM file on my 2nd partition, host OS on another. i use Cerberus FTP Server on the Win7 OS. i configured the server to accept SFTP and TLS connections. on the host OS i installed Fire FTP and File Zilla, both Clients will at max download a 4 MB file at 64 KB/Sec .. i have seen both jump to about 80 KB but was only a split second and never held.. however if i login without SFTP and transfer over standard protocol, i download at 1 MB/sec. which is my normal speeds. would this be only to the encryption process?, in the Cerberus Server there are options to adjust download speeds, i have left it default, and altered it to allow its max configuration. My ISP is not limiting any connections that shouldnt be.

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Sharing :: Secure File Sharing / Transfer

Jun 15, 2011

our workstations provide data (files) to this network by using RDP. RDP allows a user to share the entire contents of one's C drive. I dislike this and many others in my organization also dislike this (from a security threat point of view). I am looking for an alternative and more secure approach.

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Sharing :: To Increase File Transfer Rate

Feb 17, 2013

I have a couple laptops in my home and just purchased a WD network drive so that a central location can keep all our media files (photos, videos, etc.) and we can access it with our pc's, phones, and tablets. I'm in the process of setting up the HD and transferring all the media to the drive wirelessly however I'm only experiencing about 1.5MB/s-4MB/s. Is there a way to speed this up.

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Slow File Transfer Over Wireless Network

Apr 22, 2012

I have a wireless network with 2 desktop hooked up wired, and one laptop that's wireless. Accessing files on the desktop with xp installed is quick and transfers files at around 5-7mb/s. When I connect to my main pc with windows 7 on it, file transfer is EXTREMELY slow and almost always stutters and freezes. I've tried removing the drive from 'shared' and then adding it again, reinstalling my ethernet driver, swapping ethernet ports on the back of my router, and resetting it altogether. Still a slow transfer speed.I use workgroup all around, for xp and for 7.

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Extremely Slow File Transfer Over Network?

Mar 12, 2011

Just relised this problem after trying to leech some stuff from a friend from his pc at a lan My connection seems to go REALLLY slow. Heres a pic nobody else is file copying and its the same from every pc.

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Slow File Transfer Over Local Wireless Connection?

Nov 7, 2011

I am having incredibly slow connection while transferring files using file sharing.I have the below hardware:

108Mbps TPLINK Wireless Router
TL-WR642G 108Mbps TPLINK Wireless Access Point acting as repeater
Laptops accessing internet and folder sharing enabled for local file transfer

Transfering of files excessively slow (after playing around with the settings was able to get 500KBps). I have set all wireless adapters on the laptops to 802.11g only.Tried setting the router and access point to both 54Mbps and 108Mbps 802.11G only as well as b/g.

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D-Link DIR-655 :: Extremely Slow LAN File Transfer (16KB/s)?

Jun 27, 2011

I recently switched from an older 10/100 linksys to this gigabit router from D-Link.  However, when I try to transfer files from one computer to another on the LAN, the file transfers are ridiculously low, right around 16KB/s.  I have CAT6 cable for all connections, but am baffled by what could cause such a slow speed.  I'm trying to transfer files from my desktop (win7) to my server (Windows Home Server 2011).

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D-link 655 Slow File Transfer From Wireless To Wired Computer

Feb 23, 2012

1 newer build computer connected to D-link 655 via Cat6.1 laptop computer connected to same D-link 655 via Wireless N minicard. (Intel) (130Mbps connected) Router on a 10 foot shelf, always have full bar in wireless strength on 2nd computer.

Both computers can upload and download as expected from the internet. Transfers between the two computers though are slow. Both computers are loaded with Windows 7. Transferring files to or from the laptop transfers at 1.5MB/sec to 2 MB/sec.

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Sharing :: Slow Transfer Remotely Copying Over A Network?

Jan 12, 2011

My work has a main office and a backup office which is off site. What I am trying to do is copy a folder from one computer at the backup site to another computer at the backup site, all while sitting at my computer in the main office. Let's say the two computers at the backup site are called comp1 and comp2.Whether I use Windows Explorer, or .net VB script, or XCOPY from the command prompt, if I try to copy \comp1c_drivefolder to \comp2c_drivefolder from my computer then it takes an extremely long time - around 5 hours for 2Gb of data.

