Protocols / Routing :: Computer Shows Connected But No Internet?

Feb 4, 2012

My wireless connection shoes connected but no internet access. when i connect directly to the modem to computer internet is ok. i am using linksys wrt400n route

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No Internet Access Computer Shows Connected?

Aug 23, 2012

I see some other threads about this same thing but I wanted to start my own to keep track if what I did. I know zilch about computers.I have an ACER I got less than a month ago. I have Verizon mifi. Windows 7My comptuer says I am connected but it says no internet access. The wifi works fine on my old netbook though. I keep getting error 105 Unable to resolve the server's DNS address. What do I do?

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Protocols / Routing :: Laptop Connected To Modem But Not The Internet

Aug 20, 2012

Just yesterday my laptop could connect to the Internet. Now it would just connect to the modem (via wi-fi), and there would be no Internet connection. All other computers in my house using wi-fi work fine.Here are my results when I type in the ipconfig /all in the command prompt.

Configuration IP de Windows

Nom de l'h�te . . . . . . . . . . : Loc-PC
Suffixe DNS principal . . . . . . :
Type de noeud. . . . . . . . . . : Diffusion
Routage IP activ� . . . . . . . . : Non


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Protocols / Routing :: Sending Internet Connection Out Of Computer?

Feb 23, 2011

my desktop is picking up wirelessinternet, i have 2 avalible ethernet ports on it, is their a way i can plug an ethernet from my computer to my xbox to play online, i dont want to have a cable come from the router.

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Protocols / Routing :: Windows 7 Laptop Connected But Not Receiving Internet

Jan 26, 2012

I have a windows 7 laptop and i have bridged my wireless with my ethernet port on it, i have directly connected my ubuntu server to my windows 7 laptop via crossover, and ubuntu says its connected, but it will not recieve internet. I can get 2 windows pc's to bridge successfully, but not a linux machine. Is there some configuration im missing or something that i missed? the goal is to get internet for my ubuntu server.

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Protocols / Routing :: Webpages Not Loading But Internet Is Connected Fine?

Nov 8, 2012

Applications such as skype, teamviewer, etc, are all working fine, however, when I try to load certain webpages, such as Facebook and forum boards, they don't load, just stay white screen.

Youtube, google, both load, I imagine this is because they're both on the Google servers, apart from any Google related sites, I can't find any that will load for me.

I think this is a problem wth my DNS addresses, I've tried a range of solutions, clearing my DNS, changing my IPv4 address, restarting the router, PC, but I can't seem to find a fix.

Running on windows 7 Home premium

NOTE: I had the Metropolitan police virus yesterday, I did a system restore to remove it, my internet worked fine after, it's only since I've moved from the router at my other house, to the one here that I'm having problems.

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Protocols / Routing :: Connecting Lan Network To Internet Broadband Through A Computer?

Jun 2, 2011

I have a Airtel Internet Broadband connection and I have a lan having around 10 workstations. I have another computer which I want to use as a server through which all the internet traffic will pass. The server has two lan cards(one on motherboard and other one is usb).I have connected broadband modem to lancard1(on motherboard) and have connected the lancard2(usb) to the lan switch.Now how to proceed further, so that internet service is available on all the workstations connected to the lan switch.

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Protocols / Routing :: Switch Shows Up Router With IP Address

Nov 21, 2012

i got a d-link router comming off modum and then a lynksys switch . well when i run the lorex program it (the switch) shows up as a router with a ip address ? i have tried a different swith but still the same thing happens .

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Shows Connected But Can't Access The Internet?

May 21, 2011

trying to network 2 desktops running xp.

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Can't Access Internet Although Shows To Be Connected

Apr 21, 2011

as gone all of a sudden. Checked cables, restarted both router and PC, and even rang provider with questions.. Router seems to be working fine as laptop and iphone both got internet access with the same router. The Local area connection icon showed limited on no connectivity snd so the provider renewed the IP manually and local area connection says its connected now but there is no internet access.. They suggest it could be something to do with firewall or something else blocking it but as far as I am concerned I did not make any changes to the pc the night before when it was actually proper connected.. The desktop pc is running windows XP and I tried downloading ethernet controller driver from the web and upgrading it but it did not improve the situation.

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Laptop Shows Connected To Router But No Internet

Aug 8, 2011

my laptop shows connected to the router however no internet; other mobile devices connect and show internet

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Protocols / Routing :: Computer Disconnects Only 1 Computer?

Jul 6, 2012

For the Record: I have a Linksys E4200 Router.My computer is an ASUS Notebook (can't identify model, doesn't show on system information, but got it in the last 3 months) My friend's computer is also an ASUS notebook (model designed after a stealth fighter)First: On my computer, I get a solid 500kb/s dl speed at anytime. If anyone else is downloading, even if they are the only others to do so.. they get speeds of 150kb/s tops (on other laptops connected to the router). I don't understand how this is, all the settings on the router are default.econd (more important issue for me): My friends come over often and play games (WoW, Diablo 3, Xbox LIVE etc)... Often when we're doing something together, only my friend will disconnect, but none of us wille've updated his drivers (his computer is fairly new like mine is), among other things.. But he still has the problem, which occurs only at my hou

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Pages Don't Load But Internet Shows Fully Connected?

