Cisco :: LMS 3.2 Is Causing High CPU On Routers?

Sep 5, 2011

A customer reported that their router experienced spikes (high cpu utilization) every 4 hours and claims that it is caused by snmp polling of the Ciscoworks server.

The process SNMP engine is the process that causes these spikes .We think that the job responsible of this periodic high CPU utilization. It's called "Vrf Collector Job" and it's runnning every 4 hours.Below the result of show stack PID and show version
*Sep  5 12:02:43.230 GMT+1: %SYS-1-CPURISINGTHRESHOLD: Threshold: Total CPU Utilization(Total/Intr): 56%/14%, Top 3 processes(Pid/Util):  557/39%, 488/1%, 555/0%
 *Sep  5 12:02:43.286 GMT+1: %HA_EM-4-LOG: CPUTH:
 Process 557:  SNMP ENGINE
   Stack segment 0x1CFC204C - 0x1CFC4F2C


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Cisco :: LMS 3.1 Inventory Collection And Polling Causing High Cpu

Jun 23, 2011

I have 3560-24PS-S (ios version 12.2(35)SE1) that have high CPU (almost 100%) use at every inventory collection (each sunday) or polling (each day 6 a.m) during 2 or 3 minutes.

I read on the forum, that this could be due to some mib object polling failure, and could, perhaps, be solved by upgrading the ios version or configuring view preventing the poll of the problematic object.

But what view to configure ?Is there well known MIB objects to filter ? Which ones ? I did not see any bug related to my IOS version and this behavior in the bug toolkit ... I join some sh commands (unfortunately done when no problem). I will try to obtain the output of the sh command when the pb occurs.

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Cisco Switching/Routing :: Erspan Causing High CPU On 6500?

Aug 2, 2012

I'm attempting to create an erspan session between a Nexus 5000 and 6500 to get traffic from a FEX interface on the 5000 over to a sniffer off of the 6500.  The Nexus and 6500 are directly connected with a 10G link, but I added a separate 1G link between the two for the erpsan traffic.  I created a routed interface on the 6500, and and SVI on the Nexus.  The Erspan session came up, and looked ok from both sides, but as soon as we got a burst of traffic this morning the CPU on the 6500 spiked to 99%.  I used 'debug netdr capture rx' to determine the traffic was coming in from the erspan port and subsequently shut down the new interface on the 6500. why this caused a CPU spike?  Here are the relevant configs from each device:
vrf context NetOps!
interface Vlan123
no shutdown


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Computer On The Network Causing High Latency - ARP Floods And Name Queries

Jan 26, 2013

Recently me and my girlfriend have been having issues with in game latency, receiving pings close to jittering to well over 300 where they were formerly in the 30-40s to identical servers. We live with a Chinese housemate who is extremely conscious of her privacy/personal space, we noticed a dirge of active ports on the router (both TCP and UDP) which seemed to have no association with any major application and assumed it was the old P2P boogie-monster. She is the only one who uses Wifi, an upon briefly deactivating the Wifi, all ping issues were instantly resolved. The bizarre thing is we still have plently of up/download bandwidth, I mean we're not swimming in a fibre optic connection but still a relatively healthy 1MB dl/70KB/s ul, more than enough for gaming.Deciding we needed a better idea of what was going on in the network, we downloaded Wireshark. We discovered a couple of things that might mean something, they might mean nothing at all:Firstly there was a deluge of random ARP requests coming from the suspect IP, something along the lines of:"who has 192.168.0.(random number) Tell (suspect computer's IP)"repeated over and over in bursts. A little googling found us this: Has Your Network been Now given that she is Chinese and is probably exposed to a lot of Chinese websites, is there any chance that this could be the root cause - could it drown the network to the extent that it produces terrible pings?Secondly there have been an inordinate amount of name queries coming from her IP to (broadcast channel), they generally take the form of:

NBNS92Name query NB WPAD<00>


NBNS92Name query NB ISATAP<00>

and occasionally, it will name query my network id, leading to: (her ip being

2144211275.734470000192.168.0.3 query NB (my id)<20>
2144231275.739314000192.168.0.3 (my id)TCP6658451 > netbios-ssn [SYN] Seq=0 Win=8192 Len=0 MSS=1460 WS=4 SACK_PERM=1
2144251275.741325000192.168.0.3 (my id)NBSS126Session request, to (my network id)<20> from (her network id)<00>
2144271275.744124000192.168.0.3 (my id)SMB213Negotiate Protocol Request


Now combine this with the sometimes 9-10 active ports our router assigns to her IP (which don't appear to relate to anything according to numerous port id sites), does this send out a red flag to any of you? I realize it would be so much easier if I could get access to her computer, but as I said, she is very private and timid and doesn't seem to like even having people in her room, let alone letting them use her computer.

