Networking :: Outdoor IP Cameras Condition Reliability Vivotek IP8332

Nov 17, 2012

I have been looking at IP cams, like the Vivotek IP8332, or possibly the Axis m1113e

It could easily be -30F for several nights in any given winter. I am going to spend about $1,000 for two cams + cabling, etc. running into a PC to record video events.

EDIT: (The PC is not part of that $1,000). I know there are an abundance of outdoor enclosures with heat and fan, but I have never dealt with this stuff before. I also want to have night vision capability-- looking at seperate IR lamps. Meh.

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D-Link DIR-825 :: Low Connection Reliability

Nov 15, 2011

I recently purchased a DIR-815 and am currently trying to use the 2.4 GHz Wireless mode so I can connect a remote WiFI product to it (approx 30 feet separation) to get access to the internet for sending email and to FTP data from the remote WiFi product over the internet.  It is imperative that this connectivitiy be reliable and continuously accessible.  The PC host and the WiFI product are unattended and require 24/7 use and conneciton reliability.

My problem is that for no apparent reason the connectivity to the DIR-815 by the PC host (wired to DIR-815 by ethernet) is not reliable....and even though the connection is obviously lost, my PC thinks it is still connected according to the Network status info shown in Windows.  I then have to do a Network Repair on the PC to get the connection back.  Whenever this is happening during the loss of connectivity by the PC to the DIR-815, the WiFi connection from my remote WiFi product is also lost which we cannot tolerate.

PC host is connected to DIR-815 via ethernet cable.  DIR-815 is connected to a ViaSat Surf Beam Satellite modem (model SM2100) that is accessing Big Blue sattelite service as the ISP.  I have the DIR-815 using 2.4 Ghz channel set to WEP2 TPIK-AES security.  When connected everything works fine.   We just need it to stay coonnected without having to be rebooted all the time.

Is there any way to resolve this problem and improve the connection reliability of the DIR-815??  I wish there were some way to send a WiFI command from our remote application to the DIR-815 to reboot it, which we could program into the remote product, but when wireless connectivity is lost, obviously that is not possible.

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Cisco Application :: ACE 20 (ACE 30) Versus 4710 Appliance Reliability

Jun 21, 2012

In 2008-2010 timeframe, I used the ace 4710 appliances at one customer and kind of liked them. The deployment was not too SSL intensive and B/W requirements were low, but I configured a few HA pairs and that worked well. The configuration was pretty comparable to other Cisco devices; so easy to learn/pick-up.Fast forward to 2011: stepped into an environment, where customer purchased 3 - ACE 20 modules (before I got here), and had multiple issues with them. I found 4 documented TAC cases, and 1 was still open. I started working from December 2011 on getting Cisco to own-up WRT modules but customer by that time had had enough.
The most serious issue was a random reboot, hang or lockup. I wasn’t here to work with them to verify, but that’s eventually what the deal breaker was. Around the February 2012 timeframe, talking to Cisco SE, he revealed Cisco had an independent lab in Switzerland verify that some hardware component on the device had a terminal defect, in which a bit would flip, and force the device to lock or reboot - subject ot radioactive decay or interference.Cisco and the lab attributed this to improper shielding, coupled with defective material in the electronic component; hence the device was highly susceptible to radiation-type errors. This is the kind of stuff you read in doomsday reports! As a result, Cisco was EOL-ing the ACE-20 module. I am trying to get Cisco to replace the ACE-20 modules with something else, but they haven’t been too cooperative. They have also limited their SE/Salseperson presence where I work (Pacific Northwest); and are not too responsive.
I have gotten a verbal agreement to get a credit on prior purchases for the amount this customer spent on the ACE-20 modules. However, the credit is only a few points off their normal discounting model. And Cisco will not go into loss on new product sales. Using example, $100 product would cost me $55 with standard Cisco discounting. Cisco’s cost might be $45 so I will only get another $10 credit on this new purchase.The 3 Cisco ACE-20’s originally cost customer about $100K, so to dwindle this credit down, we would need to purchase about $1-$2 million of new hardware - that's a lot of new gear! And I don’t have any real way of knowing that Cisco is applying the credit honestly, and they won’t put anything in writing. This entire issue has really dampened customer’s impression of Cisco. They had smartnet on the ACE-20’s for 2+ years, but then dumped that after losing faith in the product. Now I am trying to resurrect smartnet to see if Cisco will give us an alternate product.
And to cap it all off, the original Cisco salesperson (who sold customer the ACE’s), has left and went to work for F5! And yes, he has been calling on customer to try to sell some big-IP's! At least there is some humor in all of this. So... Has anyone else had bad experience with ACE-20 module? How about ACE 4710? How to get a reliable working ACE module from Cisco?

