Cisco Firewall :: Redirect HTTP / Ftp Traffic (ASA 5510)
Apr 25, 2011
i have the following scenario :
ISP1-------ASA 5510----------ISP2
i would like to use ISP2 for all http/https/ftp could I force my ASA to set a different gateway for http/https/ftp traffic ?i have tried several solutions such as nat/pat rules, nothing seems to work.
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Dec 20, 2010
Right now, in my network there is no proxy server and all users go straight through the ASA to access internet. I would like to put a squid with dansguardian (for web filtering). Steps in getting all http and https traffic from ASA go via my squid?
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Feb 13, 2011
I am using ASA5510 and i want to know if it is possible to redirect http traffic to an internal proxy software. I explain : PC from the LAN use a internal proxy in their IE browser but some other PC doesn't use it.They are directy connected to the Internet using the Public IP from the WAN interface ( via NAT). Can we redirected this HTTP Traffic from the WAN interface to the Proxy in the LAN ?
Http Traffic will be routed like that : PC -> WAN interface -> Proxy -> WAN interface -> Internet In fact,can we create a rule saying : All http traffic which doesn"t come from the IP Proxy must be redirected toward proxy.
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Mar 26, 2012
On a Catalyst 6509 switch I have configured wccp protocol in order to redirect the Http traffic to a Bluecoat SG8100. It was working fine until a new L3 interface implementation.Thereafter I was unable to redirect the http traffic due to an error reported from the Cat6509: [code] After some checks I supposed that the problem should be the UDP 2048 port connection between the Switch and the Bluecoat while the switch L3 port and the bluecoat are on the same Lan. A deep analysis found that the WCCP protocol seems to be as follow:
-Proxy address to Switch Port Here I Am
-Switch Port to Proxy address I See You
-Switch Port to Proxy address UDP 2048 packet (dropped by firewall)
It's strange to me that the first dialog is correctly handled by the correct Cat6509 interface while the UDP packets are flowing from another Vlan interface not configured with the WCCP and apparently not involved on the protocol.Last of all the WCCP is now disabled and unusable?
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Sep 4, 2012
I am working on a task of redirecting any unmatched http traffic to Symantec public transparent proxy through Cisco ASA. For the definition of uncatched http traffic, we have inbound squid servers for deploying IE proxy pac and redirect the http traffic to Symantec public transpraent proxy, however we can't deploy IE proxy pac to mobile device and non-support web browers.Since we have some application using IE proxy setting for direct http communication with external domains, the current symantec policy addes those domains in the exception list so that they are not redirect to Symantec public transparent proxy server.
-For the platform - Cisco ASA 5510 ASA 8.4(4)1
-For the solution, I have the following two nat rules
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May 9, 2012
I am testing out some inspection options on an ASA 5505, and I am running into a situation in which applying a http inspection is dropping all outbound http traffic. I get a "protocol violation" error in the logs.
Here is the setup: I'm not sure why the web traffic is getting dropped.
policy-map type inspect dns preset_dns_map
message-length maximum client auto
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May 29, 2012
We have a Catalyst 6509 switch, and we hope to use policy based routing to redirect http traffic to my proxy server, where I can find the configuration example?
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Feb 27, 2013
I need to redirect all http and https traffic from one source in a dmz network, to port tcp/8080 on a proxy server on the inside network.
The source device doesn't handle proxying very well, so i've been advised to redirect the tcp/80 and tcp/443 ports to tcp/8080 as it passes through the firewall.
Scenario is thus:
PIX 515E 6.3 (5)
DMZ server: (Real IP), (NAT IP)
Inside Proxy server: (Real IP), (NAT IP)
I've configured a static NAT redirect using the following command: static (inside,dmz) tcp www 8080 netmask 0 0
When I try to add the next command of: static (inside,dmz) tcp 443 8080 netmask 0 0
I get the following error: ERROR: duplicate of existing static
Is there a work around for this at all or am I stuck with the limitations of the software?
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May 20, 2011
I have ASA5505 with bese-license. I like to install proxy sever in my network and i want redirect traffic to the proxy server.
Below i added configuration in my firewall.
ASA(config)#access-list wccp-servers permit ip host any ASA(config)#access-list wccp-traffic permit ip any ASA(config)#wccp web-cache group-list wccp-servers redirect-list wccp-traffic ASA(config)#wccp interface inside web-cache redirect in
furher configuration and if this configuration is enough, then how to check whther its working or not in my firewall.
