Corporate Wifi Access From Android Phone

Jun 11, 2012

I am trying to connect to my office wifi which uses a proxy server. Scenario 1: I am using Samsung Bada (wave 1), connected to the internet successfully and also any applications that require an internet connection including Samsung's app store. While, connecting via open networks like home wifi and other friends' wifi also worked without any issue. Scenario 2: Now I also have an android based Galaxy pocket: even after entering all the required proxy setting as mentioned above, I can access websites via browser but cannot access samsung's app store, google's play store, skype, sipdroid etc. I know it is nothing to do with the network administration as I am still accessing via my samsung wave but not via android. Is there anything like a network profile I need to assign for these applications?

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How To Connect Android Phone To Wifi

Jun 8, 2012

I received my upgrade yday from shop. I'm using galaxy 11s but have now galaxy 111 x my 11s is still connected to fone as hubby got it but I can't get wifi on new fone x iv sky broadband. does it take 24 hrs or what's wrong.

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Connect Laptop And Android Phone Through Wifi?

Jan 11, 2011

I need to connect my laptop with android phone thru Wi-Fi. I have created ad hoc WEP connection in my laptop. Now, the signal strength in my laptop Wi-Fi shows "no signal". Therefore , my phone is not detecting the ad hoc connection which I have created.

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How To Connect To Internet Using Wifi From Android Phone

Oct 23, 2012

how to connect to internet using my android phone.

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Samsung Galaxy 5 - Connect To Internet On Android Phone Using Wifi?

Sep 9, 2011

I have a samsung galxy 5 phone.. with ANDROID 2.1 installed in it.. I wan2 access internet thru wi-fi on my mobile. I have got myself a wireless router at home. the wi-fi settings page of my phone says that i am connected to the network i wanna connect to... but when i try 2 access any website thru d browser , it displays page not found..

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Access PC HDD From Android Phone?

Jul 24, 2012

i've got remote desktop and it is amazingle useful.know of an app that lets me link into shared devices on my windows 7 p from my phone? I want to be able to access my hdd without having to be using remote desktop.

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Connect Android Phone To Wireless Access Point Laptop?

Sep 4, 2012

I setup an accespoint on my laptop. Now I want to connect my Phone (android) to this network but, he is asking for an Ip-address I tried the following;

- give the phone a static ip address

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Tethering Using My Android Phone?

Apr 2, 2013

Unfortunately, despite my best efforts to find a better alternative, where I live my only option for unlimited internet with any speed whatsoever is to tether my DROID DNA phone to my computer using the app PdaNet. I've been doing this for over a year now without any problems.I have an unlimited data plan through Verizon and although I only have 3G at my house, it is still far better than anything else I've found.

Recently I started playing the online game World of Warcraft. Obviously the speed isn't ideal, but it worked perfectly fine for about 3 weeks. One night the game started to get really slow and after a minute or two would freeze up entirely. When this happened, I would have an error message on my phone at the PdaNet screen that read "Communication with client has been broken." Despite restarting things, this continued to happen. I assumed that it was because the weather was bad outside, but the problem didn't go away the next day. When I noticed that my internet speed when browsing the web had slowed down as well I figured that although I supposedly have unlimited data, that Verizon must have slowed me down for crossing over a certain download barrier. I've heard that they do this.

So this went on for the next week until the first of the month when my data was reset through Verizon. Well I'm still having the same issue when trying to play the game. It will work alright for anywhere from 30 seconds to 10 minutes, and then all of a sudden start to get slower and slower until it freezes completely and I have the "Communication with client has been broken" error screen on my phone. I'm not sure if my internet speed in general is back to normal or not because I haven't spent enough time online to know for sure, but at the moment it seems to be.

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Linksys Wireless Router :: Get Guest Passwords For Wifi Access On Android Cell?

Feb 28, 2013

How do I get guest passwords for wifi access on my android cell?

