Can Phone Access Desktop Via Router / Modem With Wifi

Feb 26, 2012

I've got a Livebox router/modem that provides an ethernet connection for our desktop and wifi connections for our smartphones (all-in-one kind of thing) in a SOHO environment. what i'd like to do is access one from the other, that is move files between a smartphone and the desktop without additional wiring or hardware.

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How To Hook Up A Router To A Desktop Modem For Kindle Fire Wifi

Nov 15, 2011

My mom wants to buy my dad a Kindle Fire for Christmas. Currently they have a desktop computer with a modem plugged into it and use Verizon dsl for their internet. The Kindle needs wi-fi and I don't want to disrupt the way their computer is set up now.Do I simply plug the router into the modem to get the wi-fi signal?

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Motorola Modem / Router For Desktop To Setup Wifi For Kindle Fire?

Dec 27, 2011

I am trying to get my parents Kindle Fire to work. They recently purchased a Motorola Modem/Router which is hooked into the desktop and works fine. I want to get their new kindle to work and can not seem to figure it out. Their operating system is Vista which I can upgrade to Windows 7 if that would make it easier. When I click on setup the WiFi part of the installation wizard cd that came with the Motorola it says there is not a network adapter. I know what that is however I do not know why I would need it when the desktop is hooked directly into modem/router and I just need the WiFi for Kindle.

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Corporate Wifi Access From Android Phone

Jun 11, 2012

I am trying to connect to my office wifi which uses a proxy server. Scenario 1: I am using Samsung Bada (wave 1), connected to the internet successfully and also any applications that require an internet connection including Samsung's app store. While, connecting via open networks like home wifi and other friends' wifi also worked without any issue. Scenario 2: Now I also have an android based Galaxy pocket: even after entering all the required proxy setting as mentioned above, I can access websites via browser but cannot access samsung's app store, google's play store, skype, sipdroid etc. I know it is nothing to do with the network administration as I am still accessing via my samsung wave but not via android. Is there anything like a network profile I need to assign for these applications?

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How To Access Via Remote Desktop Of Other Networks Same Modem

Mar 12, 2011

Modem >> switch router1 >> switch >> computer

same Modem >> same switch >> router2 >> switch >> computer

Now I want to access computers from router 1 to router 2 computers.I opened the router 2 web page and forwarded it. I put service port no. 3389, ip address of a computer of router 2 network. Now I can access the specific computer via remote desktop from router 1 computers using public ip .But what I need is I want to access via mstsc all computers of the router 2 network. using service port, ip address of one computer, I can access only one computer.

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Laptop Wifi Access For Desktop?

Sep 18, 2011

I have a Mac G5 desktop that has no wireless capabilities. I also have a Gateway laptop for work. It runs windows 7 and obviously has WIFI. Can i connect my Desktop to my laptop to use the wifi to connect to the internet?

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Linksys Wireless Adapters :: Ae2500 Installation To Access Hotspot Wifi On Cell Phone

Jul 13, 2012

I have a router attached to my Dell desktop running Windows 7 and am trying to install the AE2500. Instead of using the router, I want the AE-2500 to access my HotSpot wifi on my cell  phone. I go through the AE2500 installation and Device Manager shows it is installed properly. However, I do not see the adapter in my list of available wireless connections and I'm unabley to disconnect my router connection. I keep clicking disconnect but it never does.

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Use A Wifi Network On A Desktop If Don't Have Another Access Point?

Feb 29, 2012

I have a computer in my room that I use and my parents have a computer in the work room with an wifi networking system. I have no access point to connect to the internet so how can I connect to the wifi?

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How To Move Modem And Router Without Losing Phone Service

Nov 28, 2012

Recently it has been really slow (less than 300kb/s) and I am tired of it. I want to use wired again but the modem and router are in my basement. Running an Ethernet cable from the router to my room is a last resort. I currently have Cox Internet, Telephone, and Cable. I do have a cable supplying internet to my room, so that is not my concern. How can I move my modem and router without losing phone service? Can it be any phone cable or does it have to be one connected to a special outlet as the modem currently is?

