Cisco Routers :: RV220W Inconsistent User Access?

Jul 28, 2011

I have created 7 QuickVPN users on router and on QuickVPN client. They all work except two. Have deleted and reinstalled on router and in QuickVPN to no avail. Changing the user name by one letter works (eg user NameVPN doesn't work, but NameVP does). Somehow router (I think) is not releasing user credentials/policies (which seems to agree with log). I have rebooted router.

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Cisco Routers :: RV220W Only Add 9 PPTP User Accounts

Jul 17, 2012

I have the RV220W and we are mainly using PPTP for VPN access.  I can not add more than 9 PPTP VPN user acounts.  When I go to add a tenth account the interface just hangs and stops responding.  I can delete a user and then add another user and this works fine.  I can also add other types of VPN users. 

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Cisco Routers :: RV220W QuickVPN Limited To 10 User Instead Of 25?

Oct 11, 2011

I just bought a RV220W for my small company. I have read everywhere that this model come with 25 license for QuickVPN/IPsec.But when I tried to create all my account I had a bad surprise. The firmware tell me that the maximum number of user that I can create is 10! I dont see anywhere in the firmware where I can upgrade for another licence. I have the last firmware.

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Cisco Routers :: RV220W - VPN User Connection Status Table Empty?

Feb 15, 2012

I was wondering if anyone has seen their VPN User Connection Status Table empty even though you know for sure clients are connected?  I connect with my iPhone to the PPTP VPN successfully and it works fine but there's no entry for the connection on the VPN User Connection Status Table.  Is that normal?  Does the router only collect data about Windows clients?

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Cisco Routers :: RV220W Won't Allow Web Access Across VPN

Dec 12, 2012

We have 2 sites connected thru 2 RV220W routers via VPN and most things are working fine. I have noticed however, that any device that has a web interface, i.e. our Sharp Copier and our Freenas server, is inaccessible. The page tries to come up but then I get the Cisco "server is down" page generated by the RV220W.
I can pull up the web interface pages if I use a machine on the local LAN but not on any machine across the VPN. The only commonality I can think of is the RV220W blocking that traffic for some reason..

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Cisco Routers :: RV220W - Restrict Access To One Web Address Only?

Oct 12, 2011

We will be opening a shop with a number of computers available to the public connected to the Web via one ISP with fixed IP using a RV220W router.
We wish to restrict web access to our company's web site only, say ''; how can we code this in the router?

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Cisco Routers :: After Password Change Can't Access RV220W?

Mar 30, 2013

I have changed administrator password to a secure one, just after the changind the password it logged off and offered to login. Now when I put the same password it writes: Invalid password for Admin user Password I used: 8_^!-,Opc: 5Gj3v5<Xb06?9z\SeWr2z9axdPa-f+L:Wj]NzEF2>v!Fu&lS0 There were no warnings that some symbols are not allowed, etc.
How can I access my router? what should I remove from the password to get access?

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Cisco Routers :: QuickVPN From One RV220W To Other - No Webpage Access?

Dec 19, 2011

Using QuickVPN from one RV220W to another RV220W I cannot access the Webpage of the remote router.  Goes to "CERTIFICATE NOT VALID" then click through that, and the the login page will not come up.  Sceen flashes a hint of blue background, then turns white, then just sits there saying "Waiting for response from ???.???.QuickVPN will sucessfully connect and I can use all computers behind the router.  Just cannot access the Webpage of the remote router.  I can access the Webpage of the local router.Also, when I hookup using QuickVPN from an "Internet Cafe" that is using a Netgear router.  I can then access the webpage on both remote routers (of course, depending on whom I QuickVPN'd into at the time).
Location #1
Office #1
RV220W:  RV220W-A-K9-NA    SER: SER15140314Firmware:
 Location #2
Office #2
RV220W: RV220W-A-K9-NA SER: SER151600R2
I have called Cisco on this with no luck.  They said to update my JAVA.  I am currently JRE 6 Release 30 and still no luck.  The Log files reveal nothing and are darn near unreadable since there is no line breaks in the log file.  Have to manually edit the log to pick stuff out.

