Linksys Wireless Router :: WRT610N - Access USB Drive From Anywhere?

Apr 15, 2012

What do I have to do to be able to access the USB drive I plugged into my WRT610N from anywhere, on any computer?
Currently, I just plugged it in, went to \WRT610N in windows explorer, and mapped it as a network drive, adding a few files to try out.
So what do I need to do now to access it from any computer that has internet?

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Linksys Wireless Router :: WRT610N Network Drive Can't Be Accessed By Any Computer

Feb 27, 2013

I have a WRT610N v2 with current firmware.  The hard drive is a Western Digital Elements formatted to NTFS and already has music and photos so that other computers in the house can view them. This setup was done awhile back, maybe even a year ago.
Anyway, I can map the network drive and see everything there, but then after awhile (minutes - maybe 10) of idle time, the network drive can't be accessed by any computer, either as the mapped drive (W or by clicking the WRT610N in the network tree. It's like it goes to sleep and can't be awakened by activity.
I have searched the forums here and at WD but haven't found a solution or even this exact problem.  I did find a utility on the WD site that is supposed to fix/eliminate the short idle time, but it didn't seem to work.

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Linksys Wireless Router :: Folder Ownership On WRT610N USB Storage Drive?

Mar 10, 2011

I'm trying to share all of my Itunes media (music, movies, apps, etc.) between three PC's.  I have created a share of the entire hard drive which I have mapped on all three computers.  Basic connectivity seems to be working fine.  From each computer, I am able to read and write to the disk.  In Itunes however, I created a library including everything I want to share, but Itunes is unable to save the library.When I check security options on the hard drive, I see that it is owned by an unknown user and I am unable to change ownership of the drive. The owner is listed as "Account Unknown S-1-5-21 plus a long string of numbers) I think that if I can take ownership of the drive, I can get iTunes to save the library. how I can change the account ownership of the storage drive? Trying to change ownership properties, I get an access denied message.When the drive is connected to a PC via USB, I am able to change its ownership, but it reverts back to the Account Unknown owner when connected to the router. All three computers are running Windows 7 64bit.

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Linksys Wireless Router :: Cannot Access USB Storage On WRT610N From Computer

Mar 4, 2012

I am uable to access my files on the USB Storage Device connected to WRT610. Its configured properly. I can see the drive on my network. When I double click it asks for password which I enter and it takes me to the shared folder. But when I click it it says Not Accessible....You donot have the persmission. FTP works fine.I have noticed that on the disk page in the Shared Folder Area when you click on the Summary, the box with Groups With Access is Empty. Whereas on the FTP area in the same summary it clearly mentions the admin group.I have tried every thing including factory reset, hard reset, using new group, new user name etc..The technician from Linsys even spent an hour on my computer and ultimately he gave up and gave me number to contact technical support.

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Linksys Wireless Router :: WRT610n As An Access Point Through WET610

Nov 26, 2011

I have the following network configuration. Linksys E4200 is a main router which connects directly to internet. I have also a couple of WET610 bridges. One of them sends internet through WAP610 (linksys access point - works fine). Another one is still free, so I would like to share internet from the second WET610 through my WRT610n router. I tried to use the same setting as people recommended for direct cable connection of two routers (WRT610n WAN -> main router's LAN; DHCP and NAT on WRT610 turned off, WRT610's IP differs from the main router's IP), but it doesn't work in my case (WRT610n WAN -> WET610 -> wireless -> E4200). Unfortunately WRT610 doesn't see DHCP (so no one of clients receives proper IP, I can't reach my network if I connect to WRT610, I can't reach WRT610 from my network).

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Linksys Wireless Router :: Set Colliding Access Restrictions In Wrt610n?

Sep 14, 2011

I want to set up access restrictions to one MAC address (my kid's machine) basing on week days. From Su to Th allow less access time while during Fr-Sa afternoons access time should be longer. The question is how to program it in router. I know I can set rules with "allow" and "disable" keyword, but I don't know rules preference. When I set (Su-Th 6-21) allowed access time then router automatically denies defined machine internet access outside this time range. The problem is in the power of thus calculated denying time. I want to allow more access time in weekend, so I hoped if I can simply add "Fr-Sa 6-22:30 allowed access time" rule. I hoped that router will regard explicitly set time over inexplicitly set  time but it appears it is not so. What are their preferences/priorieties, iis it possible to stack more rules affecting one MAC address or it is so simple that the first rule "rulez"? Is it possible to set more than one time rule affecting the one machine?

