Cisco Wireless :: Wrv210 Why Must Repair Wifi Connection On Workstations

Oct 18, 2011

I have a WRV210 router setup with WPA personal-AES encryption...SSID is turned on.  The issue is that workstations lose connectivity to the internet and to a mapped network drive on the server.  When this happens I find that the wireless status shows "connected", along with excellent signal strength.  It never happens when logging on, just after so many minutes.  The simple remedy is to repair wireless connection but we would like to not have to resort to this behavior every day.  Further, I found that within the repair connection sequence that deleting the address resolution protocol table, brings the internet and the ability to access a mapped network drive back.  I even used a program called arpfreeze to assign static ip's to the arp table and I still had to repair wireless connection.  It does not matter where the workstations are placed, whether sitting 50 feet away or 5 feet from the router, the workstations lose the ability to access internet and mapped drive while showing "connected" and excellent signal strength.  Otherwise, we are looking at running ethernet cables through the building (Not easy).

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Linksys Wireless Router :: WRT110 - Continually Have To Repair Connection?

Jun 23, 2012

Using WRT110 router, running XP, SP3 on both laptops, one a Dell and one an old Toshiba. Never any problem with the Dell (and Gateway before that), nor the iPad, Acer notebook, etc. However, the Toshiba keeps losing the connection to Internet (even though the icon says the connection is excellent). DH has to continually Repair in order to connect. I even reformatted the Toshiba, thinking it was something in the Registry. Now that it is back up and running (and all programs updated), it STILL periodically has to be repaired in order to connect.

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Dell Inspiron 6000 - Frequent Wireless Connection Repair After Power On?

Dec 22, 2012

Recently acquired a Dell Inspiron 6000. I had the hard drive clean off and Windows XP reinstalled. I have no problem connecting to the internet when I power up if I go through "repair connection". I have to do nearly every time I power on. How do I get it to stop? My other Inspiron had no problems connecting.

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Cisco Wireless :: WRV210 Strange Log And WiFi Drops And Reboot

Apr 13, 2013

I've a WRV210 Wireless-G VPN Router with RangeBooster, that logs this alert almost every time, "Packet type : 0 -- free socket buffer only".Also each time that some devices, like Android, are connected to the Wifi, the wifi starts a reboot and drop cycle.
Some extra context information, I've connected to the router a Cisco Gigabit switch and all the wired devices are connected to the switch, that could overload the router? Other point I've a Cisco VOIP gateway connected to the router and a few VPN's and firewall rules setup.

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How To Repair Network Connection

Jun 4, 2012

Every time I start Windows XP, I see an icon of Internet connection being established, and then a connection error icon with a pop-up window. When I click on it, I see the connection window with a notification that no IP address has been assigned.In order to get an Internet connection, I have to click "repair" every time. I have downloaded and used TCP/IP and Winsock repairs without result. I use WIN XP SP3 and run updated Avira and Comodo. I am aware of damage left behind by deleted malware but don't know where to look.

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Cisco Wireless :: WRV210 - Why Connection Lost So Often

Nov 1, 2012

I'm looking for support on why I'm always loosing my internet conection due to my WRV210 Router.
This is being used in a business, and it has the most up to date Firmware, I'm also using a spliter hub which was making things work better, but now it seems about every second day I have to unplug the router only and my connection is back..

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Repair Local Area Connection

Dec 7, 2011

My error message states that "Windows could not finish repairing the problem because the following action cannot be completed: Registering with DNS".I have no internet connection on my HP PC, which is why I am typing this on my laptop.On the HP I am running windows xp with sp3.I connect to a cable modem provide by Time Warner.This problem started yesterday, so I have been utilizing both computers with one internet connection, or plugging and unplugging the cat5 cable.I have run Microsoft Essential Full scan, as well as Malwarebytes's Anti-malware.Now I ran both of those in Safe mode, and picked up no bugs. I have Avast as my antivirus software, and the message I receive on that is that "Avast will not be able tp protect mail/news (error 10050). I am unable to turn on the web shields for Avast.I have manually entered the IP addresses into my HP from my laptop, all the way thru DNS servers.It still won't connect.I tried using the Internet explorer diagnostic tool, and it came back and said that I have a winsock issue.

