Bridging Two DHCP Controlled Networks Via Bridge?

Aug 4, 2012

We have 2 DHCP controlled networks at our work:

Network 1: EOC connection. We use this for Internet access, office computers, a POS server and our POS systems. Mostly windows xp and some win 7 systems. Server is Windows 2008 server, but is not controlling DHCP nor a domain. It's just a computer on the network. Directly behind the EOC box is a router using DHCP to manage a 192.168.1.x network. All computers on this network are using 192.168.1.x addresses via DHCP.

Network 2: Comes in on a separate DSL line. Primarily a Linux network controlling several linux based machines. This network has it's own router behind the DSL modem managing DHCP using 175.69.1.x (or something close to that) addresses.

Someone decided to "bridge" these networks by simply plugging each network into the same switch via Cat 5 cable. Bad idea.

The first problem we had (of course) was that the DHCP servers conflicted immediately, so we had to set half of this "mongrel" network to static IPs like 192.168.1.x, and the other computers are getting their addresses via DHCP from the 176.68.1.x network router.

This works - badly. The second router keeps "resetting" the server address on network 1, screwing up our POS systems. But we still need to access the linux machines on network 2 (via http) from the office machines on network 1.

I am thinking the solution to this issue is to place a 3rd router as a bridge between the two networks. Is this correct?

The goal is to be able to be sitting at machine 192.168.1.x on one network, open a web browser, type in a 176.67.1.x address and have the linux web-based application come up from the other network.

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Bridging 2 Different DHCP Controlled Networks?

Aug 4, 2012

we have 2 DHCP controlled networks at our work:

Network 1: Transparent EOC connection to Internet. Directly behind the EOC box is a router using a static (WAN) address provided from our ISP. Internally, the router uses DHCP (LAN) to manage a 192.168.1.x network. All computers on this network are using 192.168.1.x addresses via DHCP from that router - (rather, they should be). We use this for Internet access, office computers, a POS server and our POS systems. Mostly windows xp and some win 7 systems. Server is Windows 2008 server, but is not controlling DHCP nor a domain. It's just a Win 2008 computer on the network running as a "virtual box" on a VMware-based server.

Network 2: Comes in on a separate DSL line. This DSL modem is set up as a bridge. The router behind the bridge is using a static IP block (8 static IP addresses, 5 usable) from our ISP. Internally, this router uses DHCP (LAN) to manage a 175.69.10.x network (or some address similar to that). All machines on this network are using 175.69.10.x addresses via DHCP from the 2nd router. There is external VPN access to this network via one of the static IP addresses. This is routed correctly. This is Primarily a Linux network controlling several linux based machines. So, someone decided to "bridge" these two networks by simply plugging each network into the same central switch via Cat 5 cable.

The first problem we had (of course) was that the DHCP servers conflicted immediately, so we had to set half of this "mongrel" network to static IPs like 192.168.1.x, and the other computers are getting their addresses via DHCP from the 176.68.1.x network router. The second router keeps "resetting" the network, causing IP address problems on the first network, screwing up our POS system in the process. But we still need to access the linux machines on network 2 (via http) from the machines on network 1.The goal is to be able to be sitting at machine 192.168.1.x on one network, open a web browser, type in a 175.69.10.x address on the other network and have the linux web-based application come up from the machine on the second network. (We may need more services bridged besides just http.)Putting both networks on the EOC connection controlled by a single router is NOT an option.

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Bridging Two Wireless Networks?

Aug 27, 2012

My current project is to have a printer that actually works. You don't need one often, but when you do you really need one. I'd like the printer to be wireless as we all use laptops but don't want to have the printer near the router.

The simple solution is to shell out for a wireless printer, but I have access to a cheap (and good) ethernet only printer. Now, how to connect it? I have a spare old router, which I'm thinking of connecting to the printer. I'd then have to get the router to join the network (is that possible?) or somehow bridge them. The to devices to join would be this and this.

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Cisco Switching/Routing :: Bridging 2 Different Networks With A RV042?