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Jan 24, 2012
I have the need to do an outbound NAT redirection. So what I mean is this. I have a custom program that uses SSH to port 22 from a server inside the ASA firewall. This goes out to a server on the Internet over port 22. The ISP of the SSH server told me that they changed their SSH port from 22 to 2102. So instead of changing the custom code on the developed application on the server... I thought it would be easier to do a OUTBOUND NAT redirection for the ASA to see port 22 from the server and redirect it OUTBOUND to port 2102.
so for example:
The server is at and it uses a program to initiate SSH traffic to The server sends to port 22 but I need it automatically changed on the firewall to port 2201 at
It is a Cisco ASA 5510. The server at does have a fixed IP address on the outside with INBOUND NAT for things like port 25 (mail) traffic etc. Lets pretend that was at
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Apr 17, 2011
when I connect to VPN with ASA 5510, can not connect to web applications in HTTP instead https in other applications are working properly. how can I fix this?
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Feb 27, 2012
For a CSS with a SSL module (performing SSL termination) - is it possible to impliment a redirect on https URL to send to equivalent http URL.If my understanding is correct, the CSS will do SSL termination and then use an http content rule on the resultant http stream as it is recursively handled by the CSS ? This would mean that the SSL module has no way of seeing/acting on layer 5 and above data (i.e. picking up on a specific URL) and can not itself issue a redirect - i.e. you could not associate a redirect statement or service with the following ssl content rule ? [code]The CSS would instead rely on a http content rule to impliment a redirect - i.e. you would have to associate a redirect statement or service to the following http content rule instead?
But if the CSS is already handling traffic for existing url... traffic that is going to cause a loop when a client goes direct to. url...I realise the requirment is uncommon / a bit convoluted, its one of those don't ask type scenarios - aimed at achieving a specific requirement.Would the ACE 4710 be able to handle such a scenario any differently ?
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Jun 21, 2012
I am trying to make a redirect from http to https. the goal is whenever a user writes in it should be redirected to I am just haveing some trouble making it work.
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Feb 6, 2013
How to configure a redirection on the ACE from HTTP to HTTPS using specific URL example [URL] to [URL], the SSL certificates were installed on the servers.
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May 26, 2011
I am replacing an old Fw with a New ASA 5510 and I have a problem with a TCP Connection on My LAN InterfaceI joined a picture of what I want to do. [code] From the PC,I can Ping the Video Camera But I can't connect to it with HTTP.I don't understand, Packet Tracert allow the Http packet too. [code]
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Feb 15, 2012
how to enable inspect http on ASA 5510, so that URL information populate in the syslogs?
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Jun 8, 2011
I am configuring a new ASA 5510 to replace a SonicWall and I have a problem with an HTTP Connection inside my LAN.PC from the LAN ( using ASA LAN interface as gateway) can't Connect to a Camera video Web Server ( on Port 80 whereas I can Ping it.
ADSM logs show :
106015# Deny TCP (no connection) from ip1 to ip2 Flags RST on Interface LAN.The adaptive security appliance discarded a TCP Packet that has no Associated connection in the adaptive security appliance Connection table.
- I Enabled command "same-security-traffic permit intra-interface"
- HTTP inspection is disabled.
I used Capture feature on the Ingress Interface, I joined the Logs and a part of my ASA Running Config.
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Mar 12, 2013
I've got a HTTP Redirect to a dedicated html site with our internet usage policy set up on multiple WAP4410N access points.This is working like a charm with laptops, but not with internet radios. They can't connect to the internet probably freezing on the http redirected site.Is there any way to exclude these devices from the redirect?
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Sep 16, 2012
I have tried search but found found anything for the 3750 switch about how to redirect HTTP, HTTPS & SMTP traffic to altenative gateway, than our standard gateway on our network, so here goes:
The network that need the HTTP, HTTPS and SMTP traffic redirect is and should be redirect to where as all other traffic need to be direct to
Can the 3750 switch do this typo of refirect and if how?? I cannot find anything on the Cisco site stating how or even if it is possible!
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Apr 23, 2012
I have a 2504 and my goal is to automatically redirect a users home page when they connect to a certain internal website. Authentication isn't a real concern just now.
Is it possible to simply have a users home page redirected when they open their browser upon connecting to the SSID? All of the documents available have stated to use 802.1x / RADIUS or other fancy tools.
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Jun 20, 2011
is this possible to configure HTTP traffic to ISP2 and Static NAT to ISP1 on ASA5520?
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Aug 5, 2008
I have an ASA 5505 that I am using to connect my contractors to via an inside interface, the outside interface is my private LAN. I have setup on our corporate Proxy server to allow traffic from my outside interface of my ASA to go to the internet without credentials BUT log internet activity. The question is I want to know if the ASA can send that http & https traffic to my proxy server and all other traffic to my default route? I want to be able to send all internet traffic to my proxy server. This will avoid me asking the contractors to place proxy credentials in their browsers.