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Linksys Wireless Router :: WRT610N Internet Access Policy

Jan 9, 2011

The Internet Access Policy feature of my WRT610N router doesn't appear to work, at all, zip, nothing, nada. I have setup the feature todeny access to one of my laptops for everyday 24 hours a day, but it can still use the net...

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Linksys Wireless Router :: WRT610N Network Connected - No Internet Access

Jul 8, 2011

My main pc is running Windows 7. It is also running MS Windows firewall and anti-virus. It connects fine to the internet via an ethernet connection to the WRT610N.
I am trying to access the internet wirelessly from another pc running Windows XP. The wireless pc indicates it is connected to the network with excellent signal strength. It will not connect to the internet. I can successfully ping the router but it is unsuccessful when pinging an internet address.
An additional wireless pc (WinXP) and my phone (Android) also show connected to the network but will not connect to the internet.
These wireless computers used to be able to access the internet before we moved house. They only thing I think that has changed is the addition of Windows firewall and anti-virus. It may however be something else.

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Linksys Wireless Router :: WRT610N No Access To Edit Any Settings On The QOS Page

Mar 11, 2012

I entered some QoS settings and now when I load the QoS page I get this Javascript error message in Firefox.Error: missing ) after argument list Source File: [URL]. Line: 100, Column: 47 Source Code: QosList[0] = new QosEntry('0','3','0','Kathy's Mac','3', infor);

Basically, the Javascript chokes on any computer name that you enter that has an apostrophe in it. As a result, I don't have access to add or edit any settings on that page. Seems like a major rookie mistake, especially for a major network device manufacture.

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Linksys Wireless Router :: Wrt610n Unable To Access Web Setup From 4 Different Windows 7

Feb 22, 2012

I'm unable to access the  web setup screen from 4 different windows machines running IE 9 or Firefox (various combinations of wireless, wired, etc.). When I get to the certificate error and hit the "yes, i understand, continue", it comes back with a 'can't be reached' page and looking into the details says the 'connection was dropped'.  However If I connect from a MacBook / safari, I'm able to reach the page fine (and admin the router).
Using a wrt610n.I am connected to the router, the ip address hasn't changed, the password hasn't changed.I can use the router & connect to the internet.I have the router set to require HTTPS, but switching it to allow HTTP doesn't work. Both Wired & Wireless Win 7 / IE9 machines can't connect.Tried setting the router ip address to 'trusted' zone in IE. Tried setting the router ip address to the 'compatibility' mode in IE. Tried using latest version of Firefox with the same results.

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Linksys Wired Router :: WRT610N - Cannot Access Wireless Router Through BEFSR41

Jan 14, 2011

Have an Actiontec GT704 feeding DSL into a BEFSR41 which is connected to a WRT610N. Can access internet, modem and wired router from desktop. Can access wireless router from laptop. Cannot access internet from laptop or wireless router from desktop. Changed ip address for wireless router to so no conflict with modem or wired router.

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Linksys Wireless Router :: WRT610N Connected To Switch Not Providing Internet Access?

Dec 25, 2012

I just moved in to a new place and have connected my Wireless router (WRT610N) to my switch located in the smart panel in the basement (SE2500). Plugging my ultrabook in to the wall confirms that the signal from the switch in the basement is being sent up, however if I plug my wireless router in to the jack and connect to the wireless router I have no internet access.

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Linksys Wireless Router :: Configure Access Point As Repeater For 2.4 GHz Band On WRT610N?

Jun 22, 2010

I'm very dissatisfied with the range and signal strength of my new WRT610N dual band router compared to the WAP54G Access Point I used before.Can I configure the Access Point as a repeater for the 2.4 GHz band on the WRT610N if I use the WRT610N as a Wireless G router rather than wireless N? 

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Linksys Wireless Router :: Can't Access WRT610n Setup / Management Pages Wirelessly

Aug 23, 2011

I cannot access the WRT610n setup/management pages wirelessly from my Macbook using safari.  I can access the router via wireless from iPhone and PC and I can access it from the Macbook via ethernet cable.  
When I try to access the router from the Macbook I just get "Contacting..." in the  Safari status line and eventually it times out.
I can access the internet using Safari via WRT610n wireless.  The only page I can't access is the router's management page.

