Cisco VPN :: 877 Encryption Not Working On PPTP VPN

Jul 2, 2011

I have a Cisco 877 router and I configured it to act as a VPN server, supporting both PPTP and L2TP VPNs. I can succesfully connect to it from Windows computers using the built-in VPN software.There is only one problem: when using a PPTP VPN, encryption doesn't work. If I configure the client to require encryption (default setting), the connection fails with an error about the remote endpoint not supporting it. If I remove the encryption requirement, the connection succeeds. I've also tried tweaking the encryption settings (40/128 bits), but this didn't work either. [code]

The router's IOS version is 15, and it fully supports encryption. The strangest thing is, encryption is actually required in the router config; but not only the router doesn't seem to offer it... it also accepts unencrypted connections, which it shouldn't. It's like the ppp encrypt mppe auto required command is completely ignored.

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Cisco Routers :: RV220W PPTP Not Working?

Mar 23, 2012

I recently installed a new 220W with the sole intention of setting up the PPTP server. I got the router installed and working but cannot get the PPTP server working. Also when i configure a block of IP address from my lan for the server it tells me i cannot use that subnet? i have set it up this way with other routers ( RV042 ) with no issues.
firmware is

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Cisco VPN :: PPTP Not Working On IPad Through RV042

Sep 15, 2011

I have an I pad 1, a Linksys RV042 At My Office. And a Cisco RV042 at my Home
However I'm Creating PPTP Connection on my I pad For Both VPN , Office is Connection, but Home is not Connecting. I tried to connect to Home Thru any PC, And It is Working. Any Issues With I pad and Cisco Firmwares and Software?

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Cisco VPN :: Why RV082 PPTP No Longer Working With Windows 7 Clients

Nov 2, 2011

RV082 Firmware Version Firmware Version

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Cisco Routers :: RV220W Not Working With PPTP Server On One VLAN Only

May 5, 2012

I possess a RV220W (firmware but I can't seem to work with the PPTP server on one VLAN only.
My default VLAN is in I created a VLAN ID 10 in inter-vlan routing : disabled and Device Management : disabled. (Menu Networking > LAN > VLAN Membership and Multiple VLAN Subnets).
Then I configured a PPTP server on the IP range to

To finish I created my user. (Menu VPN > IPSEC > VPN Users).
The PPTP tunnel is working, but on all my local network and not only the VLAN ID 10.

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Linksys Cable / DSL :: WAG354G PPTP Vpn To M0n0wall Not Working

Jan 24, 2011

I have problems to make a PPTP vpn to my M0n0wall. PPTP passthrough is enabled, port 1723 TCP ist forwarded to M0n0walls WAN Interface. Rules on the M0n0wall are set correctly. It seems that the Linksys has problems with GRE 47 protocol routing. Does a newer model (WAG120N  or WAG320N)  work with PPTP passthrough?

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Cisco Security :: Can Configure A PIX (515) As PPTP Client To Establish A Tunnel With PPTP Server

May 15, 2006

Can I configure a PIX (515), as PPTP client to establish a tunnel with non-Cisco PPTP server ? Can my PIX initiate this type of connection ?Today, I use a PC with PPTP client to establish this and I want replace this with a PIX and I don´t want depends of a PC.

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Cisco VPN :: PPTP Tunnel To Linksys RV042 Not Working Through 2620 Router