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Cisco Routers :: How To Access RV220W Admin Page On IPad

Jul 14, 2011

How to access the admin page of the RV220W from an iPad wih the default security certificate? If so, what steps did you go through? Or is this only possible when purchasing a certificate?

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Cisco Routers :: RV220W Access Rule Reorder Broken?

Jul 24, 2012

I need to add some rules to block some attacks. I can add them fine but they get added to the end of the list. I try to re-order the rules to put them at the top and can not. I am using Internet Exploder 8 and I put a checkmark on the rule I want to move then click the reorder button. It takes me to a screen that shows 0 rules. I click the Back button and am back at the list of rules on that page. I am running the latest firmware which is from a year ago.

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Cisco Routers :: RV220W - After Updating Firmware There Is No DHCP And No Access To Anything

Apr 13, 2012

I have a Cisco rv220w.  I just tried updating the firmware.  I used RV220W-Firmware-  It rebooted, and now there is no DHCP and no access to anything.  I tried the reset button for 10 seconds.  That didn't do anything.  The WAN and all the LAN lights light up.  Power is on and solid.  The light blinks alternating between the DMZ and the blank space to the right of wireless.  How can I get this back to factory defaults?

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Cisco Routers :: ISA570 - Inconsistent Downloads And Inability To Use ITunes

Apr 23, 2013

I have a problem with my isa570. Ever since I started using it it sometimes takes me two or three clicks to get a website to load. Also connecting to iTunes is almost impossible. It does work sometimes but then very slowly. I have switched off application control.

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Cisco Routers :: RV220W PPTP Users Unable To Access Subnet Across Tunnel

Apr 21, 2012

I have two offices connected with an IPSEC VPN tunnel using RV220W routers.  The Tunnel works fine for local users between the two sites(Site 1:10.0.0.x; site 2 is 10.0.2.x).  I have also set up PPTP users for remote access.  PPTP users that connect to site 1 cannot access site 2 and vice versa.   The PPTP users have no trouble accessing the resources on the site that they connect to.  I have tried activating RIP and adding various static routes with no success.  If I PPTP connect to site 1 and I tracert to an IP address on site 2 the route goes to the site 1 router and then goes to the internet(connected to the site 1 router) where it stops.

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Cisco Routers :: RV-120W / How To Deny User From Access Some Website Through Proxy

Sep 9, 2012

I have block some website in URL Blocking.But they can access the website which i have blocked through proxy server? Can i deny user access proxy server? It has many proxy server,i can not block the proxy server one by one.

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Cisco Routers :: RV220W Site To Site Vpn And Internet Access From Single Ip?

Dec 18, 2011

Can I use a single Public IP address for both Internet access and site to site vpn access?If not, can I configure the RV220W as a bridge and still use it via another gateway configured for vpn passthrough as a VPN appliance/server on the LAN?

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Cisco AAA/Identity/Nac :: ACS 5.2 User Roles And Restricting User Access To Add Items?

Sep 22, 2011

We are running ACS 5.2 patch 6 and want to restrict access for users to be able to add devices to the system.For example, admin person in site A can only add devices into the site A group and cannot see/access other sites groups.

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Cisco Routers :: RV220W / What Exactly Is QuickVPN

Apr 2, 2012

what exactly is QuickVPN?Is it a IPSec VPN?Is it a PPTP?Is it a SSLVPN?can I resolve my local hostnames? That means, can I configure a lokal DNS Server?

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Cisco Routers :: RV220W VPN Setup

Aug 24, 2012

I am trying to setup and configure a VPN on the RV220W that uses IPSEC so I can use the Cisco VPN Client I use at work, I have gone through the user manual 11 or 12 times now but still cannot work it out. I cannot find where on the Rv200W iset up the phase 1 authentication username and password which will then lead me onto the phase 2 stage of asking for a username password to allow me access.

