Access To Internet From 2nd Subnet

Mar 15, 2013

I have setup my network with two subnets (192.168.0.x and 192.168.1.x) and have a number of clients on both.I am using a Vigor 2750n router as my 'primary' router, and have a Server 2008 machine running RRAS as my other 'router'on the 192.168. 1. x subnet.On the 192.168.1.x network I have a server running DNS for local queries on that subnet and have setup as a DNS forwarder. On the 192.168.0.x subnet I use the google DNS have setup a static route between the two subnets and am able to ping clients between each subnet.With regards to internet access, I am unable to get access to the internet from the 192.168.1.x subnet (no problems from 192.168.0.x subnet) and am unable to even ping a web IP address, and am wondering if I need to make any changes to the 2750's configuration to allow traffic from the other one to get out to the internet.

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Access To Internet From 2nd Subnet?

Mar 15, 2013

I have setup my network with two subnets (192.168.0.x and 192.168.1.x) and have a number of clients on both. I am using a Vigor 2750n router as my 'primary' router, and have a Server 2008 machine running RRAS as my other 'router' on the 192.168.1.x subnet.

On the 192.168.1.x network I have a server running DNS for local queries on that subnet and have setup as a DNS forwarder. On the 192.168.0.x subnet I use the google DNS

I have setup a static route between the two subnets and am able to ping clients between each subnet.With regards to internet access, I am unable to get access to the internet from the 192.168.1.x subnet (no problems from 192.168.0.x subnet) and am unable to even ping a web IP address, and am wondering if I need to make any changes to the 2750's configuration to allow traffic from the other one to get out to the internet.

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Laptop Receives IP Address / Subnet Mask And Gateway - No Internet Access

Sep 28, 2011

Have a problem with a laptop connecting to a Wireless Router. The laptop was working fine on the last router which was on an ADSL Network.. (not that that matters),When the new router (Virgin Media / Cable) was installed all other laptops where connecting to it without any probs, but not this one.The laptop in question still receives an IP address, Subnet mask and Gateway from the router - Vista says Local only, no internet access. It cannot ping anything else on the network either. When I do ping it comes back destination host unreachable.

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Cisco :: Users From Remote Access VPN Can't Access Other Subnet

Nov 1, 2011

Based on my diagram, my computer A ( can ping and access my computer B ( But, when i'm home and i use remote access vpn (192.168.200.x) in cisco asa 5520 to connect to my computer A is okay. But, when i try to ping my computer B is not okay. I already do the exemption for 192.168.100.x and 192.168.10.x in nat rules for inside interface ( ...

Should i put routing from outside to 192.168.10.x by using as a gateway?

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Access Devices On A Different Subnet?

Aug 23, 2011

One is my HOME the other is my CARAVAN SITE. both networks are working fine independently, the problem occurs when i join the networks togetherI need to connect the said networks together in order to view my IP cameras which are dotted all around the campsite, i need to be able to view these from HOME.The problems i am having is DHCP servers are stealing clients from the other sides and directing them to the wrong gateway.please see below network map (these routers are all running DDWRT)Below is another network map which someone on another forum told me to do but its still not working. (DHCP servers are still clashing and still stealing clients)by the way, on both of the network maps all routers are connected with the LAN interface. someone told me to connect certain routers with WAN and it didn't work, or it was not explained correctly.Also please note that assigning clients with Static IP's is completely out of the question due to most of the clients being campers who come and go.

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Access Devices On Different Subnet?

Aug 23, 2011

I have a problem with my 2 networks which are 1000 meters apart.One is my HOME the other is my CARAVAN SITE. both networks are working fine independently, the problem occurs when i join the networks together.I need to connect the said networks together in order to view my IP cameras which are dotted all around the campsite, i need to be able to view these from HOME.The problems i am having is DHCP servers are stealing clients from the other sides and directing them to the wrong gateway.please see below network map (these routers are all running DDWRT)if(GetCookie('computingnet_image') == 'yes') { document.write(''); }Below is another network map which someone on another forum told me to do but its still not working(DHCP servers are still clashing and still stealing clients)by the way, on both of the network maps all routers are connected with the LAN interface.someone told me to connect certain routers with WAN and it didn't work, or it was not explained correctly.Also please note that assigning clients with Static IP's is completely out of the question due to most of the clients being campers who come and go.