However, if I Remote Desktop into comp1, and from that machine copy C:folder to \comp2c_drivefolder then it only takes 5 minutesI can only assume that when I try to copy the folder from my computer remotely that it is transferring the data from comp1 -> my computer -> comp2, and with the computers being at different sites it's very slow. What I need to know is if I can do this remote copy using VB without the data going via my computer, i.e. straight from \comp1 to \comp2.

I thought this was the way Windows handled copying between networks anyway, i.e. straight from one to the other, my only explanation for the terrible speed is that it is going via my computer. I'm writing a basic folder-backup program in VB and would REALLY like to cut that 5 hour transfer time down to the 5 minutes I know the network can do

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Netgear Dgnd3300 Router - Wireless Network Slow File Transfer

Feb 10, 2011

just bought a WD my book world edition 2 NAS and have been trying to tranfer files wirelessly to it but a 700mb file is taking 25mins to trans. my book is connected by ethernet to netgear dgnd3300 router and my laptop has sitecom 300n usb there some sort of setting i've missed or is this speed normal?

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Linksys Wireless Adapters :: WUSB600N Speed Slow With File Transfer

Mar 3, 2011

I have two machines that both have WUSB600N wireless network adaptors with a Cisco WRT160N router. The file transfer speeds between the two devices maxes out at 1.6Mbs. If I run speed tests off the internet I hit 15 to 20 and downloads are excellent. I have played with all kinds of settings for the driver and router but nothing seems to work. Both these devices are running Windows 7.  I tried a file transfer with an XP device as well and it maxes at about 1.6. how to increase the bandwidth??

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Cisco Routers :: RV220W Wireless File Transfer Slow At 2MBps?

Jul 23, 2012

I have a RV220W operating in 2.4GHz N-only mode. Channel bandwidth is set to 20MHz, channel to 6 (a site survey shows that channel as completely clear), WPA2/AES. I am connected to a TrendNet wireless bridge. The admin page for that wireless bridge shows a link quality of 100% with a signal strength of 71%. If I select a higher channel (11), the signal strength drops to 51%.
I have a Windows 7 PC connected to the Trendnet bridge and a Windows 7 server connected to the RV220W, both via a 1Gbps LAN port. When I transfer a file from the server to the PC or vice versa, I get a lowsy 2MBps (~20Mbps) transfer rate. That seems awfully slow. I tried channel bonding from 20 to 40 MHz

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Linksys Wireless Router :: E4200 Wifi Network - Slow File Transfer Speed

Mar 24, 2012

I have recently purchased a Cisco E4200 to replace my D-LINK DIR-655, which I thought was defective because I was getting slow wirless file transfer speed, regardless of setting, location and client.Using the E4200, when I transfer a file from a PC to another, both connected at 300mb on the 2.4ghz band, the file transfer rate reported by windows 7 and networx is from 2MB/s to 3.5MB/s.  I think those transfer rates are not acceptable.  Is that a good assumption ? I would expect something in the range of 10MB/s (which is what I get with a cheap dlink router, wired)
I also had great difficulty finding a channel.  I had to try them all one-by-one as the auto channel selection made my PCs connect at 130mb.The E4200 is setup as follows:

-Channel 5
-802.11n only
I have tried 3 different computers with different network adapters and they all underperform (IMO..).There are no other wireless networks in my area.I also took the E4200 to my office which is very crowed.  Every single channel is occupied by several wireless networks.  I get a file transfer speed PC to PC of about 2MB.I basically could have kept my DIR-655 as the speeds are identical.

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Cisco Switching/Routing :: Slow File Transfer Speed In Same Vlan Of 6509 Switch

Mar 16, 2013

I am getting very slow window file transfer speed (4 Mbps per second) between two connecting servers in Cisco 6509 switch. I have connect the two laptops in 6509 switch in same module using the same vlan and try to copy the files from one laptop to another and vice versa and got the same speed on 4 to 5 Mbps per second. Switch utilization is not more than 10% and both the laptops are connected in 1 Gbps full duplex.
I have checked by removing the gateway in both laptop but the output is same.