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Linksys Wireless Router :: Phone Gets Dead When Connect WRT120N To Modem

Aug 5, 2011

i brought a new wrt120n from the retailer and when i tried to connect the modem and configure, my phone gets dead and i couldnt connect it to the internet.

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Linksys WRT110 Wireless Router Hooked Up To Zoom Modem - Phone Lines Quit Working

May 4, 2011

I hooked up with a Linksys WRT110 wireless router to a Zoom modem and my DSL on my desktop and laptop are both working fine. My problem is my phone lines quit working. I plugged a phone into the box outside and I had a dial tone. When you try to call my house it just keeps ringing.

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Sharing Net Of USB Modem In Desktop PC Through Netgear Wireless Router?

Jan 1, 2012

Actually I've a WiFi enabled (Nokia) Mobile phone. I also have a internet enabled USB modem (HUAWEI) & a Netgear Wireless router.I am using internet with this USB modem in my desktop PC at home.But now I want to use internet in my mobile phone. So, I bring that wireless router.

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Comcast Modem / Netgear Router - No Internet On New Desktop

Feb 15, 2012

I hav a laptop conecteted to the internet with comcast service and a netgear wireless router that works fine. but bought a desktop and when i hook it to the router i get no internet. im running windows 7 ultimate on both machines. i am gettin a thing saying unidentified network in my network settings and i called comcast whent through resetting the modem and router with them and nothing then they tell me i have to pay them to run another machine of of my router this is ridiculas i have the machine pluged into the port on the router with anethernet cable everything is hooked up right i know this im pretty computer savy as ive built many machines in the past.

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Hp Desktop - When Computer Starts Up Internet And Phone Dies

Feb 13, 2011

When my Hp Desktop with Vista starts up,... the internet for everyone in the house goes out and the phones go out as well because our modem controls the internet and phone. The modem shows the DNS light blinking. When this Hp desktop is turned off I have internet and phone in the house. I just have no idea why the desktop turning on, causes the internet and phone to shut off...

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Wifi Modem Connected But No Internet Access

Apr 4, 2012

connect my PC/tablet with wifi router, I have bought wifi router which works with USB modem, when i connect my USB Modem i can see all the lights up (singnal- wifi, 2g/3g) and also showing in my laptop that is connect to wifi but unable to open the internet.

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Linksys Wireless Router :: Wrt54gs - Smart Phone Won't Connect To Wifi

Apr 23, 2012

I connected my router to a new computer. The computer is connected to the Internet.My SmartPhone won't connect via the router.
I logged in to the router from my cell and entered the password.The cell says the following over and over without connecting: ScanningObtaining IP address from routerDisconnectedConnectingScanning ... over & overHow can I connect my Samsung GAlaxy SII Skyrocket to my WiFi router [WRT54GS]?

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Linksys Wireless Router :: Cordless Phone Cuts Out Wifi On E2500?

Sep 20, 2011

I have a cordless phone which broadcasts on 2.4ghz - when the phone is being used it cuts out the wifi. I thought that with the E2500 being a dual band - I wouldn't have this issue as I thought the router would switch to the 5 Ghz frequency if there was interference on the lower band. Maybe I am not understanding how the dual band works.

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Linksys Wireless Router :: Wrt160n - Dropping Wifi Connection Since New Phone

Dec 19, 2012

I've got a router in room where my cable modem comes in. In center of house, I have another router, N Ultra Range PLUS, WRT160N.
My laptop, which I use in front room near that middle room router and my husband's desktop, also near that middle room have no problems. My desktop which is right next to the main router in back of house (where the cable modem is), has the weakest signal. I guess that's because the WRT160N is further away from it and has two walls to go through. But most of time signal was good - just not as good as the other two computers. And even when signal was Low, it never dropped connection.
Recently I got a new smart phone with WIFI. Anytime I have turned on the phone and used it, I often then have to refresh my wireless signal or reboot computer because it loses the connection. I read somewhere on internet that this may be because of the additional device but again, it doesn't effect the other two closer computers.