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Cisco Firewall :: ASA 5510 Citrix Session Reliability?

Sep 11, 2011

My company has a cisco ASA 5510 and we have a Citrix remote desktop solution. In a nutshell I have users from outside our network accessing a virtual Citrix NetScaler inside our DMZ. There is a session reliability feature enabled on the Citrix solution. Session reliability uses tcp port 443. A user from outside the network connects to our network and is handed a virtual desktop to work with. When a remote user is working on their virtual desktop and there is a network connection issue the end user loses network connectivity for a brief period of time (in most cases just seconds) then the Citrix session reliability feature takes over and holds in a buffer all data destined for the end user . Once the connection is re-established then the buffer is emptied and the session goes on like before and the end user is able to use the virtual desktop. At least this is the way it should work.

In our case the connection never re-establishes between the end user outside the network and the NetScaler in our DMZ. We have been working with Citrix Support and they believe the issue is in our firewall. We have taken packets captures with Wire shark and we can see when the network failure occurs the NetScaler in the DMZ is holding information in a buffer and trying to communicate with the remote end user outside our network via packets and TCP port 443. We can also do the same packet captures from the end user computer and see where it is not receiving any packets from the NetScaler in our DMZ. The fire wall has an access list allowing any traffic in the outside port destined to the NetScaler Public IP on port 443. Then once in the firewall outside port we have a static rule pointing to the NetScaler IP in the DMZ.Everything is working quite well until we need to rely upon the session reliability. We have tried altering the TCP & Global Timeouts options in the firewall via the ASDM with no luck.

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Cisco WAN :: 3660 - Low Reliability Even No Link Is Connected In Ethernet Port

Apr 29, 2012

I am facing low relaiblity issue in one of the ethernet port even no link is connected to that port.

Router model : cisco 3660
IOS - c3660-ik8s-mz.122-24a.bin
Ethernet1/2 is up, line protocol is down
  Hardware is AmdP2, address is 0007.85fb.c312 (bia 0007.85fb.c312)
  MTU 1500 bytes, BW 10000 Kbit, DLY 1000 usec,

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Cisco AAA/Identity/Nac :: ACS 5.2 Compound Condition Wildcard Support

Jan 26, 2011

is it possible to use wildcards in Compund Conditions in ACS 5.2? i've been suing the following to try and match a username that contains @*.*:

This would hopefully match a username like but doesn't work as expected - am i doing something wrong or are wildcards not supported in compund conditions?

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Remedy / Procedure To Make Deformed CAT-5 Cable Into Normal Condition?

Jun 27, 2011

What is the remedy/procedure to make a deformed CAT-5 cable into normal condition.

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Linksys Wireless Router :: How To Login To WRT54GL Under Some Special Condition

Jan 11, 2013

I am using a wrt54gl in 'Router' mode. It is behind a server that is configured as a server/router/firewall that is serving dhcp addresses for the network behind it. I have bypassed the dhcp server hardware by plugging the LAN out from my server/router/firewall into a  switch port on the back of the wrt54gl. I have switched off the dhcp server in the wrt54gl during it's can I login to the wrt54gl to review and make note of its current configuration ?

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Cisco Switching/Routing :: 6500 - VSS Dual-Active Condition

Jan 13, 2013

I am looking to implement VSS using our two 6500 series switches. The "Recovery Actions" when there is a Dual-Active situation says that the active chassis that detects a dual-active condition shuts down all of its non-VSL interfaces (except interfaces configured to be excluded from shutdown) to remove itself from the network, and waits in recovery mode until the VSL links have recovered. Does this mean that the Active chassis gets totally isolated thus triggering the modules on the Standby chassis to be active ?