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Sharing :: File Downloads Are Slow - RAR CRC Not Working

Nov 26, 2011

the download speed of my downloads has been very slow, and most of the RAR files I download get RAR CRC errors like theseMy desktop has no active firewall on, and is clean from Maleware.What could be the problem with so many bad CRC files being downloaded?

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Run BAT File Remotely Through Sftp In GUI?

Aug 25, 2012

how to actually run a .bat on a remote computer through ssh/sftp in a GUI. My problem is that I havent been using command lines for 15 years, I litterally have never used a command line besides using stuff like ipconfig in command prompt.I have a ssh server on my home server using FreeSSH'd and The only ssh program i can find with a gui is winscp. Though theres no option to connect through ssh everyone says it does and theres even options for it.

Though when i try to run the bat file i get this error"Current sftp -3 session does not support command you request" then something about a seperate shell session. if i click ok it goes down to starting the session then just sits there and says host is not communication for more than 15 seconds still waiting and only option is to abort.

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Sharing :: Windows 7 / XP Slow File Listings On Network Shares

Nov 2, 2011

Having got a new Windows 7 (64 bit Ultimate) PC, I decided to turn my old PC (XP Pro) into a file server. After much fun with Windows networking, I have one particular problem. Listing files on the server from the Win7 machine is ridiculously slow. A few directories have large numbers of files in them, around 10,000 image files. Browsing to one such folder on Win7, I have timed a listing and it took 48 seconds! That's a very long time to wait for a file listing. I have a network connection monitor running and it doesn't seem to be overloading the network- data was dribbling down the 100Base-T cable at about 200kiloBITS per second. Trying things the other way around, the same folder if placed on the Win7 machine and listed from the old XP machine can deliver a complete listing in about 5 seconds. I'm not sure which end has the problem; either the server is delivering file names very slowly or (my guess) the Win 7 machine is asking for them very slowly, perhaps asking for lots of crap that isn't needed like icons or file dimensions or something.

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Controlling The Data Flow And File Sharing Between Computers Is Slow?

Aug 14, 2011

I have 2 computers in my room which between them i very frequently share files between. Wirelessly they were both connected to my home's router until recently the router was removed, but will be back soon.The problem though, was that with using the router, file sharing between those computers was slow, and with the router gone, I was lost because there was no movement of data between the computers whatsoever, I had no crossover cable, but plenty of regular ethernet cable. Than I remembered something about gigabit lan not needing crossovers(both of the computers being gigabit) and I connected them, and marveled at the new way to share files. And more by the exponential boost in speed(800kb/s to a grand 12mb/s{though I still think that is slow for gigabit.}). Obviously I've overcome a problem, but that's not where this story ends, it comes with another problem. When the router is reconnected to these computers, will the files still transfer through there new found direct connection? or will it attempt to go through the router, only allowing me to get the speeds I want when one of these computers isn't connected to the router?

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ASUS UL80 Laptop / Windows 7 - Slow File Sharing Speed Over LAN

Jul 15, 2011

I have two ASUS UL80 laptops and trying to copy files from one to another. I also have a Linksys router with WiFI on.

The speed of a file transfer via router + LAN cable (or only the LAN cable) is about 600KB/s. I tried to turn off firewalls on both PC's, but it increases the speed by only 100KB/s.

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Cisco VPN :: Slow File Transfer Over Site-To-Site With VPN 5505