Jan 9, 2012

I have a remote location that has a Linksys/Cisco RV042 router [URL] that allows PPTP connections based on username and password combinations. There are no intermediary routers between this device and the internet - only a DSL modem. A secondary WAN connection is not present.
I am able to dial into this VPN using the Windows XP and Windows 7 dialers from any of my local free-wifi locations(e.g. Starbucks). I WAS able to connect to this VPN connection from my house when my home router was a Buffalo brand router.
I have replaced the Buffalo router with a 2620(non-XM) that is connected in ROaS fashion to a 2950 switch. I need some guidance on what in my config is not allowing me to connect to this remote site.
Home network info: Local subnets : 192.168.x.x
Remote network info: Local subnet : 10.214.x.x
The Windows XP dialer client indicates that the username and password challenge is where the connection fails. It ultimately gives me the error code 619. I have performed a Wireshark packet capture of an attempt to connect from ip This packet capture shows multiple "Configuration Request" packets being exchanged between the two endpoints, but does not ever show an exchange of authentication.
My nat translation table shows an entry for both a GRE tunnel as well as port 1723 between and the WAN port of the RV042 when attempting to establish this VPN.
I have attached my 2620 configuration for your review.

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TP-Link Dual-Band Wireless :: WDR4300 Not Working For Windows PPTP And Cisco VPN

Mar 23, 2013

Region : Hongkong
Model : TL-WDR4300
Hardware Version : V1
Firmware Version : TL-WDR4300_V1_121225

Even I have upgraded to the newest firmware for WDR-4300, it still not allowed me to connect to a windows PPTP VPN. It worked when I changed to use my old router. On the other hand, when I turned the hardware NAT, I found that the Cisco VPN connection would be dropped after I used for a few minutes. Similarly, it worked when I changed to use my previous old router.

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Find My Wep Encryption Key?

Jul 28, 2012

Where can i find my wep encryption key?

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64 And 128 Encryption Key On Same Router?

Nov 30, 2012

Is it possible to have a 64 bit and 128 bit encryption key activated on the same router at the same time - one for laptop and one for wireless printer

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Locate My Encryption Key?

Jun 23, 2012

I need to locate my encryption key.

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Cisco :: Encryption Method On ISAKMP

Feb 3, 2012

Is 3DES on ISAKMP considered to be secured for your average site (other options are AES/DES)? I'd imagine AES should be much stronger but what about DES, is that considered adequate or broken? Is there any proof of concept attack against 3DES on ISAKMP (or ISAKMP in general)?

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Cisco :: Why 2 Encryption Keys For IPSEC VPN

Oct 7, 2011

how IPSEC VPN works but i hit a stumbling block understanding symmetric encryption keys.Here is my understanding about the process

1.Peers will negotiate plocies

2.Authenticate using pre-shared or certificates

3.Exchange DH Public Keys

4.Using Public keys encrypt symmetric key and exchange the same key which will be useful for communication

5.maintain sessions

But when we are configuring we will define encryption keys in isakmp phase and ipsec transform set ,i thought we will use the same encryption key for both management and data communication in fact i thought management phase is to give us a securely exchanged encryption key for the data tunnel.But we can use 2 different encryption keys in 2 phase i am bit confused.

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Cisco :: 5508 Controller & AES Encryption?

Oct 2, 2012

A wlan on my controller is configured for WPA2, AES encryption and a PSK.  A vendor will supply me with a wireless device for this wlan.  The vendor asks if we use AES 128 or AES 256.  I had always believed we use AES256 but I can't verify this.  How can I verify this to the vendor? 

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Cisco VPN :: AES256 VPN Encryption Method

Dec 21, 2012

I've some VPN encryption method questions.Is it recommended to use different encryption algorithms for both VPN phases (phase 1 and phase 2)?I’ve read once that it is much secure to use different encryption algorithms for each phase.In my opinion, I would go for the AES256 algorithm in both phases. But maybe it is a better idea to use AES128 or AES192 in the first phase and AES-256 in the second phase… I don't know.After saying this, I’m also wondering about the best VPN encryption setup for a site-to-site VPN (IKEv2) when using a Cisco ASA like the 5510, 5520 or the 5515.Which encryption method is recommended for phase 1 and phase 2Which PFS / DH-group should be used (considering CPU load and security) 

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Cisco :: WLC5508 / Display WPA Or WEP Encryption Key?

Sep 13, 2012

the guy who set the key for WPA-PSK and another one for WEP left... Anyway we can figure out what the key was?

