Servers :: Office Server - Can't View Workstations

Jul 15, 2011

I have an office server set up to about 10 computers. We hired 4 new people and had to set up their computers on our network. Set up was easy and quick as usual. But when I was done, the other computer users, and even the new ones were complaining about not being able to access the DEFCON5 (name of our server) folder to get what they needed. Basically the only workstations that show up when I click Network are the computers I added the other day, and the computer that is used more than any other computer (the CEO's). We can still access the files by typing the location as \DEFCON5****** and find what we need. But not everyone at my office is computer savy (no body is) and I would like to not have to keep running around and showing everyone this.

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Servers :: NT 2008 Server Remove Auto - Shut Down In ALL Workstations

Oct 16, 2011

Under Service in Win NT 2008 server, how can I remove the auto-shut down task schedule for all students' computers in the classrooms. It always popup a message box at 5:30pm - "auto shutdown" in all workstations (win xp). How to remove that from "service" and not affecting the server to shutdown? Click where to disable/stop it?

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Servers :: How To Set To Up File Server In Office

Aug 25, 2011

I was hoping if someone could give me some suggestions on this matter. I have some IT knowledge but a bit rusty.I currently have 25 pcs all running web based applications on their own. So filesharing is a headache. I decided to setup a small file server for the office.This is what I need the server to do.1) Internet connection comes through server protected by a firewall and then distributed to the 5 pcs (star topology)2) Print and file sharing.3) application sharing (accounting software)4) fax facilitiesMy question to you all:How do I go about setting this up. What do I need (OS, softwares, etc)How do I secure the internet and distribute it to the rest.witch, router, etc)

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Installed 4 New Computers - Can't View Other Workstations Now

Jul 15, 2011

I have an office server set up to about 10 computers. We hired 4 new people and had to set up their computers on our network. Set up was easy and quick as usual. But when I was done, the other computer users, and even the new ones were complaining about not being able to access the DEFCON5 (name of our server) folder to get what they needed.

Basically the only workstations that show up when I click Network are the computers I added the other day, and the computer that is used more than any other computer (the CEO's). We can still access the files by typing the location as \DEFCON5****** and find what we need. But not everyone at my office is computer savy (no body is) and I would like to not have to keep running around and showing everyone this.

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Servers :: Network Drives Only Visible From Workstations?

Apr 26, 2011

At the company I work for, there are a few "network drives" to which employees are given access so that any mutual file stored thereon may be shared between and edited on demand. Not the best model, I know.Went to the server room a few minutes ago and found that "network drives," (P:), (L:) and (M:) seem to be invisible. Back at my workstation, I opened My Computer and saw all three on my screen.

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1800-24G Workstations Lose Connection To Server

Mar 19, 2012

We are having several workstations that are momentarily losing connection to our Windows Server 2008 machine that hosts their Documents etc.It seems like a momentary disconnection and not everyone has complained although I'm guessing that unless you are trying to locate a file etc at that moment you might not notice.Here is the error message I see in the event logs on the server:

-Source: srv
-EventID: 2012
-Level: Warning

While transmitting or receiving data, the server encountered a network error. Occassional errors are expected, but large amounts of these indicate a possible error in your network configuration. The error status code is contained within the returned data (formatted as Words) and may point you towards the problem.So, where would you guys start with something like this? Either my HP Procurve 1800-24G doesn't have much in the way of error logs, or I don't know where to look.Would you start with changing port on the switch, changing network cable or do you think it's more likely to be something on the server itself?

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Servers :: Small Office Networking With File Sharing For Certain Users?

Feb 4, 2012

Right now every computer is connected through a workgroup and some computers are sharing files to everyone and some need a login to share other files. I want to run a main server where all the files are on that computer and have it share all the files to everyone else on the network. I'm not too familiar with Windows workgroup networking and file sharing.I want to have certain files accessible to certain computers and certain files accessible to everyone on the network. I'm under the impression that I have to have the main server with all the business documents. Then create separate accounts on the server and hand them out to each individual computer. After, go to each document and specify who can access what with read/write. Can I share some files to everyone and have certain files limited to other computers at the same time? How would someone access the shared files when you need a login and will this login conflict with files shared to everyone and files shared to certain people. I remember on my small business network I need a login for certain computers because it is shared to only certain people then how would I access the files shared to everyone when I have to login to see the server files to begin with?

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View Display From Xp Client In Server 2003?