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Cannot Pair Android Phone And Laptop

Feb 7, 2013

For some weeks I have been trying to pair my Samsung Galaxy S2 with my Lenovo Thankpad SL500. The consistent message is "Unable to pair with [laptop]. Incorrect PIN or PASSWORD.

Well which is? PIN? or PASSWORD? - or does the system not know, so it's taking a guess? If it doesn't know, how can I possibly know?

Having read many articles about his on the www, I am still none the wiser as to what is causing this. What's wrong with the PIN or PASSWORD - is it too hot, or too cold? Wrong font face, colour or size? Wrong latitiude, longitude or elevation? Wrong time of day or month? Are the auspices in general not favourable? Am I facing in the wrong direction as I type? Have I chosen the wrong weight/color of paper for my printer? Is my body odor unacceptable? Is the length of grass in my lawn not quite right? Oh, the number of options is so large - where does one start?

Oh, and before I forget - assuming I can find what constitutes a correct PIN or PASSWORD, where does one set it? btw pairing this phone with the media player in my 10 year old car works immediately and flawlessly!

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How To Connect Samsung Android Phone To Pc For Internet

Dec 18, 2012

I Want To Connect My Android Phone To My PC For Internet.

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Windows 7 VPN Server With Android Phone Connected?

Oct 7, 2012

I have time warner cable, they have a service where you can watch TV on your hand held devices.. Only issue is, you have to be on your home network. since thats fairly pointless since if i am home i am watching the 60 inch... i was trying to use VPN to get inside of my network to effectivly fool the app to thinking i was on my home network.

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D-Link DIR-615 :: E1 Android Phone Connects Does Not Load Webpages

Jan 5, 2013

My Dir-615 E1 5.01 works fine, daughters Iphone, laptop connect fine.  My Droid Max android phone connects with no problem but does not load web pages or sites.  Phone does work great at other wifi spots just not at home with this DLink.  My last android phone acted the same way, cannot use wifi at home!  Not a password issue cause it does connect and has strong signal.

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D-Link DIR-825 :: Android Phone Can See 2.4 Ghz Connection But Keeps Reporting Deactivated

Mar 20, 2011

I have just gotten a new touch phone that has wifi. and i wanna use it through my dlink dir-825 router. My phone is the nexus s with 2.3 andriod OS.The problem is that my phone can see the 2.4 ghz connection it just keeps reporting "deactivated" i did acess other wifi and used the internet over a router. So i know the phone works.

So my question is: 1. Can i make my router ONLY be in 2.4ghz mode, if so, can you link or explain it?

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Cisco VPN :: Setting Up RV180W To Work With Android Phone?

Oct 6, 2012

I recently purchased a Cisco RV180W VPN router and would like to enable the VPN (specifically IPSec) capabilities so that I can connect via my Android 4.0 (Samsung Galaxy S3) phone.  I need step by step instructions (I'm quite unfamiliar with Cisco routers) to configure both the router and my Android phone to do this.  I've actually been able to configure the RV180W to work with PPTP (and connect via my phone with PPTP), but would prefer to use IPSec.

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D-Link DIR-655 :: Causing Excessive Battery Drain On Android Phone

May 19, 2011

I've got a Samsung Epic 4G and whenever I leave the wifi connected on my phone at home, it seems to never go into sleep so the battery drains overnight doing nothing.  If I turn off wifi and leave it on the 3G network, battery barely drains at all.  Is there something in my router that could be keeping my phone awake when it's connected.  I've tested it on a friends wifi network and my phone sleeps just fine, it's only when I'm connected to my DIR-655. 

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Cisco Wireless :: 5508 - Android Phone Is Not Browsing For Internet

Jun 30, 2011

I have CUWN, WLC 5508 is installed and APs are 1142. Network is working fine but I am facing the problem with Android phone which are not browsing for internet.

Android phones connectes with wi-fi, it takes IP from DHCP well, which is pingable from any node of network. even I got be GUI of WLC on Android, but when it goes to browes for internet the message displayed " Page cannot be disply".
In same scenario if configure the Public IP on Android Phone (Via DHCP or Static) then it runs the internet smoothly.