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Cisco :: Aironet 1252 AES Encryption?

Dec 5, 2012

I have two cisco airenet 1252 autonamous access point that are configured as  point to point bridge. Now I want to confiure AES encryption or WPA2 using a pre-shared key however I do not see the option to do this . The only option I see under ciphers are:
wep 128
wep 40

Is it possible to use either AES or WPA2 using a pre-shared key  on the 1252 autonamous access point? preferably using the web interface.

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Cisco :: Encryption Algorithm In ST 40 / ASR 5000?

Mar 14, 2011

Due to  network security audit we are interesded in encryption algorithm used  for authentication of administrator and operators in Starent Networks  ST40 Intelligent Mobile Gateway. To be more clearly, we need to know what type of hash is used for password storing when "showsecrets" command is omitted.

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Cisco VPN :: VPDN On 877 Authentication And Encryption

Jun 29, 2011

I have a Cisco 877 router at home, and I'm trying to configure it to act as a VPN server in order to be able to connect to my home network when I'm outside; I want it to work with standard Microsoft VPN client software (which supports PPTP and L2TP).
This is the output of the "show version" command:
Cisco IOS Software, C870 Software (C870-ADVIPSERVICESK9-M), Version 15.0(1)M, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc2)Technical Support: [URL] Copyright (c) 1986-2009 by Cisco Systems, Inc.Compiled Wed 30-Sep-09 08:42 by prod_rel_team
ROM: System Bootstrap, Version 12.3(8r)YI6, RELEASE SOFTWARE
The router has quite a basic setup: a single username with privilege level 15, a single VLAN comprising all four Ethernet ports, an ADSL connection to my ISP, an internal IP address of, an external IP address assigned by my ISP, NAT enabled.
This is my current configuration (stripped of non-relevant or private information):
service password-encryption
aaa new-model
aaa authentication login default local aaa authorization console aaa authorization exec default local
aaa session-id common

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Cisco WAN :: 1723 - PPTP Over NAT NVI

Dec 20, 2010

i have a user in LAN which needs access to remote PPTP server. My router uses NAT NVI for some reasons to provide internet access.

Problem is what tcp/1723 is NATed successfully and it appears what GRE traffic is NATed as well, but GRE packets are NOT passed back to user on LAN.
Config is that simple:
interface Fas4
  ip address x.x.x.x x.x.x.x
  ip nat enable
interface Vlan1
  ip address
  ip nat enable
ip access-list extended nat_clients
  permit ip any
ip nat source list nat_clients interface Fas4(code)

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To Configure IPSEC Encryption

Jun 20, 2011

I have 2 Cisco 2811 routers that are installed in different locations. I set up a tunnel connection between the two routers.

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How To Change Encryption Password

Dec 3, 2012

I want to change my encrytion password-How do I do it?

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How To Find Encryption Key For Linksys WEP

Dec 10, 2011

I have laptop, mac and xbox 360 all working, just got ps3 and cannot connect it, cannot find wep key for wifi 12 hours plus trying to get this done.

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How To Change An Encryption Password

Dec 26, 2012

How do I change my wi-fi password?

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Find Wireless Encryption Key On A Cisco E3000?

Feb 3, 2012

attempting to connect a blu-ray player and it asks for encryption key for the network.

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Cisco Wireless :: 1524PS And 1552E/EU - Having WEP Encryption?

Apr 25, 2013

I can't find information about two features in 1524PS and 1552E/EU:
1. Does it have WEP encryption ?

2. Does it have SNMPv3 protocol for monitoring and remote managing ?
I guess, that software is similar in both, so answer will be the same in 1524PS and 1552E/EU.
How to confirm this features in 1524PS ?