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Linksys Cable / DSL :: Reinstall WAG120N Modem Router On Desktop?

Nov 21, 2012

Now unable to connect laptop wirelessly. The laptop can see the connection, but when I click it to connect it just doesn't. Have tried rebooting both laptop, desktop and modem, left it overnight, can't connect smartphone to it either. All were working perfectly until I had to reinstall.

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Developing The System Remote Control Desktop From Mobile Phone?

Oct 23, 2012

I am developing the system remote control desktop from mobile phone through internet. I want how the connection is established between mobile phone and desktop through internet? What is the exact process of connection and internal structure of connection

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Linksys Wireless Router :: Wrt160 Wifi Loses Connection To Phone And Laptop

Nov 17, 2012

I have a WRT160 V2 router with firmware  v2.0.02. I have had the router for years without any problems. A few months ago I have started to see an issue where I lose connection to my internet on my laptop, and wifi on my phone at the same time. I have wifi calling on my phone and it disconnects also at the same time. All of a sudden, everything will stop working, then about 40 seconds later, it all works again. I lost the connection maybe every 30 to 60 mins. I rely on wifi calling for my primary phone, and I end up getting cut off when talking to people. BTW wifi calling is for all tmobile phones, but also normal wifi to surf the web on my laptop and phone drops too at the same time.

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Westell 7500 DSL Modem / Router Only Works When Connected To Desktop Via Ethernet

Jun 10, 2012

So I have a Westell 7500 Modem/Router with Century Link DSL. I've been running a couple of laptops and my wifi enabled TV on the wireless. A few days ago I got a new desktop PC (Windows 7) and plugged the ethernet cable into it. Everything was great but the wireless was a bit slow for the TV so I plugged that in with an ethernet cable too. No problems for a few days. Today, we had a power blip and everything reset and I noticed that the internet light on the modem was solid red and I couldn't access the internet on any machine (ethernet or wifi). I called the ISP who said there was an outage in the area. A few hours later, solid green light on the modem BUT the TV (ethernet connected), my iphone, and my laptops could NOT connect, despite the network showing up with a full signal. Oddly, my new PC, connected via ethernet was fine so I played some Diablo (side note). Here's the deal: the new PC connects just fine but nothing else will. If I unplug the ethernet cable to the PC or disable the LAN connection, the red internet light appears on the modem. It seems as though the PC has hijacked the modem in some way. Even the TV won't connect with the ethernet cable. The only way the internet works now is if the modem is connected to the new PC. I've done all the resents - unplugged the modem and let it sit for 10-15 minutes, accessed the router settings, etc etc. Why would this start happening now after everything was working well for several days and how do I fix it? I need the wifi connection! Update: Plugged my Macbook Pro into the ethernet cable (took it out of new PC) and it works.

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Dell :: Unable To Connect Modem Router To Desktop Dimension C521

Nov 18, 2011

I have a Netgear DGN3500 wireless modem router that I'm trying to setup on my Dell desktop "Dimension C521".  I get the error message "Ethernet adaptor required".  I'm not sure why I am encountering the error message, as I have successfully installed a modem previously on the desktop via a ethernet cable.

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Ip Address Conflict Between Desktop And Wifi Router

Aug 1, 2012

My neighbour n myself are using a shared internet connection. The modem is situated in his house and I have connected to that modem using a LAN cable, which comes to my house. That LAN cable goes into my WiFi router (through which I use the internet connection). I use a Lap and my neighbour a Desktop, he's receiving a "IP address conflict error" in his system, due to which his internet connection is getting disrupted. If I don't use my Wifi router and connect directly through the LAN cable he does not face any problem. But I need my router back?

