Wiring A Home For The Networking Future?
Oct 17, 2012
I am purchasing an older home and I am going to have to rewire the networking to the house. I have decided that I am going to push forward with Fiber Optics as my main networking vehicle. As a side I am going to run COAX and Cat-6 along the same cabling routing. The Ethernet and Coax are fairly straight forward, as long as I don't go over 100meter's Cat-6 will do just fine, and can be terminated to a traditional router. The Coax will be to a splitter for television purposes only. Now the difficult and hard to find information on: My plan for the fiber is to run a zipcord Single Mode fiber line to each room of the home. I am using Single Mode Fiber because it has the highest bandwidth for future applications. These runs will be homerun back to a distribution box next to the other comms where it will plugged into a Fiber Optic Switch to network the rooms together. I am going to run 3 lines to my basement (for a home server, office, and HTPC for the basement theatre.), One line to each of the following rooms: Kitchen, Living Room, and Bedrooms. I have bought off the internet the following: 1000ft of SM Zipcord fiber ($199), 4 Fiber Optic Nic's with PCI-Express 1 connections (for $20 a piece, they only run at about 2GB/s, but I can upgrade these in the future as price comes done), 1 16-port 10GB Fiber Optic Switch with trancievers ($140), Terminals and tools: $300.
I have is about connecting my Home Fiber to the internet. I am going to start running Verizon Fios, and that is not a true fiber optic solution because they run a Fiber to their Media Converter and then Coax from there into the house, but I have talked to them and they said they can run the fiber cable into the home. I am wanting to connect that cable straight to my Fiber Optic Switch which would then be connected directly to my computers, as well as a fiber optic wireless router, and then from my switch to their ONT for tv and phone. My question is will this work? What kind of problems will I run into, and what other hardware do I need to get this up and running. I basically do not want to run copper to any of my devices..I either want them to network wirelessly or with a fiber line. (even the wireless will be running fiber since will connect directly to the fiber line via the fiber switch.)So it is expensive, but I believe it is worth it. 200ft of Cat-7 copper costs $199 vs 1000ft Fiber at the same price..and the fact that Cat-7 does have a life-limit on it's bandwidth where as fiber is the future.
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Sep 20, 2011
I'm currently in the process of buying the new property, which is in the build process and would like to put some cables across 3 floors, which would be connected to the router downstairs.
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Sep 20, 2012
I have just moved into a new home and there appear to be ethernet lines running to several rooms, all converging in a wiring box. However, I can't figure out how to make this thing work properly.
The blue cables I'm holding in this picture apparently run to the other rooms of the house. The yellow cable goes to my WRT54G router. A cable modem is plugged into the router. Wireless networking is functioning properly.
If I plug my laptop directly into this box, and disable wireless networking, I can reach the router from the laptop, and the light for the yellow cable going into the router turns on. However, if I plug any of the blue cables into any of the ports on this box, the laptop loses connectivity and the link light on the router turns off, as though the router were not plugged into the box at all.
The cables are cat 3e. There is an alarm system, but it is not active, and I don't think it's actually connected to the box at all. The top-left port is marked "RJ31X Line Intercept", and there is a jumper that can be plugged in there, but it doesn't seem to matter whether it is or is not plugged in.
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Mar 19, 2011
I want to wire the house for Cat6, the current home we live in I had ATT Uverse installed (but I hated it and now with the bandwidth caps I would pass regardless) and they installed Cat5e. I love having a hardwired internet connection in each room so the new place needs to have this done.
-Professional Networking Tool Kit (I was going to buy the stripper/crimper/punch tool but I thought the testing tool would be nice to have)
-1000ft Bulk Solid Cat6 cable 24AWG
-Cat6 Punch down Keystone Jack
Then just zip ties for cable management, cat6 solid plugs + inserts, two hole wall plates and black relief boots. I already have a Netgear GS108 that I'll be bringing with me, if that ends up not being big enough I will just buy a bigger one in the future. I'm planning on running two cables to each room of the house for a total of 12 cables (not all of them will be hooked up, I plan to make sure to label each one at the central location where I'll be keeping the cable modem and switch. Each bedroom will only currently use one port with the spare bedroom not using any but when I'm running cables I'm going to run them all for future proofing our new home. I was thinking of putting the wireless router I have in the living room as if any place will need more than two ports it will be the living room (Receivers, TVs, Bluray players, DirecTV boxes will all end up using RJ45 as I upgrade them).