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Access NAS Drive On Different Subnet?

Jan 12, 2012

I have a server which has multiple NIC's.NIC 1 is connected to the network / internet etc.NIC 2 is connected to a NAS drive.Obviously I can access the NAS drive from the server, but how can I access the NAS drive from devices on the network i.e. on NIC 1?Is it possible to access the NAS from a different subnet?

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Access Computer In LAN Outside Subnet Mask?

Jun 12, 2012

I have old interface hardware with Static IP and on the same switch I have computers with IPs of If I change subnet to old hardware with will be accessible. The problem is that I would like to have as subnet but it should still be possible to access Can I add Static route for oldhardware in XP without adding gateway settings? The most simple would be to put all on same subnet but it is not possible due to a various reasons. The computers are running Windows XP

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Dual DHCP Or Access Devices On Different Subnet?

Aug 23, 2011

I have a problem with my 2 networks which are 1000 meters apart.One is my HOME the other is my CARAVAN SITE. both networks are working fine independently, the problem occurs when i join the networks together.I need to connect the said networks together in order to view my IP cameras which are dotted all around the campsite, i need to be able to view these from HOME.The problems i am having is DHCP servers are stealing clients from the other sides and directing them to the wrong gateway.please see below network map (these routers are all running DDWRTBelow is another network map which someone on another forum told me to do but its still not working. (DHCP servers are still clashing and still stealing clients)y the way, on both of the network maps all routers are connected with the LAN interface. someone told me to connect certain routers with WAN and it didn't work, or it was not explained correctly.Also please note that assigning clients with Static IP's is completely out of the question due to most of the clients being campers who come and go

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Access Device On Loop Back Subnet

Jul 12, 2011

I am working with a device that does not have a physical reset button on it, and have mistakenly typed in 127.x.x.127 for it's IP. I was trying to use 172, but mistyped and didn't catch it until after I had rebooted the unit. Is there anyway that I might be able to gain access to the device. My PC is running Windows 7, but I am familiar with linux as well. I have attempted to change the loopback adapter IP to 128 on a ubuntu live disc and set my ethernet port to the subnet the device is on with no avail. (I am also using vlans on the device, but believe I have them set up correctly)the device is set to IP: 127.x.x.127 netmask [code] I know that the last octet of 127 is the broadcast IP for the range, but have been able to address similar blunders before by forcing myself to a /24 subnet to correct that.

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Cisco VPN :: RV042 - Cannot Access Resources With Same Subnet

Aug 19, 2011

I have an RV042 with the PPTP server configured, which is working because I can connect with my iPad and droid phones, however, I'm unable to access resources on the RV042 side (192.168.1.X) when my local network is the same ip scheme (192.168.1.x). It works fine when I'm on a different network like 3G or someone else's Wifi network (192.168.11.X).

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Cisco WAN :: 2960 - VLan 2 Subnet Without Access Together

Dec 26, 2011

i have 2x 27 subet ( we will call first /27 fip and call second /27 sip) we assign sip subnet to our virtual machine and we do not want assign ip from sip to our physical node and we wan assign ip from fip subnet to our physical server, because we want sip can not spoof physical server ips, so when we create vlan in our switch we set port 1 and fip and sip subnet access to this vlan in this senario can my virtual machine spoof our physical node ip ? some one in my datacenter technical team told me we should create vlan for fip and create a seprate vlan for sip then set vlan fip and vlan sip access to switch port #1 is it right? if it is ok can some one give me the commands for this senario which create 2 spetare vlan and access them to port siwtch #1 for exaple? we have cisco 2960 48 port ,

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Home Network :: Wireless Access Point Need To Have Different Subnet

Oct 16, 2012

it is each wireless access point need to have different subnet, if 24 users connect at the same time? will it be slow down if 24 user put in the same network?