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Linksys Wireless Router :: EA6500 - Identifying Devices Causing High Usage?

Mar 28, 2013

I'm thinking of purchasing a Cisco Linksys EA6500. I need a router that can one monitor bandwidth used by device. Keep exceeding our ISP's network bandwidth allocation, need to identify the devices that are causing this high usage and be able to do so from the router. Does the EA6500's standard software support this, is their router software one can obtain for the unit that does this or is there another home router option that can perform this function?

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Cisco Routers :: WRVS4400N - ACL Rule(s) Causing Sever Slowdown?

Feb 24, 2012

I have a DSL line at work that we use to test external services provided to external users on our primary Internet circuit (Citrix, web applications, etc).  Because this DSL line is for testing only, we want to lock it down so the only destinations allowed through the firewall are our own IP spaces. 
I purchased a WRVS4400N for this purpose, thinking I could use the IP based ACL list to create these restrictions.  However, every time I try to create an ACL, the internet slows to a crawl, and many sites don't come up at all.  This occurs even if the ACL rule I add is a simple "allow any any" rule similar to the default rules.
Is this a known issue, or am I configuring something incorrectly?  Here's an example of a rule I'm using (IP not real):
Action     Service          Source Interface     Source     Destination                                   Time              Day
Allow      All Protocol     LAN                    ANY *             Any Time       Every Day  
I also get the problem with a simple allow from a single IP (mine) to any destination, without any other rules enabled.
implementation of the ACL ruleset on these routers?

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Cisco WAN :: High Availability Configuration Between 2 2901 Routers

Jul 7, 2011

I have to install and configure two 2901 routers at different location with high availability.  These 2 routers would be connected through WAN, now I would like to configure high availability bwtween two routers.
I have attached a small diagram of the placement of 2 routers.
how do I configure high availability between these 2 links or routers.

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Cisco Switching/Routing :: Frequent High CPU Load In 7609 Routers?

May 3, 2012

we have a pair of 7609 routers working in Active Standby mode. The version of routers are :- Cisco IOS Software, c7600rsp72043_rp Software (c7600rsp72043_rp-ADVIPSERVICESK9-M), Version 12.2(33)SRD4, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc2)
Quiet frequently we are getting High CPU load problems on our router and this load comes down below 10 % automatically.
I am attaching the Show tech support for your kind consideration.
Similar issue was reported yesterday as well for which i have attached SH tech suppot.

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Cisco Firewall :: ASA 5510 7.2.1 High Traffic On Outside Interface Very High Input?

Oct 13, 2011

Today I've received reports of slow internet access/activity and have noticed myself that it seems a bit slow today.  On the dashboard of our asa 5510 the "outside interface" traffic usage is running constantly high. It's at the top of the graph. How can I tell what is causing the spike in utilization. It usually runs at about 1500-2000 Kbps, and now it's up over 10,000.

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Cisco WAN :: 2801 High CPU Load / Low Traffic / High Interrupts

Nov 26, 2012

We installed a solution with 2 Cisco 2801, BGP multihomed failover.
1) The router which is currently getting all the traffic gets to 55% to 60% of CPU usage when handling 40 SIP/RTP streams . This equals 10Mbit up/10Mbit down and it showed around 5800 packets TX and around 5800 packets RX, with a majority of them CEF switched. As those figures are way less than the performance figures published by Cisco, we wonder if we made any mistake in setting up our router, or if we can do something to improve the router setup.
2) Does it have an impact on router performance if we increase/decrease RTP packet size, thus increasing or decreasing the pps relative to the consumed bandwidth?
3) If it is not possible to improve router configuration, we also wonder about possible replacement units for those routers. Would a 2901 do a good job? By how much would it rise the capacity? What other models would you recommend if we plan to rise the number of concurrent calls by a factor of 4 or even 8 times of what we have now (so up to 48000 pps and 80Mbit).
Here is what we tried:

- ip route-cache same-interface does not seem to improve anything

- ip flow ingress on or off makes no difference

- disabling the inbound ACL on fa0/0 seems to reduce load by 10%, although I don't understand why - a very high percentage is CPU interrupts, and ACLs are process switched, or not?