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May 13, 2013
I have a strange problem in my ASA 5510 firewall. I turned on HTTP inspect policy to block certain URLs, but that destroyed svn communication. Interestingly, if I use simple web-browser to access svn server - it works, but any svn-client requests fail with an error "Could not read status line: An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host". I did some packet sniffing, and discovered that with HTTP inspect off the Webbed request is answered, but with HTTP inspect on it is rejected with an error unauthorized. Here are examples of success and failed conversation packets:
1. <Client-IP> <Server-IP> WEBDAV WEBDAV:Request, PROPFIND /svn/repos/myrepo/trunk {HTTP:3, TCP:2, IPv4:1}
2. <Client-IP> <Server-IP> WEBDAV WEBDAV:HTTP Payload, URL: /svn/repos/myrepo/trunk {HTTP:3, TCP:2, IPv4:1}
3. <Server-IP> <Client-IP> TCP TCP:Flags=...A...., SrcPort=HTTP(80), DstPort=58882, PayloadLen=0, Seq=4139355337, Ack=3464798063, Win=258 (scale factor 0x8) = 66048 {TCP:2, IPv4:1}
4. <Server-IP> <Client-IP> WEBDAV WEBDAV:Response, HTTP/1.1, Status: UNHANDLED HTTP Status Code, URL: /svn/repos/myrepo/trunk {HTTP:3, TCP:2, IPv4:1}
1. <Client-IP> <Server-IP> WEBDAV WEBDAV:Request, PROPFIND /svn/repos/myrepo/trunk {HTTP:3, TCP:2, IPv4:1}
2. <Client-IP> <Server-IP> WEBDAV WEBDAV:HTTP Payload, URL: /svn/repos/myrepo/trunk {HTTP:3, TCP:2, IPv4:1}
3. <Server-IP> <Client-IP> TCP TCP:Flags=...A.R.., SrcPort=HTTP(80), DstPort=1137, PayloadLen=0, Seq=1075661931, Ack=4049054406, Win=64240 (scale factor 0x0) = 64240 {TCP:2, IPv4:1}
4. <Client-IP> <Server-IP> TCP TCP:Flags=......S., SrcPort=1138, DstPort=HTTP(80), PayloadLen=0, Seq=1032908784, Ack=0, Win=64240 ( ) = 64240 {TCP:4, IPv4:1}
5. <Server-IP> <Client-IP> TCP TCP:Flags=...A..S., SrcPort=HTTP(80), DstPort=1138, PayloadLen=0, Seq=4184445498, Ack=1032908785, Win=8192 ( Scale factor not supported ) = 8192 {TCP:4, IPv4:1}
6. <Client-IP> <Server-IP> TCP TCP:Flags=...A...., SrcPort=1138, DstPort=HTTP(80), PayloadLen=0, Seq=1032908785, Ack=4184445499, Win=64240 (scale factor 0x0) = 64240 {TCP:4, IPv4:1}
Packet # 4 is an actual differentiators.
I found one mentioning of that error with that assessment: "Older firewall/proxies do not understand the Webbed related HTTP requests for accessing Subversion using HTTP{ URL} in that post But not any useful tips.
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May 4, 2011
I am using ASA 5510 and I have a specific problem with Http Connection to receive a video Flow ( RSTP protocol ) in the LAN. Some Pc users (,in the log) with ASA Lan Interface as gateway can ping the Camera but don't receveive the video flow.Some Pc users (,in the log) using another gateway can ping and receive the video flow. I used Whireshark to capture traffic between camera and Pc using the 2 gateway. I joined Logs with this message.It seems to be a problem of TCP segments on the ASA, I try to changed some TCP options but it's still the same:- Disable Force Maximum Segment Size- Enable Force TCP Connection to Linger in TIME_WAIT State for at Least 15 Second.
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Mar 16, 2012
Is it possible to redirect all web traffic to a Symantec web filtering address on a particular listening port. I had a look at the Srp527w Router and can't find where this could be done.
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Jul 12, 2011
We have W2K3 domain with Catalyst 4507 routers.Client (laptop, tablet etc) needs to redirect web traffic (port 80) to a proxy server that listens on port 8080.
Before you ask, this cannot be done using a PAC file distributed via Group Policy or the like because these devices are not controlled by us. These devices are client owned and could be non-Microsoft OS and/or non-IE browser. The theory is to have a WiFi network where clients can bring whatever they like - iPad, Android, Windows, whatever it may be but we do not control them and therefore cannot send a PAC file to it. In the case on Android it does not have a proxy setting even if we could force something.
I've looked at Policy Based Routing which appears to do half the job. I can route a web request that is on port 80 to a new location ie our proxy server. But the problem is that it arrives on the same port 80 when the proxy server only listens on port 8080.