Aug 6, 2012

I have 2 networks.
NETWORK 1:EOC connection fro ISP going into a router (not the RV042) with a static WAN address from ISP.  This router is hooked up to a switch that all the computers are connected to.  All the computers on this network are using 192.168.1.x addresses.  Most of these addresses are static, but the router is running DHCP in case we hook up temporary computers like laptops or client machines to this network.
NETWORK 2:DSL connection going into a router (not the RV042) with a static block of IPs from ISP.  (8 IPs, 5 usable for the WAN interface, 1 static IP is being used for WAN interface).  This router has a VPN connection set up for remote access to the linux machines on this network.  This router is running DHCP on the LAN interface for this network with addresses 172.16.1.x.  All the computers on this network are tied together with another switch, completely seperate from the 192.168.1.x network switch.
PROBLEM:We needed computers on the 192 network to be able to access computers on the 172 network.  Someone decided to just run a cat 5 cable from the 192 switch to the 172 switch (not the routers, the switches).  This "worked" - badly.  Appearently there is a DHCP conflict (or something else going on) that was causing the router on the 172 network to try and assign addresses to the 192 network computers, and it was also "resetting" a connection about once an hour.  This crashed our server on the 192 network.  I disconnected that cat 5 cable between the two siwtches, and now each of the two networks are working properly, but they are now completely isolated from one another.
I need to create a bridge between the 2 networks so that machines on the 192 network can access machines on the 172 network while filtering out DHCP broadcasts from either network router to the other network.  (I may need to filter out other protocols as well, but don't know yet.)So, I see 3 potential ways of doing this but don't know if they will work:
1) Can I just set up multiple subnets on the LAN interface of the RV042 and just run 2 cat5 cables from each switch on the two networks to the LAN ports of the RV042?

1a) If I do set up multiple subnets on the LAN interface of the RV042, do I need to assign the two ports to different VLANs?  (I don't see any way to set each port to a specific IP address.)

2) Can I set up the 2 WAN ports on the RV042, one static for each network, and will the RV042 route traffic from 1 WAN port to the second WAN port?

3) Is there some other way I should consider setting this up?
Finally, someone mentioned that once I get the RV042 set up correctly as a bridge, I will need to route 172 addresses on the 192 network to the 192 interface of the RV042 via the DHCP router on the 192 network, and conversely, I will need to route 192 addresses on the 172 network from the DHCP router to the 172 IP interface of the RV042.  I think this will be easy enough to set up in each of the DHCP routers...

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TL-WA7510N Using Multiple Networks On 1 Bridge

May 20, 2013

Im using 2 TP-Link TL-WA7510N to bridge a internet connection the connection is using a captive portal for my guests via pfsense. What i would like to do now is run a pc on the same connection without using the captive portal .So basicly i would need 1 secure network for my single pc and the one with captive portal for my guests.

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Routers / Switches :: How To Bridge Two Networks Using A Router

Mar 4, 2012

I live in a school residence with a roomate and we both have an internet connection in our rooms but it's two separate networks since we can't see eachothers pc on the network. Both our pcs are connected to a switch and those switches are connected to the two internet connections. I would like to know how to bridge those two networks using a router in the living room. I would also connect a printer and an xbox to the router so we can both access the printer, the xbox can access both pcs and we can access eachother's pc.

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2 Networks With Routers - Can't Have DHCP On Both?

Jun 14, 2011

Can I run two networks, ie &, on the same switches. Certain PCs on the network will be set up for .

1 and others .

2. Each network would have its own router. I know I can't have DHCP on both routers,

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Router With Multiple DHCP Networks?

Feb 16, 2013

I am currently working on a project that needs to install a router (or just a network device) that can offer 2 or more DHCP networks. We have been searching a network device for this but haven't gotten any good news yet. Any model or device that can fulfill this requirement?

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IP9258 Web Controlled Power Switch?