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Cisco Switching/Routing :: SG 200-26P Cannot Access Web Interface From Different Subnet

May 24, 2012

Got a shiny new SG 200 26P which seems to work fine operationally.owever, when I am trying to access the web interface from a different IP subnet, the web brower just times out.If I put my PC on the same IP subnet, it works just fine. From the other subnet, I can ping the switch fine. The default gateway is set on the switch, and from the web interface I can ping and dns resolve other hosts and on the internet. I've tried to create a management profile to 'allow all from everywhere' basically, but still no luck.I'm completely stumped.  I've tried to reset to firmware defaults, and I'm now runinng the latest firmware. I woudl suppose that the switch would allow itself to be managed via the web interface from all subnets by default. Any thoughts?  The fact that the switch can ping internet hosts makes be believe it's own default gateway and IP are all ok and working.. (and I can ping it from anywhere in my network).

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Cisco Firewall :: ASA 5510 - Can't Access Server On Different Subnet

Sep 7, 2011

First off, let me preface this by saying that I'm a novice when it comes to firewalls and more specifically, the ASA.  I do however, have an above average understanding of switches/routers.
We have an ASA 5510 running 8.3 and recently I've decided to clean up the last admin's mess.  All hosts and servers are on the same subnet, multiple subnets on the same VLAN... and a slew of other problems.  Anyway, I recently placed the IT department on another subnet to test some things out before I migrated other departments to different networks.  Everything seems to be working as it should be with the exception of one of our servers.  The IT subnet is and the problem server is on the network.  I'm guessing the issue lies somewhere in the fact this server does have a static NAT and is accessible from the public.  Let me give you an overview of what our network looks like:
ISP ---->ASA----->3750----->2960
My workstation is directly plugged into the 3750 switch, and the server is plugged into the 2960.  I'm able to ping this server by both IP and hostname.  However, I cannot access port 80 by IP or hostname.  The users that are on the 192.168.10 and 192.168.11 (sadly both of those are on the same VLAN) network are able to access this server without a problem.  Thinking logically, I thought I would send a packet from my workstation, it would head to the layer 3 switch's VLAN interface corresponding to my subnet, realize the .10 network is directly connected and then forward the packet straight to the server.  However, it doesn't seem to be working that way.  It look like it's being routed to the ASA then being dropped.  I guess there's an access rule or firewall rule preventing me from getting to the server.  Is there a specific part of my config you will need to see...

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Cisco :: ASA 5505 Series / Unable To Access New Subnet

Dec 7, 2011

I am working on a site that has recently added a new subnet and I am unable to ping any of the stations on this new network. I have configured an Exempt NAT rule just the same as the rules allowing access to other networks. I have a feeling the problem is in the Site-to-Site VPN configuration since the new subnet is at the primary location over the VPN.
In the site-to-site configuration I added the new subnet to the list of "Remote Networks" and I still can't communicate with any of the devices on the network. If I go to the main site I have no problems so it appears to be related to the VPN or a configuration in the ASA on that site.
A port scan shows that all the traffic is "filtered" so somewhere either the site ASA or the main ASA is blocking the traffic.

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Cisco Routers :: RV042 - VPN Access Resources With Same Subnet?

Aug 24, 2011

I have an RV042 with the PPTP server configured, which is working because I can connect with my iPad and droid phones, however, I'm unable to access resources on the RV042 side (192.168.1.X) when my local network is the same ip scheme (192.168.1.x). It works fine when I'm on a different network like 3G or someone else's Wifi network (192.168.11.X).

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Protocols / Routing :: Access Secondary Subnet From Remote Location?

Apr 12, 2011

Main Site allows communication from Remote Site via VPN to Windows ServerMain Site also has a secondary subnet that communicates ONLY through internet but NOT to the Windows Server.Sonicwall 192.168.168.x is main siteRemote Site is 192.168.0.x connecting to Main Site to access shared folders on serverSecondary subnet at Main Site is 192.168.0.x using Windows XP PC's. They are accessing a linux server at which Main Site has no access to.VPN remote ip's are 192.168.0.x - they can successfully access the Windows Server at BUT NOT Want to connect Remote Site to Secondary subnetWilling to make router changes or whatever is necessary to get Remote Site to access Secondary Subnet with the only exception that the Secondary Subnet REMAINS.VPN DHCP is turned off but willing to turn it on.Willing to make the Linux Server 'discoverable' on the Windows Server. Don't know linux at all but another co-worker set it up and can make changes.