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Linksys Wireless Router :: X2000 Not Downloading Applications With Android Phone

Jan 14, 2013

I did an upgrade to my firmware on the x2000 dsl router and now i cannot download apps with my android phone, i have tried everything that i can think of.

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Linksys Cable / DSL :: X2000 Can't Download Application In IPhone And Android Phone

Nov 13, 2012

I buy new Cisco Modem X2000.I face several problem:
1- When i enter to any website for example (Facebook), When i check remember me, It's not working if i exit and enter again ( No Cookies).
2- I can't download application in iPhone and Android phones.

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Wireless :: Zyxel WRE2205 Range Extender Loses Connection To Android Phone?

Dec 13, 2012

My samsung galaxy phone with android os connects to the weak signal of the far away router in stead of connecting til to range extender close by.Signal from extender is strong but the phone seems to have problems in obtaining the IP addres from the extender.Have returned to factory settings and made new setup - but still the same problem, and only with connecting tilthe Xyzel range extender 2205?

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Can Phone Access Desktop Via Router / Modem With Wifi

Feb 26, 2012

I've got a Livebox router/modem that provides an ethernet connection for our desktop and wifi connections for our smartphones (all-in-one kind of thing) in a SOHO environment. what i'd like to do is access one from the other, that is move files between a smartphone and the desktop without additional wiring or hardware.

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Linksys Wireless Adapters :: Ae2500 Installation To Access Hotspot Wifi On Cell Phone

Jul 13, 2012

I have a router attached to my Dell desktop running Windows 7 and am trying to install the AE2500. Instead of using the router, I want the AE-2500 to access my HotSpot wifi on my cell  phone. I go through the AE2500 installation and Device Manager shows it is installed properly. However, I do not see the adapter in my list of available wireless connections and I'm unabley to disconnect my router connection. I keep clicking disconnect but it never does.

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2928-SFP Doesn't Have Access To Corporate Network

Sep 30, 2012

Looking for input on creating a guest VLAN for a client. The goal is to create a guest VLAN that doesn't have access to the corporate network using one DSL modem. They currently have a managed switch (3COM Baseline Switch 2928-SFP Plus). There are no existing VLANs or guest access. Additionally, they are looking for a WAP that supports captive portal.

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Linksys Wireless Router :: WRT54gx / How To Access Corporate VPN

Aug 7, 2011

Trying to access my corporate VPN.  My laptop can successfully VPN in anytime I'm on the road, but not through my WRT54gx at home.  I've enabled the VPN pass through but my expertise ends there. 

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Cisco Firewall :: PIX501 Unable To Access To Corporate Network

Mar 14, 2011

I am having trouble with routing in PIX501.I have one Pix 501 and one Cisco router.Cisco Router is configured for IPSEC VPN ( LAN interface  and PIX is configured for access the internet.Default gateway of Pcs in LAN are PIX inside interface ( but people are unable to access to corporate network but can access the internet.If i set default gateway to Cisco router  LAN interface ( i can access to corporate network.Purpose is to pass the internet traffic using PIX 501 and corporate network traffic using Cisco router.

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Cisco Routers :: SA520W - Can't Access SSLVPN Corporate Connection

Feb 27, 2013

A new Windows 8 computer can't access the SSLVPN corporate connection.
When we try to access the SSLVPN website to download the launcher (you have to download the VPN launcher everytime for our configuration), you can log in and that's fine, and then you can click on the VPN Tunnel link, a popup shows up but it doesn't actually download the launcher. Solutions we've tried so far:

1)     Reinstalling C++ Redistirbutable
2)     Adding the site to trusted sites and allowing unsigned ActiveX controls
3)     Removing all internet objects through internet options.
Is there anything else we can try?