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1800-24G Workstations Lose Connection To Server

Mar 19, 2012

We are having several workstations that are momentarily losing connection to our Windows Server 2008 machine that hosts their Documents etc.It seems like a momentary disconnection and not everyone has complained although I'm guessing that unless you are trying to locate a file etc at that moment you might not notice.Here is the error message I see in the event logs on the server:

-Source: srv
-EventID: 2012
-Level: Warning

While transmitting or receiving data, the server encountered a network error. Occassional errors are expected, but large amounts of these indicate a possible error in your network configuration. The error status code is contained within the returned data (formatted as Words) and may point you towards the problem.So, where would you guys start with something like this? Either my HP Procurve 1800-24G doesn't have much in the way of error logs, or I don't know where to look.Would you start with changing port on the switch, changing network cable or do you think it's more likely to be something on the server itself?

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Dell Inspiron E1405 - Unable To Use Repair Button But It Fails Because Of No Connection

May 27, 2011

i have a dell inspiron E1405. my laptop will not search for any wireless networks. i have wireless at my house and my toshiba computer. will find the wireless but the dell wont. i dont know what to do. i have tried to use the repair button but it just says it fails because there is no internet connection. i have tried to reset my internet and it is still not working.

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Wireless Internet Stops Working / Attempts To Repair

Oct 16, 2011

Wireless internet connection stops working after anywhere from 10 minutes to two hours, a message pops up telling me it is "impossible to connect to my preferred wireless network", and then it fails to detect any wireless connections at all. The strangest thing is that when I try to "repair" the connection, which used to work, the computer immediately shuts down and restarts itself. It also seems like when I attempt to download something, like a movie for example, the connection fails right away, while if I'm just surfing the web it usually lasts around an hour before stopping. And when I restart the computer again it works perfectly fine at first, like right now, but eventually does the same thing.

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Linksys Wireless Card / Limited To No Connectivity / Cannot Repair

Dec 13, 2012

I have a computer that is running Windows XP and is using a Linksys wireless card and their connection software. (It's not my computer, and I can't recall the name of the software.) The computer can't connect to the internet, but it can connect to the wireless network. When you try to repair the connection you get back that the computer cannot refresh the IP address, and thus repair the connection.A few extra things, the owner seems to be under the impression that another computer has kicked him off and has somehow broken his connection due the fact that it is used for gaming. These problems occurred when said computer had no internet connection at all. (Wired or wireless, everything was unplugged.) I just would like some kind of verification of the fact that another computer, under general circumstances, can't break another's connection out of thin air. I have tried resetting card, routers, and some other things. I am working on trying other wireless receivers on the computer and a different router tomorrow. I will update when that is finished.

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Cisco Wireless :: Damaged Firmware On WRV210?

May 9, 2009

I purchased two linksys wrv210 routers and the firmware seems to be damaged. The dhcp server for the router is not working and even if i configure a static ip address on my notebook. I still can access the router via the web interface. I have already tried to reset the router to its default settings via the reset button but that proved to be useless. Can the firmware be reloaded via tftp?

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Cisco Wireless :: Connect Wrv210 With Ezxs88w

Aug 31, 2010

I try to connect those part : 1 WRV210 and 1 EZXS88W.Both of them work fine. But, i can not see it on the network, even in wrv210 management console.I plug the cable in port 1 of wrv210 and then in "uplink" of ezxs88w. In the managment console, it's say "Port 1 Disabled".Is there any way to change this configuration ?

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Cisco Wireless :: WRV210 - Can't Connect Vpn To The Internet

Aug 20, 2012

just trying to set up my Signal Booster VPN WRV210 -- no connection to the internet happens when I connect it all like the the Quick Start Guide tells me to connect first my AT&T DSL modem to the power, then the new VPN router, then the PC with a hard wire ethernet connection.

