Cisco Wireless :: Damaged Firmware On WRV210?

May 9, 2009

I purchased two linksys wrv210 routers and the firmware seems to be damaged. The dhcp server for the router is not working and even if i configure a static ip address on my notebook. I still can access the router via the web interface. I have already tried to reset the router to its default settings via the reset button but that proved to be useless. Can the firmware be reloaded via tftp?

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Cisco Wireless :: Few Pins On RJ-45 Socket Are Damaged

Sep 5, 2011

I have a problem with my AP. Basically when I plug it in to the PoE switch it will start up (I can see the lights) but for some reason there is no light on the PoE switch. Looks like there is nothing connected. I chave changed the cable, port on the PoE switch but still the same. Is it possible that maybe few pins on the RJ-45 socket are demaged or there may be sth else.The other APs start without any issues and the light is always on on the PoE switch.I also need to add that the AP can not get the IP address.

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Linksys Wireless Router :: E2700 Damaged After Power Surge Came Through Coaxial Cabling

Aug 19, 2012

I recently upgraded to an EA3500 router using Cisco Cloud Connect after my E2700 series router was damaged after a power surge came through coaxial cabling to my house and was transfered to the router over ethernet.
I have my EA3500 running both 2.4 and 5 GHZ networks running as 802.11n only and a Lynksis WRT54GS router for 802.11g network devices that are left in my house connected to the EA3500 over ethernet.  
Since upgrading to the EA3500 - I have noticed that I am having some trouble with my internet connection dropping randomly that was not present when I was running the E2700 series using the same configuration.  
I have not been able to get my full internet speeds as promised by Comcast over wireless (30 Mbps - using direct ethernet I can get upto 40Mbps). My two printers connected via ethernet through an ethernet bridge are being stubborn, the IP address constantly changes. I have not changed any settings in the router other than the network name and setting it up for dual band configuration.  

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Cisco Wireless :: Connect Wrv210 With Ezxs88w

Aug 31, 2010

I try to connect those part : 1 WRV210 and 1 EZXS88W.Both of them work fine. But, i can not see it on the network, even in wrv210 management console.I plug the cable in port 1 of wrv210 and then in "uplink" of ezxs88w. In the managment console, it's say "Port 1 Disabled".Is there any way to change this configuration ?

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Cisco Wireless :: WRV210 - Can't Connect Vpn To The Internet

Aug 20, 2012

just trying to set up my Signal Booster VPN WRV210 -- no connection to the internet happens when I connect it all like the the Quick Start Guide tells me to connect first my AT&T DSL modem to the power, then the new VPN router, then the PC with a hard wire ethernet connection.

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Cisco Wireless :: WRV210 - Why Connection Lost So Often

Nov 1, 2012

I'm looking for support on why I'm always loosing my internet conection due to my WRV210 Router.
This is being used in a business, and it has the most up to date Firmware, I'm also using a spliter hub which was making things work better, but now it seems about every second day I have to unplug the router only and my connection is back..

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Cisco VPN :: Configure Access On WRV210 Wireless-G Router

Jun 23, 2011

I need to configure a vpn on a Cisco WRV210 Wireless-G VPN Router - RangeBooster, i have five users that are going to connect to a file server. the file server access is all set i just need a step by step document to configure the vpn screens on the router.

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Cisco Wireless :: Cannot Even Connect To WRV210 To Begin Setup

Oct 12, 2010

I purchased an WRV210 to set up as a wireless access point on our office network, to replace an older competitor's unit. Since we already have DHCP on the network, I've elected to attempt to configure this device using my own laptop. Here are the steps I've taken, which is approximately the same steps as the pamphlet lays out:
1) connect my laptop to one of the four ethernet ports on the back of the router
2) power up the router (I've disabled my wireless on my laptop, btw)
3) open a browser and type ""
nothing comes up. It cannot connect.
So I pulled up a command prompt and pinged No answer.
So, then I pulled up the ethernet adapter configuration, and set the adapter to the following:
IP address: Mask: Default gateway: (left blank)
still no response from the unit. So then I assigned the default gateway to the address of the router, Still no response.

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Cisco Routers :: Static IP Address For WRV210 Wireless

Nov 6, 2011

I recently switched operating systems from XP to Windows 7. Since that time whenever I need to reboot the router, it does not recognize my printer. How do I set the router to a static ip address and will that affect its recognition of my computer? I have had no problems with computer recognition, only printer.

