Linksys Wireless Router :: EA3500 Speed Going Slow
Jan 25, 2013
I bought a EA 3500 router and my speed is going only half the speed it was without the router.I have charter 100 meg internet, and a alienware Pc with a gigabit card.I wa going 100 megs and now I am at 38-50.I have tried hard reset with the bottom button, I have turned off all firewalls, I have changed my MTU to 1400 and 1500, I have went to and ran a optimizer., I have tried just about everything I can think of. firmware is up to date.
Is there anything I am missing, or am I not going to get these speeds with this router, I was told when I bought it, it was what I needed, Was I duped?, or is there just some setting i need to fix i am not aware of?
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Dec 5, 2012
I have had a EA3500 router in front of a 3Mb ADSL connection for about 6 months. This delivered essentially the same WAN performance as the WRT54G (v5) I replaced with it. Either router would get 2.4-2.8Mbps through a variety of speed test sites, inlcuding the CCC builtin speed test.I upgraded to a 10Mbps cable internet connection today, but the EA3500 won't deliver any more speed than with the old ADSL connection. The reason I am blaming the EA3500 is that if I plug my computer directly into the cable modem, I get a solid 9.9Mbps down/0.99Mbps up, which is exactly how my line is provisioned. With the router in place and active, I get the same slow WAN connection, 2.8-2.9MBps, whether using a PC connected with GigE, a PC connected via Wireless-N, or with an iPhone. This all implicates the EA3500's WAN connection.
Is there anything that can be done do let the EA3500 work properly? I upgraded my firmware today in hopes that that would change something. But, I get the same speed with the latest firmware ( as I did with the previous version. Speed across my wired LAN is excellent; I can sustain 70MB/sec from my PC to my NAS. It's only the WAN connection that is performing poorly.I can downgrade to the non-CCC firmware if that would make a difference; would it?
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Jun 30, 2012
I did a simple speed test comparing my EA3500 and Linksys WRT54GL. I used DSL Reports for the test. I was quite shocked and am wondering if the difference is due to the poor wireless driver in the Classic firmware that was updated in the Cloud firmware. Here are my numbers: EA3500, Classic firmware Download average 475 kb/s Upload average 725 kb/sLinksys WRT54GL Ver 1.1 (latest firmware) Download average 3250 kb/s Upload 725 kb/s
Needless to say I have gone back to my trusty WRT54GL until Cisco decides if it will update the Classic firmware and give us 2nd class Cisco customers the same hardware the 1st class Cloud customers have. Time will tell.
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Sep 1, 2012
I have an EA3500, I have 30 Mbps download when I connect my pc directly to the modem. When I add in the EA3500 router it drops to only 10 Mbps download on both wired and wireless devices.
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Dec 2, 2012
With my old routeur (wrt310n) I used to be able to limit the wireless speed.I cant seem to find the option with my new routeur, EA3500.did they remove the option ?
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Nov 6, 2011
I have a Arris DLS with 12 Mbps Download and when I Connect my laptop directly I get the same speed as 12 Mbps but when I do the speed test with my linksys I get only 5 Mbps. How to upgrade to the new WRT54GL or WRT54GS?
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Feb 25, 2011
I have FiOS and their supplied wireless router Actiontec #MI424WR. I have home theater equipment that uses the newer N signal so I purchased a Linksys E3000 Wireless-N Router. I have one of the LAN outputs on the Actiontec feeding the Linksys input and Wi-Fi turned off on the Actiontec. This is working good for my wireless home theater equipment but I am having problems with my wired speed. It has gone from averaging anywhere from 20 to 30 mbps on numerous test sites when plugged into the Actiontec to averaging around 10 mbps when plugged into the Linksys.
1) Is my wireless N speed going to top out at 10mbps or less since that is all the router is showing on wired? Shouldn�t N be broadcasting a faster speed if given the ability?
2) I have my computer currently plugged directly into the Linksys verses the Actiontec. This makes it easier to program the Linksys router. Since I am no longer using the wireless part of the Actiontec there really is no need to be plugged into it. Is there anything I can do get the speed higher on the Linksys, a setting I can change? Will I have to plug the computer back into the Actiontec to get the higher speed and then move it every time I may need to make a change to the Linksys?