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Cisco WAN :: Crash Errors And Traceback Condition Switch 3750 Stack

Jul 13, 2011

EEHYP_CS_801#sh logging Syslog logging: enabled (0 messages dropped, 0 messages rate-limited, 0 flushes, 0 overruns, xml disabled, filtering disabled)
No Active Message Discriminator.
No Inactive Message Discriminator.
Console logging: disabled
Monitor logging: level debugging, 236 messages logged, xml disabled,
filtering disabled


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Which Outdoor Cat 6 / 6a?

May 21, 2011

We're upgrading our network (formerly 1 router, 1 outdoor antenna, and 1 router converted to a repeater) to provide wireless coverage for our members at a small beach club. To save money, our usual electrician will be running all the cabling for added antennas and repeaters; the networking guy will then do the terminations and hook up the equipment he's determined will work best for us. I'm supposed to order 1000' of cat 6 cable for the electrician to use, but I didn't realize there were so many options - I need to order the cable asap (i.e. today!), and neither the electrician or network guy are available over the weekend. The cable will be run from our office to our front gate, and to several outbuildings; buried underground for most of the first case, and run along the outside of and through several shed-like wooden structures in the other cases. The longest run will be about 250'. Because of our location the unburied cable would be exposed to salt air, sun, wind and rain, so I'm assuming it'll be run through plastic conduit or something where it needs to be outside.Do I want regular cat 6 or cat 6a? Double PVC shielded, gel-filled flooded, shielded mylar foil, or something I haven't yet run across?

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Which Cable Is Good For Outdoor Use Cat5 Or 6

Jul 29, 2011

I am installing 60 meters of overhead telephone cables between two buildings. which is better cat5 or cat 6 in terms of durability?

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Difference Between Indoor And Outdoor Wifi?

Mar 17, 2011

What is the difference between Indoor and Outdoor WiFi?

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Cisco Wireless :: 1522 Need To Add Two New Outdoor AP

Mar 9, 2012

Have a site that has a 1522 installed. I need to add two new outdoor AP's.  Would the 1550 work along with the 1522 or would I have to replace it?

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Cisco :: Can Use LAP1242 As RAP With Outdoor LAP1510

Feb 4, 2013

We currently have some LAP1242AG AP's meshed together inside our building.The owner (without consulting IT) was able to aquire some LAP1510AG's that he want's to deploy for outdoor use.Can they be meshed into our current network without having to cable one of the 1510's to the network?

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Equipment Necessary For A 400 Foot Range Outdoor G Network?

Dec 8, 2011

I want to set up a wireless video security system around my farm. I have been having a lot of predator problems this year and I am tired of getting up in the middle of the night and running outside in my underwear to check on my livestock (especially now that it is winter) because my wife thought she heard something attacking the animals. I have been looking around at wireless wifi security cameras to use with my home wifi network and all of them ( like the Foscam FI8918W) use IEEE 802.11g standards. I have done a lot of research on this and there is just no consistent data about to do this. I know that are a lot of smart people here because I have posted here before and got some great answers. So, I am just going to tell you what I would like to achieve and you can tell me how (if possible) I can do it. I am willing to buy all new equipment if necessary. I need a omni-directional wifi G network with a minimum range of 400 feet. I have several buildings to cover so it has to be omni-directional. My house is located 350 feet from the furthest building, so I figure a 400 foot range should give me good consistent results. I already have an old Linksys WRT54GS router with Firmware Version: v1.52.8. It is located in my bedroom against an outside wall and even now I get some signal from it out at my farthest building (350 feet) and even browse the web with my laptop. But the signal is spotty and seems to come and go for no reason. What is really funny is that I have less signal in the second bathroom on the other side of the house, but I guess that is because of all the walls in between.

Now I have read that you can increase a routers broadcast strength by modifying the router settings. But you need special firmware like, Tomato, to do that and I have already tried to install , Tomato, to my router with no success. So if modifying the router software is necessary, I will need another router I guess.

