Cisco Switching/Routing :: 3560G Switch NTP Not Sync After IOS Upgrade?
Feb 21, 2012
We have two 3560G-TS-E running 12.2(35)se2, configured as HSRP. Both are running ntp config "ntp peer" and it's pretty well that they get the correct time. Yesterday I upgraded the second device to IOS 12.2(58)se2 and ntp doesn't work now. I checked doc that 12.2(58)se2 runs ntp default version 4 so I change to "ntp peer version 3" but still not work. I put here "show ntp" result for different IOS.
IOS 12.2(35)
SW01>show ntp status
Clock is synchronized, stratum 2, reference is
nominal freq is 119.2092 Hz, actual freq is 119.2022 Hz, precision is 2**18
reference time is D2EF12A5.2EB2DCB2 (15:07:17.182 GMT Wed Feb 22 2012)
clock offset is -4.6616 msec, root delay is 57.50 msec
I have a WS-C3560G-24TS-S running 12.2(50)SE5 with IPBASE. I have been told that the functionality i seek (multicasting) is only available in the IPSERVICES version of the software. I was reading up on upgrading and saw that i needed to do a show license and get the UID and Serial number and get a license that is tied to my box. But the show license command doesnt work wtih my box. i then found something that said that the 3560's were special in that way. Im not sure how to get this box upgraded. I have a different 3560 running the IPSERVICES elsewhere in my organization. Can i take the IOS Version and update my switch to that?
i facing problem with my switch cisco 3560G, when it power on only System light is green and noting happen. i check with serial cable ( Console) but noting happen no booting.
Two 5548 switches running switch profile and it got out of sync (probably because one of the switches lost power before it has chance to save configure). Once the switch profile out of sync, you can't make any change to the switch profile any more, verification will fail.Is there any good way to get the switch profile re-sync without recreating it?
We have a Catalyst 3560G 24 port POE switch. It's been running fine for 1+ years. A few weeks ago we enabled SPAN on it to capture packets. Today, we had a random spike in CPU on the switch. Seems hardware swithing continued to work fine, but software based processes choked and effectively took down EIGRP, HSRP, etc. We collect syslogs from the router and we saw 2 crashes/reboots. Both showed the exact same error both times, with the same hex values. I **believe** the CPU usage dropped when a tech disconneted the SPAN port and it's state changed to down, but I'm not 100% sure.Could this indicate an IOS bug (I'm hoping it's not a hardware failure)? And, how to track this down to see if this could be related to SPAN? I've disabled SPAN for now.
Configuring OSPF on a catalyst 3560G Switch to connect to our building next door by way of fiber. The other two switches in the other building are running OSPF, I am trying to connect to the other building and access a server which is on a switch running OSPF. I am trying to configure the switch here to run OSPF and be able to see the neighbor, but currently can't although I've identified the networks. Maybe I'm missing something, I've followed the instructions but something is not right.
I have two 3560G 24 port switches. Each of them connects to some 3560G or 2950 switches. Trunks between 3560G are set as 1000/full. Trunks between 3560G and 2950 are set as 100/full. show int status also shows the interface negotiation is 100/full for trunks between 3560G and 2950. The issue is I keep getting outdiscard errors in trunks between 3560G and 2950. At 2950 switches, I see Recv-errors too. I checked all the trunks traffic. They are totally not high. Only serveal mbps. Most time even lower than 1mbps.
I googled this kind of issue online. I see it could be possibly caused by high volume traffic higher than the capacity. But it appears the traffic there is not high enough to cause this kind of issue. Is there any possiblity that could cause this problem?
The below is 3560G trunk configuration for 2950 switch
interface GigabitEthernet0/10 switchport trunk encapsulation dot1q switchport trunk allowed vlan 1-122,124-4094 switchport mode trunk speed 100 duplex full srr-queue bandwidth share 10 10 60 20 queue-set 2 priority-queue out mls qos trust cos auto qos voip trust
the trunk configuration at 2950 switch: interface FastEthernet0/24 switchport trunk allowed vlan 1-122,124-4094 speed 100 duplex full
I have been working on some Catalyst 3750's running 12.2(55)SE6 and hit an issue with CEF load-balancing over multiple equal-cost paths. Anyway this issue is now solved but it introduced me to the command 'show platform forward' - this shows you how the forwarding of a packet would be done via hardware cef (as opposed to the command 'sho ip cef exact-route' command that only shows the software cef path). Anyway I tried the command on a 3560G running 15.0(2)SE and it crashes the switch. I tried it a couple of times and verified that the MAC & IP addresses were exactly right in the command and each time the switch crashes. I have extracted the relevant bits from the crashinfo and attached them.