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Apr 10, 2013
I bought the new E2500 Router about 5 months ago and it was great until one day the wilreless part would not give me any speed at all. I ran a wired test of the router and I would get full 30Mbps speed that I'm supposed to get. So after firmware updates and everything else I took it back and got another one.It has worked great for a month and today it's now doing the same wilress slow down issue. I can run a lan connected test and get full speed. But wireless is bouncing around at 5Mbps~13Mbps. No where near the 30Mbps I'm supposed to be getting. What is causing the wireless to bomb like this?
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Dec 6, 2011
I have a problem with new E4200 WAN speed. I have 1Gb connection from my ISP, and my old Netgear router gives me about 350 Mbps WAN speed, but with new E4200 I only got 110 Mbps max download speed.Cisco live support tried suggested to change MTU from Auto to 1400 (and try different wlan channels, even that I don't use wlan). This MTU size change makes no difference with WAN speed. I have latest firmaware installed, router reseted several times, tried different cables etc. Also with same cable sets my old Netgear still gives about 3 times better WAN speed.WAN port (and all LAN ports) seems to negotiated at 1000 Mbps at both ONT (optical network terminal) and Linksys settings page, but unfortanately there is no way to change the setting from auto to manual at E4200 settings (and it is not possible to change any settings of ONT by user). I was thinking that if somehow it won't auto negotiate properly (even if the setting page says its ok) but maybe it actually negotiated 100 Mbps port to WAN.
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Oct 21, 2011
I just purchased an e1200 wireless router. Wireless speeds seem to be very slow. I'm trying to transfer 1 file to my media server, and am only getting 221kb/s. Also, internet connection seems to be slow as well (though if I plug directly into the router or the modem, I get speeds of 25Mbps, however when connecting wirelessly via the router I get speeds closer to 2Mbps (according to've played around with the settings as per other posts, and seemed to get the best speeds with the following config (however it is still very poor):
- security mode: WPA2 Personal
- network mode: B/G (have also tried N, which gave worse speeds)
- channels 1,3,6,9, and 11
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Jan 2, 2013
I am using WRT54G linksys router. When connwcted through the router my download speed is very slow(~700K). If i plug in the LAN calble directly to my laptop the speed is ~4M
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Nov 6, 2011
The smile was big when I bought my new Linksys E2000 Wireless Router.
Unfortunately the smiled stiffened when I realised that the network speed did not meet the expected up to 300 Mbps for Wireless and x10 for a Giganet connection. What to do to improve the LAN speed to an acceptable level ?
* Linksys E2000 ; WPA2 (Personal)
* x2 Windows7 Laptop ; x1 Linux Laptop ; x1 Qnap TS-409 Pro
* Download speed WiFi (between laptops as well as from NAS) <2MB/Sec
* Download Speed Cable (between laptops as well as from NAS) <8MB/Sec
* Download speed with direct connection to NAS (without switch) ~13 MB/sec
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Jun 29, 2011
My transfer speed from HDD which connected to linksys e4200 reach max 2,3MB/s how it is possible to watch fullHD movie if its required minimum 5MB/s? Maybe I should make some adjustments? HDD-WD My Passport 750Gb Also connection speed max reach 144mb/s?? how to make 300mb/s ? wifi adapter is Intel advanced N + WiMax 6250 AGN last driver installed, also E4200 last firmware installed all settings by default Max download speed 75Mb/s by utorrent but provider gives 100Mb/s By cable its ok, max speed 100Mb/s as giving provider
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Jun 30, 2012
Both the router and modem are new. Connecting directly to the modem I get Mbps, but the router speed is Kbps. I upgraded the firmware and made various changes per Google searches
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Mar 22, 2013
I just setup an EA4500 last night and found the downlaod speed became 1/10 of my previous E3200 before. I tried to use different channels & 20MHz only for wireless connection but no success. The wired connection through Ethernet port was in the same low speed. What else should I try?
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May 25, 2011
I have the WRT160N. Using [URL], I can get 2.5Mps from wired ports, but less than 0.5 Mps using the wireless.
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Feb 26, 2011
I have brand new Cisco E4200 and WD Passport 500Gb.When it connected to router wireless (802.11n 300Mbit/sec) file transfer speed is around terrible 3 MB/sec. Same hard drive directly connected to my Mac Book Pro Unibody produce 30MB/sec. However my internet connection thru the router fairly shows 12MB/sec.It sounds funny, but for me is 4 times faster to download file from the Web rather the from hard dive that I'm holding in my hand.