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Linksys Wireless Router :: Wrt-610n After Unlocking Phone / Reconnecting Wifi / Remote Couldn't Find Itunes

Nov 23, 2010

I was trying to remotely command my iTunes library via an iPhone app called Remote. It worked for some times with an intermittent disconnection problem due to the iPhone locking. But even after unlocking the phone and reconnecting the Wi-Fi, Remote couldn't find my iTunes library again and my only workaround was to relaunch iTunes on the PC (which is Ethernet-wired to my router). Few days ago nothing worked!!! I could no more get Remote to find iTunes.
I could not find a solution even by rebooting the router or unplugging the PC's Ethernet cable. Last night I powered off the router and after 10s I powered it on again. And then it worked!I highly suspect a problem between my router and Bonjour which is as UPnP, an Apple protocol for discovering communicating devices. Discovery phase being usually done with broadcast frames, something goes wrong in the router with processing the broadcasts, or is it a Bonjour problem?Please note that even now that  Remote can find iTunes, I still have my old intermittent disconnection problem.So is there any incompatibility between WRT-610N and Bonjour and what is the fix ?

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How To Connect Wifi Enabled Mobile To Desktop Pc Using Router

Aug 25, 2012

Well i am currently using a BSNL DNA A211-1 wifi modem-cum-router with a wireline inbetween my PC (win7 ultm) & the router, so as to connect to the internet. i use the wifi feature of my router to connect my samsung gts5570 wifi enabled phone as well as a few other wifi enabled devices, to use internet on them. now i was thinking whether i can connect my desktop pc to my mobile phone using this wifi router somehow? how can that be done since there is already 2 different network that exist between my pc & router thru wireline & my mobile & the router thru wifi, all i need is a way to sync these to networks into one, so that my pc & my mobile use internet & at the same time they connect to each other as well.

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Linksys Wrtp54g - Unable To Connect Wifi Router To Desktop Through Lan?

Jul 19, 2012

I have problem connecting the wifi router to my desktop (running Windows XP) through LAN. When i connect the internet cable directly to my desktop, it was working. But when i connect the internet cable to wifi router, then a LAN cable from router to desktop, my desktop is showing that the network cable was disconnected. I have used the different lan cable too. I have used the reset function too. But the problem was not solved. I am getting the wifi access. But the connection between the router and the desktop was not established.

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Possible To Run VoIP Phone Through SB6121 Modem

Dec 22, 2012

My cable provider has installed a separate RCA DHG536 modem for my VoIP phone service alongside my SB5120 modem, and charges me $7 a month modem rental. I am upgrading the SB5120 to a DOC 3.0 modem and wonder if I can abandon the DHG536 modem?

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Connecting Two Modem With One Phone Line?

Jan 31, 2013

that possible to connect one telephone line with two modem (both are wireles)if possible then how?

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Hook Up A Modem To A Ps3 Without A Phone Line?

Jan 5, 2012

I was able 2 find my Evo shift through the ps3, but couldnt get online. I used Astro file mngr to navigate to visionary and run apk, usb debug and temp root but I can't find visionary. Rooting successfully has been difficult so far. Hardwire...maybe plug phone line from modem 2 ps3!??

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Linksys Wireless Router :: Wrt120n Can Only Connect Desktop To Wifi No Other Devices

Dec 26, 2012

I just installed an older router (WRT120N). Purchased an adapter for desktop and wireless connection for destktop works.  Cannot get other devices to use the wifi (iphone, ipod, android phone...).  I am at a loss.  Saw some suggestions about disabling a Upn or something under the router's LAN properties

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Modem SVB5120 SURFboard Motorola - Looking For Jack For Phone Line?

Jan 12, 2013

I need to replace my old router because the wires are broken and the problem is it needs a phone jack for the phone line we use cable not land line. My modem is SVB5120 SURFboard Motorola.

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Motorola SBV5120 / Finding A Cable Modem With A Phone Line?

Jan 11, 2013

I am looking for a router or something else that still allows me to connect my phone line to my router or computer so people in the house can make calls. My cable modem is a Motorola SBV5120 I had it for eight years now and I am thinking of switching our network to wireless so I don't get those cluttered wires.

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