1. A good strong router capable of IEEE 802.11g.

2. A good strong outdoor antenna that will connect to the router.

My problem is that I can find good routers and good antennas, but nothing that say they will work with each other. And another thing is that it appears to me from what I have read so far, that the stronger the antenna is, the more narrow the vertical broadcast field is. So, if I understand this right, with a strong antenna, the antenna and the receiving device have to be about the same height horizontally speaking. So if I put the antenna on the top of my house, it will basically shoot right over all my cameras. But if I put the antenna lower along an outside wall, then the cameras on the opposite side of the house won't receive signal. But again, this is just my understanding of what I read so far. You can see now why I am so confused about this. The more I read, the more I get confused. It seem like this should be simple, like, "Buy this router, Buy that antenna". Surly, I am not the first person who wants to extend their home network to a reasonable outdoor range. It's not like I want it to reach miles (that would be nice except for all the hackers trying hack my network).

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Cisco Wireless :: ANT25137NP-R Wi-Fi Coverage For Outdoor Area

Jul 30, 2012

I've been tasked with providing wireless coverage for an outdoor courtyard.  The wireless that bleeds out into the courtyard is minimal for both 2.4 and 5 Ghz bands.  I'm thinking a 3502p mounted just inside the wall hooked to a ANT25137NP-R patch antenna mount on an exterior wall. The red line on the wall will represent the antenna mounted on the wall.  This will be providing coverage for phones on 5Ghz and general devices on 2.4.

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Cisco Firewall :: Configuration ASA 8.2 With HTTP Access Outdoor?

Aug 5, 2012

I have problem i want to access to my http server in my local network from outside : it my server http 

195.X.X.X  its my internet IP but it was connected in eth 0/4
 static (DMZ,Orange) 195.X.X.X netmask
access-list outside-acl permit tcp any host 195.X.X.X eq 80
access-group outside-acl in int orange
 but its not good why

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Cisco Wireless :: 1552 Outdoor AP Disappears From WLC5508

Dec 30, 2012

My problem ist that i have 4 air-cap-1552e APs witch are powerde trugh Power Injectors. They worked fine for a few days but then the controller ( lose connection to them. Right now i have only one Joined AP. The other 3 are status not joined. I can Ping all 4 Aps and wifi clients are connected through them.

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Cisco Wireless :: AP1552 Directional Antennas Outdoor

Jun 30, 2012

I am expanding coverage in a big outdoor area.Most of the area is covered with AP1552 with AIR-ANT2506 5,2 db antennas.At the border of the area i have some masts where i can place ap's.Would it make sense to use directional antenna's there? I have a big open area where it is not possible to place ap's.The only placement is a mast in the middle of the area.I have a AP1552 with 5,2 db antennas there.Can i get better coverage if i place 3 or 4 ap's with directional antennas ?Or should i try with a 12dBi AIR-ANT24120 ?

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Cisco Wireless :: Does 1552x Outdoor AP Have Height Limitation

May 6, 2012

Customer wants to place a single 1552E to cover a particular area in his campus, and it will be placed on a tower, and the question is concerning the height. I can not find any particular height limitation such as 5 meters, 10 meters, etc. I understand this will influence the sign propagation as well as throughtput to the users, but can not find a matrix or a best practice guide for that.

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Cisco Wireless :: Mixing 1522 And 1552 Outdoor AP

Jun 13, 2013

Client has existing 1522 outdoor access points over different branches.1522 is dicontinued and 1552 is the replacement AP.Client intends to extend their outdoor wireless with the new AP's.Are there any known issues if the 1552 is mixed with 1522 envi?,Is a separate controller required for the new AP's?Will MESH work between 1522 and 1552 AP's?

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Cisco Wireless :: New Outdoor 1552E Cannot Join WLC 5508

May 13, 2012

I just have a brand new Aironet 1552E , just took it out of the box and connect to the same subnet with a WLC 5508 v7.2 fully config and working However, it could not join the WLC 5508.

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Cisco Wireless :: 1262 Indoor And Outdoor Antennas On Same AP?