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Aug 12, 2012
I have this WRT54G wireless router and I just updated the firmware and everything. But I ran a speed test and the wireless speed is less than half the speed when I connect my pc to the router with a cable. i.e. I have a 32 Mb connection and with cable I get +31 Mb, but with wireless I barely get 13 Mb.
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Aug 7, 2008
I've recently purchased a WRT160N router, and I'm using it in conjunction with a WMP54G wireless PCI card. I've set the router up to my requirements, and can get a stable wireless connection.. but internet speed seems excessively slow. While I'm able to get up to around 4MB/s transferring files over the network, running speed tests, it consecutively shows my download speed to sit around 400KB/s, whereas I'm able to get a steady 1.1MB/s on another desktop that is wired. Disabling the LAN adapter on that computer, and connecting via wireless, brings down the speed that that computer is able to get to around 400KB/s as well. Hence, I don't think it's my wireless cards, but something to do with the router itself.I'm also experiencing lag spike issues in online games, which I can only attribute to the current wireless setup, because I've previously had no issues with it. All relevant ports are forwarded, so that is not an issue.After doing some Googling on the subject, someone had suggested running SpeedGuide's TCP Optimizer, and changing the RWIN - I ran it, and set it to the 'optimal' settings, and after a reboot the wireless seemed fine - I was getting just a tad under what I should (about 950KB/s).. but after a short while, it just went back to 400KB/s. After further investigation, it seems that Vista automatically changes that RWIN value to optimize network traffic.. but I never had this issue with my old wireless gear, so I can only assume that the way Vista is reacting is based on the way the router is interacting with it.
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Jan 19, 2013
I came home yesterday and my Internet was really slow. I later found out that it was due to my Linksys E3000 because if I bypass my E3000 and go directly to my cable modem, it work just fine.I tried reconfigure, update firmware, factory reset and none of these has worked.
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Aug 3, 2012
So I went out and bought a brand new EA4500, because I thought my old router was bad due to horrific wifi Speeds on my Wireless devices like my laptop and Samsung Galaxy S3. Well now I have the same issue with this new router.My speed from comcast straight from the modem is 25mbps down and 5mbps up, on the routers through a wired connection I get the same thing. As soon as a switch over to Wireless my connection goes from 25mpbs/5mpbs to less then 2mbps down. I've reduced the MTU, and I've tried turning off QoS. Nothing seems to work
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Apr 23, 2013
I have purchased Linksys WRT320N because my ISP give me speeds of 400 mb/s download and 200 mb/s upload. After I tested the speed my router get only 137 mb/s, why is that? I paid for gigabit router!?
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Jan 4, 2013
I usually download and update on my Nas in my house. I conneting my nas to the e4200. My laptop get full wifi from my router, but the speed up and down is very slow. I setup the wireless everything is auto.
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Jan 15, 2012
I have the WRT160N. Using speed, I can get 2.5Mps from wired ports, but less than 0.5 Mps using the wireless.
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Mar 5, 2012
I bought a brand new Linksys E1200 v2 and I encountered a big problem.
Without the router I am able to reach over 90 Mbps doawnloading torrents on wired connection, but through the router I can't obtain more than 55 Mbps.
Is the problem in settings or that's just the maximum speed that the router can handle for wan2lan ? Do I need an upgrade?
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Dec 18, 2012
I just bought a Cisco e1200 router... and the wireless connection is way too slow, when navigating through the web, but when using speed test, the connection seems fine, but still it even takes more than usual to open simple pages, lets say Google... i usually watch streams and now that i cannot do... when i connect directly i can do everything as i have read, i change channels, but still no improvement, i have the latest firmware, on my range there are only 2 more available connections... i even tried disabling/enabling the WMM... We all know that having extremely slow internet must be the real "Mayan apocalypse"
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Dec 6, 2012
I'm having an issue with my new E1200 routeur : I have a 100mbit/s connection and since i installed the E1200 , the speed is cut in half : Max 50 mbit/s .. ( or if this is an hardware limitation ? )
I have a gigabit network card with my pc , everything is fine on the pc / network side as i had these speed fine ( 100mbit/s ) with my old ISP router , ( wich i switched in bridge mode to use the E1200)
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Feb 17, 2012
I just bought this router and set it up using its CD. It looked like everything was fine until I connected my laptop using wireless. The wireless download speed is absolutely ridiculous. My wired desktop shows 35mbps while my laptop is 0.5mbps. Upload is same for both. Clearly something is limiting my download wireless.