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Cisco Application :: CAT 6509E - ACE End To End Encryption With IDSM

Aug 16, 2011

We want to provide an end to encryption service using an ACE02 in a CAT 6509E. This is covered in the ACE config guide so should be OK. The issue is that we want to include traffic inspection using an IDSM2 so we need to seperate the decrypt and encryption stages and send cleartext traffic to the IDMS2. The Security and Virtualization in the Data Center pdf page 18/19 suggests that it might be possible. The design depicted there though is only doing SSL termination, then sending the clear text onto a WAF, and onto IPS but it does say end-to-end encryption is also possible.So in essence what we want to do is have traffic from clients destined for the server farm decrypted by the ACE and sent to the IDS. We then want the traffic to return from the IDS to the ACE to be encrypted and sent onto the server farm.

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Cisco VPN :: IPsec Encryption Proposal 5505

Dec 14, 2012

I would like to know if I have only using IKEV2 to connect site to site VPN with Cisco 5505 device to connect few site.  Which encryption method is better to choose with faster and stable IPsec encryption proposal,AES256, AES192, AES, 3DES, DES ?? which one is the best in IKEV2 site to site VPN tunnel?

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Cisco Security :: Wap 4410N Implementation Of Encryption Wep

Jun 2, 2011

How does the implementation of encryption wep wpa etc in hardware cisco wap4410N ?

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Cisco VPN :: 8.21 / Packets Dropped At Encryption Stage?

Apr 27, 2013

I am truly struggling with the changes after 8.21. I am trying to get a VPN up between two sites. This is the B end, I am sure there are a bunch of problems in the other end too. Eg. the tunnel NAT does not have the right priority 1.when I establish the tunnel I get this:

3    Sep 01 2008    11:23:37  Tunnel Manager has failed to establish an L2L SA.  All configured IKE versions failed to establish the tunnel. Map Tag= outside_map.  Map Sequence Number = 1. 
# packet-tracer input inside tcp 80 80
 Phase: 1


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Cisco VPN :: ASA 8.0 / VPN Remote-access Without Encryption And Hashing?

May 29, 2012

I am trying to setup a remote-access vpn (client device is an iphone or PC) on asa 8.0 with a transform-set without encryption and without hashing ( crypto ipsec transform-set noenc esp-null esp-none ).  In this scenario, it does not work and all gives me "phase 2 mismatch" ...below is the debug of isakmp and ipsec.
i tried to change the transform set by using hashing without encryption (crypto ipsec transform-set myset esp-null esp-sha-hmac). it worked on the PC but not the iphone. my target is for the iphone to work. 
ciscoasa# sh cryciscoasa# sh crypto isa sa
There are no isakmp sasciscoasa# ter monciscoasa# May 29 23:33:44 [IKEv1]: IP =, IKE_DECODE RECEIVED Message (msgid=0) with payloads : HDR + SA (1) + KE (4) + NONCE (10) + ID (5) + VENDOR (13) + VENDOR (13) + VENDOR (13) + VENDOR (13) + VENDOR (13) + VENDOR (13) + VENDOR (13) + VENDOR (13) + VENDOR (13) + VENDOR (13) + VENDOR (13) + VENDOR (13) + VENDOR (13) + NONE (0) total length : 741May 29 23:33:44 [IKEv1 DEBUG]: IP =, processing SA payloadMay 29 23:33:44 [IKEv1 DEBUG]: IP =, processing ke payloadMay 29 23:33:44 [IKEv1 DEBUG]: IP =, processing ISA_KE payloadMay 29 23:33:44 [IKEv1 DEBUG]: IP =, processing nonce payloadMay 29 23:33:44 [IKEv1 DEBUG]: IP =, processing ID payloadMay 29 23:33:44 [IKEv1


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Cisco Firewall :: No Available Encryption Algorithms In ASA 5510?

Oct 22, 2012

I have a cisco asa 5510 running ver 8.02, when i navigate to "remote access vpn-> advanced->ssl settings" i could not see any available algorithms under encryption section. How can i add the encryption algorithm in? I need the encryption algorithm as i want to enable ssl authentication using cert on my asa interface.

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