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Jun 10, 2012
I am converting my home phone jacks to network enabled jacks. The house phone system was wired with Cat 5e. All the wall jacks are terminated properly with RJ-45 connectors. At the junction box outside I have connected the 4 pairs to their color equivalent.I have also purchased a "patch board" to terminate and combine all the wiring in one spot.Once all the wires are connected, I tested the wiring (Sperry cable tester).It tells me there is a short in 1-2. I've made it this far and I'm really close, I just need to know which pair I need to focus on. Is pair 1-2 Orange/OrangeWhite, Green/GreenWhite, etc?
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Oct 16, 2011
After trying most things and spending money like water, I still cannot get our home network to be adequate and I am out of options - Tried using two 100MBit/s Netgear routers "bouncing" signal to each other (Wireless Repeating Function). Not ideal as security is small and speed was slow (<10MBit/s) but at least it worked. However these routers had to get pensioned off when we put gigabit ethernet in the office - and the Netgear replacements (a) still have the security limitations with wireless repeating, (b) anyway see to do a worse job of repeating. Tried buying Netgear directional high-gain antennas and directing the signal point to point to a second router - didn't work at all. Tried Powerline (this was in 2008). It sort-of worked but was unreliable and dog slow. I think this is probably not worked by the fact that this building is OLD, most of the wiring is OLD, and anyway the electrical path would take the signal from the 4th floor, down some very old wiring to the ground floor, across a very old switchboard, and back up to the second floor... it's not quite the same as a modern house with modern wiring. Most recently tried using Netgear's Wireless Network Extender. Again, it sort of works, but it's NOT fast at all. In addition there are times when some of our computers using the extension segment of the network are unable to connect - they can still see 3-4 bars of signal, but they cannot get on the network. Appears to be an issue relating to gateway, or DNS, not sure. But I would say about 1 day in 3, when I come home, my wife tells me that the "internet is off".
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Apr 3, 2011
I have a home networking linksys wireless router and want to add my iBook laptop to this network thru the macs airport . I pcs are xp and vista. iBook is mac os
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Jun 20, 2012
I've recently changed my DSL connection to HSPA because of low speed of DSL connection (2000).
Anyway, I need to build up 5 Ghz networking at home but there is no dual band HSPA modem router on the market. I need a router which supports DLNA/UPnP for NAS Server. So, I have couple of solutions...
1- I can purchase dual-band Asus RT-N66U and use HSPA/UMTS stick to use this router as main router. I can do this because RT-N66U supports sticks via USB.
2- I can connect my HSPA modem to a dual-band router via LAN and by changing IP adresses I can use dual-band router again as a main modem router. This can be no problem via WAN but my modem has no WAN connection. Is this possible via LAN?
Or do you have any other solution how I can get my 5 Ghz netwroking at home using HSPA connection.
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May 16, 2011
I have 2 computers running windows 7 home premium and wireless enabled bluray player. One of the computer is desktop and connected to router by wire. Another is laptop and is wireless.Bluray is wireless.I want to establish a network (sharing among all these 3 devices) so that i can stream media from both of the computers to the bluray. At the mean time it would be great to be able to share files between 2 computer when needed.I checked it on google, it says creating a homegroup. I did but another computer does not give me option to join the group, it also has option to create.
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Mar 11, 2011
I would like to set up a TV in my spare room which does not have a coax plug. Because of the set of my house running coax cable to this room, although possible, is something I am hoping to avoid. This is because if I was to run the cable on the outside of the wall it would get in my way and it will cost $300 to $400 for a tech to come out and run it through the wall.My first thought was to set up an old computer in my living room and have it connect to a cable box. Then I would send the video signal over the wireless network. The problem is that I cannot change channels on the other end. I have been reading up on power-line networking and it looks like a good option for my problem. I was hoping to find a device that will allow me to plug coax cable into it in the living room send the signal through the power-line to another device in my spare room where my TV receiver would be located. Is there anything like this out there on the market? If not are there any other options I can look at?
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Jul 13, 2011
I am trying to establish a home network for an HP laptop running Windows 7 wirelessly to a 2wire modem for file sharing with my Vista PC. My laptop recognizes the 2wire network but Vista won't.Do I need to download drivers or adjust any firewall settings?
