Websites (facebook) Not Loading Properly?

Jun 28, 2012

I can log in my facebook account, check notifications, but that's it. Images won't load, the page won't render properly, can't check messages or use games or apps. Another thing worth nothing is that the page loads extremely slowly. Most other websites work normally. This has been going on for 3 days now.

I've done lots of troubleshooting already. I normally use Google Chrome so I tried IE and Mozilla but the page looks the same. The default font (Times New Roman) and white background are the symptoms of something (what?). I've only got a wireless connection and I'm suspecting there could be a problem there because my wife has the same problem on her laptop. We share the wifi connection.We've tried a lot of things: clear browsing data (cache, cookies, etc.) flush dns, restart computers, browsers, update anti-virus software, but no success, so far.

This looks normal:

Pinging [] with 32 bytes of data:

Reply from bytes=32 time=317ms TTL=230
Reply from bytes=32 time=314ms TTL=230[code]....

So something must've happened around 3 days ago when everything still worked fine. One thing I haven't investigated is this wifi device: Huawei E585. I have no idea how to do any troubleshooting with it. one more thing I tried: proxy servers. I thought our ISP might have changed something somewhere (although all our friends have no problems) so I tried to log in through a few different proxy servers. The login page looked normal so I logged in. The page kept loading forever but it never showed any content. I didn't even get to see that Times New Roman font. But then again, it couldn't be an issue with my facebook account because I can use it normally on my cell phone. Well, as normally as you can use it on a cell phone.

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Facebook Is Loading Slow On PC?

Jun 10, 2012

seems my PC is having problem opening Facebook page. It doesn't matter if i use ChromeFirefox or Internet Explorer or if it is mine, my friends account or even not logged in, it hangs about 4 minutes, then it loads and then stops responding for another 4 minutes in all browsers simultaneously. I can use it maybe 15 seconds before it stops again for another 4 minutes. Even on 9gag, page opens normal but chat also hangs because its connected with facebook...-_-My internet connection is fast, 10MB/s, and all other pages work splendid!My pc spec: Phenom B60 x4 3.4Ghz 4GB RAM, ATI 6870, 500GB HDD 7200rpm. It is manintained good, every 15 days i run malwarebytes, spybot, avast free for custom scan and disk defragmenter.I often get this error: Error 7 (net::ERR_TIMED_OUT): The operation timed out.also this but rarely: Error 101 (net::ERR_CONNECTION_RESET): The connection was reset.[CODE]

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Certain Websites Not Loading With Vista

Jul 12, 2011

For a few weeks some websites (which are definitely not down) will not load for me....including, for example,, which is useful.Safe mode makes no difference, it's on both IE & firefox, most websites and other net using stuff works fine, it's just some websites time out. Ping requests to those websites time out, turning off proxy settings hasn't worked, various FF tweaks haven't, changed to google free DNS, fiddled with router MTU, cleared cookies etc.

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D-Link DAP-1522 :: ADSL Web Pages Not Loading Properly

Feb 17, 2012

I'm connecting to the internet via ADSL. The modem is in our living room and has a DIR-655 connected to it. Also connected are an IPTV set-top box and an Xbox 360. In our office room we have 2 computers and a Buffalo LinkStation hard drive connected by wire to a DAP-1522 which is working as a bridge for the wireless network created by the DIR-655. The reason for this configuration is that the set-top box refused to work with IPTV through the wireless bridge. Before we got IPTV, the bridge was in the living room and was primarily used for Xbox, while the modem was in the office and allowed all desktop PCs to connect by wire.

Ever since we've had the desktop PCs connected via the bridge, surfing has been difficult. Download speeds are good, but very often webpages simply refuse to load. The browser just says "Connecting to [internet address here]. For example, I might log on to Facebook, have the front page load and then I try to open a picture someone has uploaded, but nothing happens. Clicking links, nothing happens. Clicking anywhere, nothing happens. Put a new address in the address bar, nothing happens. It just tries to connect the addresses, but won't.After waiting a while, or restarting the browser, it might work again for a while.

Is it my new modem, the DIR-655 or the DAP-1522? All devices get their IPs from the ADSL modem to ensure proper networking between the devices. Streaming from the NAS to the Xbox is flawless.

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Linksys Wireless Router :: WRT54G V6 Setup Screen Not Loading Properly

Apr 27, 2007

When I go to the router setup screen via the screen does not load properly in MSIE or Firefox. Text does not load.The graphics load okay, and the dropdown boxes, checkboxes, etc. Since many of the links are from text, and all of the descriptions, it is impossible to navigate properly. I managed only by using Firefox's Page Info, Links tab and cutting & pasting. A couple of screen captures are available [URL] have downloaded the latest firmware, but while I can get to the Administration page, much less click on, the Upgrade Firmware sub-tab.

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Block Facebook And Few Websites From Netgear Wireless Router?

Sep 25, 2011

All of my clients are accessing internet through Netgear wireless router. From the router's "Block Sites" option, I've inserted all of the IP address of facebook & this was working fine.