I have a few 24-port Cisco 2960G Switches (model WS-C2960G-24TC-L) that I upgraded to IOS Release 15.0(1)SE2 using the web interface. I am now trying to upgrade those switches with the new release, 15.0(1)SE3, however I seem unable to do it, I have tried this on two switches so far, both have been upgraded to SE2 just a couple months ago or so, and both of them will not accept the SE3 upgrade, basically, I can select the tar file in the web browser and click "Upgrade" but when I do the status never changes from "Loading the tar file to the switch". I have tried multiple times from multiple computers using many different web browsers, including IE6 which is listed as supported. I have let it go for as long as 1.5 hours but to no avail.I also had a few idential switches here that had never been upgarded to SE2, I have had no problems loading SE3 onto them using the same method so it would seem that the tar file I have downloaded is valid.
We have a Cat2960-S Series PoE+ currently running 12.2(55) SE5 ios with SW image C2960S-UNIVERSALK9-M.We want to upgrade the ios to the lastest version but found there are 2 version: 12.2(53) SE2 and 15.0(1) SE.Which is the best & suitable for upgrade?
i am trying to upgrade the firmware in my C2960 switch to 15(1) SE2, and i get the error:Failed to execute the command archive download -sw /overwrite /http iosFile
I have a 3550 switch right now, and need to upgrade to a gigabit switch, so I'm looking at a 3560G-48. For some reason I purchased an EMI version of my 3550, but run the ipbase image...what I need to look for - is a 3560G-48-s good for what I need?
I am looking few information on IOS up-gradation for the switch WS-C3750G-48TS-S . I loaded new Image on the flash and current flash and sh boot as below
1) I would like to set boot sytem parameter for the new IOS and secondary old IOS as well is below command works??? if IOS not coming up with new one 12.2.58 is it boots with old 12.2-35 ?
boot system flash:c3750-ipservicesk9-mz.122-58.SE2.bin;flash:c3750-ipbase-mz.122-35.SE5
2) If I set only boot system flash:c3750-ipservicesk9-mz.122-58 , if new image corrput swicth will check valid image and boot up with old image ?
3) If switch went to room1 switch mode and still I have valild running IOS c3750-ipservicesk9-mz.122-37.SE.bin at flash memory, how to restore with old image
I am trying to upgrade my cisco WS 2960 24 TC-L switch with the IOS image c2960-lanbasek9-mz.122-55.SE6.bin and my existing IOS image is c2960-lanbasek9-mz.122-50.SE5.bin. when i am copying it to flash, it is getting copied but when i tried to boot it after entering command boot system c2960-lanbasek9-mz.122-55.SE6.bin , it gave me an error.
later that by mistake i typed delete /force /recursive flash:now, I am unable to load new IOS error loading "flash:c3750e-universalk9-mz.122-55.SE5.bin" Interrupt within 5 seconds to abort boot process.Boot process failed...
I have installed Cisco 2955 Switch which already have x.x.x.x EA12 IOS and I copied x.x.x.x.EA13 into the flash: with intention to have EA13 enabled for IOS. I set the Global config for boot system by 'boot system (no falsh)x.x.EA13;x.x.EA12' but then also no luck and was showing EA12 in 'sh ver'. I then deleted the EA12 IOS and set the 'boot system flash:x.x.EA13'. I also had varified IOS EA13 by 'verify flash:IOS Filename', it verified the IOS.
But when I reloaded my switch, I'm unable to login and its in 'switch:' prompt (ROMmon mode - I believe). I then tried for flash_init, load_helper, dir flash: (showing me EA13 there) and finally boot flash:IOS Image file but no good news here... Output like this
Error loading "flash:IOS Image File EA13" Interrupt within 5 seconds to abort boot process. Error loading "flash:c2950-i6q4l2-mz.121-12c.EA1.bin"Interrupt within 5 seconds to abort boot process.
My guessing is that the IOS is corrupted (but its not showing me Error loading Image blabla...) I'm trying with EA14 of 4MB and I have 3 MB free spare and decided to remove EA13 first then through XModem try to upload EA14.
Any useful way and recommend me deleting EA13 and upgrading EA14... Also option to set boot image with having two IOS at the same time for permanent use.
I have a cisco 1941 router. Stock standard vanilla hardware, no extras. Standard universal image. Data and Security not enabled.I would like to add a 4 gigabit port POE switch (EHWIC) module to the router..The 4 port POE switch module will be used to power and connect 2 x Areonet AP's for my home. I'm replacing a Apple Airport Extreeme and Express setup. I'll possibly later use the two remaining POE ports for security cameras.My question is, what extra hardware and or IOS version do I need for the POE swtich module to function on the 1941? [URL] I think this is the model I want EHWIC-4ESG-P #4 port 10/100/1000 Enhanced High-Speed WAN Interface Gigabit Ethernet switch with Power over Ethernet?
I am trying to upgrade my 2960 edge switch through tftpd...i have configured vlan 1 with IP address and tftpd as I am trying to ping tftpd, but I couldn't, but when I try to ping vlan 1 from tftpd, i can?
I would like to check if it may be possible to hot-upgrade/swap the 4506E power supplies? Based on the configuration guide; I have summarized the steps as follows:
1. Switch has 2 existing power supplies to be upgraded
2. Remove right side/bay 2 power supply and install new power supply
3. At this point; the new power supply will be in err-disabled due to different power supplies on the switch
4. Remove the left side power supply and install new power supply
For item 4; during the removal of the old power supply in bay 1/left side and installation of the new power supply; I am wondering if the switch would lose power even though the new power supply is installed in bay 2?