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Cisco Routers :: Cannot Access The Web Management Interface Of SRP521W-U From A Different Subnet

Oct 30, 2012

i cannot access the web managemnet interface of this router from a different subnet.THe WAN interface is a 4G LTE connection,I have disabled both the SPI firewall and NAT and enabled remote management from any ip address but i cannot access the admin web page from a remote subnet.Doing a port scan of the routers WAN or LAN address i cannot see any ports open at all...its as if firewall or NAT is still enabled somehow.

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Cisco Wireless :: AP1261N - Unable To Access Bvi Interface From Different Subnet

Apr 23, 2013

I can't access the bvi interface I use to manage the AP1261N from an IP address that is not in the same subnet of the bvi interface. The AP is configured as root bridge. Obviously I've the same behaviour for the non-root AP connected to it. For sure it's an ap configuration problem as other devices in the same vlan (vlan1) are reachable by the vlan I'm connected to. This is the conf:
version 15.2
no service pad
service timestamps debug datetime msec


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Cisco Firewall :: ASA 5510 - Setting Up ACL To Permit Access Only To The Nat Subnet?

Apr 9, 2012

setting up an ACL on my ASA 5510 to permit access only to the Nat subnet from inside to the outside interface. This firewall is setup for the DR solution in the production network. I am applying following acl in the inbound direction on the inside interface.
permit ip any "Nat_subnet"
After appliying this acl to inside interface I observed that I can ping to the destinations in NAT'ed subnet but unable to ssh to the servers. Following is the summary of my configuration.

interface Ethernet0/0
nameif outside
security-level 0
ip address standby


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Cisco Firewall :: 5505 / How To Give Access To Remote Subnet

Mar 23, 2011

I want to give access to remote subnet on firewall 5505.

Remote subnet is 16x.15X.56.0

Here is my access list

access-list outside_5_cryptomap extended permit ip 16x.15X.56.0

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Cisco VPN :: 5510 Unable To Access Secondary Subnet From VPN Client

Jun 5, 2012

I have an ASA 5510 running v8.4(3)9 and have setup a remote user VPN using the Cisco VPN client v5.0.07.0410 which is working appart from the fact that I cannot access resources on a secondary subnet.The setup is as follows:

-ASA inside interface on
-VPN clients on 192.168.254.x
I can access reources on the 192.168.10 subnet but not any other subnets internally, I need to specifically allow access to the 192.168.20 subnet,[code]

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Cisco Firewall :: Access ASA5505 With Telnet Or ASDM From Remote Subnet?

Jul 11, 2012

I have a network with 3 sites that are on different subnets.  Each site has an ASA Right now, I am only able to connect to the ASA that is connected to the subnet I am connected to.I want to be able to connect to the ASA that are on the remote subnets on the address of the inside interface.The sites are connected all together by site-to-site VPN.Is there any way I can achieve that without opening the outside interface directly on the Internet?

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Cisco VPN :: ASA 5510 - AnyConnect Users Unable To Access Remote Subnet

Jun 9, 2013

I have a weird problem which I have already submitted a TAC ticket about. When users authenticate through AnyConnect into our HQ ASA 5510 they grab an address from 172.16.254.x. What we have been noticing intermittently is that when logged into our network through the client they are unable to access their resources at one of our remote offices which is connected over l2l to the HQ ASA. This problem just started randomly a week ago and we have been working with Cisco trying to create a solution.
My quick fix is logging into a device at the remote office which is trying to be accessed and pinging the gateway of the virtual subnet for AnyConnect users. When I ping it goes through after a few dropped icmp packets and then the issue is resolved for about 8 hours or so.

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Adding A Subnet To A Switch On Different Subnet?

Aug 3, 2012

What I am trying to do is I have one switch with say a sub-net I need to have one of the ports to be trucked with two vlans one for DSL and the other for a local connection with the sub-net of both of the sub-nets are configured in the core as 9 and 5 so I have port 0 set up as a trunk and it is set up as ge-0/0/0.0 vlan_5, vlan_192 on the subnet switch. The DSL is working but the local is not pulling a IP and has no connectivity. Everything looks as if it is configured correctly but still the DSl is working but not the Local connection.