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Jun 18, 2011
Both computers run xp. Desktop is had wired to router, laptop is wireless.If router is password protected, is the work group I created safe as well?
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Mar 23, 2012
Home Networking: I would like to add an 802.11n wireless router to an existing Verizon FiOS modem/router. I've read numerous How To articles, but frankly am still uncertain of the best approach. Also, as an aside, would you recommend a single or dual band wireless router? I will have one laptop with a special Centrino Wireless LAN card (3x3).
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Mar 13, 2011
I've just setup a box with Windows Home Server 2011 RC. It's a AMD X2 with 3GB RAM. Everything is fine with that, but I'm noticing my internal network speeds are pretty slow. I'm seeing on average 0.8MB/s transfer speed between my PC's and the server, and between the PC's themselves. I have everything wired through a Linksys WRT54GS router.Is this as much as I can expect from this setup? It's painful trying to copy media files (music, pictures and HD video) to the server at such slow speeds! What would I need to do to get better speeds? I'm assuming a different router could do better.
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Aug 27, 2011
I've decided I want to hard wire all my stuff in our family room; however, the modem and router are upstairs in my office. I've got a few options available and wanted to get some opinions from those who have tried any of them. Here are my three options:
1) Install NETGEAR MCAB1001 MoCA Coax-Ethernet Adapter Kits
2) Install Monster PowerNet 300 Power Line Network Modules
3) Run the Ethernet cables through the wall, under carpet, etc.
I'm primarily looking for info about the speed differences, ease of troubleshooting, etc.
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Dec 13, 2010
we need to interconnect multiple branch office (CISCO 1841 with VWIC-1MFT-E1 ) via E1 links to the main site (CISCO 3745 with NM-8E1 IMA ). We succeeded to connect them using the same VWIC-1MFT-E1 at both sides (Branch / HQ), but I need to connect up to 10 sites in the future, so we thought that may be we can use ( NM-8E1 IMA) to make it possible and to save some space for any future upgrades. Honestly, we couldn't find any E1 related commands to configur this card (NM-8E1 IMA). Did we choosed the wrong card (NM-8E1 IMA).?
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Oct 30, 2012
I am working with a friend who has a home office that is not in a location where DSL or Cable is available. His only option for internet is using a hotspot - in this case, the Elevate Hot Spot from AT&T.
He needs to network two computers so that he can enable QuickBooks Pro in multi user mode - i.e., data file shared on Computer A, accessed by Computer B.
I thought at first that perhaps I could just setup a wireless connection for the office network - however, whenever that connection is on, then obviously neither computer can access the hotspot.
Trying to keep this at *minimal* cost.
My best idea is to old school network - i.e., connect the two computers via crossover ethernet. Am I correct that this will work? Seems to me that then both computers *should* still be able to access the hotspot via their wifi, yet also be networked for file sharing.
My questions are:
1.) Is this a correct assessment?
2.) Are there any road blocks I should be thinking about?
3.) Any reason not to do a direct connection (i.e., any reason I should entertain connecting to a switch instead?)
4.) Is there a certain order I should do things?
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Mar 28, 2012
Modem - (MODulator/DEModulator) This converts your xDSL analog signals into a digital format for use on your home network. A modem can also be part of a Router/Modem combination device.This device typically sits at the very edge of your network at your ISP's demarcation point (the point from where their responsibility for equipment ends).
Router - A router serves to 'route' information from network to network. I.e. A router will route information between the network and Generally your home routers will come as a modem/router/wifi access point package. It will basically route packets of information that are generated on your LAN (Local Area Network) to the internet, and in turn, route packets from the Internet to your LAN devices.
Wifi access point - Obviously provides a wireless Ethernet signal so that you can connect wireless devices to your home network. Typically, the wireless access points you will see will come as a combination of router/modem/wifi point. You can buy extra wireless access points (not wifi routers) and place them strategically throughout your home to increase signal coverage.
Switch - Uses hardware addresses to 'switch' packets through the LAN. Normally a domestic router will have 3 or 4 switch ports built into it. However, switches do come as standalone devices and can be used to increase the breadth and scalability of your home network by using the extra ports they provide to patch in more devices.
Host - A host is basically your PC, iPad, smart phone, laptop that is situated on your home network.