- we tried following the Cisco guide for high CPU due to high interrupts, with no success
Here are some usage statistics: 
The graphs that we plot via SNMP show a propotional growth/increase of CPU and bandwidth (and thus pps) At the highest loads, we had a bit more than 55% CPU utilization with more than 50% interrupt CPU.
CPU utilization for five seconds: 36%/30%; one minute: 30%; five minutes: 30%
PID Runtime(ms)     Invoked      uSecs   5Sec   1Min   5Min TTY Process
127       13140         954      13773  2.00%  0.29%  0.07% 194 SSH Process  


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Cisco WAN :: Current Heat Dissipation Of High End Routers And Switches 7600 / 6500

Sep 12, 2006

Is there any commands to know the Current Heat Dissipation of high end routers and switches 7600,6500? Even though we can calculate thro. corresponding calculators, i eager to know is there any commands to do that?

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Difference Between High-power And High-gain In Wireless USB Adapters

Nov 12, 2011

what's the difference between High-power and High-gain wireless USB adapters.

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Laptop Causing Weird LAN Lag To All PCs

Sep 1, 2012

I have a WiFi in my home, when this laptop is under normal load, say like streaming a 360p youtube video, all the computers in my home will experience a huge lag and it becomes impossible to surf or do any internet activity (even the causing laptop itself will experience huge pings). The weird part is that the lag is at the LAN level, it is not related to my internet bandwidth. Because when I ping my local router ( with other PCs during the lag period, I get 1000-4000 ms. However, it is usually 1 ms. I tried doing a stress test on one of my normal laptops by downloading at maximum speed, the problem did not occur, there was no lag, all my PCs did not encounter that lag and I still get 1 ms when pinging the router. It is only this laptop that when it starts downloading, my network will be flooded.

Another related problem with the laptop is that every time I log off then log in and try to reconnect to my network, It will not allow me, I will have to click on the windows diagnose problem and it will be fixed saying "Problem with wireless adapter or access point".

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WND3400 One PC Causing Lag On Network

Jun 12, 2011

I'm using cable (7.5Mbps) w/ unlimited bandwidth . I have 2 wired PC on the network and 4 PCs connected via wireless. My current router is a Netgear WND3400 but I had a Linksys WRT160n v3 previously.

My problem is that I've been getting very high ping in games (PC) and also on my PS3 like > 400ms over the past month but only after like 9:30pm or so. During the day it's always smooth. I called my ISP and they told me everything was fine from their end and the modem too.

1 PC on the network makes the other PCs lag even if that PC isn't downloading or using any bandwidth at all? I did some tests today, like: I open CMD and type: ping -t url... and I get like 6ms but when that particular PC is powered on, the ping increases to > 400ms.

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Cisco :: 4404WLC - Causing DOS Attack Several Times A Day

Feb 12, 2013

I manage a CISCO 4404 WLC with about 46 access points across our WAN. System works very well, serving trusted users, guests etc very well.However, over the last month or two we have had an issue where we have had high load on our WAN.We have traced this down to the CISCO 4404, about 3-4 times a day, the controller connects to every access point and transmits about 5-8mb of data on port 5427. This in itself would not be a problem, but it connects to all 46 at the same time.

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Computer Causing Router To Reset

Aug 31, 2011

If my computer has been sitting for a while without using the internet and i open my browser the dsl and internet lights on my router shut off for about 15 seconds and no one in my house has internet and then it turns back on. this ONLY happens when it has been sitting for a while with the browser closed and my computer is the only one that makes it do it. also i don't have my computer set to sleep after a certain time, my monitor turns off after 5 minutes and that's it. i have a siemens gigaset se567 and my isp is telus.

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Ethernet Not Detected Causing No Internet?

Jul 21, 2012

For starters I have a qwest m1000 modem and a netgear router.this morning there was a rather large thundestorm that caused my power to cut out while I was usin my computer.. once I got it back up and running the ethernet light on my modem wasn't liighting up.I reallly have no idea what to do. Everything but the ethernet is working. I can still get to my routers website but that's it, and I don't what to do there once I'm on it.Is it possible the storm messed up the settings? Or killed part of my pc/modem? On my computer the ethernet light next to the jack on the back is yelllow when its threw my rouuter, but when I plug my modem into it directly it doesn't light up at all.

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Router Causing Some Webpages To Time Out?