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Cisco VPN :: Configure Access On WRV210 Wireless-G Router

Jun 23, 2011

I need to configure a vpn on a Cisco WRV210 Wireless-G VPN Router - RangeBooster, i have five users that are going to connect to a file server. the file server access is all set i just need a step by step document to configure the vpn screens on the router.

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Cisco Wireless :: Cannot Even Connect To WRV210 To Begin Setup

Oct 12, 2010

I purchased an WRV210 to set up as a wireless access point on our office network, to replace an older competitor's unit. Since we already have DHCP on the network, I've elected to attempt to configure this device using my own laptop. Here are the steps I've taken, which is approximately the same steps as the pamphlet lays out:
1) connect my laptop to one of the four ethernet ports on the back of the router
2) power up the router (I've disabled my wireless on my laptop, btw)
3) open a browser and type ""
nothing comes up. It cannot connect.
So I pulled up a command prompt and pinged No answer.
So, then I pulled up the ethernet adapter configuration, and set the adapter to the following:
IP address: Mask: Default gateway: (left blank)
still no response from the unit. So then I assigned the default gateway to the address of the router, Still no response.

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Cisco Routers :: Static IP Address For WRV210 Wireless

Nov 6, 2011

I recently switched operating systems from XP to Windows 7. Since that time whenever I need to reboot the router, it does not recognize my printer. How do I set the router to a static ip address and will that affect its recognition of my computer? I have had no problems with computer recognition, only printer.

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Cisco Routers :: WRV210 Wireless Frequent Disconnections

Feb 18, 2013

- Small Home-Office network based on a Cisco WRV210 VPN Router connected to another WRV210 in a remote location.
- The WRV210 provides 2 WAP-protected SSIDs, one for the office network and one for visitors
- Wireless channel is set 5 channels away of the closest networks (using inSSIDer)
- There are about 12 wireless devices, 4 connected to the office network the rest to visitors. Not all devices are connected at the time of failure. All wireless devices use DHCP which is set to last 1 day and provide 100 IPs.
- The wireless devices are 1 desktop, 3 notebooks (all clean), iPads, iTouch and Nook.
- The failure symptom is that almost daily, and most likely around the same time, no wireless device can connect to any of the SSIDs unless the router is power-cycled. During the failures, which we have witnessed first hand, there are no apparent reasons: no new SSIDs, now SSID in close range on the same channels, nothing we can easily observed in the network in terms of connections or unusual activity.
- A weirdo also presented by the WRV210 was that its web pages were shown erratically. That was corrected by downgrading the firmware from the latest to previous version.
We have used a loaner Linksys router WRT54GC with only the visitor Network on it and even though the situation is not as frequent, it has happened already a couple of times.The WRV210 is out of warranty and discontinued, so we get no support from Cisco that is worth paying for.

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Adding / Removing Workstations On Domain?

Jul 11, 2011

adding/removing/re-adding a workstation to a domain and Active Directory. We use DHCP at work for our addressing scheme. The problem I had when naming a new workstation the same as the one I am replacing on the domain was that I noticed the new pc with that same computer name as the previous pc was still trying to use the IP address that was assigned to the workstation before by dhcp, so the new workstation was not showing it assigned an IP address. I would try pinging the computer name but there was no reply because it was still showing the ip address of the computer disconnected that had the same name.

- remove the faulty workstation from the domain to workgroup, then restart

- then from Active Directory do I need to reset the Computer name

- then do a ipconfig /release on faulty workstation that has been removed from the domain to release the leased ip address in dhcp

- then disconnect the faulty PC and connect the PC I am using to replace the previous PC

- Name this workstation the same as the one I just disconnected and removed from the domain

-Add this PC to the domain and restart

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Explaining The Intranet Hosting For 150 Workstations

Mar 29, 2011

You are appointed as a system administrator for a large company which has its own computer intranet hosting 150 workstations and around the same number of users. Write few points explaining the roles you would expect to take on as part of your new employment in terms.