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Cisco Routers :: Static IPs Behind RV220W

Jul 3, 2012

Picked up a pair of RV220W's for a project I'm working on.  I have several IP's available, 4 of which are assigned to/in use by a server behind the RV220W.  All 4 of these IP's are static external IPs.  How I can configure the RV220W so that requests to those 4 IP's get routed to the server.
Prior to purchasing this, I was under the impression what I was trying to do was called one-to-one NAT, but after reading the 'Help' document on the one-to-one NAT page, I don't think this is right.  Emphasis added below: Cisco RV220W Wireless-N Network Security Firewall Help FirewallOne-to-One NATOne-to-one NAT is a way to make systems behind a firewall and configured with private IP addresses appear to have public IP addresses.One-to-One-NAT Rule TableThis table lists the list of available One-To-One NAT rules configured by the user. Private Range Begin: start ip address in private (LAN) ip addressPublic Range Begin: start ip address in the public ip address (WAN IP), Public IP Subnet Mask: The Subnet Mask of the public IPRange Length: Range length maps one to one private address to public address up to the given range.Service: This column shows service to be accepted by LAN Host.The actions that can be taken on One-to-One-NAT rules are:(Check Box At First Column Header): Selects all the entries in the table.Add: Opens the One-To-One NAT Configuration page, to add a new entry. Edit: Opens the One-To-One NAT Configuration page, to edit the selected entry.Delete: Deletes the selected entries.
So according to their documentation, the server in question would need to be configured with a private IP.  Unfortunately, one of the applications I use is licensed via IP address and my understanding is that I cannot use the software with private/non-routable IP addresses.
Is the RV220W capable of not only securing the line (firewall, access rules, content filtering, port trigering & forwarding etc) but also doing what I was hoping to do (keeping the external IP's on the server, and routing appropriately)?

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Cisco Routers :: Dynamic DNS With RV220W

May 15, 2012

I'm using a RV220W router, and recently got shifted to a dynamic IP solution.Now, I've got a address, but the update service seems to be on So, I try to enter OR in the dynamic dns settings, under Host and Domain Name, but when saving the settings it says
'The hostname specified does not exist in this user account' ,which seems to indicate that it manages to login to the update service but gets a negative reply.Is it possible to use the RV220W with

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Cisco Routers :: RV220W IPsec VPN On Mac OS?

Sep 28, 2011

Cisco support write down manual (workaround), how to setup IPsec VPN connection on Mac OS 1.7?

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Cisco Routers :: Associate Name To IP - RV220W

Nov 27, 2011

Is there anyway to associate a name to an IP in the RV220W?  I am coming from a WRVS4400N v2.  Folks are complaining that they can't connect, for example via Real VNC, via the PC name any longer.  They have to use the IP address.  In the past I put the names of the PCs in the WRVS4400N when I reserved IPs via MAC addresses (some call this assigning static IPs).  There isn't any place in the RV220W to put the name.  Even when I look at the DHCP list a lot of them show up as "unknown".  I am sure this is a NETBIOS thing but I'd rather fix this in the router as I have always done in the past.

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Cisco Routers :: RV220W Firmware - Getting Or

Jul 22, 2011

i have a RV220W  and absolutely nothings functional on this stupid Router, no NAT , no Port Forwarding and I cant access my Network from Outside. Any firmware link for downloading. This address works, its handling special webrequest.

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Cisco Routers :: Set Up PPTP VPN With RV220W

Jul 19, 2012

I set up a PPTP VPN with an RV220W recently.  It was working flawlessly until a recent power outage and now users are getting the 807 error when attempting to connect.  I have PPTP passthrough enabled and TCP/UDP 1723 open.  As far as I can tell GRE 47 is open as well. Why it was working and is not working after a power outage?