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Cisco Routers :: RV220W PPTP Users Unable To Access Subnet Across Tunnel

Apr 21, 2012

I have two offices connected with an IPSEC VPN tunnel using RV220W routers.  The Tunnel works fine for local users between the two sites(Site 1:10.0.0.x; site 2 is 10.0.2.x).  I have also set up PPTP users for remote access.  PPTP users that connect to site 1 cannot access site 2 and vice versa.   The PPTP users have no trouble accessing the resources on the site that they connect to.  I have tried activating RIP and adding various static routes with no success.  If I PPTP connect to site 1 and I tracert to an IP address on site 2 the route goes to the site 1 router and then goes to the internet(connected to the site 1 router) where it stops.

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Cisco Wireless :: Subnet Not Getting To The Internet With 1200 Series APs?

Dec 3, 2012

I have a office network that was setup before I started. We have a 172. subnet and a 10.2 subnet. When users on Wifi get a 10.2 address ( ran out of 172 address )  they are not able to get out to the internet. But if the laptop is  connected to a LAN port and get a 10.2 address they are able to get to  the Internet. Not sure if its the Aps I need to configure or the Pix seeing that if they get a LAN address of 10.2 everything works. This is becoming a bigger issue now that the company has out grown its main subnet  (172.)  
APs= AIR-AP1231G-A-K9
Vlan = 172.16.1.XXX
Vlan2=  10.2.0.XXX
Hardware:   PIX-515E, 64 MB RAM, CPU Pentium II 433 MHz

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Cisco Switching/Routing :: 3600 Accessing Wireless Access Point From Remote Subnet

Mar 28, 2013

I recently installed a couple of Cisco Aironet 3600 Series Wireless Access Points at a remote site. While I was at the site everything seemed OK, The clients were able to get connected to the access points, the guest network worked fine, I could SSH into the access points, and I could ping them. The problem is when I went back to my home site I tried to SSH into the access points through an ASA IPSec VPN Tunnel and it couldn’t find it. When I try to ping the access points they “time out”. I can ping and connect all other addresses (via RDP, HTTP, etc..) on the same subnet which should rule out an access list problem. A couple of notes to be aware of:
The WAP’s have the Autonomous IOS installed (Version 15.2(2)JB) The WAP’s are connected to Dell PowerConnect 5724 (Not by choice.. We are a Cisco shop, these were already there and have plans this year to replace) 

I can ping and SSH with Putty to the WAP’s from the local subnet I cannot ping or SSH from a remote subnet to the WAP’s. I can access all other IP’s and Computers from a remote subnet.

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Linksys Wireless Router :: E2500 Setting Internet Subnet To 255.255.0

Oct 29, 2011

Due to the way I have my DSL and VOIP TA configured I need to be able to set the subnet mask in the Internet connection.  I am currently using  the  Static IP,  putting in an IP of 192.168.1.x  with the subnet of  when I try to do this it gives me an error saying that is reserved for the guest network.  I am not using the 33 at all ANYWHERE.  If I change the subnet to  it will save but I can't connect to the internet with it.   My router I just bought today is the E2500   I have an old Linksys WRT model that worked fine with this exact setup for several years before it crashed on me. 

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Cisco VPN :: ASA 5510 - Remote Subnet Group To Access Other Site-site VPN?

Feb 14, 2011

I have a cisco ASA 5510 at the branch here. It terminates about 8 vpn tunnels and also it supports remote access clients. I just have a quick question. Can my remote sub-net group access the other remote access site-site VPN subnet group. If yes then how should i configure it.

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Home Network :: How To Stop Internet Access Through Network Complete Internet Access

Jan 26, 2012

i would like to know that how to stop internet access through network complete internet access

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Cisco Wireless :: 2960 - Autonomous Access Point / Get Guest To Access Internet?

May 9, 2012

I have two SSIDs on an Autonomous Access Point, that goes to a 2960 switch, that connects to a L3 3560. I have a vlan for admin/private internal access that uses the native vlan (1) and guest vlan (50). I have configured both and I am trying to get both to go out the same Internet connection.

I cannot get the guest access to access the Internet. It looks like my computer will go, but it just comes up saying no Internet access.All interfaces are trunking this vlan properly. I can communicate from the laptop to the 3560 but I just can't get to the Internet.          

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