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Cisco Routers :: WRV210 Wireless Frequent Disconnections

Feb 18, 2013

- Small Home-Office network based on a Cisco WRV210 VPN Router connected to another WRV210 in a remote location.
- The WRV210 provides 2 WAP-protected SSIDs, one for the office network and one for visitors
- Wireless channel is set 5 channels away of the closest networks (using inSSIDer)
- There are about 12 wireless devices, 4 connected to the office network the rest to visitors. Not all devices are connected at the time of failure. All wireless devices use DHCP which is set to last 1 day and provide 100 IPs.
- The wireless devices are 1 desktop, 3 notebooks (all clean), iPads, iTouch and Nook.
- The failure symptom is that almost daily, and most likely around the same time, no wireless device can connect to any of the SSIDs unless the router is power-cycled. During the failures, which we have witnessed first hand, there are no apparent reasons: no new SSIDs, now SSID in close range on the same channels, nothing we can easily observed in the network in terms of connections or unusual activity.
- A weirdo also presented by the WRV210 was that its web pages were shown erratically. That was corrected by downgrading the firmware from the latest to previous version.
We have used a loaner Linksys router WRT54GC with only the visitor Network on it and even though the situation is not as frequent, it has happened already a couple of times.The WRV210 is out of warranty and discontinued, so we get no support from Cisco that is worth paying for.

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Cisco Wireless :: Wrv210 Why Must Repair Wifi Connection On Workstations

Oct 18, 2011

I have a WRV210 router setup with WPA personal-AES encryption...SSID is turned on.  The issue is that workstations lose connectivity to the internet and to a mapped network drive on the server.  When this happens I find that the wireless status shows "connected", along with excellent signal strength.  It never happens when logging on, just after so many minutes.  The simple remedy is to repair wireless connection but we would like to not have to resort to this behavior every day.  Further, I found that within the repair connection sequence that deleting the address resolution protocol table, brings the internet and the ability to access a mapped network drive back.  I even used a program called arpfreeze to assign static ip's to the arp table and I still had to repair wireless connection.  It does not matter where the workstations are placed, whether sitting 50 feet away or 5 feet from the router, the workstations lose the ability to access internet and mapped drive while showing "connected" and excellent signal strength.  Otherwise, we are looking at running ethernet cables through the building (Not easy).

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Cisco Wireless :: WRV210 Strange Log And WiFi Drops And Reboot

Apr 13, 2013

I've a WRV210 Wireless-G VPN Router with RangeBooster, that logs this alert almost every time, "Packet type : 0 -- free socket buffer only".Also each time that some devices, like Android, are connected to the Wifi, the wifi starts a reboot and drop cycle.
Some extra context information, I've connected to the router a Cisco Gigabit switch and all the wired devices are connected to the switch, that could overload the router? Other point I've a Cisco VOIP gateway connected to the router and a few VPN's and firewall rules setup.

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Linksys Wireless Router :: Can't Change Admin Password On WRV210

Jul 8, 2011

I just got a WRV 210 wireless router (three of them actually, planning to set up a VPN). But I can't set the admin password. I've tried 4 times, and every time, i've got to hold the reset button to reset to factory settings in order to access the management pages! I enter the new password in both fields, and then click to save the settings. It restarts. Then i try to log in - and it doesn't accept the new password. It doesn't accept the default password. I've tried with admin/(new password) and (new password)/(new password), and admin/admin. None of them work, forcing me to reset router to factory settings. I've tried a password composed of 6 letters followed by a . Thinking that maybe the . was throwing it off, I tried 6 letters followed by 3 numbers. That doesn't work either. I've updated to firmware version No luck. 

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Linksys Wireless Router :: Single Port Forwarding On WRV210?

Mar 5, 2010

How to forward a single port to a different port to a specific computer for the WRV210 router?
I would like to forward port 10100 to port 25 to my mail server.  There are times when our people are at a hotel and they block port 25 and I have done this in the past on a BEFSR11 and BEFSR41 router.  There does not seem to be a Single Port Forwarding setup page and the Port Forwarding setup page only allows you to forward a range to a specific computer, it does not give you a different port you can assign an incoming port to.
I have the most current firmware revision,, and Hardware Version WRTR-221G_V01.

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Cisco Routers :: WRV210 - Only 11 Wi-Fi Channels Available

Nov 28, 2011

I have WRV210-E V01 router and there is only 11 (instead of 13) WiFi channels available. Firmware How to get all 13 channels (European ETSI standard)?

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Cisco VPN :: WRV210 / Configuring VPN To A FortiGate Router?

Sep 28, 2011

I'm having trouble configuring a vpn between a CISCO WRV210 and a FortiGate router.

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Cisco Routers :: WRV210 - Url Filtering Won't Work

Feb 21, 2011

I have a big problem with my cisco wrv210. I want to use URL Filtering to block facebook.

ip range :
url string : Facebook, , notting work.

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Cisco Routers :: Connect WRV210 To Internet?

Aug 24, 2011

I am trying to connect a new Cisco WRV210 Router to the Internet via a D-Link (Yes I Know - you have to work with what you've got) DSL-320B ADSL2+ Ethernet Modem and can't seem to get a connection.