Nov 27, 2011

My computer (running windows XP and connected to the internet with a D Link USB adapter) refuses to load any webpages: despite showing full signal strength and connection in both the D Link settings and the windows XP wireless panel.I am able to ping websites and other computers in the house (all of which are able to access the internet) but no pages load in any browser I try.

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1394 Status Shows Connected - Can't Connect To Internet

Nov 19, 2012

My 1394 status shows connected. But the lite on my input cable is not on?

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Internet Shows Its Connected But Browsers And Email Do Not Work

Jul 18, 2012

my neighbor is having a problem with her computer, its an HP touch smart [not sure of model] every other computer in her household works [1x wired 1x wireless].

the computer in question has had repeated problems and various hardware issues and has been sent out for repair on more than one occasion all for non software related issues, i take care of software issues and diagnose hardware problems and i have done so without a hitch until now.

when the problem first started happening i would do a system restore to a point were it was working, but that does not seem to be working anymore

i have tried disabling firewalls [she uses AVG internet security edition which is on all of her computers], windows firewall, disabling and re-enabling network drivers, updating drivers, installing different and previous versions of browsers

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Dell :: 1320 Network Shows Connected But No Access To Internet

Dec 30, 2012

I have been using Dell Vostro-1320 laptop with Windows XP. It was running good. Recently I have installed the McAfee Internet Security software. But now I do not have internet access through this laptop although the network icon shows "connected". I have tried all the advice/solutions for such type of problem by doing Firewall off/on and changing adapter & network setting.  I also updated all the drivers. But nothing works. It is notable that my other desktop is working properly in spite of installing this software.

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Dell :: Inspiron N4010 - Internet Connection Shows Being Connected But Unable To Surf Net

Dec 25, 2011

I am having Inspiron N4010 for almost an year now. I have had many troubles with this but never with internet connectivity. Last week I saw myself not being able to be connected to internet through wireless or wired network while everybody else was connected and surfing. I just thought it to be a small problem and the problem seemed resolved that very day itself on its own.

But today this computer has simply failed to get connected. it does get connected, open a page or two and then again refuses to connect. On the problem diagnoses from network sharing center, it was showing that the websites are not responding, then it started showing that DNS server was not responding while all my setting are correctly configured. I pinged gateway and it responds but on pinging some website there is no response at all. It s a problem with my laptop only as everybody else are using internet very well. I am using internet through my WiFi enabled cell phone using the same connection and router that i use for my laptop. I need an urgent solutions as I have to meet some deadlines regarding assignments.

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Dell :: Studio 1737 Shows Connected To Network With Internet Access But Doesn't Work

Apr 5, 2012

I have a Dell Studio 1737 running Windows 7 64 bit. I turned it on today and it automatically connected to my home network as usual and when I hover over the network icon it says there is Internet Access but when I open Firefox it can not connect to any websites. When I run the automatic troubleshooter, it does not detect any problems with the connectivity.

I ran ipconfig /all and this is what came up: 

Microsoft Windows [Version 6.1.7601]Copyright (c) 2009 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.C:UsersDanny>ipconfig /allWindows IP Configuration Host Name . . . . . . . . . . . . : Danny-PC Primary Dns Suffix . . . . . . . : Node Type . . . . . . . . . . . . : Hybrid IP Routing Enabled. . . . . . . . : No WINS Proxy Enabled. . . . . . . . : NoWireless LAN adapter Wireless Network Connection 2: Media State . . . . . . . . . . . : Media disconnected Connection-specific DNS Suffix . : Description . . . . . . . . . . . : Microsoft Virtual WiFi Miniport Adapter Physical (code)

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Protocols / Routing :: Accessing IP's On Router Connected To Another One?

Jan 29, 2011

I have recently changed my ISP and as such now have a modem router from them, however I used to have a seperate modem connected to my own router that I have already set up to have port forwarding to my CCTV, DVR and networked storage (Built into exsistine router).Since connecting the new modem router to my exsisting router I have been unable to access the CCTV, DVR and Storage from outside my LAN.

I guess this is because the devices are on the client list of my old router and not on my modem router.Is there anyway I can access the old port forwards through the new modem router, it used to be a matter of just for example but now this would try to access the modem router and not the router it's connected to.

I have not found any options to disable the router side of it to make it act as just a modem.The hardware is a Virgin Media Super Hub model connected to a D-Link Dir-685.For arguments sake the IP address of my D-Link is and the Super hub is 192.168.100.