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Renaming / Readding Workstations On Domain

Jul 11, 2011

I had when naming a new workstation the same as the one I am replacing on the domain was that I noticed the new pc with that same computer name as the previous pc was still trying to use the IP address that was assigned to the workstation before by dhcp, so the new workstation was not showing it assigned an IP address. I would try pinging the computer name but there was no reply because it was still showing the ip address of the computer disconnected that had the same name.

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Installed 4 New Computers - Can't View Other Workstations Now

Jul 15, 2011

I have an office server set up to about 10 computers. We hired 4 new people and had to set up their computers on our network. Set up was easy and quick as usual. But when I was done, the other computer users, and even the new ones were complaining about not being able to access the DEFCON5 (name of our server) folder to get what they needed.

Basically the only workstations that show up when I click Network are the computers I added the other day, and the computer that is used more than any other computer (the CEO's). We can still access the files by typing the location as \DEFCON5****** and find what we need. But not everyone at my office is computer savy (no body is) and I would like to not have to keep running around and showing everyone this.

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Linksys Wireless Router :: Can't Change Admin Password On WRV210

Jul 8, 2011

I just got a WRV 210 wireless router (three of them actually, planning to set up a VPN). But I can't set the admin password. I've tried 4 times, and every time, i've got to hold the reset button to reset to factory settings in order to access the management pages! I enter the new password in both fields, and then click to save the settings. It restarts. Then i try to log in - and it doesn't accept the new password. It doesn't accept the default password. I've tried with admin/(new password) and (new password)/(new password), and admin/admin. None of them work, forcing me to reset router to factory settings. I've tried a password composed of 6 letters followed by a . Thinking that maybe the . was throwing it off, I tried 6 letters followed by 3 numbers. That doesn't work either. I've updated to firmware version No luck. 

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Linksys Wireless Router :: Single Port Forwarding On WRV210?

Mar 5, 2010

How to forward a single port to a different port to a specific computer for the WRV210 router?
I would like to forward port 10100 to port 25 to my mail server.  There are times when our people are at a hotel and they block port 25 and I have done this in the past on a BEFSR11 and BEFSR41 router.  There does not seem to be a Single Port Forwarding setup page and the Port Forwarding setup page only allows you to forward a range to a specific computer, it does not give you a different port you can assign an incoming port to.
I have the most current firmware revision,, and Hardware Version WRTR-221G_V01.

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Routers / Switches :: Cannot Repair Ip Address Because Can't Clear Arp Cache

Feb 14, 2011

when i try and repair it it comes bk saying cannot repair ip address coz cant clear arp cache

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Cabling / Cards :: Connects For 2 Minutes Then Disconnects Can't Repair?

Apr 10, 2012

Yesterday I bought a new wireless adapter (Belkin Surf Micro, it was the only one for sale nearby). I installed it from the disk, and it worked for around a minute, then... nothing. This kept happening every time with several reboots and reinstalls inbetween.I thought maybe the adapter was faulty, so I installed it on my Mums laptop. It worked great.I have tried flushing the dns, and some other command prompt based things suggested on other sites, but to no avail.But here's the thing that strikes me as funny: Even when it connects to the internet for that minute or so I cannot ping the router, even though it says on the router page (viewed from another computer) that I am definately connected to it. I also cannot ping google or anything but myself.

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Thinkpad Xp Service Pack 3 / Constant Need To Repair Network?

Mar 4, 2013

I have a Thinkpad xp service pack 3 I am trying to nurse along til I can get a new one. All of a sudden, I need to repair the network connection every few minutes, I have comodo for my firewall and avast! for my antivirus. Secunia says all my programs are up to date.