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Cisco Routers :: WRV210 - Cannot See LAN After Connecting VPN To Router

Aug 14, 2011

I have a WRV210 Router which I am trying to use VPN remotely to work on my home files while away. I have been able to connect to the router but cannot see any lan network. I have three desktop CPU's 1 W7 and two XP pro operating systems. The one DT I tried stopping fire wall - no lan. I set up an exception in the firewall.  I have tried to get you the info thru clips and file capture of the status of the router.

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Cisco Routers :: WRV210 Router Just Reboots

Jun 13, 2011

I've began having problems with the WRV210 where the router just reboots.  Sometimes it may go for an hour or more then it slips into a series of reboots.  The up time varies so I see no pattern.  Contacted support they thought the device may have been defective so we did a RMA.  Well guess what?  The replacement arrived on Friday we put it in place and the same thing is happening.  We are not using any of the VPN or VL options.  Just simple PAT to a few internal machines for RDP access and an internal exchange server.  The Qos is all disabled.  It has the newest firmware which I have reflashed.  I'm at a loss to explain the behavior but it doesn't appear to be isolated to a defective device. 

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Cisco Routers :: Setup VPN On WRV210 As Second Router

Dec 12, 2012

I am attempting to setup a network containing two routers, a primary giving me ADSL internet access (a 3com 3CRWDR101A-75) and a secondary router that has VPN (Cisco WRV210).
The primary router has the following LAN settings: / with DHCP enabled. WRV210 has the following LAN settings: / with DHCP enabled. Cable connection is from LAN port of first router to Internet port on second router. In this way, I'm able to get internet browsing on 2 laptops connected to WRV210 I have also a Panasonic IP PBX connected on the second LAN (the WRV210)
I need to setup the VPN on WRV210 to be able to get SIP calls from outside of the local networks (through internet). As I am a novice in networking, both routers are on DEFAULT setting.
I have learned a lot during the last 7 days to be able to understand the networking concepts but failed to setup the correct configuration.
For example if I change WRV210 from gateway mode to Router mode, I will not able to browse the internet despite the Help file that says "Select the mode in which this Router will function. If this Router is hosting your networks connection to the Internet, select Gateway. If another Router exists on your network, select Router. When Router is chosen, Dynamic Routing will be enabled"
Also i am able to ping the first LAN 192.168.0.x from WRV210 but not on the other side (from primary router to WRV210).
I am confused to use and combine different settings (NAT, Routing, Ports, ...)

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Networking :: 1 DSL Modem With 2 Routers WRV210

Sep 12, 2011

I got a client who's getting a VOIP system installed into their/my network. The VOIP IT guys are demanding a separate static public IP address to be forward/made available to their router. They will put their phones on a different local subnet.

So here's what I've offered them and they refused:

1. separate PPPOE login; that way we share the modem and each router handles their own session (cleanest solution but they don't want to pay extra)
2. plug their router into DMZ of my WRV210 (they said they require publicly routed IP going direct to their device (but in this case they would have to assign my private IP as their WAN IP and all internet traffic would go to them unfiltered))

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Cisco Routers :: WRV210 Not Allowing To Delete VPN Client

Sep 27, 2011

I have a WRV210 router that is not allowing me to delete a VPN client that I had perviously set up. When I go to remove this client on the VPNVPN Client ACCESS table the s/w re-directs me to the Status VPN client table. There I cannot flag/check the disconnect box. I have version s/w which is the latest.

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Cisco WAN :: WRV210 Not Work With SMB Series SG 100 16 Ports Switch

Jan 19, 2011

I connect a WRV210 router with Small Business 100 Series Unmanaged Switch SG 100-16 Switch. But the switch is not work with the router.In the port of switch (connect with router), no light. In router, the port is disable.Do I need cross-over ethernet cable connect with them?I tried connect WRV210 directly to computer, that is work. I tried connect WRV210 to other (no name) switch and connect this switch with Cisco Switch 100-16 switch than they are work. why?

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Cisco Routers :: WRV210 Resets To Factory Defaults?

Sep 23, 2010

I purchased a WRV210. I configure the device, setup all my tunnels, WAN, LAN, Wirelss, Security, etc. and within 48 hours it "automatically" resets itself back to "out of the box" settings. This has happened twice now - once after it ran for about 4 days and the second time after only 5 or so hours of opperation.
Is this a known issue with the device? Is there an update I need to apply? I'd give ya my current FW version but I cannot login as it appears to have rest once again lol - and my tunnels are down so no remote access.
I made a backup of the config after the first unscheduled reset - (.bin file) so I have my settings ready to restore.

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Cisco Routers :: WRV210-A V01 Reset To Factory Default?

