Linksys Wireless Router :: E4200 / Setup Port Forwarding For A XBox 360?
Mar 14, 2013
Trying to setup port forwarding for an XBox 360. Set fixed IP on XBox using IP outside DHCP range. DHCP range is .50 to .80. Set XBox to .49. Gateway is .1. Mask is four port forwarding rules per directions on xbox site and also for ports 53, 80, 88, 1074 to the static IP Turned off DMZ, Turned off UPnP, Turned off SPI. Windows firewall is on, running XP Pro SP3 and Win 7 Pro on other devices.Making the rules active for the fixed IP shuts off internet access for other devices.Single router (E4200 V2), switch, then remaining devices. Private IP addresses in the range. Rebooted router, same issue. What am I missing?
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Aug 13, 2012
I'm using Cisco Connect Cloud to connect to my E4200 router. I wish to open my NAT type as currently its moderate on all games.Where the hell is the area to add the port ranges?? Is it even an option on the new connect cloud? If it is, it doesn't make it very easy to find. Would be allot easier if you had a tab/app for "Gaming/Applications" like you did previously.
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Feb 26, 2013
I use modem and router to connect to the internet.When I connect my PC directly to modem port forwarding is working.When I connect my PC through my router the port is closed. I followed instruction for port forwarding.
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Nov 2, 2012
I am trying to port forward my Linksys e4200 router v 1.0.04. However, it is not successful for when ever I check if the ports are open they fail they test.
I am sure that I am doing the actual port forwarding correctly (I hope), but something is refraining the ports from being open.
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Aug 31, 2012
I'm a happy user of the E4200 for a few weeks now, and all in all it's a very robust and useful router.Within my network I have a webserver running using both HTTP (TCP 80) and HTTPS (TCP 443). I want to make this webserver available to the internet and so I configure port forwarding to forward port TCP 80 and TCP 443 to my internal webserver. As soon as I now apply these settings, I loose connection to the webinterface of the E4200 and get connected to my internal webserver. I would expect the router would only forward connections coming in through the external interface of the router, however this is apparently not the case (or at least not in my setup). So I tried setting up remote management on a different port to at least allow me to remotely manage the router, but this does not work from my internal network.
Right now, I'm assuming I'm doing something wrong, or have miss-configured something. Is it possible to switch the webadmin port to a different port (like 8080 and 8443)?
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Aug 18, 2012
I set up my new E4200 to forward port 7300 to a computer on my LAN. I had this working on my Linksys WRT160N and copied all of the settings so they are identical to those on that router but forwarding does not work. I have tried single port forwarding, multiple port forwarding and even DMZ with the same lack of results.
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Oct 16, 2012
I have a Cisco E4200 with a Thecus NAS behind it. I configured port forwarding on port 80, 1080 and 4433 to access the NAS. However it's not working. Also tried to place the NAS in DMZ, but also I cannot connect it from outside my network. Inside my network, there is no problem.I also connected the NAS directly to the internet, and then I can access it from outside my network.I already tried a factory reset, disabled UPnP and IPv6, but nothing seems to work. I also replaced the router with a Cisco E3200, but it makes no difference.
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Oct 17, 2011
I have a e4200 router, And a 660 series modem, I'm trying to portforward for a game called minecraft, I cannot seem to get the ports to open, I've called Century link they told me to put my modem in to bridge mode, So I did they said my IP should be public not private now, It is still private
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Nov 3, 2011
At the E4200 there is a limit of (free to make) 15 Single port forwarding and 15 port range forwarding to fill in.I get as suggestion that I must give up a total range of ports where all the ports I use where in.But for security reasons I will not do that.
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Feb 12, 2012
I'm trying to set up my WRT54G wireless router so.i can port forward the relevant ports for my programs. I understand that you have to set up a static ip address before you can do a port forward which makes sense as you do not want to keep changing the ip address for the forwarding settings every time your network refreshes. But I cant seem to have it set up. And is there a rule that the static ip that you set should not be within the dhcp range?After setting up the static ip and setting up the port forward settings how do I test if the port is being forwarded correctly?
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Jul 16, 2011
I have always used netgear routers in the past. After a series of issues regarding configurations not working correctly I invested in what appeared to be a semi pro router, the cisco linksys e4200.
I have a centralized server which I use to access a mass of different services such as mail, dns, VPN, FTP, Kerberos, http and many more. While I am not a massive networking ****, this server setup is like my garage project. To access these services externally to my LAN as far as I understand I would need to configure port forwarding for each service to my server. Unfortunately the control panel for the linksys E4200 only offers about 15 custom port fields for forwarding, and some documentation I have read shows that with it's basic install my server could be using up to 60 ports at once.
Is this router just not suitable for this sort of network. If so I will be very disappointed because I have spent a quarter of the price on netgear routers with more control than this.
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Dec 21, 2011
I got the new E4200 router as I had issues with my old router. I was able to DMZ my console with the old router. But with my new router my xbox IP has changed and I want to know which numbers to use and how to DMZ my Xbox with Cisco Connect.