Jan 30, 2012

In the Power Schedule section, when I input my desired date and time to turn a socket on and off, the settings do not stay. It reverts back to the preset date from the manufacturer after I submit.

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Cisco VPN :: 5510 External IP Address Not Controlled

Aug 19, 2012

We have a strange issue for one of our customers that recently migrated to our internet service.They are trying to vpn to an external ip address not controlled by ourselves. The issue is only on one subnet and isolated to Mac’s, PCs in the same subnet also work fine. They were able to vpn from the MACs before they migrated to our INET solution. They previously used a checkpoint FW for their outside NAT and firewall and now are using a failover pair of asa 5510s. I have packet traced out the firewall and there should be nothing blocked. UDP ports 500 and 4500 are open to the destination ips from the correct subnets. All other subnets with Windows PCs can vpn out to external ip without issue. The users in that subnet with the MACs can also browse internet fine so the routing and nat overloading is also ok
When they try to initiate a connection from the macs i can see the connection/xlate coming in from a source port of  udp 4500/500 and also a destination of udp 4500/500 instead of a random source port. Just this evening we managed to get one device connected but no others. Would the fact that the source port is claiming 500 and 4500 stop the other macs using the same source ports at the same time to connect out? They are using the onboard mac vpn client, he can’t get the Cisco one working at the minute. [code]

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Home Network :: Wireless Bridge Not Always Passing DHCP?

Mar 4, 2012

A little background on me: I do performance testing for a large corporation, so networking is like an old hat for me - but this has me spinning because it makes no logical sense to me.Here's the layout of my home network:CableModem(passthrough) -> WRT120N -> ENH200 (Access point) -> ENH200 (Client Bridge) -> Netgear N600Both the WRT120N and the Netgear N600 are providing wireless access to clients at both locations. N600 is set not to route or DHCP, and the WAN port isn't used.Initially the WRT120N wasn't in play because the cable modem was serving DHCP, but it wouldn't successfully send DHCP to most clients on the other side of the client bridge. So I installed the WRT120N (old, I know) and it was able to serve up DHCP to any and all systems... for a while. Now DHCP doesn't appear to be working fully again on the Netgear side of the bridge. One device registers in the WRT120N, the client list shows the mac as getting assigned an ID, but the device never actually pulls the address. Static works fine. Those that already have DHCP addresses work like a charm, so I know the link is stable. reports near perfection.

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Cisco :: WLC 5508 DHCP - How To Add Wireless Bridge WET 200 Into Network

Dec 15, 2011

At customer site we have a wireless lan installed with wireless lan controller 5508. This works fine but the customer wants to add wireless bridge WET200 into the network. The problem is that the bridge seems to authenticate and associates with the LWAPP but does not get an ip-address.

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Linksys Wireless Router :: E1200 Bridge And Have Wi-Fi DHCP?

Oct 25, 2012

At my work we have Comcast Business Class, and our LAN uses the Comcast's SMC static 10'net addressing.  Our two POS computers are connected to wall ports that connect to the SMC router (unsure its model number, it's screwed to the wall).  There is only 1 LAN port for each POS computer, I am trying to setup a 3rd computer up by the POS stations for dedicated web searching of products, emails between HQ and the other stores. 
Like I said our LAN is using the 10'net addressing, and only a single port I can use.  I would like to use the E1200 as a bridge/switch to connect: POS computer, network label printer. and network printer/copier/scanner/FAX .. and also have wifi available.  The POS & printers need to have their static 10'net IPs .. but I want the wifi to use DHCP from the E1200.

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Cisco Wireless :: Two WET200s Bridge Not Passing DHCP Requests

Dec 15, 2010

We have setup a bridge between two of our offices using two WET200's in adhoc mode.   Everything is connected fine and the signal strengh is good.   All traffic pass's over the bridge correctly but DHCP requsts/replys seem to be failing to traverse the bridge.    Our DHCP server is hosted on site A and the computers on site B fail to obtain thiers IP's from the dhcp over the bridge requiring us to use static IP's.Firmware is currently the latest.