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Sky Router: Internet Speed Issues After Line Repair

Oct 24, 2011

My ISP is Sky who I use for phone calls and internet, the line to my my house was installed by BT several years ago. I live in a fairly rural area and have never had more than a 1.5mb connection.
Two months ago a neighbor who was repairing his guttering accidentally broke the main phone line coming from the pole directly to our house (the ladder he used was left unattended and it fell over catching on the wire). The line broke in the middle of the length that runs from the pole directly in front of our house to the connecting shackle on the house fascia board, on the first floor.
I connected the broken wire back together, I only have one line in, so all that needed to be soldered were the white and orange wires. The other colored wires I cut flush. The remaining three steel core wires i used as holding wires. Everything was heat shrink sealed, insulation taped up, heat shrink over the whole lot and then more insulation tape put over the whole join, allowing around three or four inches over run at each end of the join. Afterward I did a quiet line test (17070 option 2) and the line was good. My internet speed was as per usual, 1.5mb.
Last Wednesday I was checking my email and web pages kept timed out, i logged on to the router and checked the speed I was connected at. My speed was 560kbps / 56k. After several router resets the speed was still not any higher. I did a quiet line test again and there was a considerable amount of line noise.
As it had rained a few times since my repair to the wire I thought it best to check to see if any water had gotten in. Unfortunately, even with all the insulation water had indeed got in. There was a score mark on the cable and that was the obvious route of entry. Upon opening the repair back up I could see the copper wire inside the orange line had turned black. I had to cut back the damaged line about 10 inches total, to get shiny copper cable and remove the scoring on the outside of the cable. I re-joined the line as I had done before. A quiet line test was good, but my internet speed remains at 560kbps / 56k.
I bought a new ADSL filter, and have tested the router directly in the master test socket without my phone extension, no difference in internet speed at all, and like I said the quiet line test is perfect.
Before I bite the bullet and get BT to come and renew the cable (which I am going to get done, when my neighbor can afford it) is there anything that I could have overlooked, or is it possible that the water has damaged something i.e. the Sky router or other parts of the cable?

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Cisco Firewall :: ASA5505 Vlan1 Down Active Workstations

Feb 26, 2012

I have an ASA5505 where vlan1 (inside) and all associated ports (e0/1 - e0/7) are down.  Workstations on vlan 1 are online and working.  Vlan2 (outside) is up and running normally.  I tried to shut/no shut on the vlan.  I also rebooted the firewall.  No change.  Why vlan1 is down??  I've attached some config info and some troubleshooting.

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Cisco VPN :: RV082 - Router / Firewall For 10 User Workstations?

Feb 9, 2011

Recommend a low-cost Cisco-branded router/firewall for a clinic with perhaps 10 user workstations? We're looking for something that will support attaching a static VPN to a data center.

Currently we're using a Cisco RV082 in our office, but there might be a device which is more appropriate for the next office we connect to the data center. On the data center side we're using a Juniper SSG5.

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Servers :: Network Drives Only Visible From Workstations?

Apr 26, 2011

At the company I work for, there are a few "network drives" to which employees are given access so that any mutual file stored thereon may be shared between and edited on demand. Not the best model, I know.Went to the server room a few minutes ago and found that "network drives," (P:), (L:) and (M:) seem to be invisible. Back at my workstation, I opened My Computer and saw all three on my screen.

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Servers :: Office Server - Can't View Workstations

Jul 15, 2011

I have an office server set up to about 10 computers. We hired 4 new people and had to set up their computers on our network. Set up was easy and quick as usual. But when I was done, the other computer users, and even the new ones were complaining about not being able to access the DEFCON5 (name of our server) folder to get what they needed. Basically the only workstations that show up when I click Network are the computers I added the other day, and the computer that is used more than any other computer (the CEO's). We can still access the files by typing the location as \DEFCON5****** and find what we need. But not everyone at my office is computer savy (no body is) and I would like to not have to keep running around and showing everyone this.

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Cisco Firewall :: ASA 5505 Intermittent Denies From Internal Workstations

Mar 24, 2013

I'm completely illiterate with Cisco appliances but I'm taking care of an ASA 5505 that is configured as a firewall and it has been working for the last years. All of the sudden we are experiencing intermittent connection problems from the workstations. You can be browsing the internet and suddently you'll get a server not found error but you refresh it and it works. This is also intermittent, out no apparent reason it will start working normally again.
I am seeing a bunch of errors like this in the logs:
4          Mar 25 2013          14:34:49          106023           Deny icmp src outside: dst inside: (type 8, code 0) by access-group "inbound" [0x0, 0x0]


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