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Cisco Switching/Routing :: 3560 Command Shows Two Devices Connected Through Same Local Port?

Oct 14, 2012

show cdp neighbors command shows two devices connected through the same local port?I have a Cisco 3560 that when I issue the "show cdp neighbors" command I get the following results: [code]
the question is why is this showing that Gig0/3 is being used twice to  connect to two different devices.  I have verified there is no hub  connected to this port and in fact Switch3 is not connected to Switch1  at all yet it still shows up in the CDP table.
I have cleared the CDP table on every device at this location and still get the same results. 

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Protocols / Routing :: Computer Dropping From Workgroup?

May 4, 2012

I've searched around a lot and it seems that many people (including myself) who go through all the suggested troubleshooting still end up with a problem. I am stuck using XP in schools and keep running into this.

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Protocols / Routing :: NR2000v2 - Cannot Connect To Computer Using Public Ip

Jul 26, 2011

I have set up several types of servers on my computer (ftp, game servers, web servers, etc).

I have had a problem with people connecting to any of my servers. I know for a fact I have port forwarded correctly (I have checked 12 times, and I have never had a problem port forwarding). I know it's not my firewall, the problem persists when I completely shut it down.

I had an ftp and web server working about a week ago. No one can connect to any server, be it ftp...web...etc.

My router is a Netgear WNR2000v2

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Protocols / Routing :: Can't Connect Three Computer After 4th Laptop Join Network

Jan 21, 2011

My customer has 3 computer

1- Windows xp

2- Win7

3- Apple

4 new sony laptop.

Vaio would not connect using WEP 40-bit key. Logged into Airport Extreme router with Airport setup utility for Windows from Apple. Updated firmware from 5.1.1 to 5.7. Reset Encryption from WEP to WPA/WPA2 Personal.Connected Vaio on Wifi using WPA2. Removed ethernet cable and connection was good at 54MB/s.Completed Windows Update

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Protocols / Routing :: Secure Wifi / Public Shared Drive One Computer

Jan 6, 2012

I am trying come up with a setup that allows for a computer to simultaneously be connected to the web via a secure wireless network and to provide a shared drive via an unsecured (possibly ad hoc) wireless network.Which is to say, the computer needs to be able to use the web wirelessly via the secure network, and people need to be able to share files with it wirelessly whether or not THEY can use the secure wifi.One last requirement is that I need a this to be something that I can set up in a given location with no more configuration than required to connect to the secured wifi - if the setup requires me to mess around with the configuration of the router for the secure network itself, it won't work.

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Protocols / Routing :: Can Semi Average Computer User Set Up A Captive Wifi Portal

Nov 15, 2011

Is it easy to setup a paid wifi hotspot or would I need knowledge of advanced networking? I've been searching around and I've found software that do that, I prefer doing it free.

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Computer Says Connected But No Internet?

Dec 7, 2011

Have tried resetting my DNS and have checked my firewalls, I do not know what is going on. I do not have another comp to copy and paste my info from the cmd. Ive also gone into settings and made sure it is automatically picking up the dns. When i go onto my google chrome is says my dns look up failed.

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Computer Is Connected To Router But Not Internet

Aug 7, 2012

I have a desktop and a laptop that are connected to my router but can't connect to the internet. One of our other desktops is working great. Another had the same issue and I fixed it using the "netsh int ip reset c:


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Computer Won't Stay Connected To Internet?

Feb 9, 2011

My computer keeps connecting and disconnecting from the internet- other computers on the network aren't doing this- i also manually put in an IP address and that didn't work either, whats going on?

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Computer Freezes When Connected To The Internet?

Jan 13, 2011

In a previous thread I have tried to figure out why my computer kept freezing and it kind of ended with us thinking it was due to the incompability between the RAM and CPU. (thread here) Just the other day though I tried a fresh install and there were no freezes, installed all drivers etc and thats when I noticed that after connecting via Wifi the computer froze up

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Broadband :: How To Know Others IP Address Of Internet Connected Computer

Jun 24, 2011

If i need to know others IP address of internet connected computer, what would be the better and best steps to be done.

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Computer Connected On LAN - Internet Access Is Very Slow

Nov 5, 2012

I am connected to the LAN via ethernet cable, but internet access is terribly slow - cant even browse internet properly (work network uses a proxy to connect to internet - not sure if that is relevant). I would like to remain connected to the LAN via ethernet (to provide easy connection to intranet and mail exchange server, but for outside internet connections, I would like to use a mobile 3g connection.

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Computer Says Connected (wireless) But Cannot Access Internet

Jul 18, 2011

We are trying to get laptop to connect to our wireless. She has entered the network key and the icon says she is connected with a excellent connection, however, we cannot connect to the internet. The other challenge is that everything is in Spanish.

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Client Are Not Connected To Server / Computer Cannot Access Internet

Jul 18, 2011

My network connection was vanish the client are not connected to server and the computer cannot access internet

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