I want to upgrade IOS for my production core 3750 switch. Below is Show version/fash output. I have IOS image "c3750-ipservicesk9-mz.122-55.SE7", need to confirm below concerns:-
1-As this is stackable switch do i need to upgrade on all Switch..i can see there are 3 flash while doing show flash? 2-Is above IOS image support with my switch? do i able to enable ssh? 3-is flash memory is enough to succefully upgrade IOS? 4-Any other point which i should keep in mind before upgrading..any special feature which this IOS wont support.
I performed an upgraded on a 4948 switch and for some reason the switch kept booting with the old IOS. I was not sure if I needed to change the boot sequence but I performed this upgrade on some of our other 4948's and no issues.I eventually deleted the older IOS version and left the latest version on and reloaded switch and now switch only boots in rommon.I managed to configure the ip info and tftp server ip etc and using the following command as suggested in the rommon help, but it keeps coming back saying 'file not found', when I have checked the file does exist in the tftp server and in the tftpboot folder.
See error message below:
Tftp Session details are ....
Filename : /tftpboot/cat4500-ipbase-mz.122-54.SG1 IP Address : Loading from TftpServer: Tftp session failed: File not found
I have a stack of 4 Cisco Switch 3750 (1 x WS-C3750G-24T, 2 x WS-C3750-48P and 1 x WS-C3750V2-48PS) and I want to do an firmware upgrade of this stack. Actually, all the 4 switches are at the firmware version 12.2(50) SE1 "IPBase" and I want to upgrade them to 12.2(55)SE5 IPBase. According to the release notes, all the switches in my stack are supported.
To upgrade the firmware, I use the command "archive download-sw /imageonly /overwrite tftp://IP_Address/c3750-ipbaselmk9-tar.122-55.SE5.tar" The firmware gets uploaded correctly but then I get the error message "There is insufficient space in flash: to install the required image. Clean up some old images, and try again."
When I do a "show flash", I see that the switch has 5650944 bytes free of 15998976 bytes.
How can i upgrade my switches? Is there an error in my command which I use? Do I need to add an other option?
The problem is, the switches are located in a branch office and there is no direct access to them. Everything must be done remotely.
I upgrade the IOS of my switch 3560 from C3560-IPBASE-M), Version 12.2(25)SEB4, To C3560-IPBASEK9-M), Version 12.2(55)SE5 after that the utilizatio of the memory increase to 80% I attached the output of show memory statistics history
I am planning to upgrade the current core switch(3750) to 6509 series switch. Since we have a production network running we have to plan for an online core switch upgrade.
The Linux Router and the 1811 have formed a PIM neighbor relationship. The multicast listener sends an IGMP Join and I can see the PIM join leave the 1811 router (via "debug ip pim"). Using tcpdump on my linux router I never see the Join come in, but I can see the PIM Hellos (which is why the neighbor relationship formed).
Since two weeks I have a problem with the VLANs who I started to configure. I hope together we find the way.I have 5 VLANS configured in a CISCO 3560G switch. In my windows server 2003 I configured DHCP scope for each VLAN.One of the requirement to connect vlans each other is to put the IP of each vlan as gateway in the clients.So, how can I do to access to internet?. The ip of my Firewall are in one of the VLAN´s.When the configuration of the LAN only had one DHCP scope the gateway was the ip of my firewall. But now i don´t know how to configure the DHCP server, or the firewall, or the switch, or all of them To get access to internet.
I'm trying to set up per vlan routing on a 3560G switch but it's not performing as I would expect. I've got a server on the 109 vlan with a address and a default gateway of this address is an HSRP gateway and currently resides on When I traceroute through to my user PC on the internal network it receives a response from However, it is then denied by an ACL on the internal firewall which has been applied to interface Eth0/0. It should arrive at the firewall on Eth0/2.109 as it has the address.
My goal here is to route traffic on the 101 vlan to a seperate interface on the internal firewall from 109 vlan traffic. I'm either doing something wrong or these routing commands aren't designed to work in the way I'm expecting (I couldn't find any documentation on the ip route command where it is followed by different gateways for different vlans)
I have a 3560G switch with c3560-advipservicesk9-mz.122-46.SE and 2 routers. The switch has vlans defined. I want to route all traffic on vlan 25 out of one of the routers exclusively. Here is what I have attempted:
-Set the SDM template to routing & reload -Define an access-list for the v lan traffic -Define the route-map -Apply the route-map to the vlan interface
When I attempt the last step I receive the following syslog error:
%PLATFORM_PBR-3-UNSUPPORTED_RMAP: Route-map RM_IMDGuest not supported for Policy-Based Routing
Also, the route-map is removed from the vlan interface after this error is thrown. Im 99% confident that PBR is supported on this switch (am I wrong?). Here is the relevant show output:...
access-list 125 permit ip any route-map RM_IMDGuest permit 10 match ip address 125 set ip next-hop [code]....