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Cisco Wireless :: Use AP541 As Part Of 4402 Controlled Network?

Dec 20, 2010

Our head office has two 4402 wireless controllers 16 AIR-LAP 1142 access points in the office. we've just bought an AP541 for one of the regional offices. What I want to know is can I 8inergrate the AP541 into the wireless network with the 4402 so I can administer from a central site and so the wireless users will be active at the regional site connected to the WAN.

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Cisco Switching/Routing :: Limited Number Of AP's That Can Be Controlled By WLC 4402

May 15, 2012

Although I am quite used to using the WLC 4402 and the attached APs, I have no knowledge about licensing and I'm wondering if it has a limited number of AP's that can be controlled by the WLC?  I'm not planning on adding 1000's but at the moment we have 21 and will probably be adding an additional 30 in the near future.

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TP-Link 150Mbps Wireless :: TL-WR702N Refuses To Allow DHCP In Bridge Mode

Nov 8, 2012

Region : UnitedStates
Model : TL-WR702N
Hardware Version : V1

Trying to use TL-WR702N in bridge mode at a hotel. For some reason, every time I set the DHCP parameters to enable DHCP, then save and reboot, upon reboot DHCP is disabled. Of course, without DHCP then bridge mode is useless because I cannot then share the hotel wifi connection with multiple devices.Am I missing something obvious, or is there a trick to getting DHCP to be accepted?

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Linksys Wireless Router :: E4200 - Running In Bridge Mode /Automatic DHCP?

Dec 9, 2012

I am trying to determine the best way to setup my E4200 V2 so that it is “uplinked” correctly to a Comcast Dory Modem/router.  Currently we have the E4200 V2 router plugged into the Comcast Dory Modem/Router using a CAT6 cable from one of the Ethernet ports on the Comcast device to the WAN port on the E4200.  The E4200 is set to “Automatic Configuration - DHCP.”  
We are trying to do two things.  First better WIFI in the center of the house and for a TV located next to the Comcast device, and second, have all devices in this house see and access all other devices including the Samsung SmartTV, my son’s two systems upstairs, the 3 systems in the room with the E4200, and the one network printer.  In the room with the E4200 we have 3 computers and one network printer.  3 of those 4 devices support WIFI so we don’t have to use all 4 Ethernet ports on the E4200.     
I see others talking about running the CAT6 cable to an Ethernet port on the E4200 instead of the WAN port and setting it to “Bridge Mode.”  Right now the system appears to be working fine although we are sometimes experiencing brief dropped connections with the devices hardwired into the E4200. 
Should I be running the E4200 in “Bridge” mode or “Automatic DHCP” mode and which port on E4200 should the CAT6 from Comcast be plugged into?

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Cisco :: No Dhcp Through Wireless Controller WLC2100 And Wireless Bridge WET546

Jan 19, 2011

Due to lack of wires we decided to extend our network by using WET546 bridge by linksys. Ideally we looking to create topology like this:
WET546 successfully authenticates and looks pretty healthy on controller (see below) , however neither of computers plugged to WET546 was unable to obtain ip address from dhcp server , nor working with static ip. I was under impression what it might be related to some default policies on WLC2100. Logs (warning) on WLC2100 looks clean.

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Bridging 3g Wireless And Lan

Mar 19, 2011

I am having two connections in same pc 1 via lan and other via 3g(dailing method). I want to combine bandwidth of two connections. As windows 7 has no option for it,is there anyway todo it directly or indirectly.

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Cisco :: Bridging Two VLANs?

Sep 14, 2011

I have a 3 building client currently on a single LAN/subnet/VLAN1. The client wants to install two public APs in their other buildings. I have selected the Cisco WAP4410n for a few reasons, Price, as budget is a factor for them, the 4410n can have up to 4 SSIDs, and can accommodate different VLANs, and it is PoE.

The public side is to have no access to the LAN, just the internet.According to the documents I have read on the 4410, I am to create two SSIDs, one not broadcasted (VLAN1) and one that is broadcasted and public (VLAN2) Both SSIDs would be Isolated from each other.