Oct 30, 2011

I have a WRV210-A V01 (Software: router that when originally purchased I upgraded the firmware to the newest However after the firmware upgrade the router has not worked right since. [I thought maybe the upgrade did not take, and successfully pushed the firmware 3x times]
Everytime you login to the webpage the right-side pane you have to scroll down 3x pages until you can see the settings options. It does that for everypage you visit you have to scroll down 3x pages until you can see the settings.
The wireless is sporadic and dropping connections, and now certain options like changing the "Basic Rate:" from "All' to "Default" does nothing and wont let you change it.
The main issue I have is that certain wireless settings like changing the "AP Isolation:" cause the router to reset back to factory defaults. and even trying to configure the LAN setup also randomly makes the router reset to factory default.

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Cisco Routers :: WRV210 - No Access To Configuration Menu

Aug 10, 2011

I was configuring a new unit straight out of the box to test a configuration for a client.  I got most of of the configuration done and was noticing the menus were quirky and so I check to firmware and discovered  it was 1.1.16 (* down level).
I finished my setup and rebooted to complete the changes, when I went back to log into the console it would Actively refuses to connect . the first time after powering on it shows  the page title as setup before failing 
I have tried a hard reset ( 15 Seconds reset) but it does not work . it doesn't even reset the settings.    (static IP  etc still there)
how can I get it fixed  / exchanged under warranty

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Cisco Routers :: WRV210 Unable To Connect To Router

Sep 26, 2011

I recently purchased a WRV210 router.  I'm trying to set it up and right now I have my server acting as my DHCP server.  I can not change this.  How can I have the WRV210 recoginize this and pick up on this so that computers connected wirelessly to it will receive IP Addresses from my DHCP Server and not from the router?  Right now if I turn all DHCP off, I'm unable to connect to the router. 

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Cisco Routers :: RV110W Replacement For WRV210 IPsec VPN Tunnel Between Them

Aug 26, 2012

I have a VPN working between two locations using WRV210s at each end. Now I'm looking to replace one 210 with a new RV110W. Can I get the two to work together? The config is quite different.

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Cisco Routers :: WRV210 - Can't Ping Other Devices On DLink Bridge

Sep 4, 2011

I have a DLink wireless bridge connected to the wireless WRV210 router.   All devices connected to DLink can access internet/email fine and can ping the WRV210, however, they can not ping any device connected to the WRV210 router, nor can any device on the WRV210 ping devices on the DLink writeless bridge.  All devices are on the same subnet, 192,168.100.X  with mask  All devices get their address from the WRV210.

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Cisco Routers :: WRV210 Freezes / Hanging / Lock / VPN Don't Reconnect

Dec 21, 2010

I'm using two WRV210 Linksys Cisco Routers to create a tunnel between two places with a pppoe adsl internet connection.I made several tests with new and old 1.7xx firmware, and nothing changes.Try to reset to factory defaults, and nothing changes.I have two problems:
1) The router crashes after a time working, usualy around 24 hours, sometimes more, sometimes less. The lights still flashing, but nothing happens, no VPN traffic and no ping response from the router, and of course, no internet access. I could see just that the router works a bit hot, but, I think that is normal.
2) The VPN IPSEC was configured, and both configurations are identical. All value are the same, I am using the dyndns service. So, the VPN quickly connects and I can ping and access remote computers. Windows Folders, VNC, IT'S REALLY WORKS FULL. WORKS REALLY FINE. PERFECT.
BUT, when the router crashes, as I've told on problem 01, after remove the power cord and insert ir again, the VPN don't reconnect.On log's, I could see that it's say that has no preshared key. [code] But, it worked before. Nothing changes, nothing, the router just restarts. No configuration was lost, (I checked the VPN IPSEC TAB), but says that have no preshared key,The unique way to restablish the connection is go on the VPN IPSEC TAB, and change symetrical any configuration, as change MAIN MODE to AGGRESSIVE on both routers.So, now are as MAIN. Tomorow probably it will crash, so, I will have to restart both routers, and change to AGGRESSIVE. So, when it happens again, i will have to back to MAIN.

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Cisco Routers :: WRV210 Router - Can't Change Static WAN Subnet To 240

Sep 20, 2011

In the Internet Setup area (WAN) when I change to Static IP I can't change the Subnet Mask from to which is the information currently in my D-Link router.  When I try to save the changes I get the error "The IP address is not in the right subnet".  I find it hard to believe that a lowly D-Link $35 router has nore capability then a Ciso Small Business Router. 

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Cisco Routers :: Can't Access Remotely WRV210 - Website Does Not Load?

Nov 22, 2011

I have configured a router WRV210 and I left it enabled in order to access it remotely, but I can not connect to it. I have checked the settings and everything is fine, but if I try to access it from anywhere in the website does not load, either IE or Firefox or Chrome.

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