May 21, 2012

how to view what is displayed on xpclient on server 2003

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Ping Server But Can't View It On Any Laptop On Network

Feb 28, 2012

I use a Buffalo Nas LinkStation WXL server to back up my files and data. It has been working perfectly and we have saved some files and data in it.However, we turned it on one day and it had disappeared from the list of Computers on the network and for a while now we haven't been able to get in. It is not showing in the list of Computers in Network and its webpage keeps coming back as "Unable to Connect" or "Taking to Long to Respond".The server is visible on the router's webpage under DHCP Clients List and we can ping the server and get a reply. But none of the laptops on the network can view it neither can I (the administrator) get access to it via its webpage?

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Cisco AAA/Identity/Nac :: Errors In ACS View Server In ACS 5.2?

May 30, 2011

I have deployed 7 appliances CSACS-1121-K9 whose 6 are performing AAA authentications while the last one is is the primary and is the master for configuration and log collector.
Since this morning, I cannot access anymore the view where I can see all Radius authentication for today. I obtain the following message:The server workspace storage for on demand transient reports is full, please try again later or contact administrator to increase on demand transient report storage capacity?

Moreover, if I generate other report, I have the message:18002: iPortal generate report failed.I could find some information which makes references to a Cisco bug CSCtb98071, as below:

Launching a shared report in the ACS 5.1 Monitoring and Report Viewer displays an iportal error for a particular scenario.
#Symptom: You will see the following iportal error message when you launch a shared report:
#iPortal generate report failed.
#Conditions: This error occurs when you add a report to a group in the interactive viewer and save it as a shared report.
#Workaround: Avoid using the option Add Group from the interactive viewer for hyperlinked column entries when you save the report as shared
However, I am not adding any report to any group, so I don't understand why this error appears and how to solve it.

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Network Setup For Small Office With Peer Or Server Based

Apr 13, 2011

XYZ Corporation currently employs eight people but plans to hire 10 more in the next four months. Users will work on multiple projects, and only those users assigned to a project should have access to the project files. You’re instructed to set up the network to make it easy to manage and back up. Would you choose a peer-to-peer network, a server-based network, or a combination of both?

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Security / Firewalls :: Kaspersky Small Office Or AVG File Server Edition 2012?

Aug 20, 2012

I can't seem to figure out which one I should go for. I'm thinking Kaspersky would have greater security but I'm not familiar with AVG's server level security.I don't need all the bells and whistles such as file encryption or password storage. I'm simply after a really strong AV for the server. Another one is VIPRE although I've heard it can take a while to configure it unlike Kaspersky which is pretty straight forward.

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D-Link D-ViewCam :: 3.3 / Setup 4 Cameras To View With Remote Live View?

Apr 12, 2013

I am trying to setup 4 cameras to view with remote live view. I set up my server with IP addresses of   ....   85. The screen has only the option for 1  video channel. I have seen on-line screen shots that have options for channel 1 through 8. I want to assign each camera to a different channel so I will be able to use remote live view to show all 4 cameras  at the same time. I can only show one at a time. Do I need a different version than 3.3 or some obscure windows 7 setting?

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Servers :: Connect Two Server In One Hub?

Mar 31, 2011

i am having two server of windows 2003 server that has to be connected in a single hub

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Servers :: How To Find Out Server Name In Cmd

Mar 28, 2011

How to find out server name in cmd prompt? ping -a IP address is not showing server name.

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Servers :: Mac Not Seeing Server After Adding Second Ip?

Nov 26, 2012

I just had comcast business class installed. They installed a SMC d3g router. It does not support nat loopback. I had a server installed and could not browse to it inside the lan because of this issue. I was instructed that I needed to set the the servers IP to the external address and open the ports to that. That worked, and I added an internal address 10.1.10.x so that I could see it inside the firewall. The issue that I am having is that since I did this, the server can not be seen by the macs and the mac shares don;t show up for them.

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Servers :: Net Send Is Not Available In Server 2008?

Aug 24, 2011

net send command not available on server 2008

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Servers :: Communicate Two Server Computer With Each Other

Jun 22, 2012

I have two server computers. there IP addresses are:


Now, how to configure it for accessing data from each other?

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Servers :: 2 Dhcp Server On The Same Lan Segment?

Apr 14, 2011

2 dhcp server on the same lan segment not thesame ip add series , how can i prevent to lease ip from another ip series

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Servers :: Vpn And Wimax Connection On The Same Server?

Sep 20, 2011

I have a server running win2000 server managing a network of 30 computers, it als a proxy server where all pc connecting to for internet access. The server is connected to Wimax through a router. Lately i have a vpn for PDA's through GSM lines where am supposed to connected a Modem (part of VPN)to this server so that PDA' s and modem can be on the vpn.The problem is that when I connected the GSM Modem the internet connection through router get disconnected. How do I connect the modem on the server without disconnecting the wimax internet connection

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Servers :: Can't Find Server Name For Address?