I assign the switch port attached to the AP to VLAN2, but cannot access the internet. I believe that the two VLANs need to be bridged in either a L3 switch or a router, is this correct? Is that the only way I will be able to get internet access in this situation?A while back someone posted a link to a Cisco workshop. It was set in a spaceship, and the student, me, had to get internet access to different parts of the ship by installing different APs and antennas. Also had to give the people and aliens on the ship different levels of access.

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Remote VPN Ethernet Bridging?

Apr 10, 2013

I have a computer with special software, customer abroad has a Laptop and connect multimedia center via etherner port to this laptop, I want to connect directly to customers ethernet port so I can program that multimedia center using a software in my PC. I know the ip address of multimedia center, but I cannot ping to it then I use hamachi port bridging.

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Bridging NICs On One Router?

Feb 27, 2013

I have a quick question to ask regarding bridging two NIC/LAN ports on my home server to two LAN ports on a single gigabit router. Is this possible? Will the router have any trouble determining IP addresses? If so, is a certain router required for this to work that I am unaware of? I'm run a google search for any info on this subject but this particular question doesn't seem to have been asked that I'm able to find.

I'm essentially looking to increase any bandwidth throughput if possible for content streaming on my home network.

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Cisco WAN :: ASR 1002-F Bridging

Oct 27, 2012

I have Cisco router ASR 1002-F on which I have created two subinterface, Gigabitethernet 0/0/1.333 and Gigabitethernet 0/0/2.111. I try to bridge those two subinterface but no success. I can create bridg-group and everything needed but I can not  add subinterface to specific bridge-group. If I try write command bridge-group on subinterface there is not even  possible to chose this command.

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ADSL With RFC 2684 Bridging

Sep 21, 2012

My new ADSL line is now enabled, I can finally use my Netgear DM111Pv2 to use to the Internet. My ISP has told me a big surprise : I don't need to use a login and a password to connect to the Internet, then I must use the RFC 2684 bridging mode.

It works pretty fine on the ADSL modem's side, but I've spent one night trying to figure out how to connect to the Internet through this modem. I only have a Fonera 2.0n and a computer running Gentoo Linux.I've been trying to use the br2684ctl utility with brctl on my Gentoo, first I've configured my kernel in that way: [code] The brctl utility keeps telling me "Invalid argument" each time I try to add the nas0 interface into my bridge, I'm honestly hoping I'm doing wrong.

I've been following this README carefully and this tutorial on setting up a PPPoE connection with Gentoo, but the PPPoE interface just tries to start, and nothing special related to PPP happens, I can't see the interface when I do ifconfig.So, I'm asking you if there's something huge I've been missing since the beginning ! Maybe I should wait to buy a new router fully supporting the RFC2684 bridging mode, but I'm more interested in setting up this mode on my Fonera 2.0n and even my Raspberry Pi !

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Bridging Internet Connection With Windows 2k8?

Jul 18, 2011

I currently work as a business analyst for a national sales team. I essentially work off of my own server, and just use remote instances to access the database. I am having trouble accessing the internet with the server all I have is intranet(local) access.Since my notebook(with working internet access) is on the same network as my server I feel like I should be able to bridge the network connection on my notebook to work within the server, so I can run updates.

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Bridging LAN And Dial Up Connections On Windows 7?

Jan 10, 2013

I had a Sony Viao with Windows Vista for some years and I managed to create a bridge using the Sony Viao laptop and my o2 usb modem. That was some time ago and now I have a new laptop with Windows 7 ?I have to mention that I do not have wireless connections. I have an o2 modem and an ethernet cable. They are the only two connections that show up in my internet connections. The LAN connection has an image of a ethernet cable connection while the o2 connection has an image of a phone.whenever I watch youtube walk throughs it never looks like my set up. Ive tried everything over and over. Turning off UAC, turning on sharing but nothing has worked yet. When I just select the LAN connection and right click there is an option to Bridge. When I right click the o2 connection its not there. When I select both the option isnt there either.