Mar 24, 2011

I'll access a site like [URL] normally the first 2 or three links will work that I click on and then maybe the third link will cause a timeout. I'll refresh the page after receiving the timeout notice and it'll appear fine. This is happening to other sites aswell. The reason I know it's the router is when I plug my PC directly into the modem, I don't receive this problem. The problem is happening with my laptop, PC and iphone. I've asked the ISP to go over the settings in my router to make sure they're all configured correctly and they say they're not trained on troubleshooting routers so they direct me to Netgear again. I don't really know what I should be looking at in the router page (I don't know much about routers/networking),

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DWA-125 - PS3 Causing PC To Lose Internet Access

Jul 27, 2011

I've recently added a desktop pc to the home's wireless network (using a D-Link DWA-125 Wireless N 150 USB adapter rev.A2) and it used to play nicely with the other devices. After switching out the router to an Actiontec V1000H my computer has begun losing most connectivity when the PS3 is turned on.

The pc still sees the network and there is a little activity there it seems. Everything runs fine when the PS3 is off and in the Wireless Network Connection Status display the speed is usually listed at 65-75 Mbps. But when the PS3 is turned on it reads 6.5 Mbps with the IPv4 connectivity bouncing between "internet" and "limited". Windows' automatic diagnosis is "Cannot communicate with DNS server".

I tried assigning static IP addresses to the pc and ps3 thinking there was a possible IP conflict with the dynamic addresses. Thinking there could be a conflict with ports I read up on port forwarding but my knowledge of networking is limited and I'm not even sure if that is the problem.

There are alot of other devices connected, 2 laptops, 2 iPod touches an iPhone the PS3 and now this old desktop clunker. I figure it's possible that the router is getting overloaded with everything and the PS3 just pushes my computer's bandwidth out the window but I would think that there would be some noticable drop in performance on the other laptops as well, which there hasn't.

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Cisco Firewall :: New ASA 5510 Causing Corrupt Emails?

Jan 9, 2013

We installed a new ASA 5510 (ver 8.3(1)) on the weekend and since then have had one isolated email issue.Here is the situation. We have a remote office that connects to us via IPsec site-to-site tunnel. They remote in to one of our servers and from that server email themselves PDF's. They have their own exchange server for general use, but the emails sent from our server go through our exchange server of course. The received email shows the user as the sender AND receiver. This previously worked fine.Since installing the ASA though, users get the following error when they try to open the document: "There was an error opening this document. The file is damaged and could not be repaired."They tried this with a text file and the same thing occured. I have disabled SMTP inspection and have omitted the remote office from the CSC SSM scanning. This has not worked. The remote office also has an ASA 5510 (ver 8.2) but no changes were made this weekend. No updates were applied to Exchange this weekend.Previously my office was using a Cisco 1800, Cisco VPN Concentrator 3000 and Untangle gateway box. I replaced all 3 with the ASA. My supervisor is currently at this remote location and he can still email himself attachments from that particular server with no problem through the tunnel.

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Cisco WAN :: 3750 QoS Causing Slow Data Transfers

Aug 22, 2012

I am a new network admin at my company, and I am investigating a problem that is on a network designed by someone no longer here. So, I can't ask why things were set up the way they were. Anyway, here's the issue:
We have 50Mbps WAN connections between locations. The WAN devices are 3750s, but the port plugged into the providers network is a layer 3 port. Config is below for one of the ports: [code]

So, these are Gig ports, but our service provider limits to 50Mbps. When we do a data transfer, we can't exceed about 20Mbps total on the circuit. The data transfers at maximum 15-16Mbps.
I'm not familiar with QoS. I've tried to read more about SRR, but don't understand it well enough to know. Are the QoS settings creating this restriction? Our provider swears that the bandwidth is allocated and its not being choked on their end. I have not taken off the QoS config to test it that way because I'm not 100% sure if its needed and serving some purpose. I don't want to break something in order to fix this.
Is the QoS causing this? Do I need to put a bandwidth statement on the port? Should we be using routers and LLQ?

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Sharing :: IP Conflict Causing Network To Crash

Jan 9, 2012

I am dealing with three office networks, all three have the same conflict. The error messages I get all say there are two devices assigning ip addresses. As soon as I get the computers communicating with each other, two seem to crash overnight, I suspect due to the conflict. Here is the rundown on the networks. All are windows networks - the problem I am having is file sharing mostly and printing.

Network A: server OS is XP Pro - SP3, four workstations, XP Pro-SP3, Windstream DSL and Netgear Router. I have already bridged the router on this one, and it did not correct the conflict.