Jun 6, 2012

cant find server name for address...(server) : time out..15 nod is join to server(win2008R2) but new of nod is join for network error : computer name change....Note: This information is intended for a network administrator. If you are not your network's administrator, notify the administrator that you received this information, which has been recorded in the file C:WINDOWSdebugdcdiag.txt.An error occurred when DNS was queried for the service location (SRV) resource record used to locate a domain controller for domain error was: "No records found for given DNS query."(error code 0x0000251D DNS_INFO_NO_RECORDS)The query was for the SRV record for _ldap._tcp.dc._msdcs.puya.orgFor more information

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Servers :: How To Add 10 PC's To Server 2003 Domain

Mar 16, 2011

how can i add 10 pc's to server 2003 domain

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Servers :: How To Change Client As Server

Mar 8, 2011

how to change a clinet as server for all the remaining clients in a local area network

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Adding / Removing Workstations On Domain?

Jul 11, 2011

adding/removing/re-adding a workstation to a domain and Active Directory. We use DHCP at work for our addressing scheme. The problem I had when naming a new workstation the same as the one I am replacing on the domain was that I noticed the new pc with that same computer name as the previous pc was still trying to use the IP address that was assigned to the workstation before by dhcp, so the new workstation was not showing it assigned an IP address. I would try pinging the computer name but there was no reply because it was still showing the ip address of the computer disconnected that had the same name.

- remove the faulty workstation from the domain to workgroup, then restart

- then from Active Directory do I need to reset the Computer name

- then do a ipconfig /release on faulty workstation that has been removed from the domain to release the leased ip address in dhcp

- then disconnect the faulty PC and connect the PC I am using to replace the previous PC

- Name this workstation the same as the one I just disconnected and removed from the domain

-Add this PC to the domain and restart

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Explaining The Intranet Hosting For 150 Workstations

Mar 29, 2011

You are appointed as a system administrator for a large company which has its own computer intranet hosting 150 workstations and around the same number of users. Write few points explaining the roles you would expect to take on as part of your new employment in terms.

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Renaming / Readding Workstations On Domain

Jul 11, 2011

I had when naming a new workstation the same as the one I am replacing on the domain was that I noticed the new pc with that same computer name as the previous pc was still trying to use the IP address that was assigned to the workstation before by dhcp, so the new workstation was not showing it assigned an IP address. I would try pinging the computer name but there was no reply because it was still showing the ip address of the computer disconnected that had the same name.

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Servers :: Server 2008 Local Only Access?

Oct 31, 2011

Our companies dc cant connect to the internet and can only access the local networkI configured everything correctly eg ip adress dns and default gateway

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Servers :: Access Web Server On Private Network

Jun 14, 2012

I have a VPN with a number of servers where we are doing some software development. We have a TFS, Web, App and SQL Server etc.. inside a private LAN which is accessible via VPN. Nothing inside the private network can access outbound. However, I would like to open the Web Server on the private LAN to be able to be accessed via http(s).As we develop the software I want to access the site from the internet.It's a fairly simple setup.DSL > Modem > Home Lan. On the Home Lan I have a Server (2 ethernets) connected to the modem router and the other card to a hub. This server acts as the VPN server, DHCP etc.. for the Private LAN.The web server I want to be able to access from outside is the one inside the private network. Any recommendations?fyi, I'm not a networking guy, I hacked my way through setting up the private network through a number of great YouTube videos, that saved me a lot of time.

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Servers :: How To Create A Proxy Server In Windows 7

Mar 18, 2011

how to make a proxy server in o.s server 2003

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Servers :: Print Server That Saves Prints

Dec 28, 2012

We are looking for a print server that saves prints to a hardrive when printed from anywhere on a network.What is meant by saves prints meaning that they can be accessed anytime during the future for reference and security reason

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Servers :: Connect Internet But Not Local Server?

May 16, 2012

My pc in the LAN can ping the local server but cannot connect ( cannot browse) it.Others in the LAN can connect it. I can also connect Internet but , not the local server. (when I type \192.168.... on my computer browser , answer " window cannot access \192.168.........)

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Servers :: Ping Server But Cannot Browse On Client?

Mar 16, 2011

two of my workstation can not receive ip address from the server but can ping server. So i can not browse with them

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Servers :: To Copy A Large File To Ftp Server

Mar 17, 2011

I need to transfer a large file(about 1GB) from my pc to FTP server.I tried with C# code in .net, it stated that "buffer size has been exceeded or queue is full".I tried using cmd prompt also, but it transferred about 380 MB and a notification was displayed as "Netout : Software caused connection abort, 451 Failure writing to local file".

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