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Linksys Wireless Router :: WRT610N V2 Access Restrictions Menu Is Missing In Admin Gui

Nov 18, 2011

I 'd like to use the access restrictions capabilities of the WRT610N v2. Unfortunely the "Access Restrictions" menu is missing in the admin GUI; I 've got all the others : "Set -up", "Wireless", "Security", Storage, Applications and Gaming, Administration and Status. I've checked the Firmware already and i'm using the very last one available on the cisco web site. I also noticed that I do not have the "Linksys by Cisco" text on the upper left corner as one can read on user guide but just "Cisco".

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Linksys Wireless Router :: WRT610N Router Should Not Be Able To Access Web Site

Sep 15, 2009

We'r using Linksys CISCO WRT610N and WRT310N wireless router.Our requirment using web access restriction is that we've to Block some website and the corresponding setting is going to be applicable to all users who are accessing internet through this router. The people who are accessing internet through corresponding router should not be able to access web site which are restricted in Router setting. There is the Setting with name "Web Access Control etc etc ".

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Linksys Wireless Router :: WRT610N V1 Flashing Power Light / No Wireless / Can't Access Settings

Apr 28, 2012

Everything was working fine. Changed Nothing on the router. Goes out and now wont broadcast a wireless signal, cant manually reset the router, or get into the settings with
Currently I am wired through it with my desktop and its working, but not much else.

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Linksys Wireless Router :: Access SB Hard Drive On E3000?

Jul 10, 2010

I have my router setup fine to the internet, as well as the media server.  I can't figure out how to access the hard drive from my laptop, however.  The manual says put in the address field of windows explorer, but it just gives me the "Setup" page for the router. 

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Linksys Wireless Router :: How To Access USB Drive On E4200 Remotely

Sep 19, 2012

I recently bought a e4200 v2 and installed connect cloud. I have attached a USB drive to the router. I can connect to it by mapping a network drive on my windows 7 laptop. I can also access it as a media server through my iPad on the local wifi network. This way I can play the music on the USB drive through the iPad. The next thing I would like to accomplish is to be able to listen to the music on the USB drive through the internet (so remotely).

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Linksys Wireless Router :: E4200 - How To Access USB Hard Drive Remote

Aug 11, 2011

I just purchased a Linksys e4200 router today along with a WD 2TB MyBook hard drive. My intent is to set these two up together so that i can share files on the hard drive with: Computers on my home network ( 1 Windows 7 desktop wired, 1 windows 7 laptop wifi, 1 XP netbook wifi)Computers remotely over the internetSmartphones (Android and Apple) on my home networkSmartphones (Android and Apple) remotely over the internet. My questions are: Set-up remote access for fileshare with smartphones?What is the easiest way to set-up and configure this?

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Linksys Wireless Router :: E1550 Can't Access NTFS Hard Drive

Sep 18, 2011

I had previously posted about problems with the E1550 not being able to recognize NTFS formated hard drives.  After multiple retries and reformats I was finally able to get it to work and was able to backup my system files to that NTFS hard drive.
Now, little more than a  week later I setup to run my backup to run again and once again the E1550 is not accessing the hard drive.  The same one it had previously acknowledged and allowed me to save to.
The E1550 sees that there is a hard drive out there but all it says is "Detecting..."  this does not change.
I need this to be fixed and stay fixed.  If it is going to do this every time I turn on the drive to do weekly backups, then I need to get a different wireless router.

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Linksys Wireless Router :: E4200 Access Using USB Drive With Built-in FTP Server?

Jan 23, 2012

I saw it's possible to use an USB drive/stick with the builtin FTP server to allow file access.Would it also be possbile to have the router function as webserver for external access from USB ? Just simple web functionality needed, no php or MySQL.Don't want to be running an extra machine 24x7 just to serve some html code.

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Linksys Wireless Router :: Unable To Access USB Hard Drive Connected To EA350

Jun 23, 2012

WD essential 2GB hard drive connects OK through cisco connect but when I click on the shortcut or try to access the drive I get access denied duer to permission to the ip address

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Linksys Wireless Router :: Access Media Server And External USB Drive On E4200 From An IPad?

Aug 21, 2011

How to access the media server and/or external USB drive on an E4200 from an iPad?