Network B: Server OS - Windows7 SP1, three workstations all XP Pro SP3, ISP is Clear (formerly clearwire). Router is the old wired Linksys befsr41 v4.

Network C: server OS - XP Pro SP2, ISP - Clear, three workstations - two are XP ProSP3 one is XP Pro SP2. I have had less trouble with this network, but I suspect the conflict exists here as well.

I have tried to get a static IP address from Windstream where I have had my worst problems, but cannot seem to get one. I suspect we have the least expensive service option possible, and are possibly using a service designed for home use as opposed to business, as someone told me recently that getting a static IP address can be expensive. Is this true? Currently all networks have DHCP enabled, and the routers are set up to use DHCP. My thoughts were to disable DHCP and assign ip addresses manually.

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Router Causing Slow Internet Connection

Jan 3, 2013

decided first of all to connect an old router to the master (but not test) socket together with different cabling & splitter/microfilter - everything starting working almost perfectly (apart from downstream data rate was considerably lower than expected each time I connected - between about 1400 & 1600 Kbps - I have max. 8 Mbps).when I connected back my current router everything continued to be OK (apart from low downstream data rate) - until I would restart the current router and everything went back to very very slow.

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D-Link DIR-655 Causing Internet Slow Downs?

Jun 10, 2011

I have been using my DIR-655 for about 2 weeks now with Road Runner wideband services. Starting yesterday my internet became very slow and I discovered the cause was the router. I tried resetting it to factory settings and things will be fine and run smoothly for about 5-15 minutes but after that it goes back to being extremely slow. My speed tests would go from 10ms (normal) to 250-450ms. Before this issue occurred the Dlink was perfect, had full speeds. I am running a wire Ethernet connection.

I am currently using revB and tried upgrading firmware to 2.01NA which had no effect, but make my internet seemingly go back to normal for the first few minutes then nosedive again.I have also changed my speed/duplex settings in Network Config to 1gbs Full Duplex. I've also disabled QoS, and still no change. Not sure what else to do.

When directly connected to the modem everything seems fine. The modem is also the provided Motorola SBG6580 which I have called Time Warner to set the modem into bridge mode and have the DIR-655 connected to it.

With DIR-655 connected to PC

With Modem connected to PC

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New Computer Causing Internet To Die On Entire Network

Aug 6, 2011

After recently setting up a new computer, my entire network seems to randomly loose internet connection. The interval between connection losses is as short as half an hour but it sometimes goes several hours without dying; the connections is lost for anywhere between 30 seconds and 20 minutes each time it dies.The new computer is running Windows 7 and is using a Roeswill USB wireless adapter, but I have tired it with a wire and the connection still dies. I am disinclined to believe that this is caused by a virus simply because this is a brand new computer that has had only minimal use; to be on the safe side, though, I did do virus scans with multiple programs, however, I did not find anything.When the connection is lost, a yellow exclamation appears on the task bar's internet access icon. If I check my available networks, my network still shows full strength. I have tried disconnecting and reconnecting but nothing happens; I don't get any "failure to connect" type errors nor do I get connection back. I have also tried physically removing the adapter/wire and plugging it back in, but that doesn't do anything either.

I am under the impression that the new Windows 7 computer is doing something to temporarily kill the entire network, but I don't know what.For the record, my modem is an old Motorola and my router is an old Netgear. Both are quite a few years old, but I don't think they are the problem as my internet was fine before I added the new Windows 7 computer. There are wired computers and wireless computers running XP, Vista, and 7 also on the network.

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Cisco Infrastructure :: 2911 TS Causing A-sync Line Lock Out

Oct 31, 2011

I have a brand new 2911-TS running 2900-universalk9-mz.SPA.151-4.M1.  I have connected the async lines to several devices including ASA5510's, 7206V XR and 6506es.  I'm experiencing issues where I go to connect to the console port of one of my devices and my access is denied as if the port was already in a session.  I clear the line and try again, same response.  If I swap that line with a known functioning line I see lines and lines of output as if the device I was trying to connect to was constantly sending data to the console port.  I've not had this problem on any of my older Cisco terminal servers.  I opened a TAC case and they had me RMA the HWIC module.  I cannot find any information about setting some sort of buffer limit or session timeout.  I feel this is a configuration, or mis-configuration issue. 