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Nov 28, 2011
I have a classical "inside + DMZ + outside" configuration.I also have a mail server in DMZ which have to be allowed to reach any destination on the outside (internet) at least on the SMTP port, of course.If I make an access rule that allows traffic from that server to "any", everything works fine, but doing so the server is allowed to reach any destination, including what is behind the inside interface (internal network).I didn't find any other option to tell the ASA machine to allow any destination, but on the outside interface only.I do believe is possibile to have the ASA to allow any kind of traffic from a host on the DMZ to the outside interface only, but I didn't figure out how.
P.S.: I'm using a 5510 machine running version 8.2
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Mar 1, 2013
We need to create Guest WLAN on WLC 5508 which will be used for internet access only. My questions are:
1. Is it possible to use our external web proxy server to authenticate users?
2. Can we also forward all traffic to the external web proxy to filter the websites that can be accessed (without configuring it on the browser)?
3. Can this be achieved using the L3 webauth?
Our topology:
WLC -- Switch -- ASA Firewall -- Internet -- External Web Proxy
We are using WLC as DHCP server for Guest WLAN with ASA Firewall as the gateway.
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Oct 9, 2012
We want design a topology based on transparent proxies using WCCP. Our proxies can do spoofing of user ip addresses. So, the HTTP request will go out our network with the user ip address as source ip. The HTTP Response will arrive with destination address the user ip address. We want use WCCP to redirect inbound and outbound traffic because we have c3750 with L2 WCCP support. The outbound redirection, when the packet is going out our network is simple. But, the problem is the inbound redirection. How we redirect this packets to proxies by WCCP?. Is it possible?. This redirection is done by c3750 using TCAMs/hardware?. Our throughput could grow until 2-3Gbps and we are worried about the performance.
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May 20, 2011
Just wondering if there are any methods or commands, natively, in the asa5510 for determining all traffic in to and from a certain server passing through the asa. This would be without a syslog server or something similar.
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Mar 11, 2013
Core Internal Network -> Cisco ASA 5510 -> DMZ Switch.If i send a ping reguest from internal network to servers in DMZ Switch over the ASA 5510, i can see a delay in response, some times this delay can be more than 80ms, this is a problem for the web applications in http traffic.How i can find what's happening on my ASA? I disable the inspect traffic over the IPS, disable the policy maps below, reload the two boxes, but doesn't works, the problem still persists. [code]
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Mar 27, 2011
I'm currently using ASA 5510 with software 8.4.1 and I have an issue with nat configuration. I used the following config line:nat (inside, dmz) source dynamic LAN Pat1 destination Server1 Server1
The traffic is not flowing and when I use Packet Tracer, packets are dropped at the NAT rule with the following error: Drop-reason: (acl-drop) Flow is denied by configured rule.The only ACE I have is permit ip any any.
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Jun 11, 2013
I have an ASA with an outside ACL that is configured to allow SIP/5060 to 1x.x.x.46. I show no hits. I added an ACL to do a packet capture, it sees the packet coming into the ASA but not going to the Serv Prov interface. I see hits on the vuong ACL but not the production acl_out ACL.. What is up?
NOTE:ACL_out is the ACL we use to allow outside traffic to enter our network.
FW1(config)# sh access-list | i 1.x.x.46
access-list acl_out line 1 extended permit ip host 63.x.x.140 host 1x.x.x.46 (hitcnt=0) 0xc09a9387 (*NO HITS)
access-list acl_out line 658 extended permit udp host host 1x.x.x.46 eq sip (hitcnt=0) 0x0f327179 (NO HITS)
It was tested and verified from the inside network to make sure the server is listening on that port. Below we created an ACL to allow all IP from another test PC to the Server IP 1x.x.x.46. We did a telnet to port 5060 and it showed hits but not on the acl_out ACL.
ccess-list vuong line 1 extended permit ip host 63.x.x.140 host 1x.x.x.46 (hitcnt=0) 0x2759fa92
FW1(config)# q
FW1# capture capture1 access-list vuong interface outside
Below we applied the same ACL to the ServProv interface to see if traffic was going where it was supposed to . By trying to telnet to the 1x.x.x46 IP from 63.x.x.140 IP. Looking below, no traffic appeared on the capture2.
FW1# capture capture2 access-list vuong interface ServProv
FW1# sh capture capture2
0 packet captured
0 packet shown
Capture 1 above shows the last 3 incoming messages initiated from 63.x.x.140 to the 1x.x.x.46! Vuong ACL belows shows 3 more hits.....nothing on the acl_out ACL???
FW1# sh access-list vuong
access-list vuong; 1 elements; name hash: 0x29df3e90
access-list vuong line 1 extended permit ip host 63.x.x.140 host 1x.x.x.46 (hitcnt=6) 0x2759fa92
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