Contacted Cisco support and they told me to change the mtu to 1400, change channel to 11 and reboot. Nothing worked. I have the latest software.
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Jun 14, 2012
My Cisco E3000 has slowed it's Ethernet speed so slow that it times out when going to Facebook, YouTube or any site that is complex. It worked fine until one day it just gave up. It's connected to DSL Modem with Ethernet To a Apple Mac G5 power PC There are two other older macs connected via Ethernet, same problem. When I took the router out of the chain, and connected G5 directly to modem, normal internet speed. My firmware is up to date. Both wireless bands work great. When I look at Cisco Connect, everything looks normal. factory settings.
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Apr 3, 2012
I have a problem with my download speed. I'm supposed to have a speed of 60 MBPS and when I collect my computer direct to the modem I received it but with my e2000 router, the 3 computer connected to it can't reach more than 30 MBPS. I just updated the firmware of the router to the newest version but nothing changed.
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Jul 11, 2012
I bought an E2000 router as a replacement for my WRT54G router, since my internet speeds had been upgraded. But this E2000 router has been giving me nothing but trouble.
Wired through both the router or modem, I get my topspeed of 110mbps. However, as soon as I switch over to the wireless N function, my speed drops to only 25mbps. As far as I know, wireless N should have a much faster speed than that. Even my old WRT54G had faster speeds than this new router has. Mind you, that the distance between my laptop and router is about 3 inches away. The further I go away from my router, the speed exponentialy drops (20 feet, and the speed even drops to below 10mbps). Even with different laptops that have completely different wireless cards. Now honestly, I have tried EVERYTHING to get the speed up. Both 2.4 and 5ghz, 20mhz only, 40 mhz only, different channels (currently the router is in channel 11, being the only router in that channel), setting the network to G-only. I tried changing the Beacon interval thing in numerous settings, I even tried changing the MUT. Firmware is completely up to date. I have also tried placing the router on a completely different place, to make sure there was absolutely no interference (tough that shouldn't be an issue if my laptop is only 3 inches away) I tried changing the security mode to something different than WPA2/AES.
Nothing worked, if anything, it made it worse in some cases. I have litteraly tried every option I could find online, except for trying a third party firmware like DDWRT, which worked excellently for my old WRT54G, though I read that speeds can't be improved on this E2000 with a third party firmware.
Is there anything else I can do, or should I assume that my router is defective?
When I'm in my bedroom, I get a very poor connection and my speed drops to about 0.25mbps. Abysmal, so I bought a WiFi range extender to get me a better signal. It works, and it allows me to get a speed of about 5-6 mbps, without dropped connections. Still slow, but at least it works. The weird thing is, wired through my router or modem, I get about 9mbps upload speed. With this extender, I get the same 9mbps upload speed in my bedroom, though only 5-6 mbps download speed. You'd think that the upload speed would drop simultaneously with the download speed. How can my upload speed be higher (maxing out) than my download speed? I wonder if my transmitting antenna of my router isn't defective.
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Aug 18, 2007
I have installed a WRT300N on to a new machine and the connection speed reads as 1 Mbps (not 100 but 1 ). I did a ping test and the results are
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Nov 20, 2011
i have a newly formatted (i.e. empty) 2TB WD my book elite which when i connect it to my computers usb port, can transfer a 6gb video file at over 100MB/s according to the win 7 detail box. However, when i connect it to the usb port on the back of the e4200 and try to transfer the same file, it only goes at 8MB/s max ... it appears to be going at usb 1 speed. i've got the latest firmware on both the e4200 and the my book 1111 and everything seems to be working fine for both, except this transfer rate when connected to the e4200.granted, cisco doesn't specifically list this drive as being tested, but the router does recognize it and shows it as usb 2.0, but yet the transfer speed is just too slow.8MB/s is just not workable...i could just connect the drive directly to the computer and share it that way, but connecting it to the e4200 was one of the reasons i bought the e4200.
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