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Cisco Wireless :: 877 - Create Dual SSID For Corporate And Guest Access

May 9, 2012

I have a cisco 877 configured foir lan to lan between sites A and B. I have used vlan 1 but looks like i have to bvi1 if i need to use the wireless,what is the difference between bvi and vlan. if i wanted users on the same vlan and wireless what would be the base config ? at the moment all corporate traffic goes to site A and other traffic goes to internet. now would i be able to create two ssid, one for corporate to access corporate subnets and the other for guest access alone where the traffic goes out to the internet.

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Cisco VPN :: 2911 / Getting Simple Remote Client-initiated VPN For Employees To Access Corporate Resources?

Nov 24, 2011

I want a simple remote client-initiated VPN for employees to access corporate resources from home simultaneously with being able to access the internet. I am using CCP and seem to have several options including Easy VPN server, SSL VPN. I also can choose "Full Tunnel" or not.I have a 2911 router. I have a static range of internet IP addresses. The router is already functioning with inside to outside and outside to inside NAT, etc.

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Share Files Between Android And Windows 7 Over Wifi?

Dec 10, 2011

When I looked up "setup home wifi network windows 7" I had no idea what I was reading after I got as far as setting up an ad hoc connection on my windows 7 laptop.I need to take beyond what I've done to get this going? I basically want to have my router set up to not only provide my devices (so far my laptop and my phone) with internet but a means of sharing files.

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Unable To Connect Android 2.2 Tablet To Wifi?

Jun 5, 2011

i have purchased a 2.2 android tablet everything works fine apart from internet access tablet scans finds my sky router tap on connect enter password which i have double checked starts to connect then says disconnected and disabled is this a security issue with the router or conflict with the tablet desktop connects great and also wii.

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Connecting Android Devices To Wifi With Linksys Wrt300n?

Aug 25, 2012

My wifi router is linksys WRT300N v1.1 At first my wifi works great with this devices . iphone 4s , ipod touch 4 , hp pavilion dv6 , dell inspirion 1545 . But it don't works with android devices I had a bunch of them samsung galaxy s3 , galaxy nexus , amazon kindle and more ...The android devices connect to wifi but wifi doesn't work for them in browsers I can't open pages there's appears <webpage not available> , but I can use skype on android devices.

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Tew-691gr Wifi Router To Link To Android 3g Hotspot

Oct 14, 2012

I've got a WiFi router which I'd now like to connect through my Android phone's 3g hotspot. The router is a Trendnet TEW-691GR. The phone: an old Motorola Milestone.

The reason I'm attempting this is the ADSL (or other wireless) in the area is simply tooooooo slooooowww to even consider. I'm lucky to get 40kb/s through the ADSL, but linking through the phone's hotspot allows in excess of 2MB/s - price wise it's not much of a difference. So I thought: "Why not simply use my phone's connection (seeing as I'm paying for it already - uncapped as well), and drop the ADSL contract?"

Only: the router was fine for the ADSL modem. But I'm failing to see how to connect it to the hotspot. I can connect the phone to the router quite easily. But if the hotspot is turned on the connection needs to go the other way round - doesn't it?

Anyhow most of the PC's & Laptops have a wireless connection, so I can directly connect to the hotspot from each of these. This now causes further issues: One of the PCs (I use it as a pseudo server) only has a LAN connection to the router. Also if a laptop is connected to the hotspot it cannot be connected to the router - thus it's incapable of seeing the shares on the "server".

I was thinking of attempting the router's WDS setup, but it requires the MAC address of the other wireless device(s). And for the love of Pete I cannot find the phone's MAC while its hotspot is turned on (simply says MAC address unavailable on the phone). I can find it when the hotspot is off, and have tried using that MAC, then turn the hotspot on and reboot the router - but still it doesn't connect to the hotspot.

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Cannot Connect Android Tablet To Home Wifi / Getting Authentication Error?

Dec 30, 2012

I cannot connect Android Tablet to home WiFi. Getting Authentication Problem" as error.All other devices connected. Have tried all of the solutions on this and other sites

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