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Dec 27, 2011
The problem: running a standard single band 2.4gz BT homehub. When using my xbox and wireless headset (razer chimeara) the xbox loses connection. When i tuen the headset off i no longer lose connection. This suggests to me that the headset is simply emitting on the same frequency and bullying the connection, thus the xbox disconnects I have purchased the wireless N adapter to allow the xbox to run on the 2.4 or 5ghz band. I am now looking for a duel band router to allow my xbox to connect to the 5gz band and hopefully this will rectify my interference issue with the headset. I have been lookijg at the e4200 as this supports seperate ssid for 2.4 and 5ghz band, so the xbox can run on the 5ghz and the intererence from the 2.4ghz headset should subside - do you think this would work? Also, with the single ssid duel band routers, where 2.4/5gjz share the same ssid - how would my wireless N devices know to run on the 5ghz and not the 2.4?
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Sep 7, 2012
I have a problem when trying to connect my Xbox to the internet. When I run the Xbox Live conection test it connects to the network just fine, but when trying to connect to the internet it comes up with this message,Your console is not receiving ICMP responses properly.' The internet is working fine on other computers in the house.
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May 24, 2012
My network is discoverable, but my machines will not connect (they were connected previously). They can connect to the 2.4gHz network, but not the 5 (I use the 5 for streaming media and gameplay). Windows 7 says it's unable to connect.
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Mar 2, 2012
I need to setup some port forwarding on my X3000 to pass through the firewall to my server but cannot find the relevant page in the setup GUI.
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Dec 25, 2011
I'm finally jumping in over Christmas break to set up a Y network with three routers. I run a side business repairing and cleaning viruses/malware from PCs and would like the business subnet not to be able to mix with (and possibly infect) the "home" subnet.Before I knew what I was doing, I set up a simple two router "chained" network by hanging an old SMC router off my main Airport Extreme router, but I've since learned that's not ideal, since the "work" network machines can see everything on the "home" network. So, here's what I want to do. I want to put the new third router right after my cable modem (ISP). I want to keep my Airport Extreme and all devices attaching to it (home subnet) off one LAN port of this new router and my old SMC router off another LAN port of the new router (the test subnet). Currently, the IPs are: [code]My concern in setting up a "Y" configuration is that I have some wireless IP webcams on the Airport Extreme that are using port forwarding (both UDP and HTTP) so I can view them from wherever I am on the Internet, not just from within my home network.
What's the best way to make sure the port forwarding from devices on the Airport Extreme subnet works through the "new" router and out through to the Internet? Do I have to open the same ports on the new router? If so, does anyone have an example using the addresses above? Should I just put the Airport Extreme in the DMZ of the new router (so everything is just passed through - or will that allow my test subnet to see the home subnet? Some other way?
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Jul 21, 2012
I have the DCS-930L camera. I need to know how to setup port forwarding/triggering on my router, which is a Cisco DDR2200 CL. I understand that in order to use the camera, i need to do this. how to set up NAT.
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Jan 14, 2013
I just setup my homelab today, after having Cat5e installed so I can run my servers and network equiptment over wired network as well as setting up a wireless system. I got everything setup and its going great I can access everything from my office now including a E4200 Linksys router that I setup to do RiP (was only choice pretty much, or NAT), and my 891 Cisco Router which is my internet connection.
I use to have the linksys setup to do port forwarding but now I need to figure out how to do it on the cisco 891 router via command line.
Below is my current configuration. I need to be able to access my server which is behind my router by Remote Desktop. I also have a web server, and the kids also play minecraft, and have a server setup so I need to be able to forward their port as well.
Ths is from the link above, would I just do like that but then put in my IPs and is that my Private IP I use this or my public facing. Also he has "interface Dialer1 6881" again after the port in the second and third row. I dont really understand what they have there. I understand basic access list and such though I am extremely rusty.
ip nat inside source list 102 interface Dialer1 overload
ip nat inside source static tcp 6881 interface Dialer1 6881
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Jun 26, 2012
I am finding it impossible to set up port forwarding. No matter what I do I remain completely stealthed when I do a port probe via [URL]... The only way I seem to be able to open a port is if I enable remote management. When I do that, whatever port I specifiy as the remote management port is then fully open. Obviously, I can't leave a port exposed like this and, anyway, I need to open multiple ports for my purposes.
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Sep 16, 2011
I'm trying to port forward with the Linksys BEFW11S4, I've followed all the instruction from support website. I went to the Application & Gaming then Port Range Forwarding. I changed the settings so I can access this IP remotely. When I try to log into this IP from a different network it wont let me.
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Nov 2, 2012
I am trying to install and use EchoLink on my pc's and they require port forwarding for 5198-5200 but I'm having trouble with theTo IP Address" as I don't know what # to use. It says I can't use since it's the same as the LAN IP address so what do I use? I am trying to follow the instructions on [URL] If I leave it just as 192.168.1. it won't accept it and if I use any other number, it accepts it but I still can't get through.