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Cisco Routers :: RV220W Just Disappears

Jun 23, 2012

Having a strange problem that just started this week and got worse this evening. I have a RV220W that is feeding my network. The RV220W sits behind a broadband modem and acts as the DHCP for the network and those computers access the internet that way. Anyway, tonight started an issue where the the RV220W just disappears. Becomes unpingable. I recycle power, and within anywhere from 5 to 10 minutes, it's gone. No longer pingable.  Even if I plug a latop directly into it.If I power cycle the RV220W it comes back and I can ping it and access it and its settings. 5 to 10 mins later, I again lose it. Nothing was done. Its been working fine for a few weeks. Had a similar outage last Tuesday, but a recycle of everything brought everything back into line. After I lose connection to it, the lights I expect to be lit remain lit.

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Cisco Routers :: RV220W - UPnP Does Not Work?

Jan 26, 2012

I am unable to make UPnP to work on the RV220W. I am forced to use port forwarding.

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Cisco Routers :: RV220W Cannot Save Settings With IE9?

Nov 20, 2012

Nothing happens when clicking the SAVE button after making changes on the VLAN Membership screen when using IE9, but it work fine with IE8. Any problems using IE9 during configuration?

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Cisco Routers :: RV220W / Getting Bad Bandwidth Sharing?

Jan 31, 2013

When someone downloads a file, or similar, there seems to be no, or very little, room for other requests. I've even tried to be the only one on the network, start a download (from ex. Intel) and then tries to access a simple website, almost only text, and its extreemly slow. I hav ethe latest firmware, a windows domain network and the routers is not acting as dhcp server.

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Cisco Routers :: Where To Find MIB Files For RV220W

Sep 26, 2011

Where I can find the MIB files for RV220W router?

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Cisco Routers :: RV220W - Very Slow Wi-Fi Connection?

Aug 5, 2011

I'm an IT professional with more than 10 years experience. I have spent last 5 days trying to figure out why the wifi connection to this router is so slow, but still no luck. I'm getting only 13Mbps even if my laptop is next to the router! (wired connection worked ok)
I have tried all sort of setting combinations, 2.4GHz/5GHz; N only/ G,N Mixed;  Auto/20MHz bandwidth; different channels; WPA2 encrypted vs open; disable firewall; wmm enabled/disabled; firmware... no matter what I try, I always get only 10 - 15Mbps speed.
Once I replace this router with my old router, it worked perfectly --- getting 70 - 80Mbps with exactly the same testing environment and configuration.
I really expect this router to offer much faster wireless speed according to this review: [URL]

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Cisco Routers :: Workgroup Accessibility With RV220W

Apr 30, 2013

I'm using a RV220W in my home office. Before this router I was. using a Sitecom router which did not cause any problems. I have setup a home network. The RV220W connects to the provider modem. The client components connect to the RV220W. Which acts as DHCP gateway. The DHCP features of the modem are disabled. I have assigned all network client devices to the same workgroup. I have to windows 7 PC's. one of them acts as fileserver. when trying to acces it from the other fixed PC or via a laptop the fileserver is visible but not accessable. I can not open it and access the shared folders.It has worked for a brief moment, but without changing any settings it stop working. I have never had accessability problems with the sitecom router. I have installed the latest firmware and tried rebooting the router several times. I have also started again with the factory defaults.

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Cisco Routers :: How To Configure QoS For VoIP In RV220W

Jan 8, 2012

I have a cisco RV220W router used in a home environment. Recently I purchased a Siemens Gigaset A 580 IP phone. It works OK so far but I would like to optimize the configuration for VoIP traffic and apply QoS for VoIP on this router. Any guide with the recommended configuration and preferred settings of the same? I have not used QoS previously

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Cisco Routers :: RV220W Connect To Web Interface

Jul 18, 2011

I have an Cisco RV220W and I can’t connect to web interface. The router is new, I receive the error in Mozilla: Cannot communicate securely with peer: no common encryption algorithm(s). I used also Internet Explorer, Chrome , I tried to disable SSL 3.0, TLS 1.0 but the problem persist. The PC obtained IP address from the router, I have ping on it ,also the SSID is up with open network I reset to factory default but the problem persist.

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