Jun 19, 2012

I have a metal shop that needs wireless indoors and outdoors.
Will it work if I mount the 1262 inside with 4 indoor antennas mounted inside the building and 2 outdoor antennas mounted outside?

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Networking :: Wireless Networking On MT3707

Oct 23, 2011

I recently installed a very basic version of XP on my old laptop (Gateway MT3707).After hours of searching for the correct drivers, I found them, and installed them. After installing the correct drivers for wireless internet I was able to pull up the list and find my network on it.When double clicking on our wireless network it asks for a network key (also called WEP key or WPA key).Now we have a password for our network, but after an exhausting amount of tries that won't work. I not sure if that is what its looking for. In our apartment we run mac OSX, windows vista, etc., but usually the password for the network is satisfactory. I have never ran into this problem.I hate to be a noob, but I don't know where to go from here.

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D-Link Network Camera :: Get A Replacement Lens For DCS-70 Outdoor Enclosure?

Oct 24, 2011

Where can you get a replacement lens for the DCS-70 Outdoor enclosure?

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Cisco Wireless :: WLC5508 Required For Outdoor Mesh Configuration?

Jan 3, 2012

I want to start implementing a small outdoor mesh network of 3 APs Aironet 1550 in order to grow afterward with more APs. Is there any way to configure those 3 APs in an outdoor mesh configuration (for example, only one RAP and two MAPs) without a Wireless LAN Controller or I have to have at least, one WLC? My idea is to have a WLC 5508, but at the very beginning I don't know if my budget is gonna allow me to cost the WLC.

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Cisco Wireless :: 1552E - Outdoor Enterprise Mesh 802.11n Deployment

Jul 20, 2011

Is Cisco WCS mandatory when deploying an outdoor enterprise mesh solution?If I am goin to use the 1552E purely as an outdoor access point ,do I really need the Cisco WCS?

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Cisco Wireless :: 2600e Access Points With Outdoor Antenna?

Mar 14, 2013

I'm looking to extend wireless coverage outside the building and was think of using 2600e APs with AIR-ANT2566P4W-R patch antenna mounted externally.Is this a valid combination?
I've had a look through various bits of documentation and this antenna seems to be supported but can't see documentation that details of what low loss cables and lightening arrestors are compatible.

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Cisco Wireless :: Aironet 1301 - Outdoor Maximum Distance

Apr 16, 2012

I have two Cisco Aironet 1310. I wonder which is the maximum distance I can put between them,  to an acceptable data transmicion to 54 megabytes or less, using thier internals antennas.

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Cisco Wireless :: Aironet 1310 - Outdoor Access Point

Sep 13, 2012

I am looking at outdoor access points, I want to stick with Cisco aironet, we currently have 6 of them that are 6 years old and running great, one has had a problem because of humidity, dried it out and relocated and we are good again.
I was looking at the Aironet 1310 Outdoor access point, but I can't find much information on it.  I am looking to see how many SSIDs can be setup, we currently have 2 one private, and one public, this is done with VLANS.  I am also looking at finding out about the power injector, it converts to coaxial cable, it has 2 RJ-45 and 2 Coaxial, does this mean if we get 2 access points, then I only need 1 power injector?

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Cisco Wireless :: 5508 Or 2504 - Which Controller To Use For 1552E Outdoor AP

Sep 8, 2012

which controller I should use with 11 1552E AP ? I know 5508 will work with the AP's, but would the 2504 also work? If 2504 will work, I will go for the 2504 since its a cheaper solution.

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IP Cameras Between 2 Access Point?

Jan 23, 2012

I have 2 places in a distance of <300m, so I'll call these two places Zone A, and Zone B.I have each TL-WA5210G APs in Zone A and Zone B. Also, 2 IP Cameras for each Zone A-B. In Zone A, I have the two IP cameras and my office, (so I could see what happens in my "A" zone when the signal come to a LCD located at my office), and also, I want to see what happens in my B Zone. So, I was thinking to connect the IP Cameras to my AP in Zone B, in the way that this AP sends the signal to the AP at my "A" Zone, including the cameras in this A Zone.So, I don't know how the APs need to be configured, I mean, in which operation mode. I've read that 1 must be in AP Client Router and the other only in AP.

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