NAS Drive - (Network Attached Storage) Contains storage space that can be used as network a share by connecting it your home network.
NIC - (networt interface card) this is the component that allows your PC/Laptop to be hard wired into your router or switch. It will have an RJ45 jack so that you may connect Category5 and onwards patch leads into it from your router or switch. This talks with your computer's main motherboard and operating system to give you network connectivity.
MBs vs Mbps - MB = Mega Bytes (this measures file size) and Mbps = Mega bits per second (this measure network throughput).
Wireless card/receiver - as above but wirelessly.
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Oct 25, 2012
Shopping for a new home router/firewall. Trying to decide between a Cisco ASA 5505 or a juniper equivalent. What are everyone's thoughts?
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Mar 27, 2013
For some reason this RV082 (code level v2.0.2.01-tm-20110308) has generated a SSL cert that is not valid till 2022?
How to regenerate the cert with a valid date?
SSL Certificate - Future Start Date
The SSL certificate is not valid before Mar 3 06:51:27 2022 GMT : Subject : CN=00:0c:41:92:41:71, OU=RV082, O=Cisco-Linksys, LLC, C=US, L=Irvine, SN=California Issuer : CN=00:0c:41:92:41:71, OU=RV082, O=Cisco-Linksys, LLC, C=US, L=Irvine, SN=California Not valid before : Mar 3 06:51:27 2022 GMT Not valid after .
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Feb 21, 2012
future support for IP Sla on the nexus 7000. The latest info that I've seen is that it will/could be supported in release 6.2, scheduled for mid 2012. Does this still accurate?
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Dec 7, 2011
Although we have a moderately wired house with cat6 cables runs in many of the rooms that all end in the basement, I am currently having trouble since I cat stream audio and video files from my desktop in the den to the netbook and receiver in the family room. All computers are hooked up by cable.I have tried a friends advice to plug in the exact IP address of the desktop (and vice versa on the netbook) but still the netbook cat find the desktop nor can the desktop find the netbook. I have tried home sharing in Windows 7 to no avail as I have been prompted to initiate a home network both on the netbook and the desktop when I think it is suppose to be initiated on one machine and same home network joined by the other.DSL Modem --> Linksys WRTGL router running Tomato --> switch -->various rooms (cont.)Family room (one of the various rooms) has a Buffalo WZR-HP-G300NH AirStation (with one USB port) --> 1) netbook and 2) Denon AVR receiver (with network capabilities)I have a switch in the den and the desktop and laptop computers can read off each other through folder/drive sharing even with Kaspersky Internet Security running in the background so I'm sure it's not Kaspersky meddling with my network sharing. If both are on the wireless network, the netbook can access the desktop and vice versa.Is it possible for the netbook to read off the desktop based on my current set up? I can't bring the desktop down as we use them in the den and will not have room for it in the family room. I am not inclined to purchase a stand-alone HTPC at the moment if there is a network sharing
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Aug 11, 2011
I am planning to imlpement an ASA 5505 in my home network and I am wondering if this is a valid configuration. I am wondering if it is necessary to have 3 separate internal subnets or if these can be cabeled together in a more efficient fashion?
I plan to keep the 2 servers (game, e-mail) branched off the ASA directly in a DMZ configuration. The rest of the clients connect through the wireless/wired router.
Any unforseen problems with a setup like this (Modem -> Firewall -> Internal Router)? I have read sites that say I will have to accept an IP via DHCP for the ASA's external interface.
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Apr 17, 2013
Today I set up a home network:Cable router plugged in to......Homeplug network, (D-Link DHP-307AV/B 200 MBPS PowerLine Homeplugs) plugged in to a LAN port of......a spare adsl router configured as per here: Connecting Additional Routers | Tech Support Forum...with two desktop machines plugged into the LAN ports of the ADSL router.Both of the desktops have got similar specs, are equi-distant from the ADSL router, and are both connected using Ethernet, not wireless.One of them gets a 9MB/sec ADSL [URL]download, the other can't even bring the webpage up and times out if you ask Google to do a search.Taking out the adsl router and plugging the desktop straight into the homeplug gets a network speed of ~13MB/sec on [URL].Plugging a computer directly into the cable modem gives network speeds of ~40MB/sec on [URL] How can I improve on this, and have it so that both machines can access the Interwebnet at a decent bandwidth?