Jul 26, 2011

I am noticing the following issue with one of our VPN connections:
Site A is connected to the Internet with an ISA Firewall
Site B is connected to the Internet with a CISCO 5505
Both sites are connected together via a VPN ,Both sites have around a 6MB up and 6MB down connection to the Internet
If I sent a 100MB file from Site A to B it takes around 30-45 minutes to copy, which to me seems excessive.
I've run Wireshark on the server sending the file (from Site A) and the desktop receiving the file (Site B). Initially, the server sending the file was generating a large number of TCP DUP ACK, TCP FAST RETRANSMISSION, TCP PREVIOUS SEGMENT LOST AND TCP OUT-OF-ORDER messages. I narrowed it down to IPv4 Checksum Offload and IPv4 Large Send offload which I disabled on the server. This sped up the file copy and massively reduced the errors in Wireshark, but not to what I think it should be. I then performed Wireshark logging on the desktop receiving the file which was also generating a large amount of TCP DUP ACK, TCP FAST RETRANSMISSION, TCP PREVIOUS SEGMENT LOST AND TCP OUT-OF-ORDER messages. I disabled IPv4 Checksum Offload and IPv4 Large Send offload options on the network card of the desktop and tried resending the file, which made no difference in speed and still generated the above messages in Wireshark.
I have run an mturoute between site A and B and get the following:
C: emp>mturoute.exe (to PC on site B)
* ICMP Fragmentation is not permitted. *
* Speed optimization is enabled. *
* Maximum payload is 10000 bytes. *

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Sharing :: Establish A Connection With An Already Existing IPsec VPN For File Sharing

Jul 10, 2012

I am trying to establish a connection with an already existing IPsec VPN for file sharing. I click on the icon and get error messages when I type the correct username and password. I also entered the shared secret key correctly. I do not know where to enter the "group" name that coincides with the key I was given.

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Sharing :: File And Printer Sharing Settings Reset On Boot?

Oct 4, 2011

I'm in the middle of restoring a Windows XP computer after a drive failure, and on the new system, the Turn On File and Printer Sharing setting has been forcing a reboot and always resets itself to Off after the restart.

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Sharing :: Small Business File-Sharing Among Employees

Mar 6, 2012

[code] Basically, we used to use Outlook for our customer management, but after I tried to design a custom form for customers that suited our needs better than Outlook's default form (i.e. we don't need state, country, region, etc. for each customer, and we'd prefer to have spots for Roof, Shingle, Shingle color, etc. in their place), we ended up turning OneNote into our new Customer Management System.Our problem is sharing files, and the security or lack thereof that goes along with it.We used to save all the files to a single computer, and use Windows 7 Home group to access them. That worked okay, but often we couldn't see the file-holding computer, and would have to disconnect/reconnect to the internet.

We recently bought a NAS HD, which actually works a lot better than I expected. Unfortunately, we've learned recently that new employees are not always the most trustworthy. So this is what we are trying to do:We want to set up some type of way for us to save, store, and access files, which allows us to keep track of who has done what (access, save, copy, delete, print, etc.), preferably one where we can set up alerts if certain things happen (i.e. someone copies and pastes the entire thing, or attempts to delete). We've run into the problem where, yes, we want people to be able to copy and paste certain documents, yes we want people to be able to print, but no we don't want someone to be able to print out our entire customer lists, current project lists, etc.This NAS HD (MyBook Live 2TB by Western Digital) could quite possibly have the most ridiculous set up I've ever encountered. I can set up accounts and passwords, but they are completely irrelevant because from "Computer" you can just select the z:/ drive and it will still take you to our files. We just brought on a couple new people, and its like, everyone tells them to come to me in regards to the computers, and I can't even hook them up to the internet because it would give them access to our network, which in turn gives them access to our z:/ drive, which contains every file our company has.

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Sharing :: File Sharing Only Works On Windows 7 Side Not Xp?

Apr 16, 2011

\toshibapictures is not accessible. you might not have permission to use this network resource. contact the administrator of theis server to find out if you have permissions.

I have a little small network created with 6 computers. 5 of them are windows xp home and pro. jsut bought a new laptop with windows 7 64 bit home pre. All the xp laptops can share files easily but the windows 7 is giving me a really hard time.

The win xp computers can see the windows 7 folders showing up in my network places but when i try and open then it gives me this error "\toshibapictures is not accessible. you might not have permission to use this network resource. contact the administrator of theis server to find out if you have permissions"

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Sharing :: Windows 7 File Sharing And Security

Jul 19, 2012

I need setting up File/Folder/Printer sharing in small office LAN and also secure Files (password protect) among users. I have attached two JPG files in which i have tried my best to show the network diagram and how i want to share the files and folders. All the PCs are connected and i have made one Windows 7 Ultimate PC acting as File Server keeping its D Drive in sharing with other five Windows 7 Ultimate PCs acting as clients. I just want to know how to protect Files as per my requirement. There are no fixed PC of any dept users. All the users or Dept Head use any PCs as per availability.