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Belkin Routers :: N300 F9K1002v3 Not Loading Some Websites

Dec 20, 2012

N300 F9K1002v3 not loading some websites , other websites load just fine.Brand new just arrived yesterday afternoon.I have restarted the router.I have updated the firmware.I have reset the router by holding in the button on the back of the router. When I plug my computer directly into my modem everything works fine.

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Linksys Wireless Router :: E2500 Makes Websites Loading Slow

Mar 14, 2012

I have on Desktop wired to the router which is my main pc. When I access internet the website load really slow, but when I connect the pc directly to Comcast modem, it's blitz fast. My internet speed is 15 Mbps. I have another desktop and laptop. None of them have the problem. What settings I have to change to get back to speed I used to have before.I messed up some settings on the Cisco Connect and accidentally reset the router. After re-installing the router the problem started.

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TP-Link 300Mbps Wireless :: TL-WR1043ND - Router Suddenly Stopped Loading Certain Websites

Dec 8, 2012

Region : UnitedKingdom
Model : TL-WR1043ND
Hardware Version : v1
Firmware Version :

certain websites couldn't be accessed on any of our devices (mixture of PC's, android and apple devices)After trying everything I could think of and even phoning our internet provider nothing would get the sites to load (Facebook, hotmail to name but two)A friend of mine also said he was having exactly the same problems whereas no one else I know had any problems!.Anyway, after much scratching of head with resetting the router to factory defaults etc the only thing left to test was a direct connection with the modem where all websites worked perfectly!So the problem is 100% the router! Even after a factory restore it still doesn't work with those websites and after talking to my friend it turns out he too has a tp-link router but a different model.

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Cannot Get Into Facebook

Sep 26, 2012

On Sunday hackers got into my gmail acct and sent a message saying I had been robbed in Madrid and I needed cash wiring to me. Google shut my acct down, but I have managed to recover it.Ever since this has happened I cannot access fb. I try to log in and it says it will send a confirmation email to my address. The email never gets there so I click on a "send again" link and it says "something went wrong please try later".How can I get my fb back?

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Can't Acess Facebook On PC

Mar 20, 2013

i use windows 7 with a DSL connection and a router connected to it. my problem is that whenever i acess facebook it displays i have tried using other browsers but it I know that this is not a network problem as yesterday my cousin came and he has confessed that he has played a prank with me. He brought his laptop and did something wirelessly i.e, through the router networking. he did not touch any of the hardwarewhatever he did was through his own laptop.I can not get acess to his laptop has he is now in another country.

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Facebook Will Not Load

Apr 5, 2012

I have restored , cleared all cache, browser data, chrome data, and rebooted. Nothing has worked. AOL will bring up my FB page. all other will load and not this. It will come up on chrome but not aol.

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Facebook Won't Let Me Log In On My Computer

Mar 2, 2011

Ive been trying to sign into facebook on my computer for a couple of days now. Once i have pressed log in with all my details it just goes to a blank page and then loads to a "you must sign in to view this" page - it doesnt matter how many times i put my details in and log in, it just keeps returning to this page. I have tried clearing all browser history and cookies, plus ive run virus scans and tried restarting but nothing works!

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How To Unblock Facebook

Mar 3, 2012

in my college,they have blocked facebook and even youtube by fortiguard.

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Can't Connect Only To Facebook

Feb 2, 2013

I've been having an issue when trying to connect to Facebook since last week. Whenever I try to get in the webpage I get a time out error message, on any browser (Chrome, Firefox, IE). I can reach every other website completely normal, and I can even connect to alternate forms of Facebook like or, and the local site (I speak spanish) allows me to see the login screen, but when accessing to anything else, it redirects me to the url...version, thus resulting in a time out. This problem started suddenly, after using this notebook with no trouble for more than a year .I should mention that this happens only in this machine, as there are others connected to the same network, and that I've tested this one in more than one network, from different ISP, by wi-fi and Ethernet cable, everything giving me same results.

- Tried different browsers.
- Two different networks and ISP, both by cable and wi-fi.
- ping'ed and tracert'ed
- Updated, uninstalled, reinstalled, practically anihilated and resucitated both wired and wireless NIC drivers.
- Made a complete system restoration to a week before this started.
- Changed MAC Address from both wired and wireless NICs.
- Completely turned off every firewall.
- Tried Google Public DNS for both IPv4 and iPv6.
- Ran antivirus.

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Pages Not Always Loading?

Apr 8, 2013

I am using a Netgear DG834N modem/router that we moved onto our second phoneline (homeline) that was previously installed on our (now closed down) home office phoneline. We are using the same equipment, provider and provider plan but now we are having major connecting issues. About every second web page will not open. If you refresh, sometimes it will load other times you get the "IE cannot connect to.." This is becoming increasingly frustrating. We run both wireless and hardwired PCs and laptops and use IE, firefox and/or Safari. We run Kaspersky or bitdefender, windows 7 and XP. We can watch re-runs of Tv shows and you-tube no worries. It is the connecting in the first place.

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One Certain Website Not Loading Up?