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Apr 22, 2011
on my home network I currently only run an Airlink101 AR675W router. We have a couple issues with this. The router for one is in my basement and there are points in my house that have low signal strength, especially upstairs in the far corners of the home. Second is I am currently running my home PC as a media center but it is set-up wirlessly so streaming is clunky and jittery. Also on this network is 3 X-box's wired, a PS3 running wirless, 2 PC's wired in, 2 wirless laptops and the afore mentioned wirless PC. A lot of weight for the network. What I want to do is move the router upstairs, hardwire it into my wireless PC (the one doing the streaming) and connect a second router (an identical make and model I am buying this weekend) downstairs which will be basically used as an "expansion" of the wirless and a switch for the hardwired devices downstairs. would this be better than simply moving the wirless router upstairs (hardwiring my PC) and putting a 5 or 8 port switch in downstairs for the X-box's and 2 wired PC's there?
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Dec 10, 2011
I have a Dlink DIR-655 router for my wired and wireless router for my home network. I have a 100ft cat6 ethernet cable. I pulled it from the router to my home server in my basement.
Does the 100ft cable make a difference or does the fact that it's a cat6 cable make a difference?
When moving similar files at work, it's faster. So I'm trying to find out what's the bottleneck at home. What speeds should I expect for a home network?
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May 21, 2011
Currently, I have 2 Apple Airport Extremes, and 1 Wireless Netgear ADSL Router. The 2 AAEs are connected separately to the router, and this allows us to get coverage in most part of the house (it's a large house with concrete and granite walls). I also have a HP Officejet 8500 'wireless printer' that is wired to the router as you can only print to the printer when it's in standby with a physical connection to the router (that's a different story). So my goal is to replace everything as the router is slowly dying and as a result of this, I want to be able to access the Internet wirelessly throughout the house, and be able to print from any where in the house without anything connected via cables. And as a bonus, I would like the Internet to be accessible 100 yards/metres down the garden (workshop is there). Basically, blanket coverage!
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Apr 3, 2013
Region : Ukraine
Model : TL-WR1043ND
Hardware Version : V1
Firmware Version : 3.13.11 Build 121102 Rel.51321n
ISP : Volia
Is it possible to extend the functionality of USB in future firmware for data transfer? More detail about the problem [URL]can at least in beta partially implemented increase data transfer USB?I bought this router, and as all users lose .... With the Internet, download files faster than with external screw via USB.
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Feb 4, 2012
I'm considering wiring my house for Ethernet (I've chosen Cat 6 cable.). I've read some online guides about this. However, I can't seem to find any that would work with my house, which is a Pueblo-style flat roof with parapets. However, I want to tear out as little drywall as I can. There's already wiring for coax and phone.
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May 7, 2011
I just need to add new connectors and I'm good to go. The PCs have cabinets with Ethernet sockets in them and these will also need re-wiring with a RJ45 jack then a faceplate mounting as they are totally bare at the minute.Also, I think I need to learn this as a whole, it will become a regular thing, do I need the following tools to do the basics of cabling ?RJ45 Network Crimp Tool 10 Boots & Ends Crimping Kit Play.com - Buy RJ45 Network Crimp Tool 10 Boots & Ends Crimping Kit online at Play.com and read reviews. Free delivery to UK and Europe!|cat:3516420|prd:3516420[CODE]
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Oct 31, 2012
I have a long 2 pair cat 5 cable which I want to use to connect a ADSL modem to my desktop (located in a different room). I took the cable to few local computer dealers but none of them could connect an RJ-45 connector to it. They can only connect a 4 pair cat 5 cable. Connect a 2 pair cat 5 Ethernet cable to a RJ-45 connector. Kindly use simple language. I have attached an image of the cable for your reference. [URL]
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Jan 31, 2013
I was recently tasked at work to reinstall phone lines after a remodel. We have 2 phone lines with two phones and a credit card machine. I ran into a piece of equipment and I have no idea what it is so my research into the subject has been halted.
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Jan 4, 2011
I'm wiring up the house with CAT6 (I've never done this before). Someone told me to use 'T568B' termination. Every configuration I see on net looks different, and I'm getting confused.
The jacks have double colour coding for each wire as pictured here:I take it 'A' is for T568A, and 'B' is for T568B?So this is how I should arrange the wires for T568B:
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