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Feb 6, 2013
My first issue with this device is when I try to untick NAT to disable it I lose my internet connection. This also disables access to router's address forcing me to reset the device and set it up all over again. Why is this happening? I tried this at least five times with the same result. Second question I have is if the DHCP reservation is the right option if I want to forward ports for certain applications like Vuze? When the DHCP reservation window opens I see all my wireless devices in the list (laptop, phone) but not the main computer which is connected through ethernet port. But that is yet another problem.
I've got a cable modem, connection is set to Automatic DHCP and I all want is to disable all firewalls, NAT and other unnecessary protection that's slowing my internet speed, set up MAC address filtering, port forwarding and close this terrible software so I never have to see it or think about it ever again.
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Nov 1, 2009
I just bought a WRT120N wireless router, and have run into some strange problems with port forwarding. I have a two router setup, because my ISP have set it up so i can only use my router from them to get my connection, and then i just have that one connected to my WRT120N. So my setup looks like the following:
The problem is that ONLY the three first ports works. I have forwarded them in the exact same manner, give it a name, put in the same external and internal port, and enable the port forwarding, but according ot can you, only 4667, 6112, and 4669 can be seen, the rest is not responding. I even tried to enable port 21, which is a default setting in the router, but it will just not work.I have of course tried to reboot both router and PC, upgraded the routers firmware, but no luck.
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Jan 19, 2012
I've read over the FAQ and followed the normal instructions for port forwarding, but can't seem to get it to work with this particular router, E2500. I have tried both the single port forwarding and the multi port range forwarding, and neither works. I've tried an older WRT54G router and port forwarding works fine on it, so I know it's not my ISP.I'm running the latest firmware provided by Linksys/Cisco.
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Jan 28, 2012
I recently got a e2500 router and set up the port forwarding for my ps3. But then i go to check the ports to see if they are open and they all stay closed.I have no clue whats wrong as I have entered the port forwarding info correctly as I got guideline from but still no luck
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Mar 30, 2013
I'm trying to forward my ports and I've been following a guide from [URL]. It's simple, but it's not working for me. I couldn't find my router on their list, so I'm assuming the worst and that it's not supported for the Port Forwarding. I just went with the normal WRT54G without the version 8 and tried it that way, I didn't get anything out of that either. It keeps telling me that the port isn't open and I can't receive the information packets that they're sending me.
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Nov 14, 2012
Im going to change my NAT status to "open" on my xbox 360, but I don't have access to the router I think. Its my grandmas internet and im going to be here for 10 days so it could be nice if you could tell me the username and password so i can open the ports?
Model:Cisco EPC3925Vendor:CiscoHardware Revision:1.0 MAC Address:18:59:33:ad:b0:a0Bootloader Revision:2.3.0_R1Current Software Revision:EPC3925-ESIP-16-v302r125532-110504cFirmware Name:epc3925-ESIP-16-v302r125532-110504c.binFirmware Build Time:May 4 17:40:26 2011Cable Modem Status:OperationalWireless Network:Enable
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Jan 5, 2013
I am connecting the E4200 to a Sonicwall TZ100. I want the TZ100 to assign IP addresses to devices that connect to the LAN via the E4200.
How do I have the E4200 act as a WAP only or not assign IP addresses and push that responsibility to the TZ100?
I'd still want the E4200 to have a SID key for LAN access security.
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Jan 23, 2013
Region : Australia
Model : TD-W8968
Hardware Version : V1
Firmware Version : 0.6.0 1.1 v0005.0
Build 120926 Rel.27100n
ISP : Bigpond
I am trying to setup port-forwarding (6360 for IP & 6361 for IP on this TD-W8968 modem. But when I test it on [URL]. I get a message "connection refused".
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Oct 31, 2011
Im trying to open up some ports on my e3000 for the use of Teamspeak and my Teamspeak server. However when i get of the information filled into the single port forwarding under the Gaming & Applications tab, and click save settings. The page just refreshes, with none of the changes being saved.
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Sep 6, 2012
I am currently attempting to port forward on my Linksys E1200 Router and am not succeeding in saving my settings. I am attempting to open port 25565 though both Single Port Forwarding and Port Range Forwarding, and whenever I click the "save settings" button, I receive a full window message stating that my changes have been saved. Upon clicking this, I return to the previous screen whereupon my changes have been erased and my port has not been forwarded. Linksys E1200 Router not saving Port Forwarding changes.I have tried:
-Restarting the Modem
-Restarting the browser
-Restarting the computer
-Tried to Port Forward through both the Single and Ranged Port Forwarding
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Apr 2, 2012
IPort forwarding simply does not work with this rounter on Comcast. I called comcast to see if they were blocking ports and they insist they ARE NOT.So what can it be? Was on FIOS with their modem/router combo and port forwarding worked like a charm with them.I've tried single port forwarding, port range forwarding, yada.
I am using the correct internal IP address on the machine I want to enable port forwarding on..Latest firmware is installed 1.04 or whatever (just purchased the router and updated during the Cisco Connect install on the 29th). Guess I should go find a cheaper router that actually works...
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