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Sharing :: File Sharing Over 2 Netgear Routers?

Jul 19, 2011

Before I moved home I had one netgear router supplied by virgin media. On my home network I had my pc sharing it's printer and also some shared folders I.e. Music folder, my documents etc. Now I've moved I have had a new netgear box supplied by virgin media (which I call virgin media 7) which because of the shape of the building doesn't reach my bed room. To fix this I have had to connect my old netgear box (which I call virgin media 8) to the new one via 10m of CAT5e but now I can't access my shared printer or shared folders on my win xp pc which is connected to virgin media 7 via wireless if my vista laptop is connected to virgin media 8. I have tried looking in the setting for the option that makes it just act as an wireless extention to vm7 but they have removed the menu from the settings.

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File Transfer Are Not Quick Over Wifi

Sep 26, 2011

I have a laptop and a desktop pc both connected to the same wifi network, both running win 7. File transfers are not quick enough for my liking over wifi so when I need to move a few files about I tend to hook the two together with an ethernet cable. When I try to copy a file however it defaults to using the wireless connection. I'm getting around this at the moment by just turning the wifi off on the laptop while I do the transfers but it would be nice to not have to.

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Wireless :: Transfer File Using Modem?

Jan 9, 2013

I have RS232 GSM/GPRS modem SIM900,by using this i can send/receive messages, make call.But now my Query is "By using this modem can i able to transfer files between two systems which are located at diffenent places",it is possible or not?

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Speed Up File Transfer To 410J NAS?

Jun 2, 2012

I am transferring music files from an External HDD link by USB to my laptop to a Synology 410J NAS, I have both a wired and a wireless connection. The NAS is connected to a 2wire modem and router, and so is the laptop. I am getting speeds of between 450KB to 600KB a second i.e. 0.45 to 0.6MB per second. How can I make this faster?

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Sharing :: How To Setup File Sharing

Jul 5, 2011

recently i was trying to share files between two computers using a networking switch.(windows xp) I tried using network setup wizard on the host computer it only gave me two drive options f drive and the floppy disc drive. so i selected f drive to copy files. I inserted a cd and clicked next but nothing happened. i tried clicking format button and it asked me to 'insert a cd to f drive' so I avoided the format button.My computer has a backup system which someone installed and im not too sure about it so I was wondering if f drive was referring to the backup system (sort of looks like an external hard drive with lights on it connected to modem) or maybe referring to usb port. I did not try using my usb yet. The second pc I noticed did not have network setup wizard on control panel and was not sure if i needed it. I heard that a router has a firewall and is more safer than using a networking switch. at this stage i dont need internet connection for the second pc

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Sharing :: File Sharing Xp To Windows 7?

May 26, 2011

Ok, I have a new win 7 pc and my old win xp pc has all my video and picture files. On both of my xp pc's i can transfer files via my network places. Can I and if so how do I do that from the xp pc to the win 7 pc? I can stream the videos from the xp on the win 7 but not transfer them.

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Sharing :: Can't Access File Sharing From Outside?

Jun 4, 2012

I installed windows server 2008 in another country with active directory - DNS server - file services Roles. with public IP.I can RDC the server - I can ping IP local and WAN - I can ping computer name from Local only not WAN.I can access the shared files locally using \IPaddresssharedmy problem is that I can't access \IPaddressshared from outside the network.[CODE]

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Sharing :: File Sharing Won't Stay On?

Oct 5, 2012

I've recently had an issue where when I turn on File and Printer Sharing, and click apply, I go straight back to the advanced setting menu and its switched back to off despite me changing it.I cheked my services menu and I'm not sure what file and printer sharing has a dependancy on, but Workstation, Netlogon, and Computer Browser will not turn on with the error "windows could not start *** service on the local computer. Error 1068: The dependency service or group failed to start"I network printers and servers for a living, so this is an issue when I'm troubleshooting problems.I cant really name everything thats been installed on this laptop, it changes pretty consistently, but no programs should have interfered with my network

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