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Bridging Wired And Wireless Network In XP?

Jan 13, 2013

I have a desktop connected to a wireless network. I have a router that will be used to allow open access to the internet without allowing direct access to the existing network, There is no ethernet connection in the area and this router was ree with limited features. So no Wifi as WAN I want to use the desktop's ethernet NIC to obtain a WAN connection. For now I can not setup a VLAN and must configure the two networks as poorly described. Sadly I am not familiar with bridging connections in XP and am unsure about specifics. Also, as a quick test, I bridged the connections and lost wireless connectivity.

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Bridging Two Modem / Gateway's Into One Connection

Oct 16, 2011

We have telus firbe internet at this house. we have two connections each 25m-bit we've both got actiontech V1000H's. What im thinking is we hook each gateway up to a host pc (server) and go out from there to a switch (one line dedicated input, the other output as to not clog throughput), then from the switch out to two pc's in the house. phones xbox ect can use its own router(s) in theory would this work.

server specs
intel core 2 quad q8300 2.5 ghz
6 gb ddr2 800
2 tb hdd

all based on gigabit lan will have additional network cards added for now we're doing a simple data server, but we've been pondering on how to get two separate connections to work in unison?

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D-Link DIR-655 :: Bridging Using Isp Providers Modem

Jul 27, 2011

I have some network experience but not a lot so here is my problem.I have a zyxel q1000z from qwest that i want to bridge to my dir 655.I go through the settings to put their router/modem to bridge mode. This units default ip is the same as tslinkink, so i change the d-link to I then go into the D-link and enter my isp's pppoe settings and password. I reboot when i am done but can't connect to the internet.It shows connected but that's it. I want to use the d-link as the only router as the zyxel has very few settings and has slowed down my netflix.

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D-Link DIR-655 :: Connecting To DSL-526B Using Bridging

Mar 5, 2011

I rencently moved house and after 10 years on cable at 19400 Mbps I'm now on ADSL 1 at 1500 Mbps. I have a DIR-655 which I want to keep, and I've purchased a DSL-526B to connect me to the Internet. (I was originally told ADSL 2+ was available, but then I was told I am on a pair gain system and only ADSL was available.

Before I set up bridging I changed my password on thr DSL-526b now I can't log into the device. Is there a way to fix this without a factory reset?

The DIR-655 has all my DHCP reservations, ACLs, Web filtering, MAC address filters, QoS and schedules. The DSL526B has only a small subset of the features of the DIR-655 so I want to set things up to use the DIR-655 as the controlling device and the DSL-526B as nothing more than a modem.

Once I'm back into the DSL modem, I can set it to bridge mode. My DIR-655 manual appears to say nothing about bridging. So...

(1). Do I only have to enable bridging on the DSL modem?

(2). My ISP runs PPPoE. I note that both devices support this. I assume I leave the PPPoE settings (username, password etc), in the DSL modem, and do not put the details into the DIR-655.

(3). I then plug ethernet cable from DSL-526b to Intenet port of DIR-655

(4). I use as the DSL-526B's address. I used to use the same address for the DIR-655. I assume I need to give the DIR-655 a new address (Eg

(5). DO I still point the PCs at the DSl-526B for the gateway and DNS or do I point them to the DIR-655?

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Home Network :: How To Setup Wireless Bridging

Sep 11, 2012

I have this setup at home and I can't make wireless bridging to work with two WR740N routers.I tried 3 online tutorials and none of them worked

R1,R2,R3 = routers
The main router "R1" Is setup like this :
IP Address
DHCP enabled -


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Direct Connection To Remote VPN Ethernet Bridging?

Apr 10, 2013

I have a computer with special software, customer abroad has a Laptop and connect multimedia center via etherner port to this laptop, I want to connect directly to customers ethernet port so I can program that multimedia center using a software in my PC. I know the ip address of multimedia center, but I cannot ping to it then I use hamachi port bridging.

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