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Cisco Switching/Routing :: 3560 PoE / RSPAN Causing Instability

May 6, 2013

We are trying to configure RSPAN at one of our sites in order to record voice calls using CallRex. We have it working successfully at another site using RSPAN (smaller site with 4x 3560 PoE switches), but when trying to set it up at this site, it causes "instability" for the voice network to say the least (some phones display one-way audio, UCM down message on the phone...not good). The calls are actually recording successfully on the CallRex server, but we cannot leave the RSPAN config in place due to the issues it causes. As soon as the RSPAN commands are removed, everything behaves normally. Here is the relevent config: 
EDGE Switch 1 (Cisco 2960-48LPS):
 vlan 210
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/1

The config is pretty stright-forward, but as mentioned above, is causing major problems when turned up.CPU / memory levels are normal. Nothing shows up in the sh log on either the Edge or Core switches.

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Cisco WAN :: 2911 / 2801 / 881- QoS Causing Router CPU Utilization To Rise

Oct 16, 2012

We have recently implemented some QoS on our routers and i have noticed that the CPU usage has risen enormously as a result. 

I checked the CPU Processes and found that the avg values are 50% usage.  This seems rather high considering that only 75% of our edge routers have this feature enabled. 
Our main router is a Cisco CISCO2911/K9 (revision 1.0) with 487424K/36864K bytes of memory.  Our edge routers are either 2801 models or 881 models.
This is our first implementation of QoS and would like to ensure that it is working properly before implementing other QoS rules.  Here is a copy of the config on the 2911 router:

class-map match-all Citrix
match protocol citrix
class-map match-all Print
match protocol printer
class-map match-all C-Coolingata
[ code]......
Here is the config on our edge routers:
class-map match-any Citrix
match access-group name Citrix-ACL
As you can see we have different link speeds at different sites based on their size, location etc. How to be able to confirm that this config is correct?

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Onboard Ethernet Card Causing Computer To Shut Down?

Mar 26, 2012

computer keeps restarting whenever i connect my network cable.

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Computer Causing Internet To Be Slow On Entire Network

May 4, 2012

I have 2 computers on a network, and 3 devices that use wifi on the same network. Basically when ever computer A is connected, every single computer or device on the network runs extremely slow, if at all. I get anywhere between 1200-2000 ping on pingtest with 2-60% packet loss. Even the speed on the "infected" computer A downloads extremely slow. I'm at a loss for this problem, everything runs slow and its because of the one computer connected to it. I have virus software on this computer, but its not the best so i'm not ruling out malware or viruses right off the bat.

Devices: Blackberry, Iphone, macbook (all wifi)
Computer A
Runs windows xp 32 bit,
amd processor
onboard video


The internet modem runs to a router (Dlink dir615) then to a switch (or hub, if you will) and then to the 2 computers. The entire problem is solved by unplugging computer A from the system. But other than that I have no alternative.

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Wireless Networks Traffic Causing Slow Speeds?

Feb 15, 2012

I am using virginmedia superhub which is supposed to give me a max of 30mbps. I use it wireless but am often getting fluctuations in speed - sometimes 500kbps upto 20mbps, nothing consistently close over 20mbps or close to 30mbps. I have bought a powerline kit - "develo olan 200 AV Wireless N" which has improved the speed but I still get fluctuations.

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Computer Causing Router To Lose Internet Connection?

Dec 9, 2012

I have 2 laptops and 1 desktop all connected to the same router, the 2 laptops are connected via wifi and the desktop PC is currently connected via an Ethernet cable, both laptops run windows 7 while the desktop runs windows XP and more or less every time the desktop is booted after a few minutes of normality connection to the internet is lost and the yellow triangle on windows 7 appears so to fix this I have to go into my routers settings via and reboot which then solves the problem and all machines function as they should including the desktop.

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Linksys Wireless Router :: E2500 Causing BSOD With VPN?

Jul 25, 2011

Since recently replacing my home router with a Linksys E2500, I have been getting Blue Screen of Death (BSOD) with my Company's VPN (AT&T).  It only happens when I am running wireless with my E2500.  If I am hooked up to my E2500 through a ethernet cable it doesn't happen.  I have updated the BIOS on my Lenovo Thinkpad T410 and ensured all of my drivers are up to date.  I am  99.9% sure the problem is caused by my Linksys E2500 because I have used my laptop on other wireless routes at work and school and never get this problem.  I am also ensured that my E2500 has the current firmware installed and upgraded my Company's VPN to the most current level to no avail.
I am getting DRIVER_IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL Blue Screen of Death in agnfilt.sys. 

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