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Linksys Wireless Router :: EA4500 - Network Drive Only Works Without Secure Folder Access

Feb 2, 2013

I'm trying map the USB hard drive connected to my EA4500 router as a network drive in Windows 7, and it works perfectly until I enable secure folder access on the router.
After enabling secure folder access, and not changing any other settings on the router I first unmount the drive since it was set up without credentials and doesn't work that way any more.  When I try to remap the drive I use the same address, but select "Connect using different credentials"  When it prompts me for the log in info I try using the router admin account, but it fails to connect.   Windows network diagnostics tells me the device refused the connection.  I proceeded to set up an account on the router under the folder access settings with the same username, and password I use on my computer, and tried to connect it without checking "Connect using different credentials" (And typing them in manually if that matters) with the same results.
Even with secure folder access enabled I can still reach the drive just fine by typing "" into file explorer.  It prompts me for a username and password, I put in the admin credentials, and I'm in.  Even the account I created with the same username/password as my computer works this way.
After disabling secure folder access everything works perfectly fine again...  I would MUCH rather do this with it though.
Following these directions: [URL] When clicking the browse button the router shows up when secure folder access is disabled, but does not after it is enabled.  I've looked through my windows sharing settings, and haven't noticed anything that should cause problems, pretty much everything is enabled.  I've also tried turning off my firewall with no success.

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Linksys Wireless Router :: WRT610N Isn't Able To Connect At All

Dec 25, 2009

I purchased a WRT610N router early this month, the wireless network was working completely fine when I first set it up. Today I tried to connect my laptop to my wireless network. The laptop isn't able to connect at all. I also got a Sony PSP which has WLAN on and that saying it cannot detect any access point which would be my router.

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Linksys Wireless Router :: Getting Multiple 360's On WRT610N?

Jul 12, 2011

How can I open the Nat for both systems on my single router.

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Linksys Wireless Router :: WRT610N And PoE For WAP4410N

Jul 26, 2011

I was told that this router would push the PoE to the WAP4410N. I hooked the AP up to port 1 and no lights or anything... The network is all cat6, patch cords are cat6 shielded if this matters at all... what am I missing.

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Linksys Wireless Router :: USB Storage On WRT610N?

Jul 1, 2011

Is it possible to have 2 hard drives connected to a WRT610N perhaps connected through a USB hub?

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Linksys Wireless Router :: WRT610N - Block All XXX URL's?

Dec 20, 2011

I have the Linksys WRT610N wireless router and would like to know if it is possible to block all domains ending in .XXX?  The access restrictions let you type in a 'specific' URL, but using a generic domain name doesn't seem to work.  I basically want to block all access to any URL that ends in .XXX.

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Linksys Wireless Router :: WRT610N V2 Not Broadcasting 5 Ghz?

May 13, 2012

I just bought a certified refurbished router. The model is WRT610N-RM. Where's what I've done:
1. Downloaded newest firmware from the site using old router, Then disconnected. Connected a lan cable to the new router. Powered up the router. Held down reset untill the light blinks. Went to the browser and typed Entered password to go into router and upgraded firmware.  2. 5 Ghz Settings: Went to Wireless menu. Selected "manual", mode is "mixed" (If i chose N only for 5 Ghz, then It won't save my setting for internet security. Instead it will be "disable" no matter what". The rest was default. SSID is enabled. Then I set up the 2.5 Ghz. I have 3 other computers with N wireless card. Some others have G, however when I viewed available networks, I only see the 2.4 Ghz ssid. I tried to reboot and unplug power for 10 seconds, but no luck seeing the 5 Ghz.

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Linksys Wireless Router :: Get Open Nat For Mw3 On Ps3 WRT610n?

Nov 15, 2011

ive tried all types of things i read online and it is stuck on moderate no matter what i do, im hooked into router directly, when i hook directly into modem it switches to open.

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Linksys Wireless Router :: WRT610N - Way To Set Up Port Forwarding

Jun 26, 2012

I am finding it impossible to set up port forwarding. No matter what I do I remain completely stealthed when I do a port probe via [URL]... The only way I seem to be able to open a port is if I enable remote management. When I do that, whatever port I specifiy as the remote management port is then fully open. Obviously, I can't leave a port exposed like this and, anyway, I need to open multiple ports for my purposes.

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