Aug 31, 2012

A certain website won't load up on my computer ( . This website is fairly important considering it is my faculty webpage. It hasn't been able to load up for the last 3 months. I have tried different browsers with failure but have tried it on other computers in the house with success. I upgraded my router 2 days ago but that didn't fix the problem, I have a Cisco router[CODE]

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Cisco VPN :: Pix 501 PDM Not Loading

Aug 8, 2010

I have a client who's got a Pix501 installed and we're trying to get into it to check some settings.  We https: into the device and it asks for the login/pass.  This is fine. However, then it opens up a new window: (URL) (Title:  Cisco PIX Device Manager Information Window) and give some basic info about the device (Hostname, device, pix version, etc.).  THEN, it says "Please do not close this window." and "The Cisco PIX Device Manager will start in another window". 

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Broadband :: Cannot Launch Facebook?

Aug 2, 2011

Cannot Launch it say " Firefox can't establish a connection to the server at "

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How To Change Facebook Layout

Jan 17, 2012

how i change my facebook layout... when i add new one its not working....

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Servers :: Can't See Messages On Facebook?

Feb 7, 2013

what can i do if my computer is not letting me see my messages on facebook what

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Blocking Facebook On All Machines Except Two

May 10, 2011

I am using a linksys router that is generating IP addresses to about 20 machines. The boss wants to block FACEBOOK on all the machines except for two machines? Is this possible? I was thinking even if we block all the machines and get a work around password (only given to the owners of 2 out of the 20 computers).

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Way To Unblock Facebook And Youtube

Nov 17, 2011

i want to unblock facebook and youtube and such athor sites but fortiguard software used by admin blocked me

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Can't Access Facebook Page

Aug 2, 2011

So i can't access my Facebook page i log on it fine at school & I used google chrome & safari, & internet explorer and every time i log on it says SSL Error & it also says that "you attempted to reach, but instead you actually reached a server identifying itself as * this may be cause by a misconfiguration on the server", idk what to do. I did everything, cleaned it for viruses and checked the proxy & everything.

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Find Someone Online Through Facebook?

Jul 10, 2011

My friend made a "troll" account on facebook and he would try and piss people off. Well he said some stuff and one person said they would get someone to track him down even if he used a fake account. I don't think it can be done, but he thinks that they can find him.

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How To Remove Facebook Account

Mar 6, 2012

My question relates to Facebook and the Internet in general. There are some very inappropriate pictures of me that are posted on a fake facebook user account. Whoever posted these pictures has stolen the identity of a guy that I went to school with. The Police are involved. I tried contacting Facebook multiple times, but I had no such luck. Is there any way that I can find out the ISP of this fake account, find out if these pictures were uploaded to the www. and request for them to be removed? What other actions can I take to get these pictures taken down. It has now become very serious, and these pictures are from 6 years ago when I was a little immature teenager.

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Internet Won't Connect To Facebook

Aug 27, 2011

My internet here is fine except for when it comes to facebook. I've tried this laptop which has 7 on, a pc with xp and my iphone all to no avail. The laptop works with it fine on other networks as does the phone. The rest of the internet is accessible without issue. It does work rarely but it seems to be random.

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Broadband :: Want To Block Facebook?

Sep 20, 2011

i have a younger brother .....he spends a lot of time in chatting wid frnzz around 4-5 hours a day when ever i block using softwares (k9 protection) ..all the websites get i want a .cmd file which can block facebook ,orkut, youtube and can even unblock easily when needed...

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Facebook Won't Load On Any Browsers?

Aug 2, 2012

The past month or so Facebook has been incredibly spotty. I downloaded Chrome (originally using Firefox) which is slightly more reliable but never that great. I don't have a big scary firewall up, nothing has changed with my network at all!

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Can't Connect To Facebook For 2 Weeks

Dec 28, 2012

i have a shared windows xp computer. i wasn't around one day and the next day i tried to log on to Facebook through chrome as usual and got the webpage unavailable message. I've tried IE and Firefox on this computer and none of them will get me to Facebook. I've tried to ping Facebook and the request timed out. I've tried turning off my firewall and I've tried turning off Norton. other computers on this same network can connect to Facebook just fine. i'm baffled.

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Can't Connect To Anything Related To Facebook

Dec 28, 2012

I can't connect to facebook on any browser on this laptop. I can access it from my iphone and from my friends' laptops, but this one isn't letting me get to the page at all. It just turns up with "this webpage is not available" (same with firefox and ie) when i try to go to facebook. I tried running Malwarebytes and Mcafee, but neither of those found any problems. I can't connect to accounts associated with my facebook account either, like Wanelo or Elfster, and I can't connect to downloaded programs that I logged into with my facebook account such as Oovoo and facebook chat. The only thing I can connect to on this laptop is, the mobile site.

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Can't Access Facebook From Server?

Jun 21, 2012

i cant get access to facebook from my server i download another browser that did not work, it keep saying that, well a matter of fact it don't load at all, it very slow when it click to start the page,. i did have facebook access about a week ago but i dont know hat happen why i cant access it here and said the client on the server can access facebook but i cant how is that possible?

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How To Unblock Facebook On Computer

Apr 9, 2012

how do unblock facebook on this computer?

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